How to move heavy furniture on linoleum: folk and modern solutions to the problem in the apartment

Rearranging furniture is a difficult and time-consuming task, especially if these are massive objects like a wardrobe or a bookcase. As a rule, it’s too lazy to empty shelves of contents and remove doors, so in our material we will talk about both modern and “old-fashioned” methods of moving furniture around the apartment.

Of course, the simplest solution may be a team of movers who, at your request, will move cabinets all day long, but this is very expensive. You can call friends and acquaintances for help, but they are unlikely to be pleased with this prospect. In our material we will tell you about tricks and techniques that will help you move a heavy cabinet or chest of drawers alone.

How to move furniture on linoleum

If you have to rearrange heavy and large pieces of furniture on a linoleum floor, you need to carefully prepare for the process.
After all, such products can easily damage and tear the floor covering. They leave scratches, dark and wrinkled marks on soft and smooth material. To avoid this, use a few simple tips on how to move heavy furniture on linoleum without damaging the flooring. To move furniture alone, first disassemble the item, either completely or partially. And then drag each element one by one. To rearrange and move products on linoleum without scratches or damage, take into account the properties and features of the material.

Drag and drop using sliders

In order to move furniture, you can buy special furniture sliders. You can select the appropriate size at your local hardware or home improvement store. They can be found both in large retail chains and in online stores. They are usually sold in multiples, like a furniture moving kit. If you need to drag furniture over carpet or grass, use special sliders designed for such surfaces. If you were unable to buy this device, you can use a Frisbee.

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Properties and specifics of linoleum

At first glance, linoleum seems to be a durable and reliable coating. Indeed, this is an unpretentious and affordable material that will last a long time. However, the product must be handled correctly and carefully, even despite its high performance properties.

Linoleum is produced in the form of rolls of various widths and is made from synthetic materials. The product is characterized by accessibility, easy care and installation, a wide selection of textures and colors, resistance to cold and heat, temperature changes and humidity.

Modern linoleum is a material made up of several layers. The coating is based on fiberglass and a base layer of PVC. Sometimes they additionally include fabric, which provides reliable sound and heat insulation. In addition, the material includes a shiny varnish layer, protective and decorative layers.

Despite the large number of layers, the product remains soft and elastic. Due to this, the material is easy to cut and lay. In addition, it is not afraid of humidity. But softness and elasticity do not allow rough handling of the coating. If you decide to move furniture around the room, you may leave dents and scratches on the floor.

When moving heavy objects under the pressure of the latter, the linoleum is dented, assembled like an accordion and torn. Repairing damaged coating is difficult and sometimes impossible. Let's figure out how to properly rearrange the furniture in the apartment so as not to scratch, tear or damage the linoleum.

What happens if you don't follow the rules

When moving the headset, you should not believe the manufacturers’ assurances about the high quality of the coating that can withstand any load. Any careless movement and furniture with legs pushes, scratches and tears the linoleum.

Cleaning up injuries can be difficult.

This leads to the fact that the appearance of the coating does not look aesthetically pleasing. But removing furniture marks on linoleum is not always easy. Sometimes the only way is to completely replace the material. Therefore, when installing heavy cabinets and chests of drawers, it is advisable that they be equipped with protection from furniture leg marks in the form of plates. They distribute the load and eliminate the appearance of dents.

How to move or move a heavy cabinet

Moving a large object often damages the floor covering. Therefore, people have accumulated unique but practical recommendations that make work easier and protect linoleum from scratches.

Before moving you need:

  • remove all contents;
  • remove all removable structures: shelves, rods, if it is a compartment - doors;
  • secure doors and pull-out shelves with tape;
  • remove the mezzanine;
  • move the cabinet a little away from the walls;
  • wash the floor in the room.

When moving, it is better to work with three people - two move, and the third follows the direction.


One of the most popular and always available means of moving the cabinet is raw potatoes. To do this, you need to select large tubers of the same size, rinse and dry with a towel.

One side is raised slightly and potato discs are placed under the base. If the furniture is heavy, then the amount of potatoes is increased. After this, all that remains is to move the cabinet, which will slide easily due to the potatoes.

