Flowers for the bedroom: what to look for when choosing (35 photos)

To create coziness in the house, the hostess will definitely place several favorite flowers by the window. Tall and low, blooming and not - the range of crops is diverse, and everyone, if desired, will choose exactly the pet that their heart desires. But not all inhabitants of window sills are suitable for a recreation room or a nursery. From the point of view of Feng Shui, each plant has its own energy, which both helps a person and has a negative impact on his life and health. Flowers for the bedroom need to be selected especially carefully.

What flowers can you keep in the bedroom?

It is known that not all plants are beneficial, and some can even cause harm. But indoor flowers for the bedroom should not only be beautiful, but also beneficial to health. It is important that the flower nearby helps and energizes you, and not depress you with its strong smell.

Indoor plants actually improve indoor air quality: they release oxygen and filter it from contaminants, and maintain humidity levels. The light, negatively charged air ions they produce combine with dust molecules, mold spores, and various bacteria, which truly makes the air fresher and cleaner.

Plants that help purify the air are a good choice.

When choosing which flowers are best to keep in the bedroom, you should take into account the degree of illumination of the room, its size and, of course, the interior. If the room is dark, preference should be given to shade-loving plants, and if there is a lot of light, sun-loving plants.

Choosing flowers for the bedroom: which ones can and cannot be placed in the interior

The conditions in which we wake up subconsciously create the mood for the entire next day. The atmosphere before bed determines the quality of sleep. And we sleep - a third of our lives. It turns out that our existence, well-being and comfort depend on the bedroom environment. In this article we will tell you how to use flowers and indoor plants to make your bedroom interior beautiful and useful.

Record holders for air purification

The air constantly contains harmful and sometimes toxic substances, such as compounds of benzene, formaldehyde, trichlorethylene, toluene and xylene. All of them stand out from the furnishings, carpets, plastic windows and wallpaper. Additionally, a person independently saturates the room with chemicals when cleaning using various cleaning products. Correctly and successfully selected plants will purify the air and eliminate all harmful compounds.

Indoor flowers from this list are considered record holders for cleaning:

  • Ficus benjamina is a real record holder, neutralizes a lot of chemical compounds and attracts dust;
  • Ivy (Hedera helix) – cleanses benzene and ammonia;
  • Dracaena – neutralizes formaldehyde fumes;
  • Schefflera – neutralizes nicotine and tars contained in tobacco smoke;
  • Golden scindapsus (Epipremnum aureum or pothos) – neutralizes benzene.

Any of these plants has a beneficial effect on the atmosphere in the bedroom. You can also place several flowers on the windowsill at once: they get along well together and complement each other.


"Mother-in-law's tongue" or "Sansevieria". This plant neutralizes substances dangerous to humans such as trichlorethylene, formaldehyde and benzene. At the same time, it enriches the atmosphere with oxygen, and does this around the clock.

"Aloe". This is a healing plant known to everyone. But even if you do not use it for its intended purpose, by placing the culture in the bedroom, you will improve the quality of indoor air and the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere.

"Kalanchoe". This flower is in many ways similar to the previous one. Like aloe, it reduces the amount of carbon dioxide in the room where it is located and destroys harmful toxins. "Eucalyptus". This is a real godsend for those who constantly suffer from colds. Eucalyptus spreads around itself a moderate aroma, rich in phytoncides, which are known to kill viruses and pathogenic bacteria. In addition, the plant perfectly repels insects. "Geranium". Despite the fact that not everyone likes its smell, this beautiful flower can and should be kept in the bedroom. Geranium treats headaches, kills streptococci and staphylococci in the indoor air, relieves nervous and emotional tension, and normalizes hormonal levels in women. The flower is indispensable for hypertensive patients, as it reduces blood pressure. Insects really don't like him.

Healing plants

Some indoor flowers not only perform the function of air purification, but with their scent they can successfully treat various diseases. After all, it is known that herbal medicine brings undeniable benefits to human health and has a beneficial effect on sleep. It is useful to keep plants in the bedroom, the descriptions of which are presented below:

  • Geranium (Pelargonium) – with its scent it helps to overcome fatigue, insomnia, and treats neuroses well;
  • Peppermint – calms with its subtle aroma, suppresses irritability and aggressiveness;
  • Cyclamen – normalizes blood pressure, calms.

