How to trim a board with a hand-held circular saw

Device for cutting boards with a circular saw

This guide is very easy to work with. The base with the ruler is fixed to a workpiece, for example, to chipboard. You can fix this by using several options. In the first method, part of the cut sheet will be located on the side of the saw blade; in the second method, under the base on which the guide ruler is fixed.

The length of the sheet is 2 marks on the side, which corresponds to the specified cutting methods, at the distance where the cut is located. The distance between marks should be maximum. It is important to consider the thickness of the disc. The base of the ruler is mounted on two signs and secured with clamps. The depth of the clamping jaws should ensure their installation so that at the end of the cut the saw can move freely from the letter.

If the guide ruler is long, then the cross-section is not very convenient. Therefore, it is advisable to make a design that is shorter. For example, for cabinets that are 60cm wide, you will need to make a guide that is 1m long.

READ How to Install a Soft Start on a Miter Saw

Such devices are only suitable for working with materials that have a large width and length. You cannot cut a board into flat rods of this design.

Dissolving the first board after adjusting the position of the saw blade

If the task of splitting a thick board into two completely equal parts is not worth it, that’s one thing. But if identical elements are required, then the width of the cut part should be perfectly adjusted. When all the settings have been made, you can start cutting. The board is passed through the circular saw twice, on both sides.

PHOTO: The second side is run through, after which the cutting will be completed

How to make a simple guide and removable device with your own hands?

Diagram of the bearings of the circular saw assembly.

It makes sense to make a simple reference book. To make cuts with a portable circular saw, you can purchase an expensive guide at the building's supermarket, or make a few homemade projects in a workshop if you need to cut a large number of sheets. However, you should know that there is a simpler solution - to make a device from scraps that are not used.

A simple homemade miter template for a circular saw

To make your own saw manual, you need to select a factory edge strip of plywood or hardboard 25-30 cm wide. The strip is fixed along the cutting line so that the base of the tool moves along the flat edge. If foam padding is used to protect the saw blade, it must have cutouts for the jaws.

You can also make a cutting device for this type of saw. A clean and even intersection in some cases is quite difficult to do with the introduction of a circular saw. It's almost impossible to fully control the tool, and pieces of material fly off more often than not, leaving behind chips and jagged edges. So it makes sense to try to make a cross-cut design out of a few pieces of wood and an angle of aluminum.

How to make a manual template yourself?

Guide bar for a circular saw - this can be made from improvised means by cutting a flat sheet of wood.

When you need to make long cuts with a similar saw, you will need to spend a significant amount of time to make all the measurements necessary to set the mowing line guide and markings exactly to match the width of the base of the structure.

To simplify this procedure, you need to cut a template from fiberboard that is equal to the width from the edge of the tool to the inner edge of the saw blade. The template is then cut to the length of the tool base. To use the template, you need to align its edge with the cutting mark in the product, and on the other side attach a straight guide and secure it with a clamp.

You then need to repeat this procedure on the second cut mark on the other end of the workpiece that is being cut. Such designs can be made for circular saws or electric saw blades.

Disadvantages of this method

It is clear that it will take a lot of time to dismantle thick boards, especially if the amount of work is significant. However, sometimes this method remains the only possible one. Then the amount of time spent on work no longer matters.

Another disadvantage is the possible mismatch of cuts. But here all the blame will lie with the operator: incorrect guidance, tilting - mistakes of the master.

PHOTO: These are the thin, neat boards you should get

How to make a crosscut from a manual circular saw at home

Hello dear readers and subscribers of Andrey PLA's blog. In this article I will tell you how to make a cross-cutting device from a hand-held circular saw for your home purposes, while spending a minimum of money on production. A hand-held circular saw is a good helper in your household, with which you can do “very big things”!

I consider it inappropriate to focus attention on the term “circular”, since everyone already has first-hand knowledge of what this device is, and there are enough thematic materials on my blog. I will try to tell you what saw and convey as much useful information as possible for a visual presentation.

  • pendulum;
  • combined;
  • With a broach.

The pendulum trim is the following design. The basis of any machine is the bed. The table is fixed on it, which in turn is made on a rotating mechanism with a ruler. This device solves the problem of setting the cutting angle with its adjustment.

The cutting angle can be adjusted by moving the work table to the plane of the bed. The saw element is strengthened by a lever and spring-loaded by a hinge. Using a pendulum, the saw moves in the vertical direction.

