Corner computer desk - shapes, sizes, materials and equipment

Indispensable electronic assistants in the form of computers have long been installed in every home and office. Many people spend the entire working day and most of their free time at home using them, and therefore the comfort and performance of a person depends on the convenience and functionality of the table on which the computer stands. When planning to buy a much-needed piece of furniture, you should pay attention to the corner computer desk, a photo of which can be seen in the selection, which is sometimes much more spacious than its direct counterpart. At the same time, it is very compact, which is so important for small offices and small apartments.

Advantages of a corner computer desk

The need for a computer desk can hardly be underestimated, which is why you can find many designs for this item on the furniture market. Models for computer equipment come in various shapes, sizes, and colors. But they require too much space to accommodate them. The corner is the place in the room that most often remains unused to its full potential. Therefore, installing a corner computer desk with shelves there will be the right solution, which will save space. The main advantages of this type of furniture are:

  • the working surface is larger in size than the surface of the classic model. The computer is placed in a specially designated place near the wall, so the tabletop remains almost completely free;
  • convenient access to add-ons, all shelves are at arm's length;
  • by deepening the monitor into the niche, an optimal safe distance for the user’s eyes is achieved;
  • devices and materials are always at hand;
  • the ability to use corner space allows you to make maximum use of the room area;
  • filling the corners of the room gives the effect of visual expansion of the room;
  • psychological comfort is provided for the working person. The rounded work area creates an enveloping effect.

Design flaws

Of course, corner computer tables, like all corner furniture, have their drawbacks:

  • one of the main disadvantages is that this model can only be placed in a corner, otherwise it will look ugly, spoiling the entire interior of the room;
  • It is not always possible to place such a table near a window and then the constant use of additional lighting will be required;
  • If a computer desk is taken for a child, then it must be taken into account that it is not transformable and does not have mechanisms for adjusting the tabletop. Therefore, it cannot be adjusted to the height of a preschooler or elementary school student;
  • most tables are made of MDF and therefore their use as dining tables is unacceptable, as this will lead to rapid deterioration of the decorative covering;
  • Many models have a blind compartment for the system unit. As a result of lack of ventilation, equipment may malfunction;
  • a working person sits with his back to others, which is not entirely pleasant;
  • the cost of corner computer desks is several orders of magnitude higher than that of classic models;
  • Despite its seemingly small size, this model is very inconvenient for rearranging during repairs.

Types of work surface arrangement

According to the type of surface arrangement for work, corner computer desks are produced diagonally and diagonally-perpendicular.

Types of modelsAdvantages
  • you can work while sitting facing a window or wall, and not just the computer;
  • the use of a large area provides high functionality;
  • dimensions of at least 1500 mm for both sides;
  • possibility of installing modern documentation storage systems.
  • The user's working position is diagonal only;
  • convenient for use in small rooms and small apartments;
  • have low cost;
  • has all the basic functions of a computer desk;
  • side tabletop does not exceed 700 mm;
  • In an office, corner computer desks of this type can be grouped in the center of the room.

Diagonal Diagonal-perpendicular
When choosing a design, you need to consider the following points:

  • the area of ​​the room, its layout, is it possible to use a corner without compromising the arrangement of the rest of the furniture;
  • the location of the windows, the distance from them to the corner in which it is planned to place the table;
  • interior design of the room - you need to take a model that will fit into the design of the room in color and design;
  • for what purpose is the table being purchased - will it be used in a study, in an office, or will a schoolchild work at it?

How to choose the right one

For a successful purchase, it is important to consider some factors:

  1. Buy furniture from a trusted store.
  2. The age of the person for whom the furniture is chosen.
  3. Color (based on the interior of the room and personal preferences).
  4. Shape and size (creativity is more suitable for an adult than a child).
  5. The optimal length is from a meter to 2 meters.
  6. Height no less than 70 cm (selected individually to a person’s height to avoid health problems in the future).
  7. Strength, resistance to damage of the structure.
  8. Accounting for lamp mounting.
  9. High quality product.
  10. Inspect the surface for scratches and defects.
  11. Additionally, the stability of the furniture is checked.

Children's transforming table
The table is an integral part of the interior. Children use it for personal needs: homework, interests, hobbies. Adults need it for work. A computer or laptop is installed on the furniture. Personal belongings and office supplies are stored in the boxes. By choosing the right table for a person’s height, working at it will be comfortable. There will be no health problems.

Types of structures

Type of designDiagonal-perpendicularDiagonal
Table with extension
  • monitor stand;
  • shelves for speakers;
  • add-on with shelf for documents.
  • the superstructure is located above the tabletop;
  • Convenient for placing books, gadgets and notebooks.
Table with cabinetA full-fledged cabinet with a door is installed.It is possible to install a small cabinet offset beyond the tabletop.
With drawers and shelvesDepending on the size of the tabletop, one or two cabinets with drawers are equipped.Only shelves are installed, since there is no space for pulling out drawers.

With wardrobe and cabinet With extension With drawers and shelves

Depending on the location of the space for the computer unit, corner computer models are divided into right-handed and left-handed.

A diagonal-perpendicular corner computer desk, used mainly in offices and government institutions, always comes complete with shelves and drawers. While the compact diagonal one, which only accommodates a monitor and a keyboard with a mouse, can be equipped with one small add-on at the customer’s request.

By choosing the right corner desk for your computer, you can intelligently arrange all your work accessories and make a previously unattractive, useless corner one of the most important places in the room. That being said, you can still get a useful option with an extension and cabinets. If desired, you can choose a round table or another shape.

