DIY bottle decor: 10 beautiful ideas (photos)

Photo: Beautiful bottles of alcohol, juice or yoghurt are often so sad to throw away. As a result, they simply accumulate in the closet, but there is absolutely nowhere to put this collection. It takes up space, but the hand still doesn’t rise to throw it away. Sound familiar? Then we’ll tell you how beautiful and interesting it is to breathe a second life into unnecessary bottles with your own hands!

Salt and cereals

One of the simplest ways to decorate bottles is to cover them with layers of colored salt or various grains. This is a stylish and very simple decoration for the kitchen - you don’t even need to buy anything else. It’s especially nice to do this kind of decoration with a small child (and it’s also useful for fine motor skills).


There is no limit to creativity

There are many ways to create decor for a bottle, and the choice of each of them will depend on what end result you need. Whether you want to decorate a bottle for a gift or need decor for a wedding table, maybe you will store spices in a bottle or use it as a vase, maybe you are just looking for an opportunity to decorate your interior, add bright colors or original ideas to it. In any case, everyone can find their own optimal way to decorate bottles.

So, most often bottles are decorated for the following purposes:

  • as a wedding table decoration (usually two bottles of champagne are decorated, but options are possible);
  • a gift for any type of celebration;
  • decorative element for the living room, bedroom, dining room;
  • in the kitchen space, a bottle filled with spices carries a functional load and plays the role of a decorative element;
  • in the bathroom, a bottle of colored sea salt performs similar functions

Flowers in a bottle

A bottle filled with flowers looks very impressive. Of course, it is almost impossible to carefully place pre-dried buds into a narrow neck. But you can fill in small flowers that are still fresh and pour formaldehyde on top of them - this way they will remain intact.

Of course, formalin is a specific material and will need to be purchased separately. It requires careful handling, protection of hands, respiratory tract and compliance with fire safety. But the finished result looks so impressive and delicate that it will not only be a good decoration for your home, but also an unforgettable gift for loved ones.


Vase made from a decorated bottle

An ordinary photo of the decor of a dead bottle is not impressive, but an unusual vase with fresh flowers is. And the whole secret is that the bottle is a vase. The main thing is to find a bottle with a wide neck.

If you don’t like ordinary vases from the store, then start decorating yourself. What inspires you? Maybe you won’t have any ideas, but once you start working, the process will begin and inspiration will appear, the main thing is to start.

If you are a seasoned designer, but have run out of ideas for a long time, take a closer look at ordinary pasta. They really do hide a secret. Come up with your own ornaments and don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Masters look for old things no one needs, trinkets, and find such uses for them, why are you worse?

Now you can not only give your master classes, but also record a video of decorating bottles.

Decorative conservation

This is a more interesting way to decorate bottles, which you have probably seen many times in restaurants and cafes. Ordinary home food preservation is rarely truly decorative. But it can be done on purpose without long and painful hours spent at the stove.

You will need fruits, vegetables or berries and any available preservative - strong saline solution, alcohol, pharmaceutical formaldehyde, vinegar or acetic acid. For decoration - star anise, chili peppers, sprigs of herbs, cloves of garlic - whatever.

To ensure that the contents retain their original appearance longer, we recommend spending 5 minutes sterilizing the bottle. After that, put all the filling there, as you please, and fill it to the top with preservative. If the bottle cannot be rolled up like a jar, first fill the neck with wax, and only then screw it on or close it with a stopper.


Crafts from plastic bottles: 90 photo ideas

Box of alcohol

Beautiful design in itself can be a gift. An interesting presentation has always been valued. You can buy the original box in specialized stores, or make it yourself (the first option is still preferable).

In stores you can find gift boxes of various shapes and sizes made of cardboard, tin or thin wood. The shape of the packaging can be either classic (square, rectangle, etc.) or thematic (a heart for February 14, a suitcase for a long-awaited vacation, etc.).