As for the combined model option, the cutting angle can be changed if necessary in two directions. The device is the same as in a pendulum saw, only an additional hinge is added to the design. As for changing the cutting angle in the horizontal plane, it can be changed in the horizontal direction, which in turn is opposite to the mounted drive.

a saw with a broach makes it possible to move the cutting element both around the axis of the hinge mechanism and in the direct direction along the cut. This was achieved thanks to the installed guides (pictured below).

For convenience on a cross-cutting machine, operators use a special device for cross-cutting on a circular saw, which is called a miter box. A simple design, which consists of a tray for boards, a clamping piece of plywood or a second material, clamping fixing elements (clamps, etc.). How does this device work? I will try to answer this banal question simply and clearly.

The board is placed in a tray and pressed against a sheet of chipboard. Fixed with a clamp and a hand saw, circular saw, or grinder, the workpieces are sprayed through special side slots. Often, a miter box is used to cut material at an angle of 45-90 degrees in home workshops on Tsirkulyarki. Using this device, you can quickly cut the board into a pallet or board.

After all the information, you have an idea of ​​what cross-cutting is and why it is needed. Next, I will tell you how to make a cross-cut trim using a hand- held circular saw using scrap materials with your own hands.

The base of the structure was a box made of chipboard. It has a “U” shape. Confirmants are knocked down and fastened together. To prevent this shelf from moving, it is attached to the work table (workbench) with clamps.

The base under the dust is screwed onto the shelf from above. Fastening is also carried out by confirmants. We ensure that the planes are perpendicular, since the saw blade will be aligned along the edge.

I make sure the sole is aligned along the edge. This will prevent shifting and fidgeting. We screw strips of chipboard onto the sides with self-tapping screws. In this way, the positioning of the sole is achieved.

the saw is fixed with clamps and clips. You can make wing clamps. This is the device for cross-cutting on a circular saw in this version. This device is popularly called “Foreman”.

Next to the base to the table we fix the “table” base. The only drawback is the reduced cutting depth of 15mm. Therefore, you have to place the profile as close as possible to the saw blade.

After making a test cut, we obtain a cutting line based on the stop. Thus, I was able to construct a circular cutter with my own hands. This design of the device copes with the task one hundred percent. If you still can’t design this type of equipment or simply don’t have time to do it, you can use the services of renting a circular saw with a trimmer at affordable prices in specialized workshops.

Another good tool for working with wood is a thickness planer. What is it? It can be divided into two types - manual and in the form of a full-fledged thickness planer. As a rule, the manual version is needed only to transfer data from the drawing to real material and workpieces.

As for the thickness planer, it, in turn, is more functional. In addition to transferring information, you can carry out full processing of workpieces. Such equipment is purchased by furniture factories and can also be found in everyday life during the construction of private facilities. This is what a surface planer looks like with a circular saw and a trimmer, I attach a photo below:

As for the usual planer device, it consists of three parts. A supporting stand with a dimensional ruler, a clamping device and devices for applying markings to the part. They are usually made from hardwood material.

Professional equipment

Now let's talk about professional equipment. Let's consider the cross-cutting saw ZUBR ZPTP-255-1800. The tool is used for cutting wooden parts and thin-walled metal. Why combined? This is because it can be used to both trim workpieces and work like a circular machine.

Main advantages of the model:

  1. Mobility;
  2. Compactness;
  3. Functionality;
  4. Safety system.

This machine combines a crosscut and a circular saw at the same time. The adjustable head position allows for high quality cuts. The machine allows you to make longitudinal cuts at any given angle. The equipment is equipped with a locking mechanism for turning on the drive and raising the protective casing. This model has the ability to connect an industrial vacuum cleaner to keep the workplace clean.

You can buy a circular cross-cutting machine for around 15 – 20 thousand rubles.

Another good option from all the gray mass of equipment is the Makita MLT100 table miter saw.

It is used both in everyday life and in professional production in workshops and workshops. The design of the machine allows it to be moved on a special trolley and can be easily mounted in a designated place on a workbench. The sliding table allows you to work with large workpieces. The table can be rotated both to the side and forward. The long service life of this equipment is increased due to the high quality of parts and materials used during assembly.

Allows you to make cuts both vertically and at a specified angle. The high precision of cutting parts is due to the presence of clamps, guides, scales with degrees and a ruler. The equipment combines a cross-cutting machine and a circular saw at the same time.

