How to disassemble a corner sofa: for transportation and transport, diagram and features of the sofa

Regardless of the configuration, any sofa, as a rule, has large dimensions, which makes it difficult to bring it into the room and move it around the room. Therefore, before transportation, the question naturally arises: how to disassemble the sofa? This can be done not only by a specialist, if you understand the transformation mechanism.

To disassemble you need to: 1. Remove the pillows and covers. 2. Move the furniture to the middle of the room or move it away from the wall as much as possible; 3. Raise the seats to see the inner frame of the corner sofa; 4. Raise the “sofa” seat.

It is recommended that fasteners be placed in separate packaging, labeled and securely secured with tape to one of the sofa parts.

To protect parts of upholstered furniture from moisture, dust, snags and abrasions, they are wrapped with stretch film.

To protect armrests made of polished wood, you need to wrap them in corrugated cardboard or use a thin roll of foam that is secured with tape.

Specifics and differences

In the simplest case, such a sofa consists of three main parts: central, corner and side walls. Moreover, despite the wide variety of models offered, there are three main types of corner sofas:

  1. Two L-shaped parts, as a rule, the central part is complemented by a solid corner element, which is usually an ottoman, less often a sofa. Essentially, this solution provides two full beds.
  2. Three-section L-shaped. Modified design, differing from the previous one by the presence of a corner insert. That is, the corner part is connected to the central part using a kind of “mediator”. By type of execution, most often it is a sofa.
  3. U-shaped The difference lies in the presence of corner sections installed on both sides of the central section.

In addition to the structural design, sofas also differ in the type of mechanism, the method of fastening the side walls and the presence of additional (optional) elements: drawers, cabinets, bar pockets, and a table.

Mechanism repair

If during operation the back or seat does not fold or this happens with great effort, or they are skewed relative to each other, then repair of the mechanism for transforming the sofa-book is required.

The extent of the problem can only be discovered after disassembling the product. To do this, you first need to remove the armrests (most often they are secured with two bolts); in order to dismantle the moving parts, you need to unscrew the fasteners in the mechanism itself.

The system is now fully visible, but still attached to the sofa frame. If all components are intact, there is no play or other signs of loosening, you can simply lubricate it and lift the fastening bolt. Even the presence of rust does not mean complete failure. You can get rid of it using special chemicals.

If the rivets that connect the moving elements of the sofa-book mechanism break, they can be easily replaced with others. Before this, you should remove the mechanism, clean it, get rid of broken parts and install a replacement.

In extreme cases, especially when the sofa book has been in use for many years, the entire mechanism will have to be replaced. The design is easy to purchase at any furniture store at an affordable price.

A special feature of the Eurobook sofa is the presence of a double transformation mechanism, one part of which allows you to move the seat forward, the second lowers the backrest into the resulting space. Repair or replacement is carried out similarly to the case considered, with one difference: the retractable mechanism is equipped with bearings, which break most often. They will need to be replaced.

The click-klyak model has a base made of a metal frame to which all the moving elements and slats are attached. If there are problems with folding out or 1 rail is broken, you will first have to remove the upholstery, conduct a detailed inspection followed by repair work (replacing fasteners, broken slats, lubricating moving elements).

How to disassemble a corner sofa

Disassembling such structures, in principle, is not difficult, but due to the discomfort of the component parts, it is advisable to do it together, although some models can be disassembled independently.

Disassembling upholstered furniture into individual elements simplifies loading and unloading.

What is needed for this

First, you need a build plan; Also useful for disassembly. If there are none, you need to independently analyze the circuit diagram (which is not always possible) or search on the World Wide Web.

Use professional tools to disassemble sofas.

According to universal ideas about the structure of modular structures, you will most likely need:

  • It is better to prepare both slotted and Phillips screwdrivers.
  • Set of open-end wrenches.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Hammer.
  • Containers for storing small parts.

Note! Since sometimes it is necessary to disassemble a sofa in more detail than provided by the manufacturer, you may need a construction stapler and staples, since some of the fasteners are located under the upholstery.

