"Nuga Best": contraindications. “Nuga Best”: medical reviews of the bed

We all want to be healthy, young and strong. But no matter how hard we try, health problems happen, and the years take their toll. It’s good that we live in a time when medicine is quite developed and can help us solve most problems. And as soon as a new invention appears, we immediately strive to try it on ourselves. What if it is precisely this that will save us from pain and inconvenience forever.

More recently, one of these inventions created a real boom: they created a special bed that massages, warms, heals and rejuvenates our exhausted bodies, and they gave it the name “Nuga Best”. The motto of the company that developed the find is: “Be healthy without drugs!” Encouraging, isn't it?

Dozens of people flocked to medical centers for health and youth, and some even bought a crib for their home. But is such a device really effective, what do patients say about it, and most importantly, what do doctors think about the bed? When can it help and what are the contraindications of Nuga Best?

From Korea with love

Korean inventors, in search of a panacea, have created something completely new. They combined two areas in the apparatus: modern technologies and the knowledge of our great-grandfathers. Ceramic rollers using natural material – tourmaline – are built into the bed. And it is able to influence our body with its special magnetic field, healing it, and this is an indisputable fact. The rollers serve for body massage, but, in addition, they are also capable of perfectly warming up the Nuga Best bed. There are also contraindications to it, so let's be careful and figure out what's what and how to behave correctly with the Korean miracle.

How it works

The device was developed to help people suffering from back pain. And this is precisely the problem from which almost the entire population of our planet suffers. But did its creators take care of safety for our health? Does Nuga Best have any contraindications, and if so, what are they?

The new product can operate in two modes:

  • warming up the body with massage (for relaxation and preparation for other procedures);
  • point cauterization (impacts on our biologically active points, triggering the body’s restorative functions).

But here the question should arise about whether all patients can be warmed up (the installation can heat up to a temperature of 70 degrees), and whether cauterization is really safe. Does Nuga Best have any contraindications for people? If you ask doctors a question, they will confirm your doubts - for some diseases such an effect will not only be undesirable, but even dangerous.

Do I need a Nuga Best bed?

The spine not only supports our body and provides movement, it is a reliable frame for the spinal cord, to which our other life support systems are “connected”. Doctors say that a healthy spine is already half of our good health. And it is extremely important to pay maximum attention to it. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that Nuga Best attracted such close attention: reviews from doctors, contraindications, recommendations and positive responses from consumers - all this was brought up for discussion and caused different opinions.

There were many people who responded immediately. Some claimed that Nuga Best really helped them a lot. Contraindications alarmed others; they did not dare to use this thing. Who can use the bed and who can’t?

Let's get to know the company

The founder is Cho Seung Hyun. This is a South Korean design engineer who, after graduating from university, worked in one of the companies specializing in the production of medical equipment for government orders. He was awarded several times: first by the Ministry of Science, and later by the President of South Korea for the development of a special device for the treatment of kidney stones with ultrasound.

Tell me, can a person who knows how to use his knowledge for the benefit of modern medicine, an engineer whose developments are appreciated in his own country, really be a charlatan? Why are you asking? And besides, it is his brainchild that is today’s loud brand “Nuga Best”. Reviews from doctors, visitors to free salons, and product owners indicate that products with such a label have caused a wide public response. Almost no one is left on the sidelines; everyone participates in discussions of the new product.

There are documented facts confirming that the massage bed was originally invented for Cho Seung Hyun's sick mother. She suffered from diseases of the spine, and a moment came when the elderly woman could neither sit down nor lie down on her own. Then the son began to study both official medicine and get acquainted with the ancient traditions of healing. As a result of painstaking work, the “Nuga Best” bed was created, the reviews of doctors about which are very contradictory. However, note: there is no total denial or negativity in them at all.

Other appliances followed the bed. This is how the “Nuga Best” trademark appeared. Reviews from doctors about her were initially few and cautious. This is understandable, because the main principle of medicine is: “Do no harm.”

Since 2004, the company's products have been represented on the Russian market.

First visit to the salon

As soon as you cross the threshold, they will immediately pay attention to you, and this, of course, is very pleasant. You will be shown and told in full how the Nuga Best device works, contraindications, reviews about it, the advantages of the device - nothing will remain hidden. They will also certainly ask about your well-being and give their recommendations regarding further procedures. All this is very good and, of course, inviting. But!

