Chipboard and MDF: studying the characteristics and distinctive features of materials

MDF and chipboard have been arguing with each other for a very long time. Here it is impossible to say unequivocally what it is better to order a cabinet from and indicate the winner and loser. After all, everything depends on each specific case: the goal (what do you want to buy?), the purpose (which room and who will use it?), the budget (the amount that you included in your personal estimate marked “for furniture”?) and, of course as well as wishes for appearance (what should the future product look like?). Both materials have long been successfully used in construction and interior decoration. We are interested in their march through the furniture market.

Mr.Doors uses both MDF and chipboard in its collections, giving you the opportunity to decide for yourself which material to choose. But you don’t have to choose! They combine and match perfectly with each other. We'll talk about their differences further.



Furniture boards for a children's room: pros and cons

We constantly approach the arrangement of a children's room with special care and think through every little detail.
The range of children's furniture is large. Some parents buy ready-made furniture, others make it themselves, according to their own plan and design, taking into account the individuality of the children's room; others purchase furniture panels and assemble them themselves. Children's furniture is made from various materials: natural, MDF boards, chipboards, laminated chipboards, fiberboard, plastic, etc. Naturally, it is good if the furniture is made of natural wood. But a huge number of families with children do not have the opportunity to purchase or create custom-made furniture. Then natural wood comes to the rescue - MDF, chipboard, etc.

Let's look at MDF materials for the production of children's furniture in the room.

MDF is a medium density board with a wood fiber structure. Small sawdust is used for its production. Such sawdust is held together by lignin and paraffin. These boards are not dangerous for the health of people, especially children, which is why their cost is higher than that of chipboard boards. Thus, MDF boards for children's furniture are an environmentally friendly and soft material. Similar slabs are used to make the backs of cribs, tables, high chairs and chairs for children over 3 years old, cabinets, shelves and various parts.

The cost of children's furniture made from MDF is high, but cheaper than furniture made from natural wood. But it happens that parents cannot easily find money for MDF boards, so almost all of them choose chipboard boards. They are even cheaper in cost, but the properties and environmental characteristics are not as high as those of MDF boards.

The back walls of the cabinet and the bottoms of the drawers are made from chipboard boards. A children's room needs a wardrobe, so it is better if it is made to order from reliable materials. The fact is that the bottom of chipboard boards is very flexible, it bends under the languid weight of children's things, so this furniture has to be repaired quite often. Agree, the main argument of low price and durability is not easy to discard, but furniture made from chipboards also has a significant disadvantage: the presence of formaldehyde resins in the material. It is with resins that sawdust and shavings are impregnated and held together. Resins make chipboard boards resistant to moisture.

For the production of children's furniture from chipboards, the emission level of formaldehyde resins is taken into account. The level of E1 resins in the boards is relatively harmless, therefore it is allowed to make children’s furniture and components from them.

Laminated chipboards are not recommended for the production of children's corners (sets): the material is not strong, it flakes, but it is affordable and has a representative appearance that imitates natural wood.

Furnishing a children's room is difficult and often quite expensive. For a children's corner, MDF boards would be better. They contain phenol and formaldehyde resins, but their amount is small, in other words, within normal limits. Therefore, in percentage terms (50-60%), MDF boards are equated to clean materials in terms of environmental characteristics. Children's furniture made from MDF boards does not have a toxic coating and does not harm the fragile children's body.

When choosing between materials for the production of children's furniture, you can hesitate to combine them. Some manufacturers make furniture with a combination of natural wood and MDF boards. Such furniture is cheaper than analogues made from natural materials.

Thus, the use of furniture boards MDF and chipboard in the construction of a children's room can be possible if they have the appropriate certificate of properties.

The advantages of furniture boards with the introduction of resins are not so few. If MDF boards still inspire confidence among buyers of joinery products, then chipboard boards do not lend themselves to any criticism. First of all, chipboards are the final product of processing natural wood (sawdust, shavings). Such products may not be 100% safe.

Furniture boards made from natural wood have a lot of advantages. They have one significant disadvantage - the highest cost. It is worth considering that it is necessary to take furniture boards made of natural wood if they have a certificate of properties. If the technology for processing natural wood (alder, pine) is not followed, the properties of such slabs leave much to be desired, regardless of their natural origin. A more acceptable option is to make furniture boards yourself from wood (pine, beech, alder, birch, oak).

laminated chipboard

LDSP in its structure is practically no different from chipboard. The only difference is the coverage. The chipboard is additionally laminated during the production process. The film that covers the chipboard consists of paper impregnated with a special melamine resin. More expensive laminated chipboards are coated with a special varnish.

