How to decorate a room for a romantic evening: decor ideas

Jun 24/13

A relationship is a thing that requires the direct participation of both partners. They need to be supported, refreshed, and newness brought into them. And if the relationship is just beginning, then you need to throw a few logs on the fire to make it burn hotter. It is for such cases that an intimate atmosphere and romantic solitude are needed. Today on the Dream House website there are tips on how to decorate a room for a romantic evening - we will deal with this issue together.

General tips for organizing a holiday

In order to hold a holiday yourself, it is not necessary to allocate a large budget and spend a month on preparation. If you have never been involved in organizing, the following tips will help you cope so that only the best memories remain from the event:

1. Any violations or deviations from the script should not upset you. This is a holiday and therefore the main task is to relax and unwind. Perceive everything that happens positively, with the feeling that it is necessary and this is the best option.

2. When organizing an event, do not try to do everything perfectly. It’s much more pleasant to deviate from the rules and improvise during the holiday. Don’t be afraid to use unexpected materials, new ideas, and previously unused design options. All this in this case is perceived with delight.

3. The main and important thing in organizing a holiday is the mood. If you manage to create it through twilight, music, surprise, then half is already done. Everything else will be perceived as background.

4. A romantic dinner is not an event every day. Everything that accompanies its organization should be unusual and deviate from the usual rules. Therefore, do not be afraid to act differently than always. If before this you prepared all the food yourself, order pizza and sushi at home. But if visiting public catering outlets has been traditional, it’s time to remember your culinary abilities.

The main thing in organizing a romantic evening is the mood


This element will instantly give you a feeling of privacy - just one movement of your hand is enough to straighten the airy fabric and hide from the outside world. When choosing a canopy just for the right mood, give preference to light fabrics (tulle, organza). This design is lightweight, easy to attach and remove, but does not protect from light.

Canopy beds made of thick fabric are suitable for those who want to create the most private atmosphere, isolate themselves from light and sounds, and are not afraid of difficulties with washing.

Tips for organizing a holiday

Despite the fact that no two holidays are the same, and all events are good in their own way, there are general rules and features that are inherent in all romantic meetings. By following them, you will be able to grasp the main features and use them as recommendations.


When the conversation is about a romantic meeting, bright light that illuminates everything around is not welcome. This is not a rule. But the atmosphere of penumbra itself sets the mood for a romantic, mysterious mood. Twilight is created quite easily:

1. Remove bright overhead lights. You can leave some non-central zone illuminated.

Turn off overhead lights

2. Light with additional sources of dim light. Place candles around the room. The size and quantity may vary greatly. The main thing is that the twilight does not limit your movements, and you are well oriented in space.

Place candles around the room

3. Try to organize additional dim electric lighting. Someday the candles will burn out and you need to have a good replacement for them. Even a New Year's garland hidden in the closet can serve you well. Don’t be confused by its thematic purpose; it will create a romantic festive mood. Moreover, there are several lighting modes, you are sure to find one that suits the color and rhythm.

The garland will help create a romantic mood

4. Aromatic compositions have little to do with lighting. Of course, certain smells are arousing, but it is better to first become familiar with your partner’s attitude towards aromatic oils and scents.


It’s hard to imagine a romantic evening in an uncleaned room, with a pile of laundry on the chairs or unwashed dishes in the sink. But in addition to the ideal order, it is necessary to take into account such a feature of the holiday as impromptu and possible surprises. Therefore, be prepared for the fact that the party may move to the floor, move to the bathroom. Order, or rather the lack thereof, should not limit your imagination and impromptu.

Example of bed linen for a romantic evening

Change the bedding, let it be unusual and unusual. The goal is not to put your partner to sleep, but to motivate him to perform great deeds. The most exciting, aggressive colors and tones will be in place: red, black, silky rustling quality.

Functional design

Remember that any romantic decor should not be inconvenient. There is no need to clutter the entire bathroom space with vases of flowers or generously cover the entire floor with petals. Stick to reasonable minimalism, and then the evening will definitely go well.

