Choosing a crib for a newborn's room

While you're expecting your baby, are you planning to renovate a room for him or create a corner in a common room? Regardless of the capabilities of your living space, sooner or later you will be faced with the dilemma of choosing a crib for a newborn. Only at first glance it seems that this is a simple matter - you choose the model you like in the store, find out about the safety of the materials from which it is made and buy. In fact, when purchasing such an important piece of furniture as a bed, you will need to take into account several nuances. When choosing a bed for yourself, you probably spent a lot of time, because sleep is one of the most important components of our life. Our well-being during the day will depend on how calmly and deeply we slept at night. And your sleep will directly depend on the quality of your child’s sleep. What could be better for a baby than happy (because they slept well) parents, whose smiles he sees when he wakes up?

Very often, young parents choose a crib based on its appearance - beautiful, cute, size suitable for the room or area for the baby, and that’s enough. But a baby crib must also be durable, stable, safe, easy to use and care for. This is only the first time, your baby weighs little and does not even know how to roll over. But time flies quickly and now he is already jumping in the crib, rocking it, risking knocking it over. Therefore, it is necessary to consider a crib for a baby not only as a place to sleep, but also as a piece of furniture for games and fun.

You can’t know in advance whether your baby will be a calm quiet person or an active jumper, so it’s important to prepare for the most “frisky” scenarios. The crib should also be able to withstand a high level of activity from your baby, and for this you will need to have it tested for quality.

Materials for making cribs

Currently on sale you can find cribs for newborns and not only from the following materials:

  • natural wood;
  • metal;
  • semi-metallic alloys;
  • plastic imitating natural material.

Wooden and metal cribs are hypoallergenic; among plastic products you need to look for those that meet international quality standards. If you cannot determine by eye the material from which the crib you like is made, ask the consultants to show the hygiene certificate. Without such documents, the sale of children's products is prohibited.

When choosing a crib made of natural wood, you should pay attention to the type of wood. The cheapest, as a rule, are cribs made of pine (this is due to the fact that the wood is soft and, as a result, the product is inferior to analogues from other species in terms of strength). On such a crib, not only scratches can remain, but also traces of the child’s teeth; the fastenings of furniture made of pine are also weaker. For example, a crib made of birch will be much stronger, but if you want to get a favorite among materials for making children's furniture, take a beech product. There will be no traces of damage on such a crib, and it will be able to serve more than one child.

When choosing a crib for a baby, the reliability of the mechanisms plays an equally important role. Furniture in which all connecting parts are made of plastic will not last you long. Regardless of what material the base of the crib is made of, it is better if all the fasteners are metal - such parts will last a long time without deforming from frequent use and high levels of friction and mechanical stress.

Organizer with pockets for a children's bed - master class

If you are new to sewing, then it is important to choose the right thread and needle for your sewing machine. If you select the fabric, threads and needle incorrectly, you will not get a good stitch, the material will wrinkle, and skipped stitches are possible

When sewing dense material on a machine, select a thicker needle, therefore the threads should be thick, and vice versa.

This master class includes sewing cotton fabric and padding polyester. Instead of padding polyester, you can use another filler (holophane, holofiber). You can buy padding polyester, or you can take pieces from old jackets) when sewing padding polyester, it is recommended not to overlap one edge of it over the other, but to fold it end-to-end and stitch it with a zigzag stitch.

To work you will need:

  1. Cotton fabric for bases - width 107 cm, length 60 cm (taking into account seam allowances).
  2. Fabric for pockets - 75/44 cm.
  3. Lining fabric for the inside of the pockets - 71/44 cm.
  4. Sintepon, or other filling - 55/60 cm, density 100 or 200 g.
  5. Strip of fabric 55/4 cm.
  6. 2 fabric ties 60/6 cm.
  7. Scissors, tailor's pins.
  8. Sewing machine.
  9. Ruler, pencil, thread.

We need to cut out:

  1. 2 base parts 55/60 cm.
  2. 1 piece made of padding polyester 55/60 cm.
  3. The inner part of the pocket is 2 parts 71/22 cm.
  4. Pockets: 6 pieces - size 25/22 cm.
  5. Rep tape or pieces of fabric for ties (2 ties made of 60/6 cm fabric)
  6. Strip of fabric for the bottom of pockets 55/4 cm.