In addition to the gift set (alcohol, sweets, glasses, etc.), the set must include filler. It serves as a base for the contents of the box and protects fragile items from damage. The filler can be:

  • special thinly sliced ​​corrugated paper;
  • decorative hay;
  • foam balls;
  • a single piece of fabric or paper (they are usually carelessly crumpled).

Any of the fillers can be bought in handmade stores.

In addition to the base, you can add additional decor to the gift box: colored feathers, nuts, Christmas tree decorations (for the New Year), etc.

Also, this type of design can be organically combined with other decorations. For example, a bottle in a sailor's suit made of satin ribbons, in a box with additional decor in the form of shells. This set is suitable for February 23 and the summer holidays.

At the same time, you can decorate not only the bottle, but also the box itself, turning the packaging into part of a gift set.

Candlestick from a bottle

The easiest and most obvious way to use glass bottles is to make candle holders out of them. If an ordinary painted wine bottle with candles instead of a cork seems too banal to you, show your imagination. For example, make a whole composition of 5-7 small bottles of different shapes with the same small candles. Such containers will remain after pharmaceutical products, cosmetics samples or miniatures of alcoholic drinks.


Where can you place bottle decoration?

Each person chooses how and where to place the appropriate decor from bottles. The most common locations for these objects are:

  1. kitchen (products with food, cereals);
  2. living room (bright modifications, beads or ribbon version);
  3. bedroom (marine style or light rope colors);
  4. balcony or hallway (universal place for various things);
  5. office (the decoupage option for napkins is good for a work environment).

The place for the item itself can also be different, depending on the furnishings of the premises:

  1. on the refrigerator, nightstand in the kitchen;
  2. a coffee table or a large table in the dining room is suitable for the living room;
  3. in the bedroom the object can be placed on the windowsill;
  4. a universal place on a closet, chest of drawers or in plain sight on the wall.

Decorating bottles is a good way to test your creativity and turn an inconspicuous object into an elaborate, sophisticated thing. A masterpiece created with your own hands is a great opportunity to decorate your home or as a gift option for your loved ones.

Decoration with threads

If you have a lot of unnecessary colored threads left, you can use them to transform the bottle beyond recognition. Take a plastic container with PVA and pull the thread through so that it comes out on the other side immediately soaked in glue. Wrap the entire bottle up to the neck, and when dry, glue the decor of buttons, flowers, bows, rhinestones and other little things onto the glue gun.


Decorating a bottle of cognac for a gift

Delicate flowers and glamorous kittens are best left to decorate champagne and ladies' wines. For men, it is better to choose more serious images. If you need decoupage of a bottle for your birthday, you can choose from the following motifs:

  • retro. Dilapidated castles, landscapes, the effect of aged stone or wood, etc.;
  • transport. Ships, cars, planes, etc.;

  • money. Modern banknotes look a little vulgar, but the image of ancient coins will allow you to give cognac in an original way;
  • ornament. Interesting patterns look very stylish and expensive;
  • hobby. Hunting, fishing and other men's hobbies will make the gift not only original, but also individual;
  • professions. A bottle in the shape or with an emphasis on working tools also looks interesting and courageous. But such decor will be appropriate only if the recipient really loves his work.

When decorating a bottle with your own hands, you should first of all remember who it is intended for. In this case, choosing the right idea for decoration will be easy and simple.

May be interesting: DIY bottle decoration for the New Year: 20+ master classes with photos and videos

There are usually no problems with decor for other holidays - the appropriate theme is used.

To decorate cognac for February 23, decoupage is made with images of military equipment or the bottle is dressed in military uniform. For the younger generation, they choose screenshots from WOW and similar games.

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For the New Year, bottles are decorated with winter landscapes, pine needles and Christmas motifs. Also popular for the winter holidays are Santa, snowman and Snow Maiden outfits.

Having decided on the idea of ​​decoration, you can move on to implementing the idea.

