Corner wardrobe in a children's room - types of designs and selection rules

Spacious and functional corner light wardrobe for the children's room. Cabinet size 1300*1600 mm. Height with legs 2220 mm.

Project author: Alexey Melyanchuk

Inside view.

Cabinet detailing

Pros of a corner cabinet

1. Safety and reliability.

Since this furniture is intended for children, the issue of reliability is fundamental. Many manufacturers avoid sharp edges in the design of cabinets, provide wall mounting options, and retractable storage systems are equipped with special reliable mechanisms.

2. Convenience and spaciousness.

Studying photos of corner furniture in a nursery, it is easy to see that their internal contents can have a wide variety of configurations. You can choose a certain number and location of shelves, drawers, hooks and other storage systems based on the age, height, and needs of the child.

3. For every taste.

A wardrobe for a child is not just a place to store things, but a universal thing, his personal space, where you can even hide if you wish. According to the photos presented in the catalogs, children's corner furniture can be selected for children of any age with a wide variety of taste preferences. They will effectively transform the nursery space and give the room individuality. True, ordinary cabinets are also completely different - you can see this by looking at our selection of photos.

Finally: safety precautions

In order for a wardrobe to fit well into a nursery, it must not only have an ideal design, suitable material, and its own role in the interior. It must still be safe for the baby.

Provence style

It should be:

  • there are no sharp corners that you can hit - it’s best if they are all slightly rounded or protected with a soft coating;
  • lacks protruding handles - you can run into them while running, so it is better to choose boxes with special solid protrusions that you can grab;
  • heavy enough not to fall - the body structure must be quite massive so that if a child runs into it, it does not fall on him;
  • light enough so that if it falls, it will not cause fatal damage;
  • is equipped with special closers that allow you to open the drawers together with the doors smoothly, and then just as smoothly return them to their rightful place - so that the child cannot rip off the door with a strong roar, drop the drawer or break his finger by pinching it.

Configuration options

A corner cabinet can be an excellent solution, the main thing is to think through and choose the most suitable configuration.

The most common corner cabinets are:


This is a fairly compact version of the corner design. Its two parts are located at right angles. It is better to choose sliding or folding doors, which will also save space in the room.


This is a more impressive and voluminous design. Doors in this version are often hinged. It is very large, but due to its large size it may not be suitable for a small nursery.

Diagonal with central transition section

This option combines the advantages of the first two designs. In it, straight parts are connected by a corner diagonal module. Doors can also be combined: straight sections - sliding, diagonal - hinged.

How to combine the design and color of furniture with the interior

The basis for combining furniture colors and materials for decorating a teenager’s or child’s room:

  • light colors visually expand the space, dark ones do the opposite;
  • one color should predominate in the design, bright accents should not overload the space;
  • with a uniform tone of the walls, it is necessary to use furniture much darker or lighter than the wallpaper;
  • floor and ceiling coverings should be of different colors so that there are no imbalances in the interior.

Differences between a child's closet and an adult's

The corner wardrobe in the children's room has several shades that are absent in adult furniture:

  • free access to shelves and cabinets;
  • the presence of modules at the bottom of the product;
  • the presence of jumpers in the upper part of the cabinet;
  • no sharp edges or protruding parts;
  • tight fit of shelves;
  • the design has greater stability;
  • mirrors and glass are missing or used in minimal quantities;
  • finishing with rattan, artificial leather, bamboo is welcome;
  • the dimensions of the furniture are suitable for the height of the child;
  • convenient internal filling.

The size of the corner closet in the nursery should correspond to the height of the child, and not the size of the room.

Types of designs for corner cabinets in a children's room

This piece of furniture, depending on the cost, can be luxury, prestige, economy or elegant class. For the children's room, it is recommended to purchase multifunctional furniture that combines several elements.

With wall

A corner cabinet combined with a wall should be ordered to create a complete furniture space. This can be done from several modules, so create a set of them. These include pencil cases, cabinets, a computer desk, cabinets, and shelves. This option looks bulky, but in fact it frees up space and saves it. The material for the manufacture of products should be chosen practically, with the ability to be easily cleaned from dirt.

