With light steam: a sauna on wheels that is always with you!

Sunny and spring greetings, dear friends!
Do you like to travel the world by car? Do you love getting out into nature with friends? Do you like pampering your family with amazingly tasty fish soup and deliciously savory kebab? This means that you are true gourmets for holidays outside the city!

You probably know about the existence of campsites that pamper their guests with the presence of fishing piers, barbecues, areas for setting up tents, gazebos, etc. Tourist campsites are wonderful for everyone, but their owners forgot to provide for the presence of an extremely important structure, without which the holiday of an avid tourist is simply unthinkable. We're talking about a steam room!

Don't be upset about her absence. You should take the situation into your own hands. How? Get your own mobile sauna! Its construction will not require colossal investments, especially if the construction is done with your own hands and with great desire.

The Autobahn is a real find for lovers of a peaceful holiday in the lap of nature. Do you want to take a steam bath and jump into a natural pond? No problem! The mobile sauna will be harmoniously located by the river, by the lake, by the pond, by the stream! Do you want to organize a relaxation in the bathhouse and hide from prying eyes? Yes please! A bathhouse on wheels will fit perfectly in the taiga, in a forest plantation, or in the steppe! In general, an outdoor steam room is an indispensable design for lovers of the sweet-sounding duet of gentle steam and natural harmony. And as romantic as it is floating...

Turn up the heat: where and how to use a mobile sauna

The appearance of a bathhouse on wheels at the end of the last century was truly a breakthrough in the field of organizing outdoor recreation. It has become possible to combine active recreation and health procedures, without compromising each type of activity. Currently, mobile baths are in demand by the following categories of citizens:

  • travelers and people leading an active lifestyle;
  • fishermen and hunters;
  • summer residents and owners of country real estate who do not have such permanent buildings;
  • entrepreneurs who have mastered this type of activity as their own type of business.

A mobile bathhouse as a business is one of the areas of entrepreneurial activity for enterprising citizens

Program for the project

If you are not confident in your technical knowledge, then you need to draw a sketch or drawing, then contact specialists for accurate calculations using a computer design program. The program will take into account the dimensions and proportionality of the body, calculate the load on the wheel axles and the total weight of the van.

At the same time, he will estimate the expected dimensions of the steam room area , calculate the required power of the heat source, and design the centers of gravity. And finally, the specialists will select the necessary building materials, calculate their required quantity and cost.

Proper internal arrangement, which means calculating the center of gravity and distributing the load along the entire perimeter of the structure, will eliminate the possible instability of a bathhouse on wheels. The low center of gravity is usually the stove and shelves, and the counterweight is the grate on the floor and the step.

Advantages and disadvantages of a mobile sauna on wheels

A mobile sauna on wheels has a lot of advantages, the presence of which explains the constant increase in their popularity. The most important of them are:

  • a mobile bathhouse in its layout and functionality is no different from permanently installed structures;
  • mobility and the ability to use in various locations and conditions of use;
  • Various types of raw materials or energy can be used as fuel: firewood and peat, fuel briquettes and pellets, gas and liquid fuel, as well as electrical energy;
  • the possibility of making it yourself, in accordance with the required parameters (geometric dimensions) and material wealth (materials and designs used);
  • for installation on a land plot, it is not necessary to obtain permits, as in the case of the construction of capital structures.

To transfer a bathhouse on wheels from a transport position to a working position, a minimum of time and labor is required

Among the disadvantages of this design, it should be noted that:

  • It is not recommended to use a mobile sauna while moving;
  • limited volume does not allow placing sufficient supplies of water in such a structure, so water should be transported in a separate container or a mobile unit should be placed next to a reservoir;
  • when placed on a trailer, the structure must have fastening elements that ensure reliable fixation at the location on the ground.

Option for arranging the interior space of a mobile bathhouse

Related article:

Mini sauna for a summer residence : materials from which it can be made, components and equipment, advantages, review of purchased models, useful tips and recommendations from experts - read the publication.

What about the cons?

Among the disadvantages of building such a bathhouse, perhaps, we can only remember the need to have a powerful truck capable of pulling a massive structure. But this is only if your plans are to build a large bathhouse.

If the plans have a capacity of no more than 2-3 people, then even an ordinary car with a trailer can handle the transportation of such a bathhouse.

What is needed to organize a sauna on wheels as a business?

