Shelves in the steam room: what is it and what is it used for? Instructions on how to attach folding, removable and corner shelves (105 photos)

Such a simple thing as making shelves in a bathhouse should not raise questions or difficulties for people who are not picking up construction tools for the first time. But even they often make mistakes, losing sight of some of the nuances and operating conditions of bath furniture. To avoid them and better understand the topic of the internal arrangement of a bathhouse, read this publication to the end. It will help you choose the right material and optimal shelf assembly technology.

Original arrangement of a steam room Source

What you need to know about bath shelves

If the bathhouse is built not only as a room in which you can wash, but also as a home center for relaxation and wellness, then it must be equipped accordingly. Paying special attention to the most “soulful” room – the steam room. Staying in which should be comfortable and safe. This can be achieved by knowing the principles of optimal placement of shelves and choosing materials that are pleasant to the body for their manufacture.

Posting rules

There are no strict requirements for how to make shelves in a bathhouse or steam room. Their size, shape, and level of location depend on the parameters of the room, the location of the oven and openings, the number of people simultaneously undergoing procedures, and other factors. But to create the most comfortable and safe conditions in the steam room, you should listen to some rules. They take into account the experience of many generations of bath pleasure lovers.

Bathhouse - relaxation for soul and body Source

  • If space and ceiling height allow, it is advisable to make shelves in 2 or 3 tiers, arranging them in steps. This will allow you to individually select a comfortable temperature for yourself, since hot air tends to rise, and the higher the level, the hotter it is.
  • The distance from the ceiling to the upper level should be at least 110-120 cm, so that it is comfortable not only to lie on the shelf, but also to sit, climb on it, and steam with a broom.
  • The distance from the floor to the bottom shelf is selected within 25-40 cm.
  • The optimal distance between adjacent tiers is about 50 cm.
  • The sufficient width of the shelves for sitting is 30-40 cm. For lying down - at least 60 cm, but it is better to make it 80-90 cm.
  • The length is selected taking into account the height of the tallest member of the family; it is desirable that it be at least 180 cm so that you can lie down with your legs stretched out.

It is clear that compliance with all these parameters is not always possible, especially if the room is small and is used as a steam room and washing room at the same time. How to make shelves in a bathhouse with your own hands, in such cases, is dictated by common sense and the desire of the owners.

In a traditional Russian bathhouse they steam and wash in the same room Source

Shelves can be placed along one wall, parallel in 2 rows along opposite walls, or at an angle to each other. By “playing” with the location, you can find the best option and get closer to the recommended standards.

Advice. When designing the interior of a bathhouse, you should not forget about safety, and try not to install the stove benches too close to the hot surface of the stove. It is also undesirable to place it under a window, since the glass in it can be accidentally broken by actively using a broom.

Recommended materials

Another important question is what to make the shelves from in the bathhouse. It is clear that this must be wood, but not every type of wood behaves equally well in conditions of high temperature and humidity and does not cause discomfort when touched. It can become very hot, preventing you from sitting or lying on the surface, quickly rotting, losing its visual appeal, releasing resin, etc.

Resin drips on the surface of coniferous lining Source

Therefore, first of all, you need to choose the appropriate material by deciding on the type of wood. For this purpose, hardwoods are usually taken, since conifers, while resistant to moisture and have a pleasant aroma, are nevertheless unsuitable for use in a steam room. For the simple reason that when heated, they release resin, touching which not only threatens to burn, but also stains the skin. The resin is very difficult to wash off, especially if it gets on your hair. It is unlikely that its fragrant smell will force anyone to come to terms with these disadvantages.

On a note! You can make a load-bearing frame from inexpensive and practical pine, since making shelves in a bathhouse with your own hands from wood needs to be strong and reliable. This wood, due to its resin content, better resists moisture.

The most suitable types of wood for making seats and beds are:

  • linden is the most popular material, attracting with its optimal ratio of price and performance characteristics, which include the pleasant color and aroma of wood, its low thermal conductivity, ease of processing and maintenance;

Linden has a pleasant light shade

  • alder will cost more than linden, but it is stronger and more durable, heats up less and does not deform under the influence of high temperatures and variable humidity;
  • Aspen is very common in our country, it costs less than linden, but has all the necessary properties required for a material for finishing baths and saunas. It is very resistant to moisture, does not deform, does not rot (in the past, well log houses were made from aspen), but over time it changes color, acquiring a gray tint;
  • Abash is an exotic wood species, also called African oak. Expensive elite variety. Its wood does not split when installing fasteners, does not deform or shrink, slowly absorbs water, practically does not change color over time, and quickly takes on the temperature of the human body upon contact with it. The main advantage of African oak is the absence of knots.