Laminated chipboard is resistant to moisture and high temperatures. In addition, the price of furniture made from chipboard is not much higher than furniture made from chipboard.

What is better for children's furniture: MDF or chipboard?

Modern manufacturers use a huge amount of materials for children's furniture. Solid wood is recognized as an excellent option, but its cost is quite high, which is why MDF and laminated chipboard are in great demand.

Such slabs made of wood chips and fibers have proven themselves to be good candidates for solid wood - they have a long service life, are quite strong and reliable. Are these materials really suitable for a nursery and what products are best made from them?

Characteristics of the cost of materials

The most budget option is chipboard. Mostly shelves are made from it. If you make a facade, be sure to apply lamination. This kind of furniture is the most inexpensive.

Advantages – the cost of such furniture. The absence of expensive accessories also reduces the cost of purchase. For this price category the furniture is quite acceptable.

It is imperative to choose good chipboard.

MDF is covered with a special vinyl film for facades and it can be:

  • matte;
  • glossy;


  • with effects.

If the film is exposed to heat, it will peel off. It is recommended to choose high-quality film and good adhesive. Such furniture will last 5-7 years.

Facades are easily scratched. However, kitchens in this price category also have a corresponding service life.

Advantages and disadvantages of MDF

The children's room is one room in the house that does not accept tests on the quality of materials, so for almost all parents MDF (medium density fiberboard) is a good solution.

Among the advantages of the material, the following should be noted:

  • The highest degree of safety.
  • Clear imitation of the color and structure of wood, a huge number of colors.
  • Resistant to water and temperature.
  • Ease of processing and finishing.
  • Good retention of hinges and fittings.
  • The highest strength, which is superior to natural wood.
  • Great resistance to fungi and microbes.
  • Exclusive exterior design.

The slabs have different thicknesses, so the scope of their implementation is quite wide. MDF is often used for cabinets, shelving and work tables; it can serve as a base for beds or sofas. The disadvantage is the higher cost compared to laminated chipboard.

Decorative characteristics

The use of laminated film as a coating for laminated chipboard panels makes the choice of textures and shades almost unlimited. You can choose furniture that will organically fit into the design of any space. The external coating can have any shade or imitate the texture of elite types of wood. For example, the coplanar wardrobe “Millennium” is not inferior in appearance to products made using natural wood.

MDF has a leaner design. That is why choosing a suitable piece of furniture from MDF can be quite difficult. As an alternative, you can use film or paint for cladding, but this will increase the cost of an already expensive product several times.

Material differences

Laminated chipboard

Any home craftsman is familiar with the concept of chipboard first hand. The introduction of chipboard became widespread even during periods of severe shortage and small choice of suitable building materials. Over time, it was invented to cover the narrow and unreliable plywood board with a special layer, so to speak, laminated.

In the article you can find out what the decoding of the MDF panel is.

This made it possible to increase the characteristics of the slab tenfold and provided a second youth for similar wood-replacing materials. There are colors of laminated chipboard to suit every taste, which is a huge plus.

Advantages of laminated chipboard

  • Lowest cost compared to MDF.
  • Easy machining.
  • Large selection of colors.
  • The strongest surface, resistant to mechanical damage and moisture, for example, is found in tongue-and-groove chipboard for flooring.


Among the shortcomings, it is necessary to emphasize the low water resistance, which automatically excludes laminated chipboard from the list of possibilities for use in bathrooms, which does not apply to water-resistant MDF panels. Making curved contours can be very difficult only because of the large particles in the composition, which will not allow you to get an even and clean cut.

The video explains which is better: chipboard or MDF:

It should also be taken into account that laminated chipboard is made using two technologies, in which formaldehyde is used in different proportions. This volatile chemical compound is very unsafe for humans and can even lead to poisoning and death. Typically, chipboard with a high content of formaldehyde is not used in furniture production, but is used for purely technical needs. When purchasing furniture made from chipboard, it is better to familiarize yourself with the certificates and check the hygiene certificate, otherwise there is a high risk of becoming a victim of a bad product.

MDF wall panels for interior decoration, the cost and main properties can be found out from the article.

What is MDF

The development of MDF production is an improved version of chipboard production. The main difference between MDF boards is the small particles of sawdust, pressed together. Thanks to the unique process of bonding with each other, the material is very strong, has a homogeneous structure and is completely harmless to human health. This is precisely what allows it to be used in the manufacture of furniture for various purposes, be it the frame of a bed or a wardrobe. Apparently both materials are compressed plywood.

You can find out how to use MDF panels for ceilings from the article.