Any business project begins with drawing up a business plan and studying consumer demand, as well as assessing potential risks. If we consider the points that you should pay attention to at the stage of drawing up a business plan for organizing a bathhouse on wheels, these are the following indicators:

  • technical characteristics of the mobile complex: geometric dimensions and layout, transport base and finishing materials, types of fuel used and method of providing water;
  • a list of services available for provision, depending on the layout and equipment of the bathhouse;
  • equipped with basic and additional attributes necessary for procedures (basins, buckets, brooms, detergents) and rest (table, samovar, kettle, etc.);
  • tariffs for such services at the location and methods of payment;
  • Possibility of location or area of ​​service provision;
  • the necessary staff for the normal functioning of the mobile bath complex.

A mobile sauna can be an integral part of a larger business project, for example, such as “Corporate outdoor recreation” or “Organization of outdoor recreation and celebrations”

When the business plan has been drawn up and other organizational issues have been worked out, it is necessary to register with the regulatory authorities as an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur) or LLC (Limited Liability Company) indicating this type of activity. In addition, you should consider the issue of advertising your services, for which you can use the media space (radio, television, Internet), as well as placing information on billboards and in print publications.

Important! One of the main points that determine the payback period and capabilities of a mobile bath complex is its size and equipment, depending on the base on which it is placed.


All sorts of non-standard vehicles can arouse interest among traffic police officers, and quite justifiably so. The parameters and dimensions of any car/SUV/bus, even a converted one, must meet certain standards that ensure safe travel on the road. Therefore, before making a car bath, consider the height and side projections of the structure.

Another important point, which we already talked about a little above, is the maximum weight load of the car. If you make the bathhouse too heavy, it will immediately turn from mobile to sedentary. If you plan to use the autobath for business, then you need to register an individual enterprise (individual enterprise).

Bathhouses on wheels placed on different types of bases

As already written above, the equipment of a mobile bathhouse and, accordingly, the payback period of such a business project depend on the foundation. But at the same time, it should be noted that the larger the base (trailer, platform, truck body, etc.), the more expensive it is at the time of purchase and the higher the ongoing costs of its maintenance (fuel, taxes, etc.).

The larger the sauna on wheels, the more functional it is.

Bathhouses on wheels on a trailer for a car

It is quite simple to convert a trailer for a passenger car into a bathhouse on wheels, and this work can be done independently, using a factory-made car trailer and a bathhouse of the appropriate size, manufactured by specialists in the field of bathhouse construction.

Frame sauna placed on a biaxial trailer, covered with a block house

Another option for a similar design is self-production from start to finish using a factory-made trailer.

Mini steam room on a single-axle trailer

If you have sufficient funds, the option of individually ordering a mobile bathhouse from an organization engaged in the production of such products is the most preferable, because in this case, the user initially receives a design ready for use.

Barrel sauna on wheels, placed on a single-axle car trailer

Sauna on wheels on all-terrain trucks

The use of an all-terrain truck as a base for a mobile bathhouse allows the use of such a structure in difficult off-road conditions, when it is impossible to drive to the location in a regular car. These could be remote areas of Siberia and the Far North, where there are no equipped roads, but the population still has a need for this service. These could be mushroom and berry pickers, hunters and fishermen, forest industry workers, as well as oil and gas workers.

Mobile sauna based on a KAMAZ vehicle

Baths mounted on the base of a truck are more functional than their counterparts placed on a car trailer. This is due to the fact that such complexes have large overall dimensions, which makes it possible to create several rooms under one roof (steam room, shower room, relaxation room).

ZIL-131 is truly a military vehicle that can handle any off-road conditions, so placing a mobile bathhouse on its platform is a “godsend” for outdoor enthusiasts

A mobile bathhouse on the platform of an all-terrain vehicle truck is quite in demand among hunters, commercial hunters and fishermen who fish in remote areas of our country on a professional basis.

GAZ-66 or “shishiga” is also an excellent SUV that can be successfully converted into a bathhouse on wheels

Mobile sauna on a platform frame

Using a platform frame to accommodate the bathhouse complex allows you to make the most functional model of a bathhouse on wheels. This is the best option for creating a business of this kind. However, this placement option has one drawback - the need for good quality roads to successfully transport the structure to the location.

A mobile sauna, made with a load-bearing base, can be installed on any platform frame equipped with wheels

The frame of a cargo trailer or other vehicle dismantled during use can be used as a platform frame.

Mobile sauna made on the basis of a mobile module

Mobile sauna on wheels in buses and minibuses

Buses and minibuses are also used for the production of mobile bath complexes. These can be different models, differing in size and technical parameters; some of the design options are shown in the following figures.

Sauna on wheels based on a PAZ bus

Mobile sauna based on a GAZelle car

Option for arranging a bathhouse on wheels, made on the basis of a PAZ bus


The most important design element is the stove, which many people prefer to make themselves. This is a version of a “potbelly stove” with a platform for a heater and a welded tank for heating water. Heating options for a factory-made oven are used with electricity, gas, or wood.

