GOST 13025.3-85 Household furniture. Functional dimensions of tables

A comfortable dining table that can accommodate all family members is the main criterion for a cozy kitchen. It is in this place that families gather in the evenings, and sometimes the dining table is used to celebrate special occasions, so it is important to choose it correctly. Kitchen tables vary in shape, which determines the standard size.

How does the shape of a dining table affect capacity?

Kitchen tables, unless they are made to order, always come in standard sizes. As we have already noted, this parameter depends on the shape of the product, of which there are four:

  • Rectangular. The most popular classic type of table, which can accommodate from 4 people and up to 8 people as standard. The advantages of such models include convenience, simplicity and practicality, while the disadvantages include the risk of injury due to sharp corners.

  • Square. Depending on the size of the tabletop, the table can seat up to 8 people. Square models are usually installed in large kitchens, but they are not suitable for small and narrow rooms - here it is better to give preference to a rectangular shape. One of the advantages is the space saving, and the disadvantage is the presence of sharp corners.

  • Round. Such tables look very harmonious in spacious kitchens. Capacity – from 4 to 8 people. The round tabletop has no corners, which makes the product safe. This is especially true for families with small children. They also look original, interesting, but at the same time simple and concise. One of the disadvantages is that such a table cannot be moved against the wall - it requires a lot of free space. For this reason, round models are in most cases installed in the center of the room.

  • Oval. The rarest and most unusual type of kitchen tables. It can accommodate from 4 to 10 people. In terms of convenience, such tables can be compared with rectangular ones, but unlike them, oval ones do not have sharp corners. However, installation will require a lot of space.

But these are not all the forms that kitchen tables can have. For very small rooms, you can choose compact semicircular or triangular options that take up very little space. They are often installed in a corner. If there is very little space, a folding table would be a good solution. Of course, such models accommodate a very small number of people - up to 2.

So, when choosing a dining table, you need to take into account the number of family members, the area of ​​the room and the style of the interior. The last criterion can influence the shape of the product; for example, round products are often found in high-tech style.

About industrial standardization: pros and cons

The standard height of a desk is a standard according to GOST, determined in the era of state standardization through scientific research and ergonomic measurements. GOST is still taken into account in the production of ordinary office furniture installed in a work or home office, in the production of standard desks, which are less and less used for their intended purpose.

In the apartment

And even schoolchildren and students are working more and more on computers. It is worth noting the following:

  1. A standard is an excellent indicator for mass production, which is carried out according to standards and fixed parameters.
  2. However, this is an involuntary statement of the fact that the consumer is a person for whom there are certain limits. And if by the will of nature he had to be more or less than the measured standard, he is forced to regulate his relationship with the purchased item, designed for the needs of the majority.
  3. The average indicator is a man or teenager, the sum of whose height figures, divided in half, gives the average indicator.
  4. In the same way, the standard for the female half of humanity is determined, if we imagine it figuratively: a girl and a woman, whose height was summed up and then divided by two. These are the numbers that became the basis for determining the average industry standard.
  5. The equipment for working in an office with a height of 70 to 80 cm, recommended when launching a production line of desks, is an excellent condition for those whose height ranges from 160 to 180 cm. Anyone who is larger or smaller than the average will feel uncomfortable and uncomfortable behind such furniture.
  6. Producing furniture exclusively according to the standard for individual representatives of humanity will simply mean disaster. The device necessary to create optimal working conditions, work capacity, reduce fatigue and productivity of mental activity is inconvenient and destructive for him.


If a person does not belong to the standard category, does not fall under restrictions and boundaries, the desired table height can only be created with an individual order or with possible adjustment provided for in the purchased piece of furniture.

Although some craftsmen have another way out of the situation - designing and creating a suitable desk with their own hands.

What a real desk should be like, where nothing gets in the way, doesn’t dangle, doesn’t hinder and doesn’t press – is determined by the owner – the one who spends a long time at it. Therefore, it is believed that height cannot be the only selection criterion.

In the office

How to calculate the size of a dining table

There should be 60 cm width and 40 cm depth per person. This is the best option to start from when calculating the size of the dining table. If the condition is met, everyone sitting will be comfortable and comfortable.

Also, do not forget about the free space, which should also remain on the table. To do this, about 20 cm is allocated in the center.

Calculating the perimeter of a rectangular kitchen table is very simple. Since the width per person is required to be 60 cm, this number must be multiplied by the number of family members. For example, if you plan to purchase a table for 4 people, its perimeter should be 240 cm. If space in the kitchen allows, it would be useful to provide two additional seats in case guests drop by.

Don't be a bull in a china shop...

Does your back and neck get tired when working in the kitchen? You have chosen the wrong height of the kitchen unit.

When designing a kitchen set, there are certain standards that are designed for comfortable use of furniture and household appliances, storage of food and other things.

The height of the kitchen table for cutting and preparing food should be equal to half your height, rounded up within 5 cm. With a height of 1.72 m, it will be 0.9-0.95 m.

These optimal sizes are designed for the average height of the housewife.

The height of the cabinets should be 820 mm, and together with the tabletop - 850 mm.

There is another method for selecting a comfortable kitchen table height.

  1. Bend your arm at the elbow.
  2. Measure the distance from the floor to the bend of your elbow.
  3. Subtract 15 cm from it.
  4. Use the obtained result when selecting a kitchen set.

All nuances must be selected in accordance with the needs of the owners and the characteristics of the room.

ON A NOTE! To find out the value for a dishwasher, add 10 cm to the height of the kitchen table.

The most common diameters of round kitchen tables

The average diameter of a round tabletop is 80 cm - this table can accommodate 4 people. A table with a diameter of 130 cm can accommodate 6 people, and if you increase this number to 150, you can seat 8 people.

