What types of fragrances are there for linen closets, tips for choosing

I want my closet to smell delicious. Smell in the clothes closet: how to get rid of it

A fresh aroma in the closet, in linen, in drawers, in the apartment?
– 7 easiest ways to create a unique scent in your closet, drawers and other confined spaces. The easiest way to create fragrance among your laundry is to buy a sachet. Many people buy this product, but not everyone likes the pungent smell it has.

What do they actually use?

Soap - scenting laundry

A great way to create a nice smell in your closet. You can put the soap directly in the package among your clothes. Or store handmade soap. It is better to choose more expensive toilet soap. Fragrant soap with delicious scents is sold in any store.

Scented candles for freshness in the closet

Scented candles are sold in many stores, or you can make your own using essential oils and keep them in your closet.

Dried fruits as flavoring

An excellent fragrance for linen and things in the closet is dried citrus fruits: dried tangerine, orange, lemon peels. In addition to fruit, you can put ground coffee or just coffee beans in the bag for an aromatic smell. But if you just like the smell of freshness, the scent of grapefruit will be ideal. Some people put fresh Antonovka in the cupboard, but this only lasts for a few days.

Spices will freshen the air

Spices smell long and delicious and are a wonderful natural flavoring agent. Vanillin, in a bag or without, can be placed deep in the shelf; cinnamon sticks and any spices whose smell you like are also suitable. It can be dried mint, thyme, or basil herbs.

Aroma sticks and incense are excellent scents.

Your favorite perfume will help fight odors

If you spray your favorite perfume on a napkin or panty liners and put it in the closet, a pleasant aroma from your favorite perfume is guaranteed. The only thing is that not everyone likes it when things, such as fresh linen, are soaked in perfume.

Many people put an empty, slightly opened bottle of their favorite perfume or perfume samples with a cotton swab. If you spray perfume on a panty liner and stick it to the closet wall, the scent will last for several days.

A subtle and unobtrusive scent is created by dry perfume on a strip - they are specially created for such cases. Aroma paper is a specialized product.

Essential oils for all occasions

If you drop a little oil on cotton wool or a panty liner, or just on a piece of fabric and put it in the closet, the aroma will last for several days. But it’s better to drop aroma oil into soda in a jar and make holes. A plastic Kinder Surprise container is perfect for these purposes.

Other ways to create a scent in your closet

Salt bath bombs from Lush work well for refreshment and aroma.

Car fragrances are also suitable for laundry - the main thing is to choose a pleasant smell. And they last longer than many other remedies.

Gel hangers, which are usually used against moths, create a good smell.

If you want everything according to the rules, then it is better to buy Jo Malone - a special scented paper for cabinets.

Home fresheners and deodorants are sold in stores such as Zara home, Leonardo, Ikea, TSUM, Letual.

If all else fails, buy an odor neutralizer from a professional hardware store. And keep everything clean.

Industrial neutralizers and absorbers

Housewives will be able to quickly deal with the problem using specialized scent treatment products. Popular goods:


A universal odor remover in a convenient spray bottle. Effective on a wide variety of surfaces.

You can process:

  • shoes,
  • cloth,
  • animals
  • furniture,
  • carpets, etc.

Does not cause an allergic reaction. The average price is 550-700 rubles per 0.5 liter.


Economical, versatile and non-toxic granular odor absorber. It is enough to open the hole on the lid of the container and place it in places where heavy air accumulates. The average price is 20-38 rubles per 1 piece.


Emix-O concentrated:

  • neutralizes odors,
  • disinfects,
  • effective in combating animal odors.

It is used sparingly: a teaspoon is enough for one procedure. The average price is 350-420 rubles per 100 g. To achieve results, you need to carefully study the instructions on the packaging and strictly follow the manufacturer’s recommendations.

Fragrances in your closet

We perceive the world around us using our senses. Olfactory sensations, that is, smells and aromas, play a very important role in our well-being and mood. The smells in our home create its unique atmosphere, help us feel relaxed and calm after a long day, or charge us with vigor and self-confidence every morning.

