Rating of the best chair-beds: types, design and selection rules

Today, products are popular that complement the interior and at the same time can be very functional. However, such designs are usually expensive. Fans of such furniture can make a chair-bed with their own hands from typical building and textile materials. When choosing a simple scheme, even beginners can cope with such work. Difficulties arise only when selecting the type of transformation mechanism or changing proven drawings. The design and dimensions of such chairs can be any, and thanks to the use of modern fittings and furniture textiles, there are no problems with the selection and implementation of design ideas.

How to choose a chair-bed

Convertible chairs stand out for their practicality, practicality, ergonomics and versatility. They can be used as part of the interior of a living room, office, or small bedroom. In order for this furniture to work for a long time and correctly in each of the specific cases, it is necessary to approach its choice as fully as possible.

The main criteria for choosing such a piece of furniture include:

  • size.

This criterion includes both the size of the chair and the room itself. It is logical that in a small bedroom of 10 square meters there will not be bulky models with wide armrests. And, conversely, in a large living room, a small, lonely chair will look out of place. When purchasing such a piece of furniture, you should also consider how it will fit into the room once opened. The size of the bed is also important, especially if this piece of furniture is purchased for an adult and for everyday use.

  • transformation mechanism.

The most common mechanisms are: accordion, scroll, dolphin, shell, book, eurobook, etc. Each of them has its own pros and cons. The main thing is that the transformation process is in the hands of those who will use it. Below we will look at each of them in more detail.

  • frame material.

The structure of the chair-bed can be made of chipboard, wooden beams or metal pipes. The first option is characterized by lower cost, the second by strength, and the third by simplicity of design. Regardless of what material the frame is made of, the quality of its components and proper assembly are more important. When purchasing, you should check how the furniture is assembled and disassembled, whether there are any extraneous sounds, friction, etc.

  • filling.

When choosing a filler, you should decide how often the chair will be used as a bed. If every day you should pay attention to fillers with orthopedic properties. The best option in this case would be a combination of a spring block and polyurethane foam (PPU).

  • upholstery.

The quality of the upholstery largely determines how long the furniture will retain its aesthetic appearance. Most often, manufacturers use velvet, flocked, matte, artificial or natural leather. Each of these materials is not only beautiful in its own way, but also easy to care for. In addition, manufacturers often give the buyer the right to choose not only the color, but also the upholstery material, which greatly helps to make the right choice.

Also, when choosing the transformation of furniture, you need to pay attention to the height of the surface of the bed and the presence of unevenness on it, the presence of a drawer for linen and removable covers.

Let's consider the most popular models of sofa beds with various transformation mechanisms.

Varieties of transformation mechanisms

At all times, people have strived to provide themselves with the best and most comfortable living conditions; In the course of this endeavor, various models of chairs were created that quickly transformed into a sleeping place.

And today manufacturers continue to compete, inventing more and more modern models and models of mechanisms. Some experiments end successfully, others require improvements.

Let's talk in more detail about the mechanisms offered by furniture manufacturers.

“Accordion” enjoys considerable popularity. Furniture with such a mechanism is comfortable for sleeping, because... has an orthopedic mattress. The Accordion chair-beds have a perfectly flat surface and are equipped with a drawer for linen; they are available with or without armrests.

The transformation is carried out without much effort: the chairs are laid out like a musical instrument, which is why they received the name “Accordion”. The structure consists of three sections; it unfolds like an accordion.

The second place in the ranking of the most popular chair-beds is occupied by the Dolphin model. It is difficult to understand why the creators of this model named it after a sea creature; such designs have a retractable block located under the seat.

First of all, you need to remove the pillows, and then, using the handle, lift the soft seat for its subsequent layout.

Another popular mechanism is called the “Clamshell” - it is not as simple as it seems. There are two types of folding chairs: French and English.

The first subtype is simpler and operates according to the following principle: first the pillows are removed, then the folding module is pulled out.

Essentially, a French cot is a metal bed structure complemented by a mattress. The American version is more thoughtful.

The pillows located at the top also participate in the transformation process; the advantage is a more reliable design. There is also a third - the Belgian type of folding chairs. Sedaflex has significant differences from its English and French counterparts.

To turn a beautiful chair into a sleeping place, you just need to use the handle: one simple movement - and a comfortable place to sleep is ready.

Belgian folding beds are classified into two subtypes: “Eurosoph” and “Book”.