The cabinet will also slide easily on the floor. But this is far from a practical option, and will require thorough washing of the floor from grease with soapy water.

Potatoes are cut into slices 2 cm thick

Wool rug

For this option you will need a wool rug or a piece of felt. It is optimal if its size is slightly larger than the base of the cabinet. But you can use 2-3 pieces.

The cabinet is raised and a rug needs to be laid under it so that it is located under all the supports. Two people work - one person pushes the furniture, and the other pulls the rug from the front.

Two people are needed to use the wool rug

Nylon covers

This method is only suitable for moving furniture with legs. To do this, rub the lid on the outside with paraffin and place it under each leg.

Milk cartons work roughly the same way. The inside of such bags is already treated with a composition that contains paraffin. Therefore, they are turned inside out and put on the legs.

This method is only suitable for moving furniture with legs.

Paraffin or wax

This method can be used on a flat and hard surface to move furniture over a short distance. Paraffin and wax are generously rubbed onto the surface on which the furniture will move. Wash the paraffin with a chloroform solution or warm soapy water.

A sliding surface can also be made using:

  • glycerin;
  • dishwashing detergent (Fairy, etc.);
  • laundry soap.

Glycerin is applied in pure form, soap and detergent are diluted with water, slightly foaming.

Dough rolling pins

To move the cabinet you will need 4-5 rolling pins, which will act as rollers under the base of the cabinet. While moving, you need to constantly place rolling pins in front, removing those that the furniture has already “traveled” over.

Furniture conveyor

The kit includes a lever and 4 rubberized rollers on the platform. The cabinet is lifted using a jack lever and movable wheels are placed at each corner, which move in any direction.

Furniture conveyor

Felt pads

These pads are designed to be placed under furniture legs and bases to protect floors and provide structural stability. Sold in squares, circles and whole pieces. Each lining is treated with glue; all that remains is to remove it from the cardboard and secure it to the base of the furniture being moved.

How to install flooring

Tools for work

  • Hammer and chisel.
  • Spatulas and a container in which it is convenient to prepare mortar.
  • Planer, saw, if the floor is laid on joists.
  • Tape measure, ruler and pencil.
  • A straight blade that allows you to make an even cut.
  • Carpenter's knife, scissors.
  • Glue notched spatula
  • A smoothing board is a short board with a handle. She smooths out the canvas.

Preparing the base

If it has differences in height over the entire area, it will not be possible to level them - for this you need to completely free up the space. You will have to forget about the leveling screed. It can only be laid on free square meters to eliminate local unevenness. The work is limited to filling voids and eliminating bulges. Crevices with crumbling edges are filled with a spatula. The surface is cleaned of old finishes, grease stains and debris. To knock down frozen mortar residues, use a hammer and chisel

The floor is wiped, then impregnated with antiseptics and strengthening primer, paying special attention to the depressions. Impregnations must dry completely

Only after this the solution is laid. It is treated with primer and antiseptics in the same way as the base. The remaining errors are eliminated with putty. Before laying linoleum in a room with furniture, where the floors are laid on wooden joists, it is necessary to lift the boards and inspect the structural details. Areas affected by mold are cut off. Parts that cannot be restored are replaced with new ones. Dry the frame elements and boards if necessary. They are impregnated with antiseptics and coated with varnish to prevent moisture from penetrating the fibers. You may have to increase the thickness of the parts by nailing or gluing strips of the required size on top.

Laying the material

It should be carried out at a temperature not lower than 18 degrees. Linoleum is laid in sheets. The fewer seams between them, the better. The covering should not be cut if it is not possible to unfold it from wall to wall. You can fasten the strips in parts. First, one side is completely freed and installation is carried out on it. Then the items are moved to the new finish, freeing the opposite edge, and work is carried out on it. Before you change the linoleum without removing the furniture, you need to think through the entire sequence of actions. It is necessary to know in advance in what order the plots are located and what their area is.

Stages of work

The canvas, rolled into a roll, is spread on the base. Then it is cut into pieces of the required length, taking into account the design. The pieces are straightened over several days, placing a load on top. Usually two days are enough. The process is considered complete once the bends and folds disappear. The sheets are placed with a slight overlap on three walls. It should approach the fourth at a distance of 5 mm. In a room with uneven walls, overlap on four sides

When calculating the position of the canvases, you need to pay attention to their design - it should look symmetrical over the entire area. The sides extending onto the walls are bent into corners and cut with a sharp knife along the perimeter. This should be done using a straight line or a long ruler.