In addition to herbal medicine, some plants are used to make medicines that help with various diseases:

  • Aloe arborescens (agagave) – its juice, useful for various inflammations, heals well;
  • Kalanchoe viviparous - this plant treats burns, frostbite, cleans abscesses and heals open wounds;
  • Usambara violet (Saintpaulia) is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent, used in cosmetics due to its tonic properties.

Such a “green pharmacy” will fit perfectly on the windowsill, and, if necessary, you will always have excellent medicine at hand. You can prepare decoctions or tinctures from medicinal plants and store them in the refrigerator, and use them on occasion.

TOP 5 favorable indoor flowers for the bedroom

Potted plants can become your rivals or allies in the fight for nighttime oxygen and overall comfort. To protect human health are:

  • Chlorophytum absorbs formaldehyde, microbes, viruses, sulfur, mercury and acetone vapors. In return, it supplies oxygen around the clock and makes the air humidified and clean.
  • Aloe eliminates static electricity, absorbs 90% of formaldehyde from a cubic meter of air and returns oxygen. Aloe juice is used in cosmetology and for the treatment of wounds.
  • Kalanchoe helps with depression, fills the body with energy, vigor and helps to wake up.
  • Geranium disinfects the air. Its smell repels insects, calms, treats insomnia and eliminates headaches.
  • Spathiphyllum kills fungal spores that may be in the air, and also absorbs dust and bacteria from the street. The second name of the flower is “female happiness.” It is believed that if an unmarried girl grows it, she will quickly find a life partner.

This is not an exhaustive list of healthy potted flowers for the bedroom. There are other plants, but we have listed the most favorable and unpretentious ones. They do not require much care, and they grow well even in darkened rooms, which are often chosen for sleeping.

Exotic flowers

Exotic lovers want to see something unusual and original in their bedroom. In this case, you need to turn your attention to plants such as homemade citrus, indoor banana, pomegranate or feijoa.

You can also place beautifully blooming homemade exotic flowers near the bed, which not only please the eye, but also smell delicious. For example, you can put Sprekelia, Lachenalia, Streptocarpus or blue Tillandsia on your bedside table.

There are a great variety of exotic plants, so choosing a flower to suit your taste will not be difficult. Plants that cannot be kept in the bedroom

Some indoor flowers should absolutely not be placed in the bedroom, since instead of the expected benefit they will cause harm. Some plants are capable of releasing substances that negatively affect humans, causing migraines, anxiety and even allergic reactions.

What should not be in the bedroom:

  • Mimosa pudica - produces toxins that, with prolonged exposure to humans, lead to baldness;
  • Adenium – also releases toxins and slowly poisons the body;
  • Primrose - when flowering, it can cause dizziness and nausea;
  • Trichocerius - you cannot sleep under the scent of its flowers, it provokes hallucinations and can even cause paralysis of the nervous system.

What plants should not be placed in a child’s bedroom and why:

  • Euphorbiaceae and aroids - their juice is dangerous, since if it enters the body it causes severe poisoning. If a child comes into contact with these types of plants, they may get burns.
  • Kurtaceae - leaves and flowers emit toxic substances, although they are often very beautiful plants.
  • Nightshades - their fruits are very poisonous and, once ingested, can cause nausea and vomiting.

When placing a flower on the windowsill of a child's bedroom, you need to make sure that it does not belong to any of the above families and does not have a strong, pungent odor. Newborn children are especially vulnerable.

The influence of indoor plants on humans

Plants for the bedroom have a number of special requirements. They should not only enrich the room with oxygen and please the eye with their appearance, but also bring a certain energy.

Many of the houseplants that are well known to us are nothing more than the fruit of selection of specimens brought from all over the world during the times of great geographical discoveries.

