Repairing an Office Chair: Helpful Tips and Detailed Instructions

Good day to all! Many of you have at least one office desk at home on wheels, with a lifting mechanism and other things. That’s why today we’ll talk about repairing a computer chair.

Despite the seemingly complex device, in practice you can deal with malfunctions with your own hands. Yes, you will have to buy some spare parts, spend time and effort.

Those who do not want to do this themselves can seek help from a master who works at home or accepts problematic chairs in a workshop. Addresses and contacts are not difficult to find in Moscow and any other city, such as Minsk, Kaluga, Kharkov, St. Petersburg, Kyiv, etc.

But I still suggest trying to cope with the chair at home. In fact, there is nothing complicated here. You don't need any special tools or extensive experience. You just need to know the device and understand where everything is.

Common breakdowns

Before repairing an office chair gas lift, it is necessary to find out the main causes of the malfunction. Among the main breakdowns, the following should be highlighted:

  • The seat of the chair does not rise or fall. The problem is that the position adjustment lever is broken. The pressure on the button is too much, which causes the problem.
  • Instability. The swing mechanism has failed. The gas lift may break, causing loss of resistance.
  • Impaired wheel movement. It breaks when the inside of the wheel holder wears out. The integrity of the bushing is damaged.
  • Crooked. The seat mounting mechanism is worn out. This can also happen if there are fatal errors during the build process.
  • Difficulty fixing the back of the chair in one position. There is wear on the backrest and seat mountings.

Due to the fact that a computer chair is a complex mechanism, mechanical failures often occur during its operation.
If any of these symptoms occur, inspection and repair are required. Otherwise, using the chair risks injury.


The range of office computer chairs is huge. But this diversity should not scare you. In fact, almost all such furniture elements are made from the same set of devices and mechanisms.

See also

Standard sofa sizes: which one will suit you

  • Base or cross. This is what the chair sits on on the floor. Often the crosspiece is supplemented with rollers. Bases come in plastic and metal. Metal is of higher quality and more durable, but at the same time noticeably more expensive;
  • Rollers. Installed on the edges of the beams of the cross. Usually from 3-5 pieces. Wheels are also available in plastic and metal. But the fastening and hinge inside any rollers are always metal;
  • Gas cartridge or just gas lift. It's also a gas shock absorber. Needed to provide elasticity. Structurally acts as a leg;
  • Rocking mechanism. With its help, the user changes the angle of inclination and fixes the backrest in a comfortable position;
  • Piastra. The lever necessary to raise and lower the seat of the chair;
  • Connector between backrest and seat. It's called permanent contact.

Also, office and computer chairs usually have armrests. Although this is not a required element. The design also includes a bearing, various bolted connections, clamps, clips, etc.

There are several most common breakdowns. They relate to the rolling mechanism, gas lift and backrest. The latter wobbles and is not fixed in a given position. A pressing problem in office chairs is when the user often leans back.


You can repair the backrest, replace the lift and crosspiece yourself. Additionally, rely on recommendations from video repair instructions.

Why do wheels sometimes break?

There can be several reasons why wheels break:

  • Pollution.
  • Dust and dirt that clog moving parts will shorten component life.
  • Heavy load by weight.
  • Uneven floor surface.
  • The seat pin is worn.
  • Manufacturing defects.

Or it may turn out that the parties have simply exhausted their resource, physically consumed. Of course, buying new furniture because of such a problem is at least unreasonable. It is important to know how to remove wheels from an office chair. Then the problem will be solved quite quickly.

Reflection in accounting with postings

In the classical reflection, office furniture items appear as inventories. So, the receipt of furniture is reflected through the following business records :

  • Dt 08 Kt 60 – capitalization;
  • Dt 19 Kt 60 – VAT amount;
  • Dt 60 Kt 51 – payment to suppliers.

If we talk about the write-off procedure, it is reflected through the following entries :

  • Dt 91 Kt 01 – residual price;
  • Dt 02 Kt 01 – registration of wear and tear;
  • Dt 10 Kt 99 – capitalization of MC in the process of liquidation;
  • Dt 91 Kt 99 – receipts received from disposal;
  • Dt 99 Kt 91 – losses.

Thus, there are many causal factors for writing off furniture; in any case, it is necessary to act in accordance with the law and accounting rules.

The registration of the act of writing off goods is in this instruction.

Rocking mechanism

Another common problem is when the chair no longer stays level. Trying to lean on his back, he falls back. Location blocks don't work.

see also

Here the turning mechanism should have become deformed and failed. In most cases, it is attached to the chair frame with 4 screws. Sometimes a bolt-nut connection is used.

