“Nuga Best”: reviews by Elena Malysheva. Nuga Best products: review, contraindications

Everyone is hearing about the products. The beds of this company are especially popular. However, they are not cheap and not everyone can afford them. The manufacturer identifies several names of medical products, which are produced by the South Korean company of the same name. The most famous products currently include massage beds along with tourmaline mats. The remaining products of this company are less known, but are also represented on the global medical market.

All Nuga Best products have one common feature, in which they are made using tourmaline ceramics, which is the main component that produces the stated positive effect. Let's take a closer look at this product, find out what contraindications there are for its use, and also find out Elena Malysheva's reviews of Nuga Best.

Products from this manufacturer

The current level of development in the field of medicine makes it possible to cope even with chronic ailments that torment a person for a long time. For example, to combat the manifestations of osteochondrosis, doctors have recently begun to actively recommend the Nuga Best bed. This device promises patients a quick cure without any complex manipulations. True, many question the benefits. But the distrust may seem somewhat strange, since even the presenter Elena Malysheva, in her program, presented the audience with a whole story about this device.

Nuga Best products appeared on the domestic market about ten years ago. To date, it has been established that its effectiveness is not as high as advertised. In many consumer reviews, there is an opinion that the admiration for these products is somewhat exaggerated. But for those who decide to try this product for themselves, you should follow the recommendations exactly. Reviews of “Nuga Best” by Elena Malysheva will be discussed below.

What can a massage bed like this actually do?

Or maybe she does just what is written in her name - give a massage. In this case, the massage itself is performed with several rolls. At the same time, as an additional function - the possibility of warming up the massaged area. There is also stone therapy as part of the healing process, but in terms of effectiveness this is generally a controversial thing, so this is a “believe it or not believe it” question. Statements about traction (stretching) of the spine performed during the massage seem groundless at first glance, although it is possible that rollers directed in opposite directions can provide minimal traction.

So, such a bed can really work as a kind of “automatic massager”. It is possible that in some situations it will be quite effective.

Review of products and their mechanism of action

So, the special rollers that the bed is equipped with massage the back from the tailbone to the neck and knead the muscles, which helps eliminate blocks and restores the normal position of the vertebrae. Tourmaline stones, which are placed under the bed mattress, along with a moving roller, affect biologically active points that are located along the spinal column. This effect helps to increase the body’s resistance to various diseases, as well as adverse environmental factors.

At their core, tourmaline stones have a relaxing, therapeutic effect. Heating these stones causes the emission of infrared heat, which beneficially warms deep tissues, which activates blood circulation and improves immunity. The infrared heat of tourmalines is identical in properties to solar heat.

Massage bed device

The basis of the massager is an internal projector - a mechanism consisting of jade rollers rotating and heated by a source of infrared radiation. The heating temperature is 35-70°C/.

The internal projector moves along the spine under the main mat, covered with hygroscopic material that absorbs sweat well, making the procedure more comfortable. An additional one is attached to the main mat with straps. The angle of inclination between the main mat and the surface on which the head is located can be varied from 10 to 30 degrees.

The following accessories are included in the kit:

  • additional warming mat made of tourmanium;
  • five-ball jade projector;
  • belt for a five-ball projector;
  • low frequency massage pillow.

An additional heat mat is used for additional heating of any parts of the body. The five-ball projector can be used to massage the limbs; for ease of use, it can be placed in a belt designed for this purpose. A low-frequency pillow is used for myostimulation and reduction of excess fat on the abdomen, hips, and buttocks.

All additional accessories are connected to the panel located on the side of the bed, where the thermostat is also located. If desired, massage with additional devices is carried out in parallel with the main massage. The desired modes can be set using the remote control.

What is a bed and how does it work?

It turns out that the “Nuga Best” bed massages the muscles, warming up the tissues and affecting biologically active points. Undoubtedly, such an effect is very useful for every person who has no contraindications to one of the listed actions, such as massage and warming, as well as applying pressure to biologically active points. Infrared heating of tissues is especially useful for people living in cold regions of Russia, for example in Siberia, the Urals and Pomerania. Residents of such areas feel a lack of heat from the sun's rays. But it is necessary to take into account that if there is at least one of the contraindications, then you should refuse to use the bed, since in such a situation you can only get harm.

