A baby high chair is a must-have in a home with a child over 6 months old. This item helps develop etiquette skills and allows your baby to quickly learn to eat independently. In today's wide range of products, it can be difficult to decide on a purchase. Therefore, when choosing a children's high chair, it is worth considering many nuances that will allow you to purchase a truly worthwhile item.

Characteristics and operating principle

A high chair is a special design that allows you to seat your baby at a common table at the adult level. Children's models are often equipped with their own tabletops, which allows the child to comfortably eat or play anywhere. For the most part, such structures are made of metal with plastic elements, but there are also wooden models.

Thus, a classic children's high chair is a seat on high legs. If we are talking about a wooden model, then there is no adjustment here. In the case of plastic products, we can say that their functionality is higher due to the presence of many adjustments, seat belts, a removable tabletop, a backrest angle and other additions.

Due to the fact that a children's transformer can be turned into a full-fledged seat and table, a child can use it even at an older age for creative activities and games.

Decoration of the structure

Products made from natural wood require protection from external factors. Varnishing helps solve this problem. Experts recommend choosing the acrylic version of this material. It creates a coating that is not afraid of any childish pranks - spilled water, paint.

If you want to make the product more interesting, you can paint it. You should give preference to bright, but not harsh colors. Muted light green, mint green, pomegranate, coral and others are suitable.

It is not recommended to decorate the table and chair with voluminous decor. First of all, due to the fact that it is one of the most common causes of injury to a child. The best decoration would be hand or screen painting. Appliques and drawings of fairy tale and cartoon characters are suitable for young children. Curly legs will look interesting. If the chair has a back, various figures are cut out on its surface with a jigsaw.

Assortment of chairs

Nowadays in children's stores you can find models of high chairs for feeding in various configurations and from different manufacturers. But how to choose the best chair in this situation? First you need to decide on the standard classification of the types of this feeding furniture.

Wooden high chair

This is the standard model discussed earlier. It is a seat with high legs that can be placed next to a common table or left alone if it is equipped with a table top.

Thus, children's high chairs with a table top are very convenient to use anywhere, and if it is also removable, then this is additional comfort for both the baby and the mother. Children from six months to three years old will feel great in such a high chair.

The advantages of this type of feeding furniture are:

  • hypoallergenic and absolutely environmentally friendly material;
  • affordable price;
  • the ability to fit into any room design.

But, such designs have significant disadvantages, among which are:

  • the possibility of rapid damage to glued fasteners;
  • difficulty in cleaning untreated wood;
  • lack of adjustment of seat height and backrest position;
  • difficulties during transportation.

Plastic chair on wheels

These models of feeding seats are equipped with wheels, which makes it easy to move the product and place it in a convenient place. In such a seat, a child can eat even up to five years old due to the versatility of the design.

This children's furniture is large in size, but due to the presence of a folding mechanism, there are no problems with storage and transportation. The vast majority of these children's high chairs are equipped with mechanisms for adjusting the position of the backrest and seat height, which makes them as convenient as possible to use.

It is very easy to care for the plastic model. Typically, just wiping it with a damp cloth is sufficient. If necessary, the seat cover can be removed and washed.

Among the disadvantages are the possibility of plastic wheels leaving marks on the floor covering and the high cost of such furniture. Regarding the first disadvantage, we can say that various models of children's high chairs are now being produced with both plastic and silicone wheels. This allows them to be used in rooms with any floor covering.

Transformable baby high chair

Transformers are commonly called high chairs, which, if necessary, can be disassembled into two full-fledged items: a table and a chair. They are convenient to use when the child has grown up and no longer needs a high chair.

Advantages of this type of children's highchairs:

  • versatility;
  • resistance to various types of damage and impacts;
  • unique appearance;
  • low cost, if we talk about models of this type:

But such furniture takes up quite a lot of space, so it is not suitable for a small kitchen. In addition, transformable chairs do not have backrest and height adjustment. Also, such products are difficult to transport due to their massiveness and impossibility of folding.

Wall chair

This version of furniture for a child will be an excellent solution for those who have cramped conditions and cannot afford a more massive model. This type of chair is a seat attached to the edge of a table.

Important! You can use such a chair for feeding only from six months to one and a half years, while the child’s weight is not so high.