  • Strength and uniformity of structure.
  • Easy to process.
  • Water resistance.
  • Excellent anti-deformation capabilities.
  • Nice design and a wide selection to choose from.

In this article you can find out about such MDF material as a kitchen apron.

The disadvantages include the highest cost (which is still lower than the cost of natural wood), as well as the risk of accidental mechanical damage to the surface when dropped or hit. MDF boards are most susceptible to fire and, due to certain fire safety requirements, may be prohibited for use in special situations.

In the video - which is better for the kitchen: MDF or chipboard:

In the above article you can read and see in the photo an abundance of kitchens made from chipboard.


Chipboard or chipboard is a composite material that is produced by hot pressing of sawdust and shavings. The pressing process uses a special binding component based on formaldehyde resin.

Thanks to its structure, the material holds fasteners well. However, after disassembling furniture made from chipboard, problems may arise - re-installation of fasteners can lead to destruction of the slab - the chipboard will begin to crumble.

Shared rooms

We are talking about the living room, hallway and corridor. What is better to choose: MDF or chipboard? Both. Or even in combination. If your budget allows, of course, you should opt for MDF. If this is not possible, opt for cabinets made of laminated boards.

Attention! Furniture made only from MDF is extremely rare. Therefore, you will have to pay a considerable amount for it. Because of this, most consumers prefer combined options.


The ideal option is wardrobes and other furniture made of MDF, since they are safe, do not emit harmful substances, and are hypoallergenic. But you will have to spend a lot of time, effort and money searching and purchasing them. Therefore, in the case of the bedroom, it is also worth choosing combined products. As an option - a cabinet made of E1 laminated chipboard (emit less formaldehyde), used for the manufacture of drawer fronts.


The situation is the same as with the bedroom: for safety reasons, it is better to purchase furniture made from finely dispersed slabs. In the case of a children's room, experts recommend not saving. Cabinets made of laminated chipboard not only emit harmful substances, but can also become loose and break if children make even a slight effort.


Both types of furniture are suitable for this room. But for the manufacture of door fronts, sink cabinets, cutting surfaces and aprons located near the sink, it is recommended to use our high-quality material. This one will handle moisture better.

Determining what is better

Based on the above comparative characteristics, we can conclude which composition will be better. However, each of them is good for specific purposes. We suggest studying these nuances.

MDF panels with wood imitation Source

For example, if first of all you need to select a budget material, then undoubtedly it will be chipboard. But such sheets only serve well in conditions without moisture.

MDF material will cost several times more, but will last longer, since it is not subject to the negative influence of moisture and does not emit hazardous substances during operation. Sheets made from this raw material are quite acceptable for everyday use. Even when making decorative elements for furniture, MDF is the best option, because it can easily withstand curved cutting and shape changes, unlike chipboard.

Thin sheet furniture panels made of MDF Source

Nevertheless, particle board can also be used for the manufacture of furniture structures. Only sheets need to be selected in the most expensive version. These contain a minimum of toxic substances and are coated with special impregnations that improve performance characteristics: strength, moisture resistance, fire resistance.

On a note! Both of these materials are used in some industries to create an effective combination. For example, in the production of kitchen units, the frames are made of chipboard, and the shaped elements or facades are made of MDF.

Material used in the production of Barski furniture

Manufacturer of office and home furniture Barski offers its customers a wide range of products for furnishing offices and offices at home or at work. Moreover, virtually all of our furniture sets are made of high-quality natural material, certified in Europe. Any table or chair will last a long period of time, since it is based on reliable MDF boards. Certain product lines are improved with carbon film or HPL surface. More details about our products in the video.

Difference between panels

In order to make a choice, you can compare the main characteristics of both materials.


It is denser because the sawdust is pressed until it forms a homogeneous mass. In the case of laminated chipboard, the density indicators are lower, since the sawdust is glued together with special resins.


As mentioned above, both materials are made from the same components - sawdust. Chipboard initially has a laminating film. MDF is covered with film as desired, in order to imitate any surface.

Environmental friendliness

When the air temperature rises, laminated chipboard cabinets emit harmful substances. This is not the case with MDF furniture.

Interesting! In Japan and Europe, substances are added to the resins used in the manufacture of chipboards that reduce the amount of toxic fumes released during heating.


If we talk about appearance, the materials look almost the same. But! Small fraction slabs can be milled, so you can create furniture of any shape from it. It all depends on the customer’s imagination. Cabinets made of laminated chipboard will always be level.

Advantages of MDF

At the same time, a more modern coating has additional attractive properties.


  • Has high strength and resistance to chipping;
  • Less susceptible to moisture;
  • Suitable for creating complex designs and carvings.

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