Contract for manufacturing (cabinet furniture, commercial equipment)

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Information for the document

A manufacturing contract is a fairly common type of civil law transaction. For example, you need to make furniture or something for your home, in this case it is necessary to conclude a manufacturing contract. This type of civil law transactions has received its own clear legislative regulation. In particular, this type of contract is regulated by Chapter 37 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, which is devoted to contracting. What features does this agreement have?

Features of document preparation

  1. Completed sample contract
  2. Subject of the manufacturing contract
  3. Some features
  4. What to consider

Subject of the manufacturing contract

Under this agreement, one party is obliged to perform certain work according to the customer’s order and transfer the results of the work to him, and the customer undertakes to pay for the result of the work.

In practice, the performers are mainly companies that provide services in this area. But the performer can also be individuals.

Some features

When performing work, the contractor uses his own means and materials. But the contract may provide for the customer’s obligation to provide the materials and items necessary for the work.

The contractor independently distributes the work and chooses methods for their implementation. But the contract may provide for the implementation of work according to methods specified by the customer.

Important! Based on this agreement, the ownership of the results of the work is acquired by the customer, and not the contractor.

What to consider

The manufacturing contract must clearly indicate the item that the contractor must manufacture.

Important! In practice, in some cases, sketches or diagrams are required to make an item. In this case, they are considered an integral part of the contract, and the contractor must complete the work in accordance with the diagrams and sketches.

In practice, very often companies that provide manufacturing services for certain items have developed catalogs and copies. When ordering an item from a catalog, the final result must fully correspond to it.

Important! When concluding a contract, special attention must be paid to the timing of the work.

There are several deadlines:

  • production time for the item ordered;
  • the period for notifying the customer about the readiness of the order;
  • Estimated delivery time.

All of the above deadlines must be agreed upon and provided for in the contract.

In some cases, given the specifics of the order, not only delivery, but also installation of the item may be required. As a rule, the responsibility for installation and installation lies with the contractor. But the customer must prepare the room for installation of the item ordered, and also, if necessary, provide the necessary tools and materials.

Important! When accepting an order, you must sign an acceptance certificate, which indicates the time and place of acceptance.

If the results of the work do not correspond to the contract or diagrams (sketches), then this is indicated in the work acceptance certificate. This document must also indicate any deficiencies, if any.

The text of the contract must also indicate the warranty period, if any.

The next point that you need to pay attention to when concluding a contract is the amount of payment to the contractor. This amount consists not only of the cost of manufacturing the item, but also of the cost of delivery and installation work.

Important! When determining the amount of payment, it is necessary to take into account the fact that this amount is considered the income of the performer from the point of view of tax legislation and is subject to tax.

Subject of the agreement

According to the drawn up manufacturing contract, one of the parties is obliged to produce a certain order at the customer’s request and transfer the completed order to the customer for a certain fee.
The subject of such an agreement is an order. When drawing up such an agreement, the customer can be both an individual and a legal entity. The performers are mostly legal entities providing manufacturing services. However, the performers can also be individuals.

When making an order, the contractor usually uses his own means and materials. At the same time, the contract may stipulate conditions for materials for manufacturing to be provided by the customer.

The Contractor independently selects the order manufacturing method. However, the contract may stipulate the execution of the order using a method established by the customer.

Note. This agreement provides that the customer receives ownership of the completed order.

When filling out this section of the contract, it is necessary to ensure that the agreement for the production of the order clearly indicates the item that is noted in the customer’s application.

Note. In practice, the customer often provides drawings of the item to manufacture an item. In this option, the drawing is an integral annex of the agreement, and the contractor is obliged to produce the order in accordance with the submitted drawings. In addition, some companies providing ordering services have developed catalogs and copies. When ordering an item selected from the catalog, the order must be made according to the sample in the catalog.

( Video : “Furniture to order. Conclusion of a contract”)

Rights and obligations of the parties

The text of the manufacturing agreement is a set of conditions that the parties to the transaction must fulfill.
According to the legislative norms of the Russian Federation, the terms of the contract are prescribed at the discretion of the parties to the transaction, except for situations in which the relevant conditions are prescribed by legislative or other regulatory documents (clause 4 of Article 421 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). In any case, the conditions reflected in the contract must comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation. If a law is approved that defines the conditions mandatory for the parties to the agreement, after signing the contract, those in force at the time of its signing retain their status.

