Making wicker furniture from willow or rattan with your own hands

An interior that includes wicker furniture immediately automatically becomes original and sophisticated. It cannot be called ordinary, it cannot be ignored. Wicker items give the room a colonial look, making it solid and somewhat “foreign”. At the same time, not everyone can afford to buy ready-made wicker chairs and sofas - their prices are very high.

They are partly due to the high share of manual labor in the production process. At the same time, almost any user can independently make such products - the technologies are quite simple, and one of the possible materials grows in abundance along the banks of rivers and lakes. You just need to understand the technology and understand the sequence of actions. Let's consider this issue more carefully.

Wood weaving is a rare skill

The production of wicker furniture from willow and other materials is a traditional Russian craft. In this way, not only furniture was created, for example, rocking chairs and cradles, but also other useful household items - baskets, various household utensils and even fences. Weaving was a very common skill.

But during the 20th century there were so many changes affecting the entire population that many traditional skills seem to be a thing of the past forever. The ability to weave wood is now considered something rare and even exclusive. A master who has mastered this craft will not only be able to create his own unique interior, but, with a little effort, will receive a flood of orders.

The production of wicker furniture from willow and other materials is a traditional Russian craft.

Wicker furniture is a new hit in interior design

Currently, weaving furniture from wicker with your own hands is attracting more and more people. Wicker furniture has a whole range of advantages over its “mass” counterparts. It is made only from environmentally friendly materials, without glue and other not very useful chemicals. Such furniture weighs significantly less than traditional furniture and is easy to transport, transport or rearrange inside the house.

The appearance of such products will always be unique, original, and special. High-quality weaving ensures a long service life of such furniture while maintaining all external characteristics.

The furniture does not require complex care , such as polishing: it is enough to remove dust from it with a dry cloth and treat it with anti-moisture agents twice a year. The cost of wicker interior items is also low. This entire list of positive qualities explains the popularity of wicker furniture.

As for the disadvantages, these include low temperature resistance: humidity or heat are equally harmful to products, the damage from them is very difficult to eliminate. Therefore, if you plan to use wicker furniture in your own garden, it is better to provide a “shelter” for it - a place where the furniture can be easily hidden in case of bad weather.

Features of wicker furniture

The history of wicker furniture goes back thousands of years. Archaeologists often find it all over the world. Weaving from vines and other natural materials of plant origin was common in settlements located near bodies of water. The proximity of suitable raw materials in large quantities contributed to the fact that people made most of the products used in everyday life on their own.

Wicker furniture was used more often in the homes of the poor, as the cheapest and most accessible option. But quite quickly wealthy people and representatives of the nobility appreciated its beauty, functionality and possibilities of use in the interior. Since then, not only single craftsmen, but also entire artels, and later factories, have been engaged in weaving. There are even special schools of wicker weaving.

Prince Golitsyn brought the fashion for wicker furniture to Russia. Often traveling abroad, he appreciated the properties of wicker products and created an entire workshop for their production on his estate.

Wicker furniture can be a real work of art

Nowadays wicker furniture is very popular. Making it becomes a favorite hobby for many, even generating income. In addition, it has many advantages. These include:

  • low cost, especially compared to products made from other natural materials;
  • light weight, thanks to which you can easily move the furniture anywhere without outside help;
  • environmental friendliness: wicker interior items not only look beautiful, but are also safe for health and do not have a specific odor;
  • easy care: most often it is enough to wipe off dust from the furniture with a cloth dipped in water;
  • durability, subject to high-quality weaving, performed according to all the rules.

True, there are also disadvantages that need to be taken into account. Furniture woven from wicker and similar materials is not resistant to the vagaries of the weather. In heavy rain it gets wet, and with prolonged exposure to sunlight and high temperatures it can dry out. This leads to loss of shape and disruption of the weave. Repairing a damaged product is very difficult. Therefore, it is not recommended to keep such furniture in open areas for a long time.

Nowadays wicker furniture is very popular, and many people are starting to make it at a professional level.

