Stretch two-level ceilings - features of selection and interaction with the interior

Among modern methods of finishing the ceiling surface, stretch two-level ceilings occupy a key place. They look unusually fresh and presentable both in photos in advertising brochures of installation organizations and in person, representing an extremely successful design solution for interiors that are completely different in nature. Meanwhile, in order to skillfully use all the advantages of a two-tier structure, it will not be superfluous to know what impact they have on the visual appearance of the premises - and how this happens in specific examples. We present you with extensive material that will certainly come in handy if you are eager to install two-level stretch ceilings - 100 photos with the best ideas and useful tips for integrating a complex ceiling structure into the interior.

  1. All the benefits of use;
  2. All disadvantages of use;
  3. Installation features. Video;
  4. Table of color and texture compatibility;
  5. Interaction with light sources;
  6. Use in various types of premises;
  7. Conclusion.

All the benefits of using

If the stars light up, it means someone needs it. Likewise, tensioned two-level structures are successfully implemented in modern city apartments and private houses for the simple reason that they allow the owners to realize some design ideas due to their obvious advantages. Which ones?

  1. modern style
    - for those who are accustomed to following trends, it is the factor of relevance of a particular decision that plays a key role;
  2. effective camouflage of pipes and communications
    - nothing will spoil the appearance of the room, and if necessary, you can easily gain direct access to them;
  3. unlimited zoning possibilities
    - this can be a division within a room into several both decorative and functional zones;
  4. variety of lighting scenarios
    - additional levels of the ceiling structure can be used to place various lighting sources on them and create unusual lighting effects;
  5. increasing the scale of the room
    - it is noted in the photo that suspended two-tier ceilings work great to visually increase the height of the room - but not in the case of very modest-sized rooms;
  6. the potential uniqueness of each project
    - there are no limits when it comes to creating ceiling structures with several levels, which means that there is a real opportunity to uniquely customize your interior while costing a minimum of money spent;
  7. a combination of different textures and shades
    - due to such stylistic synthesis, new forms of decorative design of the ceiling are realized.

Summarizing all of the above, we can say with confidence that two-level ceilings can be perfectly implemented both in the format of an ordinary city apartment with a small area, and in a spacious country house, where, as you know, square meters are not really counted - why? , when there are already plenty of them?

Types of ceiling lighting

If only pendant lighting fixtures are installed on the base surface, then the plasterboard construction provides more options:

  • hanging chandeliers - in classic styles, for example, you cannot do without such a model. In modern concepts, they are used optionally;
  • spotlights - both overhead and built-in. For a two-level ceiling, the latter are preferable. The size and brightness of fixtures vary greatly: recessed lights or ceiling track options provide bright illumination of the area. Low-power products create original decorative effects.

The photo shows an option for lighting plasterboard ceilings with lighting from spotlights.

  • backlight - usually LED strips are used for this. They take up minimal space, provide both white and colored lighting and can be mounted on any surface of any configuration. Most often, interesting shaped elements are highlighted with lighting for decorative purposes.

The photo shows ceiling lighting in the living room.
When choosing a lighting method, you also need to consider its purpose. For example, in an active area it is worth installing more powerful lamps, in a recreation area - weaker ones, providing diffuse lighting. Decorative lighting is usually the weakest: its purpose is only to draw attention to certain objects, and not to illuminate them.

Plasterboard ceilings are an ideal option for the living room, kitchen, and bedroom. They are not only strong, durable and practical, but also solve any design problems.

All the disadvantages of using

As much as we would like, everything has a downside - and often the facts discovered on it have much greater weight and significance. But not in the case of stretch ceilings in several levels - for this it is enough to look at even a few photos from catalogs. By and large, only the following points can be attributed to a small number of their disadvantages:

  1. reducing the actual height of the ceiling
    - acquires any significance only if the room itself cannot boast of extra centimeters upward;
  2. higher cost
    - an increase in the amount of consumables inevitably entails an increase in the price tag for the overall project, you have to put up with this or choose simpler and more affordable design options, there is no third option;
  3. complicated installation
    is a fairly logical disadvantage, which actually matters only if you decide to install such ceilings yourself, but most often this work is entrusted to the shoulders of professionals, so this disadvantage can be considered quite dubious.

Preliminary stage before installation

Before repairing the ceiling, it is necessary to carry out a number of measures to prepare the surface for installation work.

  1. Take out furniture, remove decorative elements, remove lighting fixtures;
  2. Cleansing. It is imperative to remove the old layer, as small particles can fall off and damage the canvas;
  3. Sealing joints. Voids in corners and joints with walls can shorten the life of the ceiling;
  4. Priming the surface to prevent the formation of fungus and mold;
  5. Ceiling design, wiring arrangement, taking into account protrusions, columns and pipes.