Thus, the section of the contract “Rights and obligations of the parties” is an integral part of the manufacturing agreement. It specifies all the rights of the parties to the transaction (customer and contractor) and the obligations that each participant must fulfill for the effective completion of the transaction.

An example of filling out a section.

Responsibilities of the performer:

This section, as a rule, states what the performer is obliged to produce, for example:

  1. Manufacture an item of appropriate quality at the Customer’s request within the time limits specified in this agreement, and deliver the completed work to the Customer on time.
  2. Ensure that the item is manufactured with quality that complies with the current norms and standards of the Russian Federation.
  3. Ensure the transfer of the manufactured item to the Customer using your own means.

Performer rights:

Here it is necessary to specify the rights that the Contractor has.

An example of filling out an item like this:

  1. Use the choice of ordering methods at your own discretion.
  2. Use the opportunity to involve third parties in order production.

At the same time, responsibility for the production of orders by third parties rests with the Contractor.

Responsibilities of the Customer:

The customer also bears a certain responsibility to the contractor.

He is obliged:

  1. Accept the completed order in the manner specified in the concluded agreement.
  2. Pay the Contractor for the completed and transferred order within the time limits shown in the concluded agreement.

Contract for manufacturing (cabinet furniture, commercial equipment) No.

______________ "___"_____________ 201__
______________________________, hereinafter referred to as the Contractor, represented by _____________________________________________________, acting on the basis of the Charter, on the one hand, and __________________________, hereinafter referred to as the Customer, represented by ___________________________________________________, acting on the basis of the Charter, on the other hand, have entered into this agreement as follows:

Subject of the agreement

1.1. The Contractor undertakes to carry out, on the instructions of the Customer, work on the manufacture of cabinet furniture and/or commercial equipment (hereinafter referred to as the “Product”) and transfer the result of the work to the Customer, and the Customer, in accordance with the terms of this agreement, undertakes to accept and pay for the Product, in quantity, completeness, configuration in accordance with sketch and specification.

1.2. The type of Product, quantity, completeness, configuration and material are agreed upon by the parties in the sketch and specification, which are an integral part of this agreement.

1.3. After the conclusion of the contract, any changes in the specification and sketch are allowed only on the basis of control measurements. Any changes must be reflected in writing and signed by the Customer.

Quality and guarantees

2.1. The quality of the manufactured Product must comply with the terms of the contract.

2.2. The product is manufactured according to samples displayed for review in the Contractor's showroom. The Product transferred to the Customer must correspond to the exhibition samples.

2.3. The Contractor establishes a warranty period of _____ months for the manufactured Product , which is calculated from the moment of acceptance of the Product by the Customer.

2.4. The Customer is obliged to comply with the rules of operation and storage of the manufactured Product. The warranty does not apply to cases of violation by the Customer of the rules of operation, storage or transportation of the Product (during pickup), defects arising due to the actions of third parties or force majeure.

Rights and obligations of the parties

3.1. The Contractor is obliged to transfer to the Customer a Product of appropriate quality in the required quantity, completeness, configuration in accordance with the specification and sketch drawn up on the basis of a control measurement agreed with the Customer.

3.2. The production time of the Product is agreed upon by the parties in the specification. If, for reasons beyond his control (untimely delivery of materials by the supplier, etc.), the Contractor does not meet the deadline, he has the right to postpone the production date of the Product for up to 5 working days with mandatory notification to the Customer (orally by phone indicated in the specification) no later than 3 days before the established production date.

3.3. Before the Product is due for production, the Contractor notifies the Customer about the readiness of the Product and specifies the place and time of delivery if the Customer has ordered delivery.

3.4. The Customer, in case of a change in the place and/or time of delivery, must notify the Contractor about this at least 24 hours in advance and agree with him on the new time and/or place of delivery.

3.5. The Contractor is obliged to deliver the finished Product to the Customer at the location specified (in the specification) within 3 working days from the date of notification to the Customer about the readiness of the Product, subject to full payment by the Customer in accordance with Section 5 of this agreement. The Product, at the discretion of the Contractor, can be delivered in disassembled form, due to the fact that it does not pass through doorways in assembled form, as well as in the case of delivery of the Product at a distance to the destination of more than _____ km. If the Contractor has not delivered the manufactured Product to the Customer within the prescribed period, or has not delivered it in full, he is obliged to agree with the Customer on a new delivery (transfer) date for the Product, which cannot exceed 3 days.

3.6. If there is an order for installation services, the Product is installed by the Contractor. When installing the Product on the Customer’s premises, the Contractor has the right to carry out work using power tools. The work carried out during the installation process is inevitably associated with noise, the formation of dust and material shavings, as well as the release of characteristic odors.