The widely known and beloved “money tree” in nature has a height of up to four meters. Despite the work done on their size and ability to bloom and smell all year round, the plants have not lost their protective ability to secrete poisons and toxins.

The more interesting and exotic the flower, the more dangerous its influence. Some specimens are capable of causing deadly harm.

These are quite rare plants, but it is advisable to remember the list of them:

  1. Fatsia is a cute and green bush or tree with bright green leaves that can lead to disorders of the nervous system.
  2. An ornamental tree called polyscias causes irritation when its sap comes into contact with the skin.
  3. Say goodbye to the plant called alocasia or arma , as it has very significant levels of toxins.
  4. A tuber with a large leaf and Arizema inflorescence can cause burns on the skin and harm the eyes.

Most indoor plants with toxins are dangerous through direct contact (if you replant without gloves) or if they get into food (pets and children may well taste the flowers).

Plants that are quite dangerous at certain dosages include: aloe, dieffenbachia, monstera, azalea, nightshade, spurge, anthurium, croton, spathiphyllum, asparagus.

If there are such specimens in your home, take care to limit the access of children and pets to them.

Some dangerous plants can bring great benefits at the same time:

  • to enrich the room with oxygen, monstera and anthurium are used;
  • rosemary, chrysanthemums, chlorophytum, aloe have antibacterial and medicinal properties;
  • Asparagus is used to absorb heavy metal microparticles;
  • Cyperus and abutilone are used to increase air humidity;
  • Geranium is used to disinfect, deodorize and even relieve headaches.

Rose, dwarf pomegranate and herbs are useful and safe for the home.
Do not deny yourself the desire to create a small and useful garden in the atmosphere of your apartment, which will give you not only the external pleasure of contemplation, but also the benefits of vitamins and a fresh aroma.

Flowers in the bedroom according to feng shui

According to Feng Shui philosophy, there should be no indoor plants in the bedroom. The Japanese believe that even a painting or photo wallpaper with their image carries negative energy. They explain this by saying that flowers absorb oxygen and release carbon dioxide at night, which means they have no place near a sleeping person. In addition, plants have their own energy, which mixes with human energy, which is unacceptable by Japanese standards.

However, there are some exceptions that allow flowers in the bedroom according to Feng Shui. First, you can install plants that produce oxygen even at night. Secondly, there should be a small number of them. Thirdly, no herbariums or artificial flowers, as their energy is considered unfavorable. Let's consider what flowers can be placed in the bedroom so that it does not contradict the rules of Feng Shui.

Ideal plants for the bedroom

According to Feng Shui, favorable flowers in the bedroom act as active objects that have a direct impact on the energy of the house itself, as well as on the energy status of each of the inhabitants of the house. In order for even correctly selected plants to exude the right good power, their condition must be monitored. Flowers suitable for the bedroom should be well-groomed and healthy.

Sick green friends can rot, turn yellow, and take on an irregular shape. These negative transformations have a significant impact on everything that surrounds them. Let's consider the main types, the most favorable and interesting, emphasizing the cozy design of the bedroom, as well as improving the well-being of each of the apartment residents.


Aloe is a houseplant that is especially valued as a healing component for the treatment of many ailments. A pot with a real “healer” can be placed in the bedroom or children’s room. It will contribute to a good microclimate.

It is known that aloe can absorb up to 90% of formaldehyde. Poor quality chipboard products can release these toxic substances into the air, which are extremely dangerous to human health. The unique plant not only absorbs dangerous toxic substances, but also significantly reduces the level of carbon dioxide in the air, and actively synthesizes oxygen during the daytime. If such a flower is installed on the window sill of a room, there will always be especially clean and pleasant air.

It must be remembered that aloe is a very “modest” plant. It does not like excessive attention to itself. The task of home owners is to place pots of aloe so that they are not in sight of everyone. In principle, the secluded atmosphere of the boudoir will protect delicate “green friends” from excessive excitement. It is believed that by placing aloe in the bedroom or children's room, you can protect the inhabitants of the house from accidents and remove negative electricity from the air.