Use the sofa disassembly tool with care.

Existing differences

Despite the small number of schematic diagrams, corner sofas differ mainly in the design of the transformation mechanism. The most popular options:

  • "Dolphin". Mooring is organized using a folding platform located below. The process is quite simple: a platform is pulled out from under the seat, and the fixing part is lifted with a special grip.
  • "Book". The classic version, known since Soviet times. To unfold the sofa, you need to lift the seat and move it until it clicks, and then return it to its place.
  • "Eurobook". To unfold it into a “bed”, simply roll up the central part and lower the backrest. An excellent option that allows you to equally conveniently disassemble a corner sofa and use it every day.
  • "Accordion". An unusual design solution that, when unfolded, resembles stretched accordion bellows or a divided sloping roof of a house. The backrest, seat and support module form a single unit, supported by a three-piece articulated frame.
  • "Sedaflex". The organization of the berth is carried out by a separate unit located under the seat, which includes a mechanism and a soft base. It differs in the number of frame sections. A similar operating principle is implemented in the so-called “American” circuit, as well as in the “French shell”.
  • "Pantograph" or "Tick-tock". The transformation process resembles the movement of a pendulum. Almost the same indicators with Eurobook. The only difference is that the central part moves in an arc rather than in a straight line.
  • Click-clack. Non-separable option. Deployment occurs with a small force directed away from (or toward) you. Actually, the name reflects the characteristic sound of the locking mechanism when changing position.

Scheme for disassembling a corner sofa

  • We move the sofa to the center of the room or at least move it as far away from the wall as possible.
  • We remove pillows and covers.
  • Lift the seats to access the inner frame. Inspect the clamping mechanism. If it is covered with upholstery and secured with furniture brackets, then it is better to entrust such a sofa to a specialist for disassembly and assembly. Here you will need a special gun for furniture.
  • Remove the side walls and the strip from the back of the sofa.
  • Detach the short part of the sofa from the long part, from the corner bracket.
  • We unscrew all the fasteners that are on the short seat.
  • I'm trying to remove the backrests (some models have this option).
  • We separate the clothes box from the main part of the sofa, the rest remains inseparable.
  • We pack all the elements of the sofa in stretch film, place it in corrugated cardboard and secure it with tape so as not to damage the car parts. We put the bras in a strong bag, tie them and label them!

Transformation mechanism

The choice of the type of sofa, which can be folding or non-folding, is of great importance. When choosing the first type, you need to decide in which direction the sofa will fold out. There are 3 such ways:

  1. Eurobook”;
  2. "Pantograph";
  3. "Dolphin".

We disassemble the Eurobook sofa

We disassemble the Eurobook sofa

Eurobook sofas require constant pushing to move them away from the wall during the unfolding process. Therefore, if you want to place the sofa close to the wall, it is better to take a closer look at the second option (“Pantograph”). However, sofas of this type have a fairly low seating position, which is not suitable for everyone.

Dismantling the Pantograph sofa

Analysis of sofa pantograph

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Dismantling the Dolphin sofa

Dolphin-style sofas are equipped with wheels, making them easy to transform. However, its cost is slightly higher than other sofas.

In conclusion, it should be said that a corner sofa will look attractive and appropriate only if it is chosen correctly. Therefore, the choice of one model or another should be approached with the utmost seriousness.


In order to avoid damaging the structure during the move, you should take into account some recommendations from specialists. Expensive sofas are often equipped with branded fasteners

To disassemble it, special tools are required, otherwise there is a possibility of damaging the upholstery or frame.

You should not try to disassemble such mechanisms yourself; it is better to seek help from professional craftsmen.

Caution also applies to individual models. The accordion mechanism often has special clamps in its design.

Removing the laundry storage box can be difficult. In the “book” and “eurobook” models, it is recommended to tighten the nuts onto the bolts immediately after dismantling.

There are a lot of these elements, they are very easily lost. In a corner folding sofa, it is the corner block that deserves attention.

It is non-removable, so it should be left in its original condition.

During debriefing, many problems arise after severe physical force is applied. This is strictly prohibited.

