Refrigerator in the kitchen: how to choose the right place (89 photos)

head of design studio

This article is a real find for those who consider the kitchen to be the main room in the house. Below you will find out what you need to ensure that this room is both functional and comfortable. Sit back, a treasure trove of valuable information awaits you!

I consider corner and L-shaped ones to be the best of all existing options. Cooking with them is a pleasure; everything you need will always be at hand. These kitchen sets have convenient corners in which you can hide various small items.

Because the distance between the hob and the sink is large, the better it will be for the housewife. This space is considered the main work surface. It is desirable that its length be 90 cm. There should not be anything superfluous on it.

The most used item in this room is the refrigerator. I advise you to place it at the end of the kitchen unit. It will be better if the refrigerator is located closer to the table and to the entrance to the room. I also recommend purchasing a built-in model, which will be appropriate in modern-style kitchens. For loft or scandi, freestanding models are recommended.

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Opening upper cabinets


This option is considered the most common and affordable. I prefer him.


If you use folding facades, then you need to provide good fittings for them. Otherwise, the gas lifts will quickly break and you won’t even be able to leave the doors open.


This option is the most expensive. But also the most beautiful. However, short people are unlikely to like it.

Built-in option

A built-in refrigerator will help save space in the kitchen; it will also harmonize with all the furniture, which will visually enlarge the space and relieve the feeling of congestion. In addition, the interior becomes neater.

In addition, the built-in model is much easier to care for; you just need to wipe the front and interior parts.

Whereas a different arrangement requires care of the surfaces of the refrigerator from all sides, in some cases from three sides, from above and inside.

Convenient kitchen design

Heights, dimensions, ergonomics

Lower cabinets

The classic height of the lower drawers in the kitchen is 90 cm. Note that each cabinet has self-adjusting legs. It is also convenient that you can independently determine the height of the tabletop. It will be possible to adjust from 87 to 92 cm with the usual 4 cm thickness of the tabletop. For those who are tall, it will be useful to raise the tabletop level higher. This can also be done using the thickness of the countertop. The bottom drawers should have sliding mechanisms. It is convenient to keep various small things in them.

Working surface

The entire cooking process takes place on the work surface. This surface should be between the hob and the sink. The permissible distance is approximately 90 cm, or even better 110-155 cm.

Upper cabinets

The classic depth of the top cabinet is 30-40 cm. As for height, there are no rules. Most often you can find cabinets with a height of 62cm, 70cm and 90cm. For modular sets, the typical height can be 72 and 90 cm. Today, ceiling-mounted models are very popular. They're trending. In such kitchens, cabinets are up to the ceiling. In the interior of the apartment they look very stylish. But, unfortunately, they are very inconvenient in everyday life. The upper cabinets are difficult to reach, so it is recommended to keep items there that are not required for daily use.

At what height is the hood?

Oh, this question has been gathering big discussions for a long time. Even the kitchen workers themselves do not know at what height the hood should be. Some people think that 80 cm from the countertop is suitable, others 60 cm. The hood should be positioned at such a distance as not to hit it with your head. I recommend that it be installed 3-5 cm higher than the tallest member of the family.

Principles of correct placement

There are no special rules for location, but the following factors are still taken into account:

  • First of all, pay attention to the technical characteristics of the product, the size, shape of the room and ceiling height.
  • Even if there is not enough space, the refrigerator should not be placed close to the stove, as this leads to overheating of the device and its rapid contamination.
  • The place intended for placing the refrigeration unit must have a perfectly flat floor. Minimal vibrations have a detrimental effect on equipment, which leads to its rapid wear.
  • It is recommended to think about the location of the nearest outlet in advance.
  • It would be more correct to place the refrigerator, sink, stove, hood and storage systems so that they form a working triangle.
  • According to Feng Shui, the refrigerator, freezer, sink, dishwasher and washing machine belong to the water element, so these appliances should not be placed next to an oven, stove or microwave, which are fire elements. Also, this philosophy does not recommend installing a refrigerator opposite the kitchen door. It is better to place the product on the right or left side of the opening.