The most popular method of heating a bathhouse remains a wood-burning stove . The firebox opening of a wood stove is located on the outside of the van. There, under the bottom of the body, a woodshed for dry birch firewood is mounted. The recommended temperature for starting procedures in the steam room is 60 C.

The installation site of the stove is finished with heat-resistant, non-flammable material. The floor is strengthened - the weight of the stove can reach 300 kg. The classic filling is jadeite stones, which must be strung into “beads” on stainless steel. This is necessary for safety while driving. The furnace body itself must also be securely fixed.

Making a sauna on wheels with your own hands

When deciding to independently manufacture a mobile bathhouse, all work can be divided into several stages: preparation, installation and testing of the functionality of the assembled structure.

Preparatory stage

During this period, the layout of the construction site is determined, which is tied to the base used (trailer, truck, platform, etc.). After that, the materials that need to be used when performing the work are determined, based on what is available and the financial capabilities of the user. The necessary tools and equipment are being prepared.

Sketch of the frame of a mobile bathhouse placed on a car trailer

Installation of a mobile sauna

In this section of the article we will consider the option of manufacturing a mobile bathhouse of a frame structure, placed on a car trailer. To make the frame, lumber (wooden block) or metal profile (angle, square pipe) can be used, and mineral wool or polystyrene foam can be used as insulation. For interior decoration, natural wood is used, and for exterior decoration, edged boards, corrugated sheets or slab materials made from wood processing waste are used.

IllustrationDescription of actions

Using wooden blocks, the frame of the structure being manufactured is assembled on the trailer platform. The connection of frame elements is carried out using the tongue-and-groove type and using fastening plates and self-tapping screws.

The internal lining of the assembled frame is carried out, for which plywood 10-12 mm thick can be used, after which insulation is laid into the frame.

The frame is covered from the outside; for this purpose, in this case, natural wood (edged board) is used, secured with self-tapping screws and mounting angles installed in the corners of the structure and the locations of structural elements (windows, doors, etc.).

A stove is installed, and fire-fighting measures are taken (sheets of asbestos and metal and other fire-resistant materials), and enclosing structures are installed to prevent users from getting thermal burns.

Interior finishing and furniture manufacturing (benches, canopies, etc.) are carried out.

Important! When covering the frame, you must not forget to install vapor and waterproofing, in accordance with the requirements for frame structures made of wood, when using mineral insulation in wet rooms.

Functionality check

At this stage, the operation of the installed stove is checked, which is expressed in the removal of waste combustion products and the rate of heating of the room, as well as heating of water in the storage tank.

In addition, it is necessary to check the driving performance of the assembled structure and its ability to stand firmly on the surface of the earth.

Construction stages

The bathhouse is constructed in several stages:

  • design and layout of the structure;
  • installation of stiffeners and frame assembly;
  • arrangement of thermal insulation;
  • performing interior finishing;
  • installation of interior items;
  • implementation of external cladding.

All! You can prepare for a mind-blowing pastime. By the way, private owners quite often use ready-made barrel baths. Just install them on the trailer and off you go...

Installation of a bathhouse on wheels at the location

When using a mobile sauna on wheels, reliable placement at the place of use is the key to a successful holiday. Initially, when using a car trailer as a base, it is necessary to disconnect the bathhouse from the car. For other placement options, this procedure is not relevant, because a truck, bus or platform is already firmly fixed due to the wheelbase of the vehicle.

The bathhouse, installed on a car platform or a flatbed trailer, is initially securely fixed in a horizontal plane

When disconnecting a trailer with a sauna mounted on it from the car, you must:

  • install the support leg available on car trailers;
  • install additional supports at the corners of the trailer, if they are not provided for by the design;

Important! Installing four supports at the corners of the trailer will ensure the stability of the structure and the impossibility of it swinging while using the sauna.

  • after fixing in a given plane, you should open the side of the trailer (if any) and install a ladder that provides access to the interior of the bathhouse.

Interior decoration

If you are going to use a sauna on wheels during the cold season, we recommend that you first insulate it. This can be done with mineral wool - it always helps when you need to retain warm air in any room. For reliability, you can additionally use foil. Otherwise, no surprises:

  • We trim the wall and ceiling with clapboard;
  • the floor is regular tiles, but you need to screed first.

In general, the layout of a bathhouse on wheels inside should be as simple and convenient as possible. You should also think about ensuring that all elements are firmly fixed in place: there are different roads, but more often they are bad, do not forget about this. If you wish, you can decorate the walls with additional decor. Wood carving always fits perfectly into any bathhouse format. You can make a simple panel with a funny thematic design in just a couple of hours.