Several practical recommendations when choosing a crib

The selection of a place for a child to sleep and play must be approached responsibly. What criteria should you follow when standing in a store in front of hundreds of almost identical, but very different cribs for newborns:

  1. the slatted bottom of the crib will be well ventilated;
  2. the distance between the bars should not exceed 6-7 cm, otherwise the child may get stuck between them;
  3. in a good crib, the bottom is adjustable (it is better to choose a model with two or three options for lowering the bottom), first your baby will learn to sit and then stand up in his crib and it is better if the height of the bottom changes along with the baby’s activity level;
  4. from the point of view of operation, beds on wheels are very convenient, they can be moved to another room, moved aside for wet cleaning of surfaces and more;
  5. if the crib has a drop-down side. This will make it much easier for you to take the baby out and put it down;
  6. when using paint or varnish to treat surfaces, it is important to take into account and check this information in the certificate or choose a model treated without chemicals;
  7. Do not focus solely on the cost of the crib model; the most expensive does not always mean the best; in the middle price class you can find options that meet all basic requirements.

According to the method of design and functionality, cribs can be divided into several types:

Cot-cradle (cradle)

A small sleeping place for the little ones. Most often, cradles are oval-shaped. From a psychological point of view, it is difficult for a child to immediately get used to large spaces, this also applies to a sleeping place. Mom’s stomach was very cramped and during the first months it was difficult for the baby to feel the spaciousness. For sleep, it is better for him to form something like a small and cozy nest. Of course, such a crib is suitable only for the first months of a baby’s life, but everything will depend on the intensity of the baby’s growth.


This is a swinging cradle that can be installed in both a moving and a quiet position. There are models with runners or springs. If the child is quite restless and has to be rocked to sleep often, then a cradle on runners is an ideal option for both the baby and the parents. A model with springs can be used not only for sleeping, but also for entertainment; an active baby will be happy with such a place to sleep and play.

Standard cot

A sleeping place enclosed with rods or a mesh base, usually rectangular in shape. Cribs can be designed for children of different ages. The certificates of such models say that they are suitable from birth to 3-4 years, but everything, of course, will depend on the height and weight of the child; everyone develops and grows differently. Often a standard crib becomes cramped for a child already at the age of two.

Rocking bed

This model is not much different in appearance from a standard crib, but is equipped with a pendulum mechanism. When the legs are stationary, the crib can swing by moving on runners or using springs. If you do not have the opportunity to buy a cradle for a baby, and a few months later buy a crib, then it is better to immediately buy a model with a pendulum and create a small sleeping place for the child in it during the first months.


Initially, this item of the model was used for games of an already grown-up baby, but it was noticed that children often fall asleep in such a convenient place. The playpen bed is suitable for spacious rooms. This model will serve as a place for sleeping, safe play and a mini warehouse for toys.

It’s up to you to decide which of the widely available crib models to choose. Or maybe you decide to order a place for your baby to sleep based on your personal sketches? In any case, try to be guided not only by the appearance of the crib model, but also by its strength, functional qualities and safety status.

How to lay it correctly?

In order to cover a place for a child to sleep, you will need a couple of oilcloths, a mattress, a set of bed linen, and a blanket. If you prepare the crib for rest incorrectly, this will lead to a number of problems.

How to make a crib for a newborn:

  • put a mattress in the crib. It is recommended to choose it with medium hardness. It is important that the filler is natural. The mattress must match the size of the bed;
  • put oilcloth on top. Even if the baby sleeps in a diaper, there is a possibility of the mattress getting wet due to leakage of the diaper;
  • lay a sheet on the oilcloth. In summer it is better to use calico, and in winter - baize;
  • lay another diaper (half or the whole bed). This is necessary for those babies who are put to bed without a diaper.

It is important that the sheet does not bunch up. The skin of a newborn baby is very sensitive. Folds can cause irritation of the dermis. Pediatricians recommend buying diapers with elastic.

