Decorative fountain for an apartment - an unusual interior decoration (22 photos)

Since ancient times, people have always been attracted to water. You can watch the endless flow of flowing water for hours, while experiencing relaxation and pleasure. Today you can feel the coolness and enjoy the pleasant contemplation of quiet murmuring water not only at the city fountain, but also in your garden plot or in a small cozy apartment.

Decorative fountains and waterfalls cool the home, filling it with drops of watery dust, purifying and humidifying the air. In addition, they are an interesting addition to the home interior and fit perfectly into modern design.

The editors of the YaNashla website bring to your attention the best types of decorative fountains.

Types of decorative fountains

Many tourists, while vacationing in different countries, always try to leave a coin in a beautiful fountain or throw it into the waves of a gentle, warm sea. Water always attracts people, gives peace, relaxation, and puts people in a positive mood.

Therefore, many try to install various fountains in their summer cottages or apartments, where they can have a good time, relieve fatigue and recharge with strength and energy.

A fountain is an architectural hydraulic structure designed to decorate

A decorative waterfall is a fairly well-thought-out composition; it is made from natural materials (wood or stone) and complemented with all sorts of bright details. Japanese-style products have become widely popular. The sophistication of the Japanese, their vision of beauty is superimposed on everything that is done by their hands. Adherence to historical customs and their embodiment in products of natural materials give a special charm to waterfalls. A decorative composition made of stones, green bamboo branches, LED lighting and murmuring water jets can create a unique and inexplicable sense of beauty in a special and cozy atmosphere.

Water devices for the garden

Many summer residents create picturesque recreation areas on their plots, decorating them with decorative fountains, waterfalls, ponds, where it is pleasant to sit and listen to the murmur of the spring.

Garden fountains are distinguished by installation and type of water supply. They are submersible and stationary:

  1. If there is a body of water (pond or pool) on the site, install a submersible fountain. It is installed under water in the center of the reservoir. The operation of the device is based on the principles of a centrifuge.

This type of fountain is considered very reliable, simple and affordable.

The device is made in the form of a special nozzle that facilitates the supply of water. Water using a special pump.

The form of water supply involves different structures of waterfalls in the form of:

  • tulip;
  • bells;
  • jets;
  • hemispheres;
  • fish tail;
  • rings.

2. The stationary fountain can be installed anywhere. This type of device has holes through which water flows and flows into a fountain. They are made from artificial stone, which is durable and frost-resistant. This type of structure is often located at the edge of the pool; it is used for a cascade or large fountain. Stationary products in the country are installed as part of the design.

You can install the fountain anywhere, but it should not be near trees. In this case, the water feature may become clogged with leaves or grass debris. A situation may also arise when the root system of mature trees can deform the bottom of the reservoir, damaging the waterproofing.

Direct sunlight should not fall on the fountain, as this will cause water to bloom. The structure must be located in front of the house.

Indoor fountains

Decorative indoor tabletop or floor fountains, beautifully fitting into the author's design style, complement modern interiors. New technologies help improve decorative water devices and adapt them to new design discoveries.

For a classic interior, choose a fountain made of a ceramic base, beautiful stones, natural wood, or slate. This material allows you to make products of original shape. For example, the bases of products often consist of ceramic vessels made in the form of a deep bowl or figured vases, they contain a container with water. They are decorated with various compositions with plants, sculptures of fairy-tale characters, and interesting scenes representing an ancient castle, water or mountain landscape.

Products are produced with standard technical equipment: water tanks and a pump, which is selected taking into account the volume of liquid. Many products are equipped with a protective filter to prevent pump damage.

The design of the products is quite varied, it depends on the types of style:

  • sculptural;
  • abstract;
  • imitation of a natural landscape;
  • execution with decorative stones;
  • use of photocells.

Indoor fountains are produced:

  • hanging;
  • floor;
  • desktop.

Products that are installed on the floor are large in size and have a multi-level system.

The fountain, which is installed on the coffee table, can be ceramic or made of organic glass or plastic. They are usually small in size and have only one jet.

