Liquid wallpaper in the hallway: features and use cases

The corridor is exactly the place from which any house or apartment begins. Therefore, it is important that he has a decent and presentable appearance. Liquid wallpaper in the hallway can make the interior cozy, practical and beautiful.

Decorating the walls in the corridor with liquid wallpaper Source

Liquid wallpaper in the hallway photo of interiors

The popularity of liquid wallpaper, growing since its invention, is based not only on the novelty of the material, but also on the decorative capabilities of silk plaster (a popular name that reflects one of the resulting effects). Choosing a material with an unusual texture for the hallway will make a small room original and unique. Fortunately, you can find mixtures of the desired color, come up with a design and realize any fantasy with your own hands.

Ideas for using liquid wallpaper for a corridor can be gleaned by looking at photos, trying on ready-made solutions for your room, or coming up with your own “highlights”.

Additional Tips

To make your photo wallpaper look as impressive as possible, use the following tips:

  1. Think about lighting. The drawing may get lost in a dark corner. On the contrary, lighting located in the right places can complement the overall impression of photo wallpaper;
  2. A mirror sheet on cabinet doors or on the wall will help increase the space, as well as the effect of the pattern on the wall;
  3. Usually photo wallpapers are self-sufficient. But sometimes additional decorative elements enhance the impression of the design. For example, next to a photo of a boulevard, a bench with a floor lamp in the shape of a street lamp would look appropriate;
  4. Bright, small-sized photo wallpapers can be framed to become an interior decoration.

Small photo wallpapers can be framed to become an interior decoration.
Many people want to make their hallway interesting and memorable. Photo wallpapers are an excellent option for them due to their effectiveness, ease of installation and accessibility.

Pros and cons of liquid wallpaper in the hallway

It’s nice to enter the hallway and suddenly find yourself in an atmosphere of soft warmth, dissipated by a “fabric” covering of soothing light. Liquid wallpaper in the hallway, compared to other finishing coatings, helps relieve internal tension and psychologically adjust to the home environment.

In addition to visual comfort, this finish is known for other advantages:

  • environmentally friendly;
  • does not attract dust, as it does not accumulate static charges;
  • evens out humidity fluctuations (drawing in dampness or releasing moisture to dry air);
  • the coating is monolithic (without seams);
  • tolerates vibrations, slamming doors, and building settlement without cracks;
  • repairable;
  • fireproof;
  • hides loud sounds and noise;
  • always warm to the touch;
  • vapor permeable;
  • does not become covered with mold;
  • almost does not fade;
  • does not “ask” for a flat base (hides minor differences, fits well on embossed surfaces);
  • allows you to create finishes with different effects (relief, color, imitating other materials);
  • goes well with metal, wood, glass, stone, plastic, tile;
  • liquid material allows finishing of curved, complex-shaped surfaces;
  • reusable;
  • ease of applying wallpaper to the wall;
  • easy removal (the coating is soaked and removed with a spatula).

Disadvantages that can be dealt with in various ways:

  • hydrophobia (where water can get in, for example, next to shoes, wet raincoats, the wall is protected with varnish or tiles are glued);
  • the surface wears off easily (reinforced with varnish);
  • the price of the mixture is comparable to expensive Venetian plaster (careful leveling of the base and proper priming reduce consumption).

Main characteristics

Liquid wallpaper is fiber mixed with a special dye and a number of additional substances. In appearance they are powder or small granules. They may include:

  • Wool;
  • Glitters;
  • Synthetics;
  • Acrylic;
  • Silk;
  • Cotton;
  • Cellulose.

The material is suitable for finishing any premises with a normal level of humidity. To use it, just dilute the powder with the required amount of ordinary water. The resulting mass is applied to the walls in a thin layer. The surface is smooth, without joints or seams.

Liquid wallpaper is applied in a liquid layer.