The main advantage of Eurosofa is its reliability. The design of the “European sofa” is simple: the seat is extended, and the backrest fits into the space created.

The book mechanism was extremely popular during the Soviet years. Such chairs were available in almost every home.

The principle of transformation is as follows: the seat is slightly pulled forward, and the furniture, like a transformer, unfolds like a book. This mechanism is mainly used in sofas.

The “Tick-Tock” model is transformed according to the type of step, hence its second name “Walking Eurobook”: the seat is pulled up and, without contacting the floor surface, is fixed, gaining stability, and the back takes up the free space.

The Conrad design includes three elements. First, a module is taken out, located in the center, so that the chair can be transformed into a place for night rest. To complete the transformation process, you need to lift the back part - and you can go to bed.

On a note!

A chair bed is an excellent solution for creating an additional sleeping space. Such furniture will be a salvation in case of unexpected arrival of guests.

Folding chair frame - types and features

To make the structure, manufacturers of transformable chairs use materials such as:

  • Chipboard or plywood;
  • wooden beam;
  • metal;
  • aluminum.

Products with a frame made of chipboard and plywood belong to the budget category. When choosing an inexpensive model, you should pay attention to the quality of material processing; chipboard panels must be treated with special impregnations, glued or laminated.

The wooden frame has a long service life and can withstand daily loads. The furniture market offers affordable models of chairs with a frame made of softwood and luxurious furniture made of expensive wood. The undoubted advantage of wooden frames is the environmental safety of the products. However, it should be remembered that wood is a rather extravagant material; wooden furniture cannot be used in rooms with high humidity.

Steel bases are highly durable and ideal for everyday use. The metal base of the chair-bed must be treated with special compounds that protect the material from mechanical damage and corrosion.

The advantage of tubular aluminum frames is ease of use and low weight. But constant loads negatively affect the strength and service life of the product.

The ideal option would be furniture with a frame made from a combination of different materials.


The cost of folding chairs varies.
The price depends on the model and material from which the furniture is made. You can purchase a ready-made product from stores available in catalogs or make a chair to order. Manufacturing to order will cost an average of 6 thousand rubles. Luxury interior items are more expensive: for example, the price of a “Serenade” chair-bed ranges from 12 to 15 thousand rubles.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the ottoman, which is part of the design. In a number of models, the ottoman can be transformed into a separate interior element.

The book mechanism has some disadvantages in use. The main disadvantage is the need for physical effort to transform the chair into a bed for sleeping.

The second disadvantage is the need to free up space behind the furniture or move it away from the wall in order to carry out the transformation. The last drawback is the instability of the mechanism: the structures often break.

A distinctive feature of the “Accordion” is its simplicity. Transforming a sleeping chair equipped with such a mechanism does not require excessive effort. The speed of layout is the main advantage of the Accordion; you just need to use the pen.

This sleeping place is as comfortable as possible for a night's rest. The secret to the demand for such economy class models lies in their convenience. Another advantage of “Accordions” is the affordable price: the cost of such inexpensive models is usually budget and does not exceed 10 thousand rubles.

A chair with a Tic-Tac mechanism is convenient to use on carpet-type floor coverings - for example, carpet. The Walking Eurobook is easy to move. If necessary, the chair can be quickly moved to another room.

The advantages of “Walking Eurobooks” do not end there. Another important plus that cannot be ignored is the presence of a compartment for bed linen.

A compartment for storing bedding will save space in the closet. By purchasing a “Walking Eurobook” with a laundry box, you won’t have to worry about scratches on the floor surface.

Let's say a few words about the folding chairs of the Conrad series.

It is difficult to find the Conrad model on the domestic furniture market. An amazing fact, but Russian manufacturers do not produce such chairs. One of the possible reasons for the reluctance to produce such furniture may be its difficult transformation and complexity of installation. But Conrad chairs have their advantages, including their compact size and spacious drawers for storing linen. Their compactness makes these chairs ideal for small spaces.

The cost of Conrad chairs ranges from 6 to 8 thousand rubles. The final price is influenced by the material from which the furniture is made.

Many consumers prefer Eurosoph folding chair models.

The advantages of such products include reliability, ease of operation, the presence of a compartment for bedding and an affordable price.

Furniture classification

When choosing a chair-bed, you need to focus on several indicators. These are features of mechanisms, design, materials. Thanks to this approach, it will be possible to find the most convenient and compact option for a small room.