Recommendations for use and care

When using a mobile sauna, you need to pay special attention to the safety of its operation, this may include:

  • operating temperature conditions (oven, hot water, metal structures);
  • tightness of pipelines for various purposes (hot water, gas, etc.);
  • use while driving;
  • reliability of fixation at the location.

A mobile sauna is health and extreme relaxation at the same time and for relatively little money

Measures to ensure reliable operation of the mobile complex are:

  • maintenance work on a trailer or other platform that allows the bathhouse to move (wheels, wheel hubs, shock absorbers, etc.);
  • maintenance and preventive repair of vehicles;
  • timely cleaning inside the bathhouse, ensuring cleanliness and order in the premises;
  • carrying out preventive work in case of damage to structures and elements of both interior and exterior decoration.

Safety precautions

“Maybe it will work out” - we have probably heard this original Russian phrase, which allows us to violate safety regulations with a clear conscience, many times already. However, the same cannot be said about the ability to steam while the autobahn is moving. This kind of “maybe it will cost” can cost you too much.

You can only take a steam bath in the bathhouse parking lot. This way, you will avoid unnecessary injuries and burns.

The movement of the autobath can only be combined with the heating of the stove under supervision. This will allow you to warm up the bathhouse to the required temperature by the time you arrive at the place of temporary deployment.

Review of prices per hour of using a sauna on wheels

The cost of a service such as using a sauna on wheels depends on many parameters:

  • region of location and remoteness of the place of use from the location of the mobile complex;
  • duration of use and the number of users wishing to use the service simultaneously;
  • time of year and availability of transport infrastructure;
  • level of purchasing power of the population at the place where services are provided.

A sauna on wheels as a business is in demand in many regions of our country.

The cost of one hour of visiting a sauna on wheels in different regions of our country is shown in the following table. The price is indicated as of the beginning of the third quarter of 2022.

Region of the Russian FederationCost (as of August 2022), rub.
Moscow and Moscow region up to 40 km beyond the Moscow Ring Road2000
St. Petersburg and region1500
Yekaterinburg city600

For your information! The variation in prices among organizations providing such services is associated with the duration of use of the bath complex; in addition, if the location is remote, an additional invoice is issued for paying for the mileage of the car.

Thermal insulation

In the mobile complex, a wall “pie” of thermal insulation is created, which will be 15–20 cm on each side. Stages of this insulation:

  1. sheathing made of 60 mm bars;
  2. the first layer of waterproofing is a vapor barrier membrane;
  3. mineral wool insulation;
  4. heat-reflecting aluminum foil;
  5. joints are glued with aluminum tape;
  6. counter-lattice 2–3 cm.

With such a “layer” it is possible to bring the temperature in the steam room to 90 C in an hour . In kungs - all-weather army trucks - thermal insulation is attached to the walls. With other options - on a welded metal frame covered with wood.

Main stages of construction

Frame structure.

The existing base should be “reinforced” with metal profiles and additional stiffening ribs, and unnecessary parts should be dismantled. Assembling the structure requires going through certain stages:

  • laying the floor (using floorboards or support beams);
  • wall equipment (lathing and assembly);
  • installation of supporting elements and rafters;
  • installation of a roof frame, covering with roofing materials (metal, roll, panel resources).

Furnace installation

The optimal solution for choosing a stove for a mobile steam room is a potbelly stove with a welded boiler for heating water. The area for the heater also needs to be installed, since the steam room is associated with steam production.

It is advisable to move the location of the firebox outside (for fire safety purposes and saving space).

Thermal insulation.

For comfort and reliable functionality of the facility, it is important to take care of thermal insulation. On this path, the following sequence of actions should be followed:

  • applying sheathing;
  • filling the space with cotton wool and laying vapor barrier materials;
  • heat reflector coating;
  • docking followed by fixation;
  • counter lathing device.

Interior decoration of a bathhouse on wheels

After completing the stage of insulation of the room, we proceed to the internal arrangement. Usually they use clapboard, block house or planed wood as the starting material for cladding (it is better to take clapboard made of linden, alder or aspen).

Also inside the bathhouse you need to place containers for cold and hot water (if the tank is welded to the stove, then this issue is removed), shelves (it is better to build it retractable or folding), dry closet, shower, table, bench, cabinet (for storing dishes, towels , hygiene products), TV, tape recorder, brooms and other accessories.

External cladding.

- need to be finished with wooden siding;

— install doors so that they open outward (necessary safety measures);

- add additional notes of attractiveness to the bathhouse: lanterns, signs, flag, steps and other pleasant little things.

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