Textured decor

To give the bottle an interesting grainy texture, you will need the same salt or sand, scattered in an even layer on the paper. Clean and degrease the glass with alcohol, paint the surface with paint and wait until it dries. Cover the bottle with a layer of glue - solid or in patterns using masking tape. All that remains is to roll the bottle out over the salt or sand, and then carefully correct the gaps and irregularities by hand.


10 ideas on how to make bottle decoupage with your own hands

Beer and vodka cake

This gift is suitable for a large company. Making such a cake is very easy, the main thing is to take into account the final weight of the composition.

The base in this case should be strong enough (a cake base will not work). It is best to use a metal or glass tray. Alcohol is installed on it in tiers.

In a “cake” that needs to be transported, all the cans and bottles should be secured together with a glue gun. If transportation of the gift is not required, it is enough to tie the tiers with gift ribbon.

There is a little trick for those who don’t want to give the birthday boy too much alcohol. You can place an empty plastic bottle with the neck cut off inside the cake. It will fill the central part, reducing the number of gift bottles.

Decoupage bottles

Decoupage is a simple but effective technique for decorating absolutely any surface. First, wash and degrease the bottle with acetone or alcohol. Then prime it with acrylic primer or a special aerosol primer for complex substrates.

Cut out the fragments that you like from beautiful napkins and carefully separate the top decorative layer. Place it on the bottle and immediately cover it with PVA glue so that there are no uneven spots or bubbles. And when the workpiece dries, paint the bottle with acrylic paints, glue three-dimensional elements or use stencils. The last layer is finishing acrylic varnish.


How to apply a drawing

To apply a design on a bottle, it is not necessary to have professional artist skills. Even a beginner can easily cope with this task.

You can use your own ideas as sketches for applying drawings or use ready-made ideas presented in the photo of decorated bottles. In the work it is necessary to use stained glass paints, since they are suitable specifically for glass.

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First of all, the surface needs to be degreased, and then work with stained glass paints can begin. Choose the appropriate pattern style: stained glass or dotted.

Apply large details of the design first, then small ones. If necessary, image correction is performed using cotton swabs.

Bottles for wedding decor

Bottles in the shape of the bride and groom are a traditional part of wedding feast decoration. Why look for new ones for this if you can already use the ones you already have. For decoration, take lace, fabric, ribbons, feathers, beads, flowers, toy angels - and not a single boring store-bought item can compare with this.


Decoration with ribbons and beads

Apply acrylic paints (with a sponge or brush) to the prepared glass and wait until dry. Bows, flowers, etc. are made from ribbons. Beads are painted and glued. If you want to add an antique look, you should paint the entire beaded bottle a dark color and make an accent with white, silver or gold.

Another way is to wrap ribbons around the bottle and sprinkle beads on the glued areas. You can teach your child how to decorate bottles with ribbons; it’s a simple and quick way that doesn’t require much effort.

Bottle decor in high-tech style

It is very easy to fit decorative bottles into Provence or Scandinavian style, which themselves tend to be handmade. But what if you have a modern futuristic interior with metal, glass and mirrors?

Firstly, transparent thick glass bottles can be used for decorative lighting by filling them with garland. Secondly, now the stores are full of metallic paints with completely different effects. Use them to paint bottles of the most unusual shapes and decorate them with a stripe or geometric abstraction to match the accent light.


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Decor using eggshells

The use of eggshells is used to decorate bottles in the Provence style. Miniature details create a craquelure effect. They are fixed on top of the image and covered with acrylic paints.

  1. The shell is first washed to remove the internal contents. The film must be carefully removed. Next, the hard shell is dried for several days at room temperature. After this, it can be broken into pieces of the desired size.
  2. PVA glue will help fix the pieces. The advantages of this composition lie in its good adhesion between the decorations and the base of the item. After drying, it leaves no traces and does not change the bright colors.
  3. The finishing touch is the use of acrylic dyes, which will help make the details more pronounced. To avoid changing the shade, you will need to use a clear varnish. This composition will extend the performance of the decorated item.