3.7. The customer is obliged to prepare the premises for installation work (cover furniture, floors, household appliances to avoid damage, remove unnecessary items), dismantle old furniture. If it is impossible to properly install the Product due to uneven surfaces (floors, walls, ceilings) in the Customer’s premises, the Customer is obliged to independently eliminate these deficiencies.

3.8. In the absence of an order for installation of the product, installation, fitting and trimming of the product on site are carried out by the Customer independently and at his expense.

3.9. In the event of a delivery failure due to the fault of the Customer, re-delivery is paid by the Customer in the amount of ________ rubles, or the Customer, on his own and at his own expense, removes the Product from the place specified by the Contractor at the agreed time.

3.10. The Contractor reserves the right to deliver the Product to the Customer early, having previously agreed with him (orally by phone specified in the specification) the date and time of delivery.

3.11. Acceptance of the product is documented by an acceptance certificate for completed work, signed by both parties. From the moment of signing the acceptance certificate for the work performed, the Contractor is considered to have fulfilled all of its obligations under this agreement.

3.12. The Customer is obliged to check and accept the Products in terms of quantity, quality, completeness and configuration and sign the acceptance certificate for the work performed. When the Product is delivered and installed by the Contractor, the acceptance certificate for the work performed is signed by the parties after completion of installation. When picking up the finished Product at your own expense, the acceptance certificate for the work performed is signed by the parties at the place where the product was received.

3.13. In the event of an unreasonable refusal by the Customer to sign the acceptance certificate for the work performed, the Product is considered transferred to the Customer in proper quality, quantity, completeness, and configuration, and the Contractor is considered to have fulfilled its obligations.

3.14. If the Customer identifies, upon acceptance of the Product, inconsistencies in quality, quantity, completeness, configuration, this must be noted accordingly in the acceptance certificate for the work performed. The Contractor is obliged to consider these claims within 10 (ten) working days. If the claim is found to be unfounded, the Contractor refuses to satisfy it in writing. If the claims are justified and the Product is transferred to the Customer for quality, quantity, configuration, or completeness that does not comply with the terms of the contract, the Contractor undertakes to eliminate the deficiencies within ________ business days from the date of presentation of the claims.

Attention! Some consumables have standard dimensions (width) and cannot be changed by the Contractor; the design and manufacture of the Product is carried out taking into account these standard dimensions. The corner elements of kitchen units (corner tables, cabinets, corner wall cabinets) make an angle of 90 degrees, and during installation, the corner elements are not adjusted to the specific features of the premises.

By agreement of the parties, these deficiencies can be eliminated only upon mutual signing of an additional agreement by the parties.


4.1. The right of ownership and the risk of accidental death passes to the Customer from the moment the finished Product is transferred to him (signing the acceptance certificate for the work performed).

Contract price and payment procedure

5.1. The total amount of the contract is: ________________ (_________________________________) rubles, incl. VAT 18%

5.2. Prices for materials, work and delivery services are set in accordance with the price list valid at the time of conclusion of the contract. The contract amount is determined in the specification, which is an integral part of this contract. The indicated price is final and cannot be changed except by additional agreement of the parties.

5.3. Payment is made by the Customer by transferring 80% of the prepayment as an advance payment to the Contractor's bank account

5.4. The Customer pays the remaining 20% ​​before the start of installation work, immediately after receiving information from the contractor about the readiness of the Product.

5.5. The product is considered paid for at the moment of receipt of funds to the Contractor's bank account in the amount of 100%.

Responsibility of the parties

6.1. If the Customer refuses to fulfill the contract before transferring the manufactured Product to him, the Customer is obliged to pay the Contractor a part of the established price in proportion to the part of the work completed before receiving the notice of refusal to fulfill the contract, including, but not limited to, work on drawing detailing, measurements, designer services, cost materials consumed, as well as reimburse the Contractor for expenses incurred up to this point in order to fulfill the contract, if they are not included in the specified part of the work.

6.2. In case of delay in payment for the finished Product for a period of more than 5 days, the Customer pays the Contractor a fee for storing the product in the amount of 0.1% of the cost of the Product for each day of storage.

6.3. In case of failure to meet the production deadlines for the Product, the Contractor shall pay the Customer a penalty in the amount of 0.1% of the cost of the Product for each day of delay.