Home fragrances

The smell in a house characterizes the person living in it. Each apartment has a special smell. By the natural smell you can determine whether animals live in the house, people smoke, what they cook in the kitchen, or recently made renovations. Home fragrances mask natural odors. A large selection of flavors allows you to choose your own scent. Natural and chemical, floral and fruit, sprays, sachets, aroma oils, the choice is huge. You can also make your own home fragrance. There are many manufacturing options. Home fragrances create a unique atmosphere and mood in a room.

Varieties of fragrances

Smells can be divided into several groups:

  • Woody. Tart and reserved, good for men;
  • Fruity. Light sweet smells with fresh notes invigorate and lift your spirits, drive away fatigue and depression;
  • Branches. They are considered feminine scents, give lightness, and are often sweetish;
  • Conifers. Natural aromas of the forest. They invigorate, have a stimulating effect, calm the nervous system;
  • Marine. Fresh and light, barely perceptible, also have a calming and peaceful property.

Popular fragrances

For use in cabinets, choose fresh floral, herbal, citrus or pine scents. Vanilla and cinnamon shades add a pleasant scent to bed linen or delicate ladies' clothes. Perfumers advise putting bags with branches of coniferous plants - cedar, juniper, pine - in your shoe closet.

On a note! There is an unspoken rule for choosing fragrances - to focus solely on your own taste, the sensations associated with a particular smell.

Fragrances for cabinets are conventionally divided into the following groups:

  • woody ones with a tart, restrained note are suitable for the stronger sex;
  • with a fruity aroma (sweet, fresh) uplifting and invigorating;
  • jasmine, tea, herbal scents are calming, many women prefer them;
  • sea ​​ones give freshness, vigor, and calm;
  • Light pine scents soothe and refresh.

You need to ensure that the incense emphasizes the mood of the room and the things it is among. For the wardrobe , chest of drawers, located in the bedroom, use a calm range of smells. Their task is to give peace, not excite. Therefore, use the scent of vanilla, cinnamon, lavender. For a large dressing room, citrus notes are suitable - orange, neroli, lemon or grapefruit. They improve your mood and awaken the desire to act.

Wide selection of scents

Natural fabrics quickly absorb and retain aromas for a long time. They are often difficult to get rid of, even after washing. Therefore, it is worth placing aroma bags with an unobtrusive scent emitted by dried rose petals, cinnamon, conifers, and lavender on the shelves of linen closets and in the chest of drawers.

Expert opinion

Tatiana Leontyeva

Professional housewife

You should not buy cheap synthetic scents. High-quality flavors are prepared from natural essential oils. And they are expensive, but the effect is more lasting. Aroma oils are non-toxic. But people prone to allergic reactions and asthmatics need to be careful with odors.

How to use scents at home

Various groups of odors can be used in your home to create a pleasant and even healing atmosphere. Various products are mainly used to scent the space of closets, giving freshness and a pleasant smell to linen and clothes.

To aromatize the air in the room, aromatic sprays, oils, and gel fresheners are used. Every morning we start with contact with clothes. The feeling of its freshness and pleasant aroma accompanies us all day.

Manufacturers offer a lot of products and devices for scenting linen, clothing and closet space.

The choice of scents is also almost unlimited.

  • Essential oils can be evaporated using a special aroma lamp , then your home will be filled with a wonderful smell for a while. Many essential oil scents have medicinal properties. You can also apply a drop of your favorite essential oil to clothes or linens, this will give it a long-lasting aroma.
  • Deodorant for cabinets and drawers will help keep your laundry fresh. You can choose the scent for your closet according to your taste and mood.
  • Clothes freshener is sprayed onto wardrobe items or linen in the form of a spray . The selected scent will remain on your clothes all day. The convenience of this product is that you can purchase several scents and change them at will almost daily.
  • Special sachets for the closet are convenient to use Typically, aroma sachets have a convenient hanger and can be attached to a crossbar between hanging clothes. Things and closet space are evenly saturated with a pleasant aroma. You can also put the aromatic sachet in drawers with clothes and linen. The disadvantage is the relative fragility of the aroma. The smell disappears after 3-4 weeks of use.
  • Fabric scented pads placed in a closet with clothes give things a lasting pleasant smell. Such products retain the aroma for a long time. One pad retains the scent for 3-4 months.
  • Scented gel strips usually have a concentrated, strong aroma. They scent even a large closet space well. Of all the options, they are the most durable and expensive.
  • pieces of scented wood in a drawer or closet with things . This most natural option is well suited for those who strive to use the most natural materials possible. The sticks hold the scent for a long time, but the choice of scents is not very diverse.
  • Fragrant soap is a source of a pleasant smell. It can be used when washing clothes. Small pieces of scented soap, wrapped in loose paper, can be placed on the shelves of your closet among your clothes.