New Year's ball in a bottle

If you are not afraid to cut off the bottom of the bottle, then inside it you can make a beautiful snowy New Year's ball with figures, artificial snow or sparkles. Candlesticks with a candle inside are made using the same principle, but they need to be used carefully so that the glass does not crack from overheating.

To cut the bottom, you will need a dense and thick woolen thread, alcohol, a lighter, sandpaper and two containers of different sizes. Fill the basin with cold water and ice so that the bottle can be completely submerged. Wind a thread moistened with alcohol in several layers along the cut line and tie the ends.

Put on gloves, light the thread, take the bottle horizontally and continuously rotate it along the axis until the fire goes out. Immediately after this, put it in ice water - and if everything is correct, the bottle itself will burst along the line. All that remains is to carefully sand the edges with sandpaper so as not to get hurt.



Alcohol and candy

The classic set of alcohol and sweets is usually given to women, but there are also men with a sweet tooth. To turn sweets into a men's set with alcohol, you need to properly arrange the gift.

Motorcycle made from a bottle of whiskey and candy

If desired, whiskey can be replaced with any other alcohol, the main thing is to maintain the general idea.

For manufacturing you will need the following set of products and materials:

  • a bottle of alcohol;
  • candies of different shapes and sizes (the exact quantity depends on the shape and capacity of the container);
  • black and gold corrugated paper;
  • wire 1-2 mm thick (larger diameters are difficult to bend);
  • glue gun;
  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • round blanks for wheels. They can be made from lids of suitable diameters or cut out ribbons and glue rings from cardboard or plastic bottles;
  • base (a rectangular piece of chipboard, MDF or plywood with a thickness of at least 3-16 mm);
  • triangular wedge stand (made of timber, foam plastic or thick cardboard);
  • additional decor (braid, foil, etc.).

The master class on making a gift bottle is quite simple. Initially, the stand is decorated. To do this, it is wrapped in corrugated paper (like a box with a gift). If desired, the base can be additionally decorated with braid, sweets or painted.

Depending on the candy available, wheels can be made in different ways:

  • make disks of the required diameter from foam plastic. Wrap them in corrugated paper, and hide the edges of the paper under glued round candies packed in metal foil;
  • Decorate the round blanks and cover them with trapezoidal candies, as shown in the photo below. It is advisable to wrap such a blank on top with adhesive tape, so the candies will hold more firmly. If the final version is not very neat, the Wheels can be wrapped in corrugated paper and the joints hidden under additional candies;

  • Cone-shaped candies are glued together with a “flower”. The edges are covered with double-sided tape, and it is hidden under a tape of black corrugated paper. The candy wrappers can additionally be wrapped in silver foil, so they will resemble light alloy wheels (distantly, but they will). If desired, the center can be supplemented with a round candy (coin).

Then the wheels are firmly glued to the base so that a bottle can be placed between them, acting as a frame. If it lies unstable, a wedge stand is installed under it, and all components are fixed with a glue gun.

The steering wheel is made of wire. To do this, it is bent in the desired way, having previously wrapped the base with a tape of corrugated paper or foil.

A “seat” and a “gas tank” made of candies are laid out on top of the bottle. All elements are fastened with a heat gun.

Small details are added: headlights, handles, exhaust pipe, mirrors, etc. They can be made from matching candies or rolled from foil and wire.

The process of making a motorcycle cannot be called too complicated; the main thing is to ensure that the structure is strong and stable.

This gift bottle is suitable for any event: February 23, anniversary, professional holiday, etc.

A cannon of sweets and cognac for February 23

The idea of ​​the gift remains the same, but the execution is simpler.

