Flowers for the bedroom: what to look for when choosing (35 photos)

Plants that decorate the house can give the room more coziness. In addition, many indoor flowers provide real help. Remembering also the ancient teaching of “feng shui” and considering plants as carriers or sources of certain energy, it becomes clear that this is not just decoration or a cute hobby. Ikebana, herbariums and artificial flowers carry negativity, so the monastery needs to be decorated with “living” energy.

When choosing “green friends,” first of all, people think about which flowers can be kept in the bedroom, and which ones should never be placed. The simplest and most reliable way is to place plants in the house that can cleanse our environment and create an extremely favorable climate within at least one house.

What flowers can you keep in the bedroom?

It is known that not all plants are beneficial, and some can even cause harm. But indoor flowers for the bedroom should not only be beautiful, but also beneficial to health. It is important that the flower nearby helps and energizes you, and not depress you with its strong smell.

Indoor plants actually improve indoor air quality: they release oxygen and filter it from contaminants, and maintain humidity levels. The light, negatively charged air ions they produce combine with dust molecules, mold spores, and various bacteria, which truly makes the air fresher and cleaner.

Plants that help purify the air are a good choice.

When choosing which flowers are best to keep in the bedroom, you should take into account the degree of illumination of the room, its size and, of course, the interior. If the room is dark, preference should be given to shade-loving plants, and if there is a lot of light, sun-loving plants.


The pleasant aroma of the flower calms the nervous system and evokes pleasant dreams due to its effect on the sleep center in the brain. We can say that the plant acts on humans as a sleeping pill.

  • Brings positive energy.
  • Positively affects sleep and well-being.
  • The plant is not easy to care for.
  • Does not like drafts and direct sunlight.
  • Doesn't like changes.
  • Strong odor when flowering.

The plant requires constant good lighting, moderate watering and regular irrigation of the leaves with water. Excess moisture must be completely removed from the pallet. Constant fluctuations in room temperature can lead to deterioration in the condition of the flower.

When buying an adult bush, you need to be prepared for the fact that not every flower tolerates a change of environment well. It is better to take young plants, they will quickly get used to the new room. Water thoroughly during flowering. At other times, the amount of watering should be reduced. Water once every 3 days.

The smell during flowering is very pleasant, but can have a stimulating effect on the nervous system. The main thing is to monitor your well-being. If the aroma of a plant does not allow you to fall asleep quickly and peacefully, then it is better to choose another place.

Cost: from 450 rub.

Record holders for air purification

The air constantly contains harmful and sometimes toxic substances, such as compounds of benzene, formaldehyde, trichlorethylene, toluene and xylene. All of them stand out from the furnishings, carpets, plastic windows and wallpaper. Additionally, a person independently saturates the room with chemicals when cleaning using various cleaning products. Correctly and successfully selected plants will purify the air and eliminate all harmful compounds.

Indoor flowers from this list are considered record holders for cleaning:

  • Ficus benjamina is a real record holder, neutralizes a lot of chemical compounds and attracts dust;
  • Ivy (Hedera helix) – cleanses benzene and ammonia;
  • Dracaena – neutralizes formaldehyde fumes;
  • Schefflera – neutralizes nicotine and tars contained in tobacco smoke;
  • Golden scindapsus (Epipremnum aureum or pothos) – neutralizes benzene.

Any of these plants has a beneficial effect on the atmosphere in the bedroom. You can also place several flowers on the windowsill at once: they get along well together and complement each other.

Epipremnum aureus

A very persistent and unpretentious plant. One of the best and effective filters against harmful and toxic substances that can enter the bedroom (formaldehyde, benzene, vehicle exhaust gases, etc.).

If you have neighbors who have a bad habit of smoking on the balcony, and all the smoke comes into your bedroom, then this plant is the best thing you can place in your room. It clears the room of cigarette smoke. Suitable for a bedroom whose windows overlook the roadway. If your apartment is located in an active industrial area, be sure to purchase this plant. Epipremnum promotes healthy sleep and protects human health.

  • Filters the room from harmful substances.
  • A persistent and hardy plant.
  • It does not tolerate drafts, so you should not place it on a windowsill where there will be constant blowing on it.
  • It should not be exposed to direct sunlight, but at the same time it needs good lighting.

You need to water the plant moderately so as not to spoil it. Excess moisture is unacceptable. But you can’t overdry it either. For proper nutrition, it needs to be fed once every 2 months. The plant is quite common; you can buy it at a regular flower shop or order delivery online.

Cost: from 500 rub.

Healing plants

Some indoor flowers not only perform the function of air purification, but with their scent they can successfully treat various diseases. After all, it is known that herbal medicine brings undeniable benefits to human health and has a beneficial effect on sleep. It is useful to keep plants in the bedroom, the descriptions of which are presented below:

  • Geranium (Pelargonium) – with its scent it helps to overcome fatigue, insomnia, and treats neuroses well;
  • Peppermint – calms with its subtle aroma, suppresses irritability and aggressiveness;
  • Cyclamen – normalizes blood pressure, calms.