Types of wicker furniture

According to the structure and manufacturing principle, wicker furniture is divided into several types:

  1. Frameless products. In them, the rigidity of the structure is ensured by strong stick-ribs.
  2. Frame furniture, in which the body is made of durable material, such as steel rods. The metal parts of the frame are braided with wicker or other appropriate material.
  3. Wooden furniture in which the supporting frame is made of wooden sticks that impart rigidity and durability.

Pieces of furniture made of wicker or rattan - photo gallery

It is impossible to imagine a summer garden without comfortable pieces of wicker furniture

A rocking chair is the dream of anyone who loves comfort

Even a bed and an entire bedroom set can be woven from wicker or rattan

A cozy basket chair with a low base will appeal to kids and pets

A comfortable rattan hanging chair is a good place to relax after a hard day.

An airy openwork set of a sofa, armchairs and table will decorate any dining room

Video: wicker furniture made of wicker and rattan in the interior

What is required for weaving - preparing willow twigs

Now let's take a closer look at how to make wicker furniture with your own hands. The quality of the finished products will depend on two factors: the characteristics of the harvested wood and the skills of the craftsman. Skills can be improved over the years, but it’s better to learn how to collect high-quality material right away.

The most common products are made from two materials: willow and rattan. Willow is considered a less strong and durable material. It can be harvested throughout the year, although twigs collected in late autumn will be stronger. Before cutting a willow rod, you need to bend it in several places or even wrap it around your finger - it should bend well, not crack or break even when bent up to 180 degrees. Trimming is done at an angle of 40 degrees.

The optimal solution would be to prepare rods of approximately equal thickness from 1.5 to 2 meters. The cut rods are grouped on site in bundles of 300-500 pieces depending on the thickness - thin, medium, thick. They will be needed to make various pieces of furniture.

Weaving is done by hand, but it requires templates and a frame.

Tools for work

Weaving from wicker is a labor-intensive task that requires scrupulousness. You just can't do it with your hands. You will have to stock up on a whole set of tools:

  • special knives and garden shears for cutting and trimming twigs;
  • ladder for sorting raw materials;
  • large capacity, tank for soaking the rod;
  • boiler for cooking and bleaching workpieces;
  • squeezers for cleaning twigs from bark;
  • splitters for dividing rods into parts;
  • shof for obtaining planed strips;
  • shmyg for figure processing, notching;
  • iser for aligning rows;
  • jigs for straightening frame blanks;
  • pruner;
  • measuring accessories - ruler or tape measure;
  • pliers;
  • saw on wood.

How to process cut willow twigs

In the workshop, all the bundles are untied and given the opportunity to warm up in a warm room before starting work. This is especially important for rods prepared in the cold season. Some craftsmen soak the workpieces in warm water. Before starting work, all the rods must be kept in boiling water for 1 hour and the bark removed from them.

In addition, the rods can be processed to change color. For example, if cleaned and soaked rods are held in hydrogen peroxide, they will acquire a white tint. A solution of manganese will make them brownish, vitriol will make them gray. In addition, aniline dyes will give the rods any shade you are interested in.

Is there an alternative to willow twigs?

Not everyone who wants to try their hand at making wicker furniture has the desire and ability to prepare willow twigs themselves. In this case, there is a way out - you can try to weave products from modern artificial materials.

An increasingly popular alternative to willow is rattan , which is specially treated stems and shoots of palm trees. This material is considered more durable, flexible and moisture resistant. However, such trees do not grow in Russia, so you will either have to purchase the source material or choose to produce furniture from artificial rattan.

Artificial rattan is a material based on polyurethane tape. Of course, such furniture cannot be considered natural or completely environmentally friendly. But weaving from rattan for beginners is much easier than from willow twigs , since the artificial material is more flexible and does not break. In addition, there is no need to prepare rods - you just need to purchase the necessary batch for work.

