Modern heated towel rails in the bathroom interior

In the home goods store market, heated towel rails for the bathroom are presented in a large assortment. We will show you the pros and cons of different types of heated towel rails in the bathroom interior, what they are, and how to choose the right option. Read to the end, and you will know what points to pay attention to when choosing a heated towel rail and how to install it correctly in the bathroom.

Heated towel rail in the bathroom interior Source

Connection type for heated towel rails

First of all, you need to understand what type of heated towel rail over the bathtub can be used in the interior. Depending on the type of connection, there are three types:

  • Vodyanoy . Powered by connection to a hot heating system. When choosing a model, it is recommended to pay attention to the resistance of the material to aggressive water. The best option is stainless steel or chrome plated. Of the minuses: it loses its functions during seasonal heating shutdowns;
  • Electric . Works independently of the main heating. Installed next to the outlet. It is characterized by wear resistance and high energy consumption. Oil or water is poured inside the device, which is heated by electricity. Maintains temperature up to 30 degrees;
  • Combined . Can be operated either from central heating or via an electrical outlet.

In the modern world, the connection features of a heated towel rail do not affect its design: there are many models on the market of various shapes and sizes that will suit the interior of any bathroom.

Double option as a design solution Source

Additional equipment functions

Modern electric heated towel rails are energy-efficient devices that are beneficial to leave on at all times. This is due to the fact that heating an initially cold radiator will require a temperature significantly higher than that required to maintain the heat of an already heated device.

Manufacturers, taking into account the wishes of all consumers, have developed models of drying devices equipped with shut-off switches and timers. Progressive models allow you to achieve the set temperature without outside intervention

The presence of a timer allows you to set a program for turning on the water heated towel rail before taking a shower or bath. This will keep the towel warm when you need it.

Switches and timers can be built-in or act as a convenient separate option. Some models are equipped with a thermostat to maintain the required temperature of the device according to your wishes.

You will learn about the rules and wiring diagrams for electrical “drying” by reading the popular article on our website.

Heated towel rail material

After determining the type of connection, you can proceed to choosing the material from which the heated towel rail is made. This is what designers love to play with in the bathroom interior. The following materials are distinguished:

  • Stainless steel . Ideal for water models, because... has high resistance to corrosion. Metallic shine is easy to combine with other plumbing fixtures in the room;

Stainless steel heated towel rail Source

  • Black steel . Not as wear-resistant as the first option, but a heated towel rail in a bathroom interior made of this material can work properly for up to 10 years;

Model made of black steel Source

  • Copper and brass . Least reliable materials. Duration of work – 5 years. Perfect for the interior of loft-style bathrooms;

Option made of brass material Source
See also: Catalog of companies that specialize in complex installation of internal engineering systems

  • Ceramics . It has excellent heat transfer, but at the same time it is an expensive pleasure. One of the advantages is the possibility of covering the surface with colored enamel;

Ceramic heated towel rail Source

  • Aluminum . The most common and familiar material to everyone. It is distinguished by its low cost and general availability. It is not durable, but there are models on the market of various shapes and sizes.

Universal version made of aluminum Source
The material itself can also have different coatings. Domestic manufacturers produce chrome heated towel rails. Abroad, you can order models with a matte finish, “gold-like”, or with enamel.

Heated towel rail shape

Previously, the forms of heated towel rails were few. For example, everyone is familiar with such options as horseshoe, ladder, snake. The curved shape allowed the heated towel rail to work properly and distribute heat evenly throughout the room. This type also justified the name of the device, because the curved shape allows you to dry several towels at once.

Coil shape Source

Nowadays the design of a heated towel rail in a bathroom can be absolutely anything. There are a huge variety of shapes and sizes on the market that will suit different room interiors.

Model in the form of symmetrical crossbars Source

Installation features

Before installing a heated towel rail in the bathroom, it is recommended that during repairs you provide for connecting the unit with hidden wiring. After all, this accessory is used in a room with high humidity.

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The cable is mounted in the wall, supplemented with special sockets and a circuit breaker in the panel.

Installation and use of a heated towel rail

The device installation method depends on the connection type. A water heated towel rail in a bathroom interior can be connected in two ways: open and closed. In the first case, the device has constant access to oxygen, so the process of metal oxidation occurs faster. The second method inhibits the penetration of oxygen and is considered safer.

For the connection itself, you will need side adapters, which are called corners, or using valves. This connection method is called bottom.

Bottom connection diagram Source

Important! When connecting a heated towel rail to a stationary power source, you need to check with the manufacturer for the strength level. If there is a discrepancy, the pipes may not withstand the water pressure and explode.

It is enough to hang an electric heated towel rail next to an outlet in any place in the bathroom. However, it is worth making sure that this place is away from wet areas so that water does not get into the outlet or on the wire.

It is important to know!

When purchasing a device for an apartment in a multi-story building, it is worth taking into account pressure loads from 8 to 12 atmospheres in the overall heating system.

In a private house with autonomous heating, the heated towel rail fittings must withstand a load of about 4 atmospheres. Be sure to take these parameters into account when selecting a dryer.

The duration of operation also depends on where you bought the heated towel rail for the bathroom.

You should not purchase plumbing equipment on the market; it is better to choose highly specialized plumbing stores. Cheap products will only cause trouble.

The diameters of the heated towel rail pipes and the heating system must match. Then you won't need an additional adapter.

When purchasing, ALWAYS make sure that you have a technical passport and warranty for the product from the manufacturer. All products must be labeled.

The cross-sectional geometry of the pipes must be perfectly round, and the threads must be smooth and without jagged edges.

Briefly about the main thing

When choosing a heated towel rail for the bathroom, first of all pay attention to the type of connection: water, electric combined.

The material also plays a role: high-strength models, for example, made of stainless steel, usually cost more than their less resistant counterparts. Different types of material guarantee different durability.

The shapes and sizes of modern models can be very different. You can choose a suitable option for a bathroom in any style.

When installing a heated towel rail, safety precautions must be observed. It should not be installed near water access points.

Types of device mounting

Today, preference for mounting a heated towel rail is given to wall mounting. Due to this fastener, a limited space allows you to expand the space of the room.

A floor-mounted heated towel rail looks more aesthetically pleasing.

Bathroom walls hung with towels do not disturb the design atmosphere, and non-contact drying improves the microclimate of an already damp room. This installation is preferred by owners of large houses.

Ways to connect a heated towel rail

Side connection. In this case, the entrance and exit to the system are on one side of the device. This connection is typical for the “Lesenka” type of water heated towel rail.

It is worth noting that side water heated towel rails are easily mounted to the main riser without damaging the walls. In the diagrams you can evaluate and choose a more suitable connection path for yourself.

  • Diagonal connection. Underwater channels are located diagonally. The main thing is to ensure thermal insulation of the inlets, which will reduce the heat loss of the device.
  • Bottom connection. This connection is less efficient, but has the ability to be hidden. The lower water supply circuit must always be below the ribs of the device.

Important: Installation of shut-off valves, as well as blocking and narrowing along the path of connection to the inlets is prohibited. This will lead to a drop in the temperature in the hot water supply and a deterioration in the pressure of hot water in the device.

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