Modern style

in the kitchen interior

I really love kitchens built into niches!
They look stylish and thorough! Well, we have sorted out the functionality and ergonomics of this room, it’s time to move on to discussing the interior design. Kitchens in a modern style predominantly use perfectly smooth facades. Nowadays painted MDF facades are very popular. There are both glossy and matte and matte. Plastic facades are considered more affordable. They are inexpensive, but look like MDF facades.

Kitchens in this style do not have handles. The doors open by pressing. These models have push-up fittings. In particular, fronts with integrated handles are used; they have a small recess in the front.

Lots of modern kitchens!

U-shaped layout

Appliances and furniture are located in the kitchen space along the perimeter in the shape of the letter P, due to which the usable space narrows. This layout is ideal for spacious rooms. To avoid discomfort, it is better to use other options in a cramped kitchen.

The layout allows you to implement interesting design solutions, install many cabinets, and place all the necessary kitchen utensils. Top cabinet drawers can be installed above the refrigerator.

But in small standard apartments it is not easy to implement a solution: The furniture will take up too much space.

Neoclassical style

and kitchen design

Neoclassical kitchens are no different in functionality from modern models. They differ only in facades. In neoclassical kitchens you can often find paneled facades. In such options, there are almost always ordinary handles.

If the facades are smooth and without handles, then they will be identical to modern kitchens.

Neoclassical kitchen is here!

Corner layout

All furniture and appliances are located perpendicular to adjacent walls. Such projects are implemented not only in large premises. For example, this option may be very suitable for a studio apartment.

The big advantage of this solution is that it becomes possible to separate the work area from the dining room and zone the space. In addition, the stove, sink and refrigerator will be located at the same distance from each other. Only a complex kitchen configuration can prevent the implementation of such a project.

Ideas for a kitchen apron

Tile splashback

This option is very popular and widespread. No matter how much time passes, it will not lose its popularity. In addition, the choice of tiles is very large!

Tempered glass apron

This option opens up enormous possibilities for kitchen interiors. If the kitchen is designed in a minimalist style, then a tempered glass apron will work well under plain walls. By the way, even wallpaper will look stylish with it! For kitchens in the neoclassical style, this option will be especially popular. There is also another option - glass with photo printing, but it is used extremely rarely.

Wood effect apron

For those who are tired of the asceticism of the kitchen, a wood-effect apron is perfect.
By the way, laminate was previously used for this. Cleaning laminate flooring is easy. But the material has its drawbacks. If water gets on the seams, the seams will be very damaged. Today laminate is used infrequently. As an alternative, wood-look tiles are used. Lots of ideas for an apron!

Refrigerator - by the window, opposite the kitchen unit

It’s good if it is possible to place the kitchen set along two working walls. The number of kitchen cabinets increases significantly; a large work surface allows you to work comfortably without getting tired of being cramped.

Cons: The refrigerator takes up part of the dining area. A family of 4 will already be cramped; the whole family will have to dine only in the living room.

Small kitchen design

in a standard apartment

A large percentage of standard apartments were designed even before coffee machines, dishwashers and various household appliances began to be sold. Perhaps this is precisely why it is very inconvenient to place everything in kitchens. For example, Khrushchev apartments were built at a time when refrigerators could be confused with low bedside tables. Therefore, you can often notice that in such apartments it is impossible to put anything in the kitchen. Modern homes have more comfortable and spacious kitchens.

In such premises, only a standard arrangement is permissible. It's very difficult to experiment with placement in the kitchen. After all, one wrong decision and there will be no comfort in the kitchen!

Small typical kitchens!

Layout schemes for different kitchens

Since the refrigerator is an organic part of the furniture, its placement is influenced by the layout and configuration of the kitchen.

Corner kitchen

A kitchen set with a corner arrangement forms a kind of triangle with all the necessary equipment. The best option is to place the refrigeration unit near a door or window. With this layout, it is better to install an oversized two-door side-by-side model in the center, and the built-in product should be located closer to the edge.

The photo shows a steel-colored refrigeration unit in a blue corner design.