Force Majeure

7.1. The parties are released from liability for partial or complete failure to fulfill obligations under this Agreement if this failure was the result of force majeure circumstances (emergency and unforeseen circumstances) that arose after the conclusion of this Agreement, including, but not limited to, fire, flood, earthquake, decrees of government bodies and local authorities, if these circumstances directly affected the execution of this agreement.

7.2. If force majeure occurs, each party must promptly notify the other party in writing. The notice must contain information about the nature of the circumstances, as well as official documents certifying the existence of these circumstances and, if possible, assessing their impact on the party’s ability to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement.

7.3. In cases of force majeure circumstances, the period for the party to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement is postponed in proportion to the time during which these circumstances and their consequences last.

Final provisions

8.1. The agreement comes into force from the moment it is signed and is valid until the parties fully fulfill their obligations.

8.2. The Contractor undertakes to carry out all necessary work to prepare the specification, formalize it properly and submit it to the Customer for approval. Once the specifications and design have been approved, any changes or additions can only be made in writing and signed by both parties.

8.3. The customer has the right to refuse to perform the contract at any time, taking into account the conditions provided for in section 6, clause 6.1 of this contract.

8.4. Unilateral refusal to fulfill the contract is permitted in the event of a significant violation of the terms of the contract by one of the parties. Significant violations on the part of the Contractor are:

  • transfer of Products of inadequate quality with defects that cannot be eliminated within 20 working days.
  • repeated failure to meet delivery deadlines for the Product.

8.5. Significant violations on the part of the Customer are recognized as:

  • violation of payment terms.
  • repeated failures to remove Products from the supplier’s warehouse.

8.6. In case of change of address or bank details, the parties are obliged to notify each other in writing (by fax) within 5 (five) working days from the date of change.

8.7. In all other respects that are not regulated by the terms of this agreement, the parties will be guided by current legislation.

8.8. All disputes and disagreements that may arise during the execution of this agreement are resolved through negotiations. If it is impossible to resolve a controversial issue through negotiations, the dispute is referred to the court for consideration in the manner prescribed by current legislation.

8.9. The agreement is drawn up in two copies having equal legal force, one for each of the parties.

Addresses and signatures of the parties


Signatures of the parties:

__________________ / ________ _________________ / ________

m.p. m.p.

Download the document “Contract for manufacturing (cabinet furniture, commercial equipment)”

How to properly draw up a manufacturing contract in 2021?

The existence of a manufacturing contract ensures the protection of the interests of both the Customer and the Contractor in case of unfavorable circumstances.
When ordering this or that item, both parties need to carefully fill out all sections of such an agreement to be sure:

  • To the customer - in the manufacture of an item, according to the application, of appropriate quality.
  • The contractor - that after transferring the order - payment will be made to him in accordance with the signed agreement.

Thanks to a properly executed contract, both parties will be satisfied, without unjustified loss of time and without nervous shock.

When filling out a manufacturing contract, you must always take into account the specifics of the order. It is possible that in some cases you may need not only delivery, but also installation of the item. And this needs to be displayed in the appropriate section. Usually, the installation of the order is carried out by the contractor, since this requires tools and materials that the Customer does not have.

Note. When transferring a completed order, you need to issue an acceptance certificate, which displays the timing and place of transfer. This document displays deficiencies if any are found. It is advisable to also stipulate in the contract the warranty period for using the order.

When drawing up an agreement, you can use the form that can be downloaded below or the proposed example of an agreement as a basis.

You can fill out the agreement manually or type it on a computer and then print it out. A printed document is preferable.

The document must be completed:

1. From its name. In this version, “AGREEMENT for the production of ...”

2. Next, on the next line, you need to fill in the place of registration and date.

3. Then you can start filling out the preamble, where the following data is displayed:

  • FULL NAME. The customer displaying information about his powers and the basis on which he acts.
  • FULL NAME. Performer with display of the same data.

4. The next step is to fill out the “Subject of the contract” section, where you need to display what will need to be produced and the obligations of the parties, that is, what the Customer must provide and what the Contractor must fulfill.

5. After filling out the section, you can proceed to the next step - filling out the item “Contract price and payment terms”.

  • Here you need to display the price of the order, with a breakdown of the cost of work performed, the cost of materials, the cost of transportation and installation of the order, etc.
  • It is also necessary to note the payment terms and display the procedure and form of payment for the completed order.

6. Next, you can begin filling out the “Obligations of the Parties” section.

  • Here you will need to list the responsibilities of the parties, as well as a list of conditions for the production of the order, indicating the procedure for making changes to the project, the timing of the production of the order, the procedure for its delivery and the actions of the parties if the terms of the contract are changed.