To make it you will need almost the same set of items:

  • decorated stand;
  • a bottle of your favorite alcohol;
  • round candies (they will act as cannonballs, so another shape is not very suitable);
  • heat gun;
  • blanks for wheels. In this case, two boxes of monpensier will work well (monpensier with cognac is, of course, an amateur combination, but the shape and size of the boxes are ideal);
  • corrugated paper, twisted cord and any other decor.

The step-by-step manufacturing instructions are similar:

  • candy kernels are glued onto the decorated base in a heap;
  • wheel blanks are covered with corrugated paper, the joints of which are hidden under the decor of braid or twisted cord;
  • The “wheels” are glued to the bottle with a heat gun (it is better to choose a flat or rectangular container). In this case, you need to ensure that the wheels are at the same level;
  • the resulting “gun” is attached to the base;
  • Additional decor can be added upon request.

Considering the specific theme of the decoration, this design is more suitable for February 23rd or as a gift to the military or law enforcement officers.

Cognac and sweets cake

This composition of cognac and sweets has already become a classic. This present is suitable not only for individual congratulations, but also as a gift for a male team (this decor would be appropriate for February 23, and for any corporate holiday).

If the cake is small, then all you need to make it is a container of alcohol, candy and a glue gun. For a massive multi-tiered craft, it is advisable to additionally stock up on a box of chocolates, which will act as a base, or a special base for the cake (they are sold in confectionery stores). Additional fixation around the perimeter may also be necessary. Not all men like satin ribbons; such decor can be replaced with decorative braid or hemp.

In the simplest version, a bottle of alcohol is placed in the center of the composition, and a circle is covered with sweets in several rows. In this case, choose narrow and long varieties of sweets, which are placed vertically.

To get a more original and beautiful cake decoration with a bottle of alcohol, you will need several types of candies of different shapes. In this case, it is desirable that the shades of the candy wrappers match the color of the bottle label.

A box of chocolates or a base is placed at the base of the “cake”. A composition of sweets and cognac is harmoniously placed on top of the base. After that, the resulting gift set is decorated with braid or twisted cord (the main thing is not to put too much on flowers, beads and ribbons - after all, this is a gift for a man).

Grenade made from sweets and cognac for February 23

A very simple DIY gift with cognac. To make it you will need a minimum set of materials:

  • a bottle of alcohol resembling a “lemon” in its shape;
  • protective or brown ribbon for decorating bouquets (sold in office supply or flower shops);
  • wire;
  • heat gun;
  • candies (preferably in green packaging).

It is very easy to wrap such a gift beautifully. The glass surface is completely covered with candies. The neck is wrapped in tape, and a “lever” is made from it. The “check” is rolled up from wire and wrapped with the same tape.

In order to decorate a bottle with decoupage or kanzashi for February 23, it will take several hours or even days - such decoration can be completed in 20 minutes. At the same time, the gift will look original and interesting.

DIY bottle decor - photo

We assure you, this is only a small part of what you can do from empty bottles to decorate your apartment or house! What do you think of this photo collection of ideas?

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Internal filling

A glass bottle can be decorated not only on the outside, but also on the inside. Anything that can fit inside the container is suitable for filling. The following components have gained particular popularity:

  1. Salt. It needs to be mixed with acrylic paint, heated for an hour at 100 degrees, sifted through a sieve. Repeat this procedure with different colors. Using a funnel, pour all the resulting salt into the bottle one by one.
  2. Dye. To decorate, pour the desired shade inside the bottle and shake it. Then let the rest drain off. If necessary, the procedure is repeated until the desired result is obtained.
  3. Small pebbles or stones for an aquarium. They make an excellent filler for a clear bottle. They can be mixed with sand or colored salt. The vessel is filled randomly.
  4. Fresh flowers and dried flowers. They will help you create a colorful craft. To do this, you need to select small buds that can be lowered to the bottom of the vessel without damaging them.

You can fill the bottle with different objects, even models of ships and airplanes. Such work requires certain skills, since the elements are quite fragile.


Cereals Salt Flowers

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