For the convenience of a small child, you can install a special ladder or stand.

Corner cabinet with wall

With bed

The closet with a bed has space located below or above. There is an option with a bed that can be stored in a special compartment during the day. The optimal material for implementing such an idea is birch, oak and ash. The kit may include shelves above the bed and additional structures on the opposite side. The design of the side part assumes the position of open shelves for storing books, souvenirs and photographs.

Original corner wardrobe with bed


A built-in wardrobe in a niche saves space in the room. It can be triangular, trapezoidal and L-shaped. In the closet, you should focus on shelves on which it is convenient to store toys and things.

Built-in wardrobe in a niche - an inexpensive furniture option

Pros and cons for a child

Choosing the best furniture option for a child is difficult. Parents need to take into account many nuances and consider the advantages and disadvantages of the model.


  1. Possibility of choosing an option. For example, built-in wardrobes can be made to order and adjusted to the parameters of the room. The case option can be selected according to style.
  1. Various internal contents. Manufacturers equip products with shelves, rods, retractable storage systems, etc. This allows you to fit all the necessary children's things into one wardrobe.

  1. Selection of models by design.

  1. Compact dimensions, the ability to disguise inconvenient niches in the walls.
  1. This piece of furniture can be used to divide a room into different functional areas.

  1. Variety of shapes. It allows you to solve the problem of furnishing rooms of non-standard sizes and layouts.


  1. Aluminum guides deform over time and interfere with opening doors.

  1. Animal hair, small parts, and dust collect inside the rails.

  1. Built-in models may become deformed. Shrinkage of the house is possible, which leads to distortion of parts and accelerated wear of the wardrobe.

Expert opinion

Olga Kovalenko

Since 2010 I have been engaged in interior design and architectural design.

Ordering furniture according to an individual sketch will help you avoid negative aspects and create furniture in full accordance with the layout of the children's room.

Options in the interior

When choosing furniture, it is necessary to take into account the gender and age of the child.

For girl

An important point when choosing a wardrobe for a girl’s room is the optimal combination of furniture color and wallpaper. The main shade should be combined with golden, beige and neutral white tones. Girls like colors such as pink, lilac, beige. To decorate girls' rooms, designers recommend Parisian, New York, classic, high-tech, minimalism or modern.

A small girl's closet is great for small rooms as it helps save space while still containing all the essentials.

Corner wardrobe for a teenage girl's room

For boy

A boy's wardrobe should be chosen in light colors with bright accents. Educational applications or inserts in the form of child idols are welcome as decorative elements. As for the color of furniture, preference should be given to blue, gray and green shades.

Children's bright corner for preschoolers


Children's room furniture is available in different designs. If for kids you have to choose models with a bright, animated design, then a sliding wardrobe with a certain design direction will suit a teenager. The greatest demand now is for products in the style of:

  • classic;
  • minimalism;
  • Provence;
  • country;
  • modern

It is important that the furniture matches the interior. Volumetric wardrobes in a classic style are combined with wooden inserts and gold bed decoration. In Provence, preference should be given to light, pastel colors and original fittings.

A cabinet with a rustic design would look good in a country setting, or in a modern and minimalist style with geometric lines and closed fronts.

Internal filling

By choosing a corner wardrobe for the children's room based on a photo or based on your own ideas, you can organize a spacious area for children's things. You can put everything here: clothes, shoes, bedding, toys, books, sports equipment, accessories for creativity.

When choosing corner design elements, do not limit yourself to ordinary shelves. You can come up with boxes of different sizes, baskets, clothes lifts, rods, hooks.

To make it more convenient to arrange your favorite toys or drawing materials, having open shelving in your closet will help.

You can give preference to combined designs in which a corner cabinet is combined, for example, with a desk or bed.

Toddlers should also reach higher shelves if there are items they use frequently.