7. Then it will be necessary to stipulate the parties’ liability for failure to fulfill the terms of the contract. To do this, you will need to fill out the “Penalties” section.

  • This section establishes the form of liability of the parties to the transaction in case of non-compliance with the terms of the agreement by the parties. Fines can be prescribed only on the basis of legislative norms in force in the Russian Federation.

8. Life is unpredictable. And today on our Planet there are various natural disasters, man-made disasters and other circumstances that cannot be foreseen. Therefore, any contract must contain a “Force Majeure” section.

  • This clause relieves the parties from full or partial liability in the presence of force majeure circumstances that are unpredictable.

9. Next, you can fill out a section displaying other terms of the agreement that are not included in the listed sections of the document. This section may be called “Other Terms” or “Final Annexes”

10. It will be possible to display:

  • The date of entry into force of the contract and the time of its completion.
  • Number of copies of signed documents and other information.

11. Completion of filling out the manufacturing contract is carried out by displaying the legal addresses and details of the participants signing the completed document.

It should be noted that most often, when concluding manufacturing contracts, there are violations of the order production deadlines. If the contractor missed the deadline for fulfilling the order or during the execution of the order it became obvious that it would not be executed on time, the Customer has the right, on the basis of laws (No. 212-FZ of December 17, 1999; No. 234-FZ of October 25, 2007) to choose the following:

  • Set a new deadline for the Contractor.
  • Entrust the execution of the order to a third party or do it yourself and recover the costs incurred from the contractor.
  • Reduce order cost.
  • Terminate the manufacturing contract (No. 171-FZ dated December 21, 2004).
  • Demand compensation for losses due to delays in order production.

Note. Damage is compensated within the time frame in accordance with Law No. 212-FZ of December 17, 1999.

New deadlines for order execution are noted in the additional annex to the contract (No. 212-FZ dated December 17, 1999).

If new deadlines are missed, the Customer has the right to reduce the cost of the order or terminate the contract (No. 171-FZ dated December 21, 2004). At the same time, the contractor does not have the right to reimbursement of his costs spent in the process of executing the order (No. 212-FZ of December 17, 1999, No. 171-FZ of December 21, 2004).

For late execution of an order, a penalty may also be collected from the Contractor, which is charged in the form of a penalty for each day before the delivery of the completed order (No. 212-FZ dated December 17, 1999)

Note. The Contractor is released from liability for missed deadlines for order production if this was due to force majeure or if this was due to the fault of the Customer.

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Customer rights

The customer has the right:

  1. Periodically check the progress and quality of order execution without interfering with its work.
  2. Terminate the manufacturing contract and demand compensation for damages if the Contractor does not begin producing the order on time or produces it so slowly that completion of the work by the deadline specified in the agreement is clearly disrupted.
  3. Set a reasonable time for the Contractor to correct defects if they are identified when checking the execution of the order.

Note. If the Contractor fails to set the time limit for correcting the comments, the Customer has the right to withdraw from the contract, either correct the defects at his own expense, or contact a third party to correct the defects, shifting the costs to the Contractor, as well as demanding compensation for damages.

Comments to the document “Contract for the manufacture (of cabinet furniture, commercial equipment)”

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03/30/2013 at 20:49:17

almost what you need

Reply 0

Vladimir 05/07/2013 at 15:49:39

Legally correctly drawn up document

Reply 0

Tatiana 06/18/2013 at 10:42:09

Thank you, the deal is good.

Personal message | Reply 0


Status: Client

08/23/2013 at 07:50:43

Please tell me. The customer asks me for a contract for the provision of furniture manufacturing services for a year. We will list the price in additional. agreements How correct is this? Is there an example of such an agreement?

Personal message | Reply 0


Status: Legal company

rating 460

08/28/2013 at 00:21:26 reply to Olga

An additional agreement to the main contract is signed by the parties in the event of a price change, so as not to renew the supply or service agreement. This need arises if the cost was fixed in the main contract. The additional agreement must have the same form as the main agreement. An additional agreement on price changes is most often concluded in the case of long-term cooperation in the field of supply of goods.

Examples of additional agreements:

Additional agreement on product prices

Additional agreement to the contract (2)

Additional agreement to the contract

  • Email

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Nikita 01/08/2014 at 18:01:32

Thank you!

Reply 0



03/15/2014 at 20:15:32

almost necessary

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03/19/2014 at 17:43:48

A very good, reliable and fair contract. Thanks a lot!