This is the only method that allows you to fit sheets to curved walls. There's no need to rush. It is better to gradually remove material to match the contours of the room than to try to save time and cut off more than necessary. One or two strips can be laid without glue over an area of ​​up to 25 m2. If the space is larger and there is a middle canvas that is not attached to the walls in the middle, glue is necessary. Special compositions based on water, acrylic, latex, and rubber are used. They must be compatible with the material of the back of the canvas. It may have a pile, felt, foam, or fabric covering on the back. Linoleum is produced, smooth on all sides. Compatibility information is indicated on the packaging. The glue is applied from a tube or a notched spatula is used, which can be used to create even strips of the same width and height. They pass over the surface with a smoothing iron. The joints are left untreated, or moldings are installed on top. Over a large area, the sheets are joined by cold welding. The perimeter is covered with skirting boards. Soft materials should sit for one month and shrink. If you close them immediately, waves and folds will appear. Solid linoleum does not shrink.

  • Material prepared by: Artem Filimonov
  • Photo: Unsplash

Precautionary measures

When moving bulky furniture, it is important to protect yourself from possible injuries, damage to the interior and the structure itself.

Here are some recommendations:

  1. You should not move furniture without auxiliary devices . This often leads to damage to floors and deformation of the cabinet, injuries to the back, arms and legs.
  2. Before work, you need to clear the room of unnecessary items . Otherwise, you may trip and injure yourself while working.
  3. During work, you need to monitor whether the devices have slipped out from under the base , and correct them if necessary.
  4. Make sure your position is stable . Do not rush, make sudden movements or forceful jerks.

Yes, you'll have to pay. But this option guarantees the safety of the interior, furniture and, most importantly, health.

During the renovation, we were faced with the need to regularly move furniture from place to place. At first, they did not attach any importance to this and, as a result, some of the linoleum had to be re-laid due to damage from the wardrobe. It turned out that there are many options for protecting floors and they all work. We used a wool rug option, which made moving the furniture easier and protected the new coverings.

Useful tips

So, people have come up with many ways to rearrange furniture from the place where it has been for many years, and now needs to be moved.

You should not rely on the assurances of manufacturers and store sellers that linoleum is durable and can withstand any mechanical loads. It is better to use all the best practices to avoid damage to the coating, because without this, wrinkled marks or noticeable scratches may remain on it.

Furnishings are pulled across high thresholds using a long woolen carpet. One person pulls on the end of the rug while the other holds and pushes the cabinet forward.

Other methods that are suitable for moving furniture around the apartment are shown in this video:

How to easily move heavy furniture

Rearranging furniture is a difficult and time-consuming task, especially if these are massive objects like a wardrobe or a bookcase. As a rule, it’s too lazy to empty shelves of contents and remove doors, so in our material we will talk about both modern and “old-fashioned” methods of moving furniture around the apartment.

Of course, the simplest solution may be a team of movers who, at your request, will move cabinets all day long, but this is very expensive. You can call friends and acquaintances for help, but they are unlikely to be pleased with this prospect. In our material we will tell you about tricks and techniques that will help you move a heavy cabinet or chest of drawers alone.


This is in some way a replacement for sliders. They also reduce friction with the floor and can be used to move many pieces of furniture. the floor will remain intact, and the dragged object will seem much lighter. Although there will hardly be anything left of the magazines after this.

It would be a good idea to have someone help you lift furniture to accommodate magazines. But you can do this yourself: put magazines next to the furniture, lift each corner in turn, pushing each magazine under the furniture with your foot.

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How to easily move heavy furniture on carpet or rug

Let's start with the most difficult one, because... It is more difficult to move furniture on a fleecy surface than on smooth linoleum or laminate. There are both special devices and folk tips that will help you with this.

