DIY pencil holder - easy step-by-step master classes using scrap materials

A stationery stand is a simple but very important accessory. Thanks to it, your desktop will be in order, and you can easily find the tool you need. Making it yourself is not at all difficult. Here are just a few options.

To maintain order on your home desk, you can make stands for pencils, pens, scissors and other office supplies.

A pencil stand will allow you to always keep writing objects at hand, rather than looking for them in the corners of bottomless desk drawers.

From toilet paper rolls

From this waste material, which many people throw in trash containers, they make a wonderful thing - a pencil holder.


For work they take:

  • bushings - 5 pieces;
  • green, yellow, white and black paper;
  • yellow cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • hot glue;
  • a simple pencil;
  • PVA glue.

Do it as follows:

  1. The bushings are covered with green paper.
  2. On a sheet of the same color, draw a round face of a caterpillar with horns and cut it out with scissors.
  3. Eyes are made from white and black circles.
  4. On yellow cardboard, draw an oval of such a size that all the bushings are removed from it.
  5. The bushings are pressed onto the base using a hot gun.
  6. The caterpillar's face is glued onto the first roll.

The pencil is ready. Thanks to the fact that it has five storage compartments, you can store pens, colored pencils and markers, as well as small rulers, compasses, and erasers.


Using the same principle as a caterpillar, they make a funny dog ​​- a taxi. To create it, prepare brown paper, which is used to wrap the sleeves.

The muzzle is made cone-shaped and elongated. Do not forget about the long ears and short legs (glued to the first and last bushings).

They also stick a black nose and an eye on the muzzle (one because the dog is in frontal view). Add additional details of appearance at your discretion.

From plastic bottles

Plastic containers have firmly entered our everyday life. The planet generates countless amounts of waste from old bottles and bags. If you give bottles a second life, you can at least slightly reduce the amount of waste.


To make a pencil holder in the shape of a hare, you need to take:

  • 1.5 liter plastic bottle;
  • acrylic blue, white and black paint;
  • sharp scissors or a craft knife.

Way to do:

  1. First, you need to rinse the container and wipe it dry.
  2. Using a marker on the bottle, draw the ears of a hare and the outline of the edge of the future organizer.
  3. Cut along the contour with scissors or a knife.
  4. Using a brush or sponge, apply blue paint to the surface of the plastic. Let dry.
  5. Detail the image of the bunny: draw a face, eyes, and a white chest.
  6. The inside of the long ears can also be made white.
  7. Leave to dry for a while, varnish and let the product dry thoroughly.

The organizer is ready! Pens, markers and pencils are placed in it.

Decor made from newspaper tubes

If you cut off the top part of a plastic bottle and cover the resulting container with rolled up tubes from newspapers or magazines, you will get a creative stand that will look original on any table.

The tubes are twisted using a skewer or a thick knitting needle, fixing the edges with glue. And when gluing the surface, reduce the twist to the required length. Decorate at your discretion.

Instructions for making a corn stand

This is a very original craft. It is recommended to work with children; they can not only perform simple work, but also take part in a discussion of the type and components of the stand. Spending time together is extremely necessary for all children; this is the most effective way of education; it instills in children love for their parents, and teaches the latter to respect the children’s opinions.

This craft is an excellent solution for spending time together with your child.

Making the stand body

To make a stand you will need:

  • plastic bottle with a capacity of 0.5 l;
  • thin double-sided tape;
  • a glass of white beans;
  • pieces of green felt for sheets and a template for cutting them out;
  • a glass of water and some yellow paint;
  • scissors, glue gun and brush.

Materials for making a stand
Step 1. Mark the height of the head of corn. In order for the stand to look more natural, you need to respect the proportions. For a bottle of this diameter, the length should be approximately 20 cm. Using a felt-tip pen, draw a circular line for the height of the future head of corn.

Mark a cut line on the bottle

Step 2. Using a sharp mounting knife, carefully cut off the excess part of the bottle. If the cut is uneven, use scissors to straighten its edges. Make sure that the circle line is strictly horizontal.

Carefully cut off the neck

Step 3. Use double-sided tape to completely seal the bottle. The second surface of the tape should be covered with special paper; it is removed just before gluing the beans and petals. You must always remember that the sticky surface of the tape gets dirty very quickly; not only dirt, but also grease from your fingers sticks to it. In this state, the tape sharply reduces adhesion indicators; the glued elements will certainly fall over time. The result is that the craft, instead of being pleasing to the eye, will look very ugly.

Cover the bottle with tape

Step 4. Glue small squares of tape to the bottom of the bottle; they are installed on special protrusions along the perimeter of the bottom. As a rule, there are five such protrusions on the bottle.