This is especially common if a compact folding mini-sofa is disassembled. All items are carefully stored in a specially prepared place so as not to lose them when moving.

This will help you quickly assemble the sofa in the new room.

When disassembling furniture with an old base, several nuances should also be taken into account. Repairing chipboard is more difficult compared to a sofa with a wooden frame. A lot depends on the condition of the frame.

Expert opinion Ekaterina Anatolyevna Smirnova has been engaged in interior design for 7 years, a professional architect

It is also important to take into account the age of the structure, since over time the fastenings will fit closer and closer to each other. Disassembling corner models can be more difficult compared to straight ones

During transportation, care must be taken to ensure that no moisture gets on the elements.

It is best to use a polymer film that is impermeable to water; it will hide the parts from unwanted exposure.

Caution is also required when working with draw-out models. This is especially true for families with pets.

Therefore, before you return the built-in compartment for storing bed linen to its place, it is worth checking that your pet will not hide in it. If this is not done, the animal may be injured.

When disassembling, not only the structure itself deserves attention, but also its dimensions, transformation mechanisms and material of manufacture. Experts recommend using only tools that are suitable for working with a specific model.

It is important to follow the dismantling sequence. If all conditions are met, there will be no problems during the work, and the product will be very easy to assemble in a new place

Using the example of assembling an accordion sofa, you can easily disassemble this model for transportation. All the details are in the video below.

How to disassemble a corner sofa for transportation: work diagram

Before you begin dismantling structural elements, you need to organize your workspace, freeing the room from all unnecessary things. Also, armrests, covers, pillows, and everything that can be removed without the use of tools should be removed from the sofa.

Disassemble the sofa completely.

In general, the disassembly process is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • Place the sofa in a comfortable position for working. It is advisable to have free access to all its sections.
  • A brief analysis of methods for attaching structural elements to each other. At this stage it will be clear what tools you may need.
  • Elimination of side walls. Often the side parts are installed with hooks. In this case, they simply need to be removed. If fixation is more difficult, use a prepared tool. Some designs fasten the side walls with a beam that runs behind the back.
  • Separate the main sections. If the backrest or seat allows it to be removed, remove it. Disassemble the corner section according to its design features (it may not be dismountable). Remove the top riser from the ottoman.
  • Disassemble the transformation mechanism. Since you need to disassemble the sofa into as many parts as possible, this step can present a rather unpleasant surprise. The fact is that some solutions do not provide for dismantling the mechanism without completely disassembling the structure. In this case, it is better to leave everything as is.
  • Arrange the parts in a convenient order for packing.

Many sofas can be disassembled by following the instructions.

Precautionary measures

Expensive models often have proprietary fasteners. It is recommended to disassemble it only with special tools, otherwise there is a risk of damaging the frame or upholstery fabric. You should not try to separate complex mechanisms yourself, otherwise you will not be able to reassemble them later.

ModelRecommended precautions during dismantling.
AccordionIf the design of the product requires the presence of clamps, you need to very carefully disconnect the bedding box.
Book, EurobookIn order not to lose the nuts during disassembly, they can be screwed back to the bolts of the dismantled elements.
AngularDo not try to disassemble the corner block. It should be left as is.

It is strictly forbidden to use brute physical force during dismantling at home. Fasteners should be immediately put in one place so that they can be easily found later.

Expert opinion

Smirnova Ekaterina Anatolevna

7 years of experience in interior design, professional architect

By following these simple rules, you can significantly speed up the process of subsequent assembly of the product and easily transport it to a new apartment or move it to another room.

If you need to dismantle furniture with an old base, you should remember that chipboard is more difficult to repair than furniture with a wooden frame. However, the condition of the frame also plays a role.

The age of the product matters; the older it is, the tighter the fastenings fit together. Corner sofas are a little more difficult to disassemble than straight models.

During transportation, parts must be reliably protected from moisture. To do this, each structural element is wrapped in a waterproof polymer film.

