Wallpaper for a boy's room 2022 - 100 best ideas

photo wallpaper in a children's room for a boy

A children's room in a house is not just a room. This place has a much more important function. The interior and atmosphere of the room will become the starting point in a child’s life, helping to gain an understanding of the world around him as a whole. In this aspect, it is very important to design the space in such a way that the child who spends the bulk of his time in it feels more than comfortable. The main attention will need to be paid to the design of the walls. There are many options for solving the issue, but you shouldn’t look for a better finish than wallpaper for a boy’s room. The market is full of their various types, so parents only need to decide on a suitable design. But this may not be easy at all.

Types of wallpaper for boys' bedrooms

Photo wallpaper depicting a geographical map of the world is an excellent solution for decorating a schoolchild’s interior

When choosing wallpaper for a nursery, attention should be paid to many aspects. In addition to the beauty of the design of the canvases, one should also be interested in the environmental safety of the material from which they are made. All high-quality children's wallpaper must undergo a certification procedure, so you can ask the seller for documents for the product you like. Now about what you have to choose from.

Paper wallpaper

paper wallpaper is a budget option for decorating children's walls

The solution is rather temporary. Experts recommend paper wallpaper without hesitation for a room for a newborn boy or a young child. This will be a truly environmentally friendly, safe and practical wall decoration. In addition, the option is budget-friendly, so if a young artist decides to paint the walls, the parents will not be at risk of a heart attack. A large selection of colors and prints makes it easy to choose wallpaper for any interior. The fragility of the material and its tendency to fade are more than compensated for by its adequate cost.

Non-woven wallpaper

non-woven wallpaper is practical and durable

The perfect wallpaper for a teenage boy's room. Non-woven fabric has been decorating the walls of our houses for several years. The practical and beautiful finish captivated:

  • breadth of assortment;
  • ease of gluing;
  • ease of care;
  • durability;
  • resistance to mechanical damage;
  • adequacy of prices.

non-woven wallpaper with small prints

And everything would be fine, but there is one “but”: non-woven wallpaper chosen for a schoolboy’s room, and even more so a preschooler, must breathe, so pay attention to what the top layer of covering is made of. Vinyl is not very desirable, and its foam version is generally prohibited for use in children's rooms. It would hardly occur to a teenage boy to pick and taste the wallpaper in a room, but a toddler might well do it . The result of such a tasting will be poisoning or an allergic reaction. And simply when heated, such materials can release toxic substances. In general, attention, and attention again!

Vinyl wallpapers

decorating an accent wall with light blue wallpaper

In principle, this type of finishing is intended for decorating walls in rooms of any functionality, including children’s, but the reality is that you can often find substandard ones on the market, so if you’ve already settled on something like that, don’t hesitate to ask for a certificate. Otherwise, vinyl wallpaper in a teenage boy’s room will meet your expectations 100%.

3D wallpaper

Stereoscopic wallpaper depicting favorite cartoon characters will delight preschool boys

The modern solution will delight boys of all ages. Today, wallpapers with 3D prints are available in standard, panoramic and LED versions. 3 D wallpaper is durable, environmentally friendly, fireproof. They can be subject to quite harsh cleaning, including washing. Among the disadvantages, it is worth noting the high cost and the need to attract specialists to perform finishing work.

Photo wallpaper for boys' room

“Psychologists strongly advise changing children’s photo wallpaper in a boy’s room every two years”

Another great way to decorate a nursery in an extraordinary way. With their help, they decorate one of the walls, making it an accent in the interior. The theme of the drawing is selected in accordance with the child’s age and hobbies. For example, a child will be interested in cartoons and fairy tales, a schoolchild is closer to adventure romanticism, but photo wallpaper for a teenage boy will be more likely to be associated with abstraction.

The theme of photo wallpapers is selected taking into account the age of the child

In fact, there are a lot of topics, so finding original, and even unique, interior solutions is more than possible. If you can’t find what you want in the catalog and don’t see anything attractive in the store, try looking for interesting ideas on the Internet and downloading wallpapers for boys and then printing them on a 3D or color printer.

photo wallpaper with images of athletes

Perhaps the child would like to immortalize some of his photographs on the wall. This is also a completely solvable issue today. And don’t think that making custom wallpaper will cost a pretty penny. If you order a printout on paper, then everything will turn out very inexpensively.

dark photo wallpaper with a picture of a car goes well with the burgundy color of the wall

Some may argue that paper wall decoration options are not very practical or durable. In the case of photo wallpaper, this is even beneficial. The fact is that psychologists strongly advise changing children's photo wallpaper in a boy's room every two years. During this time, they may not wear out, but they will definitely lose their relevance.

