How to secure a sheet to a mattress so it doesn't slip

Sleep is one of the most important moments in a person’s life. We spend most of our time sleeping, and in those moments when you want to rest and relax after a hard day at work, or just relax in bed, regardless of the time of day, another problem arises, namely, the sheets slipping and creasing.

How many times do you correct it, in the evening before bed and in the morning after? Any person will get tired of this. And precisely in order to avoid this problem, use the methods and life hacks suggested below that will help you fix it.

Types of holders and fastenings

To prevent the sheet from crumpling, it is attached to the mattress using holders.

Special holders

In order to prevent crumpling and gathering of bed linen, specialized triple fastenings are used. They are strips of durable fabric connected in the shape of the letter T. At the end of each of them there is a clip. The central one is attached directly to the corner of the sheet, the two adjacent ones are attached nearby. In this case, the fastening is positioned in such a way that all its parts, except for the clamps, are located under the mattress.

The advantages of such fasteners include efficiency. The disadvantages are an unattractive appearance (the clips often stick out) and an increased load on the bed linen, which significantly reduces the service life of the textiles.


Also, in order to secure the sheet, tension tapes with fastenings called “crocodile clips” are used. They are placed right in the middle of the mattress, they go right under it. In this case, the “crocodiles” are attached to the edges of the linen. Usually 3 - 4 tapes are used. This ensures maximum fastening efficiency. If necessary, use more.

The main advantage of this type of fixation is its high reliability. If the tapes are properly tensioned, the fabric will probably not move anywhere. And the main disadvantage of the method is increased wear of textiles. The fact is that “crocodiles” violate the integrity of the fabric, as a result of which small holes, barely visible to the eye, appear on it. Because of this, the service life of the product is significantly reduced. At the same time, a damaged item that has been badly worn by clamps is unlikely to be repaired later.

Double clamps

They are an analogue of triple clamps, but they are attached not to the corner of the textile, but to the sides of it. The main advantage of this approach is the reduced load on the fabric, which significantly reduces wear. But there are also disadvantages. Since there was one less tape in the mount, it became worse to hold. When using a double clamp, the corner of the sheet often becomes puffy, as a result of which it has to be tucked under the bed quite often.

Available means

Most often, housewives make holders themselves. Here are the most common varieties that you can make yourself.

Useful tips

To ensure that the sheet does not bunch up and that you have a restful and sound sleep, it is recommended to use simple tips.

  • When fixing a sheet to a sofa, many available methods will not work. You cannot sew buttons, curtain clips or pins onto it. This is due to the daily disassembly/assembly of the sofa and the fact that sewn elements will spoil its appearance. In such a situation, only factory double or triple holders will help, which are able to fix the sheet even when the sofa is folded.
  • When choosing bed linen, great attention must be paid to the fabric. It must be remembered that sheets made of denser material adhere to mattresses much better than thin models made of weightless materials. Moreover, dense fabrics made from natural fibers “breathe” better and therefore do not cause excessive sweating. As a result, the sheet remains dry, does not stick to the body and, as a result, moves less. The best choice would be to purchase bed linen made from thick calico, jacquard or regular cotton. It is better to avoid silk, satin and synthetic models: they have a slippery surface and stick to the body in hot weather.
  • To prevent sheets from rolling off orthopedic mattresses, it is recommended to use mattress protectors. They are covers made of dense, rough fabric, the structure of which provides good adhesion to the sheet and prevents it from slipping. Among other things, a mattress protector protects the mattress from dirt and unpleasant odors, thereby increasing its service life.

How to sew a sheet with an elastic band

Let's look at the easiest way to remake a sheet at home using improvised means - sewing an elastic band around its perimeter. For work you will need the following materials:

Of course, you can alter the canvas manually. However, it is better to do this using a machine. The fact is that hand stitching is not as strong and even, so it comes apart much faster. Just look at 2 photos, where one stitch is made without a machine, and the other with one, to be convinced of this.

Here are the steps you will need to take:

There is another, more labor-intensive option for doing the job. First, the cavity for the elastic is sewn together, and only then is it placed there. This is done with a needle. This technique requires more time, but provides greater sewing accuracy.

If you don’t want to bother with sewing elastic around the entire perimeter of the fabric, you can attach loops near the corners. Of course, they hold up somewhat worse, but they do not require such long and painstaking work.

Sheet holders: what are they and how to use?

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In the modern technological world, everything happens very quickly, so every person tries to optimize routine tasks as much as possible so that they do not take too much time. Nothing is more annoying than a sheet bunched up in the corner when you just lay down comfortably in bed or when you are already late for work, and the unruly bedding that has slipped off the mattress does not want to take its place. In this article we will talk about devices that securely fasten the bedspread and relieve you of the need to regularly make the bed.