Linear kitchen

The main principle of this kitchen space is the placement of the refrigerator in one straight line with other household appliances. The product can be built into a set, placed in the middle, to the right or left of the kitchen.

For a linear design, a refrigeration unit installed on a small podium with additional upper cabinets is suitable.

The photo shows a spacious kitchen in one line with a red freestanding refrigerator.

L-shaped kitchen with refrigerator

In such a case, the device is generally placed in a row with the headset, so as to form a structure with an L-shaped configuration. It is also possible to place the unit on the opposite side of the kitchen, built with beech.

The photo shows the design of an L-shaped kitchen unit with a large double side-by-side refrigerator.

Kitchen letter P

It is a very convenient solution for spacious rooms. A kitchen with the letter p involves the installation of household appliances and furniture along three walls. The refrigeration appliance will be a successful completion of the U-shaped line.

The photo shows a small U-shaped kitchen with a narrow glossy black refrigerator.

White kitchen

Design ideas

Anyone interested in all-white kitchens clearly isn't afraid of cleaning. I will make you happy - such kitchens do not require frequent cleaning. They are no different from regular models. After cooking, you need to clean up after yourself and wash the facades a couple of times a week. Nothing more special is required! But to make the kitchen more practical, I advise combining different materials. Light-colored facades are very easily soiled; I recommend using light wood for their finishing. And the facades on top can be snow-white. But let me note for those who are especially obsessed with cleanliness, you can make facades with the texture of wood or stone. In this case, it is better to immediately abandon monochromatic options!

Lots of white kitchens!

Basic rules for placing a refrigerator in the kitchen

In fact, there are not so many rules for installing a refrigerator, but following them will extend the life of the device and reduce the likelihood of its breakdown. At the same time, please note that our article will focus exclusively on free-standing refrigerators - they are subject to fairly strict requirements regarding placement.

There are practically no requirements for built-in models, since such devices initially require installation in a specialized cabinet, which will simultaneously perform both a decorative and protective function.

So, what is the popular device designed to keep food cool and fresh “afraid of”?

Proximity to heat sources

Alas, the principle of operation of the refrigerator involves the creation of cold temperatures inside the device due to (including) some heating of the surrounding air outside. Accordingly, placing the refrigerator in close proximity to the radiator or stove will not only prevent the high-quality dispersion of hot air, but will also create additional heating of the outer walls of the device, which will clearly not benefit its long-term and reliable operation.

Important! No matter how small the kitchen space is, try to place cabinets, tables or other pieces of furniture at least 20-30 cm wide between the refrigerator and such serious heat sources as a stove or radiator - this will significantly increase the life of kitchen appliances.

Tight fit

No pieces of furniture should be pressed too tightly against the refrigerator. The minimum permissible gap on the side walls of the device is 2–3 cm. The same requirement applies to the proximity of the device to a wall or window. In this case, you should maintain a decent distance between the back wall of the refrigerator and the kitchen wall. So, for modern models the minimum size of free space “at the back” is the same 2–3 cm, and for refrigerators with a radiator - 10 cm or more. This is also required for high-quality heat removal from the operating device.

Sun rays

As a rule, the front surface and doors of the refrigerator are well insulated, so exposure to direct sunlight for any, even long, period of time will not damage the appliance. The same cannot be said about the side walls of the device, where such insulation is usually not used, and solar heating is quite capable of causing malfunctions and rapid breakdown of the unit.

Therefore, if you plan to place the refrigerator in such a way that its side walls will be exposed to sunlight, you should take care of their additional protection.

Important! If you plan to place the refrigerator near a window, then the required gap between the wall of the appliance and the wall of the room should be 10 cm or more. This will not only prevent overheating of the refrigerator, but will also make it possible to open its door completely by 90 degrees or more. At the same time, kitchen curtains and drapes can be moved into the resulting gap between the wall and the appliance without creasing them, which will make the kitchen more cozy and comfortable.