Reply 0


Oleg Shadrin

01/25/2015 at 07:46:23

The contract is excellent

Reply 0



01/30/2015 at 08:13:37

Thank you

Personal message | Reply 0



Status: Client

02/11/2015 at 19:57:17

Where is the technical specification?

Reply 0



02/18/2015 at 14:32:16


Reply 0

Anton 02/19/2015 at 07:16:25

Very good site THANK YOU

Reply 0



03/02/2015 at 19:02:38

Thank you.

Reply 0



03/11/2015 at 06:11:31

A good, competent contract, nothing extra

Reply 0

Tatiana 07/29/2015 at 07:29:01

a little modification, but the basic conditions are met

Reply 0



08/06/2015 at 09:10:31

Yes, that's what you need. Thank you

Reply 0



09/11/2015 at 18:23:59

I liked the contract!

Reply 0

Vadim 09/21/2015 at 10:49:57

great, just what you need

Reply 0

Natalia 09/22/2015 at 06:36:36

Super deal! I made it for myself and it turned out really well!!!!

Reply 0



10/27/2015 at 07:03:03

thank you, almost perfect

Reply 0

Julia 11/30/2015 at 16:30:15

Thank you, the document is useful

Reply 0



12/04/2015 at 23:11:18

thank you, it was useful.

Reply 0



01/21/2016 at 12:36:14

Thank you for the contract template, of course it needs some work, but it’s a very good basis.

Reply 0



01/22/2016 at 14:34:46

Thank you, it was useful!

Personal message | Reply 0


Status: Client

01/22/2016 at 14:50:53

Thank you, it was very useful

Reply 0

Julia 02/03/2016 at 00:42:22

Is a seal optional?

Reply 0



02/08/2016 at 11:00:59

Thanks to the resource for providing the sample document.

Reply 0

Kirill 02/15/2016 at 12:35:18

I'm excellent 12 points

Reply 0

Catherine 03/05/2016 at 17:23:38

Thank you, it was very useful

Reply 0

Natalia 03/10/2016 at 13:17:30

good deal. grammatical

Reply 0

Nargiza 03/28/2016 at 13:31:32

Thank you, very useful page

Reply 0

Sergey 05/06/2016 at 08:47:33

Not a bad deal. Many issues have been worked out.

Reply 0

Natalia 06/19/2016 at 15:25:30

Thanks for the good deal

Reply 0

Tamil 08/09/2016 at 13:50:35

Finally found something normal.

Reply 0



09/15/2016 at 05:20:06

Great! Great! Great!

Reply 0

Natalia 10/25/2016 at 09:59:48

Thank you very much, great document!

Reply 0



02.11.2016 at 06:26:12

Thank you! change a little - but as a “fish” - just super!

Reply 0

Maxim Shevchenko 01/05/2017 at 15:43:40

I wish I could add a specification.

Reply 0



02/21/2017 at 11:36:58

good deal, thank you

Reply 0



02/23/2017 at 16:36:28

Thank you. We'll customize it and use it.

Reply 0

Natalia 03/28/2017 at 11:53:35

Good deal. Thank you. Many nuances that emerge during the work process are described

Reply 0

Anna 04/19/2017 at 15:17:26

I really liked it!

Can you post the specification?

Reply 0

Elena 05/03/2017 at 19:42:41

Good deal. Thank you.

Reply 0



07/20/2017 at 12:00:59

The contract is good, but there is no clause for the return of the Customer’s funds (prepayment) in case of Unilateral refusal (clause 8.4.)

Reply 0


Elena Vladimirovna U.

08/16/2017 at 23:07:15

The contract is simple, clear, competent...

It would also be nice to have a sample specification for it... because... mentioned in the contract

Reply 0



08/23/2017 at 21:21:43

I liked the agreement. Compiled competently, everything necessary is taken into account for 5+! Thanks a lot!!!!

Reply 0

Alexei 11/12/2017 at 17:09:14

Thank you I have read it

Reply 0



02/08/2018 at 19:59:15

very helpful. Thank you

Reply 0



02/14/2018 at 15:57:25

great deal thank you very much

Reply 0

ALEXEI 02/16/2018 at 17:27:44

Model contract (plus comments)

Reply 0



02/19/2018 at 09:44:22

Practically what you need, a good basis. additions can already be made at your discretion

Reply 0



03/01/2018 at 15:10:29

Thank you! I liked it!

