Dining tables for the kitchen (225+ Photos): How to choose the optimal model?

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The choice of dining table and chairs is made at the final stage of kitchen renovation after installation of the furniture. It is not always possible to provide for all the details during planning. After placing the kitchen furniture, it becomes clear how much space is left for installing the dining ensemble and what decor to use for the final design. More details about this later in the article.

How to choose a table for a small kitchen

The first step is to understand which table is best for you. To do this you need to take into account:

  • dimensions of your kitchen;
  • number of family members;
  • How often do guests come to the house?

Choosing a table shape

The kitchen table can be:

  • rectangular;
  • square;
  • round;
  • semicircular;
  • corner.

A rectangular table is a classic option that is traditionally the most popular. However, it is often not the best choice for small rooms.

If you're short on space in your kitchen, be sure to consider purchasing a different table shape before settling on a rectangular top design. However, rectangular furniture has an important advantage - it fits well in a corner or against a wall.

A square table can also be placed against a wall or in a corner, while it looks more compact. When looking for an alternative to a rectangular tabletop design, this option is worth considering first.

A round table is a good option if it is intended to be placed in the center of the kitchen. It does not look massive and allows you to visually expand the space.

Since there are no sharp corners, such a table creates a minimum of inconvenience in a cramped room, and the likelihood of injury is also minimal. The round table will fit perfectly into the interior of any style - from classic to hi-tech.

A semicircular table has all the advantages of a design with a round tabletop, but also has one more important advantage - it is placed close to the wall and takes up minimal space.

A corner dining table is a good option for a small family. It takes up the least space and is therefore perfect for the tightest spaces.


The dark-colored dining table looks solid and solid. But this is not the best option for a small kitchen - such a design will look too bulky.

It is worth paying attention first of all to light-colored furniture - white and beige tables, light wood tables, and so on.

The use of these colors in the interior allows you to visually expand a cramped space. A light and airy pastel-colored table will not overly fill the kitchen or clutter it up.


There are many table designs that are suitable for a small kitchen. The main ones include:

  • standard - consists of a table top and one or more legs;
  • wall-mounted table - this design is attached to the wall and has no legs, but it is rigidly fixed;
  • folding table - it is also attached to the wall, and it can be folded when not needed;
  • transformable table - its dimensions can be increased or decreased if necessary;
  • bar counter - a long narrow table that can be placed along one of the walls.

Advice! If you are buying a table that is not located along the wall, remember that there should be at least half a meter of free space behind the backs of the people sitting. In this case, sitting down and getting up will be comfortable.

Massive structures are not worth buying - they are not suitable for small spaces. It would be much better to choose a light and elegant table with a thin tabletop up to two centimeters thick and graceful legs.

However, it is necessary to take into account how well such a design will fit with the rest of the kitchen furniture and whether it can harmoniously fit into the interior.

At the same time, tables with one leg are better for a small kitchen than with three or four - they leave more space for movement and minimize the risk of bruising your leg.

It would be better if the dimensions and general design of the table make it possible to remove all the chairs under the tabletop - in this case, you will have room to turn around when the table is not used for its intended purpose.


The overall mood of the room largely depends on the chosen lighting. Chandelier size

and its location depends on where the dining table will be placed.
There can be several options for placing light in the kitchen:

  • A large lamp located in the center of the dining table. This is considered a classic option that can be used in any size room. The main thing is to place the chandelier so that the spot of light covers the entire tabletop, and not just a separate part of it. The distance from the table surface to the lamp should be 150 cm. Some models are height adjustable by lowering or raising the lamp. Thanks to this function, the chandelier becomes not just an object of lighting, but a design device. It is best to choose lampshades or shades that softly cast light. This will help avoid blinding people sitting at the table. They can be made of translucent or frosted glass.

Large lamp located in the center of the dining table

  • Several pendant lamps. To avoid a feeling of clutter, you should choose small lampshades. If the table in the kitchen is of a standard size, then 2-3 lamps will be enough; for small furniture or a small space in the room - one.
  • Lamps with long bases. This option is best used to illuminate a large dining area. A group of small lamps that are located at different heights looks impressive. They can be arranged in the form of geometric shapes or chaotically.
  • Built-in spot lighting. To install them, you need to install a plasterboard structure. It can be several levels, thereby helping to divide the space into several zones.
  • Busbar system of lamps. It is installed if the table will be moved in the kitchen. Lamps can be rotated in the desired direction, moved or grouped.