Abasha wood is even, smooth, without knots or cracks Source
See also: Catalog of projects for bathhouses and bathhouse complexes

When deciding what and how to make shelves in a steam room with your own hands, the choice is made of wood with low thermal conductivity and good moisture resistance. All of the listed breeds have them, therefore, when choosing from them, they are guided by other criteria: appearance and price. Abash is magnificent, but linden or alder look no worse at a much more reasonable cost.

Regimental specifics

In essence, the shelves are a wooden flooring, a kind of bench, which is located along the wall of the steam room. When making shelves, you need to take into account the dimensions of the people who will visit the steam room.

Each visitor should be able to lie freely on the shelf. The multi-tiered shelves are due to the fact that hot air rises: it is always hotter under the ceiling of a steam room than a meter from the floor.

Thus, each visitor to the steam room can choose a comfortable temperature for themselves while relaxing on the first or second tier of shelves. The multi-tiered regiments are not limited to two tiers; there can be more. It all depends on the preferences of the bathhouse owner.


The decorative side of the shelves is no less important. Benches made from wood of different shades (dark and light) look interesting.

The choice of lighting color is individual. Red makes the steam room visually even hotter, green – relaxes, blue – gives calmness.

It is allowed to install spotlights on the ceiling directly above the shelves. This will make the room seem larger.

You can approach the decoration of corner seats creatively by designing a carved or wavy backrest.

There are benches that resemble the shape of a chaise lounge or where the upper tier very smoothly transitions into the lower.

Seats with separate backs and corner carved fasteners for hanging towels look good.

If the room allows, then a separate stand for slippers and shelves for soap products are equipped.

By playing with the shape, design of the benches, and their placement, the steam room can be decorated in both antique, high-tech or modern style.

Simple shelf design

Conventionally, shelves can be divided into three types:

  • Benches are the most popular;
  • Beds. Rarely found in steam rooms;
  • Sun loungers. Functional folding chairs that can be used as a lounger or a recliner.

The design of any shelf is very simple. It is not advisable to use decorative elements, because they can injure visitors to the steam room. Shelves are made according to the principle: the simpler the better. The regular rectangular shape is most popular for shelves.

Useful video

Finally, we suggest watching a video that dynamically talks about everything related to the right shelves , along the way mentioning the most common mistakes when implementing them:


That's all for now. Write if you have questions, comment - we are pleased to receive feedback, but we will continue to try to accumulate for you the most useful information about everything related to the bathhouse.

Material for the shelf in the steam room

To make shelves, it is best to use sheet wood, since softwood material releases resins when heated. This can cause burns and toxic poisoning.

Suitable for shelves:

  1. Aspen, which is a deciduous tree. Wood is easy to obtain, it is strong, durable, and resistant to rot. Some people claim that aspen boards have healing properties.
  2. Linden, which is not only high-quality, but also inexpensive material. Linden wood has low thermal conductivity. Linden canopies have an attractive appearance. Linden wood is easy to process and install. These canopies are easy to care for. The only drawback is that over time the linden shelf darkens.
  3. Maple. Its characteristics are similar to linden wood. Elements made of maple wood are durable and do not deform over time.
  4. Poplar wood has a light shade. Poplar is easy to process, but less durable than linden or maple.
  5. African oak Abashi. Often, bath furniture is made from this wood. This is explained by the fact that the material has high moisture resistance, low thermal conductivity and resistance to high temperatures.
  6. Alder boards are very durable and resistant to deformation. Alder wood has low thermal conductivity, so the material is considered the most suitable for making steam room shelves.

Linden board - the optimal ratio of quality and cost

Linden is recognized as one of the best types of wood used for the production of bath furniture.

The advantages of linden boards are as follows:

  • ease of processing, beautiful appearance, the presence of a pleasant smell of wood, which creates a special microclimate in the steam room;
  • the ability to maintain an acceptable temperature for the skin and the absence of dark spots from sweat;
  • long service life of wooden products, without rot, chips or cracks, although the original color may darken.