Remember that the person who met you at the door is just a manager. He may have medical training in some field or not at all. He knows very well how the procedures are performed, how the equipment works, and he also knows how to pique your interest and how to sell you this bed. But “Nuga Best” also has contraindications, so it is important to understand whether this device is suitable for you and whether it will cause harm.

The person who meets you is in no way interested in harming you, but simple ignorance of the characteristics of your body and hidden diseases can lead to a serious mistake. Therefore, before going for the procedure, carefully study the reviews of doctors about Nuga Best. Contraindications are something that cannot be ignored. Elementary negligence can lead to serious health problems.

Nuga Best - saints or scammers?

Andrey Maklakov philosopher, writer, journalist

The commercial sect is boring. However, medical, and even with oriental exoticism, is interesting. The South Korean medical equipment company “Nuga Best” has already managed to take root in Ukraine, having penetrated the Ukrainian market about 10 years ago. During this time, as stated on the website nugabest.ua, 143 offices appeared in Ukraine alone, and 3 million of our fellow citizens used the services of the company’s branches . Moreover, it has also received official recognition - a number of distinctions (leader of the national business rating in 2009, etc.), and its equipment is used in many clinics and hospitals, not to mention orphanages, over which the company has taken patronage. And everywhere - crowds of fans, miraculous and super-expensive goods, lively voices of instructors campaigning for their purchase... But can you trust them?

Personal experience with Nuga Best. However, our fellow citizens have a strong immunity to officialdom. And no matter what they write on the official website, we don’t believe it. Personal experience and skepticism are the main thing. Perhaps I would not have paid attention to the advertising leaflet that was thrust into my hands on the street if it had not contained two magic words “capillaroscopy” and “free”. Next was the address, the Nuga Best salon somewhere on the outskirts of the city, which was not immediately found. I called, they assigned me a day and an hour, and lo and behold, I found myself in a crowd of pensioners who stood, sat, and even lay on fashionable, designer-looking massage beds. Above them, a man of about 60 years old, somewhat flabby and covered with warts, which I immediately recognized as signs of a viral and helminthic infestation, was screaming into the microphone into a microphone. - Prostatitis! - the man yelled, - how can we diagnose prostatitis? Only based on secondary signs - urine residues! Next came a set of words meant to prove his deep medical competence and contempt for narrow-minded pensioners who don’t understand a damn thing about such important and significant diseases. Along the way, the deep-voiced instructor criticized official medicine, noting that people no longer had trust in it. Well, we know very well what it is, that is, what official doctors have become. “Well, sit down,” an ugly but still quite young woman with signs of pregnancy turned to me, “here, drink some water, you need to thin your blood.” I drank, noting with pleasure that they didn’t charge me for it, although above the table with glasses there was an inscription: “1 glass 2 hryvnia” (which reminded me of the Internet meme “2 girls 1 cap”), known for its disgustingness. After that, they asked me to lift my shirt and wrapped me in a wide belt with ceramic inserts, which immediately began to give me electric shocks. Not too pleasant, but tolerable. Meanwhile, more people were arriving in the hall - mostly pensioners, but there were also middle-aged people and children. After about 20 minutes the electric shock ended, and I, already sweating, was laid on the bed in place of the retired pensioner. It soon became clear why all these people were crowding together: the nodules and swaying planes rhythmically moving under the surface regularly massaged the back and even below it, and in addition, they also warmed. True, at times it was a little uncomfortable, especially when the nodules reached shoulder level and the head was lifted off the bed. It’s stressful, but in general, you can be patient. Most importantly, it's completely free. Meanwhile, the assistants wrote down my data. After about 20 minutes of this torture, it was finally the turn of the capillaroscope. “Here you can look at your capillaries,” the assistant announced to me. - What if I don’t want to see them? If I don't want to know what's inside of me? The girl behind the microscope giggled and pointed her finger at the screen, pointing to problem areas in my capillaries, saying that here you can see problems with the blood vessels and heart, and here with the liver, and here it is clear that you have thick blood... I must say that the capillaroscope Didn't make much of an impression. Everything that they told me about myself could have been said by any experienced doctor just by looking at my face: most of my ailments are typical for people of my age. Osteochondrosis, spinal problems, blood pressure, heart – who doesn’t have this? The next day my back hurt and my blood pressure rose - 150 per hundred. Well, here’s the result... I didn’t dare make a new visit to the Nugabest salon, which looked so much like a neo-Christian sect. Sitting in a crowd of coughing pensioners, groaning aunts and young mothers with screaming children, listening to the rantings of another instructor (even if he is right when talking about the greed and moral corruption of doctors, or the miraculous recovery of patients who bought themselves a tourmanium rug), is a pleasure below average. Receiving electric shocks in the stomach, or toiling on a pulsating bed moving back and forth may be useful, but it’s also not a joy. Spending two hours a day on such tests may be entertainment for retirees, but for a working person it is almost a luxury. The question, meanwhile, remains: can the Nugabest sect be trusted? Personal experience left a mixed impression. All that remains is to turn to documents, reviews of other people and official information.