Usambara violet

Indoor plants for the bedroom can be not only healing, but also very beautiful. The Uzambara violet deserves special attention. Such a spectacular plant will highlight the design of the bedroom, but will not introduce dissonance into the calm or relaxing atmosphere of the boudoir.

It is believed that a beautiful flower can influence the psycho-emotional state of people. It is curious that these flowers for the bedroom, depending on the color, can have different effects on the consciousness or well-being of the inhabitants of the house:

  1. White flowers are able to regulate strong feelings, passions subside, psycho-emotional intensity is reduced to a minimum. By placing a violet above the bed in the bedroom, a person can protect himself from nervous breakdowns and reduce the level of excitement, which brings significant discomfort;
  2. Purple inflorescences contribute to the formation of spiritual unity in the family. Violet will help neutralize the largest flows of negative energy.

Red or pink flowers are suitable for people who lack joy. Purple indoor flowers for the bedroom will help to reveal a person’s special talent - to enjoy communicating with people, to get a feeling of satisfaction from the work done.


Spathiphyllum are the best indoor plants for bedrooms in those locations that are located in industrial areas. Harmful substances can enter the apartment through opening a window or vent. Green friend neutralizes acetone, ammonia, benzene, xylene. It is believed that spathiphyllum is capable of giving a person a calm and long sleep.

Shade-loving and unpretentious plants are excellent producers of oxygen at any time of the day. The plant can even humidify the air, which allows you to rest better. It is recommended to place 2-3 spathiphyllums in the bedroom. By the way, the “peace lily” is considered a traditional female flower that brings happiness to girls.


Chlorophytum or “spider” is valued for its unpretentiousness, beautiful aesthetic appearance, and appropriateness in any interior. The indoor flower copes well with harmful chemical compounds and nitrogen oxides. The level of radiation from electromagnetic devices is reduced. Just 4 indoor flowers can clear an area of ​​10-15 square meters.

The air is humidified, sanitized, and becomes fresher. Some experts recommend adding activated carbon to flower pots. This simple technique will increase the positive effects of chlorophytum several times.


Flowers in the bedroom interior play a secondary role, but spectacular blooms always delight and attract the eye. Pots of geraniums are suitable for any room. This bright, beautiful flower is able to neutralize staphylococci and streptococci. The phytoncides that the plant produces help a person calm down, quickly cope with the negative consequences of stress, and overcome insomnia.

Geranium is very beneficial for women. The flower has a special effect on hormonal levels. However, no matter what type of geranium the home owners choose, it is important to remember that beautiful flowering can cause the development of allergies.

Pelargonium is a generator of negative ions that improve human health. It is believed that geranium effectively eliminates headaches, normalizes blood pressure, and strengthens the immune system.


When considering the question of which indoor flowers can be placed directly next to the bed, it is worth paying attention to the so-called “classic” plants for the home. House laurel is considered one of the best types of home “green friends”, helping to normalize sleep.

Since ancient times, laurel branches have been placed at the head of children's cribs so that the child can sleep soundly and peacefully. The plant purifies the air, has a beneficial effect on the human nervous system, eliminates migraines and cephalalgia, and improves brain activity.


A very unpretentious perennial herbaceous houseplant that thrives in both shade and sun. In the light, the color of its leaves becomes brighter. Purifies the air from harmful impurities such as formaldehyde and carbon monoxide.

How we managed our indoor plants at home

Fifteen years ago, our family moved to a new apartment and friends and acquaintances gave us a dozen indoor flowers as a housewarming gift. They were all bright, beautiful, with a pleasant smell, and my wife and I placed them in different rooms.

Before picking up these gifts, the wife performed a certain ritual, read somewhere - for each pot of flowers she gave a coin. We also received useful recommendations from guests: how to care for them, what the soil should be like, when to water, and so on.

We placed the donated flowers in different rooms, except for the bedroom - not a single flower matched the design. And it turns out we did the right thing - after a while, we read on the Internet that some indoor flowers can be harmful.

As for our family, none of us got sick or “withered away” during these fifteen years. Our blooms didn’t do anything bad to us, we didn’t feel any harm from them. But there is still not a single indoor flower in the bedroom.

