Design and style options for wallpaper in a small room

Wallpaper plays a key role in the interior design of a small room. Unfortunately, most standard apartments, the so-called “Khrushchev” apartments, have a modest square footage. But it is not possible to expand the room by moving the walls, since almost all the ceilings inside are load-bearing. So it remains to use the last chance: choose wallpaper in such a way that the room seems larger, without losing its uniqueness and style.

It’s easy to ruin a small room with the wrong wallpaper

Features of a small room

Each small room has its own characteristics and has an individual layout. The following features cause difficulties during repair:

  1. Poor lighting. In some cases, there is no natural light at all, or the room is a walk-through room.
  2. Shape of the room. The easiest way to create a cozy layout is in a square room. And if the room is too elongated and looks more like a corridor, the task becomes more complicated.
  3. Some tiny rooms also have niches or projections.
  4. Door and window openings. Difficulties arise from both too large and very small doors and windows.
  5. Low ceilings. Even if the room is large, low ceilings visually make it uncomfortable and create a feeling of enclosure. And if there are not many square meters, then it’s a disaster.

All of the above nuances complicate the process of creating an interior design and make the room uncomfortable. Therefore, the main task of the designer is to use tricks and techniques that will make the ceiling appear higher, the room more spacious and brighter than it actually is. And wall decoration plays a leading role in this process. The main thing is not to be afraid of unusual bright solutions or non-standard colors.

Using wallpaper you can decorate the walls of a small room in an original way and visually expand the space

Wallpaper with small patterns unloads the interior and makes the walls less bulky


The shape of the room is:

  • square;
  • elongated;
  • rooms with sloping walls (attic);
  • narrow, small, with low ceilings.

There is a simple rule on how to make a small room comfortable and cozy: the smaller the area of ​​the room, the lighter the shade of wallpaper chosen. An abundance of color and pattern is detrimental for a tiny room; you will begin to feel tired in such a tacky space.

Light wallpaper in combination with furniture slightly darker than the walls helps to visually enlarge the space

The best solution for a square room is to create a bright accent on one wall. Therefore, paired wallpapers are often used - with a pattern and plain - complementing each other in color and texture. As an option: one wall is covered with wallpaper with a large geometric print or floral pattern, and the rest are decorated with plain wallpaper in a harmonizing color.

Bright wallpaper is perfect for decorating an accent wall in a bright room.

A combination of pink and blue wallpaper will add coziness and sophistication to the room.

The overall color concept maintains the harmony of the style. If you are not a supporter of plain wallpaper, then an option with vertical stripes of different widths would be a suitable solution for a square room. The combination of horizontal and vertical stripes looks impressive.

Wallpaper with a pronounced vertical pattern will visually raise the ceiling of the room


In a small room, lighting plays a more important role in creating interior design than in a spacious room. Immediately decide on the features of your premises by answering the questions:

  1. Bright room or dark?
  2. What size is the window: large or small?
  3. Is there a loggia (or attic windows, if we are talking about such a room)?

The rule for choosing wallpaper depending on the degree of illumination sounds simple: the brighter the room, the cooler shades are chosen (white is also suitable). And if little light enters the room, then choose a warm wallpaper color (sand, cream).

To decorate a small bedroom, it is best to choose wallpaper with unobtrusive patterns.

Eye-pleasing colors promote relaxation and restful sleep

By wisely combining wallpaper in bright and pastel colors, it becomes possible to slightly “adjust” the lighting of the space, making the room cozy and comfortable. In addition, additional “lighting” appears due to wallpaper coated with mineral coating (for example, with quartz chips). Such finishing materials “respond” to any light source, and even with minimal lighting fill the room with a warm atmosphere.


It is the walls that can make the living room a little larger. Light colors, the absence of bright color spots, a small light pattern will be a good finishing option.

When using drywall, you can make cozy niches that are well suited for both long and low living rooms.

Suitable materials include wallpaper, paint, and decorative plaster.

Photo wallpapers with a 3D effect will look beautiful.

One of the walls can be decorated with brick or stone; mirrors will look good.

Color or pattern

The color palette is the main thing that is taken into account when choosing wallpaper for a small room. A light palette visually enlarges the space (everyone knows this axiom, even people far from interior design).

Blue wallpaper refreshes the interior, adds air and space to the room

A golden pattern on the wallpaper will make the room brighter and sunny

The most successful “representatives” of the light palette: shades of yellow, gray-blue, pink-beige “duets” and white. In other words: by hanging light wallpaper in a small room, you will half solve the issue of limited space.