Food for thought – the opinions of critics and official data. There are several forums on the Internet whose participants are firmly convinced of the fraudulent nature of Nuga Best. For example, forum.sevastopol.info and the “Calliope” website, which says the following: “Nuga best - a review of a fraudulent structure for fooling money. Beware - a sect and a zombie project! The newest project to rob pensioners is progressing on the market - Nuga best. This company is misleading and profits from the desires of the weak-willed and weak-minded. Like all MLM projects, its activities are fraudulent. The company first ingratiates itself using a wide range of tactics and seizes the money of its victims. Reviews about Nuga best have been extremely negative lately. The company does not have a license to practice medicine. Pseudo-specialists do not even have a medical education, and the certificate of conformity generally mentions the sale of electric heating devices. There is no mention of any therapeutic or preventive activities in the documents. What is turmanite ceramics? Tourmanium ceramics is a complex alloy of tourmaline and germanium, as well as some other volcanic rocks. Germanium does not have any pharmacological properties and does not have any effect on the body. There is absolutely nothing special about it. Tourmaline is a fairly cheap substance. Its price reaches $40 per 1 kilogram. Used in infrared heaters, which can be purchased for $100, not $400, as Nugabest sells. Science has not recorded any magical properties of tourmaline. The mythical long waves that the scammers boast about are infrared waves and short infrared waves do not exist. I think in these 2 sentences smart people realized that the company Nugabest is a scam and is selling placebos at inflated prices. Why sell ordinary heating pads for 3 kopecks when you can come up with a fabulous property and increase the cost several times. Miracle mats, heating pads, Nuga best devices - ordinary heaters - a la Ufo, sold in any store.” The review is angry, but you can’t trust it either: the article is extremely biased. To be fair, it must be said that it was established back in 2002, that is, 13 years ago. At the same time, she received patents for her devices (Heating Instrument Bent-rail-roller, Reg. No.: 10-2002-0033537, Heating Instrument, Reg. No.: 10-2002-0051673). Then it received all the necessary permits, and in each country in which the company was a part, permits had to be obtained under a new one (See the official history of the company) https://www.nugabest.tv/global/bbs/board.php?bo_table=001&wr_id =4 The export volume reached 70 million dollars in 2008, that is, buyers of South Korean massage beds and tourmanium mats amounted to hundreds of thousands, if not millions. The company managed to open branches in more than 70 countries, and has about 6,000 branches around the world . So what do you call such an enterprise - which has its own products, its own philosophy, thousands of branches, and dozens of awards and certificates, which operates legally and pays taxes? Corporation? Mafia?

In any case, we must admit that this is a gigantic enterprise, an entire business empire. It’s also a certain lifestyle, an attitude towards it. In other words, Nuga Best is a global brand. And a brand is not a “scam” or a “scam”, at least due to its scale. A brand is the highest degree of maturity of a business project, when it becomes a social phenomenon. Critics of Nuga Best often note the high cost of the company's products. Yes, all these beds, rugs and miracle belts cost a lot - hundreds and thousands of dollars. Well, where have you seen cheap branded items? Nuga Best is not a charitable foundation. This is a commercial enterprise. Moreover, it is in strict conflict with official medicine . That is why major media outlets do not write about the South Korean company. And what to write about a company that promotes the idea of ​​preventing diseases, getting rid of taking medications, undermining the well-being of the pharmaceutical and medical mafia, praising some Koreans? This is unwise and simply unsafe. Not a single editor of a reputable publication would miss such an article - freedom of information in Western media is a myth.