Design principles

Children's rooms are usually zoned. This makes it easier for the child to switch between classes and get into a working mood when he sits down to do his homework. The division into zones is done not only by furniture, but also by the color of the walls.

Neutral colors or geometric patterns are suitable for the work area, which will not distract from the educational process. The sleeping area is indicated by calm pastel colors. The guest room can be decorated with plant motifs, movie characters or different types of equipment.

Photo: Instagram @skandilook

Photo: Instagram @mk_etalon

Photo: Instagram @obnovi_oboi

Photo: Instagram @artdeco_vlad

To simplify the selection process, manufacturers produce ready-made collections. They combine bright accent and plain background wallpapers that match in color and style. It is not recommended to combine products from different companies and collections. The collections are recommended to be used as follows: on the accent wall, bright main ones, on the rest - neutral ones.

Photo: Instagram @dizain_interior_ufa

Photo: Instagram @centr_oboi_

Photo: Instagram @cherri.kids

Options are available: decorate the upper part of the walls with beautiful wallpaper with a catchy print, and decorate the lower part with background wallpaper. The joint between them is hidden behind a curb or molding. The top and bottom can be changed. The height of the border is chosen based on the intended design. To reduce the cost of repairs, you can hang expensive designer wallpaper on the accent wall, and simply paint the rest.

Photo: Instagram @lesyalisenoc

Photo: Instagram @alla_ignatyeva

Photo: Instagram @meb54

Photo: Instagram @obrai_serp

Alternative options for wall decoration in the nursery

You can decorate a room so that your child feels incredibly comfortable in it using materials such as:

Glass wallpaper

Although glass wallpaper is an expensive option for decorating children’s walls, it is more practical

Despite the name, which is associated with chemistry, the environmental friendliness of this method of wall decoration does not raise any doubts among experts. Moreover, glass wallpaper does not support combustion and has a whole bunch of positive qualities in operation. However, this type of wallpaper is not used very often for a boy's bedroom. The reason for this is the monotony of the canvas, which can be boring for a child. The problem can be solved by playing colors or applying a pattern to such walls. You must be prepared for the fact that the latter will be quite expensive, since it will be done manually by the artist. There are other examples of successful combinations of materials. Often in a room for a teenage boy they are supplemented with photo wallpapers, as in the photo.

Liquid wallpaper

decorating the walls of a boy's children's room with liquid wallpaper

This type of wall decoration is similar to decorative plaster. It contains exclusively mineral and plant fibers, which allow you to create uniform and seamless surfaces. This decision may be relevant for teenagers. For boys, wallpaper will be an excellent background for placing posters, stickers, and graffiti painting.

Cork wallpaper

A small assortment variety, high cost of material - all this does not contribute to the popularization of environmentally friendly finishing. And in vain! No other type of wallpaper has such heat- and sound-proofing, antibacterial, and hypoallergenic qualities.

Velor wallpaper

velor children's room looks stylish and rich

Original version. The velor interior looks beautiful and rich. The only drawback can be considered the abundant accumulation of dust on the walls. They will have to be cleaned frequently, which can lead to damage to the material. Photos will tell you how to make velor wallpaper attractive to a teenage boy.

Textiles in the nursery

Its use will help give the room an impressive look, although the option is more relevant for girls' boudoirs. Using textile wallpaper in interiors for little ones is impractical. The environmental friendliness of the material and stunning appearance won’t even help here. Firstly, they are too expensive, and secondly, they have a small margin of safety, so it will not be difficult to damage them.

Glowing wallpaper

the mysterious flickering of luminous wallpaper will delight the boys

Having seen such wallpaper in the photo, for a 12-year-old boy and a teenager, the issue of decorating his room will be immediately resolved. Interiors with such finishing are truly impressive. Modern technologies make wallpaper images come alive. Specific lighting helps the picture acquire real silhouettes. A small fluorescent lamp is included in the wallpaper set. Once you light it, a real miracle happens! Not only does the image acquire volume, but due to the uneven lighting, a flickering effect is also created. Well, what boy can resist such a magical sight?