There are quite a few ways to securely secure your bedding to your bed, and each is designed for different situations. To choose a suitable sheet holder, you first need to determine the reason why the fabric is knocked down or wrinkled.

Let's look at a few of the main reasons why laundry may slip off the mattress.

If the sheet is long and wide enough, you can try to solve the problem by tucking the edges of the fabric under the mattress, instead of leaving them hanging loosely. When your bed linen is made of natural materials, and the reason for slipping is a new mattress, try purchasing a mattress pad made of rough, rough fabric: a natural bedspread will not slip.

If these methods do not help, and the sheet still wrinkles, you need to purchase special fasteners for the sheet.

Video material

Poor, unhealthy sleep has a very negative impact on the well-being and mood of a sleep-deprived person the entire next day. The reasons for poor sleep can be anything, but most often it is the inconvenience created by a wrinkled sheet or a sliding mattress. From this article, you learned how to secure a mattress on a sofa so that it does not slide, and do the same with a sheet. Now you can relax comfortably!

If a person slips off the mattress, this means that the fabric on the mattress is not natural. As a rule, mattresses slip due to synthetic fabrics in the top layer, for example: “Synthetic Jacquard” and other non-natural materials. “Synthetic Jacquard” is usually used in economy class mattresses. This option is more wear-resistant, lasts longer and has a reasonable price. The only drawback to such synthetic fabric is the slipping of the mattress and sheets. If you encounter such a problem, we will tell you several ways to fix the situation.

Previously, people solved the problem of slipping on the mattress with uncomfortable and thin cotton mattresses. Nowadays, specialists in the manufacture of mattresses have found more profitable ways to eliminate this problem, which will help not only save your money, but also make sleep comfortable for the whole family. Everyone will be able to use their favorite silk linen and not slip off the mattress.

1st way to fix the problem:

When purchasing a mattress with a Jacquard or Synthetic Jacquard top fabric, do not forget to buy a “Sheet with an elastic band.” It is this accessory that will save you from slipping, and the sheet will remain in place.

Pros of using fitted sheets:

  • Suitable mattress firmness remains
  • economical option to eliminate the slip problem
  • cleanliness of the mattress from external influences

2nd way to fix the problem:

If the “sheet with an elastic band” does not help and the mattress still slides, you can put on a suitable one. The recommended width of the mattress cover is from 2 to 5 cm. Choose materials for the mattress cover from cotton, so slipping on a mattress with a synthetic surface will be eliminated.

“Thin mattresses” should be heavier in order to place it on a sofa or bed. Such products will help you feel comfortable again and eliminate slipping on your new mattress.


The easiest way to securely fasten a sheet is to purchase special fasteners at a furniture store or online. There are several types of such devices: plastic clothespins with an elastic band, metal suspenders with an elastic band, and plastic clips. Let's take a closer look at each type of fastening.

Store-bought fasteners will be a great help in solving the problem of slipping sheets, but it is almost impossible to find them in the nearest store, and you will have to wait several days, sometimes even months, for purchasing them online. If you have enough patience, you can wait for the parcel, but you can also solve the problem much faster - using improvised means.

How to do it yourself?

If the nearest furniture store does not have the required product, but you need to fasten the sheet now, you can use homemade fasteners.

Let's look at several ways to secure the bedspread using improvised means.

Some holders, such as binders and crocodile clips, can damage or even tear the thin fabric of the bedspread with prolonged use, so it is best to use them only as a temporary measure and not on a permanent basis. Nevertheless, such fastenings are very convenient for disposable rolled sheets, because they are very easy to put on and take off.

Let's select available means

The ingenuity of our women is amazing! Judge for yourself. To avoid finding a soft and voluminous lump instead of a bedspread in the middle of the night, they use a variety of available means.

The following items are used:

  • clothespins;
  • safety pins;
  • large paper clips;
  • crab hairpins.

Whether any of this is worth using and what exactly to use, each woman decides independently. Of course, you need to be especially careful when using sharp metal objects when covering your child.

As you can see, there is an opportunity for experimentation in choosing the optimal method. Or maybe you have already found such a way?


How to use?

Using store-bought plastic or metal fasteners is quite simple; you must first lay the sheet evenly on the bed, and then follow the instructions:

In the case where the clamp has three attachment points, you must first attach one of them to the top of the corner, and then repeat the instructions.

To attach a sheet using binders or crocodile clips, you need to tuck the edges of the sheet under the mattress pad, and then attach 4-5 clothespins at each corner. Fastening with loops and buttons is very convenient, because the sheet is securely fastened, and if necessary, the accessories can be easily changed.

It is most convenient to sew a loop to the edge of the sheet, and buttons to the mattress, then small accessories will not come off when washed in the washing machine.