1. Furniture conveyor

This is a set of items that includes a small jack-lever, with which one of the corners of the furniture is raised, and four stands with independent wheels that can move in any direction. By placing mobile mechanisms under each side of the cabinet, you can easily roll it around the entire apartment. If you need to move furniture specifically over carpet, then choose a conveyor with wheels of a larger diameter so that they do not sink in the pile. Fortunately, there are many similar offers on the market now.

2. Special stands for furniture

They are small circles of different thicknesses and diameters. Smooth plastic ones are suitable for carpeting. They are attached either to an adhesive base, to screws, or to built-in nails. The last option is suitable for heavy furniture, because... turning it over and screwing the stand on is very problematic. By the way, the adhesive base may not support the weight of a massive cabinet, so it is better to strengthen it with super glue or something similar.


Particularly enterprising citizens use a metal cart with two wheels to rearrange furniture. This option is suitable if you want to transport a bedside table or small chest of drawers from room to room. However, if the furniture is quite wide, you may need the help of a friend to hold the opposite edge. Otherwise, you can get by with a belt or a piece of flat, wide elastic band to secure it.

4. Food foil

This simple thing will help you rearrange furniture on legs. This option is suitable for a table, couch, etc. A sheet of foil is folded in several layers, placed under the leg, and the free corners are wrapped around. This will prevent the material from moving to the side when moving along the pile. However, this method is not suitable for a very heavy cabinet - the foil will simply tear under its weight.

5. Polyethylene lids

This old-fashioned method is still popular because of its simplicity and accessibility. However, please note that it is only suitable for furniture with separate legs. If the edge of a sheet of chipboard is placed on such a stand, it will simply become deformed, and you will not achieve the desired effect.

6. Milk carton

This is exactly the case when they say: in a kulak economy, everything will do. If the furniture is not very heavy, then the bags can simply be put on the legs, but be sure to turn them inside out. The fact is that the inside of the package is treated with a paraffin-containing composition, which makes it easier to slide over the fleecy surface. To rearrange a massive object, the bag must be folded several times and only then placed under the corners.

Linoleum: material features

Before we talk directly about moving furniture on a material such as linoleum, you should understand what kind of material it is and why you should be careful when carrying large items over it

Despite the general unpretentiousness of this coating and its time-tested reliability, it is important to handle the material carefully so that its service life declared by the manufacturer ends prematurely

Composition of linoleum

Linoleum is one of the popular floor coverings, which is produced in the form of rolls of various widths and is currently made most often on the basis of synthetic components. This material has a long history, if you go back to the very origins of its appearance. Initially, it was made on a fabric base, impregnated with ordinary vegetable oils - this format of the material dates back to the 19th century. In the 1950s, more modern types of coating were developed, which began to be produced on the basis of PVC.

Modern linoleum

Now the largest manufacturer of linoleum is the Tarkett company, which has factories in Russia. But the building materials market offers products from other equally well-known brands. What their products have in common is the following - linoleum is produced in the form of large rolls with a width from 50 cm to 5 m, and the length of the canvas inside them is from 6 to 45 m. Moreover, the thickness of the material, depending on the class, varies between 1.5- 5 mm. There are also denser types of linoleum, their thickness is about 8-9 mm, but such options are rarely used for domestic purposes. They are usually used in warehouses and production facilities where the material is subject to significant stress.

Linoleum floor

In general, modern linoleum is not a homogeneous material; it consists of several layers:

  • varnish top layer that gives the coating shine;
  • a protective layer that prevents damage to the color and texture of the material;
  • decorative layer (often made of PVC), responsible for the appearance of the coating;
  • fiberglass - the base, a kind of “spine” of the coating, providing tensile strength;
  • base made of PVC;
  • sometimes the last layer of material is a fabric cloth, which increases the heat and sound insulation properties of the coating.

Linoleum structure

The flexibility of linoleum and its elasticity, heat and sound insulation properties, and density will depend on the PVC layer. It can be called the basis of the material.

Basic properties of linoleum

Despite such a large number of layers, linoleum remains a fairly soft and elastic material, which is quite easy to cut, easy to install, but at the same time very durable, not afraid of moderate mechanical impact and does not wear out.