Operating principle of the low-frequency cushion

The work of the myostimulator is based on low-frequency electrical impulses (less than 1000 Hz). The human body has electrical impulses. A spark ignites the fuel. Electrical discharges constantly occur in our heart. In children, the voltage of the charges is 5 - 6 V, and in adults 2 - 3 V. It is possible to increase the voltage only if the muscles are not constrained and the nerves are not pinched. The principles of physiotherapy and myostimulation are involved here.

Under the influence of low frequency currents, Maxibustion muscles contract in an accelerated manner. This leads to energy consumption and the breakdown of fats. Myostimulation also has the unique property of increasing blood circulation tens of times, which provides tissues with oxygen and nutrients, improves blood circulation, and enhances lymphatic drainage.

The action of the myostimulator leads to pain relief, reduction of fat deposits and muscle training. The pillow regularly expands and contracts the skin structure, improving its condition. After myostimulation, the walls of the large intestine are cleansed of toxins and poisons.


Tourmaline as an active tool "Nuga Best"

Product developers claim that tourmaline itself is capable of having a beneficial effect on the human body. In this situation, manufacturers emphasize that the presence of this component adds stone therapy, which is widespread in eastern countries, to the beneficial effects of Nuga Best products. True, therapeutic therapy using stones has not been studied by Western medicine, and therefore the positive effect of various minerals on the body, unfortunately, is not taken into account. The “Nuga Best” pillow is very popular among the population.

In all the company's products, the main operating tool is stones made of tourmaline ceramics. By means of relatively small rotating tourmaline minerals, massage is carried out while using the bed, as well as the “Second Heart” product. Tourmaline stones are placed on unique mats or mats, which are found in every Nuga Best product. These small elements exert simultaneous pressure on biologically active points, causing a relaxing therapy effect. In addition, when heated, they give off infrared heat to the tissues of the human body.

Another positive property is that when heated, tourmaline minerals emit negative ions, which have a positive effect on patients. Thanks to this effect, natural regulatory processes are restored, thereby improving the functions of all internal organs and systems. The resistance of the immune system to all sorts of negative environmental factors also increases. It is interesting to note that heating tourmaline ceramics has the effect of producing negative ions, which is similar to what Chizhevsky chandeliers produce.

What effect does the equipment have on the body?

Nuga Best equipment is multifunctional. It allows for effective prevention and recovery of a wide range of diseases, combining various methods: reflexology, manual therapy, infrared physiotherapy, low-frequency myostimulation.

Thanks to the complex effect, muscles relax and spinal deformity is eliminated. As the vertebrae and intervertebral discs snap into place, compressed nerves are released. A pressure of 0.02 g on a nerve impairs the function of the organ to which the nerve is connected by 40%. The cauterization effect used on Nuga Best revitalizes the released nerve. The organ receives a full impulse for proper functioning.

Using the Maxibustion method (long-term pressure and deep heating on the reflexogenic zone), blood circulation is restored, inflammation and swelling are relieved. It is this method that promotes the production of blood cells in the body, increasing the production of interferron, which increases the body’s defenses, enhances the contractile function of the heart muscle, and promotes the production of the hormone melatonin by the pineal gland. This hormone prevents stress, cancer, heart disease, slows down the aging process, and strengthens the immune system.

Maxibustion has a positive effect on the digestive system, helps eliminate harmful substances from the body by cleansing the blood and blood vessels. Improving metabolism leads to an increase in the viability of all cells of the body and their reproduction.

Myostimulation as a therapeutic method

In addition, a number of Nuga Best products, such as beds, a belt, a tourmanium mat and a foot massager, use the method of myostimulation with electric current. This method of influence lies in small discharges of electricity, which are supplied to the muscles. Under this influence, the muscles begin to contract intensively, blood flow is stimulated, stagnation along with blocks are eliminated, which helps burn excess fat deposits.

It turns out that the effects of the company’s products are provided by only one and the same component in the form of tourmaline stones, but their use on certain parts of the body through various methods leads to a wide selection of various options for use. Reviews about “Nuga Best” by Elena Malysheva are of interest to many, we will talk about them further.

What two aspects are achieved as a result of treatment?

Two components of healing are blood and nerves, and the effect on them. Blood is an important part of our body. Our health depends on its quality. In childhood, the blood is clean, liquid and moves quickly through uncontaminated vessels. With age, under the influence of poor nutrition, the environment, and lack of systematic physical training, the blood becomes viscous and clogged, the vessels become fragile, and cholesterol plaques are deposited on their walls, which narrows the lumen of the blood vessels.