Models with a retractable built-in niche for linen pose a great danger to pets. Before moving the box into place, you need to make sure that, for example, a cat has not climbed into it, otherwise it could be seriously injured.

When dismantling, you should take into account not only the design of the product (straight or angular), but also the dimensions, features of the transformation mechanism and the properties of the material from which the furniture is made. To disassemble a sofa, you need to use only those tools that are suitable for a particular model. Dismantling should be carried out in stages, in a strictly defined sequence.

If everything is done correctly, the product will be easy to assemble and bring into proper shape.

Corner sofa: nuances of dismantling

Corner sofas are more bulky than wall sofas. In addition, they are structurally more complex, which means that analyzing such a model will require more effort. Which corner option? These are two full-fledged bunks, which are connected by a corner element. Some sofas have one side smaller than the other. The backs and seats can be with removable cushions or combined into a single non-separable unit. Sometimes the additional item is a linen drawer built into a side item. As you can see, there are many options, and each requires a separate answer to the question of how to disassemble a corner sofa.

Here the parsing process looks like this:

  • First, remove the side panels, if provided by the design.
  • First remove the seat and then the backrest from the short section of the sofa.
  • The clothes box is removed from the main part.
  • What remains is the corner element, which is small in size and easily fits even in narrow doors.

What will you need?

There are 2 types of corner sofas:

  • products containing a 3- or 2-seater block, complemented by a sofa located perpendicularly;
  • models containing a 3- or 2-seater block, connected via a corner element.

Such sofas have differences in structure and connecting mechanisms and, of course, different assembly patterns. However, regardless of the structure, it is possible to disassemble a corner sofa by adhering to the same principle, only with certain clarifications.

To take the sofa apart, you will need the following.

  • Screwdriver. It would be nice to have several, taking into account the shape: flat and cross-shaped.
  • Pliers (small and large).
  • Wrenches (preferably a complete set for removing the fastening).
  • Furniture stapler. Sometimes the fasteners are hidden under the upholstery; it will need to be unfastened and secured back.
  • Screwdriver (with a set of bits).
  • Packaging material (thick polyethylene, large and small bags for fasteners).
  • Corrugated cardboard.

How to disassemble a corner sofa?

In each specific case, the disassembly process strongly depends on the concept and type of transformation mechanism, which can have a significant impact on both the time required and the complexity of the work.

Type "Eurobook"

The simplest design in terms of disassembly. Disassembly is carried out according to the generally accepted scheme. The first step is to remove the seat. Such sofas are usually simply removed. Then you need to disassemble the side walls.

The Eurobook type sofa can be easily disassembled.

You may need an open-end wrench here. The headboard and drawer for the bed are made in one piece.

Pantograph type

This type is derived from the previous model and is analyzed in a similar way. The only difference is the folding mechanism. Therefore, before disassembling the sofa, you need to choose the appropriate tool for disassembling it.

Pantograph is an improved model of the Eurobook.

Next you need to adhere to the scheme described above.

Dolphin type

Since this design is equipped with a lowering platform, the dismantling process will be different. First of all, you need to remove the rear window, under the seat back. This will give you access to the inside of the seat shell.

The transformation is carried out by removing the box where the mechanism is located.

Here you need to use a tool and separate both parts (you may need a flashlight). The sides are removed in the usual way.

With "Accordion" mechanism

In this case, you need to start by removing the side walls. Such structures are usually equipped with a tie beam that extends behind the back and supports the opposing side sections. It needs to be removed first.

It only takes one movement to open.

Since the three-section “Accordion” mechanism is mounted on a pallet box, before disassembling the corner sofa, you will need to remove the back of the headboard from the grooves and move the entire frame to the side for ease of use. The last step will be to disassemble the box: you will have to turn it over and unscrew the screws or, depending on the design, loosen the clamps. As a result, you should get three separate elements: a transformation mechanism, two side walls, and, in general, a drawer for clothes.


Structural elements are connected to each other in different ways, which are determined by the design features of a particular model. Used in production:

  • screws;
  • screws;
  • bolts with nuts;
  • European standard screws (threads like self-tapping screws).