Laying linoleum

How to move heavy furniture on a smooth surface (laminate, linoleum, parquet)

Of course, if you have remarkable strength, you can simply push or pull the cabinet, hoping for luck. However, with this method of transportation, it is possible, firstly, to tear, and secondly, to damage the floor covering. Of course, if you are planning to change it, then you don’t have to bother, but there are quite simple and reliable methods for rearranging furniture.

First of all, all the methods from the first part apply here. If you decide to use options four to seven, then the surface can be additionally coated with an aqueous solution of soap. This way there will be even less damage. And, of course, do not forget about safety: it is better to act slowly and carefully so that the cabinet or its contents do not fall on your head.

1.WD 40

This is a universal silicone lubricant, the versatility of which is legendary among people. And one of its uses is to easily move furniture on a smooth floor. First you need to make sure that it will not leave indelible marks on the floor covering. To do this, apply a little of the composition to an inconspicuous area and then rinse off with any degreaser. If everything went well, then you can safely proceed to the rearrangement.

2. Fairy, glycerin, lubricant

Despite the fact that these objects are weakly associated with each other, they have the same task - to facilitate sliding. Dishwashing liquid must be diluted with water to make it foam. Glycerin and lubricant are applied in their pure form. To avoid scratching the laminate or linoleum, it is still better to place some piece of plastic under the furniture, be it a lid or a milk carton. This option is more suitable for rearranging furniture within one room, because... It is problematic to wash foaming or greasy composition from a large area.

3. Mat with non-slip base

As a rule, they are placed in the bathroom or hallway. We turn the rug pile side down and place furniture on top. It should be noted right away that this method is only suitable for small bedside tables and chests of drawers. In the case of a closet, you will need several rugs. The pile will easily slide over linoleum or laminate without damaging it.

4. Furniture stands

In addition to smooth plastic ones, there are also stands with a felt base, which can also be attached with glue, a screw or a nail. In the case of parquet, you can use any option, but felt still causes less damage to the surface. If the cabinet is very massive, then you can not limit yourself to four corners, but stick more of them on each side. This will make sliding easier.

5. Old jeans

For strong-willed people, there is an extraordinary way to move furniture: a cabinet or part of a chest of drawers is installed on the “butt” of jeans, after which the entire structure can be pulled by the legs of the pants. This option is suitable for small furniture.

6. Pork skin

Some craftsmen recommend placing pieces of pork skin under the corners of a heavy cabinet. In this case, you need to place it fat side down, placing the furniture on non-slip pimpled leather. The method is truly old-fashioned, because It will be very difficult to wash parquet or laminate after such transportation. And the smell, as they say, is specific.

7. Raw potatoes

There are two options for moving furniture using potatoes. The first is when the root vegetable is cut into round pieces, the second is when it is simply cut in half. In the second case, the corner of the furniture is placed on a cut, with the skin facing the floor. We were unable to verify the effectiveness of this method, so it is still better to use safer techniques for moving furniture.

Main types of linoleum for flooring

The popularity of linoleum as a floor covering is explained by many reasons, including:

  • fairly high performance;
  • durability;
  • beautiful aesthetic appearance and a large selection of colors and patterns, including those imitating the structure of natural materials, which allows it to be used for interior decoration in various styles;
  • affordable price;
  • ease of installation, which can be done independently, without the help of specialists;
  • The hygiene and safety of linoleum, the ease of caring for it, including with the use of chemicals, allows for its active use in residential premises, children's and medical institutions.

Modern linoleum is presented on the market in the following types (depending on the type of raw materials used for its production) of products:

1. natural, for the production of which natural ingredients are used (wood resins and flour, linseed oil, lime).

Distinctive characteristics are environmental friendliness, antistatic, fire resistance and lack of absorption capacity, especially oily substances, high antibacterial qualities. This linoleum also has its own name - marmoleum.

2. PVC (polyvinyl chloride), which are currently the most common ones on the market in a wide range of types.

Over time, they shrink noticeably and have a characteristic chemical odor, which will take a considerable amount of time to weather.

3. alkyd (or glyphthalic), for the production of which alkyd resins are used. They are somewhat fragile, but have decent heat and sound insulation characteristics.

4. colloxylin (or nitrocellulose) - made on the basis of nitrocellulose and have a beautiful appearance with a characteristic shine, high elasticity and moisture resistance, but are a flammable material.