As a result of heating with long-wave infrared rays, the blood and vessel walls are cleansed, blood circulation in all tissues and organs is improved, and the hematopoietic function is enhanced. The spine is the pillar of life.

With age, under heavy physical and prolonged static loads, changes in the intervertebral discs occur, which leads to infringement of one or another spinal cord root. This leads to pain and dysfunction of human organs. During the massage, the pinched root is released. But to revive it, the heat of infrared rays is used (cauterization method).

Harm and benefits of this product for human health

The mechanism of action, along with the therapeutic effects of the products, is similar to those from the use of various physiotherapeutic procedures. True, as in the situation with physiotherapeutic procedures, products should be used with caution, since in one situation they can bring undeniable benefits, and in another only harm.

Determining in which cases Nuga Best products are useful and in which, on the contrary, harmful, can only be determined by the attending physician, who has been observing a particular patient for several years. A doctor who examines a patient for the first time, unfortunately, is not able to take into account all the nuances that exist in the history of his illness. It will also not be possible to immediately establish the characteristics of the body’s response to various physiotherapeutic manipulations or medications. Therefore, in order to objectively say whether Nuga Best will bring benefit or harm to a particular patient, an examination by a doctor who has been observing the person for a long time is necessary. We will consider the contraindications of “Nuga Best” below.

Based on all of the above, it should be noted that products can be useful or harmful, as, indeed, absolutely any medical intervention, depending on the state of human health. In general, Nuga Best products are presented by manufacturers as an effective tool in the fight against a number of diseases. But their use should be approached with some caution, as with any other physiotherapeutic procedure. Today, the company’s relatively recently introduced products require comprehensive research on the basis of dispensaries and sanatoriums, as well as specialized departments working in the field of rehabilitation medicine.

“A distant look, a wandering smile, as if out of control. My grandmother ended up in a sect. Has anyone encountered “Nuga Best”? Tell me what to do?” — such pleas for help online are not uncommon. In an attempt to return their loved ones to their families, relatives concerned about their health write statements to law enforcement agencies, demanding the suppression of the dubious activities of the Nuga Best company. “Love and service!” - this is the motto of this company, which is well advertised in the post-Soviet space. What is this? Pyramid, sect or hobby club? Who do these people love and serve?


My grandmother has been attending “free” massage sessions at the Nuga Best salon for several months. The profile of this organization is the sale of medical equipment based on tourmanium ceramics, produced by the Korean company Nuga Medical. In the salon, you can try out any equipment for free an unlimited number of times before purchasing.

Grandma’s entire house is littered with rugs, mattresses and other “medicinal” goods. She sits hungry, but wants to buy another bed - the main and most expensive product of the company. This dream is the most sincere and strong, for the sake of it grandma is ready to do anything: she constantly throws hysterics, says that I don’t understand anything, and asks for help financially in order to make the dream come true.

Well, maybe it’s worth respecting your loved one and presenting her with the treasured bed in honor of the upcoming anniversary. Taking my thirteen-year-old daughter with me, armed with a voice recorder and a good mood, I went to the Nuga Best House to choose a gift.


The office is noisy. Clients are mostly elderly. The salon employees hug the elderly, ask questions about health, listen carefully, after which they scold the doctors and advise them to use their products and get better.

A company employee approached us and asked who we came from. She answered that it was from Alena (the first thing that came to mind). The interlocutor pretended to remember, and then offered to wait.

I noticed a stand where diplomas of a certain Zhanna Ivanovna Shurdulava , an individual entrepreneur and official dealer of Nuga Medical, were displayed. The papers testified to the active promotion of the company's products on the regional market, but I did not see any certificates or licenses for the equipment. But there was a price list that plunged me into confusion. Heating pads, bracelets, belts: sixty, seventy, ninety thousand rubles. The bestseller is a stimulating massager, that same massage bed, my grandmother’s cherished dream, worth one hundred and seventy thousand rubles!


The woman at the reception desk suggested that I get a visitor card and fill out a form. On the back of the card it is written: “Exacerbation of diseases during the procedure is not a reason to terminate the procedure.”

— I read a lot of reviews. Is it true that a bed cures many diseases, including cancer? - I’m interested.

The lady answers decisively:

- Certainly! Galina Mikhailovna is undergoing a procedure in the hall; after visiting Nuga Best, her sister was diagnosed with oncology.