Very often, in order to disassemble a domestic model, it is enough to arm yourself with open-end wrenches of sizes 10, 12 and 14.

In order to give the product maximum aesthetics, some manufacturers hide fasteners under the upholstery. In such cases, you will have to use pliers and a screwdriver for dismantling. They are needed to pry staples and pull nails out of wooden blocks.

A very important point. Before you start disassembling furniture, you should find several containers where you can put different fasteners. For example, one will be occupied by bolts, the other by screws, the third by screws, etc.

Direct dismantling, or rather the sequence, depends on the model of upholstered furniture. The most widespread are straight and corner sofas. The first ones are rectangular upholstered furniture with a vertical back. They can be equipped with transformation mechanisms - a book, an accordion, etc. The second model is shaped like the letter “P” or “G”. To unfold such a model, you need to pull the lower part, which “moves out” and the area of ​​the sofa increases. In addition to these, there are other models, the dismantling of which will be discussed further.

Easy assembly process

Before connecting the main and side parts, screw in the legs and loosen the screws holding the gas lift mechanism above the clothes drawer. We assemble the furniture completely, starting with connecting the side walls, after which you need to connect the straight part with the “dolphin” mechanism and the side ottoman. Self-tapping screws will help with this.

Instructions for assembling the Atlanta corner sofa are in the video, and you can also find a photo with a detailed description of the process.

Sofa assembly instructions

In the same way, you can change the table and armrest by changing the angle of the Atlanta corner sofa, although the sofa will need to be disassembled first.

The process of assembling the Atlanta model sofa is not complicated and even a novice craftsman can do it. And the excellent quality of the materials used in its manufacture and upholstery guarantees that, subject to operating conditions, this piece of furniture will delight its owners for a long time.

This model also has a direct modification. This option has a smaller bunk bed and is perfect assembled for small rooms. If you bought a straight Atlanta sofa and are interested in how to assemble it, watch the video tutorial, which explains in detail all the stages of work.

“Everyone is in crisis, but we have beauty!” Transformation of a Soviet sofa.

One of my good friends decided to renovate this summer, and besides, the old furniture clearly needed replacement. There was money for repairs, but not for furniture. But when I came to visit her, in addition to stylish wallpaper and beautiful tiles in the kitchen, I saw a beautiful new sofa. Knowing that she did not purchase new furniture, I asked Tatyana where she got this sofa from. Her answer delighted and inspired me at the same time.

DIY furniture refurbishment

Tanya made this sofa herself, with her own hands, from an old Soviet ruin that she found in her grandmother’s attic at the dacha. The whole rework took her 3 days. She bought the material for upholstering the sofa at sale prices, so the designer color was determined by the crisis price.

This is what her old sofa looked like.

Before starting the alteration, you need to unscrew this monster into its component parts, remembering what is screwed where and how. And this is what one of the fastening elements looks like.

We completely disassemble the sofa.

We number all the parts from the old sofa, except for the upholstery. We will replace the old upholstery with new and beautiful ones.

Then remove the upholstery from the sides.

Now we need to sew the covers on the sidewalls and put them in place, having first wrapped the sides with padding polyester.

This photo shows the intermediate result.

After we have both sidewalls ready, we move on to remaking the main body of the sofa. Next, we move on to preparing a “sandwich” of foam rubber, padding polyester and a piece of fabric for one of the sofa blocks. There are three of them in total.

This is what the work process looks like.

We need to perform these actions three times.

But the “beauty” was in the third block.

We naturally send such old elements to the trash. Then we sand the wooden parts of the sofa, repair and put in order some of the plywood parts that have been dented over time.

After the wooden parts are ready, we move on to creating the soft layers of the sofa.

We continue to act according to the previously developed plan: fabric, foam rubber, padding polyester, stapler, staples, hammer.

This is what the process of attaching foam rubber and padding polyester looks like.

After strengthening the soft layers of the sofa, we move on to upholstery fabric.

Then we proceed directly to assembling the sofa. We fasten all the parts of the future updated upholstered furniture.