Modern aromatic soap does not have any unpleasant “soapy” odors, so it can be used as a clothes freshener and maintain a pleasant aroma in the closet.

The choice of the type of fragrance and the fragrance itself depends only on the preferences and needs of the owner of the wardrobe. If you prefer stronger, longer-lasting scents, gel scent pads are the way to go. Light and unobtrusive scents can be created using fabric scented pads and scented sachets. A drop of essential oil can add persistent but not strong scents to clothes.


To prevent an unpleasant odor from settling in the closet where linen, clothes and shoes are stored, you must follow the following rules:

  1. Do not place the cabinet near sources of humidity and strong odors (kitchen, bathroom), in dark and poorly ventilated corners. There should be a gap between the wall and the back of the cabinet for air circulation.
  2. Take care of your clothes regularly: on frosty and sunny days, go out for airing, dry well after washing, do not mix clean and used clothes.
  3. Conduct monthly audits and deep cleaning of shelves. It is advisable to treat the surface with a weak solution of vinegar.
  4. Do not store shoes next to clothes; Before seasonal storage, items must be cleaned, dried and packed.
  5. Do not smoke in the house, do not allow pets to live in closets, and do not keep doors open all the time.

It should be remembered that the appearance of an unpleasant odor is easier to prevent than to eliminate over time.

DIY flavoring

There are several options to help fill your closet with a pleasant aroma using scrap materials.

  • You can soak cotton pads in a small amount of essential oil and place them in your clothing drawers;
  • You can place an empty bottle of your favorite perfume on a cabinet shelf, after first opening the cap or lid;
  • You can sew a bag from natural loose fabric and place in it items that produce aromas: lemon or orange zest, crushed pine needles, flower petals;

  • Scented candles will also help keep your closet smelling nice, but avoid letting them touch your clothes as candles leave a greasy residue on fabric;
  • Mix a teaspoon of baking soda with a few drops of essential oil. Place the mixture in a small glass or glass jar. Cover the top of the jar with thick paper or foil and secure the paper with an elastic band. You need to make several holes in the foil or paper with a thick needle or awl. This homemade fragrance will delight you with a pleasant smell for several days.

For more tips on how to make your closet smell nice, watch the following video.

Causes of unpleasant odor

There can be many reasons. For example:

  • You stack things tightly together, the closet is always closed, and there is poor ventilation inside. In this case, the appearance of an unpleasant odor is a matter of time, since the furniture is not ventilated and lives within its own ecosystem.
  • You put wet things on shelves. The big misconception is that clean clothes can’t do anything to the closet, but they always have time to dry. Wet things, especially if they are stacked on top of each other, give off a musty smell and provoke the appearance of mold and microorganisms.
  • You smoke in the apartment. Cigarette smoke permeates things very quickly, so often even several stages of washing cannot eliminate it. It is better to take care of this in advance, since it is very difficult to clean the cabinet from the smell of tobacco.
  • You store clean and worn items in one place. Of course, it is better to store only clean things in the closet, but in practice this does not always work out. In this case, it is better to separate these things into different sections.
  • Smell from old or new furniture. Old furniture smells like mothballs, while new furniture smells like paint or other materials from which it is made. But don’t rush to throw out old furniture and put in new ones; you can really get rid of this smell in one day.
  • The occurrence of mold.

As soon as you notice an unpleasant smell, the question is “what to put in the closet for a pleasant smell?” becomes temporarily irrelevant because it is impossible to get rid of the smell without eliminating the cause of its occurrence.

What types of flavorings are there?