It was not possible to continue the conversation on the topic that interested me - some man invited us into the hall where music was playing loudly. On one side of the hall there are massage beds, on the other there is a row of chairs. In the middle is a podium with a microphone, behind it is a home theater. After everyone was seated, the man took the microphone and said, pointing at us:

- We have two new visitors - Irina and Anastasia.

For some reason everyone started clapping and congratulating us. This was followed by a story about the uniqueness of the equipment, what it consists of and what miraculous effects it has:

— The main achievement of the company is the discovery of a rare alloy - tourmanium ceramics containing tourmaline, germanium, elvan and volcanic rocks. It has the properties of long-wave infrared radiation, which has a positive effect on biologically active points and promotes healing of the body. The radiation affects the cells, they resonate and begin to work more actively. If the cells are strong, then they seem to be training. The weak trained and became stronger. The very weak die. Infrared light penetrates 5–7 cm inside our body, and the body begins to undergo a recovery process.

EXPERT OPINION: Remember your school physics lessons! The “unique” long-wave thermal radiation of tourmanium ceramics cannot be otherwise - this is a school course. A stone outside at minus 200C also emits long-wave radiation. Infrared radiation itself cannot be useful or not useful; these are not vitamins or pills, but just one way of transferring heat. Any solid bodies (brick, cardboard, sand, etc.) heated to the same temperature will emit heat in the same range, and there is no difference in the radiation spectrum. That is, instead of tourmaline, you can easily use a good old heating pad, electric blanket or any other heating device. The only difference is the cost, which is hundreds of times lower than the vaunted Korean equipment.


After the speaker’s speech, the administrator turned on the recording of the webinar. One of the company’s dealers, who introduced himself as a former military neurosurgeon, began broadcasting loudly and categorically from the monitor.

— “Nuga Best” is a very powerful medical device; it does not treat anything, but repairs your body, and during this repair your sores become smaller or disappear completely. If you have osteochondrosis (40% of the population under the age of 35-40 has this pathology and almost 90% of the elderly - author's note), you have only three options for the development of events,” the speaker demonstratively began to bend his fingers: “ Operation, making friends with the Lord God and asking him to save you from your illness, and, of course, “Nuga Best”. Osteochondrosis can only be treated by the Lord God and “Nuga Best”. All. There are simply no other treatments.

Next, the man on the screen asked a question, to which he himself answered:

- Tell me a disease that everyone of our age suffers from? Hypertension - right! (Let me remind you that 95% of the audience are people aged 60 years and older - author's note). Also coronary heart disease and atherosclerosis. Raise your hand if you are over 50 and have none of these diseases.

As one might expect, there were no raised hands.

- I want you all to finally sober up! You are doing nonsense! Treat some polyps, you are afraid of some kind of oncology. But you need to treat what will kill you! Most of you will die in the next 5 years from cardiovascular diseases! And those people who use “Nuga Best” for 5 years or more die 20 times less often!

It turned out, however, that the product can help in one single case - if you use it correctly, or rather, regularly:

— If this is a bed, then it must be used constantly. It does not have a cumulative effect. As long as you use it, there is a result. It’s like water from a tap: when you turn off the tap, there is no water. You need to use it three, five, ten times a day - at your discretion. An integrated approach is needed. In order to get rid of your illnesses, you need all the equipment that is available at Nuga Best, not just a bed. The bed is a trauma surgeon, the ceramics is a cardiologist, the projector is an infectious disease specialist.

According to the Nugabest preacher, all this is the ultimate truth, since he ate the dog out of it, built a house, bought a Rolls-Royce and flew to Africa. It is certainly impossible to doubt the latter, given the cost of the product being so zealously promoted.


Smoothly leading listeners to the need to fork out money, they began to tell us about a certain Simeon, who just the other day became the proud owner of a massager, having successfully obtained a loan. The female administrator reminded that time passes, people die and you need to be more persistent in your desires:

— We can offer you two types of installments. One installment - internal. You pay in installments over three months, after which you can take home the long-awaited device. The second type of installment plan is through a bank, but you won’t have to overpay: the interest that the bank will accrue will be paid for you by our office - this is a gift. Loans are approved for everyone.

As planned by marketers, Nuga Best clients should regularly visit salons to try out all the equipment for themselves. It is not surprising that after daily sermons under the influence of heat, people really begin to believe that only the Lord God and “Nuga Best” can save them from premature death in the next 5 years. But, as they say, trust in God, and don’t make a mistake yourself. In the minds of the company’s managers, “Nuga Best” is a buy.