This version of children's furniture is compact, allows you to significantly save space, and is inexpensive. But its popularity is not so great due to the impossibility of attaching to some tables, the exclusion of use for active children and the presence of weight restrictions. By the way, not every mother will decide to install such a structure and leave the baby in it while feeding.

Travel high chair

Chairs of this type are made entirely of fabric, making them easy to fold and easily transported. This highchair can be attached to any adult chair and can be adjusted for children of different weights and ages.

Important! It is not recommended to use such a chair as a permanent one, since it does not provide the required support for the back muscles, which is so important for a growing body.

Booster chairs

These models are very convenient if there is not enough space in the kitchen for a full-fledged model. The booster is simply attached to an adult chair, but it differs from the road model in that it is made of plastic. A booster chair has its own frame, often supplemented with metal elements and equipped with a tabletop.

Which material to choose?

The choice of manufacturing material is of no small importance. Of course, it will depend on the financial capabilities and skills of the master, but one should not miss the factor of its naturalness and safety for the child’s health

In the production of children's furniture, it is best to use raw materials from deciduous trees. The advantage belongs to beech, since its wood has good density, hardness, and is easy to process (for example, compared to oak). You can also use linden and birch. Coniferous species - pine, spruce, but to prevent resin stains from forming on the surface of the product during operation, the wood must be deresined.

When choosing wood for a chair, be sure to ensure that the pieces are free of knots. Such areas of wood are less amenable to processing and are less strong.

Active use of the high chair can lead to breakage at the knot, resulting in injury to the child.

Inexpensive wood materials include plywood. It consists of several layers of veneer of coniferous and deciduous trees. In addition to its low price, the advantages of plywood include light weight and ease of use. The elasticity of the material allows you to create original curved shapes of various parts

Chipboard is considered the most short-lived but cheapest material. A significant drawback is the use of formaldehyde and phenol-formaldehyde resins (6-18%) in its production. Also, chipboard does not have a dense texture; because of this, the fastenings are not reliable. In children's furniture, flat parts are often made from chipboard (as well as from plywood): seats, backs, table tops.

Criterias of choice

When choosing the right baby high chair for feeding, it is important for parents to take into account a number of nuances that will help them get maximum comfort from use. Safety

It is important to immediately check the high chair for stability. It is necessary that there is a jumper between the legs, and the wheels are equipped with a locking mechanism.

A useful addition would be to adjust the seat height, which will allow you to leave your child in the chair without fear of him falling. Seat belts are also needed for the same purpose.

It is best to purchase models of children's high chairs with smooth outlines, without sharp corners. In addition, a footrest is needed so that the baby can lean on it. It wouldn't hurt to have a bridge between the legs to prevent the child from slipping.


It is best to buy baby feeding seats with removable tabletops. This will allow the child to sit at the common table. If you can remove the seat itself and the tabletop, it is easier to wash.

It is necessary that the tabletop be equipped with high sides to prevent the contents of plates and mugs on it from spilling or spilling onto the floor.

Seat cover

As a rule, all children's high chairs are equipped with bright, soft covers. It is necessary to choose ones that are made not from ordinary fabric, but from leather or its substitute, so that dirt can be dealt with faster.

Backrest adjustment

This is an important aspect for those mothers who plan not only to feed the baby in a high chair, but also to leave him there for independent play and even rest. Most often, children's products of this type are equipped with several adjustment options that allow them to be expanded to an almost horizontal position.

Folding mechanism

This addition to a children's high chair is necessary if parents plan to transport it or store it assembled. So, having assembled the chair, it will be convenient to put it away in a secluded corner, and, if necessary, take it out and disassemble it again.

Important! The mechanism must be checked in the store for serviceability and speed of operation.

Colors, decor

The colors of furniture for children are usually chosen to be light or bright - it is unacceptable to paint objects in black, dark blue, or other similar colors, as they can scare the child. Most suitable tones:

  • light pink;
  • cornflower;
  • light purple;
  • pomegranate;
  • yellow-orange;
  • light green;
  • beige-red;
  • turquoise;
  • mint green;
  • verdepomovy;
  • apple green;
  • bronze;
  • vanilla;
  • lilac-red;
  • pear;
  • creamy white;
  • coral;
  • orange-brown;
  • sky blue;
  • ginger.