By transformation method

The comfort of a chair-bed largely depends on the characteristics of the folding device. It is important to pay attention to whether you need to put in a lot of effort, how much space a piece of furniture occupies when assembling and disassembling, whether it is movable and many other nuances. The following mechanisms are popular today:

  1. Cradle. To get a place to sleep, you need to lift and pull the seat towards you, freeing the assembled furniture. In American models, the mattress is folded in half, in French models - in three. The thickness of the mattress depends on the number of folds.
  2. Accordion. The bunk consists of a backrest, which is larger than the seat and consists of two parts facing the backrests. The chair folds according to the accordion principle: two elements form a raised platform and are attached to the seat. The design is considered the most successful, since when unfolded it gives a flat surface without gaps.
  3. Eurobook. The seat is moved forward and the backrest is placed in the free space. Such chair-beds are compact and do not form gaps when placed against a wall.
  4. Click-clack. Like Eurobook, it gives a smooth surface. To unfold the furniture, you need to raise the seat to a height at which a characteristic click is heard, and then lower the mattress. The chair is assembled in the same way, but in the opposite direction.
  5. Eurosofa. To unfold the bed, you need to pull out the clothes drawer and remove the back cushion. Next, you need to flip the top of the mattress over and place it on top of your laundry drawer.
  6. Tango. The mechanism provides three positions for the backrest: sitting, relaxed and sleeping. It can be vertical, slightly inclined or horizontal.
  7. Dolphin. Part of the bed is hidden under the seat. To unfold the bed, you need to pull out the bottom part, remove the mattress and fix it flush with the seat.

Chair beds are often equipped with retractable mechanisms. The block slides out from under the seat and the backrest falls into place. The disadvantage is that over time, gaps appear between the parts of the folding parts.








By type of design

Chair-beds differ not only in their folding mechanisms. They may have different designs. The most popular options:

  1. With compartments for white clothes. One or more drawers are mounted in a cabinet. Since storage problems are especially acute in small spaces, these models provide additional space for folding things.
  2. With orthopedic base. Thanks to the design that relieves stress on the spine, chair-beds are suitable for everyday use. The anatomical effect is ensured by a special frame and padding. Furniture should be selected taking into account individual characteristics.
  3. For children. Compact models are convenient for night rest and daytime games. Bright fabrics are used for upholstery; images based on fairy tales and cartoons are applied to the surface. If there is a catastrophic lack of space in the nursery, you can install a miniature chair-bed.
  4. Corner models. Thanks to the design, it is possible to save as much usable space as possible. The furniture is made with one or two backs, without armrests.

When choosing a corner option, you need to take into account the features of its future location and the direction of development.

Chair-beds are made with or without armrests. Products without side walls are easier to install and have a wider bed. Smaller: They are more likely to fail because the structure is less orderly.

Best Sofa Bed Designs and Colors for Teens

With compartments for clothes

With orthopedic mattress

For children


With armrests

Without side walls

What are the transformation mechanisms?

Over the long history of man's desire for comfort, many chairs have been created that can turn into a comfortable bed in a few minutes.

Moreover, many companies still compete with each other in ingenuity, trying to come up with something new. It’s difficult to judge how well they succeed.

Now a little more about which mechanisms are preferred by the most popular furniture manufacturers:

  • Popular mechanism "Accordion".
    Chairs with this mechanism are famous for being the most comfortable for sleeping due to their ideal surface.

The transformation occurs quite simply, just imagine yourself as a musical instrument. The design consists of three sections and unfolds like an accordion.

  • Chair with Dolphin mechanism.
    It’s hard to imagine what exactly caused the creators of this design to associate it with a dolphin diving into the water, but the mechanism works according to the following principle: there is a retractable block directly under the seat of the chair.

First you need to remove the upper cushions, and then use the handle to push the seat up, and then unfold it.

  • Clamshell mechanism.
    With this mechanism, not everything is as simple as it might seem at first glance. There are two main types of sleeping chairs and beds.

The first one is the “French folding bed”,

which works on a simple principle: all the pillows are removed from above, after which the folding element is pulled out.

In fact, this is a mattress with a steel frame securely hidden inside the chair. “American Folding Phone” is more thoughtful.

The top cushions also take part in the transformation, plus a more durable structure. There is also a third subtype - “Sedaflex” or “Belgian folding bed”.

Due to serious differences in design, it is often classified as an independent species. All a person needs to do is pull the handle and the chair will turn into a comfortable bed.