Fascinating products bring beauty to the interior and comfort to the home. Along with aesthetic feelings, indoor waterfalls have practical properties - they humidify the air.

Installation of fountain equipment

After the preparatory stage, you need to exert yourself a little to complete the work. To understand how to make a fountain with your own hands, you need to go through all the points of the master class. Direct installation of equipment is carried out:

  1. To strengthen the structure of a homemade water collector, crushed stone is poured into its cavity based on a layer of 6-8 cm.
  2. The pump is placed in a bucket. Conditions are created for easier movement of equipment; resistance should not be felt. Otherwise, performance will significantly decrease or the equipment will break.
  3. The end of the equipment wire is brought out beyond the pond area, but it is stretched along the bottom of the reservoir without tension. Before use, the reliability of the insulating coating is studied, since it will be exposed to water.
  4. The water collector and the pump are covered with stones. Only the nozzle is visible.
  5. The pumping equipment is connected. A distribution panel is used, and a trench is dug from it for the cable. This is necessary to insulate the wire so that it does not interfere with the movement of people. To do this, he is dressed in additional corrugated protection.
  6. Test water is supplied. The hose is directed towards the drainage basin, since small stones may be washed out.
  7. If the water flows normally into the reservoir. No problem areas are identified, then the fountain is tested.

To decorate the fountain, it is allowed to install additional equipment. Backlighting is most often used for night time. The easiest way is to mount the lantern using a cable laid in the same trench as the power supply to the pump.

To adjust or replace the pump, it is necessary to remove the top row of stones covering the bucket.

The water spread can be easily changed thanks to the appropriate nozzle. They are sold in abundance in stores.

Some people let fish into the pond. But this is not the best idea if there is a cat living in the house. For normal breeding of ornamental fish, too little space is not suitable for water, so it is better to use an aquarium castle and similar elements for decoration. Although you can do without them, since, most importantly, this is a well-made fountain.

How to make your own fountain

We all love nature and enjoy its bright colors. However, we spend our lives at work and in a standard city apartment, where all the necessary amenities are available. Many people love indoor flowers, which add a little color to the interior. You can make a beautiful waterfall or decorative fountain with your own hands.

Its operating principle is quite simple: water rises in a closed circle using a pump and, at the highest point, falls down into a container for storing liquid.

Step-by-step instructions for making a decorative fountain

In order to make a product with your own hands, you need to buy a small pump that will help raise water into the tank. We will prepare the container for the lower reservoir from a five-liter bottle, for which we need to cut off the lower part up to eight centimeters high. Any round tray with a diameter of at least 30 cm or any shallow plastic dish can be suitable for the base of the fountain.

  1. You need to connect the pump and the lower reservoir, use a hot soldering iron to make holes in it equal to the diameter of the pump tube.
  2. Glue the pump and reservoir to the base, and put a soft hose on the falling tube.
  3. We hide the pump with a cardboard box, which you can make yourself, or use a shoe box.
  4. Check the operation of the fountain and the possibility of leakage.
  5. To prepare the relief, we use construction foam, covering the base with it to a height of up to five centimeters. After the base has hardened, you can build up the slide.
  6. Once the foam has hardened, you can begin creating a waterfall. The water channel can be covered with pebbles and shells. Place a small lake on top.
  7. To complete the design of the waterfall, you need to coat the bed and all the seams between the stones with waterproof glue and wait until everything dries well.
  8. To get a beautiful drop of water flow, you need to form nests using a gun. Water will collect there and roll down.
  9. To make the fountain look beautiful, they use all kinds of decor and special paint that can be prepared at home. To do this, PVA construction adhesive is diluted with water, a little sand and color are poured into it and everything is mixed well. The creamy consistency is applied to the product several times, after each layer has dried.
  10. The decorative toy is ready, it is made from almost any available material.

Where can I put a fountain?