Metal wallpaper for a teenage boy's room

metal wallpaper has good sound insulation

Although the canvases are presented in only a few shades: silver, bronze, gold, in sunlight they can look unpredictable and help create an exclusive decor. Highly durable, non-fading, easy to clean - they also perfectly soundproof walls. This type of wallpaper requires a perfectly prepared surface, otherwise the metal foil covering the front side of the canvas will wrinkle and take on an unflattering appearance.

Tips and tricks on how to properly glue wallpaper

Simple repairs can be done by anyone. You can even involve children from 10 years old to paste wallpaper. The technique will depend on the type of material, the area of ​​the room and the characteristics of the glue. To make the task easier, you must strictly follow the instructions on the packaging of the canvases. To achieve an ideal result, you must adhere to the following rules when working:

  • Select only high quality material from the catalogue;
  • Do not skip any of the surface preparation steps. Even a perfectly flat wall will need to be primed, puttied, and sanded;
  • The thickness and composition of the glue should match the type of wallpaper;
  • The mixture must be prepared strictly according to the instructions;
  • To paste each type of canvas, you must use a suitable working tool.

Nuances of color solutions

The color of wallpaper in a boy’s nursery is selected depending on age

Which wallpaper to choose for a schoolboy boy’s room or a teenager’s bedroom? Everything will depend not only on the child’s preferences. Here it would be correct to focus on the correspondence of the color scheme of the interior to the character of the owner. Since the boy will have to spend the lion's share of his life indoors, he should feel as comfortable as possible in it. It’s no secret that the color of the walls will affect the emotional state of the child, so try to make the atmosphere of the nursery life-affirming, with notes of celebration, and not depressingly oppressive.

But what few parents know is that as the child grows up, his perception of colors will change, and what was delightful yesterday will become annoying today. So what color should the wallpaper be in the room of a newborn, a teenager and a 12-year-old schoolboy?

0-3 years

Until the child is three years old, it is recommended to decorate the children's room in pastel colors

Tender age requires gentle decisions, so pastel shades should prevail in the nursery. Make the background calm, without bright inclusions, and a harmonious atmosphere in the nursery, which has a positive effect on the baby’s nervous system, is guaranteed. If the decor seems boring to you, add interior accents using images with clear colors.

3-6 years

preschooler's nursery in bright colors

It's time to add bright colors to the decor. You can place pictures of your child’s favorite characters on the walls, and the pictures should be large and eye-catching. Photos will help you choose a suitable theme for children's photo wallpapers for a boy.

Once you're excited about decorating your room, try not to go overboard with accents. The abundance of colors, the chaotic geometry of lines, the presence of sharp corners can provoke an increase in the level of anxiety in a child and destabilize his psyche.

6-9 years

wallpaper depicting the planets of the solar system in the interior of a children's room

Junior school age is a period of meeting new friends, making discoveries, and developing hobbies. You can help your child adapt to the world and stimulate the desire to actively explore it by decorating the wall with pictures of a specific theme. Choose wallpaper for a schoolboy’s room depicting a world map or photo wallpaper with thorns of space . And don't be afraid of the brightness of their colors. At this age, bright colors will only be beneficial.

9-12 years

decorating an accent wall in a boy's nursery with wallpaper with a geometric print

The beginning of the period of formation of the child as a person. This is where children's photo wallpapers for boys lose their relevance. Priorities and heroes change. The division of objects, toys, and colors by gender comes into force. The child will actively resist the appearance of girly, cute paraphernalia in the interior such as canopies, soft toys, pink and purple shades, so before you start renovations in the nursery, be sure to consult with your son about the design of the walls and furniture, otherwise you will live in the nursery yourself.

Wallpaper for a boy 12 years old or older

plain wallpaper in the interior of a teenage children's room

Adolescence is the time to give the child some freedom of action and reduce overprotection over him. In particular, the son himself will be able to design the interior of the room in which he will continue to live. You may be shocked by the futuristic delights of the child, but it will cost you more to resist the appearance of photo wallpapers or 3D images of this type. It’s better to help your child choose high-quality material for wall decoration.