A unique bonus system helps ensure a constant flow of clientele. To receive bonuses, you need to meet certain conditions: either 25 visits without passes, or purchases worth 25 thousand rubles, or 2 new referred guests.

I decided to find out the details from the administrator:

— I also want a bonus, I have many friends who might be interested in such a massager.

— So you understand, our store is unusual. Nobody forces you to buy. But in order for people to have some interest, we offer bonuses that a person can exchange for different types of massage. For example, you lie down on the bed and you need a temperature of not 50, but 70 degrees. By the way, there are a lot of people who want it. Or you want to change the mode - with stops, without stops. Or instead of your back on your stomach, you want to roll over. Here this is only possible thanks to bonuses. Did you notice today that the woman in the next bed was lying with her head in the opposite direction? She massaged her leg. She's using her bonus today. And to receive bonuses you need to bring people.

— I brought it, can I have a bonus? - I point to my daughter.

- No, people must be solvent, and this is a teenager.

Remembering the people in the hall, I realized that Nuga Best marketers clearly made the right choice in choosing the target audience. Almost all of them are elderly, many are probably lonely. In “Nuga Best” they find communication, attention and care. And their health hasn’t been good for a long time. Of course, they will strain and lead new adherents in order to prolong the dubious pleasure. And someone, having reached the required condition, no, no, and will acquire something. Of course, the size of their pensions, frankly speaking, is small. But they give loans!


However, money is not the most valuable thing. In the worst case, you can say goodbye to your health, which is almost gone anyway. After all, even using a regular heating pad without a doctor’s prescription can be extremely dangerous and lead to serious complications. And in the online tourmanium pyramid, older people are convinced that they need to warm their entire body with all the available devices every day, and even several times a day. At the same time, no one asks about existing diseases, and they talk about contraindications only in passing. The company's consultants claim that the products can be used from birth; there are contraindications only for pregnant women at certain stages (at which specific stages are not specified), as well as for patients who have a metal structure in the body or who underwent intracavitary surgery less than six months ago. There is no question of the need to consult a doctor before use.

There is a lot of information on the Internet about the complications that arise after using this miracle technology. People are being maimed for their own money. In some cases, it even leads to litigation. In 2012, the Birobidzhansky District Court satisfied the demands of the deceived client for termination of the purchase and sale agreement, collection of a penalty and compensation for moral damage. At the free sessions, the salon consultants kept silent about the contraindication listed in the user manual as “various heart diseases.” After the third use of the purchased bed, the patient’s health condition sharply deteriorated - heart pain became more frequent, and insomnia developed.

It’s scary to imagine what consequences can occur in the presence of tumors and oncological diseases, given that many cancer patients find out about their disease in the later stages. But this does not stop sellers.

As far as I know, any thermal procedures are not recommended for cancer patients, be it a bath, sauna, hot bath, inhalation or rubbing. During thermal procedures, blood vessels dilate and blood flow increases, which contributes to the spread of malignant cells throughout the body.

The company employee answered me very aggressively:

-Are you a doctor?

- No.

“Then who told you that you can’t heat a tumor?” Why do you think so?

People suffering from diabetes and various skin diseases automatically fall into the risk group. In 2015, the Zheleznodorozhny District Court of Khabarovsk satisfied claims for compensation for moral damages in connection with personal injury: a salon visitor suffering from diabetes suffered a severe thermal burn during procedures carried out in the salon. The woman was not familiarized with the technical documentation for the device, a full list of contraindications and the need to consult a doctor before use were hidden.


Consulting, prescribing and carrying out medical and preventive procedures that are carried out in Nuga Best salons is a medical activity that is subject to licensing in the manner established by the Federal Law “On Licensing of Certain Types of Activities”. However, exhibition and demonstration halls do not have the licenses required by law to carry out medical activities, which means they can only engage in the sale of medical products.

Most likely, the salon I visited is also unlicensed. In any case, at my request these documents were not presented to me. The administrator said that they were in the hostess’s table, but they were not placed on the stand due to lack of time. If there is still no license, then the activities of citizen Zhanna Shurdulava create a threat of harm to the life and health of citizens. In the city of Biysk, at the request of the prosecutor's office, similar activities were stopped. We hope that in the Irkutsk region, after our publication, the activities of tourmanium charlatans will come to the attention of law enforcement agencies.