When choosing a color, take into account not only your own preferences and the level of illumination of a small room. You need to take into account the color and style of the furniture, the shade of the ceiling and floor.

If your small room is furnished with modern furniture in light colors, then the walls will easily “withstand” even rich, bright wallpaper. This is kind of one of the modern trends for creating a stylish and functional interior. And if there is a minimal set of furniture on modest square meters, feel free to use bright and even contrasting wallpaper. In this case, the room will not be tasteless and uncomfortable.

Fuchsia wallpaper in the interior of a modern teenager's bedroom

Bright orange wallpaper in a modern style bedroom

If you are the happy owner of antique interior items (table, armchairs, sofa), do not rush to buy wallpaper. Such furniture is very “capricious” and does not “get along” with all wallpaper. Even if you liked this or that option in the store, do not buy it right away. The best way to understand whether interior items will “accept” your choice is to take a sample in the store and attach it to the wall at home, next to the furniture. This way, you will definitely avoid the mistake of many.

The photo shows an example of choosing wallpaper for a small living room with antique furniture in Italian style

Blue wallpaper with silver ornaments in a retro-style office

A general rule also exists: wallpaper in a small room with antique furniture should be light and it is better if it is without a pattern.

The modern range of wallpaper is amazing: both in texture, and in quality, and in material - an amazing variety. Relatively recently, wallpaper with glitter appeared. Some argue that this option is only for large rooms. However, designers have proven that even in a tiny room such wallpaper will find its application. The main thing is not to cover all four walls with “gloss”. Decorate only one in this unusual way, and cover the others with plain, non-gloss wallpaper, “related” in color. A shiny surface looks best in a well-lit room, whether it is natural or artificial lighting.

Wallpaper with glitter is most in demand for interior design in modern style solutions

With the help of such wallpaper it is easy to focus on a certain part of the room.

Even a large pattern (flowers, geometry, abstraction) looks harmonious in a tiny room if only one wall is decorated with such wallpaper, and plain light wallpaper is chosen for the rest. And active elements - large drawings - will enliven the interior, make it unique in its kind, and even visually expand the space.

Paper wallpaper with a bright pattern in a children's room

Bright wallpaper with an expressive print in the interior of a small kitchen

Minimalist styles

Usually this style is intended for large rooms, but the interior design of a small living room in a loft will look very unexpected with bare walls, panoramic windows and a minimal amount of furniture.

A minimalist style also presupposes a minimum of things; there is only the most necessary furniture and a complete absence of decorations.

Scandinavian style offers light shades of decoration, an abundance of light, spaciousness and lightness. This design will create a feeling of freshness and remind you of light coolness and endless spaces.

Photo wallpaper

Photo wallpaper is not the most popular way to decorate a small room today, however, it also has its place. And such walls look impressive only if certain rules are followed:

  • They look best on the farthest wall;
  • In a small room, photo wallpaper should have a perspective (road, hills, horizon);
  • Such a design will visually make the room larger only if it is in harmony with the main wallpaper;
  • Don't be afraid to place photo wallpaper all over the wall. Even in a small room this “move” looks impressive.

Most often, wallpaper with photo printing is used when decorating a living room.

To decorate with photo wallpapers, one wall of the room is usually chosen


It is better to decorate very small living rooms with high-quality materials. Of course, natural finishes are best, but you can use less expensive bases to save money.

We recommend reading:
  • Wallpaper for the living room in an apartment - wallpaper options for the living room, photo
  • Living room with kitchen in a modern style: kitchen-dining room design ideas
  • How to decorate a living room in English style?

Little tricks

And a few more life hacks for your repair:

  • Combining regular wallpaper and silk-screen printing of a related color will make the room visually larger.
  • Avoid heavy and oppressive colors (dark blue, brown, purple, red). Well, if they are so dear to your heart, use them in the maximum dosage, use them only in detail.
  • When choosing wallpaper, focus on the color of the furniture. Golden rule: ideal wallpaper is 2-3 shades lighter than the furniture.
  • In a small room, both wallpaper with glitter and silk-screen printing feel great, the main thing is that there is not much of all this “splendor”.
  • For dimly lit rooms, shades of white are used. And bright colors are used as spectacular accents.
  • Photo wallpaper in a small room looks decent only on a perfectly flat wall. If in your case you cannot achieve this effect, opt for wallpaper with a pattern.
  • Don't neglect textured wallpaper. Due to the appearance of a small shadow from the volume, the room visually appears larger.
  • When combining different wallpapers, remember that their thickness should be the same. Otherwise, the joints will be very noticeable, and this will spoil the impression of the interior.

