Feng Shui bed - how to position it correctly and why it is important

According to Feng Shui, the bed is considered the most important detail with which you can create a space that promotes personal growth and harmony with the outside world. Also, according to Feng Shui, proper bed placement can help develop a sense of security, stability and balance.

Correct position of the bed

Think about how many hours you spend in bed. You probably spend more time there than anywhere else. And when you lie in bed, you are usually asleep. When you sleep, you are in a passive "Yin" state and are more receptive to the energies around you. Thus, the placement of the bed affects your conscious and unconscious state.

Command bed position in the bedroom

Command position of the bed
The best position of the bed according to Feng Shui is considered to be the “command position” position. That is, the bed should be positioned so that, while lying in it, you can control the door to the bedroom, but not in line with the door, which is called “feet first” (more on this later).

A good rule of thumb is to position the bed diagonally from the door. See the picture above for the most ideal locations.

Mirror and bed

It is clear that this may not always be impossible. There is still hope! If you can't take a commanding position, you can adjust the bed using a mirror. Place the mirror so that the reflection of the door can be seen in the bed.

Tip: for the bedroom, a free-standing mirror is recommended, rather than one built into the closet or, especially, into the ceiling, which can be easily installed in the right place and at the right angle.

Arrangement tips for different bedroom shapes and sizes

The location of the bed largely depends on the size of the bedroom and its features.

Rectangular room. In an elongated room, the most advantageous option for installing a bed is across the room. With its help, a long bedroom will be divided into zones, and there will be more usable space.

The photo shows a rectangular bedroom in the neoclassical style, where the sleeping area is located across the room.

If the window opening is on the side, then the bed should be placed along the wall with the headboard in the corner. An unusual option is a diagonal arrangement. Whether this is comfortable is something everyone decides for themselves.

Small. In a narrow or cramped bedroom, the issue of furniture placement becomes especially acute. An excellent solution is a podium bed or a structure with cabinets. This design will save space and add comfort.

Children bedroom. To properly place a bed in a children's bedroom, it is worth considering the arrangement of other furniture: a play area, a wardrobe and a table. There is a workplace near the window opening, and it is recommended to place the bed in a corner: in addition to the comfort and protection of the child, this also increases the usable space.

Room with a balcony. Setting up a bedroom here is an excellent solution for those who, having barely woken up, like to go out to get some fresh air or thoroughly ventilate the room before going to bed. But a loggia attached to the room is an even better idea from an ergonomic point of view, because it creates additional space. This is especially true for small Khrushchev buildings.

The photo shows a wide double bed, which had enough space thanks to the expansion of the room due to the balcony.

With a bay window. A non-standard window opening is very rarely used as a place to sleep: it is neither convenient nor practical. Traditionally, apartment owners turn the bay window into an additional relaxation area or workplace.

Position of the coffin

Feet towards the exit - bad feng shui!
As mentioned above, your bed should not be in line with the door. That is, stand with your feet pointing towards the door. This is bad feng shui! Some even call this position the “coffin position.” However, there is no need to panic and imagine imminent death! This position only means that you are an easy target for failure, since you sleep “in the open air” and you will not have confidence and support in life.

Advice: if it happens that you cannot change the location of the bed in the bedroom in relation to the door, then to minimize the influence of negative energy, you can hang Feng Shui crystals between the door and the bed.

What should a bed be like according to Feng Shui?

Feng Shui places great importance not only on the location of the bed, but also on its shape. It must certainly be rectangular. It is better to use natural material. As a last resort, plastic covered with, for example, veneer will do. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, it does not accumulate negative energy.

The Architects online store has beds for this case with an environmentally friendly wooden lifting mechanism.

Also pay attention to the mattress. For a married couple, it is better to buy a single double bed. If you buy two mattresses, this can negatively affect the energies of the couple, who will not be able to interact.

Headboard and walls

Wardrobe as a support for the headboard
According to Feng Shui, the headboard of the bed should always fit snugly against the wall, otherwise you will not feel supported and supported and, accordingly, will not be able to relax and get a good night's sleep.