Now let’s decide where to put your fountain, using the Bagua grid, of course. I hope you have already determined where, what sectors are located in your apartment or house. Choose a place for a fountain carefully, but taking into account your desires and dreams. If you want, for example, to strengthen your family and improve relationships in it, place your fountain in the eastern sector of your living room, apartment or house. Your desire is to increase your income, place your lucky fountain in the southeast of your apartment or house. The flowing, or better said, upward stream of water will steadily attract good luck in finance, bring abundance and success. And if you place the Crassula next to the fountain, your luck will double, because... water, symbolically of course, will nourish the Tree, the main element of this sector (wealth sector), and naturally increase your income and happiness. The materials from which fountains are made can be very different, but here you should be guided only by your taste and desire. You can add some details to the fountain, for example: put several beautiful pebbles, crystals or shells next to or directly in the water, you can also put a small toad with a coin in its mouth in the fountain. When installing a fountain, do not forget to think about your desire, recite any mantra, for example, a money mantra, add aromatic oil with your favorite aroma to the water: this will be the fountain activator for great luck. Buy, install in your home a magnificent talisman - a fountain, and get good luck in the areas you want.

The principle of operation of decorative waterfalls

The structures of the structures consist of the following components:

  • source of water creation;
  • receiver where water jets fall.

A suitable nozzle is required for the water jet.

Decorative structures are divided into groups according to their devices and operating principles:

  1. Circulating. Acts in a closed circuit of fluid movement. The source is a vessel with water, which is located significantly below the receiver. A concrete or ceramic bowl or a vessel made of composite material is installed as a receiver. Any shape can be made, but people knowledgeable about construction advise installing the structure in a hermetically sealed bowl.

Using a special pump, water under pressure enters a tube, which is connected to a nozzle and is sprayed there. Purification and disinfection of water is necessary.

The group of circulation structures includes small floor or indoor fountains. They have the same principle of operation as large garden waterfalls. The difference lies in the receiver, it is located higher, but is a single whole in the composition.

2. Flow-through version of hydraulic structures. Garden fountains of this group use drinking water, which can be used for any purpose. This group can be connected to the sewer system, since they do not have tanks. A striking example of such structures is a fountain, which is called Roman.

Garden fountains come in different varieties. The first, and most expensive, is considered to be the construction of a garden with a pond, the middle of which is decorated with a circulating decorative fountain. For all their beauty, such structures have negative sides, one of which is the impossibility of supplying drinking water to this structure.

The next option is a waterfall with drinking water, its basis is a structure that can be chosen in an elegant form and beautiful design.

The last option is considered to be structures made by hand. In this case, a flight of fancy can involve a lot of different available materials in its arrangement, including buckets, watering cans, ceramic dishes, and stones.

Why does water flow

“All rivers flow into the sea, but it does not overflow.” This is what it says in the most ancient book of humanity. We see confirmation of these words every day when snow or rain falls from the sky to the ground. The Great Designer launched the water cycle in nature. Imitating him, experienced craftsmen created with their own hands a decorative indoor fountain that pleases the heart all year round. How does this system work?

The design is based on a unique water cycle in a closed system. It is started using a pump connected to electrical power. It lifts the liquid upward, after which it flows gracefully into the collection bowl.

There are decorative fountains that use several identical containers. They are lined up at different heights, connected by tubes. By pouring liquid into the vessel located at the top, the system starts. Ordinary physics plus a creative approach and golden hands. The result is an exotic corner with the quiet murmur of water that calms the nerves.

Type of placement of indoor fountains

Installing home waterfalls helps you calm down and relax after a hard day. Indoor fountains have different types of placement:

  1. Desktop. This type has a distinctive feature - it is small in size and affordable in cost. Although there are models reaching one meter in height. Tabletop structures are placed in a ceramic or polyethylene flowerpot. They are decorated with artificial flowers, green moss, installed with wood or covered with stones. An LED backlight is installed in the middle. Equipped with silent motors.
  2. Floor-standing. Installed on the floor. They can have a straight, curly or angular shape of different sizes.
  3. Wall-mounted. They are attached to the wall. They are made of stone, copper, plastic, cast iron, ceramics, and other materials. They have a lot of weight, so before fastening it is necessary to determine whether the wall can withstand the load of such a structure. Fasteners to the wall must be selected that are strong and reliable. Today, fountains in the form of paintings equipped with a frame, and “wet fountains” in the form of falling streams are popular. Such products require a water inlet and floor waterproofing.
  4. Ceiling. They are made in the form of lampshades having a round shape. Water streams flow down them and enter the water inlet. A sculpture or green tree is installed below.