Which liquid wallpaper is best to choose for the hallway

The finishing material consists of several components that serve:

  • connecting (binders) substances;
  • decorative details;
  • structure-forming components (natural and also artificial fibers);
  • functional additives.

On the shelves you can find both dry mixtures (packaged powders of 1-2 kg) and dough-like mass (in buckets).

The adhesive substances included in the composition are able to dissolve in water, forming a gel-like mass. These are busylate, polyvinyl acetate or CMC adhesives. When drying, the adhesives form a transparent film and do not emit harmful substances when diluted or when drying. The film is elastic, so it can withstand small shrinkages without cracking. They are capable of re-liquefying, which is why the compositions are not used for exterior finishing of houses.

Advantages and disadvantages

Every person who wants to use such a finish during renovation in a Khrushchev or private house should become familiar with its main advantages and disadvantages.

Ease of maintenance is one of the main advantages of this finishing material.

The main advantages include the following:

  • You don’t have to do any preliminary preparation of wall coverings. This material is applied even to uneven walls with minor cracks.
  • Suitable not only for ceilings or walls, but also for other surfaces.
  • Ease of use. Using this material is much easier than regular wallpaper. Therefore, they do not have to be applied to the wall for too long.
  • They have antistatic properties. Thanks to this, dust practically does not accumulate on the surface of such coatings.
  • Easy to care for. It is really very easy to care for such coatings. It is enough to wipe them once a month.
  • Doesn't fade. Even if sunlight hits the surface, this will not affect the appearance of the coating.
  • Safety. Even when exposed to high temperatures, such finishing does not emit toxic components that can harm health.
  • Good sound insulation and thermal insulation.

Another plus is the variety of colors of such wallpaper. They can have different colors and therefore can be used to decorate any interior.

Despite the advantages listed above, this finishing material also has disadvantages that should not be forgotten. Among the main disadvantages are the following:

  • Poor moisture resistance. This finish is not suitable for rooms with high humidity.
  • Long drying time. It dries completely only 3-4 days after application.

Liquid wallpaper with stone chips is considered one of the highest quality

Popular colors and patterns

When choosing the color of silk plaster for finishing the hallway, first of all, three factors are taken into account:

  • size of the area (dark colors visually reduce the room, light colors help visually expand the space);
  • the shape of the room (striped horizontal patterns will help to visually lengthen the corridor, vertical stripes will “raise” the ceiling);
  • style.

The color of the wallpaper for the hallway is selected according to the design style of the room.

liquid wallpaper in the classic interior of the hallway

There are “favorite” colors for each style:

  • classics and art are characterized by white, sand, green, wood and pastel shades;
  • for minimalism they use pastel colors, as well as gray and white wallpaper colors;
  • for Rococo, the dough is painted in gold, turquoise, cream or pink tones;
  • high-tech will be expressed in white or metallic shades;
  • Empire and Baroque are characterized by blue, white, gold, red, turquoise;
  • in a fusion hallway, a rich salad color will complement muted pastel tones, and bright pink will be decorated with a golden pattern.

We will separately consider the use of white and gray colors. White walls in the hallway are impractical, so if you include this color in the hallway design, you should give it a place on the ceiling. There, splashes from umbrellas or outerwear will not get on the wallpaper, and scuffs will not appear. Instead, the shade “ivory” is suitable, combined with many other colors, without darkening a small room.

Gray tones are more practical. From the existing shades - pearl, asphalt, metal - you can choose one that suits the style and color of the decor. This range promotes relaxation and soothes the eyes. You should avoid boring, gloomy shades, choosing light, airy wallpaper for the hallway. Against this background, the textured details are especially interesting.

Along with the pattern, you can use liquid wallpaper of different colors. Possible color combinations that make the hallway more expressive and richer:

  • similar (for example, lime, salad, olive, turquoise, young greens);
  • contrasting (this combination is used in pairs - half-walls, furniture-walls, door-walls-floor, as well as for the main pattern and small details or bright details, rich patterns on a muted background).