Reply 0

F 03/13/2018 at 20:59:44

Great contract!

Thank you

Reply 0



03/20/2018 at 20:38:12

Certificate of completed work for acceptance of furniture, is there a sample? but I didn’t find something

Reply 0



04/05/2018 at 16:56:30

A very successful agreement. Expressed in normal language. I found it quickly - the second one on the search page. The explanations are useful even for a lawyer. I edited it a little to suit myself. It seems that the wording “production time” is not entirely appropriate. I replaced it with “production time/ready time”, because... The production time in my understanding is the period from... to.... It would be great to have a specification or work order form here. Well, thank you very much for that!

Reply 0

Maria 04/10/2018 at 09:52:46

"Price list". They talked about it so much, they still write about it. Oil anointed with oil. Well, then write “list of prices and prices”, the same thing will happen.

Reply 0

Olga 04/30/2018 at 15:31:08

Super!!! A very well-written document!

Reply 0

Tatiana 05/22/2018 at 13:47:19

Thank you. Very concise, accessible and understandable for both parties

Reply 0



05/23/2018 at 19:01:09

Quite a reasonable agreement. Thank you. Adding to a completed contract is always easier than sitting and doing everything from the very beginning.

Reply 0



06/22/2018 at 14:04:04

Helpful information. Thank you

Reply 0



07/02/2018 at 09:34:01

Thanks, I'll take the hint))

Reply 0

Vladislav 08/08/2018 at 08:19:05

Good afternoon! I have a question for you: is it worth concluding an additional agreement to the contract after control measurements, if their result does not coincide with the initial measurements of the Customer of PVC structures?

Reply 0



08/13/2018 at 16:32:53

An excellent agreement that takes into account all aspects of interaction between the Customer and the Contractor.

Reply 0



09/21/2018 at 09:14:15

good deal, almost what you need.

Reply 0

Ilya 10/02/2018 at 08:42:44

Thank you very much for the sample, I took it for myself, modified it a little and I’m ready to work!

Reply 0

Lyudmila 10/15/2018 at 06:11:55

A good example, maybe it is also necessary to indicate that the materials must comply with GOST, a hygienic certificate?

Reply 0



10/16/2018 at 20:40:10

Thank you! You helped us a lot

Reply 0



11/15/2018 at 16:46:03

the best of what was found on the Internet, almost everything that is necessary for both sides is spelled out, only a little work needs to be done!

Reply 0



11/16/2018 at 15:52:31

A good contract with good clauses

Reply 0



29.11.2018 at 14:26:58

Excellent, exactly what you need, right to the point.

Reply 0



12/10/2018 at 00:39:53

Thank you for saving your time! a little editing and great.

Reply 0

Oleg Bukreev 12/17/2018 at 13:12:49

Thank you, we’ll work on it a little and use it

Reply 0


Lyubov Ivanovna

12/18/2018 at 23:33:20

I really liked it, it was short and comprehensive.

Thank you! for studying

Reply 0



12/23/2018 at 17:39:18

Thank you, the agreement is really good. I recommend!

Reply 0

Galina 01/12/2019 at 09:40:24

A good contract, all points are spelled out.

Reply 0



01/15/2019 at 14:11:57

Some points will be very useful

Reply 0



02/08/2019 at 12:08:26

Thank you, you helped me

Reply 0

Eugene 03/03/2019 at 21:17:31

Thank you good deal

Reply 0

Victoria 03/06/2019 at 21:37:22

Thank you, good deal.

Reply 0

Andrey 03/08/2019 at 12:21:47

Great stuff. Modify it a little to suit your needs and you can use it!

Reply 0



03/23/2019 at 22:51:51

Thank you for the agreement, it is detailed and describes the interests of both parties.

Reply 0

Dmitriy 04/01/2019 at 12:12:18

useful sample, after some minor adjustments it went to work

Reply 0

Evgeniya 05/03/2019 at 21:54:48

good Agreement, everyone can add their own, but as a base it’s excellent!

Reply 0

Svetlana 05/12/2019 at 17:32:20

In my opinion, the contract is developed very clearly, accessible, easy to read, the text is understandable

Reply 0

Julia 05/28/2019 at 16:55:45

Thank you. The agreement is good.

Reply 0

Angelica 05/30/2019 at 13:25:25

A simple and clear contract. Thank you

Reply 0



06/02/2019 at 12:24:54

Thank you! Good deal

Reply 0

Igor Anatolyevich 06/07/2019 at 08:21:52

The contract is excellent and well drafted. Individual points can be added or corrected.