Conclusions and refutations. In conclusion, I will add that both the mineral called tourmaline and the chemical element called germanium, contrary to the opinion of our ignorant skeptics, do have biological activity and have long been used in medicine. (Just search for “germanium in medicine” or “tourmaline in medicine”). Therefore, if manufacturers claim that “turmanium”, that is, ceramics obtained by sintering thermalin, germanium and some other additives, has healing properties, then they have certain reasons for this. Nuga Best also has competitors who produce similar products - for example, linen with tourmaline, healing mats and the like. They are not cheap, but there are reasons for this: the production and promotion of such goods is not an easy task. And given the discontent of the global medical and pharmaceutical mafia, and their colossal financial capabilities, the conservatism of doctors and their patients, the stubbornness of skeptics, then there is nothing to be surprised at all.

Yes, the Nuga Best corporation works on the MLM principle, organizing commercial sects. Yes, the goods are expensive. Yes, the principles of their work are not entirely clear. Yes, loudmouths in storefronts and crowds of pensioners look unattractive. But we shouldn’t throw out the baby with the dirty water: it represents an alternative and innovative view of a person and his health, offering a range of original and useful products for wellness . If you don’t like it, just pass by, but don’t throw mud at people who are looking for salvation from their ailments with the help of tourmanium mats or massage beds. And official doctors cannot express their “skepticism” in any way: over the past two or three decades, allopathic medicine has lost its former authority, and Western surgery, no matter how brilliant it may be, is still medicine in extremum. So, you and I will not puff out our cheeks and turn pink in a fit of righteous anger. Nuga Best gives people a chance. But how they will use it, and how the business in this company is organized, is another matter. I'm a skeptic. Perhaps you, reading these lines, do too. But who are we to deprive millions of people not only of hope, but also of a real chance to regain lost health? We didn’t give it, we didn’t take it away, it’s not up to us to decide.

Andrey Maklakov, 06/28/2015

What do the doctors say? Contraindications

Be careful, if you have at least one of the listed problems, “Nuga Best” can harm you:

  • Any acute illness, especially with fever and inflammatory processes.
  • All kinds of bleeding or illnesses as a result of which they can occur. Including menstruation.
  • Various inflammations on the skin of the back, ulcers or wounds.
  • Various diseases of the vascular system, as well as attacks of angina pectoris, hypertensive crisis.
  • The last stage of osteoporosis.
  • All kinds of gynecological and venereal diseases (especially syphilis).

Doctors' recommendations

Know that even if you did not find any of the diseases that you have been diagnosed with on the list, this does not mean that you do not have them. Some may occur in a hidden form or manifest themselves poorly, and you, in turn, can attribute your poor health to ordinary fatigue. Before visiting, be sure to consult your physician. Only he will be able to give truly worthwhile advice, prescribe treatment and recommend or prohibit you from using this device. It’s not at all difficult to see a doctor, but you will know for sure whether the Nuga Best bed has contraindications specifically for your health.

Massager NUGA BEST Massager bed - reviews


it really does relieve back pain, but only while you are going through the sessions, and when you finish, everything will return to normal... I think that manual massage is more effective... by the way, even there in the salon they told me that for a good effect it is necessary to undergo 72 sessions, and if it’s less, then it’s just a “dead poultice”...

Miss Congeniality


I am still under two impressions from this massage equipment.

I met him a long time ago and by chance. One old lady I know, groaning enthusiastically and rolling her eyes, told me in colorful terms about a miracle bed that helps with everything possible, and in general, is very good for health, because it has jade and tourmanium elements that heal, warm, and help against the evil eye.

At the end of this laudatory ode, the last shot in the head was the sweet word: “freebie”.

And now I, already pre-instructed with a clean sheet and an equally clean sock, am going by appointment to the salon on the street. Trostyanetskaya to warm and treat everything that I can manage in an hour of free pleasure. I know, I know, you can’t bear to find out why I need one sock. But let me be consistent.


So, I arrived. The rather large room, which contained several dozen massage beds, was chock-full of pensioners and various somewhat shabby subjects of indeterminate age. Why be surprised, 14:30, a weekday (not everyone has a day off, like me). So those who are unoccupied come. After all, from 19:00, these services became paid.

The massage session began with watching a short video about how a kind Korean uncle made a healing bed for us, almost at a loss, and how grateful everyone was to him.