Add-ons and functional accessories for a baby crib

As a rule, cribs are sold without filling and you will need to take care of choosing a mattress, bed linen and other important additions. So, what else will you need to purchase:


It is better to choose a double-sided option, in which one side is very hard (for the first months of a child’s life), the second is less hard and is suitable for the baby’s fully formed skeleton. Currently, there are many options for filling a mattress, but in this case it is better not to rely on your own taste, but to find out the opinions of pediatricians on this issue;

Sides (bumper)

A soft device to protect the baby from hitting the walls of the crib while turning over (there are many safe options on sale that are easy to care for and machine washable);


Although it is not recommended to place the crib near a window, in some rooms the sunlight floods the entire room, in others it is simply not possible to place the crib in any other place. In such cases, the canopy will not only play a decorative role, but also protect from sunlight and prying eyes;

Canopies can be attached to holders that are mounted to the headboard (the most common option), but there are alternative methods - embedding the fastening system into the wall or ceiling. Of course, such fasteners will leave marks when the child grows up, and you decide that you no longer need the canopy. In any case, it is better to choose canopy textiles that are easy to care for, machine washable and ironed at home, because you will have to do this often.


A mechanical device for hanging toys that will spin to soft and pleasant music. There are a considerable number of models with different devices - some are wound on a spring and spin for a couple of minutes, others run on batteries and can spin for a long time until you turn it off.

Some mobile phones are equipped with backlighting, the ability to record the mother’s voice and play a song to the child - there are a lot of options. Everything is limited only by your needs and financial capabilities. Many of these devices and gadgets save time for young parents and make life easier, contribute to the safe development of the child and expand his horizons, abilities and skills.

Mobiles can also be mounted in different ways - on a holder that is mounted to the back or rail of the crib, to a wall or ceiling. In addition, you can make something similar to a mobile (but without mechanical rotation capabilities) yourself, using paper, fabric, family photos, bright decorative items, jewelry and accessories - the weight is limited only by your imagination.

Beds with drawers at the bottom are quite practical, because you can keep, as they say, at hand, a lot of necessary things. But when choosing a crib, it is better to choose one whose drawers are located high enough from the floor to make it easier for you to carry out wet cleaning.

One of the most important additions (although this is not an accessory, but a full-fledged piece of furniture) can be called a chest of drawers with a changing table. A spacious storage system will allow you to place all the baby’s diapers, clothes and linen, and a convenient changing table (which can then be easily disassembled and appears as the usual top part of a chest of drawers) will become a convenient device for carrying out many procedures with which the life of a little creature is full.

Don't forget about the additional lighting system near the crib. You won't turn on the central light when approaching the crib at night. For dim lighting of the crib area, use wall lamps or small table night lights, which can be placed on a dresser or bedside table (if the child is in the parents’ bedroom). In addition, some mobile models provide the ability to turn on the backlight without sound or rotation.

You will need a seat located near the crib, preferably a comfortable, soft chair. And a rocking chair, in which it will be easier to rock the child. You may have to spend a lot of time in it, so it is better to take care of purchasing this piece of furniture in advance.

Among other things, you may need a basket or any other device for storing used diapers and any other baby care items.

Bright decorative items, toys, wallpaper patterns, ornaments or artistic images - everything that helps attract the child’s attention, focus his vision, will be a plus for your baby’s development and. Of course, it will decorate his room, bring brightness and variety of color palette.

Bedding decoration

Decorating the frame is a good idea, but putting fancy, hand-decorated bedding inside it is even better. It will be original and will attract the child's attention.


The word “patchwork” sounds incomprehensible and strange because it comes from English. But the technique behind it is probably well known to you. This is patchwork.

Patchwork can be bought in a store, or you can sew it yourself

The following can be sewn from scraps:

  • Blanket. It will be warm and look good. In addition, you can sew patches with different textures so that the child develops fine motor skills.
  • Pillowcase. The fabric should be soft and delicate.
  • Cover. They can be used to fill the crib when the child is out for a walk.

An interesting solution for patchwork is to sew into a blanket scraps from things that played an important role in the child’s life (for example, fabric from the first blanket, suit, stroller cover, favorite torn toy, etc.). The older the child, the more his blanket and memories will be.