Many housewives prefer to place the refrigerator in close proximity to the sink, explaining this by ease of use: after all, meat or vegetables removed from the refrigerator can be immediately placed in the sink, without carrying them halfway across the kitchen.

Nevertheless, such a proximity also does not have a very favorable effect on the operation of the refrigeration chamber. Apart from the fact that electrical appliances, in principle, do not particularly like being near water, high humidity and splashes, which invariably occur when washing dishes, will quickly give the refrigerator an unsightly appearance and significantly reduce its operating potential. Therefore, it is worth remembering that the minimum recommended distance between the refrigerator and the sink should be 30 cm or more.

Other premises

In principle, placing a refrigerator in a room, corridor or even on an insulated loggia is not prohibited, provided that the requirements for ambient temperature and humidity specified in the instructions for the device are met. But still, installing a refrigerator away from the kitchen is recommended only if it is completely impossible to place it directly inside the room intended for cooking.

Important! As a rule, refrigerators presented on the Russian market operate fully at ambient temperatures from -5 to +30 °C. At lower temperatures, the refrigerator will simply fail and is unlikely to be repairable. But if the air temperature exceeds the maximum values ​​for a long time, then it is worth considering “tropical” models of refrigerators, originally intended for use in very hot climates, which are not so widely represented on the Russian market, but are nevertheless found in the lines of manufacturers intended for southern regions. warm regions.

Freedom of access

One of the main rules is free access to the refrigerator and the ability to fully open the door. And this is precisely the rule that should not be neglected. Whatever the size of the kitchen, the number of steps between the refrigerator, table and work surface should not exceed 3-5, otherwise each trip to buy fresh food and back will be accompanied by slowly growing dissatisfaction from the non-ergonomic placement of the appliance.

And no matter how much you would like to gain at least another 5–10 cm of space, the refrigerator door must still open to the required 90 degrees or more, that is, the distance between the side wall of the refrigerator and the wall should allow its door to be fully opened.

Grey colour

in kitchen design

The color gray has a very interesting history. Just three or four years ago he was considered sad and boring. Undeserved, isn't it? But today this color is at the peak of its popularity! And I really like it. Thanks to gray, the interior of an apartment can become more serious and even a little strict. It makes any color more noble and sophisticated.

There are gray kitchens here!

How to make a cabinet for a built-in refrigerator

The design of the cabinet-case for the built-in refrigerator is extremely simple and straightforward. This is the same cabinet, with a bottom and adjustable legs, like the other floor modules of the lower row of the kitchen. And the remaining dimensions of the pencil case are determined by the drawings in the instructions supplied with the refrigerator. Often in modular kitchens such as Ikea and Leroy, ready-made modules of pencil cases for built-in refrigerators are provided. They are designed to fit most models and can easily be adapted to others. Before purchasing, make sure your refrigerator model is one of them.

Cabinet dimensions for built-in refrigerator

As a rule, the entire “built-in” kitchen appliances are designed for the depth of standard modules – 550-560mm. Built-in refrigerators are no exception. They are also designed for cabinet depths of 560mm, and when designing, you can align the front part of the cabinet with the rest of the kitchen unit modules.

The width of the cabinet for a built-in refrigerator is about 600mm. The internal size is important here (minimum 560-570mm for most models), and the external size is determined by the thickness of the body material and standards for facades, if any.

For example, in the line of standard facades there may be a door option with a width of 596 mm, but manufacturing a non-standard size will cost 10-20% more. In this case, they try to use a budget option for equipping the kitchen.

Recently, the so-called Gola profile has become popular in the design of kitchen furniture without handles. The first ones are applied to the facade, and the second ones are built into the body of kitchen cabinets and wall cabinets. Pencil cases are characterized by a vertical arrangement of Gola-type handles - which means that the width of the cabinet for a built-in refrigerator will increase by the width of the profile handle. With overhead profile handles in a horizontal design, it is important to correctly calculate the height of the facades for correct opening.

The internal design of the cabinet for a built-in refrigerator must provide for self-cooling of the operating unit due to air circulation. The installation diagrams indicate the necessary gaps and cuts in the housing for this. When designing a pencil case, they must be observed.

