Why you can’t sleep with your feet towards the door, what will happen with such a rest

Comfort during sleep provides quality rest, vigor and good mood in the morning. People have always paid special attention to night sleep. In ancient times, a sign appeared that says that it is not recommended to sleep with your feet facing the exit. Even if many family members lived in the house, the bed was always placed according to the rules. There are still disputes between religious supporters, psychologists and doctors regarding the question of why you can’t sleep with your feet facing the door. There are various explanations for this ban, including scientific ones. Is it worth believing in folk signs? Let’s find out in this article.

The nature of superstitions

In the distant past, our ancestors did not know the laws of physics, biology, or astronomy. But in order to survive, humanity had to understand the world around it. Therefore, people observed nature, everything that happened around them, tried to build patterns, understand causes and consequences. Facts intertwined with fiction, and thus signs and superstitions were born, in particular, whether it is possible to sleep with your feet against the door.

Superstitious folk signs

Attention to the position of the sleeping body relative to the door has been known for a long time. For ancient peoples, a dream had a mystical meaning, so the question arose of how to organize a place for it among different peoples. Sleep should bring rest and strength for the next day of life.

At night, man felt like a defenseless creature in the face of the incomprehensible forces of nature. The place where he spent the night was supposed to protect him. Different nationalities - Slavs, Scandinavians, Chinese - have developed a belief that a sleeping person should not stand with his feet towards the door.

Signs of the Slavs

The Slavs believed that it was on their feet that some evil forces carried the souls of people to the Kingdom of the Dead, to the underworld. And when a person sleeps with his feet stuck in the door, it is easy for the spirits of the underworld to steal his soul. Death in a dream happened often, and there was such a sign. You go to bed with your feet facing the exit; You may not wake up.

Among the Slavs, like other peoples, a door or entrance to a room was perceived as a kind of portal, a transition between worlds


Many superstitions and traditions are rooted in the distant past, their origins in Slavic and Scandinavian myths. This is primarily explained by the belief that in the doorway and windows there are portals to the other world. Through them, evil spirits can enter the world and take away the strength and health of a sleeping person.

It was believed that even the soul could be taken to the afterlife or would wander in other dimensions.

You should briefly study each of them, what the essence of beliefs is, the main threats to a person sleeping in this position.

Feng Shui - about the rules of sleep

Feng Shui originated in Ancient China more than 3,000 years ago. This is the practice of symbolic exploration of the surrounding space. It takes into account the distribution of circulating energy flows for better organization of all aspects of human life.

Sleep, work, study, hosting - everything should be organized according to certain rules. The Feng Shui prohibition of sleeping with your feet towards the door is not associated with death and the dark world of spirits. The purpose of this practice is to preserve and store the body's natural energy for good health and well-being.

The position of the sleeping person with his feet to the door of the room allows a large amount of energy to flow; a night's rest does not bring strength and vigor; on the contrary, the next morning a person feels tired, sick, and depressed.

Masters of ancient teachings believe that it is harmful not only to sleep with your feet pointing towards the exit. Mirrors affect a sleeping person. In the teachings, a mirror is a magical object that can duplicate good and bad effects. So the sharp corners of the room will carry negative energy, and the mirror will duplicate it.

According to ancient beliefs, a mirror is a direct exit to the other world. And from there another entity is constantly watching the sleeping person. Therefore, a mirror in front of the bed is a serious risk to health and life.

Scandinavian signs

From time immemorial, Scandinavians believed that a person leaves his body in his sleep. If you sleep with your feet facing the door, you must lock it at night. It is believed that a soul that has left the body can go out through an open door and not return. In this case, the person dies. Also, thousands of years ago, the Scandinavians believed that an open door attracted evil spirits that could cause damage and remain in the house. If this happens, special rituals must be performed to expel evil spirits.

Russian folk traditions and beliefs VS Feng Shui

Feng Shui does not allow you to sleep with your head towards the door. The East teaches you to have a reliable wall behind the top of your head while you sleep, protecting not only from drafts, but also ensuring maximum peace of mind. Therefore, if your bed is not equipped with a headboard, it is better to sleep with your head towards the wall.

However, you can't sleep with your feet out the door. Feng Shui itself warns that this is the pose of a dead man. By the way, returning to Russian beliefs, let us remember that here too the sages and elders warn: you should not sleep with your feet in the door. Why? Only the dead are carried with their feet, so in order not to attract attention to yourself as a guide to another world, do not put your feet in the doorway while sleeping.

Of course, if you have a choice of how to sleep on the door - with your head or with your feet, then it is better to sleep on the door with your head. But you must be careful that there is at least one cape behind your head, otherwise you need this direction to interact with the magnetic fields of the planet.

