Ironing chest of drawers - types and design, selection rules

Some household chores (for example: ironing) are more convenient to perform using special devices. An ironing chest is designed for these purposes. It is a piece of furniture equipped with a folding surface. This model is multifunctional and convenient, saves space, and has spacious storage drawers. Transformation of the product is carried out quickly and does not require effort. Additional accessories in the form of an iron stand, a shelf for a sprinkler, and a roller system contribute to the proper organization of the work process. The rest of the time the furniture is used as a regular chest of drawers.

Folding methods

Although, like any other furniture, a chest of drawers with an ironing board provides several types of models:

  • Foldable. It is divided into 3 sections. The central one acts as a dresser table top. The side ones are attached to it movably and are folding. The most common transformer option is the sides of the ironing board that drop down. At the same time, the surface will also be soft and equipped with a special covering. Special holders or hinged doors of the lower part act as supports;
  • Retractable. The top panel of the chest of drawers is equipped with low sides around the perimeter. Behind them is a retractable mechanism that allows you to slide the board to the side or hide it inside. It also comes in several folding sections. A double tabletop acts as a support. It is made in two parts. The board is pulled out onto one with a stop, and the second serves as a leg;
  • Shortened. The tabletop of the dresser itself acts as a surface for ironing. The short length makes the model less comfortable to use.

There are also several types of movable tabletop mechanisms:

  • Sliding. The surface of the ironing board is solid. It protrudes beyond the edge of the chest of drawers only on one side. Represented by the surface hidden behind the upper box of the case. If necessary, the box moves to the side, revealing the board;
  • Lifting. The board is also solid, but the box covering it rises up. Equipped with a lock. It prevents the tabletop from falling arbitrarily.

The dimensions of the board on average range from 115 to 130 cm. The depth does not exceed the limit of 35 - 40 cm. For short options, the length will not exceed 80 - 85 cm. This approach will make the chest of drawers more compact, but will significantly complicate the ironing process.

How to choose the right one

In the process of selecting such a product, important criteria are taken into account:

  • optimal cost corresponding to the quality and parameters of the interior item;
  • attractive appearance, well suited for the specific room where the product is planned to be installed;
  • the ironing chest should be durable and reliable, as well as easy to unfold and fold;
  • the size of the board should be optimal so that no difficulties or problems arise in the process of ironing various things, so this item should not be too small or narrow;
  • a transformer is considered optimal, since the board can easily be folded, so it will not spoil the appearance of the entire room and chest of drawers;
  • equipped with various additional elements, represented by baskets, drawers, stands, compartments or other parts of the chest of drawers, designed for storing all kinds of things or objects;
  • It is recommended to focus on models equipped with a special cover that simplifies the ironing process, and if necessary, it can be easily removed, washed, dried, and then put back on the board.

Thus, ironing chests of drawers are considered an excellent choice for any housewife. They are distinguished by good capacity, durability and attractive appearance. If it is not possible to select a suitable model, then it is quite easy to create it yourself, for which you can use different materials. The designs can have different colors, and they can also be installed in the living room, bedroom or other room.

Types of bases and covers

An important criterion for the durability of an ironing board is the material used to make the base.

The options may be as follows:

  • Thick plywood or pressed boards. The most budget option. But there are a huge number of shortcomings. The significant weight of the slabs does not save them from the fear of overheating. The sawdust adhesive will gradually evaporate into toxic volatile substances. In addition to harm to health, the material will begin to crumble and delaminate. The plywood will quickly warp and begin to make unpleasant squeaks. MDF is more stable, but also does not become a panacea;
  • Wood. Can be used, but only in hardwood versions. Soft types of wood do not like heat. This can lead to deformation of the fiber structure and curvature of the surface;
  • Thermoplastic. Lightweight material that does not deform even from high temperatures. It is characterized by high strength and a very high price;
  • Perforated metal. Significant weight is not suitable for cases made of light materials (bamboo, rattan). The balance of the entire product will be disrupted. There should be a lot of holes. Otherwise, the cover or soft covering of the board will constantly become damp. This may result in mold appearing on the textile part. It will last a long time, but the price tag will be noticeably higher. In this regard, metal bases in the form of a lattice are more suitable.