Elastic adjustable clamp

The device consists of an elastic band with a slider and two clips (metal or plastic). Using the slider, the length of the elastic is adjusted so that the cover fits snugly to the mattress. The only drawback of such a product is the inevitable wear of the rubber cord (due to constant tension).

Why do the sheets wrinkle?

At night, the body should be calm, protected from worries and vanity. Poor fastening of bedding contributes to constant stress and discomfort during sleep, so you need to take a serious approach to its choice.

There are several common reasons why you have to deal with an unruly set of underwear that doesn’t want to stay securely in place and always slides around.

Size mismatchOperation errorsIncorrectly selected sheet materialsIncorrectly selected mattress materialsFrequent changes in posture during sleep
The sheet can be much larger than the mattress in size.
Using a small sheet makes it difficult to attach. She begins to often slip off mattresses.
The sheet must be covered in the correct way.
Violation of this rule leads to the fact that the edges will always peel off and get tangled.
The material must be able to maintain the desired shape.
Also, hot or cold climates can affect the amount of sweat a person has while sleeping, leading to complications at night. Use material that suits your needs.
Thanks to the springs in them, outdated mattresses held their shape very reliably, which made it possible to conveniently attach a sheet to them.
Today's materials are selected with a greater emphasis on environmental friendliness and a positive impact on the health of the user. This contributes to the fact that the sheet often slips. Therefore, you will have to pay special attention to the linen set.
There are people who do not change their position during sleep.
In this case, problems with fastening the laundry are less likely to occur. However, with people who act exactly the opposite at night, you have to be more careful. In this case, more attention must be paid to secure fastening.

Every problem has its solution. The more securely the sheet is secured, the fewer problems may arise.

Ways to secure a sheet on a bed or sofa

Fastening occurs according to a simple principle, which can be easily described in several steps:

In many modern kits you can find several clamps at once, usually four pieces (for each corner), which are designed to secure all sides to the mattress. In addition, mounts with triple holders can also be used. They provide increased tension on the sheets and allow the corners to be better attached to the mattress.

We fasten the sheet using holders and fastener clips

The most balanced and versatile way to hold a sheet is to use specialized holders.

The paired clamps include highly elastic tapes and are available in various colors with several clips at the ends. The clamps attach to all sides and provide excellent adjustable tension. The stretch of the elastic band can reach a meter value. This allows them to be used on mattresses of all sizes.

Method of attaching sheets with holders with clips at the ends

There are several bedding fasteners available. Holders differ in types of fasteners. Many of them are attached in only two places on the mattress, others - in three. Fastening clips also differ in materials of manufacture. There are chrome and plastic options.

To prevent the sheet from slipping in the future, use the following instructions:

Handy devices that hold the sheet on the bed

You can simply reduce slipping by pressing it to the edges. “Crocodiles”, which were previously used in curtains, are suitable for this.

They will help firmly fix the material along the edges of the mattress. In most cases, 5-6 pieces are enough for each side. They can be replaced with office clips and clothespins. This option is only suitable if the sheet is made of thin materials. Velcro or loops with buttons, as well as elastic bands, can help hold the sheet in place.

Let's use ready-made devices

Not only with handmade methods will you be able to hold the blanket and ensure that you sleep in warmth and comfort. You can also use special devices.

Clothes pins

On sale you can find pins that are designed specifically to solve our problem. They resemble acorns in appearance and size.

Reference. Clothes pin fasteners allow you to easily attach or detach textiles.

However, not everyone is happy with such pins: sometimes the fasteners turned out to be unreliable and opened during sleep.

Clip holders

There are also clips on sale that are specially designed to hold the contents of the case in place and prevent it from getting lumpy.

How to sew a fitted sheet yourself

You can also make your own fitted sheet with your own hands. The housewife will need to prepare a small square by cutting it along the sides of the sheet. The size is sufficient 30 by 30. The sides will have to be overlocked on a sewing machine, and the ends of the thread tucked into the seam.

Next, create a circular stitch and insert an elastic ribbon. It is necessary to avoid getting the needle into the elastic band to maintain elasticity. The elastic should only be used on the corners of the sheet. The ready-made corners into which the elastic is sewn should be hooked under the mattress.

Fitted sheets made of jersey or satin

After studying many reviews on the Internet, you can come to the conclusion that the best option for dealing with unruly underwear without the help of fasteners is to use tension options with an elastic band. You can find similar models in many different sizes in stores. Starting from large squares of two meters on each side, ending with smaller mattress covers, measuring 60 by 120 cm.

Such options are produced by many factories, including Russian ones. They are made from high quality knitted materials using threads and pure cotton. You can still find satin sheets on the market. A wide variety of design solutions in products allows you to choose the right set for your bedroom.