Which device to choose for the interior

The first thing you need to think about before purchasing a structure is its size. In large rooms, a large floor or wall fountain looks great. For a small room, it is better to choose a neat tabletop display. In the form of decorations, you can decorate them with a palm tree, deciduous tree, or liana.

It is desirable that the design of the waterfall matches the interior of the home:

  • for the classic style, products made of copper or gilding are well suited;
  • figurines of Buddha, frog, and lotus look great in Asian motifs;
  • a modern loft fits perfectly into a stone bowl, imitation of mountain streams, waterfalls, fantastic and extraordinary designs.

When purchasing a design, you need to check the noise threshold of the pump; it can have a great impact on your rest with its hum and noise.

Many models of home waterfalls are made from polystone - an artificial stone based on acrylic resin. It is durable, heat-resistant, durable, and resistant to household chemicals. It is safe for health.

Advantages of indoor fountains

Fountains are one of the versatile types of water features available in the market. They require virtually no maintenance and are great for people who want something similar to a waterfall, but indoors. Most often, fountains come in ready-made kits, and installation costs can vary depending on the type of fountain purchased.

  1. Most moving water fountains also produce the sound of running water. These sounds remind listeners of a calm babbling stream, contributing to a calming effect. The noises of the fountain also mask the sounds of the external environment. This effect is known as white noise and can help reduce stress and irritation caused by the sounds of barking dogs, traffic and noisy TVs from next door.
  2. In office spaces, fountains can become a gathering place for employees, especially if they are located in the break room, or decorate the waiting or receiving area for office visitors. Specially designed water features that include a logo or brand identity serve as marketing tools for customers or increase employee loyalty.
  3. The moving water of a fountain allows some of the water to evaporate into the air. This helps increase air humidity, eliminating the need for a humidifier. But there are some fountain designs that capture more of the water movement, reducing evaporation.
  4. In addition to increasing indoor humidity, it also purifies the air throughout the house. With all the mobile phones, laptops, televisions scattered throughout our homes, it creates an environment full of negative ions. Indoor fountains reduce the release of negative ions and help reduce overall air pollution.

Important! To determine the best indoor water feature, it is recommended to consult with fountain designers before purchasing.

Rating of the best decorative floor fountains

Floor waterfall "Mountain Pine"

Design for a country house, office, recreation room. The composition contains a pine tree growing near a rocky waterfall. The water source is located at the top, near the rocky stone. Water flows over the surface of the rock and enters the reservoir. The pump has an adjustable button for switching power and flow noise.

Features of the fountain:

  • average noise level;
  • material – natural porcelain;
  • manual assembly.

Design size: 130x42x42 cm.

Cost: 60,010 rubles.

Floor waterfall "Mountain Pine"


  • ideal illumination with LED lamps;
  • beautiful design;
  • wide functionality;
  • thoughtful design;
  • reliability;
  • durability.


  • high price.

VIP fountain “Emerald City” 540-300

The massive floor fountain has a non-standard design. The path of the mountain stream begins in the upper part near the castle, continues along the serpentine mountain road and collects in a reservoir under the castle walls.

It has a height of 90 cm. The noise level is average.

Made from natural porcelain. Casting, painting and assembly are done by hand. It can be easily disassembled for cleaning.

Country of origin: Russia

Cost: 73810 rubles.

VIP fountain “Emerald City” 540-300


  • very beautiful design;
  • fits harmoniously into any interior;
  • has a beneficial effect on others;
  • natural material.


  • high cost.