Sometimes they place the bed sideways to the wall - this is not a very good location option for a marital bed, since it is best for adults to leave open space to the left and right of the bed.

The space on either side provides balance to your Yin and Yang, your feminine and masculine, and space for each partner (or future partner). If this is not possible, try to leave space against the wall.

Sideways to the wall

However, in a children's room this position of the bed will be normal. You can place the bed here against the wall, either sideways or with the headboard - this will provide support for the child in any case.

Or, if the bed is not for spouses, but for one person, then you can also place it sideways against the wall. Preferably on the left side, so you will have protection from the heart.

Tip: try not to place the head of the bed against the wall behind which your toilet is located.

How to position it relative to the window?

Experts do not recommend placing the head of the bed towards the window, especially if the glazing in the bedroom is panoramic: this can lead to discomfort, since the body perceives this position of the body as too open and dangerous during the most vulnerable period. A good option is to place the bed between two window openings.

If you place sleeping furniture close to the window, then in winter you will have to put up with a hot radiator and dry air, which will have a bad effect on your well-being. It is best to organize the bed in the center of the bedroom, moving the headboard against the wall or placing the footboard towards the window.

This rule does not apply in the summer when the radiators are turned off. During the warm season, you can rearrange your bedroom and, when you wake up, enjoy the morning rays.

The photo shows a small, bright room with two windows, between which a single bed fits well.

Bed in the middle of the room

Bed in the middle of the room
According to Feng Shui, the worst placement of a bed in a bedroom is a “floating” bed in the middle of the room, which is not adjacent to any of the walls.

However, more and more often in modern bedroom designs this bed arrangement is used. In this case, you need to make artificial support for the headboard.

Tip: Place a chest of drawers, a screen or a closet in such a way as to create protection for the head of the bed.

Material, base, mattresses

Currently available beds:

  • Made from natural wood - beautiful, reliable, environmentally friendly. But the price is quite high.
  • Metal ones are made from various alloys and coated with anti-corrosion protection. They look interesting and will last for many years, but they are not suitable for any interior.
  • Chipboard or chipboard is an excellent modern option. They are made from wood shavings by pressing and gluing. Much cheaper than wood, but has a shorter service life. And don't be afraid that the glue is harmful; most manufacturers use safe material.
  • MDF. Another natural based product. It is performed by pressing paper dust. Very durable, beautiful and pleasant to the touch. It is cheaper than wood, but not as durable and more environmentally friendly than chipboard.

Bed bases come in several types, varying in elasticity:

  • hard - usually made from a solid laminated chipboard, without a springing effect;
  • orthopedic - covered with slats made of wood, which has the property of springing;
  • soft base - layering of softening material and fabrics on a rigid base. Allows the use of thinner mattresses.

Mattresses also need to be chosen wisely, taking into account weight, age and concomitant diseases:

  • Orthopedic ones are very hard and not everyone can sleep on them, only for medical reasons.
  • Anatomical (often called orthopedic, but this is not so) - they bend under weight, but fix the correct position of the spine, they can be springless - filled from the inside with elastic material that holds the shape, and spring - with springs independent and dependent on each other.
  • Water ones are so heavy that they are rarely used.

Try to lie down, feel all the mattresses before making a choice, take your time.

Everyone chooses a bed model according to their own taste, but so that it matches the rest of the furniture in the bedroom and, not forgetting about the size. The main thing is that you are satisfied.

Mirror and bed in the bedroom

Mobile mirror
You need to be very careful when placing mirrors in the bedroom, as they contribute to poor sleep, take energy from the sleeping person and can cause anxiety.

It is especially important not to hang a mirror on the wall opposite the bed. Feng Shui consultants say this could encourage third party interference in the couple's relationship and possibly lead to infidelity.

Tip: place the mirror in the bedroom so that it does not reflect sleeping people. It was mobile (this was discussed above) and could be used for space correction purposes, among other things.