Fragrances are divided into several subgroups:

  • Fruit - sweet, light, airy and unobtrusive aromas that invigorate and relieve the blues and depression;
  • Woody - rather tart, rich, but at the same time restrained aromas are ideal for aromatizing men's clothes;
  • Twig - feminine scents with a subtle sweetness;
  • Sea - the freshest and brightest aromas, like a sea breeze, having a calming effect;
  • Conifers are natural aromas of the forest, stimulate the human nervous system and give a boost of energy for the whole day.

How to deal with unpleasant smell in the closet?

There is a way out of this situation: there are several techniques for creating a fresh aroma in the closet:

  • Aromatic sachet pillows. This is the most popular and favorite way to create a fresh scent in boxes. But it is not particularly durable; the sachets have to be changed often, since the aroma disappears after 4 weeks. Such aromatic devices can be bought in special stores - there are both synthetic and artificial flavors, and bags with natural herbs, the choice is up to the buyer. If you want to make a fragrant sachet with your own hands, then you need to fill a linen bag with natural herbs and drop a little aromatic oil with a scent of your own; you can also add cinnamon, citrus zest or pine needles instead of herbs.
  • Essential oils. The benefits and valuable properties of natural aromatic essential oils have been known for a long time; each scent has its own effect on the human nervous system, excitability and overall well-being. For example, willow oil and lavender reduce stress and calm, while orange oil, on the contrary, refreshes and gives a charge of vivacity and activity. If you have a favorite scent, you can use it as a scent for clothes and linen in the closet.

  • Fragrant soap. This is the simplest, but no less effective way to scent clothes, which will appeal to many. You need to purchase fragrant soap with a bright smelling and strong fragrance. Place the soap in a muslin handkerchief and place one bar on each shelf of the cabinet. Over time, things will become saturated with aroma, especially since now there are no bad-smelling “soapy” odors, it has a subtle and light aroma that can even be used as a fabric softener when washing.
  • Perfume. You need to take an empty bottle of your favorite perfume and put it in your laundry drawer without closing the lid. “This will help get rid of the smell of an old cabinet. One bottle will not be enough for a large cabinet, so this method is more suitable for drawers. Do not use the first perfume you come across, otherwise your laundry will smell like an irritating aroma.
  • Vanilla. There is a small culinary trick that will help combat the unpleasant smell in an old cabinet - it is aromatic and sweet vanilla. An open bag of spice should be placed on the shelf, and its sweet and captivating aroma will fill the cabinet with its trail.
  • Dried fruits. This is an eco-friendly and natural method for creating a fresh scent in your cabinet. These are bags with dried slices of citrus fruits: lemon, grapefruit, orange and tangerine. The aroma will be weak, but subtle and very pleasant, things will always smell fresh.
  • Fabric scented pads. This device will retain a pleasant and refreshing aroma in your closet for a long time, about 3-4 months.
  • Special gel plates. It has a too strong and concentrated aroma, so a full plate is enough for an entire closet.
  • Spices. The charming and pleasant aroma of ordinary spices can cope with the smell of mold in the cupboard.

Is smell always a problem?

An unpleasant smell is always a signal that something is going wrong, so it should never be ignored.
At first, the foreign aroma may be barely perceptible, but gradually it begins to be absorbed into the clothes and follow the person wherever he goes. This smell is often called the “smell of home,” however, you must agree that situations are very unpleasant when a person washes clothes and takes care of himself, but at the same time he smells of dampness, mold or tobacco. Such odors not only cannot be masked, but also cause a lot of inconvenience.

When such a problem arises, most people begin to ask questions: “what to put in the closets for smell” or “how to make clothes smell nice?” When answering the first question, a person relies on “disguise”, and when looking for an answer to the second question, he is really looking for a solution. And here's why.

You can use fabric softener when washing, add soap or aromatic sachets, but despite the fact that they give a strong lingering odor, they do not eliminate the unpleasant odor, but complement it.

If the unpleasant smell in the closet is not very pronounced, then a strong additional aroma can displace it, but if you take out clothes after a long period of storage, they may not only lose their pleasant smell, but also begin to smell bad. The smell of conditioner and aromatic sachet quickly disappears, but the smell of soap is felt for a long time. As a result, the mixture of odors permeates the clothes and causes severe discomfort when worn.