Under no circumstances should the base contain elements made of ordinary plastic. It easily melts even from minor overheating. If there are plastic parts in the chest of drawers, then also avoid contact with the hot iron.

Pay attention to the material of the upholstery or cover. Cotton fabrics are standardly used. This is a budget option. It would be better if it was a removable cover. Upholstery made from synthetic fabrics will last much longer. In addition to increased strength, they may have properties such as non-stick or the ability to repel water. Many expensive models of covers are equipped with special iron-cleaning inclusions in textiles or metal plates to enhance the smoothing effect.

Manufacturing materials

The ironing chest is made using various materials, so it is possible to choose the best option. The materials most often used for its manufacture are:

  • wood that provides a durable, high-quality and beautiful product, but its cost is considered high, and under the influence of high temperatures the wood can be deformed;
  • Chipboard or MDF make it possible to obtain inexpensive structures that have the necessary parameters and an interesting appearance, but before purchasing such models you should make sure that they do not contain hazardous substances, since their use in residential premises is prohibited;
  • plastic can be used for a chest of drawers, but the ironing board itself must be made of other materials that are resistant to high temperatures, and during use of the structure, the hot surface of the iron must not come into contact with plastic elements;
  • metal ensures a stable chest of drawers with significant mass, so this option is chosen if you do not plan to periodically move the structure from one place to another.

Models made from natural rattan are also becoming popular, but when purchasing them, you need to make sure that they have a reliable frame so that when using a heavy iron, a situation does not arise in which the furniture simply falls.

If you plan to make the structure yourself, then usually MDF, chipboard or natural wood is chosen for this. Photos of the finished results can be seen below, and if you work independently, you will be able to choose the best option for any interior.




Advantages and disadvantages of ironing chests of drawers

Using an ironing board cabinet provides a number of advantages:

  • Efficient use of space;
  • An original appearance that can become a pleasant accent in any interior;
  • High functionality. The boards in such bedside tables can also be equipped with iron holders, hangers and other elements that increase the comfort of use;
  • Reliability. The base of the chest greatly extends the life of the board;
  • Sustainability. The furniture body is significantly more stable than traditional folding legs.

There are also some downsides:

  • Increased price tag. You have to pay for convenience;
  • No height adjustment. Any ordinary board allows you to raise or lower it on several levels. There is no such advantage here. The level of the ironing surface strictly depends on the height of the frame. Be guided by this when choosing;
  • Joints on the board. The lion's share of models is represented by sectional boards;
  • Fear of overload. Under no circumstances should you lean your elbows on the folding board or place heavy things on the folding parts.


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The base or support is the structure on which the board will rest. It matters a lot. Affects the stability of the structure, as well as ease of use.

There are several types of base:

  • Without legs
    . Maximum stability. Transformable furniture rests on the bottom of the structure;
  • On little legs
    . It is difficult to clean under such chests of drawers. But the stability is decent;
  • On rollerskates
    . Mobile and convenient. Easily move around the room;
  • With spacers
    . The board rests on them. Spacers extend from the sides of the furniture.

The choice is yours. Explore all options. And make a decision.

How does a chest of drawers with an ironing board work?

Frame - materials and dimensions

The frame in ironing chests of drawers can consist of a traditional set of elements, including the sides, back wall, bottom and upper horizon. However, it is often a through structure made of narrow planks divided into sections. Subsequently, the voids are filled with baskets or boxes.

The base material can be:

  • Solid wood. Many people are confused by the high price tag. In practice, this pays off with a long service life and high decorative value. The material is demanding on indoor conditions. Does not like dampness and temperature changes;
  • Pressed particle boards. Available, cheap material. With proper use it will last quite a long time. Requires multi-layer varnishing;
  • MDF. Denser than other types of slabs. Relaxes with steam;
  • Lacquered boards;
  • Metal. Durable and at the same time extremely flexible material. Variations using artistic forging look the most beautiful. It is better to give preference to stainless steel varieties. Don’t forget about using fabric steaming;
  • Plastic. Most often it acts as a complement to other materials.