When thinking about a date for your loved one, you need to think carefully about what he will actually like. If he is not a fan of candles and red hearts, but loves modern art, you can arrange an evening dedicated to art house. A young man who is interested in space will surely enjoy a dinner framed by space attributes, and a nature lover will enjoy a picnic on the floor. Having thought through the details of the setting and plan, you can organize an unforgettable date for two, which will remain a pleasant memory in your memory for a long time.

Festive atmosphere and how to create it

The holiday begins long before the appointed time. There are many little things that contribute to this. Try to provide for everything:

1. Take out the most beautiful dishes from cabinets or distant kitchen shelves and use them for table setting.

2. An immaculate tablecloth and clean, beautiful napkins always decorate the interior. Especially if they are crisply starched and ironed.

3. Get out of the bins all the unusual, beautiful little things that do not find use in everyday life. You can use products from specialized stores. They are ready to offer many ideas and ways to implement them.

Table setting for a romantic evening

4. Beware of turning a romantic evening into a telephone call center or a movie theater. Put away all phones, turn off the TV.

5. Music, of course, won't hurt. On the contrary, she should become your ally. Therefore, it’s great if the songs that are played are those that are pleasant to your partner or that evoke your best memories together.

An original recipe for the main dish for a romantic dinner at home

To arrange a worthy holiday, it is important to take into account not only the delicious menu, but also all the details and little things. The air should be saturated with an atmosphere of love, romance, passion. What is very important here are the “highlights” that can put a man in the right mood. They are the ones who will help him relax and plunge headlong into the fairy tale you created. Let's talk about such little things for a beautiful romantic dinner in more detail.

• Setting the table. To create a romantic dinner at home, you need to set the table beautifully, choose the right color scheme, which at just one glance will evoke an association with Valentine's Day.

Give your preference:

  • red;
  • pink;
  • white.

Get out the nicest cutlery and glasses. Place candles and flowers in the center of the table.

• We tune in to the desired wave. To arrange a beautiful romantic dinner, create the right atmosphere with music. Find 15-20 romantic, calm melodies and songs. It’s quite possible that you and your loved one have “your own song,” the sounds of which evoke positive memories and good emotions, don’t forget about it.

• General style of celebration. When deciding how to arrange a romantic dinner, first pay attention to the room in which you will meet your lover. Of course, you won’t be able to redo the apartment again, but you are quite capable of making adjustments. Move the sofa, make room for dancing.

• I am beloved. You shouldn't forget about yourself. On this day, a woman should be perfect. Put on your best sexy dress, arm yourself with makeup, a new hairstyle and make your man fall in love with you again.

The selection of main dishes and their recipes for a romantic dinner at home should be approached carefully, since in addition to taste, their appearance is very important. We offer an original idea for preparing the main dish for February 14th.

This bear is something between pizza and pie. The dish is hearty and beautiful. It will certainly make your loved one smile.

To prepare you will need:

  • puff pastry – 1 package per 0.5 kg;
  • one chicken egg;
  • minced meat – 300 gr., you can take any (pork, chicken);
  • potato starch – 0.5 tsp;
  • one clove of garlic;
  • tomatoes in their own juice - 150 ml, you can use 50 g of tomato paste;
  • spices to taste;
  • for decoration: hard cheese (100 g), mustard (1 tsp), one fresh tomato, olives.

• Roll out the dough to the size of your baking tray.

• Draw a bear on paper that will serve as a stencil for the dish

• Attach and stencil the base for the edible valentine.

• Brush the base with beaten egg.

• Cut the remaining dough into strips. Secure them along the edges of the bear. Use a fork to make holes around the perimeter of the dough.

• Bake the bear in the oven for 10 minutes at 180 C.

• Fry the minced meat in vegetable oil.

• Add tomatoes in their own juice and spices.

• When the minced meat is ready, add starch and boil for several minutes until thickened

• From the products for decoration, using a stencil, cut out the details of the bear. Paws, eyes, ears are made from cheese, a heart is made from tomatoes, and pupils and a nose are made from olives.

• Now you need to collect the Valentine card. Grease the bear cake with a little mustard. Rub the remaining cheese over the top.

• Place the finished minced meat on top and place in the oven for another 5-8 minutes to warm up the valentine.