In addition to herbal medicine, some plants are used to make medicines that help with various diseases:

  • Aloe arborescens (agagave) – its juice, useful for various inflammations, heals well;
  • Kalanchoe viviparous - this plant treats burns, frostbite, cleans abscesses and heals open wounds;
  • Usambara violet (Saintpaulia) is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent, used in cosmetics due to its tonic properties.

Such a “green pharmacy” will fit perfectly on the windowsill, and, if necessary, you will always have excellent medicine at hand. You can prepare decoctions or tinctures from medicinal plants and store them in the refrigerator, and use them on occasion.

Qualities of plants with a “plus” sign

In the room where a person rests and spends the night, there should be indoor plants that promote relaxation. The beneficial properties of the green inhabitants of the bedroom window sill are:

  • air purification;
  • release of oxygen at night;
  • lack of aroma;
  • harmonization of space;
  • ease of care.

Fresh air is very important during sleep. For a comfortable rest, oxygen must be purified from harmful impurities and chemical emissions. There are plants in nature that have suitable qualities for living in the bedroom. It is known that furniture, interior items, and flooring can “fog,” sending poisons into the surrounding space that are harmless to humans in small doses, but in significant concentrations cause insomnia, headaches, and chronic fatigue.

Avoid keeping strong-smelling flowering plants in your bedroom. A pungent aroma can cause migraines, respiratory spasms and anxiety. In addition, flowers with such a smell increase the frequency of nightmares. Important for indoor crops is the impact on the surrounding space. In the bedroom, the room where a person comes to relax and unwind, the atmosphere should be harmonious, calm and peaceful.

If both spouses share a bedroom, then flowers in pots should set them up not only for relaxation, but also for physical attraction to each other. In nature, there are plants that, when located next to the bed, increase the chance of offspring. There should be a non-capricious, easy-to-care flower in the rest room. The picky inhabitants of window sills lure all attention to themselves, preventing you from getting ready to relax.

Exotic flowers

Exotic lovers want to see something unusual and original in their bedroom. In this case, you need to turn your attention to plants such as homemade citrus, indoor banana, pomegranate or feijoa.

You can also place beautifully blooming homemade exotic flowers near the bed, which not only please the eye, but also smell delicious. For example, you can put Sprekelia, Lachenalia, Streptocarpus or blue Tillandsia on your bedside table.

There are a great variety of exotic plants, so choosing a flower to suit your taste will not be difficult. Plants that cannot be kept in the bedroom

Some indoor flowers should absolutely not be placed in the bedroom, since instead of the expected benefit they will cause harm. Some plants are capable of releasing substances that negatively affect humans, causing migraines, anxiety and even allergic reactions.

What should not be in the bedroom:

  • Mimosa pudica - produces toxins that, with prolonged exposure to humans, lead to baldness;
  • Adenium – also releases toxins and slowly poisons the body;
  • Primrose - when flowering, it can cause dizziness and nausea;
  • Trichocerius - you cannot sleep under the scent of its flowers, it provokes hallucinations and can even cause paralysis of the nervous system.

What plants should not be placed in a child’s bedroom and why:

  • Euphorbiaceae and aroids - their juice is dangerous, since if it enters the body it causes severe poisoning. If a child comes into contact with these types of plants, they may get burns.
  • Kurtaceae - leaves and flowers emit toxic substances, although they are often very beautiful plants.
  • Nightshades - their fruits are very poisonous and, once ingested, can cause nausea and vomiting.

When placing a flower on the windowsill of a child's bedroom, you need to make sure that it does not belong to any of the above families and does not have a strong, pungent odor. Newborn children are especially vulnerable.

A few words about dry bouquets

In addition to fresh flowers standing in a vase or growing in pots, dried bouquets can come into the bedroom. For example, it was once fashionable to place dried immortelle flowers or a bouquet brought for a church holiday in a wooden vase.

Dry or withered flowers and bouquets should not be placed in the bedroom, this harms the energy of the room. In addition, dry bouquets are a wonderful dust collector and a source of allergies. So it is better to get rid of old bouquets, herbariums, and diseased flowers in a timely manner. Without them, it will be more spacious, cleaner and more comfortable, which will certainly affect the quality of sleep and dreams.

Properly selected fresh flowers will make the bedroom cozy, lift your spirits, and improve your well-being. Some plants from the undesirable list take root well in offices and public places.

Flowers in the bedroom according to feng shui

According to Feng Shui philosophy, there should be no indoor plants in the bedroom. The Japanese believe that even a painting or photo wallpaper with their image carries negative energy. They explain this by saying that flowers absorb oxygen and release carbon dioxide at night, which means they have no place near a sleeping person. In addition, plants have their own energy, which mixes with human energy, which is unacceptable by Japanese standards.

However, there are some exceptions that allow flowers in the bedroom according to Feng Shui. First, you can install plants that produce oxygen even at night. Secondly, there should be a small number of them. Thirdly, no herbariums or artificial flowers, as their energy is considered unfavorable. Let's consider what flowers can be placed in the bedroom so that it does not contradict the rules of Feng Shui.

What is Feng Shui against?