A separate advantage is the presence of an engine speed stabilization system, which in turn plays an important role during the initial start-up of equipment.

Electric brake included. There is a connector for connecting a dust removal device, useful for large volumes of work.

The advantage of sawing logs with a chainsaw

Spraying onto boards can be done using tools such as an electric chainsaw and additional accessories designed to simplify the work. When choosing certain products, you need to focus on the amount of work expected. Stationary sawmills are expensive and are purchased only if you plan to organize a business to create boards.

READ Husqvarna 143R-II Owner's Manual

The most accessible tool for the job is a chainsaw. Such devices have several advantages over electric ones:

  • the chainsaw can be used anywhere, regardless of the availability of an electrical outlet;
  • the tool is suitable for working in conditions of high humidity;
  • professional chainsaws are significantly more powerful than electric ones;
  • You can use the chainsaw continuously for an hour.

To cut logs into boards, a special frame is used together with a chainsaw, which is attached to the device and allows you to create boards of the same thickness. A device is also needed to secure the log in one position. In addition, you will also need a guide.

HOW TO cut boards smoothly with a HAND circular saw!!!

Since household gasoline saws are NOT designed for heavy loads, you should use professional tools when sawing logs. When choosing, pay attention to devices with a power of more than 7 horsepower. Before work, the fixed frame is adjusted in accordance with the selected width of the boards. To create a frame, you can use legs from a school desk or metal corners.

XC100 series cross-cutting machine

Simple and economical the XC100 cross-cut saw is an economical and reliable piece of equipment for cutting lumber into standard length boards. The machine is designed for use in existing wood processing lines.

Complete set (modular)

The maximum cross-section of the material to be trimmed is 60 mm in height x 200 mm in width. In addition, a 100 mm x 100 mm square beam can be trimmed by placing it in the center of the saw. A scale and two adjustable stops make it easy to trim the board to the required length, ranging from 60 mm to 1200 mm.

Long sawing technique

The most difficult stage of the process is making the first cut. To do this you need:

  • install a leading ruler, which consists of two boards that are fastened together at an angle of 90 degrees;
  • after this, it is necessary to place the sawn log on the supports and fix it;
  • then it is important to check whether the log is level;
  • at the next stage it is necessary to secure the leading ruler to the supports using self-tapping screws;
  • After this, you can start creating the first cut.

The main causes of wood deformation

  • Changes in temperature and humidity
  • Improper drying

Changes in temperature and humidity

A natural material such as wood tends to absorb water. In a room with constant high humidity, wood will absorb water and swell. This will ultimately lead to deformation. The same thing happens from temperature changes in the room. Especially in combination with high humidity.

Improper drying

The largest percentage of deformation occurs during drying. It happens that they sell you under-dried boards, which then, when dried under natural conditions, can warp. The fact is that moisture from the wood does not evaporate evenly along its entire length. This creates tension in the wood fibers. This stress ultimately leads to deformation.

Or you bought good quality boards, they were delivered to your site. They lay in a damp garage, so the geometry of the material will be disrupted. It’s a shame to throw away such material, but it’s also impossible to use it for its intended purpose.

So what should we do? You can try to correct the deformation.

We offer 4 working methods for leveling the board.

The board can be leveled:

  • Using a plane
  • Exposure to heat and moisture
  • Steam processing with pressing
  • Leveling under pressure

Learn more about each method.

How to cut a board straight

How smart and quick-witted our people are!

Sergey Burkov:

How to unravel a 3-meter board so that both resulting halves are, for example, 10 mm thick


you explain it like to schoolchildren, with a countersunk head, etc.


What if
the board is 2 meters long?
How are you going to put her on the butt? Nikolay Sitkov:

Ha, I’m NOT smart enough for a hacksaw, although I’ve encountered this problem more than once. That’s a good thing.

How so?:

Christmas trees, keep your fingers, bro. I wouldn't do that)))

Workshop on the balcony:

Simple, cheap and cheerful :))). like

Mike VIZ:

Hello, you have already seen this circular in your frame several times. Is it AEG or another company? Can shoot a review, I choose myself dust, I would like to hear advice from an experienced person on what to pay attention to.