Installation features. Video

Above we noticed that the installation

two-level tension fabrics are slightly more complicated - due to the need to construct
a metal frame
, which will serve as a supporting structure for the second level. If you analyze the entire installation algorithm point by point, then there is nothing complicated about it:

  1. first, a general plan is drawn up - you must decide how the lower level will be designed;
    then it is necessary to take the required measurements and prepare profiles for constructing a metal frame;
  2. after the frame is ready, all that remains is to cover it with plasterboard;
  3. at your request, you subject the drywall to finishing - so that it fits into the interior as successfully as possible;
  4. stretch the polyvinyl chloride film using a heat gun according to the standard method, which has already been described more than once both online and on our website.

Here is a detailed video instruction that allows you to visualize all this

Materials for two-level ceilings

Such a system implies the presence of two levels, which can be made of different materials, but are more often created from plasterboard. This material is quite cheap and practical in terms of the final result. True, one can argue here when compared with stretch ceilings, which are much easier to install. There does not have to be two levels; more can be implemented, but the complexity of the design and the cost of performing the work itself increases significantly.

Two-level ceilings are made from:

  • Drywall. A fairly common way to create your own unique design, which requires a lot of time to implement. In addition, this is the dirtiest method, leaving behind a lot of waste. Its main advantage is its low cost. But if you combine all the costs, namely the amount of materials and the time spent on work, then for this money you can create an easy-to-install two-level suspended ceiling, the installation of which will take literally 2 days.
  • Drywall + PVC films. Also a very popular way to make a beautiful ceiling. Typically, the first level is a stretch polyvinyl chloride film, which varies in texture and color. The second level is made of plasterboard and is a kind of frame for the tension covering. The costs of such repairs double, since both types of finishing are used. You need to spend a lot of time and money purchasing the appropriate materials. But the result in this case, in our opinion, is the best.
  • Fully polyvinyl chloride. This option allows you to create a beautiful two-level ceiling much faster than previous methods and relatively inexpensively. In this case, all levels are made of PVC film. For example, for the first main level we use one texture, and make the second from another. Thus, by combining different solutions, you can create a unique design for the premises of your home. Fully stretch ceilings have many advantages over traditional finishing methods.

Color compatibility table

The use of several levels of the ceiling surface in a single design concept implies compliance with certain color combination rules. Of course, any rules are made to be broken - and in some cases we even recommend doing so, but information about basic tonal combinations will definitely not be superfluous.

For convenience, we have compiled it into a compact table. Use it!

ColorOptimal combinationUndesirable combination
WhiteBlue, red, blackVersatile, but requires dilution
BeigeBrown, emerald, red, blackYellow
GreyFuchsia, red, purpleGreen
PinkBrown, white, olive, mintPurple, orange, light green
RedWhite, black, yellowBrown, pink
YellowBlue, lilac, light green, light blueBlack
BlueRed, white, gray, brownGreen, purple
BlackWhite, red, light green, yellow, orangeVersatile, but requires dilution

Interaction with light sources

With the advent of a large number of additional lighting

Designers have an excellent opportunity to directly influence the atmosphere in the room, and suspended two-tier ceilings came in handy here.
As a rule, one of the levels is located along the perimeter or along one of the walls and takes an active part in the zoning of the room
through the placement of spotlights or LED lights. These light sources belong to the category of additional ones and, in addition to performing a direct practical function, help to achieve an artistic division of a single living space into several functional zones.

Let's see how all this happens in reality.

What light sources are actively used?

  • spots
    - spotlights, which are often called recessed, have the ability to illuminate a space within a radius of a maximum of 2 meters and therefore are most often used in a bunch of 4-6 pieces, placed sequentially or in random order;
  • LED strips
    - LED strips that stretch along the perimeter or along one of the walls and perfectly illuminate the space, are the basic element of the so-called hidden lighting;
  • chandeliers
    - a classic version of the main lighting, most often its central element; in the case of two-level ceilings, it is placed mainly on the PVC sheet itself;
  • lampshades
    - there are a large number of variations - and each of them can play its role in a simulated lighting scenario; they can be placed both on the plasterboard part and directly on the tension fabric.

It should be noted that quite often LEDs

are located on the upper level in such a way as to highlight certain areas, thereby helping to achieve a voluminous and beautiful display of the pattern printed on the canvas. The most common options:

  • starry sky;
  • specific constellations;
  • solar dawn;
  • space theme;
  • geographic Maps.

Use in various types of premises

The functional features of premises are one of the main factors that determine the nature of the finishing of their ceiling structure. Take a look at the photo above: placing suspended two-level ceilings in one case can advantageously emphasize the scale of the room and the specifics of its use, but in another it can disrupt the harmony in the air and create an uncomfortable, poorly optimized interior. In addition, in bathrooms, balconies, and children's rooms, you need to be very careful when using a multi-level structure - due to direct mechanical impact, the stretched fabric can tear, and permanent temperature changes affect its performance.