It is also not good to sleep with your head towards the window, because symbolically air enters the room through the window, which must exit through the doors and take with it everything that has accumulated in this room: ventilate, blow out, take out. In the same way, vital energy and success are expelled from a person who sleeps with his head to the window, in order to avoid losses and illnesses (which, however, is not difficult to explain if he sleeps with his head to the window) window) window) window), it is better to place the bed along the window , but not with the headboard towards the windowsill.

Arrangement options for different beds

When furnishing a room, it is worth considering the convenience of the household.

  • The double bed should be positioned correctly so that both spouses can freely approach it.
  • Single bedroom furniture for bachelors or teenagers takes up less space and has more arrangement options. It can be placed along the wall line, along the window sill, or diagonally.
  • A bed with a high headboard makes it possible to create a more comfortable sleeping place: even if the product is located by the window, the soft back will protect from drafts.

If there is room for two beds in the bedroom, it is better to place them along opposite walls. And the crib should be equidistant from the entrance and the window: this way the baby will be protected from extraneous noise, running batteries and bright light.

Sleeping with your head or feet towards the door: what to choose

A person spends almost a third of his life sleeping, so correct body posture is important. Many people like to watch TV, read a book, or even eat while lying in bed. They also say that in this situation they could live forever. But it is very important to know how best to lie down, where to point your legs and head in order to completely relax. It often happens that after a full night’s sleep, in the morning you realize that you didn’t get enough sleep, everything hurts and hurts. Deep and comfortable sleep is the key to a successful day and good mood.

You can believe the signs and, following them, choose a comfortable place for the bed. Skeptics believe that the holiday will be of high quality in any direction. But there are few of them, mostly people follow the signs and choose what their faith says.

Chinese philosophy Feng Shui

According to one of the popular Chinese philosophical teachings, every element of the house should have its place. It is the correct arrangement of things that will ensure a constant flow of positive energy, which means there will be happiness, well-being and health in the house. An arch or opening in a house is the boundary between two energy areas, the outer one is considered “dead”, and the inner one is considered “alive”. Since they cannot be crossed and mixed, you cannot sleep with your head or feet towards the window, balcony or door. This is not a mortal threat, but can lead to lethargy, weakness and moodiness because positive energy wanes.

Clue! Feng Shui says that the bed should be placed so that the beneficial currents do not escape. The bed is placed diagonally to the door - this is the best option.

If the room does not allow it to be placed in this way, the bedroom is closed before going to bed. In this case, “dead” energy will not flow, sleep will be calm and sound, and dreams will be free of nightmares.

Many people think that sleeping with your head against the door is very bad, especially in noisy families. This situation puts a lot of pressure on the psyche, interfering with sleep and causing discomfort.

In Chinese philosophy there are also several requirements for the bed itself:

  • The headboard should not be made of slats or have holes; it will not protect the person behind it.
  • There should be no drawers on top of the bed; they interfere with the passage of energy.
  • There are fewer sharp edges that can cause family conflicts.
  • The double model should not have a partition in the middle - they destroy the relationship between spouses.

Superstitions of Slavic peoples

The Slavs have many myths that they pass on to their next generations. According to one of them, the gate is a portal to another world from another world.

  • If you sleep with your feet facing the hole, you will soon find yourself in a grave.

The belief says that if you fall asleep with your limbs towards the entrance, there is a risk of never waking up again. While the body is resting, the soul leaves it, because the path is open for it.

  • There is another sign: evil spirits enter the house through a portal and try to grab a person in a dream. Perhaps all this is fiction, but by unconsciously believing it, a person is asking for trouble and waking up in the morning without rest from bad thoughts.

Mythology of Scandinavia

The Scandinavians also have their own beliefs. They believe that the world is conventionally divided into three parts: the upper one with angels and gods, the middle one is given over to mortals, and the lower one is inhabited by demons, monsters and other evil spirits.

These are the inhabitants of the lower world carefully watching people who sleep with their feet pressed against the door. They believe that in this way a person shows that he is disposed towards them, and they begin to poison them. Evil spirits follow him for a long time, and then choose the right moment and take the sleeper to their kingdom of nightmares. Therefore, you should not sleep on the way out if you do not want to find yourself under the gaze of demons.

Islam and Christianity regarding the location of the bed

This religion does not give precise recommendations on how to sleep with a crown. A Muslim can rest towards the gate, the main condition is that his head is turned towards the holy city of Mecca. In Islam it is forbidden to sleep on your stomach.

This is important to know! The Bible does not give any advice, the main thing is that the Orthodox should be firm in his faith and feel comfortable while sleeping.

What does Indian philosophy advise?