  • "Eurosophist". The main advantage of chairs with this mechanism is reliability and simplicity. It is enough to push the seat forward and place the backrest in the resulting space.
  • "Book". This mechanism deserves special respect; perhaps every person who lived under the Soviet Union is well acquainted with it. At first glance, it really resembles a book.

It is enough to move the seat forward a little and unfold the chair like a book. To be fair, it is worth noting that it is most often used in sofas.

  • “Walking Eurobook” or “Tick-Tock”. At first glance, the transformation process resembles steps. Using the handle, the seat is pulled up and, without touching the floor, becomes stable; the back rests in its place.
  • "Conrad."
    The system consists of three parts. First, the central block extends to turn the chair into a bed. For the final transformation, you just need to pull the back section up and you can rest.

Dimensions of folding chairs - sleeping space parameters

The range of chair models with a bed transformation system offers a wide selection of standard sizes. The smallest possible width of a berth is 60 cm; these chairs are mainly intended for children. The average bed width is 70-80 cm and the maximum possible size is 120 cm, the standard bed length is 190-210 cm.

The parameters of the assembled chair-bed depend on the design features. So, for chairs without armrests, the width of the product is comparable to the width of the bed. In models with side walls, the difference in width is 25 cm or more.

Standard dimensions of the assembled transforming chair:

  • seat width – at least 60 cm;
  • seat depth – from 50 to 70 cm;
  • seat height – from 35 to 38 cm;
  • back height – from 70 to 120 cm.

The nuances of making a frameless model

Young people prefer frameless chair-beds. Such furniture is practical and corresponds to modern fashion. The frameless chair-bed has no rigid parts; it is a transformer assembled from pillows.

Having several frameless chairs, you can combine them: make a sofa, move it to different parts of the room, placing it near the TV or coffee table. No carpentry work is required; for the work you will need a sewing machine, scissors, a ruler, and chalk.

The chair-bed can be made from sheets of foam rubber 10 cm thick, glue them together in pairs with PVA construction glue. Using a ruler and marker, we cut out the dried layers, cut them exactly according to the markings with scissors, and get the following blanks:

  • square 80x80 cm – 2 pcs;
  • rectangle 30x80 cm – 1 piece;
  • rectangle 20x80 cm – 2 pcs.

The pieces cut to size are 20 cm thick, the next step is cutting the fabric. When working, it is important not to forget about seam allowances; they should be at least 2 cm; where the zipper will be sewn in, the allowance is larger - 3 cm.

When sewing parts together, use masking tape for greater strength and durability of the seams.

Take the time and money to sew 2 types of covers. Some of them are drafts made of inexpensive mixed fabric, the second are elegant ones made of high-quality upholstery fabric. You will get several rectangular blanks, folded in half, they are the same size as the foam blanks. The parts are assembled into a single structure using zippers sewn into the covers. You will need 7 zippers, each 80 cm long. Now that you know how to make a chair-bed with your own hands, you can take the proposed ideas as a basis and find a more original solution for your apartment and bring it to life.

Recommendations for choosing upholstery

An important selection criterion that affects the quality of a chair-bed is the upholstery of the chair. The main requirements for the coating material are resistance to wear, fading and abrasion.

There are many types of upholstery:

  • different types of fabrics;
  • artificial leather;
  • real leather

The choice of one type of coverage or another depends on the personal preferences and financial capabilities of the consumer.

The following types of fabrics are used for upholstery of upholstered furniture:

  • jacquard;
  • chenille;
  • tapestry;
  • herd;
  • velvet

An armchair-bed with jacquard upholstery will decorate the interior in a classic style. The fabric is 50% organic cotton and holds its shape well. Jacquard fabric cannot be wet cleaned and is therefore not recommended for families with small children and pets.

Unpretentious and inexpensive chenille is distinguished by its high density and strength. Ideal for everyday use.

The tapestry also has fairly high strength indicators. The advantages of the material include its availability.

Flock is another type of practical material. The velvety non-woven material is pleasant to the touch and easy to clean.

The main advantage of velvet is its spectacular appearance. Despite its sufficient strength, velvet is not recommended for use as upholstery for household furniture.

Genuine leather is always in demand; its spectacular and reliable upholstery has excellent performance characteristics. A significant disadvantage is the high price of the material.

Modern eco-leather is practically not inferior to its natural counterpart in terms of characteristics and appearance. At the same time, the price of the material is several times lower.