Large drawings “conceal” the area of ​​the walls, so such details are treated selectively, using large images in areas free from furniture in spacious rooms.

How to choose the right one

Despite the fact that the building materials market offers a lot of different wallpaper options, when choosing them for a small hallway you should consider the following nuances:

  • Products must be practical, wear-resistant and resistant to various external influences. It is desirable that they are simple and easy to care for.
  • When choosing, one of the most important meanings is color. The overall perception of the room will depend on how correctly you choose it.
  • Don't skimp on wallpaper. The better quality they are, the longer they will last.
  • It is no less beneficial for hallway rooms to choose wallpaper with small or very small patterns. Various floral motifs and abstractions look good, on which, for example, small stains and dirt will be less noticeable, because over time they still appear.

Unusual and original wallpaper with sparkles and decorative chips will be an excellent solution, suitable for designer renovations in the hallway. When choosing wall coverings, you should pay attention only to trusted companies and brands that have been producing these products for several years. In addition, from a huge assortment you can choose wallpaper from both domestic and foreign manufacturers. Today, many experts agree that the quality of domestic building materials products has improved in many ways, so there is no point in overpaying and buying imported wallpaper when its own market offers options that are no worse. It is best to choose wallpaper for the hallway directly in the store, and not on the Internet, since only in this case will you be sure of the quality of the product you are purchasing. For a small hallway, for example, in a Khrushchev building, you can choose any of the types of wallpaper, the main thing is that the walls are visually did not reduce the size of the room

Here it is also worth considering the correct lighting and not choosing massive furniture so as not to restrict the space

For a small hallway, for example, in a Khrushchev-era building, you can choose any of the types of wallpaper, the main thing is that the walls do not visually reduce the size of the room. Here it is also worth considering the correct lighting and not choosing massive furniture so as not to restrict the space.

Liquid wallpaper in the hallway of different styles

We have already listed above the colors that are more suitable for various styles. Now about the hallway design styles used when finishing with silk plaster. For a classic hallway, liquid wallpaper is a godsend, adding a modern touch to the classics. Light colors harmoniously combine with dark furniture, seamless joints, golden sparkles - everything creates the effect of a palace. The effect increases with the placement of sconce lamps on opposite walls, thoughtful placement of paintings, and the use of moldings.

Design techniques in the interior interesting design options with liquid wallpaper

According to designers, it is not necessary to decorate all rooms of the apartment in the same style. You are allowed to choose your own style solution for each room. However, the hallway often has a free open exit to the common room, so it is recommended to decorate both rooms in the same style. If the styles are different, they should either be combined harmoniously or create contrast.

The designer's tools are colors, shapes of interior elements and textures. The use of liquid wallpaper in the interior of the hallway allows you to creatively use each of the listed tools.

In the hallway, the design of liquid wallpaper can be:

  • monochromatic, not distracting attention to itself, then it focuses on other objects, for example, on decorative elements;
  • with stripes that do not make it too expressive or contrasting (stripes help to visually lengthen the hallway or make it taller);
  • abstract (patterns are subject to the requirements of the style, which determines geometricity or fluidity, smoothness of lines), it is important not to lose the psychological comfort of the room;
  • textured, when liquid wallpaper imitates other materials, for example, brickwork, animal skin or stone (not used in a minimalist style, replacing it with a plain, even coating).

To visually “raise” the walls, use vertical stripes of ornament or elongated patterns. They can be placed next to doorways. Using color to “correct” space in “Khrushchev” buildings allows you to expand the room. The lower half-meter of walls are covered with wallpaper in dark tones, the walls above are covered with wallpaper in light shades. The horizontal strip running in the middle of all the walls of the hallway will also expand the “borders of the walls.”


It will take some time to prepare liquid wallpaper for application, so preparation should begin already at the stage of priming the walls, when the repair is coming to an end. A dry wallpaper mixture can be prepared from individual ingredients contained in different bags, or all components can be already mixed in one bag.