In addition, there are a lot of other materials suitable for weaving - bird cherry, raspberry, willow, alder, grapes, hazel (walnut), broom, abaca (banana leaves), bamboo, birch bark, water hyacinth and even seaweed. But all these materials are significantly inferior to willow and rattan in terms of quality characteristics, especially flexibility. In addition, some of them are not available in Russia - for example, banana leaves. For this reason, it is better to focus on more affordable willow and rattan.

Often wicker elements complement upholstered or cabinet furniture, being an element of their decor.

Preparation of raw materials for robots

In order for the product to be of high quality and durable, you need to properly prepare the raw materials. Most often these are willow twigs.

  1. For weaving, you can harvest material that is collected from living trees in the absence of buds; the most suitable time for harvesting is late autumn. You need to make it before the first frost - such raw materials are easy to clean and store dry.
  2. Experts say that you can prepare raw materials in the spring, but you need to remember that you need to cut the rods before the buds begin to swell; if you are late, green leaves will appear on the new furniture.
  3. You need to cut the branches at forty degrees - pruning will not harm the tree, and in a year or two new branches will appear.
  4. You need to conduct a kind of flexibility test. The cut branch must be bent: if it does not break, then the raw material is suitable for the job. Thin vine used for fine binding of products is considered to be of high quality.
  5. Thicker branches are used to make the frame.

The opportunity to acquire skills that allow you to organize your own small profitable business.

Types of structures

When weaving furniture from artificial rattan with your own hands, as well as from similar materials, it is better to start with the manufacture of simple products. Wicker furniture comes in two varieties:

  1. Frameless. These products are based on several wooden sticks fastened together, acting as ribs, which are braided with willow twigs. This option is suitable for light chairs and armchairs, tabletops, and bedside tables.
  2. Frame. Frame products are based on a full-fledged structure made of wooden boards or even metal slats and poles. A frame is required for complex types of furniture that must withstand heavy weight. These can be sofas, large chairs, beds, shelving.

What kind of furniture is most often woven from wooden rods or their artificial analogues? Often wicker elements complement upholstered or cabinet furniture, being an element of their decor. However, there are also completely wicker products, most often these are:

  • chairs, stools and benches;
  • armchairs, including rocking chairs;
  • tables;
  • bedside tables and shelves.

Weaving options - from simple to complex

It is better to start producing garden furniture from wood by making simple structures of the simplest type of weaving. For example, a chair or armchair. The fact is that by starting immediately with complex products with a frame, the master will definitely make mistakes, will not be able to produce an item of the required quality and will be disappointed in the entire craft.

Therefore, start by studying all the weaving options and move from simple to complex:

Type of weavingHow to do it
SimpleSingle rods are passed through the frame posts.
RopeEach frame post is surrounded by at least two rods on each side.
CheckersEach rod in a checkerboard pattern passes through 2 frame posts at once, the next one passes inside the first strip.
PigtailDecorative weaving, in which pairs of rods (possibly more) are spiraled in turn around a frame.
Openwork (ring, spiral, diamond-shaped, geometric)A complex type of weaving, which should be studied after mastering all the simple ones. The rods are wrapped around the frame in the form of geometric shapes and spirals.

In practice, these types of weaving are combined with each other: using simpler and faster options, the main part of the product is completed, and a decorative braid or other pattern decorates individual elements (handles, backs, armrests).

It is better to start producing garden furniture from wood by making simple structures of the simplest type of weaving.

Manufacturing technology

The manufacturing process of wicker furniture takes place in two main stages:

  1. Fabrication and assembly of the frame.
  2. Braiding the frame with a linear element to give it its final shape and appearance.

The traditional material for assembling the frame was thicker parts of wood (rattan palm trunks, thick willow branches, etc.). The frame was assembled by connecting its parts using nails or screws. Today, this technique is used in the same way as before, but more convenient and durable materials have appeared. For example, aluminum tubes in a plastic shell. They do not dry out, can take any shape, are durable and resistant to all external influences.

How to make a frame for wicker furniture

The simplest version of the frame is a simple structure made of wooden slats fastened together horizontally or vertically. Usually this is a frame and 4 legs. This option is suitable for making stools, chairs, poufs, and tables.