Voila, our sofa is completely ready!

Before you begin removing old upholstery and trim, you should inspect the exterior woodwork of the sofa. If any damage or defects occur on them, they must be eliminated. Moreover, when minor damage is caused, this can be done without even disassembling the furniture.

For more serious damage, such as chips and cracks, you will need to purchase wood putty from a hardware store that matches the tone of the furniture and carefully apply it in small portions to the damaged area.

You see what can be made from a Soviet-era sofa if you have a certain amount of time, materials and desire. Remodeling a sofa with your own hands will require less financial outlay from you, will allow you to preserve your favorite item, and in addition, will give you the opportunity to use your imagination and make the item truly unique. I also suggest that you get inspired by 27 more ideas on how to remake old furniture, after which you will definitely decide to remodel.

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Packing for moving

Having disassembled the sofa into its component parts, there is no need to rush to load it into the car. First: during transportation, the upholstery will get dirty and it is very possible that it will also get dirty with technical oils. Second: after such transportation, it is guaranteed that decorative wooden elements are subject to rejection. To avoid such consequences, the sofa is carefully packed. Here are some basic rules:

  • For packaging, adhesive tape, bubble wrap, plastic film, cardboard and packaging material are prepared in advance;
  • each product is packaged separately, the hard parts are insulated with cardboard, and the soft parts are wrapped in several layers of aluminum foil;
  • individual layers of packaging are fixed with aluminum foil;
  • a properly packed sofa will not get dirty, wet or scratched during the move;
  • the equipment is placed in a separate container. If there are several sofas, each has its own container.

Transportation principles

Upholstered furniture is very comfortable for relaxation, but moving it will require a lot of effort. When buying a sofa or moving, transportation is an important and responsible step, so in order to avoid mistakes and keep the furniture in working condition, you need to follow certain rules. A good option is to hire transportation specialists who can handle this quickly and professionally. But if funds do not allow, you need to rely only on your own strength.

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Narrow doorways and corridors will only allow you to carry a disassembled sofa. Therefore, it will need to be disassembled and then reassembled in a new location. For this, the assembly diagram for this model is useful, which is always included with the purchased furniture. But if the purchase was a long time ago, and all the instructions are lost, you will need to disassemble the sofa, marking every detail, and, if possible, photographing the process.

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Carefully pack all parts in bubble wrap and carefully place them in the trunk of your car or van. To easily transport a disassembled sofa in a spacious van, you need to secure the parts so that they cannot move around the car. After transporting and unpacking furniture, you should not delay its assembly for long.

Armchair-bed with linen drawer: sleeping place and mini-wardrobe

The limited area of ​​apartments and the eternal need to save space have given rise to a wide variety of furniture transformers for all occasions. Some of the models are so functional that it is difficult to classify them into any specific category.

However, this was not enough, and they decided to use transformers to solve another “eternal” problem - storage.

  • 1 Advantages and disadvantages of a chair-bed with a drawer for linen
  • 2 Features of the roll-out mechanism in such furniture
  • 3 Features of transporting the product
  • 4 Popular models

Step-by-step instruction

In our case, the parsing order will be as follows.

  • First of all, remove the furniture from its cover and move the pillows as far away as possible so that dirt and dust do not get on them during work. Remove from the furniture everything that can be removed without using tools - armrests, pillows.
  • We pull the sofa to the middle of the room or move it away from the wall to a comfortable distance for working.
  • We examine the fastening elements. This is necessary in order to determine the need for additional tools for dismantling. Keep in mind: in the case where the mechanisms are hidden under the upholstery and fixed with mounting brackets, it is necessary to invite a disassembly specialist, because a special construction gun is required to disassemble such a structure. It is not justified to purchase this toolkit for one-time disassembly.
  • Next, we remove the sidewalls , and in certain modifications, we first dismantle the tension strip located on the back side of the furniture.
  • After this, we disconnect the seat elements , or both parts of the corner component.
  • Let's explore the short part . If the frame and the seat are connected with special fasteners, you need to unscrew the nuts and remove the soft part. If there is a back on the short part, we dismantle it.
  • We leave the corner component unchanged.
  • We begin to analyze the main part . This procedure depends on the type of transforming device in your furniture. As a rule, in modern sofas the bedding box is usually one piece that can be disassembled. If the back and seat with the transformation mechanism are a single unit, then only specialists can disassemble it (by and large, it is considered a non-separable mechanism).
  • The final stage. The furniture has been disassembled, all that remains is to thoroughly pack all the components to prevent damage during movement and transportation.