You can use a special tray with ventilation holes as the bottom for the cabinet under the refrigerator. It will cost a little more. Also on sale of kitchen components there are special ventilation grilles for decorating the base of the refrigerator.

The most common are two cabinet designs for built-in refrigerators. How to install a refrigerator in a cabinet is largely determined by the installation diagram from the manufacturer:

  • Do I need to raise the base to a height of 200mm and leave a gap for ventilation at the top?
  • Or you can simply select a niche of the required size inside (1770x540x540).

The height of the cabinet can be any, as desired. Most often it is made level with the hanging of the upper kitchen cabinets, within 2000-2400mm from the floor level. As you can see in the drawing, there is no back wall of the cabinet for the built-in refrigerator.

Dimensions of fronts for a cabinet with a built-in refrigerator

Depending on the model, a built-in refrigerator may have one solid overlay door or two separate doors located one above the other.

Sometimes a solid facade is also placed on two doors, but this is inconvenient for further use.

When calculating the dimensions of facades for a built-in refrigerator, they also rely on data from the installation diagram of a specific model. Usually they try to align the lower facade in height with the rest of the facades of the floor cabinets. But if the kitchen countertop is raised to the level of 900-950mm, this is not always possible. But it is easy to “adjust” to the 850mm standard with a height of 720mm lower modules without legs. Thanks to this, the kitchen design looks holistic and harmonious.

Beige kitchen

Interior Design

I will never tire of repeating that beige is the best color for renovation. This is a natural and pleasant color. Almost all the interiors of our studio are made in beige tones. Personally, I think the most optimal shade is gray-beige. It can be called universal, as it goes well with other colors. By the way, we have prepared an interesting selection of interiors and design projects for beige kitchens. Be sure to come check it out!

Beige kitchen ideas!

What materials do you need to buy for a kitchen renovation? Is it possible to purchase parquet or laminate? What to use to decorate the apron? The designers of our design studio in Moscow took care of this, so I recommend you an article about finishing materials. Go to the “Tips” section, there is a lot of useful information there!

Linear layout

A straight kitchen layout is the most common option. All interior elements are located along one of the walls. This does not always allow items to be placed ergonomically, so some people install an additional island in such a kitchen. Typically, the refrigerator in this layout option is located near the window.

Linear arrangement is common in studio apartments. The room may have awkward projections, poorly placed doorways, etc. When placing a refrigerator, the designer takes into account every detail.

I also recommend ideas

Corner kitchen design

White kitchens


In the post-war years, the issue of providing the population with housing was acute, and Nikita Khrushchev, who took the helm of the USSR, under the motto “every family has something small, but its own,” launched the mass construction of small-sized high-rise housing:

  1. The first 2- and 5-story houses were built of brick (from 1955 to 1963);
  2. In order to save money, they switched to panel housing construction in 1963;

Houses grew into entire neighborhoods at once, including social and cultural facilities.

  1. The dimensions of the rooms were the same:
  • Height up to 2.5 m;
  • Room area 8-16 sq.m;
  • Kitchens - less than 6 sq.m.;
  • Toilet 1 sq.m., bathroom – 2.2 sq.m.;

In two and three-room apartments, large rooms were walk-through.

  1. At first the bathrooms were separate, later they were combined;
  2. The houses lacked an attic, an elevator and a garbage chute.

The most important thing is that housing was distributed free of charge ! Citizens purchased everything else for life themselves.

Captain Obvious informs: in order to fully live in an isolated apartment, a family needs to have a place to store food supplies. And since the industry in those years could not mass-produce refrigerators, it was decided to equip a “cold” niche in the kitchen under the window, which served as a refrigerator. True, only 5-6 months a year.

Refurbished place.

Refrigerator decor

The final touch, although not at all mandatory, is quite logical - if you want to make the kitchen cozy and truly homely.

There are also such purely conceptual solutions. An imitation of a London telephone booth in the format of a modest Khrushchev building.

Or you can simply take and disguise the refrigerator under nearby furniture pieces. This will not lose any of its functionality, and visually the room will look more harmonious.