Disadvantages of the linen compartment

The presence of a linen department increases the functionality of any category of furniture, but at the same time, almost all chair-beds have a number of significant disadvantages:

  • the presence of a box pallet requires its camouflage, which to a certain extent reduces the versatility of the design and requires appropriate design measures to disguise the place where linen is stored;
  • the storage capacity is small - in some pieces of furniture it is impossible to store a winter duvet and a large pillow in it;
  • Often, arranging a place to store a change of bed linen leads to an increase in the size of the furniture, thereby discrediting the very idea of ​​​​a compact chair-bed.


The filling for chairs must be chosen so that the materials retain their shape for a long time. Peculiarities:

  • Independent spring block: the chair follows all the curves of the body, creating an orthopedic surface for a restful sleep. Among the advantages, it is worth noting elasticity and long service life.
  • The dependent spring unit is reliable, well ventilated and can withstand higher loads.
  • Springless block: Chairs are filled with latex, synthetic padding, synthetic padding or polyurethane foam. The padding is elastic, durable and will last more than 10 years without deforming.

Preliminary work

Once the drawings for the folding chair bed are ready, and the materials have been selected, you can begin manufacturing the wood system:

Drawing of a bed chair (A—without pillows, B—with pillows laid): 1—1st pull-out section; 2 — chair reinforcement bar; 3 — side of the chair; 4 - guide bar; m5 - transverse panel; 6 — pillows (on the chair — ordinary down); 7 — chair seat; 8 — 2nd retractable section; 9 - furniture corner; 10 - costly shield.

  1. At the very beginning, 6 bars of 55 cm each are cut out to mark the length of the bed. They will be placed in such a way that the outermost 5 cm overlap.
  2. Then another 5 beams of 45 cm and 2 of 40 cm are cut out, which are safely fixed at 3 control points of each pair of longitudinal beams. Fixation occurs in such a way that there is always one connecting beam, with the help of which the system can fold and unfold backwards. In order to ensure mobility, you will have to resort to hinges.
  3. 4 bars of 20 cm each, which will serve as legs for the retractable parts of the structure, are attached to furniture hinges so that they go inward when folded. The hinges themselves are attached not from below to the beams, but from the inside, so the possibility of breaking is reduced significantly.
  4. For the main element, elbows are made from chipboard 50*50 cm. Fastening is done with a washer, so that in case of small deformations of the structure, not a single element suffers. Extensions are made on the bottom and top of the side shields (a strip of 50 * 3 cm), which are oriented outward so that later such a step does not interfere with the vacationer.
  5. Using a jigsaw, 4 slabs of 50*50 cm are cut, 3 of which will be placed as a bed, and the outermost one will become the back. The end plate must be able to tilt back as necessary, so you will have to install a movable mechanism with clamps.

Fixation is carried out using furniture screws. But before screwing them in, you need to prepare the narrowest hole using a drill.

Lyon Nadezhda

Hygienic polyurethane foam in a mattress Country Russia Average price: 9320 rub. Score (2021): 4.2

Various manufacturers strive to offer products with decent support at a low price. The choice of material in this case is obvious - it is polyurethane foam, the demand for which is always high. The raw material is a petroleum product; porous synthetic materials consist mainly of an inert gas phase. Our fellow citizens are closer to the name “Porolon” ​​- a brand of elastic polyurethane foam from Scandinavian countries. The best feature of the material is its successful resistance to moisture and microorganisms.

According to consumer reviews, this filler has ideal hygienic parameters. Does not mold, does not generate dust and does not cause allergies. The model presented by the Lyon factory is very comfortable, as it is softened with foam rubber: durable and at the same time airy, soft and elastic, following the shape of the body. The substance is superior to many analogues in sound and heat insulation. There is one minus: there is no headboard.

Tools needed

What you will need:

  • washers;
  • 8 pieces of screws;
  • 2 springs;
  • 2 plugs;
  • nuts;
  • screwdriver;
  • screwdriver

Step-by-step {instructions} on how to assemble a chair-bed

Follow the following sequence:

  1. Beforehand, it is better to keep the parts in a warm room for at least 2 hours.
  2. Free up space and prepare the necessary items.
  3. Place the packaging materials on the floor and unpack the products.
  4. Install the fasteners on the sidewalls and secure with screws and washers.
  5. Fix the supports and attach the nuts. Create the same with flags.
  6. After that you can start installing the drawer. Fasteners are useful for this.
  7. The spring and plug should also be secured.
  8. Secure the sides to the mechanism with screws.
  9. Attach the backrest and make sure the structure is secure.
( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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