How to save money on buying a kitchen set: tips from professionals

Not many people know that high-quality kitchens that come ready for sale or are made to order have a number of options on which you can save significantly without losing convenience and quality. As a result, you will have the desired kitchen set, the cost of which will be quite affordable for your budget.

Three first steps before purchasing

  1. Don't rush to place an order or make a purchase.

Manufacturers of kitchen furniture usually indicate on their price tags the cost per linear meter, which includes the cheapest materials and fittings, not taking into account household appliances and the internal contents of cabinets. Therefore, the actual cost of a fully completed order will ultimately be significantly higher.

  1. Experts advise starting with your own design project for the ideal kitchen in your opinion.

Indicate on it the complete set of all necessary cabinets, household appliances, and fittings. Do this without taking into account their cost for now. Then carefully study the result obtained and try to understand what you can refuse without much damage to comfort, ergonomics and quality. An analysis of the actions performed in the kitchen during the cooking process can greatly help you with this.

  1. Submit your request online for the manufacture of kitchen furniture.

This will give you an idea of ​​future expenses, to which you should definitely add 15-20% for something unexpected, but quite possible. And certain amounts of the amount you are willing to spend will appear. In the future, you won't have to spend a lot of time defining tasks for the designer or store manager. And do it in different companies. If you already have an approximate design project in your hands that clearly defines your needs and desires, then you can do a comparative analysis.

Don't lose sight of various promotions, discounts and sales. With their help, you can buy an exhibition sample of inexpensive, but very high-quality kitchen furniture, equipped with built-in appliances, a sink, and faucets from famous manufacturers. Sometimes discounts can reach 60-70%.


7. The simpler the layout and filling, the cheaper the kitchen will be. The most affordable option is a direct headset. The corner one will cost more, but it will be more functional and roomy.

8. The upper tier of a set with hinged facades will cost much less than horizontal doors with folding upward mechanisms. The same does not apply to the lower tier, if you compare the hinged facades and drawers. Although, it should be noted, the latter are much more spacious and convenient when it comes to storing dishes.

9. Play with the width and placement of cabinets. A module with one hinged door costs less than one with two. A 60 cm wide module costs less than two 30 cm modules. Perhaps by combining or swapping several elements, you will get an option that is optimal in terms of ergonomics and cost.

10. We should also talk about wall cabinets. Many manufacturers offer to make them “into the ceiling”. Yes, this is an excellent solution - in essence, you get a mezzanine where you can put away everything that you don’t want to keep at hand. It will be especially relevant for small spaces, where in the kitchen every centimeter of space counts. At the same time, standard height cabinets will cost you 15-20% less.

11. Wall-mounted structures with blind doors are often replaced today with shelving shelves. A good opportunity to save money and a great decorative touch.

12. If we are talking about an L-shaped kitchen, replace the corner pentagonal element with two regular ones connected at an angle of 90 degrees.

13. An element often used in sets is an end module with open shelves or a facade beveled at 45 degrees. Radial systems will cost significantly more than direct ones.

Break your kitchen furniture purchase into parts

This is one of the strategic techniques in the process of purchasing a budget kitchen. The design project sketch already defines the dimensions of the required cabinet frames. If you order them from a private seller or in a small furniture store at a completely budget price. The cost of modular block frames and countertops ranges from 40 to 50% of the total price. At the same time, do not forget that the content of future cabinets is determined already at the planning stage and is not subject to change. Facades you like can be ordered at a furniture showroom. Some companies specialize in such orders.

Which layout is cheaper and what can you save on when ordering a kitchen?

Everything is simple here - the lower the material consumption, the cheaper the kitchen costs. The fewer modules a kitchen has, the “lighter” it is visually, the greater the chances that you will be able to save on the implementation of such a design project.

A rectilinear kitchen layout will cost less than a corner one. And the corner one is cheaper than the U-shaped one.

On the other hand, if there are no pencil cases in a U-shaped or island kitchen layout and the top of the kitchen is “unloaded” as much as possible, such a project may cost less than a corner one.

There are a lot of nuances in calculating each specific design project, how and on what you can save when ordering a kitchen. Therefore, you need to consider each option specifically and select materials.

Which kitchen fronts are more budget-friendly?

The answer is: solid, smooth, without milling. Paneled or radius facades are not suitable for an economy class kitchen. The most budget-friendly option would be laminated chipboard facades. But in this case it is worth thinking carefully. The service life of these is much shorter than that of the most inexpensive MDF kitchens. And there are also questions about environmental friendliness. Analyze how significant the difference in price is. Perhaps in this case it is not worth saving.

There is a way to make an inexpensive kitchen set more presentable and impressive. This is a combination of expensive and budget facades. For example, lower cabinets with fronts made of chipboard in plastic or MDF in film, upper cabinets with high-quality MDF coated with glossy enamel. Glossy facades covered with PVC film will cost up to 40% cheaper than plastic and up to 60% cheaper than painted ones.

The effect of an expensive solid wood kitchen that you have dreamed of, but finances do not allow you to purchase, can be achieved using MDF facades lined with natural wood veneer. It is almost impossible to find differences.