5. relin (rubber linoleum) based on bitumen and synthetic rubber. This linoleum is moisture-resistant, wear-resistant and elastic, has a shock-absorbing effect and the ability to “muffle” sounds.

Other types of linoleum and features of its operation

Sometimes it makes sense to pay attention to antistatic linoleum for rooms with a lot of electrical equipment

It has a reduced ability to accumulate dust, which is especially important for highly sensitive devices

In addition, this type of material is highly strength, durable and elastic. It is used in industrial premises, but can also be used in residential premises, especially where people suffering from allergic disorders live.

The types of this material include liquid linoleum, which is essentially a version of a self-leveling floor, as well as sports, fireproof, cork and other versions of this product.

Many owners of apartments and especially private country houses have a question about whether linoleum can be used as a floor covering for heated floors, since this type of material has always been distinguished by its “coldness”.

The answer is: you can, but not with everyone. And special markings will help you find out which ones.

But, in any case, the operation of such a tandem has its own characteristics:

  • a smooth heating mode must be ensured;
  • do not use powerful systems (no more than 110-150 W/m2 and temperatures above 28-30°C) - neglecting this requirement leads to deformation of the coating and, most importantly, to the release of harmful and toxic substances;
  • The most suitable option for heated floors is electric, in particular film.

Safety precautions when rearranging furniture

Repetition is the mother of learning, so let us once again mention precautions. Firstly, it is better to empty the cabinet of its contents, remove the shelves and remove the doors. If you absolutely do not want to do this, then you need to remove at least fragile objects. It is better to secure the doors and drawers with masking tape or simply tie them with something. It is better to remove the mezzanines so that they do not fall at the most inopportune moment. And, of course, call someone to help you so that he can simply hold the massive furniture and direct your movements in the right direction.

Using the Bedspread

Sliders can replace an ordinary blanket or blankets that are used to cover furniture during transportation. The principle of operation is exactly the same as when using sliders, although in this case you will place the entire blanket under the furniture. Once you have it completely flattened under the furniture, you can begin to pull the blanket in the desired direction. The furniture will move with it.

In order to lift the weight upstairs, you can fold several of these blankets and place them in such a way that the stairs turn into a temporary ramp. After this, you can place another blanket under the furniture and pull it up along this pile. Just in case, ask a friend to support the object from behind.

How to move a heavy cabinet without legs across the floor without damaging the flooring

It's time to renovate your apartment, or you want to rearrange the furniture, but on the way to achieving your goal, the problem arises of how to move a heavy cabinet without legs. The presence of strong hands in sufficient quantities will partly solve the issue, but the risk of damaging the floors or coating remains.

Here are various approaches to moving heavy interior items while minimizing physical forces and damage to floors.

Where to begin

I think many of you have had to deal with the need to move heavy furniture from place to place.

To accomplish such tasks, you need not just to have physical strength. Sometimes even a person of modest build, using his head and showing resourcefulness, can move a cabinet from one room to another without much effort.

You should start with these nuances:

Travel Methods

Any method is based on the laws of physics, in particular, knowledge about friction and the operation of a lever. That is, you should figure out how to tear the object off the floor and reduce friction when dragging the furniture mastodon.

To prepare to achieve your goal, do the following:

  • we remove the contents, remove the shelves, take out the drawers and lighten the cabinet as much as possible;
  • wipe the floor with detergent and get a clean, dust-free surface;
  • We tear off an object prepared for moving from its location using the principle of a lever, slightly pushing at the top from side to side.

The beginning has been made, let's move on to the most “interesting” part and determine how to move heavy furniture on linoleum or other not very durable coating without scratching it.


The proven old-fashioned method of moving heavy objects looks something like this:

  1. Tilting it slightly, place the weight on a woolen or felt mat; a blanket or rug will do.
  2. One participant in the process pulls the mat, the second pushes the cabinet.
  3. It is better to overcome the threshold by swinging, then the object being moved seems to jump over the obstacle.

Nylon covers

Ordinary polyethylene lids for closing a glass jar can replace a felt mat. Having previously lubricated the sliding side with wax or soap, evenly distributing it around the perimeter, we place the substrates under the cabinet and easily move the item to the desired place.