Materials for production

Chipboard is mainly used for manufacturing. Since this is the most inexpensive and at the same time convenient to use material. But you can find corner computer tables made of glass and wood, which are a real decoration of the interior. Stylish models of corner tables made of metal structures, which have recently appeared on the furniture market, are also very popular.

Chipboard and MDF

The most common models are made from the following materials:

  • Chipboard or particle board is the most common material for making all types of office desks. It is easy to give the desired shape, it is easy to process and has a low price. To give the product an aesthetic appearance, it is covered with veneer or decorative film. However, the use of formaldehyde resins in the manufacture of chipboards makes this type of material unsuitable for the production of children's things from it. Therefore, a corner computer desk made of chipboard is best installed in offices;
  • MDF is also compressed wood, but more harmless to the human body. Products made from it are somewhat more expensive than models made from chipboard. It conveys the wood grain, has a large selection of colors, is easy to process, and is a moisture-resistant material. The downside is that the screw connections are not very reliable.

MDF Chipboard
Both materials are successfully used in the manufacture of corner computer tables and have similar qualities. When choosing models made from these materials, you need to proceed from the room in which the product will be used and who will work behind it. It is better to take computer tables for children from MDF. And for the study and office, you can take cheaper options from chipboard.


Models made of glass look original in any work area, perfectly complementing a variety of styles. The use of glass models allows you to visually expand the space and give the interior lightness. Despite their apparent fragility, these tables can withstand the impact of household appliances and have a high level of strength. They are environmentally friendly. Their only disadvantage is their high price. You can see what corner computer desks made of glass look like in the photo.


To produce tables from solid natural wood, high-quality, well-dried boards or stacked boards made from individual pieces joined with glue are used. All furniture made from natural wood is capricious and requires due attention.

A computer desk whose round wooden section of the table top is not coated with a sufficient amount of varnish will quickly lose its appearance. But corner tables, made using natural wood, are environmentally friendly and stylish. A corner table made of such material is an expensive, sophisticated thing that will not suit every design and therefore you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons of this choice.


These models look very stylish, but are more suitable for offices than apartments. Cold metal will not create a feeling of comfort, but it will look good in a production environment. Most often, such products have metal sides and legs. Most countertops are made of MDF or glass. Very rarely there are options with a metal tabletop. They have bright colors and are durable.

It is necessary to check how well the metal parts are coated with anti-corrosion paint.

Accessories and mechanisms

An important element that affects the service life are furniture hinges for opening doors and guides that ensure the normal functioning of drawers.

The first type of fittings is a mechanism that is attached to the door and side wall. The most popular are four-hinged hinges. They can be adjusted in three planes. The device includes 2 fastened parts: a bowl with an elbow and a strike plate.

Retractable systems are divided into roller and ball.

The first type has an affordable price and can withstand a load of up to 25 kg. When choosing, you should pay attention to the thickness of the profile. A value of 1.2 mm will ensure a long service life. Their disadvantage: incomplete opening of the drawer, increased noise level.

The second option is capable of holding a weight of about 60 kg, operates almost silently, and makes it possible to see the entire volume of the box. However, the cost of the kit is several times higher.

The device is often equipped with a closer and damper. The first device facilitates smooth closing at the final stage. The damper serves as a shock absorber.

Selection rules

Since working at a computer takes up most of the day every day, it would not be surprising if an incorrectly chosen desk design would cause many illnesses. Starting with scoliosis and blurred vision, ending with nervous breakdowns. There are standard sizes by which you need to choose a computer desk model:

  • height should be 70-75 cm;
  • tabletop depth from 80 cm or more. Then it will be possible to work not only at the computer, but also to work with documents;
  • The length of the sides of the table depends on the availability of the room.

In order to make the right choice of table model, you need to determine the place in which it will be installed. You also need to take into account what technical devices other than the computer are still used and, based on this, choose add-ons. The standard set of equipment used to work with a computer includes:

  • system unit;
  • monitor, or several monitors;
  • printer or MFP;
  • fax or telephone;
  • web camera, headphones, microphone;
  • uninterruptable power source;
  • columns;
  • external storage devices.

It is necessary to remember a few rules that will also help in choosing a high-quality model of a corner product for a computer:

  • the edge is the most abraded place. A computer desk with a well-treated round edge will last longer;
  • a small corner desk should have a high-quality shelf for the keyboard. This is a prerequisite in order to be able to free up space for classes;
  • A retractable stand under the system unit will allow you to easily move it and allow free ventilation.

By following all the tips, you can choose suitable computer desks for a home decorated in absolutely any style.

Basic Standards

The correct position of the human body is important - a straight back, no tension, freely resting forearms. Legs are bent at an angle of 90 degrees.

The model is chosen with an adjustable tabletop height, often made to order, to suit a person’s individual height.

The main thing is that when sitting at work, the person does not hunch over, his back is straight. My legs did not become numb, and there was no pain in the neck, hands, or elbows.

Dimensions are selected according to height:

100-118 cm – 45 cm; 118-130 cm – 53 cm;

130-147 cm – 59 cm; 147-160 cm – 64 cm; 160-173 cm – 70 cm; from 173 and above – no less than 75 cm.

The ideal option is a table that grows with the child (there is a built-in height adjuster).

Options for computer desk sizes

If the height is incorrectly selected for a person’s height, the posture will deteriorate. Sometimes it is difficult to restore it. Health problems arise that cannot be eliminated.

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