Advantages and disadvantages

There are a number of reasons why the idea of ​​combining different types of wallpaper is not just interesting, but ingenious. The reasons for choosing a wallpaper combination can be the advantages of the finished result:

You have two children, but only one children's room, which is why the kids are deprived of their own corner? “Break” the room in half with wallpaper - this will create personal zones, and you will be able to please everyone’s tastes.

  • For relaxation you need pleasant, gentle tones, for work you need more strict solutions, but it’s better to play among bright highlights. What to choose for a nursery, in which even one child needs this entire palette at once? All together - divide the room into zones!
  • Is one of the walls crooked? Highlight the opposite wall with wallpaper - then all eyes will be directed to it.
  • Do you have any extra wallpaper left over from renovations in other rooms? Don't throw them away - use them in combination to create an unusual design.

You need to combine wallpaper at least so that the room does not look too banal. This is also a great solution if you can’t choose just one type of wallpaper. The only thing that could be called a disadvantage of combining is that not everyone will succeed, and the end result may be more disappointing than pleasing.

Color psychology

The red color of the wallpaper is used in doses: in this case, the accent wall is highlighted in a bright tone

When choosing wallpaper for a teenager's room, a schoolboy's room or a newborn child's room, it is not enough to take into account age-related color preferences. It is very important to correlate the color scheme of the interior with its character. Calm, slow-moving, thoughtful children are very impressed by warm colors. You can increase their activity with a small number of bright pictures placed on the walls. Fidgets with a heightened emotional background need a room decorated in cool colors.

the yellow color of the wallpaper will make the nursery’s interior warm and sunny

If you want to use all the possibilities of color, it’s a good idea to know its leading characteristics.

Peach shades create an atmosphere of love and tranquility.

Yellow wallpaper is good for a schoolboy’s room, as it stimulates mental activity and promotes better learning.

interior of a boy's children's room in green color with a football theme

But you need to be very careful with red flowers in a children's interior. On the one hand, the spectrum is very relevant, on the other, with an overdose, it can give rise to aggression, especially in hyperactive children.

You can read more about the psychology of the color you chose to decorate the nursery in specialized articles.

Senior adolescence

Hobbies at this age change very quickly. Just yesterday my son was talking about the Indians, but today he is beginning to be interested in music, sports, modern dance, cars or motorcycles. It's time to change the interior of his room. Ask how your teenager sees his room. Your opinion may be very different from his vision, listen to your son. Good relationships and mutual understanding are more important than disagreements in choosing wallpaper. If a teenager wants to cover all the walls with images of his favorite musical groups or athletes, tell him that it is easier to do this with the help of posters that can be replaced if necessary.

Style solutions

In older adolescence, the style of the room can be high-tech or loft. A teenager who is passionate about music will be able to fit musical equipment and posters depicting their favorite musicians into the laconicism of high-tech.

You can create this style using paintable wallpaper. Their convenience is that the boring color can be changed literally in one day by repainting the surface. The loft style solution is universal. Brick-like wallpaper successfully imitates the deliberate roughness of a loft. Those teenagers who are interested in martial arts will love the room decorated in Japanese style. White wallpaper, mats on the floor and screens to delimit space will help create an oriental flavor.

Themes of wallpaper and photo wallpaper for boys' rooms of different ages

“The main thing is that the wallpaper chosen for the room of a schoolboy or teenager should be truly boyish”

interior design of a children's room in fantasy style

What is a boy's nursery? This is at the same time a bedroom, a place for games, a sports ground, and a place to study or do what you love. In this regard, the room can and should be zoned, as well as decorated in appropriate colors. Among the background solutions, representatives of the blue, cyan, and gray spectrums hold the palm. Various color combinations are also in favor. For example, blue is often combined with white, sand, and green. For gray, brown and orange are the best companions. You can use other mix options, the main thing is that the wallpaper chosen for the room of a schoolboy or teenager is truly in a boyish style.