• Add decorations to the slightly cooled bear. Can be served for a romantic dinner by candlelight

An appetizer, another dish that no holiday is complete without, be it a romantic dinner for two or a feast for all relatives. We invite you to surprise your loved one by using the recipe below for a romantic dinner.

Roll “My Heart”

You will have to spend 30 minutes on the snack, but the expected delight in the eyes of your loved one is worth it.

For cooking you need the following products:

  • one sheet of lavash;
  • lightly salted red fish fillet – 200 g, you can use smoked fish;
  • a bunch of lettuce;
  • curd cheese – 180–200 g.

• Unwrap the pita bread and spread it with curd cheese.

• Place lettuce leaves or greens of your choice on top.

• Top with sliced ​​red fish fillet.

• Carefully roll the pita bread into a roll.

• Cut the roll into portions of 3–5 cm. Decorate and serve beautifully.

A romantic dinner at home with such an appetizer will please any man, regardless of taste preferences.

Organizing a romantic evening: what you need to buy

Before decorating a room for a romantic evening, you need to choose the style of the event and purchase the necessary props. The most commonly used devices that help realize decor ideas for a romantic evening include candles, fresh flowers, garlands, and hearts.


It's hard to imagine a romantic dinner without specially organized lighting. Lighting devices play this role for several reasons:

1. The intimate atmosphere of twilight immediately adds mystery to the evening and introduces a romantic character.

2. Penumbra helps organizers a lot. Less noticeable are the defects, sometimes the low quality of the materials used, and a certain amount of negligence. Things and interior details that are not needed at the moment are removed into the shadows.

Candle decoration option for a romantic evening

3. When choosing candles, be sure to pay attention to the time it takes for them to completely melt and coordinate with your event plan.

4. Pay attention to the need to comply with fire safety regulations. All candles must stand stable and not tip over when blown by air.

Pay attention to the burning time of the candles


Fresh flowers, especially roses, add solemnity to any event and turn it into a celebration. It is not difficult to purchase them, especially in the summer. You will not only decorate the room by distributing them in bouquets or simply placing them around the room. By using fresh flowers for decoration, the girl indirectly communicates that she loves and appreciates them, and hopes for gifts of this kind.

It's hard to imagine a romantic evening without fresh flowers

How many flowers are needed? First, make sure that your significant other is not prone to allergies. If there are no restrictions, then start experimenting with quantities. It is believed that one or two bouquets standing in beautiful vases is enough. But along the way and according to one’s desires, experiments are allowed. Here are some options:

1. There is nothing wrong with the floor being strewn with rose petals.

Decorating the room with rose petals

2. You can place fresh flowers in containers among candles floating in the water.

3. An armful of roses on a coffee table is a great design idea.

4. Several glasses filled with fresh flower buds among dishes and dishes will look very beautiful.

Table decoration with fresh flowers

A word of advice: luxurious flowers and wild bouquets do not go well together when decorating a room. Choose one of your favorite interior ideas for lovers: a chic floral atmosphere or a sweet rustic pastoral. Either one would be great on its own.


With the help of balloons it is very easy to change and decorate the interior. They are large in size and can be hung or attached. Even just scattered around the space changes it and makes it interesting.

Pay attention to the balls in the shape of hearts or flowers. By introducing red colors into the interior, you can immediately set your soul mate on a certain line of behavior.

Heart-shaped balloons in room decor


Include aphrodisiac products in dinner for your loved one - and the success of the evening will be ensured.

These products include:

  • Various spices. Do not use too hot or hot ones, like hot pepper. It is better to stick to basil, cilantro and other “soft” spices.
  • Bananas and strawberries. It’s very tasty if you make your own strawberries in white chocolate.
  • Oysters and mussels.
  • Nuts, especially almonds and walnuts. They can be included in salads or confectionery products.
  • Asparagus and celery. You can find interesting ideas for salads with these vegetables.
  • Anise.
  • Coconut. Homemade cocktails with this tropical fruit will come in handy.
  • Avocado.
  • Honey.
  • Dates and vanilla. Suitable as a decoration for dishes.

As you can see, all these are products of natural origin. You can eat them in large enough quantities and not gain weight. Therefore, feel free to include ideas for dishes with them in your table menu. These are healthy and tasty, and they are irreplaceable as an aphrodisiac for your loved one.