Indian culture is very particular about night rest. Yogis are of the opinion that the human body has its own magnetic field, just like our planet. Therefore, the foot represents the south pole and the head represents the north.

Clue! During sleep, it should be positioned in accordance with the energy lines of the Earth. If you sleep in this position, you wake up in the morning rested and alert.

If the room does not allow the bed to be positioned as required by Islam, then the sleeper should turn his head to the east or northeast.

In India, houses were built with the bedroom window facing the north side, or the direction from which the sun rises.

Practical approach without mysticism

There are so many accepted and believed beliefs that you won’t immediately understand how best to sleep: with your head towards the door or with your feet? There is an opinion that it is worth choosing a position based on the cardinal directions.

Holidays in the crown of the north are considered the best option. But when choosing, it is important to consider not only the direction, but also other points, for example:

  • do not tilt your head towards the window;
  • the head of the bed cannot be placed against a wall with a door;
  • back to the door;
  • the bed is not placed next to the mirror.
  • You need to lie down not with your feet towards the opening, but with your head towards the mirror.

If we discard all superstitions and mystical ideas, then we need to focus on our preferences, taking into account the practical benefits of the chosen position. It should protect a person from noise, street dust, drafts, light from flashlights, and accidentally broken pieces of glass in the window.

Clue! The optimal location of the bed will give the sleeper a feeling of security, peace and comfort. And how to choose the best place, intuition and your own body will tell you which one you need to be able to listen to.

Norse mythology

Scandinavian countries have their own mythological picture about how to sleep properly. According to it, the whole world is divided into three parts:

  • Asgard is an analogue of Paradise or Mount Olympus, a place where only gods live.
  • Midgard is the ordinary world of people, that is, the place where we all live.
  • Utgard is an analogue of Hell, the land of demons and bloodthirsty monsters.

If you sleep with your head facing away from the door, it is believed that the door will open a portal to the world of demons. The human soul becomes very vulnerable. Lost souls wander in Utgard, doomed to suffering and unable to return to their bodies. If an evil spirit breaks out of Utgard, it can steal the soul of the sleeping person and take it with him, or occupy his body while the spirit hovers somewhere else. The person either dies after this or becomes possessed.

Relying on Norse mythology, the door at your feet in a dream opens a portal to the world of lost souls

It is in connection with this myth, which came from Ancient Scandinavia, that it is not recommended to turn your feet towards the exit while resting at night.

Psychologists' opinion

The opinions of doctors and psychologists about the location of the bed in the room differ diametrically. First of all, the attitude of the person himself at this time is important. People who perceive the world in today's reality do not pay attention to superstitions with ancient signs or customs. Therefore, they arrange their home the way they like and how it is convenient for them.

If a person initially has all kinds of signs in his head and believes in them, then the inconsistency of the bedroom with these fictitious rules can cause great discomfort, lead to sleep disturbances, problems with mental and physical health.

Therefore, psychologists advise changing the space to suit you. For some, sleeping with the door closed is enough to achieve a state of peace. There is a feeling of security and peace. There are also opposing opinions. There are people who find it more convenient to sleep feet first, with the entrance to the room in front of their eyes.

The only correct answer to the question posed can be formulated as follows: you should sleep with the bed positioned, as it is convenient for a particular person

It is easier for them to immediately see the person entering the room. And there are people who physically cannot rest their heads against the door. It seems to them that space is “pressing” on them from the outside. Most often this happens in large families, where there is often a lot of noise, and there are always a lot of people in the apartment or house.

Let's look into the past

It turns out that sleeping with your feet towards the door has not been customary since ancient times. Science relatively recently won the right to convincingly explain many natural phenomena and laws of the surrounding world. Before its development, people's lives were filled with fears, apprehensions and thousands of strange traditions that were obligatory.

The house, for example, was identified with the living space, which was surrounded by the hostile forces of evil. Windows and doors, accordingly, served as certain portals communicating with these mysterious worlds. Probably, such beliefs have been preserved since primitive times, when predatory animals or enemies could sneak through the entrance to a home. Later, these fears were transformed into myths, omens and migrated to paganism.

The life of an ancient man was complicated by many rituals that had to be performed from morning to evening. After all, dangers lurked at every step: strong winds, thunder and lightning clearly indicated the wrath of the gods. The look of an unpleasant person promised damage and illness. There would hardly be one area of ​​life where there was no witchcraft and the revenge of evil forces. However, modernity can surprise no less.

Why you can't sleep with your feet facing the door

So is it possible to sleep with your feet out the door, or is this far from just a sign? Let's take a look and find the truth.

Feng Shui sign

Among the eastern peoples, with their special worldview, the door was also considered a passage between worlds. They believed and still believe not only in the forces of light, but also in evil demons.