Popular genres

Wallpaper for a nursery should look boyish

Favorite topics for children of almost all ages are:

  • Technique. Boys are madly in love with cars, planes, motorcycles, and trains, which is why manufacturers pay increased attention to the production of wallpaper on this topic.
  • Sports theme. What boy doesn't want to be strong? The desire for this is inherent in them at the genetic level, so the appearance of photo wallpapers of a similar theme in the room of a 12-year-old boy or a teenager is more a pattern than an exception to the rule. This can be the first step on the path to a championship title and will certainly help the child grow into a purposeful person.
  • Adventures. Their spirit is always to the liking of boys, so if there is an opportunity to download wallpapers for boys with images of pirate maps, treasure islands, secret agents or great corsairs, don’t miss it! A child's gratitude will know no bounds.
  • Sea scenes. Marinas, ships, images of the inhabitants of the deep sea, anchors and steering wheels - all this has a great effect on the nervous system of children, so if your child is too active, then feel free to choose a marine theme in the photo wallpaper for the bedroom for such a boy.
  • Heroes. The presence of their images in the room is always positive. There will be different characters for each age. Kids will be happy to meet Cars, schoolchildren will be interested in the company of superheroes, robots, and cartoon characters. Original ideas for photo wallpaper scenes for a teenage boy's room will help you find a photo.
  • Space. Pictures depicting galactic spaces, planets, galaxies of stars, spaceships are also popular among boys. They carry an informative load, develop imagination, encourage people to get to know each other and explore the topic deeper.

Combining wallpaper

In order not to overload the children's room, making it clumsy and annoying, it is better to choose companion wallpaper: one wall is bright, colorful or with a large image, the rest are plain or with a neutral small pattern.

Wallpaper in a teenage boy's room

photo wallpaper in the interior of a teenager's room

Creating an interior that satisfies the needs of a teenager is an extremely difficult task, because there is a conflict of interests. Generations do not agree on general concepts and specifically finishing materials. Parents do their best to create the most comfortable atmosphere in the nursery, but from their own perspective. The child takes ideas with hostility. Finding a compromise without involving specialists can sometimes be difficult. Photos of wallpaper for a teenage boy’s room can come to the rescue. Give your child freedom of choice and help him discover his “I” by looking through catalogs and planning interior design together. What might your son like?

Plain wallpaper

plain wallpaper with checkered print

The most suitable wall background for many teenagers. It is a myth that monochrome is boring. Walls can be made into a real interior highlight, you just need to choose the right finishing texture. Let the wallpaper in a teenage boy’s room imitate stonework, wood grain or leather texture. Textiles can serve as bright accents in such a room, and thoughtful multi-level lighting will help diversify the atmosphere.

Plain walls will be an excellent backdrop for photos of idols, all kinds of posters, graffiti, and sports equipment. Yes, yes, a skateboard or hockey stick on the wall can become a full-fledged decorative element.

Wallpaper with a pattern

photo wallpaper with graffiti

The choice of printed wallpaper and photo wallpaper for a room should be entrusted to a teenage boy initially. Striped walls, surfaces with geometric patterns, and stars will look great in the interior. Enthusiastic people may want to see accent walls with images of their favorite characters, landscapes, and animals.

Combination of materials

combination of sand and dark blue wallpaper

Wallpaper with different designs looks very advantageous in a teenage boy's room. You can combine two or more types. Selecting options on your own is sometimes not so easy, so you may have to seek advice from a designer or look for photos of wallpaper combinations for a teenager’s bedroom or for a schoolboy’s room on thematic websites.

each wall can be highlighted with a separate color

The simplest solution will be to cover each wall with its own color and pattern. You can combine plain wallpaper on three walls with patterned wallpaper on an accent wall. This way, by the way, you will successfully emphasize the dynamism of the print.

When choosing wallpaper for companions, make sure that they are made of identical material and have a similar texture. You cannot combine fabric and paper. It looks at least tasteless, if not strange.

Design of a small nursery for a boy

In a small children's room it is impossible to completely abandon toys, accessories and decor. An adult can minimize the number of things, but not a child who is still actively developing.

But this can be compensated for by modular designs. Choose compact multifunctional furniture. If you can take out a closet or build it into the wall, do it. Use all the niches and other layout features.

Play area on the podium - this solution will look very fresh. And you can hide drawers in the structure itself.

How to choose wallpaper for a children's room: 85 photo ideas

Design ideas

Striped wallpaper in the interior of a boy's children's room

The difficulty of choosing wallpaper for a boy’s teenage room only provokes interior design specialists. They tirelessly produce project after project, generating unusual solutions with enviable consistency. Perhaps the work of professionals will be useful to you, and you will implement it in life.