About five years ago, we removed all the floral decorations into one guest room and created a green corner. It turned out cozy, colorful and despite the fact that we made their location difficult to reach for children.


A shade-loving indoor flower, very easy to care for, perfectly filters the air. It is popularly called “women’s happiness.” There is a sign that it will bring luck to single women in their personal lives, and to married women – harmony in relationships with their husbands. In addition, if you can’t have a child, this flower should definitely stand by the bed - it is believed that it can give its owner the joy of motherhood.

How does the color of flowers affect the psycho-emotional background?

The coloring of plant buds not only calms or lifts the mood, but also attracts good luck, wealth, and love.


The color of purity, logic and reason carries a positive charge. White symbolizes the masculine yang energy. This is a symbol of eternity, divinity, high moral qualities. Its excess is associated with cold, causes anxiety and dulls the senses. A white flower will bring harmony to a contrasting environment of gray, black, red, pastel colors.


Mystical color correlates with the spiritual side of human life, religion, and creativity. A purple flower will bring a piece of magic and mystery to the room. Deep shades heighten the senses and awaken imagination. Purple is an energetic color that awakens creativity, but not peace of mind. Therefore, one flower for the bedroom is enough.


Meditative color of sky, water and peace. Indigo awakens intuition, a craving for spiritual values, a desire to understand the world and self-knowledge.

Blue shades symbolize divine purity and add an element of solemnity to the decor. They are suitable for decorating a room with windows facing the sunny side.

Black and dark shades

The color of feminine energy Yin symbolizes protection, restraint, and financial well-being. Black tones make you think, but in excess they create a painful, oppressive atmosphere. In Eastern philosophy, black is associated with the change of seasons. Plants with dark flowers and dark green leaves will dilute the decor of a bright bedroom and restore peace of mind.

Red and pink tones

Red is an energy activator, a symbol of love. Excessive bright color causes aggression. In a room completely decorated in red shades, it is difficult to relax. Softer pink tones symbolize tenderness, youth, and sensuality. But the total pink decoration of the room looks frivolous.

Geraniums with red or pink flowers will serve as a contrasting touch in a bedroom decorated in pastel, white, and gray colors.


The combination of active red and benevolent yellow gives the color of communication and imagination - orange. If you have to work or study on the computer in the bedroom, a plant with orange flowers in your field of vision will help you concentrate and remember the material better. The color orange carries only positive energy and symbolizes happiness and love of life.


The color of warmth and sun awakens vital energy. The color yellow symbolizes wisdom, health, life experience, warmth and harmony. Golden, copper and honey shades charge with optimism and cheerfulness. Bright yellow is associated with deception and danger. Lemon color signifies rebirth, purity and develops communication skills.

In the bedroom, one flower of a sunny shade is enough for a good mood on a cloudy day.


It is a light-loving plant, so it should be placed in a room on the sunny side of the house, but it does not like direct exposure to rays. It is recommended to place it in the south, southwest or southeast side of the room, but it will feel uncomfortable on windows facing north. Not only is aloe juice healing, its energy has a beneficial effect on the human biofield. That is why it is often placed in the room of a seriously ill patient.


The first surprise of this article. Most often, geranium is placed in the kitchen, but it turns out that it will bring much more benefits in the bedroom. Firstly, this plant secretes substances that have a hypnotic effect on humans. And secondly, these substances can kill various types of bacteria, for example, staphylococci and streptococci. Therefore, urgently move your geranium to the bedroom, or even better, multiply it so that there is a pot with this plant in each of the rooms of your apartment.

It, like geranium, is also rarely found in the bedroom. And, by the way, in vain, because this plant is capable of absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen in return. We probably don’t need to talk about other medicinal properties of aloe.


A flower with thick, fleshy leaves that does not require special care. This is a good solution for those who have a love for exotic indoor plants: they have an interesting leaf shape and very beautiful flowering. Kalanchoe blooms once a year, but very abundantly and colorfully. In addition, it belongs to the category of healing indoor flowers, and therefore it definitely won’t hurt to purchase it.