When diluting the dry mixture, you must take only the amount of water specified in the instructions.

The contents of the package must be mixed in full in a separate container. You need to pour the dry mixture into the water, and not vice versa. To homogenize the mass, the use of drills is not recommended; this process may entail a change in the structure of the fibers and, accordingly, a violation of the consistency.

To apply liquid wallpaper, the same tools can be used as for applying plaster. The number of portions required for application to a certain area should be done in one batch, since the compositions of different batches on the same wall may vary slightly. You can calculate the amount of the mixture based on the instructions for use. On average, 1 kg of wallpaper can be distributed over 5-6 square meters. m of surface. The remains from mixing on one wall can be used in mixing for another wall.

Using a spatula, the prepared material is grated and applied to the surface in small portions. The composition is ground to a thickness of 2-3 mm; it is advisable not to lift your hand from the surface being treated to avoid the formation of seams. By adjusting the pressure on the tool, the composition is applied in this way until an area of ​​approximately 1 square meter is filled. m, after which the finished area is leveled with a grater dipped in water. After finishing the entire wall, you need to go over the surface with a wet grater again.

Mixtures of different colors are used to apply patterns. The sketch must be applied to the surface of the wall, and then the desired compositions should be applied in several stages with an interval of a day.

Application technology

Stage No. 1

The hallway is prepared in the same way as for plastering with decorative mixtures (the furniture is taken out, the trim is sealed, the door panels and floors are protected, and the sockets and switches are de-energized). Ceilings and walls are cleaned of whitewash, loose paint, unusable, fragile plaster, and stains. Smooth out chips and large differences with putty. Prime with 2-3 layers. Dry it.

wall putty

During the application process, liquid wallpaper contains a lot of water, which, when dry, will pull everything possible out of the walls. Therefore, be sure to cover it with good putty, paint it or use a special primer.

Stage No. 2

Prepare the dough with a reserve. Dry mixtures are poured (the entire contents of the package) into warm water, stirred only with your palms, kneading the lumps. The resulting dough is transferred to a plastic bag and sealed tightly. The packaging is left for the glue to swell completely (at least 8 hours).

kneading the mixture

adding water to liquid wallpaper

preparation of the mixture

the mixture is ready

If one package is not enough, then after sealing the first batch, mix the second and third. The entire mass from the batches is mixed together, sealed, and allowed to ripen. In this way, they achieve the required amount of dough of the same color. To create a multi-colored design, liquid wallpaper is tinted using the required amount of dough.

Preparatory stage of pasting

Decorative mixtures are prepared from 6 to 12 hours. Experts recommend starting the mixing process at the stage of leveling the working surfaces and primer. The components of the mixture are:

  • paper base;
  • silk base.

Dyes are:

  • stone chips with fine fraction;
  • granules;
  • glitter.

KMS glue stands apart.

The components can be purchased at hardware stores separately or ready-made. The ingredients are poured onto a polyethylene base. Film sizes range from 1000x1500 mm. The composition should be thoroughly mixed and beaten thoroughly. This will make it possible to get rid of lumps. First of all, pour out the decorative mixture, to which the remaining components are added. This will help distribute the composition evenly over the wall.

Experts advise taking the amount of water specified in the instructions. Recommendations are located on the outside of the packaging material. Follow the unwritten rule: one packet of mixture per container.

Another trick: you need to mix the mixture by hand. Using a drill will destroy the fiber. The finished composition can be stored unopened for two to three weeks.

It is important to mix the amount needed for all wall coverings. The fact is that different batches are different from each other and the discrepancy will be visible on the wall.

It is necessary to calculate the material based on the parameters: 1 kilogram of mixture per six m2 of wall.