Sink in the corner

In this case, the correct logic of the sequence of operations is maintained. The product is removed from the refrigerator, sorted, washed and sent for heat treatment.

However, you need to think about the placement of the faucet so that your back is happy. Because its constant half-bent state leads to disruption of normal muscle function, and pain in the lower back and shoulders, familiar to many, appears.

It is better to place the tap on the side so that you can easily reach it without bending your back.

If the sink is located exactly in the center of the corner, then in this case there is a problem of using the area behind it. Many designers suggest placing a step with drawers or a drying area in this “blind” zone.

Household chemicals, cleaning tools and trash containers take their place in the spacious cabinet.

If the room is modest in size, then you often have to go against common sense and install the hob next to the sink. Moreover, if the latter turns out to be shifted to the side due to the wing, then the owner is constantly at risk of getting burned by steam or boiling oil while working.

Remember that under no circumstances should water come into contact with a hot frying pan, and your elbows should be kept away from the burners and pots placed on them when washing and peeling vegetables.

The proximity of water and fire is permissible only if there is sufficient freedom of movement.

Tips for organizing space

Use the built-in refrigerator

The built-in refrigerator looks quite impressive, saves a lot of space and completely fits into the modern trend of minimalism. The photo below shows the popular model Liebher ICUS 3314.

Less bulky furniture

Don’t chase a large number of compartments in the headset - leave the essentials in the project. Especially if you have a small family and you don’t need to store a large number of cutlery and dishes.

You can save a lot on square meters if you put the refrigerator on the cabinets. Thus, you free up space for your maneuvers in a tiny kitchen, but at the same time get convenient access to all the necessary items.

Lockers can also be placed on top. Thus, the unit is, as it were, placed in a compartment specially designed for it.

Roller blinds or blinds - instead of curtains

Ordinary curtains in the kitchen hide a lot of space, and even when next to a freezing unit they provoke discomfort. Therefore, try replacing them with roller blinds or blinds. At the same time, free the window sill - it can also be used. Both for practical purposes and for decorative ones.

Methods of restoration and redevelopment

Often, the refrigeration niche becomes unusable, and the owners simply abandon it. Moreover, today there is no such shortage of refrigeration units, and 99% of citizens have a household refrigerator of one brand or another.

The niche can easily be made to resemble a modern refrigerator.

In my opinion, this should not be done. It is enough to show a little imagination and refine the niche in a modern way. Among such solutions I would include:

  1. Construction of a sealed (from the room side) structure for storing food;
  2. Conversion into a cabinet;
  3. Complete dismantling and installation of French windows.

Option 1: recovery

Due to the effects of temperature changes, the niche has become unusable and requires repair.

As you know, nothing lasts forever, and the technical condition of the Khrushchev refrigerator is no exception. Some owners are disappointed with the appearance, others are dissatisfied with the fact that cold air blows from it, the wooden structure creaks, etc. Still others are not satisfied that the appearance of the refrigerators simply does not fit into the updated kitchen interior, forcing it to be modified.

The most popular solution for restoring a refrigerator is to install a modern plastic window with glass or a blind transom. And often this project is best implemented when replacing an old window unit , which will simplify and reduce the cost of work:

  • Firstly, when ordering a window unit, you can simultaneously order a PVC frame for the refrigerator;
  • Secondly, the dismantling of the old structure and installation of the new one will be carried out by professional installers.

Captain Obvious informs: today you can choose a window installer based on the average price list for your locality. But when it comes to non-standard openings and structures, the cost of installation services can increase significantly.

In my opinion, it is best to dismantle the refrigerator yourself, put it in order, and only then call a measurer and discuss all the nuances .

Well, if the decision to restore the purpose of the niche under the window came after replacing the old window frames with new ones made of PVC, then it’s time to do it yourself.

So let's get started:

  1. We dismantle the old window sill;
  2. We clean the brickwork from old plaster;
  3. If necessary, we replace bricks that have become unusable;
  4. We use a deep penetration primer to strengthen the masonry and increase adhesion;
  5. We plaster the opening;

The photo shows the finishing of a winter refrigerator under the window using plaster.