If the furniture is intended for two children of different ages, the lower shelves and drawers can be designed for a smaller child, and the upper ones for the older son or daughter. If the child is alone, consider stable support.


A cabinet that is ideal in design is worth nothing if it is made of low-quality or unsuitable materials. Therefore, it is imperative to take them into account.

Choose quality materials


The cabinet body can be made of the following materials:
  • Chipboard . The cheapest, most common. Consists of synthetic resin and sawdust. Looks like fake wood in most cases. Afraid of water, temperature changes, and deforms over time. Very fragile - cracks or splits as a result of a strong impact. Very light and therefore prone to falling. But its price is very low, which in some situations can be decisive.
  • MDF . More expensive than chipboard, slightly less common. It consists of the same sawdust and resin, but before the molten ones are pressed into one mass. Usually imitates wood, but with greater quality than chipboard. If well processed, it is not afraid of water or temperature changes. When hit, it will not crack, but will be dented. Heavier.
  • Tree . The most expensive, most beautiful material. Does not cause allergies, fits well into most interiors. Properly processed, it is not afraid of moisture, temperature changes, or parasites. Heavy - on the one hand it’s harder to knock over, on the other hand it’s more dangerous. It is less sensitive to mechanical damage than MDF or chipboard.
  • Metal . A strict, cold material, not very suitable for a children's room. Unless you want to furnish the haven of an active teenager in a minimalist style. Very reliable, does not break, does not burn, does not rust if handled correctly. Heavy.

Wood is the most expensive, but very beautiful material

Only cabinet cabinets have a body - that’s why it’s so important to calculate the weight and whether the cabinet will fall on a child.

It is also worth considering the materials of the shelves. This:
  • Chipboard . Thin shelves that quickly change shape and sag under the weight of things.
  • MDF . Solid shelves that can support a lot of weight.
  • Tree . Beautiful, expensive shelves that make little sense inside a closed cabinet if the child does not have allergies.
  • Metal . Cool, thin, very durable shelves that last for decades, but are rarely installed because they don’t combine well with wood.
  • Glass . Shelves for open cabinets are beautiful; there is no point in hiding them behind doors. They go well with lighting and allow you to turn ordinary arranged toys into an interesting collection. But they are slippery, and you also need to make sure that they are strong enough so that a child cannot break them.

Thin shelves sag very quickly

Metal and glass combine well - although this combination is not for a schoolchild’s room, especially a preschooler’s. Wood and glass combine well - the first softens the second and gives it coziness. Chipboard doesn't go well with anything.

Advice The material should not only be beautiful, but reliable. You probably expect that your baby will use the cabinet for more than a couple of years.

Interesting organization of space for two children

Door trim

If you want an open closet, you naturally don’t have to think about the door material. But in most children's rooms there are still closed structures in which it is convenient to store all those things that there is no need for strangers to see.

Hinged doors, like sliding doors, can be made from:
  • Chipboard . These doors are thin, which on the one hand is good - they are light. But if a child hits them, it will most likely create a real hole.
  • MDF . Much more durable option. Such doors are heavier, but this is not too critical - both the hinges and the rail will easily support them.
  • Tree . Such doors are durable, and even a dent will not be left on them from an impact. But they are heavier. They cannot be used at all for a sliding structure; for a hinged one, they are suitable only if the cabinet itself is heavy and massive.
  • Glass . Transparent glass as a cabinet door looks more funny than beautiful, since it opens up all the shelves, drawers, and rods. But mirror or matte can look very impressive.
  • Metal . It is almost never used because it is heavy, reminiscent of school locker rooms from American films. It is used rather as inserts to slightly diversify the overall appearance of the tree.

Doors must be reliable and durable

The material is responsible for reliability - chipboard lasts a couple of years, MDF a little longer, wood, like glass, can not be changed for decades.