Do-it-yourself fragrances for things

There are different ways to create a pleasant smell in your closet:

  1. Apply a couple of drops of the chosen fragrant oil to a small cotton pad or ball, then place it in a small plastic bag with holes for ventilation and put it in a drawer with clothes. A similar fragrant device should be placed on every shelf in the closet and every drawer, because one fragrant cotton ball will not be enough for the entire chest of drawers;
  2. Pour 40 ml of water into a regular flower spray bottle and add 20 drops of saturated essential oil. Spray the resulting composition on clothes and linen in the closet, the main thing is to ensure that the clothes do not get dirty and stains do not appear, since they are very difficult to remove. If you are afraid for your things, you can spray the mixture on the inner walls of the closet;
  3. To create a light and enveloping aroma on things, you can use an alcohol mixture: add about 10 drops of citrus essential oil to 25 ml of pure alcohol. Pour the mixture into a glass bottle and place it without a cap in the farthest corner of a closet or dresser drawer.
  4. Applying perfume or your favorite scented oil to natural wood is ideal for keeping your laundry smelling fresh in your drawer;
  5. Place aromatic products in a small linen bag: orange zest, aromatic herbs, cinnamon or pine needles;
  6. Place large scented candles on the shelves in the closet; they will maintain a subtle aroma, but you must avoid contact of such a candle with clothing, as it will leave greasy and difficult-to-remove stains.
  7. Mix one or two teaspoons of baking soda with a drop of citrus essential oil, transfer the resulting slurry into a glass bottle or jar and place it on a shelf in the closet. Be sure to cover the top of the jar with metallized foil, in which you need to make small holes for ventilation or cover it with a light cloth and secure it with an elastic band.


To sense the world, people use 5 types of sensitivity. They also include the sense of smell. It helps to distinguish edible from spoiled, one’s own person from someone else’s, clean from dirty, with its help people are even able to navigate in space.

Different smells can affect our mood. Some make it better, others make you sad or disliked. A pleasant-smelling person attracts the interlocutor, which helps in communication, in building a career and personal life. In a good mood, people work more productively, and relationships with loved ones are strengthened and improved.

Pleasant smells in the house create an atmosphere of comfort; you want to return to such a home. Some aromas have a relaxing and calming effect, which is especially necessary after a long day of work. Clothes are something that is around most of your life. Therefore, it is important that the smell from it is pleasant and has a positive effect on a person’s sense of self. To do this, use a fragrance for linen in the closet.

Instructions for making dry aromatization of a box with essential oils

What you need to dry scent a box

  • glue;
  • iron;
  • scissors;
  • spray;
  • durable beautiful fabric;
  • essential oil of your choice.

Step by step instructions

  1. Change the parameters (width and length) of your box and fix them.
  2. Cut the fabric to the size of the box, adding 2 cm on each side. Make 2 cm folds of the fabric, iron them and hem them or glue them to the base using durable glue so that the edges do not wear out over time.
  3. Pour 40 ml of plain water and 40 drops of the selected essential oil into a spray bottle, shake the bottle with the mixture thoroughly.
  4. Line the bottom of the drawers with stitched fabric and generously spray the resulting aromatic mixture over the entire surface. If the smell seems weak, you can add a few more drops of oil.

What kind of flavoring will be in the closet is a matter of taste and personal preference. If you like persistent and concentrated scents, then gel scented strips are the ideal choice. You can make light and unobtrusive aromas with your own hands - these are sachets with herbs or pads with zest, cinnamon or pine needles. Persistent but delicate aromas can be given to things by essential oils, the scents of which are countless to suit every taste.

What can you put in your closet to maintain a pleasant smell?

The easiest way is to put a bar of soap with a strong aroma in your closet or drawer with clothes.
If the cabinet area is large, then you can use several pieces. This smell is unobtrusive and disappears very slowly, so using toilet soap has significant advantages over other methods. It's cheap, effective and durable. Not everyone likes the smell of soap, so it's important to consider more natural options. For example, citrus peels help a lot, but this method is not always aesthetically justified. If you want to use improvised, natural remedies, you can choose one of these options:

  • Homemade linen fragrance

Pros: it is environmentally friendly and safe, it is possible to create your own unique scent, the scent bags look stylish and neat, you don’t need to buy additional materials for production - they can be found in every home.
How to make: take a light, transparent cloth (cotton or linen), pour in some aromatic tea, a handful of rice and a few drops of aromatic oil. Tie it with a ribbon and place this fragrance in the closet.