Features of sawing logs using a chainsaw

Creating additional equipment for sawing logs is quite simple:

  • To create a support, a frame is used, which can be created from the legs of a school desk. The most suitable pipes are with a square cross-section of 20 × 20 mm.
  • When constructing the frame, it is necessary to create 2 clamps and secure the crossbar at one end. This element must have holes for tie bolts. A protrusion for the tire is created in the middle.
  • In order to cut a log lengthwise, it is necessary to construct a support frame, the width of which must be at least 8 cm in length.
  • For ease of operation, a handle should be welded to the frame.
  • Before carrying out work, you must carefully check whether the frame is securely fastened to the tire.

Using a homemade tool is quite simple. Before sawing, you need to install 2 sawhorses - they will be used as a support for the log. In addition, a metal strip or flat board , which will serve as a guiding element.

Lightweight nozzle

Such devices are often used, but they should only be used when creating boards for fences or sheds. This is due to the fact that the attachment is secured to the tire only on one side.

Setting up a circular saw before work

Before you start sawing, you need to install the blade and make sure it is firmly in place. The casing should open and return to its original position without any resistance. It is also worth checking whether the riving device is positioned correctly. After this, run the dust for 10 seconds in idle mode to make sure that it is working properly.

To set up a circular saw, you need to adjust the desired position of the guide pin and cutting blade using a caliper. When checking the position of the teeth in front and behind the disc, the difference should not be more than 0.05 mm. You also need to install the riving knife and blade so that they are on the same mowing line. Special washers are used to fine-tune them. To ensure that the tool and table vibrate less, you need to tighten the mounting bolts well.

What can you do with a hand-held circular saw?

Manual circular saws are suitable for performing a whole list of jobs:

  • trimming several wooden blanks at once, which lie in the same plane;
  • trimming wide boards for which pendulum dust cannot be used (you will need a parallel fence)
  • trimming boards when laying floors;
  • trimming workpieces at an angle (you can use a guide or do without it)
  • longitudinal spray of workpieces at an angle;
  • sampling a quarter in a board or timber;
  • cutting sheet materials with the introduction of a guide;
  • cutting organic glass and plastic;
  • using a hand saw as a stationary one by mounting it to a table.

Rip fence

A regular rip fence for a circular saw is a good example of how a small addition can make a big difference. Almost every hand-held circular saw is equipped with a rip fence for longitudinal cutting of a given width. This is a really useful device.

The standard stop has one drawback. For safety reasons, it is set to values ​​that allow it to be used to make cuts less than 20–25 mm wide. This is done so that the stop does not interfere with the movement of the saw guard. But it is enough to attach a wooden block with self-tapping screws to the parallel strip of the standard stop - and its capabilities will increase, while the minimum cutting width will not be limited in any way.

Note! We must remember about safety - when making cuts of less than 15 mm, the block does not allow the protective casing to cover the saw blade.

How to cut a board smoothly with a circular saw

Unlike a pendulum saw, which is stationary, a circular saw is more difficult to make an even cut. This will not be a problem if the board or beam is narrow, but when sawing a wide workpiece or when making longitudinal cuts, you need to know how to make the cut as precise as possible. To do this, you need to follow the following sequence of actions:

  • There should NOT be anything underneath the piece of material you will be sawing. The circular saw blade should not be cutting anything else. For example, we would never place a board on a concrete floor - use a sawhorse or a cutting machine table instead.
  • Mark the line along which the saw blade will go. Use a tape measure, ruler or square for this.
  • Adjust the cutting depth. The blade should barely protrude beyond the workpiece. For example, if the thickness of the workpiece is 40 mm, the cutting depth should be 45-50 mm.
  • Check the condition of the protective cover. It should rise gently when the saw is lowered onto the workpiece, and immediately close the working part when it is raised.
  • As you begin to cut, look at the front right edge of the blade and align it with the mark on the material.
  • Look at the right kerf guide of the circular saw for right angle cuts, and the left one for 45 degree cuts.
  • Start cutting the material. Keep an eye on the guide at all times to ensure an even spray.
  • Keep the saw blade flat on the material at all times.
  • Push the dust hard enough to cut it, but don't push it too hard to overload the motor. The hardest woods should be cut with minimal force.
  • After finishing cutting, make sure that the safety guard returns to the closed position.

Preparing the workplace for work

You need to remove all unnecessary items from your desktop. There should be no tools, keys or consumables. In addition, you need to ensure a free approach to the table. The floor in the work area must be dry to avoid accidental slipping. The machine must be grounded.