Safari wallpapers will appeal to young adventurers

Where to start working on a teenage interior? First of all, with the choice of style. Rebels and adventurers will be interested in a marine style or a safari-inspired interior. Creative individuals will feel comfortable in a loft setting or avant-garde design. Techies will definitely prefer high-tech that doesn’t distract from their thoughts.

It will be quite easy to choose wallpaper or photo wallpaper for schoolchildren and teenage boys, focused on narrow subjects, say, on the culture of a certain people, some kind of musical style or computer game.

General recommendations

When a teenager says that he doesn’t care about the interior, you will have to take the decoration of the room into your own hands. Do you know your child's color preferences? Use his favorite colors. Considering your son’s hobbies, try to instill in him good taste and the habit of neatness.

  • Striped wallpaper structures the space well and corrects the geometry of the room.
  • Vertical stripes will visually raise the ceiling. If the room has the shape of an elongated rectangle, striped wallpaper glued horizontally will expand the narrow wall.
  • A small room is only entitled to light walls. Dark wallpaper will make a small room even smaller and deprive it of light.
  • The emphasis can be placed only on one wall, or on part of it . The flooring should match the color of the furniture and walls, and the textiles on the windows, furniture and floor should have the same color or texture.
  • combine bright colors only if you are confident in your impeccable taste, but a combination of pastel shades and one or two bright details is always a win-win option.

A room for a teenager should be cozy, functional and ready for change, because even teenage hobbies do not last forever; they will be replaced by student years with their own interests.

and Repair time. Wallpaper or wall painting, which is better?

What a stylish room might look like

High tech

For high-tech style, plain wallpaper is used

To decorate the walls, you need to choose plain wallpaper, but in any color scheme, even acidic-toxic shades. Against their background, gray furniture, shine of glass and metal will look great.


children's room interior in loft style

This is the domain of gray walls that imitate cement or exposed stonework. Lamps without lampshades, ideally hand-made improvisations, rough furniture, and beams in the ceiling decor will help maintain the industrial atmosphere. Paintings in the spirit of pop art or comic book cutouts placed on the walls will help hint that the room belongs to a teenager.

Children's rooms

The nursery combines several functions: in this room the child does his homework, receives friends, indulges in his hobbies and sleeps. The style of the room must meet all these objectives, so you need to try to zone the space. If the size of the room does not allow you to install partitions, you can visually delimit the zones using some decorative techniques. Wall decoration sets the tone for the entire room. Wallpapering is the easiest way to update walls; almost anyone can do this job .

To make the updated room cozy for a teenage boy, the choice of wallpaper should be appropriate for the child’s age.

Wall drawings for girls

The gender of the child is also of great importance in the selection of colors and the theme of the wallpaper. For young princesses, delicate shades are suitable: white, soft pink, peach, sky blue, lilac. Photo wallpapers for girls' children's rooms should be selected together with the future owner.

The motives of the drawings can sometimes be completely unexpected for adults. However, preference, as a rule, is given to fairies and wizards, princes and princesses, little mermaids and other favorite cartoon characters.

Most often, for 4-7 years old, Disney photo wallpapers for a children's room are ideal.

Requirements for the interior of a room for a guy

When designing an interior for a guy, you can rely on his own opinion when choosing colors, decorative items and furniture for a young man’s room. But what can you hear in response? The main thing is that it is simple, comfortable and stylish.

And they will want colors that don’t stain, and minimal furniture, and they will certainly forget some details. And then they themselves will be surprised at the asceticism of the interior.

Therefore, we will create it ourselves, but through the prism of youthful preferences.

Laconic interior

Everything is at hand

Light and elegant

  • The colors are non-marking and not bright. However, bright accents can be inserted.
  • Functionality. Each item should exist for a reason, but should play its assigned role.
  • The interior style is laconic. It is unlikely that a young man will like shabby chic, empire style or Provence. But minimalism, loft, hi-tech, something ethnic and even art deco will arouse his approval.
  • Zoning. The room should be clearly divided into places for sleeping, resting, working, demonstrating hobbies, and receiving guests.
  • The materials are easy to care for. A minimum of textiles, especially long-haired ones.
  • The same goes for window curtains. Guys prefer blinds, roller blinds, and roller blinds.

Probably, during the arrangement of the young man’s room, other requirements will appear. They should also be given attention during repairs.

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