Crib decor with a blanket

Baby crib decor pink

Decorate a baby crib with a paper garland


Decorating with embroidery looks good and at the same time shows that you know how to work with your hands. You can choose any picture (depending on your strength) and spend several evenings in a pleasant, peaceful process.

Embroidery can be machine or hand - the first will free up your time, the second will allow you to make the design unique

It is best to engage in the creative process on the outside of the blanket, since the sheet, the pillow, and the inside of the bedspread are in too close contact with the skin (the baby may become irritated).


If you don’t know how to embroider, then you can limit yourself to appliqué. It is either sewn or glued. In the first case, it is stronger and looks better, in the second, it holds worse, but requires only 5 minutes to attach. The image should be made without rhinestones and on the outside of the blanket.

A blanket can be made very beautiful using applique

Crib decor with pictures

Decor of a crib with pillows

Patterned crib decor

Frills and ruffles

Lace, frills and ruffles are the oldest way to decorate things for infants. However, you need to ensure that the products are not hard, do not scratch and hold well. You can sew them on yourself.

Frills and ruffles make the crib design sophisticated and sophisticated.

Baby crib decor with bows

Decor of a baby crib for a boy

Flower crib decor

Color solutions

By far the most common color for a baby crib is white. It is not surprising, because this is a shade of freshness and purity, which many associate with the beginning of a new life, baptismal rites, angels, clouds and weightlessness. In addition, white color can organically fit into any interior of a room, no matter whether it is a child’s room or the child’s parents’ bedroom.

But there are many models of cribs on sale in all sorts of colors, you just need to decide what shade of this important piece of furniture will look great in your baby’s room or adult bedroom.

For example, this shade of gray, exactly repeated in the color of the doors, fits perfectly into the light decoration of the room with an accent wall.

The color of natural wood not only looks great in a room with country style elements, but also indicates that the crib has not been painted, which is one minus problem for parents.

A crib made of dark natural wood will not only serve as a place to sleep that is safe for the baby’s health, but will also bring the luxury and nobility of natural material to the interior of the room.

Cribs with combined color schemes look non-trivial and help add uniqueness to the interior in general and the baby’s sleeping area in particular.

The bright peach color of the crib will become the highlight of the interior in light colors. Children love everything bright and colorful; besides, their vision needs to focus on bright objects and contrasting combinations. Why not make the crib a bright object?

Another example of a bright color crib that can refresh any room, bring a feeling of celebration and high spirits, joy of life and a positive attitude.


When furnishing a room, take into account its square footage. The child should have plenty of space to play and move freely. Zoning is used to highlight a work compartment or a rest area. These sections are separated by color transitions, screens, and lighting.

The priority is transformable furniture that “grows” with the owner. For mobile tomboys, the space is not cluttered; a computer desk, a wardrobe and a couple of chairs are enough.

Thanks to the wide market range, boyish decor for a children's bed can be chosen to suit every taste in the form of a car, motorcycle, rocket.

It wouldn't hurt to set up a sports department with a wall bars and a rope. A young lady needs a dressing table with a mirror, ottomans, and she can be offered to sleep in a carriage bed or a castle.

Old but comfortable pieces of furniture can be modified by repainting the facades in a different shade or updating them using the decoupage technique.

Boy or girl

And finally, we bring to your attention several images of rooms for newborns, decorated depending on the gender of the child. In our age of progressive technology, parents can find out the gender of the baby long before his birth and prepare a room or place for sleeping in advance in accordance with their own taste preferences, recommendations of doctors and psychologists, based on the size of the room, financial capabilities and gender of the child.

In boys' rooms you can often find a rather restrained interior. If the decor is present, it is without unnecessary frills and bows; the theme prevails in such areas as technology (cars, boats, rockets, airplanes), animals and cartoon and fairy tale characters.

In girls' children's rooms we can see a riot of all shades of pink and purple, bows, lace, folds, hearts and many options for using plant and especially floral themes. Cribs with tulle canopies, extensive decor not only of textiles, but also of furniture, original lamps and chandeliers with many hanging elements and shiny surfaces. The main thing is that in pursuit of the external attractiveness of the room, do not forget about the main functional components, the safety and convenience of a child’s stay in this room.