Choose a modern style of furniture in the kitchen. Classics with glass inserts and exquisite milling are an expensive pleasure.

General recommendations

1. Most manufacturers calculate the cost per linear meter of each set, and this is what customers focus on when choosing. Keep in mind that this price includes the cheapest “filling” of cabinets and fittings. If you want to install closers on the doors, and include a dish drainer and bottle holder in the contents, the cost will immediately jump up. Compare prices for the final configurations that interest you.

2. Use any online planner to draw your ideal custom kitchen design. Don't look at the budget, let this really be the headset of your dreams. If the cost of the “ideal” does not match the real possibilities, think about what you can sacrifice by making the project cheaper? Observe yourself from the outside while cooking: what items do you use most often? How many storage systems do you need for your artillery of plates and cutlery? What is more important to you: spectacular facades or ergonomics of the workplace?

3. If you have the maximum price for a set, choose a kitchen that costs 80-85% of it. The remaining amount will go towards delivery and assembly (and this is on average 7-10% of the final cost in the market), as well as unforeseen minor expenses.

Smart savings on kitchen fittings

Various contents of furniture modules make up a significant part of the purchase budget. This is another point of possible savings. An important condition for this is thoughtful planning of filling the kitchen unit at the first stage. It is then that cabinets and drawers that will be used more intensively are determined. They should be equipped with the most reliable and high-quality fittings. In other cases, you can think about saving.

Designers believe that such a practical approach should be applied to the lower row of cabinets and cabinets to increase their functionality and ergonomics. It is wiser to equip heavy, deep and most frequently used drawers with expensive guides: mataboxes, tandemboxes. Their service life will increase significantly, and there will be no additional costs for repairs. The remaining elements of the furniture set can be equipped with cheaper but reliable fittings in the form of roller guides.

The same should be the approach to equipping folding facades with lifts. You can save a lot on pens. Even if the furniture is made to order, you can independently select inexpensive but reliable pieces with a galvanized coating.

Five more secrets on how to make a kitchen cheap and beautiful

1/ Modern kitchens with elongated, low wall cabinets are in fashion. The costs for the body and facade in this design will be less, but you will have to splurge on lifting mechanisms. Although you can get by with inexpensive gas lifts. Or keep the side opening with the front hinged.

2/Refuse bent elements and radius facades - they are much more expensive than straight ones. In modern kitchens, it has long been customary to abandon any roundings, even on corner and end elements. This design with clear straight lines looks concise and stylish.

3/ Long open shelves instead of closed wall cabinets not only unload the top of the kitchen, but also make it cheaper. After all, there is no need to additionally order a facade and buy hinges or lifting mechanisms for shelves.

4/Selecting good fittings is another way to make a kitchen cheap and beautiful. The range of pens is huge, most of them are inexpensive and have a stylish, non-standard look. A set in which the fittings are made of the same metal as the lamps, handles on the doors, and the cornice in the kitchen looks harmonious. It can be brass, bronze, nickel, matte or shiny chrome.

5/The apron visually unites the top and bottom rows of the kitchen, making the design more holistic and expressive. The easiest and cheapest way to make an apron with your own hands is to use ready-made decor panels or a combination of wallpaper + glass. And don't forget about the lighting!

Choosing a budget countertop for a kitchen set

Often, inexpensive modular kitchen elements do not have a common countertop. This option is quite budget-friendly, but not always convenient and practical. Moisture, dirt, and food residues get into the cracks between cabinets. It is difficult to care for such a surface. Furniture quickly becomes unusable. Therefore, you can’t do without a single tabletop.

If you lack finances, you can opt for a tabletop made of moisture-resistant, 38 mm thick chipboard. But an even more budget option is 26 millimeters.

The peculiarity of this material is easy care, low intensity of absorption of contaminants. According to these parameters, it is higher than expensive countertops made of natural stone and wood. Such a working surface can last more than 10 years.

Split and buy is the right move

This wording implies that buying a headset in parts is also a great way to save money. For example, first of all, a ready-made case of the required dimensions is purchased. And they choose the cheapest option. But it’s better not to skimp on the facade, since this is the “face” of your kitchen. You can buy them later.

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We save on household appliances built into kitchen cabinets

The option of purchasing a turnkey kitchen set, fully equipped with built-in household appliances, does not help save the family budget at all. The prices for the equipment offered are much higher than in stores. Installation usually comes at an additional cost. The manufacturer does not always comply with the customer's wishes. Consider purchasing your own appliances. Of course, this may cause some difficulties. But the result is quite justified.

Of course, you can reduce the cost item by abandoning, for example, a hood, but over time this can lead to a deterioration in the general condition of the furniture, which is constantly exposed to temperature changes and exposure to steam from cooking. Do not try to purchase small household appliances. It usually costs more than the standard one.

Design as an opportunity to save money

If you want to have a kitchen that matches the latest fashion trends, then you most likely won’t be able to save money. Such a headset will cost about 30% more, and may lose its relevance in 1-2 years.

It is best to purchase classic furniture without pretentious and flashy details, which will always be relevant. In addition, if any part becomes boring over time, it can be replaced and it will be cheaper than changing the entire set that has gone out of fashion.

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