To apply liquid wallpaper to a wall, you need the following tool:

  1. You will need a spatula.
  2. Spray.
  3. Grater.

You need to take a small amount of solution on a spatula, apply it to the work surface and rub it in with a float. It is important to achieve a coating thickness of 3 mm. Do not remove the tool from the wall while grouting. This will avoid large bumps and unsightly seams. Another tip from experts: control the pressure on the grater. The filled area should be leveled to remove any lumps. To do this, you need to periodically wet the grater.

After applying the mixture, you need to use a spatula to walk over the work area again to completely level the mixture. Please note that the applied composition dries from 2 to 3 days.


If you need to speed up the process, open the windows for ventilation: moisture will evaporate more intensely.

Please note that t0 in the room where the work is carried out should be 100C or more.

terms of Use

The hallway is the place in the house where street dampness and cold air most often meet with the dryness and warmth of a protected space. Under these conditions, liquid wallpaper serves in the corridor, experiencing temperature changes and humidity changes. Added to these are the frequent “contact” of the finish with incoming and outgoing people (owners, household members, tailed four-legged pets), the ingress of clean and not very splashes. If liquid wallpaper tolerates temperature fluctuations successfully, then “touches” can leave abrasions, and splashes can leave stains.

In its original form (without varnishing or painting) it is not washed, only dust is removed from the surface. Stains are cleaned by rubbing with a stationery eraser. If this does not help, then the wallpaper in the area is removed along with the stain, and in return the area is sealed with a new solution.

Protection by varnishing or painting is possible. Such surfaces can be wet cleaned. But this protection “takes away” a number of advantages.

Method two

Here the process is somewhat simpler than in the first option, and the ornament can be obtained more gracefully and without flaws. To do this, you will need a stencil with the desired design; you can make it yourself, or order it from any advertising agency that has a plotter cutter.

First, a background is created, or the entire wall is covered with liquid wallpaper. After they have dried, a stencil is attached using masking tape and a new layer of wallpaper is applied on top of it in a different color than on the wall.

Important! After application, you need to wait about half an hour, and only then remove the stencil. During this time, the wallpaper layer will have time to dry, and drips will not form.

You can watch the video on how to work with a stencil.

How and with what you can combine

There are details characteristic of styles - materials, line shapes, types of combinations. Since liquid wallpaper goes well with different types of materials, there will be no problem using it with mirrors and metal (in high-tech), wood, and decorative plaster (in a modern style). The interior of the hallway and corridor will easily accept even such combinations as silk plaster and faux fur, cork, and vinyl plastic.

When thinking about interior design - color, texture, decorative elements, consider using liquid wallpaper in the hallway. You will enjoy your work and create a cozy room starting from the threshold of the front door.

What does the market offer?

The market for finishing materials is developing rapidly, and if a few decades ago the consumer was extremely limited in his choice, today he has to show some patience before the final choice is made.

So, what does a buyer usually encounter when choosing wall materials for a bedroom?

  1. Vinyl, paper and non-woven wallpaper - there are many varieties of these coverings, and the simplest and safest from an environmental point of view are paper ones. But their main disadvantage is their fragility. And in the process of gluing, you should not hesitate, since under the influence of glue, the canvas can quickly lose its shape. Non-woven and vinyl wallpapers are more modern. They do not fade under sunlight, have an easier gluing process, and are durable. But you cannot always be sure of the absolute environmental friendliness of these fabrics, since any violation of the production technology becomes the main reason for the release of toxic elements.
  2. Natural, eco-wallpaper - appeared relatively recently, is absolutely environmentally friendly, but has a high cost.
  3. Decorative plaster – while wallpapering does not require any special skills, working with decorative plaster requires not only tools, but also theoretical knowledge and practical experience. First, the material is applied to the surface and then structured with special tools.
  4. Liquid wallpaper is an ideal modern wall covering that is perfect for decorating the interior of a hallway. Even a beginner can handle decorating hallway walls with this material. In addition, they are absolutely harmless to human health.

All finishing work can be done by hand

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