Irina Fedotova

Reviews of Elena Malysheva about “Nuga Best”

In Elena Malysheva’s television program, the “Nuga Best” device was demonstrated to the audience twice. The program aired in 2006 and 2009. But, according to viewers, this demonstration was more like a commercial. What is most surprising is the fact that Elena Malysheva herself, as part of her own program, did not really comment on the capabilities of “Nuga Best” and did not leave any specific feedback. Instead, she gave the floor to invited experts who talked about the incredibly positive effect of using an innovative product. It later turned out that a large number of people who bought the Nuga Best mattress and other products for home use not only did not feel any positive changes, but also complained about negative consequences. Whether this is true or not, we’ll figure it out further.

Thus, consumer comments emphasize that pain after using the Nuga Best mat only began to intensify, even though all the necessary recommendations were strictly followed. For this reason, consumers believe that the absence of any specific feedback regarding the company from Elena Malysheva during her program indicates the presenter’s reluctance to deceive viewers. True, Elena Malysheva, apparently, is also in no hurry to admit that stories about an incredible bed are just advertising.

Even more distrustful is the fact that in the United States of America, as well as in a number of European countries, Seragem beds, similar in their effects to Nuga Best products, are considered prohibited for sale and use in medical institutions. And even despite the fact that many people trust the reviews of TV presenter Elena Malysheva, in this case there is a sense of misleading consumers. Let's consider the existing contraindications regarding the use of the Nuga Best massager.

Massage – as a panacea?

But here I would like to remind you that massage is also a method of treatment. At the same time, there are quite strict recommendations for its use, and for each massage therapist there are quite clear requirements for the level of qualifications. Most often, back massage is used for various diseases of the musculoskeletal system, in particular the spine. There is also a “sports” massage, which has slightly different tasks, but even in this case there are a number of certain restrictions and norms.

So, therapeutic massage is used only for certain diseases. The list of such diseases is not very long, but mostly we are talking about various back problems. In this case, the purpose of the massage is to normalize the functioning of the muscle corset. In theory, a massage should relax cramped muscles and tone relaxed muscles. The effect of such a procedure, by the way, is not very long-lasting unless it is “fixed” with other treatment methods.

Warming up, by the way, will also not always be useful. Especially if we are talking about serious heating, which can reach 70 degrees. But this is a different story, which also imposes a number of restrictions on the use of such a massage bed.

Contraindications for the use of this equipment

If a person nevertheless decides to resort to the use of such controversial products, he needs to follow the instructions, since the developer himself gives many contraindications, if not observed, he is not responsible for the negative consequences. So, the following factors are contraindications:

  • The presence of any inflammatory processes of any nature. An especially serious contraindication in this case is an increase in body temperature.
  • The presence of bleeding of any nature, as well as diseases that can lead to it. It is worth noting that one of the contraindications is even menstrual cycles.
  • The presence of pustular lesions, wounds and acne on the back, since the use of “Nuga Best” can provoke an even greater number of inflammations against the background of such manifestations.
  • Vascular and heart diseases, including hypertension and angina.
  • The last stage of osteoporosis.
  • The presence of sexually transmitted diseases. Among these, the most dangerous contraindication is the presence of syphilis.

What function improves blood circulation

Long-wave rays penetrate deeply into the body. Their heat breaks down cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels, which is a type of fat. With the cauterization effect, blood quickly flows to the place of heating for cooling and cleanses the blood vessels. In this way, even completely clogged capillaries are cleared of cholesterol. Digested cholesterol and other waste products are eliminated from the body naturally. Also, thanks to heat, the clumped red blood cells are separated and become more elastic and flexible. This restores blood circulation at the capillary level, and flexible red blood cells can penetrate capillaries that are 3 times smaller in diameter.

Cost of Nuga Best equipment

The cost of the products is high. Beds are sold at prices ranging from eighty to one hundred thousand rubles. Also, a lot depends on marketing offers for the current period. Other products may be sold cheaper or more expensive, depending on the availability of any discounts or promotions. You can purchase the company's products exclusively in specialized stores, which, as a rule, are located in various cities of Russia. They can often be identified by a sign called "Health Hall". Products are not sold online. You'll have to visit the Nuga Best salon.

Long-wave infrared radiation.

Long-wave infrared radiation is not visible to the human eye, but this does not mean that it does not exist. Infrared radiation has very strong thermal energy and is absolutely harmless, has a beneficial effect on our body, penetrating into the depth of the body up to 3-7 cm. After using the tourmanium mat, the body retains the beneficial heat that the ceramics gave for a long time. I was convinced of this myself, as a user of this equipment.