Most often, the item is left unadorned, with a natural wood texture, coated with a clear varnish. Volumetric decor is unacceptable - it causes injuries of varying severity, and quickly falls off with frequent use of the chair. The best option is painting with non-toxic paints, hand painting, drawings made through a stencil, stickers depicting your favorite cartoons and fairy tale characters, soft colored covers with ties, elastic bands, and Velcro. It is also possible to decorate using a jigsaw - make curly legs, edges of the seat, make holes in the back.

DIY baby high chair

Some craftsmen do not buy high chairs, but make them with their own hands. But in this process it is important to take into account the rules of ergonomics. First of all, you need to decide on the size, because the dimensions of the chairs vary for each age. So, the table below contains the necessary data.

To make a baby high chair, natural wood, MDF or laminated chipboard is used with a minimum number of metal fasteners or when they are carefully hidden to prevent injuries to the baby.

Before creating the chair, all wooden parts are treated with bactericidal agents, as well as water-repellent substances. In addition, the finished product is coated with a finishing layer - acrylic varnish with a water base.

To glue the joints of parts, PVA glue is used, since this composition is the safest among all existing ones and is best suited for a children's highchair for safety reasons.

When making a baby feeding seat, you need to have experience in carpentry, the necessary materials and tools. You will also need a detailed drawing. You can use the following option as a basis:

If you approach this important task wisely, you can save a lot of money on buying a high chair for children and create a truly amazing design that will last for many years.

When to make a purchase?

A special high chair is very necessary in the household and plays an important role in the life of the baby and his parents. Even if the baby is still feeding on breast milk, this does not mean that he needs to be held in his arms all the time. Moreover, it is not very convenient, and not entirely safe. After all, things that are ordinary for adults seem quite interesting, unidentified and fascinating to a child. Even a mug of hot tea can pose a serious danger to a baby.

Despite the fact that the baby may be aware that some objects should not be touched, he is still quite inept in controlling his movements, which means that trouble can happen at any moment. That is why, even in infancy, it would not hurt to give a child a special high chair that can protect him from unwanted incidents.

Product description

The “Nanny 4 in 1” high chair is designed for children from 6 months to 2 years. It is ideal for a baby who is just starting to transition from bottle feeding to feeding themselves. The child will feel quite comfortable and comfortable on such a chair.

In addition, parents will not be disappointed in this device either, since the chair can be easily adjusted, which means that the multifunctional design will grow with the baby. The product is also very convenient because when using it, the child will always be in front of his parents, which also guarantees his safety. The “Nanny 189-1 4 in 1” feeding chair is a safe and comfortable place for your child that he will definitely love.

Device Features

The kit includes a special removable mattress for the seat, which allows you to quickly change a dirty one. Thanks to the simple and reliable design of the fasteners and the presence of the necessary removable parts and footrest in the kit, the table will be very convenient not only for the baby, but also for parents. The chair's seat has several positions. So, it can be secured in the position of a rocking chair, a low or high chair. It is worth noting that the chair is made exclusively from safe materials, and due to its strength and high quality, it is quite resistant to shocks and falls.

Assembly instructions

The “Nanny 4 in 1” high chair, the assembly instructions for which are included with the transforming chair itself, is quite easy to use. To install the seat on the base, you must first install bushings and rings on the ends of the axle. These parts come in the basic set with the chair. The free ends of the axle must be passed into the holes located in the base. Next, you should pull the caps onto the protruding ends of the axle.

To simplify the process, the elastic caps can be heated in advance in any convenient way. In order to turn a chair into a rocking chair, you need to turn all the stops on the chair to the “inward” position, but they should not touch the floor. The “Nanny 4 in 1” feeding chair, the instructions for which will help with its assembly, will bring joy to any baby.

If the stand, which is located behind the back of the seat, is adjusted to the lower groove and installed in the lock, then in the end you can get a high chair and, in fact, the table itself. Then the plastic tabletop is easily attached to the armrests, which allows it to be fixed. To do this, it must be pushed into the special holes until it clicks.

In order for the “Nanny 4 in 1” high chair to turn into a regular chair, you need to do the following manipulations. Place the chair legs in a special frame and secure them with buttons. Extend the frame and pull the covers included with the transforming chair over the hinges. Next, simply return the support to the lower position and hang the chair on the hooks, insert the support into the connectors and secure with a lock.

High chairs will help make feeding your baby a simple task and simply accustom your child to adult food. Functional designs will turn a trivial daily task into a simple and enjoyable one - everything is convenient, practical and simple.

Traditionally, a high chair combines convenience for parents and comfort for the baby.

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