Reply 0



06/22/2019 at 10:20:24

The contract was drawn up correctly and competently. Thank you.

Reply 0



07/10/2019 at 11:34:10

good deal, thank you.

Reply 0

Paul 02.10.2019 at 13:31:07

Not bad.

in clause 8 (or clause 3) it would be correct to indicate the prohibition of changing heights (for example, floor... etc.) after an approved measurement with a sketch (drawing) of products attached to it. ..or removing responsibility from the Contractor for the fact that the product “suddenly” does not fit into the previously approved dimensions..

and if it is stated in the contract that at the time of installation of furniture (for example, a kitchen with solid wood facades) all plastering and painting work must be completed, then this would help many..

Reply 0


Victoria Vladimirovna

10/19/2019 at 18:08:53

Thank you! Competently composed, all points are correct! Thank you!

Reply 0



10/23/2019 at 5:31:14 pm

I highly recommend everything.

Reply 0



10/31/2019 at 13:21:22

Adequate agreement! According to clause 6.1, it turns out that you need to apply all the listed costs?! This is not always possible to implement and is inconvenient and does not suit everyone. And a 8.4 is a one-sided failure, but time and materials were wasted on manufacturing...

Reply 0



07.11.2019 at 14:34:03

Thank you, good document

Reply 0



11/24/2019 at 08:46:12

Good deal, thank you

Reply 0



12/11/2019 at 23:09:47

The agreement helped a lot. Thank you very much for your help!

Reply 0



12/17/2019 at 16:19:43

Thanks, great deal!

Reply 0


Aidana Toktassynova

01/17/2020 at 17:25:40

Very well composed

Reply 0

Victoria 01/31/2020 at 17:31:02

Informative, detailed and useful article. Thanks for the help !

Reply 0



04/28/2020 at 08:22:28

Everything is clear and understandable! Has everything you need

Thank you

Reply 0


Is it true

06/30/2020 at 18:13:24

lies sit on lies and drive on with manipulation. this is zero-no stars

Reply 0

Is it true 06/30/2020 at 18:14:19

lies on lies sits zero stars

Reply 0

PJSC "RUTELECOM" 07/02/2020 at 07:00:37

An excellent agreement, but not for all occasions. Needs minor modification

Reply 0

Dmitriy 08/09/2020 at 08:24:16

Excellent, I’ve been looking for a suitable one for a long time

Reply 0



09.11.2020 at 02:35:47

Thank you very much, your sample helped me a lot in my work!

Reply 0



11/12/2020 at 12:52:21

An excellent contract - all the most important things in essence and without unnecessary language. Thank you!

Reply 0

Mirhat 11/27/2020 at 08:48:27

Competently composed.

Reply 0

Newbie 12/21/2020 at 11:08:34

yes, useful and helpful

Reply 0

Vitaly 01/11/2021 at 19:42:28

Is a seal optional?

Reply 0



01/21/2021 at 07:00:35

Excellent contract, this is not the first time I have used the services of this site! Many thanks to the site team for a quality resource.

Reply 0



01/23/2021 at 11:36:43

good, but the biggest plus should be given to the performer

Reply 0

Anton 02/24/2021 at 10:24:18

Quite suitable as a basis for my future contract. Thank you.

Reply 0

Oksana 03/05/2021 at 10:46:26

Legally correctly drawn up document

Reply 0



03/07/2021 at 00:07:36

I liked it very much. everything is simple, accessible and understandable. thanks a lot!!!!

Reply 0



04/23/2021 at 22:54:38

good deal thanks

Reply 0

Sergey 05/20/2021 at 11:19:36

Very complete. Can serve as a complete basis

Reply 0

Alexei 08/19/2021 at 16:47:38

The agreement is good. We'll fill in the details ourselves

Reply 0



11/23/2021 at 12:44:31

Great deal!!!!!!!!!!!!

Reply 0



01/11/2022 at 16:31:17

Thanks for the example contract

Reply 0



01/12/2022 at 11:36:25

not a bad contract option. Thank you

Reply 0

Oksana 01/23/2022 at 05:32:28

thank you, I was looking for a short contract

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    Contract term

    An important point when concluding a manufacturing contract is the display of its validity period.
    After all, the legal relationship between the parties to the transaction can only be valid during the period of validity of the agreement. After the expiration of the contract, the parties are released from claims against each other. In this section, the parties to the transaction can also stipulate the conditions for early termination of the transaction.

    An example of filling out this section:

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