They adopted a practice that emphasized the energy of flows. Taoist theory took into account not only the location of the door, but also its characteristics: color, size, material, and even where it opens.

According to Feng Shui, each hole is a kind of boundary that can separate energy. If harmony and comfort reign in the house, then the living Qi energy predominates, preventing the dead Sha from entering.

The placement of the bed is very important in Feng Shui. For example, if the bed is between a window and a door, there is a chance that negativity will take over the human body. During sleep, people are vulnerable to the energy of space, which contains dead Sha energy. If this energy enters the shell, it will displace the human soul.

Now, in the 21st century, people are not so prone to superstitions. However, they believe that improper placement of furniture has a negative impact on a person. Particular attention is paid to the bed, since it is during sleep that negative Sha energy is born, which affects all areas of life.

If the balance of vital energy Qi is disturbed, this will accompany the appearance of:

  • irritability and fatigue;
  • regular lack of sleep;
  • deterioration of financial and health status;
  • depression and happiness;
  • flaws

Folk signs

Among people, sleeping with your feet stuck in the door is a very bad omen. It is believed that a person lying in this position attracts death. This is because of the signal when the dead legs are taken out first.

If a person lies down to rest with his feet on the door frame, it is said that he will suffer from insomnia. And if you manage to fall asleep for a short period of time, then you will be tormented by nightmares all the time.

Another sign is that in this position of the body there is a high probability of meeting with evil spirits. Since the gate or entrance is recognized by many nations as a portal through which evil spirits from another world can enter, one cannot set foot near this border.

An otherworldly force can not only enter your home through doors or windows, but also take the place of your soul. It is believed that in a dream the soul flies away, and while it is not there, uninvited guests can enter the body. Therefore, if the bed is directly from the door, there is a chance that he will not wake up at all, because the soul will not be able to return.

Religious explanation

If we consider this sign in the Christian religion, then nothing can be found about the position of the body before going to bed. All Christianity says is to go to bed with a clear head and pure thoughts.

And, for example, in the Islamic religion it is mentioned how the bed should be located in an apartment or house. The Corona Lines call to always and everywhere, wherever a person is, to face the Forbidden Mosque.

Therefore, in order to observe the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad, it is necessary to keep in mind several basic points:

  • You should lie down with your head only towards the main holy mosque - Mecca;
  • feet should not be facing the door.

Therefore, believers follow the Messenger of Allah Muhammad, thus receiving the blessing bestowed by the Almighty.

Objective interpretation

Scientists who have studied ancient myths have found that people who follow signs can be very helpful as people rethink their safety. But besides this, there is no rational thinking in superstitions. Despite the fact that the signs are relics of past centuries, they have their place.

If you are an impressionable and superstitious person, psychologists recommend following signs. The explanation for this lies in the fact that on a psychological level a person is vulnerable. In this regard, you may have problems sleeping and, as a result, a general decrease in physical fitness.

Also, when a person wakes up, he immediately analyzes the situation. If the first thing you see is a dark portal, you will get a dose of instinctual stress. Therefore, from this point of view, psychologists do not recommend sleeping with your feet glued to the door.

There are no medical contraindications for sleeping in this position. If a person lies with their feet away from the door, additional creaking sounds will disturb their sleep. However, if you lie with your head towards the window, this can lead to a cold, so the bed should be positioned so that nothing interferes with a good sleep.

Rational explanation

In addition to signs and mystical influences, one can find a completely rational explanation for the fact that in the positions listed above a person will not be able to sleep peacefully. The thing is that experiencing discomfort in a dream, the sleeper will not be able to fully rest. As a result, he will be lethargic, irritable and tired.

Constantly staying in such a state will lead to a decrease in immunity and the development of various health pathologies. Also, if you fall asleep next to a window or door opening, there is a risk of getting sick due to a draft.

The solution to the mystery - in Old Norse myths

A striking example of where the tradition of not sleeping with one’s feet towards the door could come from are the legends of the ancient Scandinavians and the Slavs, who were quite close to them. The world, according to their ideas, is divided into 3 parts:

  • Midgarth is our reality, where all living things live;
  • Asgarth is the place of residence of gods and angels;
  • Udgart is the center of dark forces.

The doors of houses, as the ancients believed, were exits from Midgarth, and at night the soul of those sleeping could accidentally leave it and go on a journey to other worlds. The traveler might not have found her way home. The demons living in Udgart were able to lure and kidnap people at night.

The answer to the question of whether you can sleep with your feet facing the door is clear in such circumstances. Of course no. The deceived soul easily escaped to the other world. Often irrevocably, as evidenced by deaths during sleep. Let us not forget that in ancient times there was no adequate medical diagnosis and almost any death was considered the machinations of evil forces.

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