  • Natural freshener

Preparation: A glass of boiled water (250 ml) + a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide + juice from the skin of an orange (peel the orange and gently squeeze out the peel, literally half a teaspoon).
Mix and add to a regular flower spray. Pros: You can spray things with this freshener. Thanks to this method, things do not “suffocate” and always smell nice.

Cons: possibility of orange and peroxide stains.

  • Odor absorbers

Hot milk, soda, and activated carbon absorb odors well. To ensure that your items retain their original freshness in the future, you can place small jars of soda in the corners. And if there is high humidity in the apartment, then additionally place jars of salt at the bottom of the cabinet. Change soda and salt at least once a month.

How to scent things in your closet and drawers

The pleasant aroma from clothes and linen always lifts your spirits and gives you a feeling of cleanliness and freshness.

Even if you use a very good washing powder and high-quality conditioner, the fragrant fragrance can disappear from things quite quickly, especially if they lie in the closet for a long time.

Building the perfect wardrobe: the pyramid rule

There are several ways to make sure that the things in your closets and chests of drawers always smell pleasant, literally soaking in your favorite aromas.

What to put in kitchen cabinets?

For kitchen cabinets, the option with soap or aromatic sachet is not suitable, as this can affect the smell and taste of food.
But advice with soda, salt, and activated carbon remains relevant, as they effectively eliminate unpleasant odors. Insects can often appear in the kitchen - for example, in cereals, flour, sugar. Therefore, it is important to keep food in closed containers.

But what to put in the closet to keep ants away if they are already infested? Try using this solution: boric acid + 3 tablespoons of sugar + water. After some time, all the ants will come running to the container with the solution, and the next day you can remove the “consequences of the feast” and forget about such an unpleasant neighborhood.

Method 1. Scented sachets

One of the most popular options, but many of its disadvantages include the fragility of the sachets and the need for their frequent replacement.

Similar sachets can be bought in stores - they can contain either dry aromatic herbs and flavoring, or simply synthetic flavoring. If you prefer natural scents, you can sew the sachet yourself, especially since in this case you can make a bouquet of scents with your own hands.

Read about how to sew and what to fill such a sachet in our step-by-step master class:

Heart's decree: DIY lavender sachet

How to store bed linen

Bedding items are stored neatly folded. Put them in a closet, on the top shelves, in special drawers located at the head or bottom of the bed. Preparation for storing bedding, blankets (winter, summer), spare pillows, bedspreads, towels includes washing, drying, and ironing if necessary. If the linen is faded, worn so thin that it is about to tear, it is safely thrown into rags and thrown out.

It is permissible to compactly store bedding in boxes and baskets. It is best to unscrew it first - this way the set will last longer. When there are a lot of sets, they are rolled up and placed in a pillowcase. With this method of storage, things are tied with ribbons - this makes it much easier to get everything you need. If bed textiles are uniform, pillowcases, duvet covers, and sheets are sorted separately. It is convenient to store towels (beach, bath, everyday, children’s, etc.) in deep drawers, rolled into “tubes”; small and large ones are laid out separately.

Method 2. Essential oils

The healing properties of essential oils have been known since ancient times, because each scent has its own effect on our nervous system and health in general. If you have your favorite essential oil scents, it would be a shame not to use them to scent things in your closet. There are several recipes for this:

1. Apply 5-7 drops of your favorite essential oil (or mixture of oils) to a cotton ball and place it in a plastic bag with small holes. Place several of these bags in linen drawers and closets with clothes.

2. You can also use a spray bottle by pouring clean water into it and adding essential oils at the rate of 15-30 drops per 1 liter of water. Then spray this mixture onto your linens or clothes if you are sure that no marks will remain on the fabrics. It is better not to spray this mixture on delicate fabrics, such as silk. If in doubt, it is better to spray it on the cabinet walls.