Dimensions of shelves in the steam room

The height of the steam room should not be less than two meters so that the process of heating and natural ventilation proceeds correctly. The shelves in the steam room should be located at least 60 centimeters from the floor. The upper tier of shelves should be no higher than 120 centimeters from the ceiling.

Based on human dimensions, the dimensions of the shelves should be as follows:

  • The normal length of the canopy should be at least 180 centimeters so that a person can lie freely
  • The width of the canopy must be at least 40 centimeters. This is the width of the bottom shelf on which it will be comfortable for the bath attendant to sit or stand. As a rule, bath shelves are made 60 centimeters wide so that a person does not experience discomfort during bath procedures. However, the most optimal canopy width is 90 centimeters. Such a wide canopy can accommodate a person of any size.

Ideal sauna for a summer residence with a relaxation room

The steam room has a compact metal stove. A brick heater is excluded, otherwise you will have to combine a steam room with a shower due to lack of space.

The outer part of the firebox opens into the dressing room.

There are layouts for a one-story bathhouse or with an attic. In the first case, the rest room is harmoniously combined with a locker room (average dimensions - 2 * 4 m). If the bathhouse has an attic, then there is space below for a dressing room and a staircase that leads to the second floor, and bathhouses, and a full-fledged recreation room is moved to the attic.

It is permissible to attach a terrace to the bathhouse for outdoor recreation or to make it with panoramic glazing for year-round recreation.

The flooring in the bathhouse should not be slippery, so tiles without a smooth glossy finish are chosen for finishing, or the floor is made of planks, anti-slip rubber mats and wooden grates are laid.

The remote heating of the stove in the rest room will add a cozy atmosphere, especially on cold winter evenings. Near 1.5 m from the firebox, the floor is covered with non-combustible material (stone, sheet of metal).

A classic Russian bath implies the presence of a large reservoir with cold water for dousing and a contrast shower. In small buildings it is placed directly in the steam room.

For interior decoration of bath rooms, lining remains the most popular option. It covers the walls and ceiling. Wood fits perfectly into country (rustic) and chalet styles.

A more expensive interior design option is a stone floor. Typically, this finish is combined with a neat solid oak table, a leather sofa and armchairs. The walls are covered with block house or clapboard.

A beautifully decorated veranda will become a cozy corner for relaxation after bath procedures.

If you can’t do the layout of the premises yourself, problems arise with calculations, you can use a free construction calculator or order a consultation from a construction company.

Shape and type of shelf

There are three types of shelves:

  • Stepped. Most popular in the steam room. The benches are located along one wall in several tiers. In this case, it is necessary to follow the rules for the location of the canopies relative to the floor and ceiling, so that the person sitting on the top shelf is comfortable and his head does not rest against the ceiling of the steam room;
  • L-shaped. Such canopies are made in small steam rooms. This arrangement of shelves visually increases the space. The shelves can be located at the same level and mounted on adjacent walls, or the lower and upper ones are located on one wall, and the middle shelf on another, adjacent wall;
  • Coupe curtains. This type of bath furniture is suitable for small steam rooms, because the shelves are located on one wall, one above the other. This type of canopy is not popular, although it is unusual. This arrangement of the beds allows you to save the internal space of the steam room. Another option for compartment curtains is their location on opposite walls. The canopies can be made folding, like in compartment cars.

Bathhouse layout

Correctly selected bath dimensions do not yet mean the proper level of comfort

It is very important to pay attention to the layout of the premises. For example, not every guest will like having a toilet in the shower room. The most rational solution would be to abandon the washbasin, toilet and shower in favor of a wall-mounted shower with shower buckets, and install a bench for greater comfort

The most rational solution would be to abandon the washbasin, toilet and shower in favor of a wall-mounted shower with shower buckets, and install a bench for greater comfort.

Bathhouse owners often use closed showers. They prevent splashing of water, which negatively affects the service life of finishing materials, in particular wooden ones.

It is recommended to insulate the floor in the washing room, using a screed to make a slight slope - for better collection and subsequent drainage of water. Non-gloss tiles are predominantly used as flooring, which reduces the likelihood of slipping on a wet floor


Small seating area in the dressing roomSource

When designing a dressing room, it is important to arrange the furniture correctly, without blocking all the necessary passages. This can be taken care of at the stage of purchasing tables and sofas.

So, a folding table and a small bench with stools will significantly save floor space.