READ How the blade is secured in band saws

There are also requirements for the operator’s work clothes. Clothes need to be tucked in so that there are no flapping ends. If you have long hair, tie it up and hide it under a hat. Wear safety glasses and a respirator. It is recommended to use hearing protection as the noise level can be quite high when using a circular saw.

Before you start dusting, you need to check it for defects in the saw blade and make sure that it is fastened properly. Check to see if the riving knife is installed correctly and then check that the guard is working properly.

If the saw has a short cable, you may need an extension cord so that you can comfortably move around the work area. It is advisable to use a circular saw with a soft start function so that the tool does NOT jerk when starting.

Possible malfunctions and repairs

Frequently encountered malfunctions of do-it-yourself trimming from an angle grinder.

Miter saw repair

Discrepancy of surfaces in the side stop

Negatively affects cutting accuracy. If during work there is a noticeable difference in sawing on the right and left, in this case it is necessary:

  1. Remove the stop.
  2. Prepare a thin fragment of getinax.
  3. Make a pattern for the leveling surface.
  4. Place it on the countertop.
  5. Glue the getinax to the side surfaces using epoxy resin.
  6. Trim off any bumps.

Sawing accuracy is impaired

The reason may be a crooked disk. To correct this result:

  1. Disconnect the machine from the network.
  2. Raise the protection cover.
  3. Place a marker on the surface of the toothed disc.
  4. Turn it a full turn.
  5. Loosen the saw and turn it 180 degrees.
  6. Tighten the disc.
  7. Apply a marker of a different color and repeat the rotation.
  8. Compare the two drawn rings.
  9. In case of discrepancy, replace the disk.

Engine and gearbox repair

If there is a burning smell, sparking in the engine, the motor hums, but the disk does not spin, you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Remove the disc.
  2. Get the gearbox.
  3. Inspect the brushes.
  4. Check the lubrication.
  5. Call a technician or replace it with a new motor or gearbox.

Hand saw trimming is not often used in home construction. However, it will not be superfluous to have it at home. The main thing is that the saw performs its functions efficiently and cuts parts at a certain angle in different directions. Do-it-yourself wood trimming is an indispensable assistant in the construction of individual buildings and structures.

Proper operation of a circular saw

A hand-held circular saw is one of the most important tools in woodworking. It significantly increases the speed of working with wood or plastic, sheet materials, boards and timber. Most often it is used for cross cutting, but this tool can also be used for sawing along the grain of wood. In this article we will describe in detail the range of uses of circular hand saws, their setup before work, operating techniques and safety rules.

Safety tips when using the saw

Before starting work, run the circular saw idle. As you cut the material, observe the following rules and recommendations:

  • When starting work, you must stand on the left side of the machine so that if the workpiece is accidentally thrown out, it will not hit you.
  • Make sure that there are no nails, pins, pieces of dirt or concrete in the workpiece or on its surface that could interfere with the cut.
  • It is prohibited to pass objects over a running circular saw.
  • If there are knots or cracks in the wood, you need to move slowly when approaching them.
  • When changing the saw blade, be sure to unplug it.

How to adjust the dust for an even cut?

The saw blade must stand strictly perpendicular to the support platform. This can be seen both in the position of the disk and in the degree scale on the adjusting arc. If the disk is at an angle:

  • The locking screw is released.
  • The platform tilts to the desired position.
  • The screw is fixed.

You should be more careful with tightening. On some models, if it is too heavy, the thread can be stripped or the head can break off.

Then it depends on how and what generates dust.

How to cut an unedged board?

Trimming the wane of a board a manual circular saw can be done in two ways:

How to trim a hand-held circular saw quickly and accurately

  • By marking with a pencil (marker, sharp tool, etc.).
  • Along the guide. To do this, a block, corner or factory guide rail is attached to the board with clamps or self-tapping screws. Dust, presses the edge of the saw platform to the guide.

Cutting along a guide usually produces a smoother cut.

We also recommend reading a useful article with reviews of the most popular and best circular dusts for the home.

Why does it cut crookedly?

The disc cuts the line it is directed towards. In this case, the tool should be held or pressed against the guide firmly enough so that it does not move to the side.

If, despite all efforts, the cut turns out to be crooked, the reason is a waste disc. A scorched disc with blue spots on both sides may begin to wobble at the slightest heat. If the teeth on one side are normal, but on the other they are knocked out or blunted, dust may be introduced in one direction, no matter how hard you try to hold it.

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