3. To scent linen and clothes, you can use an alcohol mixture: add 6-8 drops of essential oil to 10 ml of alcohol. Pour the resulting mixture into a stable bottle and place it, without closing the lid, in the corner of the cabinet so that it does not tip over (therefore, it is better to choose square bottles that will fit well in the corner).

Home decor: decorate the window with your own hands

How to make it yourself

Making your own flavoring is not difficult. There are several ways:

  • sew a pillow from natural fabric (it’s better to take cotton or linen), where to place fragrant objects: lemon or orange peel, pine needles (it’s better to grind them in your hands first), lavender, oregano or rose petals, green spruce or pine cones);
  • take a piece of wood (you can ask for it at a hardware store or at a market where lumber is available), screw a hanger into it and place it in the closet. Fragrant tree species are best suited: cedar, birch, aspen;
  • soak several cotton pads with natural essential oils. A few drops are enough to create a strong scent that will last for a long time;
  • Place small pieces of soap with your favorite scent on the shelves between the clothes. Such a flavor is easy to make, its cost is low, and the aroma will delight you for a long time. The method is not suitable for allergy sufferers, since soap can provoke the appearance of allergic rhinitis and urticaria upon contact with the body;
  • Place an empty bottle of your favorite perfume inside the cabinet. The remaining odorous liquid, which can no longer be sprayed on yourself, will evaporate and give off an odor. This flavor lasts up to six months, and is essentially made from garbage;
  • Place open bags of spices on the shelves. Cinnamon and vanilla are best, but many people appreciate the refreshing scent of mint, basil or thyme. Bundles of dried herbs serve as an excellent flavoring agent. But they are quite fragile and break off when touched, dry leaves and sticks get on clothes;
  • scented candles - have a strong smell, but take up a lot of space and can leave greasy marks on clothes. It is better to use them in the dressing room, where you can allocate a separate shelf for them or even light them occasionally;
  • paper for cabinets is an expensive interior item from Jo Malone. It has a beautiful design, long-lasting aroma, but a high price;
  • scented wet wipes - suitable for both special ones for closets and ordinary ones, but with a strong smell. Their significant disadvantage is their very short service life, they dry out quickly.

There are many ways to make your own laundry fragrance. This allows you to create your own unique fragrance, choose the most convenient form, and turn the fragrance into a stylish home accessory.

Mix baking soda with a few drops of essential oil and put it in a jar.

The jar is covered with foil with holes.

The jar can be decorated and the flavor is ready.

Method 3. Fragrant soap

Many people use this method because it is extremely simple and quite effective. You will need soap, but not just any soap, but a fragrant one, with a strong and bright perfume composition that you like.

Remove the soap from the packaging and place it in a muslin bag (to prevent the soap from staining your items). One bar is unlikely to be enough for an entire closet, so lay out several so that things are sure to be saturated with its aroma.

Instead of soap, some people use scented candles, but, as a rule, their scent is weaker and less lasting.

Soap story: how to make soap with your own hands

Basic rules for organizing your closet

When cleaning a closet of a “compartment” type, a small wardrobe, you begin by taking everything out of it completely. Dust often accumulates in certain places, which can be removed with a damp microfiber cloth. It is advisable to maintain order at all times by allocating each group of similar objects its own area. If a clear concept has not yet been invented, the issue is resolved “on the spot”, based on what things are there and how many there are. It is advisable that each family member have their own closet or a clearly separated section in a common wardrobe structure.

Smart shopping is also important - if you don’t buy too much, it’s easier to keep things in order. A great idea is a “capsule wardrobe”, where things are immediately put together in sets of three to six pieces. In each “capsule” everything goes with everything, so there are no problems with daily choice. In order to be sure to buy exactly what you need, things for which there is no “pair” need to be photographed, and then try to select a suitable set for them.