At the design stage of the steam room, special attention is also paid to the layout of the stove - the chimney should be located next to the ridge, for ease of cleaning. For people who like to plunge into a pond or pool after a steam room, the layout is calculated in such a way that the distance from the steam room to the exit from the bathhouse is small

Optimal bath sizes for 4 people Source

Homemade shelves

To make your own steam room shelves you will need the following tools:

  • Tape measure or centimeter;
  • Wood hacksaw;
  • Mallet and hammer;
  • Screwdriver and drill;
  • Chisel;

Wooden nails for attaching decking. Iron nails heat up quickly, so they can spoil the pleasure of staying in the steam room.

Fastening boards with screws from the reverse side is not easy, as it requires very precise calculations. Therefore, the most optimal fastening option is wood nails.

Step-by-step instructions for building a shelf in a steam room

  1. Draw a sketch of future shelves or make a drawing indicating the dimensions of future bath furniture.
  2. Make blanks of wood elements: long ones - the size of the future shelves, short ones - transverse bars that serve as fastenings.
  3. Sand the workpieces and round off sharp corners.
  4. Long elements are fastened with transverse bars. Install rubber elements for waterproofing on the back side of the shelves.
  5. The finished structure can be attached to the wall or left loose so that it can be taken out into the air to dry.

The first tier does not need to be attached to the wall, but the second and subsequent tiers require careful fastening, in accordance with the chosen type of shelves.

If you plan to make stepped shelves, then the lower tier should be wider than the upper one or make a design of two “boxes”. L-shaped canopies consist of a bench and shelves that are mounted at different levels of adjacent walls.

How to make a sauna bench

The dressing room needs a full set of furniture, including benches for sitting and resting. But in the bathhouse they have two specific functions: they are used as a lower tier or for sitting next to the shelf. It is very convenient to keep bowls and brooms on the bench.

Photo gallery: design and drawing of the product

It’s not difficult to make a concave bench for a bath yourself. It’s easier to make a bench frame than to make a shelf. Not the simplest, but interesting option for a bench is a design with a concave seat

Tools and materials

The tools needed are the same as for previous products. Additionally, you will need a flexible ruler to draw a curve on the seat supports. The principles of manufacturing and subsequent processing of materials are also no different.

Table: bench materials

NameSize, mmQuantity
Pine beam for legs.100x100x30001 PC.
Pine board for sitting.25x100x30005 pieces.
Self-tapping screws for wood.501 kg
Wooden plugs for self-tapping screws.Diameter 10At least 10 pcs.
Impregnation for wood is waterproof and pyroprotective, oil-based, ecological.According to the specified consumption per m2

Manufacturing procedure

We begin work immediately after preparing all materials.

  1. We cut boards and timber according to the dimensions indicated in the drawing.
  2. We draw a curve on all the supports under the seat: we step back on them from the bottom edge of the board 75 mm from the edge and 45 mm in the middle, connect the curve using a flexible plastic ruler.
    Marking the support is done using a flexible ruler
  3. We cut out the supports with a jigsaw.
  4. We remove chamfers on the boards intended for the seat, lower drawers and beams.
  5. We process all the parts with a grinding wheel using a drill.
  6. Assembling the seat box. We recess all the screws.
    When fastening the box parts, we recess all the screws
  7. We insert the remaining supports into it and fix them.
    The central supports are fixed with screws
  8. We mount the boards on all six supports.
    Don’t forget to drill holes to deeply recess the screw heads into the seat. We close the holes with wooden plugs. The boards are attached to the seat supports using self-tapping screws
  9. Then we put timber legs into the resulting structure and fix it with self-tapping screws.
    The timber legs are inserted into the seat box and attached to it
  10. We strengthen them with lower drawers on four sides, recessing the screws. We make our task easier by placing a piece of wood under each drawer. The bench is ready.

Video: DIY sauna bench

Impregnation of wood shelf

Wood intended for canopies must be treated with special impregnations to prevent rotting and the appearance of fungus and mold, since the steam room is a place of high humidity.

  • There are special impregnations that are designed for such purposes and contain only natural ingredients: oils that create a protective film. When using the steam room, no harmful substances are released.
  • There are a number of antiseptics that are designed to impregnate wood. When purchasing a wood preservative, you need to choose one that is intended for interior work, since these days there are many wood impregnations, but not all of them are intended for indoor use.

You can use folk remedies: Use linseed oil, copper sulfate, Finnish mixture.

Photo of a shelf in a steam room

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