Contrasting combination of wallpaper on opposite walls of the room

Highlighting an accent wall in the bedroom with bright wallpaper

Combining different wallpapers to horizontally divide a wall

  • Color combination is a science, the main rule of which is: “don’t overdo it.” Remember that you can combine no more than 3 colors and a maximum of 2 pattern options.
  • If you like to use double wallpaper, then the top part should be lighter than the bottom, and the dividing border should not be placed exactly in the middle of the wall.
  • And one more life hack for those who like to change their interior every six months: choose wallpaper for painting, only this will save your budget and give you the opportunity to make your dreams come true.

A popular solution for a room with a low ceiling is three walls with paintable wallpaper and one accent wall with striped wallpaper.

Wallpaper is a “powerful” finishing material. With their help, you can easily adjust the shape of the room, its dimensions and even the degree of illumination. And don't be afraid to experiment!

Basic Techniques

It is not necessary to cover all walls with the same wallpaper. For modern interiors, such a traditional method will be quite boring and dull. Designers have long come up with a number of techniques for combining surfaces of different textures and shades that are suitable for both large and small rooms. We will get acquainted with some layout options for two or more types of wallpaper further.

Reception of “Different Walls”

This method will require two types of wallpaper: plain and bright with a pattern or textured surface. The principle of combining is to cover opposite walls with the same wallpaper. You should be careful with rooms of non-standard configuration. Cold shades make the object move away, so blue, light blue, and green wallpapers are not recommended for finishing “short” walls, as the room will seem even narrower.

Reception separation

Space division can be done in two ways:

  • Horizontal;
  • Vertical.

In both cases, you have to sacrifice something: either the height of the ceiling or the width of the room. The first option is suitable for small rooms with high ceilings. It helps to cope with the so-called well effect. Horizontal separation is usually carried out at a height of 0.5-0.7 m from the floor. The strip can be “adjusted” to some large piece of furniture. For example, the back of a sofa, the head of a bed or a dining table. In rooms with windows, they are guided by the height of the window sills. The vertical division visually raises the ceiling. Usually two types of wallpaper are combined, which differ in color and texture. There are a lot of combination options: symmetrical, asymmetrical, narrow stripes with wide double or even triple ones. If you need to completely erase the boundary between it and the wall, one of the strips of wallpaper “extends” to the ceiling, making the angle between the surfaces inconspicuous.


This method will require two types of wallpaper: simple, plain and bright, with an original pattern that attracts attention. The first to paste over three walls, and the second - the remaining fourth. It will become the accent, the main highlight of the interior. In the bedroom, attention is drawn to the wall against which the bed rests with the headboard. In the living room, this is the surface behind the back of a large sofa. In the kitchen, the role of an accent wall is played by the one that became the background for the dining group.


Alternation is carried out using both two and three types of wallpaper. Unfortunately, the second option is not suitable for small rooms, since excessive diversity will not benefit them. You can combine different wallpapers: plain with floral or geometric patterns, striped or checkered with florists, abstract with different motifs. For small rooms, it is better to opt for single-color wallpaper, which will highlight the brightness of the floral pattern or the richness of wide stripes.

Reception diagonal

Covering one wall with wallpaper diagonally is an extraordinary and bold decision. The best option for such an experiment would be vertically striped wallpaper. An unusual wall will greatly distort the space and it will be perceived completely differently.

Photo examples of decorating small rooms with wallpaper


There is no need to overload a small room with too many decorations.

Small modular paintings, a vase of flowers, indoor plants, a small number of open shelves and elegant figurines will be quite enough to create an atmosphere of comfort.

Furniture and equipment are also selected to a minimum.

Photos of a small living room will help you better understand the arrangement of this room.

Choosing furniture

Furniture in a panel house is most often standard. Rustic style in a one-room apartment is nonsense. But for a home with small rooms, wooden furniture is perfect.

When choosing furniture for your apartment, you can pay attention to the following tips:

FitsDoesn't fit
Glass coffee tableTable for magazines with massive legs and plenty of decor
Laconic sofa in natural shadesHuge leather sofa with large elements
Built-in bookshelvesFull wall bookcase
Sliding wardrobe with mirrored doorsCabinet made of one type of material

Thus, when furnishing a small room, it is necessary to abandon bulky things. Such furniture can be replaced with small analogues of a pleasant color. The use of furniture called “transformer” is encouraged. Height-changing tables, chair-beds and similar things save a lot of space.

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