After puzzling over the information block, I was taken to “my” bed, asked if I had my own sheet, and asked to make it up. On a separate five-ball projector, which can be used to warm your ears, nose and other parts - I put on that same sock so that, for hygiene purposes))) it could be rubbed over my face.

Then, after a short lesson in how to properly sit on the bed, I finally climbed onto it, lay down, closed my eyes and prepared for unearthly bliss.

But that was not the case. I completely forgot about the contingent that surrounded me….

And the closest neighbors were chosen as if to order:

- a scruffy, approximately 40-year-old aunt;

- nervous grandfather;

- an elderly woman whose face expressed many years of experience as an honorary trade worker;

- a rumpled man of unknown age;

- and several grannies of God's dandelions.

Everyone made the beds, put on their socks, lay down... And away we go... Tymoshenko-Yanukovych-Yushchenko-Chernovetsky (at that time these were the names that were widely heard)... All this was accompanied by emotions of anger and malice, seasoned with self-pity, fueled by memories of the bright past with a gradual transition to universal hatred of all living things.

At the end of my time lying down, all this stream of dirty negativity gave me a headache. I couldn’t get up, because the girl, having warned me that I couldn’t get out of bed until she stopped, left, so as not to disturb me, getting health-improving pleasure.

So she lay there, scolding herself for having forgotten the headphones for the phone at home, and couldn’t plug her ears with music, that she had stuck with a freebie, not thinking at all about who else might come here at such a time. After this one trip, I completely lost any desire to return to such free massages.


But I want to say something about the bed separately. Despite everything around me, my body was delighted. The heated rollers located inside the bed slowly move along the spine, creating pleasant pressure. Considering that it was winter, the warmth of the bed was especially pleasant for me. Also, the rollers, when approaching the cervical region, rise a little higher, working this area especially pleasantly. The sensations from this massage are difficult to compare with a regular manual one, it is neither better nor worse, it is completely different. The spine is massaged with a warm roller, from the tailbone to the very top, vertebra by vertebra. The bed itself consists of two parts, on one there are these same rollers, on the other there is a built-in tourmaline mat, on which you can first lie down in order to warm up the muscles.

At that time, this unit cost 15,000 UAH, but now it is more expensive – over 20,000 UAH. For me personally, it is very difficult to talk about the healing properties of the bed. Although we must pay tribute - the sensations are very pleasant, the muscles are relaxed... a pleasant flexibility is formed in the body... By the way, the old lady I mentioned at the beginning of the review finally scraped together some money and bought herself this massager. Alas, according to her, she did not feel better.

Personally, I have a great deal of mistrust caused by the servile admiration for the products, the creation of an atmosphere of miracle, the procedure of luring into the salon, and so on.

PS I draw your attention to the fact that the conditions described in the review for visiting the salon were temporary, since the time of paid and free sessions changes all the time, just like the presence or absence of the same paid sessions.



It all started with the fact that both my father and I have problems with the spine. And one day he decided to visit this company, where we could get 10 sessions absolutely free. There was also a promotion where by inviting a friend you could get additional visits. So he invited me. My father went through the whole thing, and I only had 5 sessions (but not because I didn’t like it - my back pain just disappeared). The father is also happy. In general, if we evaluate the NUGA BEST bed , and not those distributors who shamelessly sell poor grandmothers a super-expensive item, then the bed helps well in the fight against spinal problems.

It would not be superfluous to say that Nuga Best distributors are very often charismatic Christians (essentially a sect), who themselves hide this fact very much, for fear of scaring off customers. In addition, if you read history, this movement is alien to us in spirit, because originated in Baptist communities in the USA.

Once again I will brand the distributors with shame, but only from the other side, because... Before going through a session, you have to listen to a 40-minute tirade about the miraculousness of Nuga Best and other tourmanium devices. This is, to say the least, tiring. But those who are especially suggestible fall for it. I observed a gloomy picture of the approval of a loan to a pensioner for the purchase of a bed, which, no less, already costs 100 thousand rubles. And I have no idea how many years she will have to pay off the banks. Not to criticize the elderly, but it seems that some grannies think that they will live forever after this acquisition. However, they do not understand that similar beds have been installed in some medical centers for a long time. In our city, for 110 rubles you can undergo 1 session on these beds - and this is much more expedient. And as practice shows, you don’t need so many sessions to bring yourself back to normal, but distributors blatantly lie that you need to lie on the bed 3 (!) times a day (after all, all diseases are caused by the spine, as Nuga Best employees say). Moreover, the main contingent of their customers are poor grandparents with small pensions. The bottom line is that this bed is only for medical centers, and not for cluttering up already small Russian apartments.