Sorting clothes

The process of putting things in order begins with competently sorting the contents of the closet. At this stage, you need to get rid of everything unnecessary, leaving only what is actually worn and used for its intended purpose. To do this, everything is shaken out of the locker, down to the last sock, and divided into five main categories:

  • good, favorite things - they fit perfectly on the figure, you won’t be ashamed to “go out” in such clothes or at least go to work;
  • old, torn, with indelible stains, pellets - this category is thrown into rags without regret. It is permissible, perhaps, to leave one jacket and one trousers, in which you are supposed to dig a garden, paint a fence, etc.;
  • relatively good, but ugly, unfashionable, too big or too small clothes - they are sold through local second-hand stores, Internet groups, such as “I’ll give them away for free”;
  • valuable, branded, expensive designer items, which for some reason cannot be worn. They can be sold for quite a lot of money;
  • other - this “pile” will include things with which it is not yet clear what to do with. This is a skirt that can still be altered, creating a current look with it, a coat that is planned to be repainted, etc. This category is put into a package and is received in a maximum of three to four months. If nothing is decided during this time, the “heap” is sent to the trash heap or distributed to the poor.

The ideal option is if all the items that you decide to keep are arranged into sets - shoes and trousers, a blouse and a scarf, a dress and a bolero, jeans and sneakers.

Regular “weeding” or revision

One of the main principles of a “smart wardrobe” is nothing superfluous. An evening dress that has been “waiting for the right occasion” for five years now will be used as clothes for dolls, T-shirts, jeans, and skirts from the year before last, which you still dream of fitting into one day, are better to be given to younger friends, and shoes, boots, sandals, which have been out for a long time out of fashion, without regret they rent them out to the nearest flea market for a symbolic sum. To save space, you need to urgently get rid of anything that has not been worn for more than a year (maximum - more than two years). A similar principle is followed by supporters of the “feng shui” philosophy, who believe that a person needs very little, and everything unnecessary interferes with the favorable flow of “qi” energy throughout the apartment, causing illness and various problems.

What should you put in your closet to smell your laundry?

Hello lovely girls. I really like it, I must admit, when bed linen and clothes in general smell of delicious powders (probably memories of the smell of laundry soap from childhood). But when I store things in the closet for a long time, they lose their aroma. What do you put in your closet to make it smell delicious? Thank you.

Empty perfume bottle.

clean things of good and excellent quality.

I bought the scent at a hardware store. A sachet is a satin pillow containing talc and aromatic oils. I put it in the dressing room. Love the smell! And if it disappears, as soon as you “beat” this pad, the aroma becomes intense again.

New features and design have appeared for the version of the Woman.ru Forum on computers. Tell us, what are your impressions of the changes?

I put soap with the smell that I like. just a few pieces.

Lord, for a hundred years now there have been wardrobe scents for every taste on the shelves!

Where did you come from?

There are these deliss sachet for cabinets, they smell very tasty

To make it smell delicious, you need to put fried chicken, potatoes, fish, salad, etc. in the cabinet.

How to prevent musty smells

To avoid unpleasant odors inside your closet, be sure to place silica gel packets (the same kind you put in shoe boxes) on every shelf, inside linens, or on the edge. Silica gel can be replaced with activated carbon - a few tablets on each shelf do an excellent job of absorbing excess moisture. Never put laundry in the closet immediately after ironing: it must dry completely. Ventilate the cabinet by opening the doors for 1-2 hours several times a week. Place coffee beans, cinnamon sticks, zest, aromatic sachets with a pleasant smell, or strips of fragrant paper in the cabinet.


  • https://anisima.ru/pochemu-postelnoe-bele-pahnet-kak-izbavitsya-ot-nepriyatnogo-zapaha-posle-stirki/
  • https://www.dumohka.ru/dom/esli-belyo-v-shkafu-nepriyatno-paxnet.html
  • https://www.ekopostel.ru/stati/postelnoe-belye-pakhnet-zatkhlostyu-chto-delat/
  • https://bezkovrov.com/graderobnaja/zapah-shkaf.html
  • https://yborka.online/uborka/kak-udalit-zapah/v-shkafu-s-odezhdoj
  • https://www.ivd.ru/dizajn-i-dekor/uborka/kak-izbavitsa-ot-zapaha-zathlosti-v-kvartire-27931
  • https://tkaner.com/postelnoe-bele/pochemu-postelnoe-bele-pahnet-zathlym-v-shkafu/
  • https://www.diets.ru/post/1731975/
  • https://Gaidi.ru/lajfxaki/nepriyatnyj-zapah-v-shkafu/
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