What to consider when choosing

When choosing a bed, think about what width, length, height you want. Do you need a headboard, what material do you prefer, the rigidity of the base and mattress:

  1. Single beds have a width of 70 to 100 cm. Check if there is not enough space for you.
  2. One-and-a-half-length beds range from 100 to 130 cm. In such a bed, one will definitely be comfortable, and newlyweds sleeping in an embrace will also be comfortable.
  3. Double beds from 140 to 180 cm will appeal to couples of any size. But don't forget to consider the size of the bedroom.
  4. There are also family beds with a width of 180-200 cm, especially for those who like to lie down with the whole family on weekend mornings.

Before purchasing, check whether the length suits you by adding 30-40 cm to your height. Is it comfortable to get out of bed, isn’t it too low?

Beams, paintings and everything that can be above the bed

Beams Above the Bed
For the best Feng Shui placement, you want to have no beams, sloped ceilings or bulky chandeliers above the bed. These architectural features above the bed can create unnecessary pressure.

Paintings and large photographs also create a “heavy” and threatening energy, like beams and windows.

Chandelier over the bed

Tip: cover unsightly elements of the ceiling with fabric (it’s great if it’s a light flowing tapestry with an attractive pattern). If it is not a large beam or a slanted ceiling, paint it the same color as the entire ceiling. This will make them less stiff. If it is a chandelier, remove it immediately.

Follow all the listed tips for placing a bed according to Feng Shui in your bedroom and be healthy and confident!

Feng Shui rules

The Chinese teaching of Feng Shui teaches how to organize a home in accordance with the energy of the 5 elements and coordination according to the cardinal directions. Based on the tenets of the teaching, a house is a projection of certain energy fields, the activity of which affects the owners in different ways. The location relative to the cardinal directions for the bed is one of the primary importance, because this is what can positively or negatively affect many aspects of life.

The correct position of the bed will ensure:

  • harmony in marital relationships;
  • easy conception, pregnancy and childbirth;
  • healthy sleep and good health;
  • will attract good luck and charge a person with positive energy.

According to the tenets of Chinese traditions, it is better not to hang a lamp above the bed. But it is not recommended to leave the sleeping area dark; light can disperse negative energy. You can place neat lighting on the ceiling, and install lamps on bedside tables.

The owner of the room decides which side to prefer, but when positioning, rely on your inner feeling - there is no point in putting the bed in a position that is uncomfortable for you. How the bed should be positioned relative to the cardinal directions: it is important to understand what exactly a person wants to get:

  • north – will ensure career growth and well-being;
  • east – health and wealth;
  • south – glory and prosperity;
  • West – creativity and children.

How to place a bed to make it comfortable. Many of the recommendations already mentioned are also supported by the Feng Shui tradition:

  • do not lie with your feet towards the door or exit, remember that this is how the deceased is laid out. If you can't turn the bed around, use a screen or curtains to shield yourself;
  • It is impossible for the bed to stand in an unlit corner - negative, oppressive energy will accumulate there, sucking the strength out of a person. Also, you should not arrange storage areas with unused items under the bed. The placement of the bed on the cardinal points will be optimal if you install it in the southwestern sector, which is responsible for marriage relations, or in the southeast, closer to the health sector;
  • the bed in the room cannot be placed opposite a mirror or mirror surface - visually you find yourself in a corridor with negative energy. According to Feng Shui, there should be no screens, equipment, or computers near the bed in the bedroom. They emit negative energy;
  • Before going to bed, ventilate the room, let in fresh “qi”. 15 minutes is enough for this. For the bedroom, choose a room that is as close in shape to a square as possible - the ideal shape, a sign of the earth. Using the “ba-gua”, a compass, find out where in the apartment there are favorable sectors for installing a bed. Remove images of grinning animals, sharp objects (even souvenirs), stuffed animals, and portraits from the sleeping area. No one should “gaze” at sleeping people. It is negative to install aquariums and fountains next to the bed - in the zone of wealth, water elements will bring profit, but fluidity in the family sector will provoke discord between spouses and possible betrayal.