massage, warming up


worsening after a massage is quite possible, there is no guarantee

Hello dear friends and guests of the Otzovik site! I only had one massage session on the Nuga Best multifunctional massage bed. I accidentally found out that we have a center in our city where you can get a massage on this bed for free. So I decided to try it. Before the massage in the center, you still need to listen to a lecture for 20-30 minutes, and then you will be invited to the bed. The massage there lasts 40 minutes. You need to go to bed wearing just a T-shirt. I definitely liked the sensations during the massage. The rollers gradually, with a short stop at each area of ​​the spine, pass along the entire spine to the neck. Feeling like the spine is being stretched. Also at this time there is also heating. Everything seems to be useful. You cannot sit after such a massage for 30 minutes. I liked the massage and the sensations. And after the first session, I decided to do it at least 10 times. But the next day, my feelings and opinion changed. My lower back hurt and I felt a little dizzy. I was warned there that temporary deterioration in health was possible. I read a lot of information and reviews on the Internet, where opinions were divided, approximately 50 to 50. Some praised it very much and the bed helped them, others even wrote about deaths after a massage. That's why I didn't do any more massages. After all, I don’t know what’s wrong with my spine, perhaps there are some hidden diseases that I don’t even know about and warming up can simply aggravate the situation. My advice for those who want to take these courses. First you need to examine the spine and take at least an x-ray of all parts to make sure that everything is normal with the spine. And also consult your doctor first. Be healthy.




1 . For free . 2. Back pain goes away.


The pain returns again if you stop going to the procedures.

Everyone, Good day, dear Friends and Readers of the Review! I first became acquainted with the Nuga Best bed seven years ago, a friend used it several times, she liked the effect, but I just had problems with my back and, in addition, my leg was severely pulled. So I decided to be like this miracle - a bed. True, I had to travel far and for a whole month, but this did not bother me. I went every day except Sunday, and a month later I was given a tourmaline bracelet, a gift for regularly visiting. What can I say about the effect of using the Nuga Best bed. There is an effect and it is not bad, the leg has stopped aching and pulling. Lightness and flexibility appeared in the spine. Of course I liked all this. But after I stopped driving and undergoing procedures to stretch the spine, the pain gradually returned. Therefore, I can conclude that Nuga Best is a bed for lazy and very busy people. I lay down, lay down, the spine warmed up and stretched, the tension went away and it became easier. But no one can strengthen our muscles except us, so the pain comes back to us and only regular management can save us from back pain. You can be like this bed, but don’t expect a miracle, since all the pain comes back or you have to buy it and do stretching every day, but our muscles themselves will not strengthen and will remain in the same condition as they were.

“The second heart of “Nuga Best””

Today produces a large number of products based on tourmaline. These are not only devices and massagers, but also dishes, bracelets, skin care products and some items of clothing (gloves, for example). The positive effect of this natural material is really great for us, the company is trying to use it everywhere.

There is another interesting solution that is quite worthy of our attention - the rug “Second Heart “Nuga Best””. Contraindications to it are practically reduced to zero; if you cannot use the bed due to a number of contraindications, then such a rug will come to the rescue. The principle of its operation is simpler; it warms up the areas of the feet, influencing biologically active currents. This triggers a number of processes in the body that can stimulate, restore and activate the reserve functions of your body.

Be attentive to your health, appreciate and protect it!

Mattress "Nuga Best": reviews from doctors

Actually, the doctors themselves do not say anything bad about tourmanium mats. True, they do not classify them as official medicine, and believe that they are intended, rather, for healthy people, and serve more for prevention.

On the other hand, it has long been known that the body recovers best during sleep, and tourmanium ceramics allows you to activate all its resources. Manufacturers claim that the Nuga Best mattress can help:

  1. For protrusions, osteochondrosis, hernias. By setting a comfortable temperature, you help relax muscles and improve blood circulation.
  2. To normalize sleep and restore the nervous system. This is ensured by the magnetic field that acts on us during the night.

  3. To eliminate skin diseases. IR rays restore biochemical balance, thereby improving metabolic processes.
( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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