When choosing the size of a round table, you need, as in any other case, to take into account the number of people. The most popular models have a diameter of 110 cm - this size is enough for a family of 4 people. 10 extra centimeters provide one more place. Obviously, the larger the table, the more people can fit behind it. But if you need to seat a lot of people, then it is better to choose rectangular or oval models for a simple reason - it will be uncomfortable to sit at a large round table, since you will not be able to reach the dishes in the middle. In addition, they take up a lot of space.

Designers recommend placing a round table in the center of the room - this is how it looks most harmonious. It can also be placed in a corner, and it will be great if there is a window nearby - this will visually increase the area of ​​the room. If there is no window, you will need additional lighting in the form of a floor lamp or sconce to highlight the dining area.

Pros of oval dining table models

Each table shape has its pros and cons. Some of them, for example, rectangular ones, are preferable for long kitchens, while square ones can be installed in a small room. Another practical option is a folding table, the dimensions of which can be easily increased if necessary. Oval countertops are especially popular, because they have many advantages:

  • Oval tables are comparable in capacity to rectangular ones. Both there and there you can arrange almost the same number of dishes.
  • Practicality. Many round tables fold out and turn into oval tables.
  • Lots of manufacturing materials. Wooden models are the most common - they can fit into almost every interior.
  • Convenience. Large and long oval tables are much more comfortable to sit at than round ones.
  • Safety. Due to the absence of sharp corners, the risk of injury is reduced to zero.

In fact, oval tables are the same rectangular ones, only without sharp corners.

Capacity of oval tables:

  • Width from 110 cm implies seating for a maximum of 4 people.
  • The 130 cm wide table can accommodate 6 guests.
  • 150 cm is 8 seats.
  • Width 170 accommodates 10 people.

For a family of 4 people, the best option would be an oval table 1100 x 900 cm. If there is not enough space in the room, you should not choose oval models that are too small - they can make the interior look incomplete. It is better to opt for compact square or round models.

How to calculate the height of a dining table

People's heights vary greatly, but all standard tables have a height of 75 cm. This value is calculated for the average height of a person - 165 cm. Of course, if your height exceeds this figure by many centimeters, you will find it uncomfortable to sit - your knees will rest against the tabletop. In this case, you need to calculate the height of the table yourself.

To do this, you will need to multiply your height by 75 and divide by 165. For example, your height is 180. Multiply 180 by 75, then divide by 165. We get 81.8 - this is the ideal countertop height for you.

However, we have calculated the table height for only one person. In fact, in a family there are often people of different heights. In this case, you need to add up the heights of each family member (with the exception of small children, because they grow) and divide by 2. You will get the average height of family members. Next, based on this number, you need to make a calculation, as we did in the previous example.

For families with small children, children's chairs and tables with adjustable heights are an excellent purchase. As your baby grows, you can raise the base to adjust it to your baby. Such furniture is used for several years until the child becomes comfortable sitting at a regular table.

You don’t need a crowbar to keep your back straight at your desk...

Having a comfortable workspace is essential for you and your child.

One of the most necessary things for your child at school age will be a desk.

Staying in an uncomfortable position for a long time leads to rapid fatigue. In addition, there is a risk of occurrence or exacerbation of chronic diseases of the spinal and cervical spine.

Choosing a desk will not be difficult if you know just a few basic parameters.

Selection of the height of the table and chair for an adult is carried out using the above formula. Usually they are 0.77-0.82 m and 0.45-0.49 m. The length of the backrest should be at least 0.35 m.

Correctly calculated height of a computer desk promotes good health and productive work.

Determining the optimal dimensions of a table for a child is more difficult than for an adult. Children grow actively until they are 18 years old, so furniture will have to be changed every 2-3 years. This problem becomes most pressing from the age of 7, when the child begins to go to school.

Many manufacturers now offer “growing” tables or desks.

When making a purchase, try to maintain the following parameters:

Age (years) and height (m)Table (m)Chair (m)
From 7 to 9 years (from 0.8 m)0,510,31
From 10 to 12 years (from 1.3 m)0,590,35
From 13 to 14 years (from 1.48 m)0,630,37
From 15 to 16 years (from 1.53 m)0,660,44
From 17 to 18 years (from 1.63 m)0,720,46

It is highly recommended that desks for children have an inclined work surface.

Make sure the important details are followed:

  • The feet fully touch the floor when the leg is bent at an angle of 90 to 100°;
  • The gap between the chest and the edge of the furniture is 0.8 m;
  • A sitting teenager rests his elbows on the tabletop, without bending his back or lifting his shoulders high,
  • The computer monitor is placed at a distance of at least 0.5 m, the child looks at it at an angle of 0-30°, bending the neck back is unacceptable. If the furniture is too high and it is not possible to change it, then purchase a footrest and place a pillow on the seat of the chair.

If a child, sitting at the table, puts his hand down, then the ideal position would be for his elbow to be 5-6 cm below the tabletop.

When positioned correctly, the tabletop is at the level of the child's solar plexus.

IMPORTANT! Make your child take a “recess” every 40 minutes.

Take care of the health and comfort of your family and friends. A correctly selected height of the dining table will add a feeling of coziness to a family celebration and will make you want to meet again. A kitchen set designed to suit your wife’s figure will preserve her beautiful posture for many years. Your child, sitting at a well-functioning desk, will learn better and be less sick.

In order not to rack your brains over complex issues of space ergonomics and choosing the most convenient dimensions of furniture, there are standard sizes.

Most manufacturers who are in direct contact with the buyer produce interesting furniture models tailored to the size of each individual family.

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