Such a sheet is fastened along the entire perimeter, which allows you to get rid of slipping.

How to secure a sheet to a mattress?

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A sheet that slips down during sleep causes discomfort and leads to lack of sleep. It gets lost in the lumbar region, gets tangled in the legs and forces a person to get out of bed and straighten the bed. Owners of modern orthopedic mattresses covered with slippery satin fabric and leather sofas especially often face this problem. However, this problem can be easily solved using simple and accessible methods.

How to fix with holders?

You can secure the sheet to the mattress using special holders, which come in several types.


The holders are a T-shaped structure, sewn from three strips of durable fabric with metal or plastic clips at the ends. In order to secure the sheet on the bed, its corner is fixed at three points, after which the holder is placed under the mattress. Do the same with the remaining three corners of the canvas, evenly tightening the sagging places and straightening the folds. The advantages of triple holders include the ability to securely fix the fabric, a wide range of colors and ease of use.

Among the disadvantages, there is a high load on the material, which often leads to a reduction in the service life of bed linen.


Such holders are in no way inferior in efficiency to triple holders and come in 2 types.

Corner fasteners

Among the various elements of bedding, there are special fasteners that look like trouser suspenders. These products may consist of metal or plastic clips. The former are more expensive, but their service life and reliability are an order of magnitude higher than their plastic counterparts. The fastening elements of the clamp grip the sheet on both sides of the mattress. And the thick elastic band that connects the clips keeps the “braces” in one place.

How else can I attach?

To ensure that the sheet stays well on the bed, you can use the available tools that are available in every home. An elastic band, buttons, alligator clips for curtains, pins and paper clips will help keep the material on a slippery mattress.


An elastic band, which can be bought at any craft store, is the simplest and most effective way to secure sheets.

In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the machine stitching does not touch the elastic, and that it can move freely. Next, the ends of the elastic are pulled up a little, sewn together and the excess is cut off.

A sheet with an elastic band is placed on the surface according to the principle of a half-cover, bringing the edges of the sheet under the mattress. Instead of an elastic band, you can use a thin satin braid and tighten it every time you change the sheets.

Using threads

To prevent the sheet from sliding on the mattress, it can be sewn on. To do this, the canvas is basted with large stitches around the perimeter of the mattress, thus fixing it on all sides. The advantage of the method is its high efficiency, but the disadvantage is that the process is very labor intensive, since the procedure will have to be repeated every time the linen is changed.

Using buttons

Unlike the previous one, this method allows you to securely attach the sheet to the mattress, only spending a certain amount of time once. Buttons are sewn in a circle to the mattress, after which a sheet is laid out and the places for the loops are marked. Then loops are made from strong elastic elastic and sewn to the sheet. Instead of buttons and loops, you can use a textile fastener or, as it is popularly called, Velcro.

However, it is worth considering that after several washes, Velcro partially loses its ability to adhere to the base, while buttons can last a very long time.

Stationery clips

Factory holders can be replaced with homemade holders made from a wide elastic band and paper clips. A significant disadvantage of office clips is their lack of teeth, which is why the fixation of tissue with their help will be much weaker.

Clothes pegs for curtains

Instead of office clips, you can use curtain clothespins with rings. To do this, small buttons are sewn to the mattress, curtain clips are hung on them by the rings and the edges of the sheet are grabbed with them. You can also sew the clips directly to the mattress using thin satin braid. The tape is threaded through the ring, a loop is made and it is sewn to the mattress. As a result, the sheet is clearly fixed with clips and does not move out.


You can attach the sheet to the mattress using pins with plastic caps. The canvas is spread out, leveled well and pinned around the perimeter to the mattress. A significant disadvantage of this method is the likelihood of injuring yourself on the point of a pin if it is accidentally unfastened.

In this connection, this method can be considered as temporary and used in hotels, sanatoriums and holiday homes.

I'll have to do some handicrafts

Why does it even crumple? The answer is simple: because it slides . The reason for this is the silkiness that is characteristic of good bed linen. And the top of blankets often looks like this. But this is not the only reason. The blanket gets confused if it is smaller than the cover . And people who sleep restlessly , especially children, are also an additional reason for this phenomenon.

To prevent unnecessary movement of the comforter inside the duvet cover, you need to secure it. This is what resourceful housewives offer.

Sew on

A few large stitches connecting two items at the corners and you're done!

Some people do just that. Although this method causes disagreement among other women. After all, you will have to sew it on every time you change bed linen!

Buckle up

The usual fastening accessories are buttons . Why not use them? Quite a few women do this. And they are satisfied with the results of their work. But you have to work hard, because buttons need loops . Craftswomen make them inside the duvet cover, placing them in the corners.

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