Sweet cake for a romantic evening. You can cut out bright hearts from paper and place them on the table.

A romantic evening in the tropics can be done on vacation. A candlestick can be used to create dim lighting. Table decoration with hearts and candles.

Romantic dinner with flowers and candlesDecorating the interior for a romantic evening with pebbles and candles

Candles will perfectly decorate the bedroomCandles with flowers give the interior a romantic aura

Decor ideas for a romantic evening

Despite the fact that the entire apartment is reserved for a romantic evening, it is enough to decorate one room beautifully. She will be the main and brightest spot. This is where they should come in and gasp. All other rooms will only support the created atmosphere.

For a romantic evening, it is enough to decorate one room

There is no need to decorate all rooms at the same time. The purpose of the evening is not to demonstrate your skills. The main thing is to create an atmosphere of romance and celebration. And there events will develop in the given direction.

Decorating a room for a romantic evening

Depending on which room is the main room for the evening, decor ideas for a romantic evening will differ.

Candles or fireplace

An open fire gives warmth, twilight and a special state of mind. Candles with a pleasant aroma will add mystery and magical notes to the bedroom, and an installed fireplace will provide warmth and comfort.

In a city apartment, the role of a hearth can be played by an electric or bio-fireplace, as well as a portal decorated with the same candles.

Living room: interior ideas for lovers

Most often, a romantic evening is transferred to the living room. There is a place to comfortably place a table with a romantically decorated and prepared dinner. The living room has enough space to implement design ideas. It has sound equipment to create a background of musical compositions.

There are several decor ideas for your consideration:

1. Decorate the surfaces of an unused table, shelves, fireplace, free space in the corner of the room with fresh flowers and/or candles. All shades of red fit best into the atmosphere. Candles can differ in size, color, even shape. Wax hearts will tell about your feelings better than words. The main thing is that they do not burn out quickly and are stable.

Living room table decoration for a romantic evening

2. Place in a central place a photo of you together or a relic that is related to your common pastime and dear to both of you as a memory. Be sure to emphasize its significance with fresh flowers or candles located nearby.

3. You can decorate the interior either with single compositions of flowers and candles, or placed in disorder throughout the room.

Arrangement of flowers and candles for a Romanite dinner

4. Any hearts added to the interior complement the atmosphere well: garlands, pillows, pictures on the wall, hearts laid out on the surface of fresh flower buds, candles arranged in the shape of a heart.

Various options for garlands of hearts for room decor

5. A beautifully set table also decorates the interior. You should not choose nutritious and high-calorie dishes. Pay closer attention to their presentation, design and decoration.

An example of table decoration for a romantic date

6. It's time to rummage through your New Year's supplies once again. Surely bows and beads are stored there, which will diversify the interior and give it a holiday flavor.

Decorating a chandelier for a romantic evening

7. As a light source, a chandelier can be superfluous at a romantic dinner. But it can be a place to place decor. Throw on a beautiful airy fabric, hang several hearts of different sizes and at different heights. They sparkle from the glare of candles - this is a bonus to the decor.

Entertainment during dinner

During a romantic dinner, it is permissible not only to eat and drink. At home, entertainment is often limited to playing cards, guessing words, “wishing cubes,” and dancing in the middle of the living room. For a relaxing family evening, both your favorite movies and leafing through photo albums are suitable as entertainment.

But there are other options. For example, organizing a mini-quest - for this they usually invite a specially trained person who will bring with him some decorations and game attributes. The duration of the event is no more than one hour, it is organized within one or several rooms. The standard theme is the search for the “key to the kingdom”, “pirate treasures”, and the password to exit the spaceship. There are also erotic quests on Soviet, Eastern, post-apocalyptic themes, etc.

This is interesting: Original crafts for February 14th for loved ones and home decoration (100 photos)

Bedroom decoration

If your main focus is on decorating your bedroom, then all decorative elements should be as safe as possible: form compositions from candles and move them away from the bed, do not put roses on the sleeping place, they can prick at the most unexpected moment.

Bedroom decoration for a romantic evening

Beautifully decorating a bed with rose petals is a classic of the genre. But the cape and canopy over the bed, which were created specifically for this evening, look even more interesting.