The planes are usually painted, decorating them with bright posters. This method will allow you to change the environment, adapting to the hobbies of the resident. An excellent option is stickers and decals; they are easy to apply and just as easy to peel off without leaving any dirty marks.

Girls will be delighted by butterflies, flowers, cartoon characters, and a clear theme for boys - airplanes, cars, space sketches. Sometimes such a plot picture takes up half the wall.

The decor of the walls in the children's room is represented by artistic painting in the form of graphics, a magical forest, and an underwater kingdom.

Polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam and paints will help you recreate a realistic tree or raised letters. This catchy spot will attract attention, becoming the highlight of the room.

A fashionable trend is inscriptions that look like a motto or phrase of a favorite hero.

A wall chalk board is a guarantee of self-expression for a daughter or son in writing and drawing.

Photo wallpaper, for all its colorfulness and attractiveness, should not occupy a large area. More often they are allocated an area at the head, these are images of animals, landscapes, sea inhabitants, cartoon images.

Decorating a car for discharge from the maternity hospital: ideas with photos

Before picking up the mother and baby from the maternity hospital, it is necessary to clean and then decorate the transport. First of all, you need to take care of the cleanliness of the interior and the freshness of the air. And then the happy dad can decorate the car in such a way that everyone can see that the dad is going to pick up his daughter (son).

  1. Among the most optimal options is the use of special thematic stickers.
  2. Use of balloons and helium toys. In this case, you can attach balloon toys, helium themed figures to the hood of the vehicle, and decorate the car with colored balls.
  3. Decorate vehicles with soft toys. Toys (dolls, strollers, fairy-tale characters), which will be attached to the hood of the car, will cheer up the mother, greeting guests, and just passers-by.
  4. Painting a car with chalk spray paints. You can use ready-made stencils to apply inscriptions and drawings.
  5. Decorating the car with satin ribbons and bows. Now there are special kits for decorating a car for discharge. The color of the set depends on the gender of the baby. They attach bows, ribbons to handles, car mirrors. You can complement the decoration with colored pompoms made of fabric or paper.


You can give preference to a single or double option, a loft bed, or a castle bed. The model can be equipped with legs, have a solid bottom, or have a soft or hard headboard.

It is important that the shape you like fully meets the baby’s needs and fits into a specific room based on its functional features.

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The importance of decor

The decor of the room is very important, because from childhood a child should grow up in a favorable environment, especially at the age of 6-12, to develop and improve calmly. To do this, it is necessary to create certain conditions. Therefore, to complement the overall look of the nursery, a huge number of interesting elements have been invented that are easy to make yourself.

The main thing is to show love and care for your child, then many ideas will not keep you waiting for their implementation.



The mobile is a bright carousel with an unobtrusive melody that develops the ability to focus attention on faces and details. Yes, stores are replete with ready-made products, but by making your own toy, you will decorate the crib and be sure of its absolute safety.

A wooden blank - an embroidery hoop or an inherited carousel with a working mechanism - can be used as a base. Hanging toys can be sewn or crocheted, made voluminous, or using fabric or paper. The main requirement is the absence of sharp corners and small parts, also maintain a safe distance from the baby to the mobile.

Rocking chair

The crib is equipped with special runners that help rock the baby to sleep. In addition, there are wheels that are designed to move the product from room to room.

In addition, the runners allow you to rock the baby very quickly. The baby will rock himself to sleep as he moves.

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Main causes of breakdowns

Sometimes people find that the board in their bed is broken. There are several main reasons why a wooden plank can break:

  1. Exceeding permissible loads. Wooden slats have certain load limits that should not be exceeded. However, some people still overload them, which later leads to breakdowns. Therefore, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the permissible loads of the slatted bed in advance.
  2. Marriage. Sometimes manufacturers install low-quality products made from defective wood. This often happens when using overdried wood, which quickly breaks even under light loads.
  3. Long-term operation. Slats may break if used for more than ten years.
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