But the overall appearance of the cabinet is determined by the door covering, which can be done in very different ways, using different techniques:
  • Pure wood without treatment . It doesn’t matter whether it’s natural or fake, the effect is approximately the same. It looks a little boring, but classic, and also does not require any effort in processing. No need to invest effort, no need to invest money.
  • Painting . A painted wooden door looks much more interesting than a regular one. If the design of the room allows this, you can paint it with a floral or geometric pattern, bright shapeless spots, clouds, sheep, fish, favorite cartoon characters - absolutely anything. The main thing is that anything fits into the overall interior and that the child likes it.
  • Photo printing . Essentially similar to painting, but does not require painting skill or hiring an artist, plus provides photographic accuracy. It can be the same patterns, an interesting landscape, a full-length portrait of the child himself, a scene with his favorite characters - the effect will be bright and festive, especially if all the sliding doors of the wardrobe become the canvas.
  • Metal inserts . They are usually made on a wooden door and look like shiny geometric shapes or stripes. It turns out strict and even a little cold. A child will most likely not be impressed, but for a teenager it can be an excellent solution. Especially if symbolism is close to him.
  • Mirror glass . Mirrored doors are a good solution for a wardrobe in the room of a child who is interested in sports. For example, he does aerobics or gymnastics. In the mirror you can control how correctly the exercises are performed.

Photo printing – a bright and constantly festive effect

In addition, the mirror will fit well into the room of a child who likes to watch himself, prefers fashion or acting. It will also visually expand a small room.
  • Frosted glass . It can be colored, slightly transparent - so that the vague shadows of the cabinet’s contents can be seen through it. It will delight the kids if you light it inside - then at night the whole structure will resemble a magic castle.
  • Sand treated glass . This glass is opaque and slightly rough to the touch. It is easier to break, but it also looks very interesting. Moreover, using a stencil, a design can be made on it that will remain transparent - from the silhouette of an animal to a plant pattern.
  • Stained glass . Such doors will be comparable in aesthetic qualities to a real painting. It can depict any plot, represent animals, plants, geometric patterns, favorite cartoon characters. The only negative is that stained glass is somewhat easier to break than regular glass.
  • Tinted glass . A good solution for a room in dark colors. It looks interesting, but behind it you can’t see the things that are put in the closet.
  • Fusion . The same stained glass window, but more interesting - glass forms are placed on a glass base, which are then baked to form a picture. If ordinary stained glass is easy to break, then fusion, on the contrary, is more difficult.
  • Carving . For classic interiors - just a godsend. Carved cabinet doors made of natural wood look interesting, noble, and attract attention.

A beautiful option for a girl's room

An open design cannot compete with such variety, but you can hang it with a curtain - from thin translucent fabric, from heavy fabric with a pattern, from thin multi-colored threads.

The best part is that, if desired, the curtain can be easily removed and replaced with another one.

Selecting a cabinet size

When ordering furniture, it is necessary to take into account, first of all, the height of the child, so that it is convenient for him to get things without unnecessary obstacles. It is not necessary to make shelves too high for children's things. It also doesn’t hurt to pay attention to the age of the child. For a child over 5 years old, it is possible to make special devices to match the furniture so that he can take things from the top shelves. In this case, it is possible to install a cabinet up to the ceiling with a large capacity for things. It can be made not too wide, saving space for the playing area.

Wardrobe with high ceiling


Unsuccessful installation of a wardrobe will spoil the interior of the room, reduce the usable area for a play or work area, and reduce the functionality of the furniture.

In a small room it is recommended to install a corner model. The best place for it is between the bed and the desk. If you add lamps to the wardrobe, you can create optimal conditions for reading and writing.

Products designed for built-in are recommended to be placed in niches. They should fit into the interior of the nursery, but not be its accent.

How to choose a quality product

Professionals highlight the main quality characteristics:

  • The attractive appearance of furniture involves the use of bright rich colors or delicate pastel colors.
  • The product must be ergonomic so that it is convenient for the child to place and remove his things.
  • It is worth ordering the most functional design with placement of all the parts necessary for the baby’s life.

Bright wardrobe for the children's room

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