Glass version

Before creating a specific lighting system in the kitchen, you should fully think through the design and select all the fittings. It should be consistent with the overall style of the room.

Glass table

The glass table is definitely worth paying attention to. For a small kitchen it is even better suited than tables in light shades - the glass table is practically invisible and visually does not clutter up the space at all.

As a result, if you change the opaque table to a glass one, it begins to seem that there is more space in the kitchen.

At first, a glass tabletop may seem flimsy and unreliable, but in fact, a high-quality glass table can withstand any load and does not scratch.

At first, many people are embarrassed by the sight of their legs while eating, but this feeling also quickly passes.

In addition to simple transparent ones, there are also designs with tabletops made of frosted, colored or textured glass.

Round tables in the interior

The best option is a round dining table that fits well into almost any interior. The model is designed for a small family of 3-4 people.

For a large family, this model can also be used, for example, as a table for tea drinking. The table can be placed either against the wall or as a separate island.

Table transformer

This table has a sliding design. If necessary, the two halves of the tabletop can be moved apart and a special additional panel can be installed between them.

As a result, a square table turns into a rectangular one, and a round one into an oval one. This is an interesting solution for a small kitchen; this design is very convenient and functional.

When assembled, this table is suitable for two or three people, while taking up minimal space in the kitchen. When guests arrive, it can be laid out so that everyone can fit.

Advice! In addition to such a table, it is worth purchasing chairs with backs or stools that fold compactly, “strung” on top of each other. When they are not needed, they can be stored in the pantry or balcony and taken out when guests arrive. Another option is folding chairs.

There are various designs of transforming table mechanisms. When purchasing, if possible, be sure to check how the one that comes with the model you like works. Make sure that it is comfortable and in full working order, that it unfolds and folds back easily and without failure.

Materials for making dining tables and chairs

In furniture production, a wide range of materials are used to create tables and chairs for the kitchen. Glass is quite common. Its popularity is due to the airiness that glass models acquire, as if “dissolving” in the interior.

Chairs and table for the kitchen can be made of wood, plastic or metal

As a complement to glass tables and chairs for the kitchen, metal, plastic, and wood are used. The surface can be glossy or matte, an excellent decoration is special drawings or photo printing. Most often, glass is used for the production of countertops. The main disadvantage of transparent material is its fragility. In addition, the slightest dirt is visible on the glass surface.

Related article:

Wooden chairs for the kitchen: elegance in harmony with practicality

Advantages of wooden furniture. Species diversity of models, their structure and purpose. Choose according to style. Review of manufacturers.

Metal is widely used in the manufacture of kitchen furniture. The main advantages of metal chairs for the kitchen are the high strength and wear resistance of the products. Such models are perfect for decorating a kitchen in a loft, modern or high-tech style. A separate group consists of kitchen chairs on a metal frame, where metal is not the main material, but the supporting one. Legs are usually made from it.

Forged furniture has a high degree of elegance, but it is rarely used in ordinary kitchens. More often it is installed in country houses decorated in chalet style. The main disadvantage is bulkiness and heavy weight.

Tables and chairs for the kitchen made of MDF belong to the economy class and are characterized by a wide choice of textures, colors and shapes. The downside is the short service life and vulnerability to various types of damage. Plastic furniture can add special freshness and brightness to the interior. At the same time, such material is fragile and looks cheap.

Wood in the production of kitchen furniture: photos of tables and chairs

The top spot in the list of materials rightfully belongs to natural wood, from which kitchen tables and chairs are made. For the kitchen, elite dining room models are made from wood. The popularity of the material is due to a number of advantages:

  • natural and environmentally friendly raw materials;
  • durability and long service life;
  • wide choice of colors, shapes and textures.

Kitchen furniture made of wood is environmentally friendly, strong and durable

For the production of tables and chairs for the kitchen, the most valuable species are oak, beech, elm, birch, alder and maple.

Helpful advice! Wooden furniture fits perfectly into different genres, but looks most harmonious in Provence, country, and Japanese styles.