An example of incorrect placement of a bed according to Feng Shui
Russian apartment layouts often do not allow placing a bed strictly according to the canons of Feng Shui; you may not find some sectors if all the rooms of the apartment do not form a square. Zones are compensated within a specific room by placing talismans and using the color power of the desired sector. For example, for the health sector the color is green, and the family is symbolized by shades of yellow and brown. If you decide to place cabinets and talismans around the bed, use paired options. When you need to arrange children's beds, use a delimiter between them - a table or chest of drawers. By placing the head of the bed against the wall, you harmonize your relationship with your partner, and if the task is to guide a teenager to study, the sleeping place can be moved towards the wall, “blocking access” to the other half of the sleeping place.

Sleeping positions - advantages and disadvantages

It is impossible to rest all night in one position; usually the sleeper changes body position several times. We will try to give a reasoned answer on which side you should rest on from a scientific point of view, and which it is better not to rest on.

Right side

Previously, many were told in early childhood that it is best to lie on the right side, supposedly this is optimal for health. Recent research on this topic says contradictory things.

Sleeping on the right side is good for those who snore and pregnant women. Scientists believe that in hot weather the body is able to cool down faster. Interestingly, the state of anxiety even decreases.

But there are also significant disadvantages: lying on the right side, we allow gastric juice to enter the esophagus, and hence heartburn and poor health in the morning appear, and the stomach in this position puts pressure on the pancreas, which significantly impairs its functioning. With this position of the body, it becomes more difficult for the heart to pump blood.

It is especially harmful for those who like to have a heavy snack at night and experience problems with the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system.

Left side

Lovers of this position receive a lot of benefits, as mentioned above - improved functioning of the heart, lymphatic system, stomach, and digestive system. We can also add that this is very useful for people suffering from diabetes and liver problems, it eliminates stagnation of blood in the tissues, improves the condition of the spine, reducing pressure on the spinal column, relieves pain in the back and joints, which is important for patients with osteochondrosis, but for hypertensive patients it is better to choose the back.

The spleen is also located on the left, so when lying on the left side of the body, it better performs its function - filtering blood. The liquid passes to it better, reducing the feeling of heaviness.


It is believed that sleeping on the back is good for those who have not very healthy hearts and blood vessels, problematic veins (varicose veins), and stomach. Dozing in this position relaxes the muscles on the face and reduces the likelihood of wrinkles forming, making it possible for those who suffer from insomnia to quickly fall asleep. To fall asleep as quickly as possible, lie on your back and place your arms along your body, palms up.

However, this method is contraindicated for women in the last stages of pregnancy and those people who snore. It is very dangerous for asthma and apnea syndrome, as it can lead to fatal respiratory arrest. Sleeping on your back also leads to a decrease in the oxygen content in the blood, and this is fraught with the occurrence of respiratory diseases.


Night rest on the stomach should be recommended in the postpartum period and during flatulence, but you should know that in general it is undesirable due to the fact that we are forced to turn our head, twisting to the side and straining our neck, which makes breathing and blood flow to the brain difficult, causing pain in the muscles and even sometimes nightmares. Unsightly bags under the eyes are also a consequence of lying on your stomach at night.

Placement rules regarding the door

When looking for the best place for a bed, exclude the area in close proximity to the window from the list. The headboard facing it will prevent you from fully relaxing - this subconsciously deprives a person of a sense of security during sleep.

The optimal location relative to the door is diagonal placement. This will give you a feeling of comfort and security. The occupants of the room will be able to see those entering, which will save both parties from the possible occurrence of awkward situations.

If, when placing the bed, its back is oriented to the east or north, this is considered successful. It’s better when the headboard touches the wall; if the bottom of the bed looks towards the window, it’s not scary.

Having decided on the optimal position of the sleeping place, you can start creating an atmosphere of calm and comfort. As for the designers’ opinion, they advise placing the bed along the wall, opposite the entrance in the far corner. Another placement option is in the center of the room, with the back to a longer wall.

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