It is not enough to evaluate the properties and advantages of the basic materials for the manufacture of the chest of drawers and the base of the board. They must be combined with each other. A heavy solid metal board is a bad option for a through frame with a chip base. But it is ideal for an openwork forged base.

The average height of a chest of drawers can vary from 80 to 90 cm. Serious violations of these values ​​will lead to problems with ironing. The width can vary from 50 to 70 cm. The larger this parameter, the more comfortable it is to use. Too narrow variations force the folding sections of the board itself to be too large. The standard depth is 35 cm or slightly higher.

Filling and equipment

Most often, the storage system includes:

  • Traditional boxes. They are modest in size and protect the contents from dust during storage. For ease of use, they are equipped with side guides with small rollers. Provide free space in front of the façade. When open, they take up a lot of space;
  • Removable baskets. A favorite option is wicker made of natural or artificial rattan, willow, or bamboo. The beautiful design of the baskets is combined with natural ventilation of stored items. To increase the decorative effect, fabric covers are placed inside the baskets, matching the pattern with the covering of the board. Usually pulled out by hand;
  • Shelves. Used much less frequently. These are standard sections with a straight bottom. They can be either open or closed. They are often used in variations where front doors serve as stops under the board. They can be located not only on the front side, but also on the sides;
  • Side bars. Even one such outdoor element will allow you to iron several items of wrinkled fabrics without having to rush to the closet to hang them.

Types of bases

The stability of the ironing cabinet largely depends on the type of installation of the base:

  • Direct placement on the floor. High stability, but there will be problems with cleaning. The legs are completely missing. The bottom of the body acts as a support;
  • Base system. The legs can be replaced or combined with extended sides. A plinth strip with a width of at least 7 cm is attached to the front side. It has decorative functions and plays the role of additional support. It’s good if there is a gap with the floor in the central part of the base;
  • Classic legs. This furniture is not high. They consist of 4 straight supports located at the corners of the body;
  • Movable wheels. The rollers are covered with special covers. They can rotate around their own axis. They are ideally suited for variations where the board is based on metal. Significantly increase the mobility of the chest of drawers.

Materials used

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Now to the question of what such a transforming chest of drawers with an ironing board can be made of.

  • Tree
    . Safe and environmentally friendly. There are no impregnations of glue or formaldehyde resins. Nothing evaporates when ironing with a hot iron. But over time, high temperatures can deform and burn wood. The design does not like dampness. The price is high;
  • Chipboard and MDF
    . If you don’t have money for wood, or you don’t see the need for such expenses, then take MDF or chipboard. Externally they imitate wood. It is important to check the quality certificates. No toxic impregnations. Otherwise, using such furniture in everyday life is dangerous. MDF has a denser structure compared to DPS. Plus, the material better withstands temperature loads, as well as temperature changes;
  • Plywood
    . Only some parts of the chest of drawers are made from it. These are the back walls, as well as the bottom of the internal drawers and shelves;
  • Thermoplastic
    . It is important to use only thermoplastic. This is the only type of plastic that can withstand such temperature loads. Not suitable for the ironing board itself. But in some structural elements it is used;
  • Metal
    . It is used to lighten structures. Metal is used to make through walls, as well as mesh surfaces, chests of drawers, etc. Metal is also suitable for spacers and supports.

I won’t talk about the design of the ironing surface itself. But let me remind you about the material on repairing ironing boards with your own hands.

Photos of ironing chests of drawers



The modest size of modern apartments makes it extremely attractive to purchase furniture elements that combine the functions of several items at once. One of them rightfully becomes an ironing chest of drawers. It will allow you to create a high-quality storage system with an excellent appearance at a minimum cost of footage.

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