To remove and replace the mechanism you will need:

  • unscrew the fastening bolts or screws holding the mechanism;
  • carefully remove the gas lift from the seat;
  • remove the rotation mechanism;
  • install a new element or try to restore the old one.

The turning mechanisms are made of metal. If it is deformed and damaged, recovery is unlikely. It's better to buy a new part and install it in reverse order.

But there's a problem here. Most computer chairs are assembled in China. Domestic options are less common. Spare parts from our manufacturers do not fit Chinese chairs. This also applies to the mechanism under consideration. They come in different sizes. If the Chinese have parameters of 20x20 cm, then ours have 20x15 cm.

The craftsmen came up with the idea of ​​using adapter plates. This will prevent new holes from being drilled into the metal.

By installing a new mechanism, you can repair the backrest yourself. There is nothing complicated here. And you need the most classic instrument.

Tips for use

An office chair, especially a refurbished one, is a rather fragile and vulnerable structure. During operation, it is recommended to strictly adhere to the instructions. If you ignore existing rules, the shelf life of the product will be significantly reduced. To ensure that your office furniture lasts a long time, you need to keep the following points in mind:

  1. It is not recommended to use chairs in rooms with high air humidity.
  2. If furniture is brought into an office or apartment from the cold, you cannot immediately begin assembly, because fragile plastic parts are very sensitive to temperature changes. It is better to start installation at least a day later.
  3. Do not put pressure on the bolts during assembly, otherwise the nut may fall under the upholstery and you will have to dismantle the seat in search of a fastener.
  4. Do not exceed the permissible load on the rollers and crosspiece.

Two people cannot sit on the chair, otherwise the base of the product may break. For heavy-weight employees, it is recommended to choose chairs with a metal cross: it is stronger and more reliable than plastic ones. It is strictly forbidden to fall onto the seat.

You should be aware of the fragility of the armrests. Under no circumstances should you sit on them. Experts recommend tightening all fastening bolts once a quarter so that they do not become loose over time. You should not use the seat to transport heavy objects, as this will quickly deteriorate the upholstery and damage the mechanisms. You cannot carry a chair on the floor if it is covered with tiles: when the rollers get into the joints between its fragments, this leads to rapid wear.

The fabric of computer chairs is quite vulnerable to external influences. The seat and backrest should be vacuumed weekly to prevent dust from accumulating on them. In case of stubborn stains, you can use only the products recommended in the operating instructions. It is strictly forbidden to use traditional methods.

Children should not be allowed to play on an office chair for fun. This quickly wears out the rollers and the crosspiece, and it also reduces the service life of the swing mechanism.

In order for the chair to serve for a long time and not break, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the operating requirements. If the warranty on a piece of furniture has already expired, you can carry out simple repair work yourself. The success of the repair depends on the complexity of the breakdown, as well as on the quality of the spare parts chosen to fix the problem.

What to do if the back of the chair does not support?

Breakdowns of a computer chair occur frequently and sometimes do not depend on the operating conditions. A common malfunction of a computer or office chair: the back does not hold, when leaning on it the user does not feel the necessary support, sometimes the back simply leans back. The reasons for this defect depend on the type of chair construction.

If the back has fallen into a chair with a solid structure. Most likely, we are talking about product defects or outright fraud when low-quality raw materials are used in the production of chairs. In this case, only additional fastening with metal or wooden slats and their subsequent fastening at the location of the fault is possible.

If a chair with separately fixed elements breaks down, we can talk about partial repair of the mechanism or its replacement. The complexity of the repair depends on the breakdown. As a rule, this cannot be done without a professional examination. The reasons why the back of a chair does not hold can be different. In particular, operating conditions are often violated, under which the permissible weight load on the product is regularly exceeded. Repair of an office or computer chair is possible under warranty if the warranty period has not expired and the user complies with the operating instructions. If an inexpensive chair requires repairs, you should count on a complete replacement of the entire mechanism.

Sample defect report

There is no established template according to which the write-off procedure is carried out, so the enterprise has the opportunity to independently develop and approve it. The completed act must contain the following information :

  • the name of the furniture structures that are being written off;
  • total quantity (in units);
  • identification codes and signs;
  • the results of the inspection by a commission including senior employees of the organization;
  • causative factors (breakage, deformation, defects);
  • general conclusion;
  • signatures belonging to responsible parties.