Glue squares of tape to the bottom protrusions on the bottle

Step 5: Remove the protective paper tape from all pieces of tape. We have already mentioned that you need to work carefully and not touch the adhesive surface of the tape. Glue beans around the perimeter of the bottle. Make the first row above the cutting line, it covers all possible defects. Gluing beans is the longest and most important operation; it requires perseverance and attentiveness. Press the beans firmly against the tape; this is the only way to increase adhesion.

Cover the workpiece with beans

Important. Leave the last circle of tape and square pieces free, the beans will not stick to them.

Step 6. Take yellow paint, water, a brush and paint all the beans yellow. Now you can see for yourself how your craft begins to resemble real corn. Leave the bottle until the paint is completely dry, during which time you can prepare the leaves of the cabbage head.

Dying beans yellow

Making leaves

Step 1 . Spread a cloth on the table; it is needed so that the surface of the tabletop does not get scratched or dirty. Place a piece of felt and a leaf template on the fabric. Combine them in such a way as to reduce waste while ensuring full dimensions of the elements.

Place a leaf template on green felt

Step 2: Hold the felt template with one hand and carefully cut out the piece with the other. If for some reason it is difficult for you to do this, then you can first outline the template along the contour, then start cutting without it. Just keep in mind that the lines may be noticeable; it is prohibited to use felt-tip pens. There is a very simple and reliable grandmother’s method of drawing on patterns - using pieces of soap. The line is drawn with an edge, due to this its thickness is reduced. Removing soap marks after cutting out the leaves is not a problem. Prepare five completely identical leaves.

Cut out five identical leaves

Step 3. Check whether the paint has had time to dry during this time. Touch it gently with the back of your finger. If everything is normal, then you can continue work on making the stand.

Make sure the paint is dry

Step 4. Glue leaves around the perimeter of the bottom of the bottle. Previously, tape was specially left for this; it was not used for gluing beans. Fold back the leaves and the pencil holder is ready for use.

Glue and bend the sheets

In a knitted case

Organizers crocheted or knitted look original and stylish. They knit both a whole box and covers for cans and boxes. It is convenient to use removable covers, which, on occasion, can always be removed, washed or replaced with new ones.

To work you will need:

  • multi-colored woolen or synthetic threads for knitting;
  • knitting needles;
  • scissors.

Description of work:

  1. Knit the required fabric, you can use the simplest one without a pattern, from knit or purl stitches and put it on a container (tin, glass or plastic jars/bottles).
  2. If you want and have time, then these covers can be sewn with buttons or a zipper. In this case, they can be put on containers and conveniently removed as clothing.

Cases are made not only by knitting, but also by crochet. The more complex the pattern and the brighter the colors of the threads, the more original the products will look.

From pencils

If you have a box of old but intact pencils lying around in the drawers, you can use them to make a bright stand for the same pencils used in your work, as well as pens and felt-tip pens.

The product is created using the technique of gluing elements in several places. The stand will not be made of a single fabric: its walls will have open elements.

The organizer is assembled according to the principle of laying pencils in a house (like a house made of matches) and fixing them with glue. For the base, cut out thick cardboard is used, on which the first two elements of the “log house” are placed. Then the pencils are laid perpendicular to each other, forming the walls of the house.

A bright thing is placed on the drawing table in the children's room. It won't break if dropped. The pencil stand does not contain small parts. This is one of the safest organizers for younger children.

If you have nowhere to put your “army” of colored pencils or markers, make an original home storage organizer for it. A beautiful stand will decorate a desk and become a bright and useful decor for a child's room.

Who doesn't look for easy ways

The ideal material for a pencil holder is wood. With products made from it, the house becomes warm and cozy, and the material is natural. The weight of such a pencil stand will be significant, which means that any extra pencil will not weigh it down with its weight. Another plus is that a wooden pencil holder is perfect not only for a child’s desk, but will also fit into the interior of dad’s office. The material is universal, suitable for everyone. To decorate the work, you can cut out or burn a design on it yourself and open it with varnish.

For a master class on making a wooden pencil stand with your own hands, watch the video:

Well, now about the cons. More precisely, about the most important of them - the complexity of manufacturing. Not every beginner will be able to cut a pencil holder from a piece of wood or properly process a piece of driftwood. For these purposes, you will need certain skills and special equipment.

But let's not get upset ahead of time. You can choose a simpler idea. In fact, not everyone should be able to carve wood... Therefore, it is not at all necessary to look for a whole log, it is enough to use materials such as wooden sticks, twigs, and ready-made wooden blanks. Then we will get a wooden product, and a beginner can make it.

Interesting pencil holders are made from plywood. You can even make a whole organizer. We decorate it using burning, painting, decoupage. This material is ideal for beginners.

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