Kalanchoe is not just a healing plant, it can serve as a bright accent to attract attention

Basic rules for caring for flowers

To prevent beautiful indoor blooms from negatively affecting the health of children and animals with their toxins, follow several rules for caring for them:

  • install them in the room so that they are out of the reach of children and animals;
  • You constantly need to clean the pots from dry leaves, wipe the leaves, and water them on time;
  • when buying a flower you like in a flower shop, you need to ask the seller whether it is toxic and what harm it can cause to children and animals;
  • When cutting plants, wear gloves and be sure to wash your hands after work;
  • Do not scratch your skin or rub your eyes while working;
  • destroy insects and discovered larvae;
  • check to see if there are fungi and mold, if so, immediately begin treating the bloom;
  • change any cracked pots immediately;
  • trim any tendrils that appear in a timely manner;
  • if there are allergy sufferers in the family, then think about whether it is worth keeping house plants in the house;
  • do not forget to pour clean water into your animals' cups;
  • When working with a flower garden, keep animals and children away.


This perennial, profusely flowering plant will decorate any room. The flower loves light and constancy, so once placed on the windowsill, try not to move the pot. Begonia can be evergreen, deciduous, decorative-deciduous, decorative-flowering, annual or perennial. There are more than a thousand species in total.

Sansevieria or Mother-in-Law's Tongue

It is a fairly light-loving plant with a powerful root system, so it is better to choose a clay pot (a plastic one will simply burst under the pressure of the roots). If it stands in the shade, the leaves will turn pale and Sanseviria will stop growing. The flowers exude a pleasant, sweetish aroma.

What’s interesting is that you can achieve flowering faster if you grow the flower in a cramped pot.

Size and location

Floral designers allow the presence of large plants in the bedroom: dracaena, elephant yucca, monstera, etc., since the room is not intended for outdoor activities and flower pots will not interfere.

One large plant or several small ones - the choice is yours

Naturally, potted flowers should not block the passage to the bed and, preferably, not stand close to it. The fact is that often in stores, plants are treated with chemicals, in particular fungicides, in order to prevent fungal diseases, mold or mites, which obviously will not benefit the person sleeping next to them.

You can create a composition with your own hands from several plants. It will look especially impressive if you place it in front of a mirror and softly illuminate it.

In very small bedrooms there is also room for one or two beautiful flowerpots: hung on the ceiling or wall, or displayed on the dressing table, they will add sophistication and completeness to the interior. (See also the article Color of wallpaper for the bedroom: which one to choose.)

Indoor plants do not have to grow in the ground - cut bouquets of roses, peonies and even ordinary field daisies on the windowsill will delight your eyes when you wake up for several days.


Indoor jasmine is considered the national flower of Pakistan and belongs to the medicinal plant species. It is best to place it in the eastern and southeastern parts of the room in the summer, and in winter move it to windows facing north.

Tip: decorative jasmine loves regular spraying, abundant watering and protection from direct sunlight.

How to place plants in the bedroom

What indoor flowers can be taken outside in summer?

The interior of the bedroom is usually kept in calm colors with diffused light. And the plants in this room should set the mood for calm and relaxation from the worries of the day.

To make plants liven up the space of a room, you can use simple tips:

  • choose healthy specimens without damage;
  • It is better to purchase flowers that are already formed and developed;
  • give preference to species that are not difficult to care for;
  • Do not place flower pots at the head of the bed;
  • flowers standing on the floor should not interfere with movement;
  • stands for plants must be stable;
  • the size of the flowers should correspond to the size of the room: you should not place a huge tub with an adult bush in a small one;
  • be sure to take into account the lighting of the room during the day, its orientation to the cardinal points;
  • find out whether the plant is poisonous or causes allergies.


Ideal for beginner gardeners, as it easily adapts to living conditions. In common parlance it is called “Chinese rose”. This is a light-loving plant that grows profusely. It doesn’t like being cramped, so it will feel best on a table by the window.