Frame models for more complex products can also be found on the Internet or developed independently. Some craftsmen buy finished products in construction or furniture stores, and then “braid” them entirely or decoratively. This option is more expensive, but also has a right to exist.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • light weight, easy to move from one place to another;
  • an abundance of shapes and configuration options for furniture items;
  • you can make wicker furniture yourself, showing imagination and artistic taste;
  • if necessary and if you have the skills, wicker furniture can be repaired or restored;
  • You can make both furniture for relaxation (chairs and sofas), as well as tables, cabinets, and chests of drawers.
  • if the furniture is made of natural materials, you have to monitor its condition and limit contact with moisture and sunlight;
  • natural furniture must be regularly varnished;
  • it is necessary to dose the load - the frame cannot withstand too much weight, and especially sudden impacts. Children should not be allowed to jump on wicker chairs or sofas;
  • wicker furniture requires interiors made in a certain style;
  • the price of wicker furniture is too high, which significantly limits interest in it among ordinary users.

Such shortcomings transfer wicker products to the rank of elite and specific furniture. Its production is carried out by true amateurs who find pleasure in the very process of preparing and weaving.

Do I need to treat products after weaving?

Wicker furniture will last much longer if it is treated after production. The finished product should be inspected for defects, such as uneven weaving, and corrected if possible. All roughness of the rods must be smoothed out with sandpaper.

The furniture is then painted (if necessary) or bleached with lime. In fact, wickerwork looks good even without painting . If the master believes that the color of the furniture needs to be changed, but wants to preserve its naturalness, it is worth using natural dyes, for example, a decoction of onion peels. It is a good idea to apply a varnish to your finished furniture.

Tung oil and products based on it will protect wickerwork from their main enemy - moisture. Treat finished furniture with this product, and then repeat the procedure at least twice a year. The product will retain its ideal appearance much longer.


If artificial rattan is used, is it necessary to use aluminum tube to assemble the frame?

No, this is not necessary. The frame can be made of any materials; when working with artificial rattan, this is not important.

Is it possible to strengthen the connections of the frame and weaving tapes with glue?

In principle, it is possible. However, it is necessary to use synthetic moisture-resistant compounds that combine well with varnish coatings. Otherwise there will be no point in using glue. In addition, glue should not be the main means of joining parts, only as an additional element.

Which products are best to start with?

It is recommended to gain experience on small products - banquettes, stools, benches. Their design is close to the basic types of furniture for relaxation, but the sizes are small and allow you to better understand the technique.

How long does it take for the finished product to dry?

At least a week must pass from the completion of the braiding to the application of the first layer of varnish. Some sources claim that 2-3 days are enough, but this is too little.

What to do if the braid is weak?

It’s better to take everything apart and braid the frame again and more tightly. Trying to fix a finished weave requires skill and experience. For beginning craftsmen, the only option is to redo the work, taking into account the mistakes made.

Where to learn to weave furniture

The opportunity to find a craftsman who makes furniture with his own hands, and who is also willing to share his knowledge, is quite rare. In addition, many people who are passionate about weaving specialize in simpler products - baskets and dishes. Training courses on this craft are also extremely rare.

However, it is now possible to master the skill of weaving furniture completely independently . Firstly, on the Internet it is easy to find a variety of educational articles and videos, the authors of which explain all the basics of this matter in an accessible and step-by-step manner.

Secondly, weaving furniture is largely a creative process. Therefore, having learned the basics, most masters develop their own techniques, discover their own subtleties and constantly improvise. Do not forget that weaving furniture is not an exact science, but a craft where there is room for trial and experimentation.

Weaving is a hobby or a way to make money?

Furniture made with your own hands is well suited as a decoration in the country. The process is so fascinating that before you know it, such an activity will become your hobby. And your favorite hobby can turn into a profitable business. You will be able to show off your creations at wicker furniture sales and make a good profit at the same time.

For a growing business, you need to constantly improve your skills. If you are just starting to master this art, do not grab a complex product. Develop gradually and you will succeed.

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