If we look at a specific example of a document, we can note that it includes several points :

  1. “Hat” , which indicates the word “I approve”, the name of the general director, and the date of compilation. Then it is signed with the word “Act” in the center, and the title of the document from a new line in the middle is “write-off of furniture, inventory, equipment.” All members of the commission are listed below, it is indicated that they examined certain pieces of furniture and found them to be written off on certain grounds.
  2. The basic part, represented by the table . The first column displays the name of the structures to be decommissioned. The second indicates the inventory number, then the unit of measurement, quantity. The last column is the general technical condition and causal factors.
  3. The final part begins below the table and includes the immediate conclusion, information about the group members, and results.

How to disassemble

It is necessary to be able to repair an office chair yourself, since it is not always possible to contact a service center for the help of specialists. To disassemble the structure, it is necessary to understand in general terms the location of the main structural elements of the product.

First you need to carry out preparatory work.

To do this you need to follow these steps:

  1. Turn the furniture back to the wall. Press down on the bar without applying much force.
  2. Carefully turn and rock the backrest mounting mechanism
  3. Separate the hydraulic gas device and cross section.
  4. Unscrew each wheel from the cross member.

It is important to properly separate the backrest and seat. The integrity of the furniture depends on this. After the preparation is completed, it is necessary to collect all the parts so as not to lose them.

The most common place for deformation is the intersection of the beams of the cross.

Note! When disassembling the chair, do not use too much force. Otherwise, you risk breaking the fragile plastic under pressure.

To remove the gas-hydraulic device without excessive effort, the pneumatic chuck can be turned over. After this, simply pry and remove the part with a few light movements.

All actions must be performed on weight so as not to damage the parts.


A piastra is a part that is responsible for height regulation. If your chair has become shaky and creaky, then this is a breakdown of the piastres. What could have happened?

  • The mounting screws may have become loose. Twist them. If that doesn’t help, unscrew it completely, apply glue (PVA or Moment will do) to the thread and screw it in. Allow the glue to set before you sit back on the chair.
  • The insert seam between the plate and the bushing that fits onto the gas lift has burst. You can solder the seam. It is important to remove the gas lift first.

How to repair a gas cartridge with your own hands

First, the washer is removed from the bottom of the gas cylinder, after which the plastic casing is removed. Then the upper bearing with the rubber seal is unscrewed. Having disassembled the product, carefully inspect the gasket. If it is worn out, it will need to be replaced. Sometimes, sitting in a chair, you hear a characteristic cracking sound, indicating a bearing failure. In this case, it will have to be changed along with the rubberized gasket.

Office chair repair

After disassembly is completed, you can begin repair work. Depending on the type of failure, the range of actions performed will differ. It is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully to avoid making the problem worse.

To determine the type of malfunction, novice craftsmen should focus on the signs of breakdowns and what has gone wrong.

Replacing legs

Such failure occurs more often, since the main load is applied to this mechanism. To make a replacement or repair, simply carefully remove the part from the holder. It can be removed quite easily; to do this, you need to press on it with force. After this, a new part is installed.

The assembly process is performed in reverse order.

Replacing the cross

Repairing the crosspiece is a responsible task on which the operational capabilities of the chair depend. To increase the tightness, a hollow tube of smaller diameter is inserted into the mechanism. After this, it is firmly fixed inside.

The pipe serves as a rod on which the main part of the part's equipment is based.

Air chuck failure

The gas-hydraulic device can be replaced with a new one. It can be repaired, but the item won't last long. When installing a new product, be careful not to damage the base.

The part is bolted together with your own hands.


Metal crosspieces break extremely rarely. But the plastic ones are deformed with enviable regularity. Destruction mainly occurs at the junction of the beams of the cross.

Some advise taking the damaged element, filling the hollow cross structure with some material such as a polypropylene pipe, and then using glue or a soldering iron to assemble everything. But the load will be too high, and such a connection is unlikely to last long.

The most correct solution would be to replace the computer chair element. To do this you need:

  • Remove the rollers. Most often, they can be easily removed from their seats. If rigid fixation is used there, unscrew the fasteners and remove them;
  • Remove the piastra. Fixation is carried out here on a cone. To disconnect the element from the gas lift, you need to gently but forcefully tap with a hammer at the connection point. If it doesn’t work well, use a lubricant like WD40;
  • Remove the retaining clip. It is installed in the upward recess of the gas lift;
  • Knock out the gas elevator itself. It is removed by knocking it out. It’s just extremely important not to hit the cylinder itself, which is filled with gas. This is dangerous to your health and life.

Then buy a new crosspiece and assemble the entire assembly in reverse order.

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