However, people love two-tier suspended ceilings and actively use them in their “homes”. Let's look at how this happens and what rules should be followed so that the final result after installation is pleasing to the eye. Well, when is it worth abandoning the rules in order to get an original and effective interior?

In the living room

If you live in a private house

and want to emphasize the luxury of your living room, we recommend that you view the following photos of suspended two-tier ceilings: among them there are many options with deep relief and unexpected contrasts.

It’s not enough to have a large living room - you also need to be able to use the free square meters to the maximum. With the help of a complex ceiling structure and properly designed lighting, you can advantageously illuminate the recreation area or place other accents in the interior.

It always looks great when the ceiling is symmetrical to the floor design of the room. For example, as in the images below.

As a rule, in urban environments, with the help of two-level suspended ceilings, owners strive to emphasize the internal volume of the room. A higher scale is achieved by introducing an additional level in one of the corners of the room. Hidden lighting system

- another tool that, in skillful hands, turns into an accurate designer weapon.

Look at how it hits not the eyebrow, but the eye.

In the kitchen

Modern kitchens do not always allow the use of several levels of finishing on the ceiling at once, but if such an opportunity exists, why not take advantage of it?

In city apartments:

  • narrow frame;
  • spot lighting throughout the entire area of ​​the lower tier;
  • a light-colored tension fabric placed in the center;
  • central chandelier (if possible)

This schematic arrangement of accents allows even in modest kitchen-type rooms to achieve excellent visualization of the interior. All laws of proper zoning are observed, the work area is favorably illuminated by symmetrically placed spots, and a chandelier is used as the main lighting source. Instead, if desired, you can use a ceiling-type lamp - three lamps hanging over the dining table will be enough to organize a comfortable meal and a great atmosphere.

Be careful with experiments in modest-sized kitchens: failure to maintain color balance can cause an uncomfortable interior that puts pressure on the brain. In particular, be extremely careful when using black. If it’s really hard to overcome your sympathy for it, then give it a place on the modeled frame, and give the main level a pure white color. The combination of two contrasting textures - glossy

. In this case, it is best to place the first one on the frame, and the second one in the central part.

In private houses, there is little point in adhering to any specific schemes, since each house has its own layout, and most of the schemes known and recommended by experts simply do not work. It is best to seek the help of a professional designer - he will be able to take into account all the nuances of the room and develop a unique project. Of course, maximum attention should be paid to the ceiling surface.

We offer you a photo of the successful use of suspended two-level ceilings in the format of a spacious kitchen in a private house.

In the bedroom

Leave all provocations with color and texture for other rooms - in the bedroom you need to create an extremely cozy atmosphere that is as conducive to relaxation as possible. pastel colors for two-level ceilings.

, avoid geometric congestion and torn lines.

Soft, absolutely unobtrusive lighting and delicate accents on the bedside area of ​​the two-level ceiling are welcome.

If your bedroom uses a central chandelier, then prefer not the most massive design: the light source should be natural and not blatantly appear in the field of view.

A separate case - imitation of a ceiling under a starry sky

using LED lamps. Using different types of lighting, you can achieve a unique color scheme for a two-level ceiling. Of course, someone will say, it’s a hackneyed plot, it’s time to come up with something new. But take a look at the photo below, where stretch two-tier ceilings of this type are presented. Isn't it a winning solution?

In the hallway and corridor

One of the most interesting tools that helps to slightly enrich the rather meager design of modern hallways with the help of

stretch ceilings. As a rule, in apartments these rooms cannot boast of substantial dimensions, so you can use a little trick: use ceilings of this type approximately as in the following photo.

Thus, you skillfully kill two birds with one stone:

  • visually enrich a room that is modest in aesthetic characteristics;
  • make it longer with the help of lower tiers parallel to each other.

Consistently placed lamps on a two-level ceiling enhance the desired effect.

Here are some more interesting photos with two-level ceilings in the format of modern hallways and corridors. Carefully study the interior - it contains great ideas, each of which can potentially fit organically into the design of your room.

In the children's room

Children passionately love everything bright, playful, and fabulous. Therefore, in terms of choosing colors and motifs when organizing a stretch ceiling, parents have completely free hands:

  • Flora and fauna;
  • stars and sun;
  • fairy-tale heroes;
  • motifs from comics and animations.

Do you want a blue sky filled with vital energy on your ceiling? Please!

Have cartoon characters left the TV screen and settled on the suspended ceiling? Why not?

Incredibly beautiful butterflies flutter, creating a great mood and a reason to smile? A great option for a ceiling in a nursery!

As you might have guessed, for installing a two-level stretch ceiling, anything that is in one way or another within your child’s interests and constitutes a map of his inner world is suitable. However, be careful with the lower level: children often like to frolic with all sorts of objects, so the risk of damaging the stretched fabric is permanent.

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