Paraffin, wax and laundry soap

Having rubbed the path of movement with paraffin, wax or laundry soap until a thin layer forms on the surface of the floor covering, you can move the cabinet by lightly sliding along the resulting path. Grease is removed with warm water. To create a slippery path, a soap solution is suitable.

Furniture conveyor

You can rearrange furniture using a device sold in stores.

Using a furniture conveyor will allow you to:

  • easy to transport heavy objects around the room;
  • protect walls, floors, and furniture itself from damage and scratches;
  • make rearrangements quickly on any floor covering.

The action of the “loader” is carried out using a steel lever and transport platforms with rotating platforms on wheels placed under the corners of the load.

Raw potatoes

As an alternative to a mat or plastic lids, raw potatoes are suitable, cut into circles 5-7 mm high or in half, depending on the method of transportation. The cutting is distributed under the bottom of the furniture and, by sliding, is dragged along the laminate, parquet or linoleum. Traces of starch can be easily removed with a cloth soaked in water.

Roller guides for drawers: are they any good, reviews

  • you need to cut raw potatoes;
  • usually cut in half or into slices 7 mm thick;
  • furniture is tilted to one side, placing slices down;
  • on the other side the same thing is done;
  • It is better to unscrew the legs if they are present;
  • or use another method;
  • when the cabinet rests on the potatoes, you can push;
  • starch and a wet floor will ensure easy sliding;
  • starch prevents scratching the floor surface.

After moving the furniture, all that remains is to remove the white marks left by potato starch.

This method has existed for a very long time, but due to its simplicity and effectiveness it has not lost its relevance. An excellent option to avoid scratching the floor surface.


It is best to use wool or felt rugs of sufficient thickness. Make sure that heavy furniture will not simply tear it during transportation.

To avoid tearing linoleum or other flooring material, you will need to carefully prepare. The method is effective, but difficult in terms of preparation:

  • you need to find a rug of suitable sizes;
  • furniture leans to one side;
  • the carpet is pulled through;
  • then the tilt is made in the opposite direction;
  • the rug is distributed under the furniture;
  • At least 2 people are required;
  • then you need to carefully start pulling the cabinet;
  • By analogy, the rug is taken out from under the furniture.

It is not necessary to wet the floor itself. Although this may provide the extra glide needed to move the heaviest furniture.


There is another simple method that is accessible to everyone. It involves the use of the most common polyethylene lids.

It is advisable to choose covers that will fit the size of the existing legs, or will provide coverage of sufficient area under the cabinet.

The movement sequence will be like this:

  • the required number of lids is lubricated with soap or wax;
  • the cabinet leans to the side;
  • greased lids are placed under one side;
  • the other side rises;
  • covers are also installed there;
  • the floor is wetted for better sliding;
  • You can push furniture, moving it to the right place.

This method is widely used for any type of flooring. If everything is done correctly, the likelihood of damage to the floor will be minimal.

So you just need to be careful.

Soap, wax and paraffin

These 3 components will provide a decent level of efficiency.

Here the method looks a little different. Some people just lubricate the floor and begin pushing furniture along the marked lines. But you can also lubricate the bottom of the corner cabinet itself and at the same time coat the floor. Here, start from how heavy the structure is.

The heavier the furniture, the more lubricant will be needed. Upon completion of the rearrangement, the remaining soap or paraffin is simply wiped off with a rag and warm water.


Currently, to simplify the movement of heavy furniture, special devices are used. You can make a furniture conveyor with your own hands, but its efficiency will be lower than that of a professional tool.

The conveyor minimizes the required physical effort. It allows you to move furniture yourself without involving movers in this procedure. After all, you will have to pay a lot of money for their services.

Using a conveyor, you can:

  • move furniture anywhere in the room or apartment;
  • protect the surface of walls and floors from damage;
  • avoid damage to furniture;
  • save time;
  • move the structure on any type of surface;
  • drag even very heavy objects;
  • protect your own spine;
  • save on loader services.

The principle of the device is simple. It uses a hardened steel lever and a rubber handle. With its help, the cabinet rises. Under each corner, raised in turn, a special platform consisting of wheels is placed. The furniture is placed on the floor, fixed on these platforms, and then it simply rolls to the right place.