Traditional bed decoration with rose petals

At first glance, the bedspreads and pillows are ordinary, but in red color they support the romance of the interior and look special.


The main feature of a romantic evening is that it should be done exclusively with your loved one. To establish relationships with a new, unfamiliar girl or guy, such a small holiday is optimal. It is important that nothing distracts you from communicating with each other. As part of the meeting, small budget gifts are acceptable, although making a marriage proposal by giving an expensive ring is also not prohibited. The meeting place is your own apartment, a rented house, a cafe, the roof of a house or even the nearest forest.

This is interesting: We are decorating an apartment for Valentine's Day

Bathroom decoration

It doesn't matter which room is chosen as the main one for the evening. You need to be able to create the required atmosphere in it. The bathroom has great potential in this regard. Candles are reflected beautifully in the water, the water surface looks amazing under the rose petals. Candles burning in small vessels on water among flower buds look beautiful.

Bathroom decor with flowers and floating candles

But when decorating the space, you should not forget about the main disadvantage of the bathroom: its small, cramped dimensions. Therefore, put all decorations away, out of reach.

But you can compensate for the inconvenience by the presence of red color, hearts on tiles, mirrors. All your good ideas in the bathroom are doubled or even tripled when reflected in the water surface and mirrors.

Preparing the bathroom for a romantic evening

All of the given decor ideas for a romantic evening are for recommendations only. Try to take interior ideas for lovers as a basis, add your own options, don’t be afraid to experiment, and bring your fantasies to life. The main thing is to have desire and a good mood before decorating a room for a romantic evening. And ideas will appear on their own.

Color and lighting: play of halftones

The first violin, of course, belongs to lily-white; cream, ash-pink, peach, muted lilac can replace or complement this color... The main rule: no sharp, “traffic light” transitions, the style denies contrast and eye-catching richness of color.

The purpose of lighting is to promote peace. It works best with sconces and floor lamps, lamps under shades, and also lamps in the form of candelabra. The light should be unsharp, diffused, gentle. But a chandelier, however, is necessary - luxurious, ornate, it is one of the main attributes of the furnishings in this style.

Photo gallery - how to decorate a room for a romantic evening

Pork with champignons

Pork should be baked in champignons to achieve the desired taste and aroma. The dish is not only pleasant, but also tasty, and also very filling.

Mixing Ingredients:

  • any type of pork, but not smoked
  • a little bit of cheese
  • mushrooms of your choice, preferably champignons
  • tomato
  • homemade or store-bought mayonnaise, your choice
  • salt in proportion to the weight of meat
  • ground black pepper

Cooking process:

  • preheat the oven to one hundred and eighty degrees
  • salt and pepper the meat on a pan (put foil under the meat, this will help avoid burning)
  • add chopped mushrooms and tomatoes on top
  • pour mayonnaise over it
  • scatter the grated cheese over the entire mass of meat
  • bake the pieces for 30-40 minutes.

Table setting for Valentine's Day

Napkins, napkins and more napkins are the basis of Valentine's Day table settings. If you can find aesthetic napkins with a holiday theme on sale, that’s already half the success. Then it’s time to select the tablecloth. It should be in harmony with the napkins in tone. Pink doesn't go well with red, just like with yellow. It is better to opt for a fabric tablecloth. Napkins can also be fabric, in which case they can be easily reused.

Interesting! But buying heart-shaped dishes is not the best solution. Plates and gravy boats of complex shape are rarely used on other days of the year. The same can be said about dishes with pictures of hearts.

You can make woven napkins by hand, for example, by cutting out moderately large hearts from red or soft purple fabric. You can also cut out smaller hearts and stick them with transparent stationery glue on the inside of cute jars. You can place tea candles there. Hearts can also be used to decorate wide candles.

Steak with salmon

For a couple of steaks you will need:

  • ground black pepper
  • olive oil
  • salt in proportions relative to weight.
  • heat up the frying pan
  • pepper and salt the steaks and place them in a frying pan
  • fry in olive oil for about 20-15 minutes
  • readiness is determined by a golden crust
  • add some rice or vegetables to the finished steak.

The dish is ready.

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