Floor-standing device “Mirror” 540-231

An original illuminated mirror fountain will suit the interior of a large room. Made of mirror, aluminum, cast porcelain, PVC, sea pebbles. Casting and assembly are manual. The glassy glaze holds well, does not fly around, and does not leak. The product can be easily disassembled and cleaned. The product has high-quality orange backlighting from the German company Seliger.

Product dimensions: 107x46x46 cm. Sold in convenient packaging.

Fountain weight: 35 kg.

Cost: 60,010 rubles.

Floor fountain “Mirror” 540-231


  • original design;
  • compact;
  • beautiful lighting;
  • high-quality manufacturing;
  • natural material;
  • mirror image of the interior;
  • easy to clean.


  • careful handling of mirror surfaces;
  • heavy weight.

Unique element

It has long been proven that water is one of the best conductors for different energies. So, it can be charged, its molecular structure can be changed, it can be worked with, it responds well to sounds, thoughts and character.

All this and much more allows the use of water in many world religious teachings, in particular, for various rituals.

And Feng Shui is no exception. In this teaching, a special place is occupied by such a simple and accessible thing to humanity as a fountain. This water source can be placed both inside and outside the house.

DIY fountain

If you do not have the opportunity or desire to use an aquarium, you can make your own “Feng Shui fountain”.

Making such a fountain is simple and inexpensive. I made one many years ago and still enjoy using it in my home. It is done simply: take a beautiful vase, put a small electric pump for aquariums in it (buy at a pet store), which is filled with beautiful (possibly semi-precious) stones and coins.

Usually what I do is simple: I bring coins of each denomination from all my travels to distant countries, and pour them into the fountain.

Unfavorable zones for a fountain according to Feng Shui

The fountain should not be placed in the bedroom. This prohibition applies even if a favorable sector is located there.

If you place the structure in the bedroom, then the residents will not receive anything other than anxiety and inconstancy, not to mention quarrels in the family. It is especially not recommended to place it at the head of the bed.

It is worth noting that the bedroom itself is not the best place for the water element in any form (aquariums, fountains, paintings with water, etc.).

You cannot place a fountain about Feng Shui and under the stairs (like other water elements). This arrangement will lead to the “washing out” of the foundation of the house, and this destroys the family.

How to activate the effect of a water amulet

  1. To achieve the greatest effect, the source should be made of glass or natural stone. If you have chosen a decorative ceramic fountain, then place an even number of stones around it, this will bring the Qi energy into action.
  2. Decorate a fountain or waterfall with multi-colored stones, quartz or crystals - this will enhance the positive effect of the amulet. Renew the water regularly, keep the area around the water amulet clean.
  3. Remember the main sign - water should be in constant motion.
  4. Complete the composition with a figurine of a three-legged toad, or “populate” your waterfall with fish (not live ones, of course) - these are also symbols of wealth and prosperity. You can place a pot of Crassula - a money tree - next to it.
  5. Do not place a waterfall in the kitchen or bedroom; it would not be appropriate in a child’s room, but in the dining room, living room or hallway, this is the place for it.
  6. Also, you should not place a fountain or an aquarium under the stairs - it will “wash out” the foundation of your house, having a destructive effect on your family.

After reading this article, you may be eager to arrange a waterfall or install a small decorative fountain in your house (apartment). In this case, it is worth considering a few more important nuances:

  • when installing a source of Qi energy, take into account the size of the room and the home as a whole, because bigger does not mean better,
  • the fountain you install must match the style in which your home is decorated, so as not to disturb the harmony of the entire space,
  • the fountain device should be simple and easy to maintain, not noisy, so that the sound of the operating mechanism does not cause discomfort.

If there is nowhere or is not possible to place a fountain or waterfall in the house, then you can arrange it near the house, on the plot.

In this case, the Qi source must be positioned so that it is clearly visible from the entrance. In addition, in an outdoor waterfall it is very important which direction the water flows, and it should flow towards the house.

In any case, wherever you install a source of moving water, such a powerful energy generator will contribute not only to your calm, peace and health, but also to your family members.


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