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The natural source of heat waves is the sun. The sun emits rays visible and invisible to the human eye: gamma rays, x-rays, ultraviolet rays and infrared rays.

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Ultraviolet radiation affects the skin and penetrates to a depth of up to 06 mm, causing tanning, but prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation is detrimental to all living things. Everything is clear about gamma radiation and X-rays, only harm. Only infrared radiation is beneficial.

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Infrared radiation was first discovered in 1800 by the English scientist Herschel. It is believed that any body whose temperature is above absolute zero emits infrared radiation and is considered heated. This means that the human body also emits infrared radiation, since our body temperature is 36.6 degrees.

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It should be noted that different objects emit different wavelengths: short, medium and long. Our body emits long-wave infrared rays. Turmanium ceramics emits beams of the same length. What happens? When the wavelengths match, a resonance occurs, in which the membrane of a living cell in our body begins to move and thereby improve metabolic processes, a kind of massage at the molecular level.

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Infrared radiation has very strong thermal energy and penetrates 3-6 cm deep into our body. Since we are 70 percent water, water molecules react first to the radiation, they reanimate cells and stimulate blood circulation, which ultimately affects metabolism, due to the saturation of cells with oxygen.

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Therefore, infrared radiation has anti-inflammatory, absorbable, analgesic, antispasmodic effects, and increases lymph outflow.

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Long-wave infrared radiation is also called the rays of life, as they play a key role in the development of all life on earth. Expectant mothers warm the fetus with their warmth, giving life to the baby. Birds hatch eggs, warming them with heat emanating from their bodies. All this is long-wave infrared radiation.

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Unlike us, oriental medicine has achieved much greater results in this direction. Here are the results from infrared therapy:

  • regulation of blood pressure by stimulating blood circulation
  • memory improvement
  • elimination of circulatory disorders in the brain
  • effective effect on tissue during treatment
  • pain reduction
  • reduction of menopausal syndrome caused by frostbite, nervousness, depression
  • cleansing, deodorizing, antidote effect
  • stimulation of growth and development
  • improving metabolism, maintaining balance
  • regulation of fluid levels in the body
  • ridding the body of harmful substances
  • stopping the spread of harmful microbes and fungi
  • Helps in the production of the hormone melatonin

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Infrared rays warm our body and help maintain its temperature. I invite you to watch a story from Galileo’s program about the use of infrared radiation with the famous TV presenter Alexander Pushny.

Nuances of active sales, or “inconsistencies” of indications and contraindications

Since we have figured out what such a device can actually do, we can roughly imagine what therapeutic or preventive effect it will have. Accordingly, it becomes clear for which diseases it will be truly useful. But let's listen to the sellers and read the advertising - it turns out that Nuga Best is able to magically treat a number of diseases for which massage is not used at all simply because it is useless.

But let's take things in order. So, we take a list of diseases for which the use of such a massage bed is recommended.

Ceramic tourmanium mat “Nuga Best”

At the top of the list are various back diseases. Osteochondrosis, intervertebral disc herniation, scoliosis, a number of pain syndromes (lumbodynia, for example), as well as all neuralgia and neuritis combined. On the one hand, it is logical that massage is part of the treatment for such diseases. True, the massage is different in each case and it is not entirely clear how the patient will configure his massage bed in accordance with the requirements for a real “live” massage therapist. But mistakes in performing a massage in this situation will only lead to the problem getting worse. Is this “automatic massager” really assembled in such a unique way that it equally helps with any of the listed diseases? However, read on.

Next on the list is myositis. This is something worth thinking about. How to massage with myositis, if even touching the inflamed muscle is quite painful? This is not treatment, it's just torture. Unless we are talking about its chronic form, but even in this case a massage alone will not do. You can read about the treatment of this disease on our website; the sequence of actions is well described there - eliminate the cause, relieve inflammation and only then restore the condition of the affected muscle.

But then it gets even more interesting - hypertension, migraine, vascular diseases. Now imagine that a person with diseased blood vessels (not to mention hypertension) will lie down on a massager that will warm him up well and provide a fairly active massage. The result, most likely, will not be an improvement in the condition, but an increase in pressure.

I don’t want to read the rest of the list at all, because it’s not clear how massage can help with psoriasis or cataracts, for example. Or is it all the miraculous effects of stone therapy?

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