  1. We cover it from the inside with sheets of plasterboard;
  2. We fill the cracks with foam;
  3. It is also advisable to insulate the floor so that cold air does not penetrate under the kitchen flooring.

The process of installing drywall.

Many people are interested in how to insulate a refrigerator under a window. If you want to continue to use it for its intended purpose, then there is no need for this - the window unit will protect the room from the cold.

A modern window unit can protect the kitchen from the penetration of cold.

That's it, our opening is ready for installing the window unit. All that remains is to call a measurer, decide on the fittings and color of the PVC profile, and wait for installation.

Option 2: arrangement of the closet

Consider a situation where you do not need a refrigerator under the window.


Probably because you have a wonderful refrigerator in which you can store food all year round. And the most interesting solution would be to arrange a closet in an empty niche. You can do this yourself, since there is nothing complicated in this procedure.

Preparing a niche for installing a cabinet.

The instructions for constructing the cabinet will be as follows:

  1. Remove the old wooden box;
  2. We clean the walls from dust and dirt;
  3. We prime;
  4. We take measurements, leaving a gap for the insulation;
  5. We purchase/order a cabinet design from MDF or chipboard panels;
  6. We insulate the opening (foam plastic + polyurethane foam);
  7. We insert the box into the niche.

The photo shows the result of installing a purchased cabinet into a niche.

Captain Obviousness suggests: for such a remodel, you can easily select a cabinet from ready-made models. To do this, you need to visit several furniture stores, where you will probably find a module acceptable for embedding, and the purchase price will not exceed 2-3 thousand rubles.

To avoid damage, the cabinet fronts will be hung after the renovation of the premises is completed.

Option 3: installing a window unit

Perhaps this is the most controversial and technically difficult option for converting a niche under a window.


At first glance, since the wall under the window sill is not load-bearing, then it is quite possible to dismantle it down to the floor slab, and replace the standard window with a “French” one - right down to the floor.

A beautiful, but not always possible solution.

But this is not possible in all cases . And there are reasons for this:

  1. You need to make sure that there is no load-bearing reinforced concrete beam under the old window. If it exists, it is strictly forbidden to dismantle it;
  2. If the kitchen window does not face the courtyard, but the main street, then you simply will not be given permission for such a redevelopment (and expanding the window opening is a redevelopment). You shouldn’t be self-willed; you may well be forced through court to restore your original appearance;
  3. Installing a French window is justified if the room is oriented to the north. In all other cases, you risk turning the kitchen into a hot frying pan.

Such a window will increase the illumination of the room.

In addition to the window itself, you need to take care of safety when opening windows. The best solution is to order a grille that imitates balcony railings and install it on the facade of the building.

False balcony - fencing is needed from a security point of view.

Let's summarize:

  1. Restoring a refrigerator under a window is justified only in cases where the household unit is not enough to store supplies;
  2. Arrangement of storage space (cabinet or shelves) is the cheapest and most practical option, because... the cost of materials and work is the lowest among the options presented. And, in addition, it is also the fastest, unlike window structures that still need to be ordered and manufactured;
  3. A French window is the most daring and not always feasible option. Its choice is determined by a number of important factors, and the considerable price completely elevates this method to the category of exotic.

Technical side

A niche under the window was found everywhere in brick houses. It was subsequently abandoned in the panel rooms. Structurally, the niche was an opening separated from the street by a half-brick wall, and was often equipped with a through hole for air circulation.

The opening under the window was initially formed during the construction process.

A window sill was installed on top, and a wooden block with a shelf and hinged doors was mounted in the niche.

The frame of the “refrigerator” is similar to the window frame.

The dimensions of the niche are 78x100x20 cm (h*w*d), and a massive wooden frame takes up the space useful for storing food. And, nevertheless, entire generations of Soviet citizens used such a storage place, and, in most cases, without changing anything in their design.

Approximate dimensions of the opening for the refrigerator.

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