The photo shows the best location

What potted flowers to choose for the bedroom? Some of the most popular plants

To begin with, we will present a few plants that are worth putting in your bedroom and that will additionally provide you with a fantastic decoration. We are talking here about woody and common aloe, Guinea sanseveria and orchid.

Aloe tree and aloe vera are succulents that grow up to 1 meter in height. It is worth pruning them to reduce their growth, while still benefiting from their beneficial properties for our health (they are contained in the gel visible after the leaf breaks down). Aloe in the bedroom filters and humidifies the air.

It will feel best on a windowsill or in close proximity to a window. It grows easily and is drought tolerant (but also frost sensitive). Water once a week, and less often in winter.

Sanseveria Guinea is a variety that, like aloe, grows up to 1 meter in height. It has long, stiff, narrow and upright leaves. Produces large amounts of oxygen, especially at night. It is not a demanding plant and grows well in shady bedrooms. You must remember that it is important to fertilize it and also replant it every few years in a larger pot with fresh soil. Tolerates dry air well.

The orchid has thick, leathery leaves and grows to a height of about 35 centimeters. It has bell-shaped flowers of different colors, collected in a long inflorescence. This plant requires a bright position and high humidity. It does not like too frequent watering, but responds well to (even every day) irrigation with water, for example, from a spray bottle.

Plants that produce oxygen at night:

  • Aloe vera and wood aloe. These succulents grow up to 1 meter in height, so they should be trimmed to reap the beneficial properties of the leaf sap.
  • Guinean Sanseveria . This plant has long, straight leaves and also produces large amounts of oxygen.
  • Orchid . It has beautiful, delicate, bell-shaped flowers and is quite demanding to grow.

Aloe is an amazing plant that makes an interesting decoration for a bedroom window.


Loves light, but does not tolerate direct sunlight. It blooms profusely, brightly and beautifully, loves humidity, so it is better not to place it above radiators. He needs fresh air, it is advisable to ventilate the room regularly. Tolerates low temperatures well.

Cyclamen in a pot

The choice of plant for the bedroom should be approached very responsibly, because this is the place where a person spends most of his leisure time, in fact, a third of his life. Therefore, you should not place the first flowers you like in the room; you must first study their properties and effects on the body.

What flowers should not be kept at home: prohibited list, reasons

Now you know which flowers to give preference to when growing them in the house. But you should also know about plants that are best not kept at home. There can be many reasons for this, ranging from the negative energy that affects people to the harmful substances released. What flowers should not be kept at home? The reasons are described below. Here is the prohibited list:

Oleander - should not be kept at home


All parts of the plant are poisonous - leaves, roots, and flowers. Although the plant during the flowering period is very decorative and emits a strong aroma. It also does nothing good for human health. On the contrary, inhaling the smell of oleander, you can feel dizzy and decrease in overall well-being. And if the juice of this plant accidentally enters the human body, it can cause visual impairment.

Alocasia - should not be kept at home


In alocasia, just like in oleander, all parts are poisonous. But thanks to its large arrow-shaped leaves with pronounced, light veins, it is quite well known to flower growers. It is grown mainly in offices, but is usually placed in inaccessible places so as not to cause accidental poisoning.

Dieffenbachia - should not be kept at home


A fast growing plant with large beautiful leaves. It looks like a small tree. The leaves are poisonous. If the juice gets into the oral cavity, life-threatening tissue swelling may develop. Therefore, it is forbidden to keep it in an apartment where there are small children and animals.

Ficus - should not be kept at home


This plant should not be kept in an apartment due to the fact that it actively absorbs oxygen from the surrounding air. There’s not much of it in houses anyway, so there’s no need for a competitor in this matter. In addition, this is a fairly large plant, it needs to be looked after to ensure that the leaves always look healthy and shiny.

Gloriosa - should not be kept at home


A plant with unusually beautiful exotic flowers. But it is forbidden to keep it at home because of its poisonous juice, which can even be fatal. The seeds and roots of the plant are also dangerous. Gloriosa toxins cause severe vomiting and can lead to kidney failure. Therefore, it is better to abandon such a plant.

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