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, an indoor flower should suit both the place and the owner. It is not for nothing that not only eastern peoples have beliefs that some plants attract love, wealth and prosperity, while others, on the contrary, for a long time prevent single people from starting a family, and the poor from getting rich. Popular wisdom does not advise single people to keep flowers such as:

  • begonia;
  • birch;
  • hibiscus;
  • orchid;
  • fern;
  • Christmas star.
  • tuberose.

They believe that begonia attracts the attention of the opposite sex. Lonely owners of the plant will not be able to achieve family happiness for a long time.


A very unpretentious perennial herbaceous houseplant that thrives in both shade and sun. In the light, the color of its leaves becomes brighter. Purifies the air from harmful impurities such as formaldehyde and carbon monoxide.


A shade-loving indoor flower, very easy to care for, perfectly filters the air. It is popularly called “women’s happiness.” There is a sign that it will bring luck to single women in their personal lives, and to married women – harmony in relationships with their husbands. In addition, if you can’t have a child, this flower should definitely stand by the bed - it is believed that it can give its owner the joy of motherhood.


It is a light-loving plant, so it should be placed in a room on the sunny side of the house, but it does not like direct exposure to rays. It is recommended to place it in the south, southwest or southeast side of the room, but it will feel uncomfortable on windows facing north. Not only is aloe juice healing, its energy has a beneficial effect on the human biofield. That is why it is often placed in the room of a seriously ill patient.


A flower with thick, fleshy leaves that does not require special care. This is a good solution for those who have a love for exotic indoor plants: they have an interesting leaf shape and very beautiful flowering. Kalanchoe blooms once a year, but very abundantly and colorfully. In addition, it belongs to the category of healing indoor flowers, and therefore it definitely won’t hurt to purchase it.

Kalanchoe is not just a healing plant, it can serve as a bright accent to attract attention

Common oleander

Poisonous plant with bright pink inflorescences. It requires special care, but in gratitude it grows at a rapid pace, turning into a voluminous and elegant bush.

Unfortunately, the pronounced aroma makes a person dizzy, so putting it in the bedroom is dangerous. In addition, when entering the body, oleander juice causes visual impairment.

All parts of the plant are poisonous, including the roots, so gloves must be used when replanting.


This perennial, profusely flowering plant will decorate any room. The flower loves light and constancy, so once placed on the windowsill, try not to move the pot. Begonia can be evergreen, deciduous, decorative-deciduous, decorative-flowering, annual or perennial. There are more than a thousand species in total.

Sansevieria or Mother-in-Law's Tongue

It is a fairly light-loving plant with a powerful root system, so it is better to choose a clay pot (a plastic one will simply burst under the pressure of the roots). If it stands in the shade, the leaves will turn pale and Sanseviria will stop growing. The flowers exude a pleasant, sweetish aroma.

What’s interesting is that you can achieve flowering faster if you grow the flower in a cramped pot.


Indoor jasmine is considered the national flower of Pakistan and belongs to the medicinal plant species. It is best to place it in the eastern and southeastern parts of the room in the summer, and in winter move it to windows facing north.

Tip: decorative jasmine loves regular spraying, abundant watering and protection from direct sunlight.

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It is advisable to add a little lemon juice to it to compensate for the lack of salt in the water. Flowers should be regularly sprayed with water.

Jasmine should not be placed in close proximity to heating appliances in winter.

Cost: from 1500 rub.


Ideal for beginner gardeners, as it easily adapts to living conditions. In common parlance it is called “Chinese rose”. This is a light-loving plant that grows profusely. It doesn’t like being cramped, so it will feel best on a table by the window.

The photo shows the best location


Loves light, but does not tolerate direct sunlight. It blooms profusely, brightly and beautifully, loves humidity, so it is better not to place it above radiators. He needs fresh air, it is advisable to ventilate the room regularly. Tolerates low temperatures well.

Cyclamen in a pot

The choice of plant for the bedroom should be approached very responsibly, because this is the place where a person spends most of his leisure time, in fact, a third of his life. Therefore, you should not place the first flowers you like in the room; you must first study their properties and effects on the body.

Selection of plants taking into account the characteristics of the room

The main characteristics of the bedroom to consider when choosing plants are:

  • Room size;
  • Degree of illumination.

In spacious bedrooms, it is recommended to place tall flowers with large leaves or lush crowns in floor planters.

From 3-4 not very large plants you can create a beautiful composition.

In the interior of the bedroom, indoor plants look impressive, standing in front of a large mirror or a wardrobe with mirrored doors.

For a small bedroom, plants can be planted in hanging pots , or a small, showy plant can be placed on the dressing table.

Lighting in the bedroom is also taken into account when selecting indoor plants. For rooms in the northern direction, shade-tolerant plantings are suitable - they tolerate shading well and a small amount of direct sunlight, as well as shade-loving ones - growing only in the shade.

For the southern direction, it is better to choose light-loving plants that grow in well-lit places and do not tolerate prolonged shading.

Western and eastern directions are suitable for almost all colors . The only condition is that in the warm season the plants need to be shaded from midday sunlight to avoid burns.

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