Good day, dear guest!

We will try to convey to you the necessary information on the repair of BRITANIKA sofas.

First of all, I would like to say that this furniture is one of the best on the Russian markets; these sofas and armchairs deserve great attention and respect. The furniture is made beautifully both outside and inside; the best materials and the latest technologies are used to produce BRITANIKA sofas and armchairs, so the furniture is comfortable, convenient, and of high quality.

In order to repair a BRITANIC sofa you need knowledge, experience, skill, skill and of course craftsmanship. Our craftsmen possess all these skills, and our workshops have everything necessary to carry out this process and extend the life of your sofa.

Initially, the sofa is inspected, upholstery material is selected, for these purposes specially trained appraisers with a huge amount of upholstery material will come to you at any convenient time. The master appraiser has the necessary information, which he will convey to you in full. After choosing the upholstery and stipulating all the work that needs to be done with your sofa. After this, the sofa is transported free of charge to our workshop for a short period of time, where our craftsmen carry out the work and transform your favorite sofa into first-class condition. After the work of our craftsmen, your sofa looks the same as it looked when you first met it. When ready, we deliver the sofa to its original location, packaged and with a 24-month guarantee.

Repairing BRITANIKA sofas is a complex process, and it involves a lot of manipulations performed by skillful hands and the necessary tools, which is only possible in stationary workshops, with professional hands. The craftsmen release each staple that holds the fabric, inspect and repair the frame and filling, and after that, the sewn cover is seated and fixed in its place. Seamstresses cut the fabric taking into account the direction of the pattern and the pile, sew it with padding polyester and technical fabric, making double lines and stitching everything with braid. You can talk for a long time about the process of replacing the upholstery of sofas and armchairs, but for you, dear guest, you need to get high-quality work and a long period of service life of the updated sofa, which we guarantee after our craftsmen complete the work.

Below we offer you models of sofas and descriptions of the cost of work and fabric consumption. Our organization also has a huge selection of fabric, both expensive and cheap, of any embossing and color. We provide upholstery materials for inspection in sufficient size to examine the embossing, pattern, and quality.


Why choose such furniture

How to repair a refrigerator: finding the cause of the breakdown + repair methods

Various variations of the roll-out dolphin are in great demand. This applies to corner models, straight ones, and modular ones. Of their most significant advantages, it is worth noting the following:

  • Can be used in any size room. This sofa is quite compact, but when unfolded it provides the most spacious place for sleeping. It can be installed close to the wall or at some distance from it, thereby zoning the room.
  • Ease of use. The transformation process is very simple. There is no need to raise the back, like for books, or unfold the blocks, like accordions. To unfold the dolphin, you just need to roll out the section and lift it to the level of the seat. True, you will have to make a small effort, which may be too much for the child.
  • Comfortable sleeping mattress. It will be like this if you purchase a model with high-quality assembly. Since there is a joint at the junction of the two sections, a height difference is possible, which will be felt by a person lying down. If the assembly is carried out correctly, there will be no drop and the user will receive a flat, comfortable mattress.
  • Reliability and durability. The dolphin mechanism in the sofa, a video review of which can easily be found on the Internet, is durable and suitable for long-term use. You just need to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations and perform all manipulations with the furniture very carefully. On average, the design can withstand at least 1000 transformation cycles. The higher the quality of the material and workmanship, the longer they will last.

Corner and modular systems have another advantage in the form of a spacious drawer for storing bedding. It can only be located in a corner section or in an add-on module, since the space under the seat of a standard product is completely occupied by a roll-out unit.

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