Wood still has some disadvantages. They manifest themselves in the need for regular and careful care, compliance with temperature conditions and stable humidity levels. Varnished surfaces will have to be restored over time. In addition, even the hardest types of wood are not protected from mechanical damage.

Photos of kitchen tables and chairs made of wood indicate the diversity of the model range, from which you can choose a set for any design solution and style. Wood can be used as the main material and as a finishing element. Exclusive options look like a work of art.

Rattan also belongs to natural materials. The raw material for its production is wood vine. Rattan products are often used in dachas and country houses. Main characteristics: strength, elasticity, wear resistance. The disadvantage is that the product is difficult to clean from dust and dirt that collects between the rods.

Folding table

The edges or one of the edges of the tabletop of such a table, if necessary, are folded into a vertical position.

There is another design: the side panels extend from under the central panel.

This design is simple and at the same time very convenient and functional. When the table is folded, it will not interfere with your movement around the kitchen, and two or three people can sit behind it.

At any time it can be unfolded with one movement of the hand, and four or five people or even more can have breakfast, lunch or dinner at it.

Colors and shape of kitchen tables

The color of the countertop must be selected to match the overall range of interior items in the kitchen. As a rule, the material used to make the countertop plays a decisive role, but even natural materials can come in different shades.

So, a wooden table can be its natural color, and it is enough to simply cover it with a protective composition. For country or Provence styles this is the best option. But for a classic interior, you need to select a tabletop to match the color of the main furniture.

In some versions, the table can be made in bright colors, thus becoming a bright detail in the interior.

The best option for any style can rightfully be called a white table - it is ideal for any kitchen design solution.

Folding table

The folding table is located against the wall. It most often has a rectangular or semicircular shape. When the table is not needed, the tabletop can be folded and placed close to the wall.

If necessary, it is placed on a leg or on a spacer - and a full-fledged dining place for one or several people is ready.

This table will allow you to move freely around a small kitchen while cooking without sacrificing comfortable seating while eating.

Dining table height: furniture size ratio

The standard height of a dining table is the distance from the floor to the top surface of the tabletop, corresponding to 75 cm (+/- 2 cm). In this case, from the edge of the seat to the table top, the height should be 40-42 cm. These indicators are used when calculating the depth of the seat. The sitting process should be comfortable, with full emphasis on the back, and the edge of the chair should not be located closely on the popliteal cavity. Thus, the optimal chair width is from 40 to 50 cm.

The seat should not be strictly horizontal relative to the floor. High-quality models have a slope of 3-5°, then the body will not slide forward when resting on the back. Bar stools are taller. There are models where the height of the legs is adjustable.

The standard height of a dining table varies between 73-77 cm

The minimum dimensions of a kitchen table are 120x80 cm. If it has the shape of a circle, then its diameter must correspond to a minimum of 90 cm. Such dimensions are needed to comfortably accommodate a family of four at dinner. Experts do not set maximum indicators. Dining tables and chairs can be made to order for kitchens of any size, especially if space allows.

Helpful advice! Removable covers will help protect expensive chairs from dirt and damage. Comfortable sitting will be provided by special pillows that are fixed to the furniture with ties. The color of the fabric should be chosen in accordance with the curtains, tablecloth and napkins.

To determine the optimal number of chairs for one table, you should proceed from the recommendations that one chair needs 60-65 cm of space, for a chair with armrests - over 70 cm. Thus, a maximum of 4 chairs can be placed at a table 130 cm long. If the length is 160 cm, 6 chairs are allowed.

Mobile table

A mobile table is a small sized table that can be easily moved from one part of the kitchen to another. The simplest design option is a regular table with wheels.

If necessary, it is retracted into a corner or against a wall, but it can be moved to the center of the kitchen so that several people can comfortably sit behind it.

Another option for a mobile table involves attaching a special guide to the kitchen cabinet. One of the sides of the table is fixed in this guide and moves in it, as if on a rail, the other rests on legs with wheels. This design can be moved from one corner to another.

Catalog of tables and chairs for the kitchen: review of manufacturers

The furniture market includes a wide selection of dining room sets in different styles from domestic and foreign manufacturers. Furniture from Italy has distinctive characteristics and high quality. Tables and chairs for the Italian kitchen are manufactured using design developments, including all innovations in the technological process and high quality.

Furniture made in Italy is distinguished by its quality and variety of models.

Furniture items from Italy, thanks to the use of high-quality materials and centuries-old traditions of furniture production using hand-made decoration, are more durable and wear-resistant. The list of famous Italian factories includes SAVIO FIRMINO, INTERIORS, BAKOKKO, LLASS. At the same time, the price of tables and chairs for the kitchen is designed for different budget possibilities, but not everyone can afford it.

Helpful advice! Along with the extendable table for the kitchen, you can purchase 4 stationary and several folding chairs, which will be used when guests arrive.

Many domestic furniture manufacturers are not inferior to European brands in quality, but have a significant advantage in price. The leaders in the ranking are Stolplit, Soyuz-mebel, Triya. The furniture of each of these factories has its own design, is durable and functional. Quality is ensured by modern equipment from Europe, durable fittings and environmentally friendly materials.

Russian consumers also consider furniture made in Belarus to be of very high quality. Tables and chairs made in factories in Belarus have gained popularity due to the maximum combination of price and quality. Among the most famous furniture factories are Gomeldrev and Pinskdrev.

Bar counter

The bar counter is narrow and long; in large kitchens it can be placed right in the center, but in small kitchens it is often located along one of the walls.

In this case, it practically does not create any interference or difficulties, while 4–5 or more people can be seated at the counter at the same time. In this way you can create a complete and very compact dining area.

As a rule, a bar counter looks much better if it is located at the same height as the rest of the kitchen furniture.

Even for the smallest and cramped kitchen you can choose a comfortable and beautiful table. It will not take up much space, and all family members and even guests can sit behind it.

When choosing a table for a small kitchen, first of all, decide on your goals and objectives in order to understand what size structure you need. Then choose the type of table that suits you, as well as the color and style, and you'll have a compact yet comfortable dining space.

Photo wallpaper for the kitchen

The range of finishing materials increases every year. It’s no longer possible to surprise anyone with photo wallpaper in the kitchen. This solution will help highlight the dining group and divide the space. Photo wallpapers correctly place accents and also decorate the interior.

Bohemian style

A kitchen is a room where food is constantly being prepared.

Therefore, finishing materials must correspond to the specifics of the room and have the following properties:
  • easy to clean and wash. Such photo wallpapers are indicated by special markings. They can be washed with water and a soft sponge. If necessary, the use of special cleaning agents is omitted;
  • do not stand out from the general interior. Photo wallpaper should be in harmony with kitchen furniture, textiles and the general mood of the room;
  • strength and reliability. The material must withstand temperature changes and humidity, as well as greasy splashes that result from cooking.

Classic and durable option

One of the latest inventions, which is used to decorate the kitchen dining area, is called 3D photo wallpaper. Their main difference is the bright, deep colors. Visually, the picture on the wall becomes very realistic.

When choosing photo wallpaper for the kitchen, you should pay attention to the quality of the material, the colors applied and the subject of the image. It should excite the appetite and evoke pleasant emotions.

There are several interesting options for placement in the kitchen:
  • Mediterranean motifs . They will recreate a cozy atmosphere in which you can dream up various dreams for a long time, as well as make bold plans for the future. It is best to choose landscapes of Italy, Greece, southern France, which depict a marine theme or sunny shores;

Product option with print

  • nature . Here you can place mysterious jungles, wild waterfalls or wild savannahs. The main thing when choosing a picture is to ensure that it complements the overall design and does not contradict it;
  • cities . Suitable for use in modern designs. Most often, famous places in London, New York, and Paris are depicted in the kitchen. For greater effect they are depicted in black and white;
  • plants . Various types of flowers and trees can be located in the dining area. If Chinese or Japanese
    style is chosen, then it is necessarily accompanied by a minimum amount of furniture in the dining area;
  • Provence or country . Design in this direction involves the use of wallpaper with rural themes for decoration. Drawings of lavender, wildflowers or simple village landscapes will look good;

Carved furniture in the interior

  • products . To increase appetite, you can use images of ripe berries, juicy fruits, and healthy vegetables. plaza-escorts.com The shades of the products should be consistent with the overall color of the kitchen. Most often, pictures of enlarged products are found in high-tech style, in studio apartments and small kitchens, helping to visually increase the space of the room.

VIDEO: Choosing the best kitchen tables

Kitchen tables

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Table for a small kitchen real photos

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