In the video you can see in more detail how this happens and what it looks like in practice. And you can leave your feedback and tell us if you had to move heavy furniture yourself, and what methods or devices were used.

Modern methods

In the age of technical progress, the technology of loading and unloading and rigging operations is changing.

To carry large, heavy objects, tensioning straps are used in the form of a textile polyester tape with a ratchet mechanism for tension and end fittings for fastening. This device is designed for two people and is easy to use.

You need to carefully lift the furniture to pass the belts; this can be done using a special paw from the rigging equipment.

A good solution for making it easier to move large items is to use a dolly with nylon wheels, equipped with rotating ball bearing discs and having the ability to balance when rolling over uneven surfaces.

Features of labor protection for minors

Standards for cleaners according to the Ministry of Labor

Labor protection legislation pays special attention to the younger generation. And although employment is permitted from the age of 14, there are various restrictions and prohibitions on the use of labor by persons under 18 years of age.

Norms for a teenager

It is unacceptable to accept minors to perform labor functions with dangerous and harmful indicators, to work underground, and possibly cause harm to physical and moral health. Manual labor associated with lifting and carrying weights exceeding permissible standards is prohibited.

The developed parameters allow the following load:

Employee categoryFull time job1/3 shiftCargo weight per shift
Constantly, more than 2 times per hourAlternating with other activities up to 2 times per hourLifting from the surfaceLifting from the floor
Boys: - 14 years old - 15 years old - 16 years old - 17 years old3 3 4 46 7 11 1312 15 20 24400 500 1000 1500200 250 500 700
Girls: - 14 years old - 15 years old - 16 years old - 17 years old2 2 3 33 4 5 64 5 7 8180 200 400 50090 100 200 250

There are other features of employment of minors.
Regardless of the nature of the work performed, before concluding an employment contract, young people aged 14-17 years are required to undergo a preliminary medical examination, and repeat it annually until they turn 18 years old. The examination is paid for by the employer. This category of working citizens cannot be sent on business trips or engaged in work at night, weekends and holidays. The only exceptions are cultural sectors, where the list of professions involved in activities outside working hours is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. The production rate of teenagers is reduced in proportion to the decrease in working hours. If there are established standards in local regulatory acts, production for young people under 18 years of age may be reduced. Annual basic paid leave is provided on a general basis at a time convenient for the minor, lasting 31 calendar days.

Important! An employee under the age of 18 can be dismissed only on his own initiative, as well as in connection with the liquidation of an organization or individual entrepreneur. Other grounds are agreed with the labor inspectorate and the commission for minors.

Safety precautions

Moving large furniture is hard work and carries a risk of injury.

The following safety regulations must be observed:

  • Calmly and technically competently plan the procedure for performing work, make sure that the devices are securely positioned;
  • do not try to move the cabinet if it does not lend itself, without special devices for moving furniture or assistants;
  • paths of movement must be freed as much as possible from obstacles, things, objects in which you can get confused;
  • Take a stable position, do not make sudden movements.

Sometimes it’s easier to disassemble the cabinet, move it in parts, and assemble it in a new place. The help of relatives and friends will not be superfluous and should not be neglected. If you doubt your own abilities, you can order the services of professional movers, and the work will be completed on time, quickly, efficiently and safely.

Video about carrying furniture with belts

The video shows a large cabinet being carried with straps.

Rating of expensive products


An effective and convenient device. Helps to move weights weighing 500 kg single-handedly. The product is very popular among domestic users. You can rearrange the room in a matter of hours, without bothering yourself with pulling out drawers, books, things and boxes. Helps save money, time and effort. Even an amateur can handle the job. You can buy the product at a specialized retail outlet or order it online in an online store. There were no complaints about the quality of the device. Defects are not found on sale. Own weight – 500 grams.

The average cost is 3970 rubles.

Spinner furniture conveyor


  • ease of use;
  • safety;
  • withstands significant loads;
  • saving effort and free time;
  • efficiency;
  • versatility.


  • not found.


Practical and convenient conveyor. Made of steel, rubber and ABS plastic. The material is good. The reviews are only positive. Suitable for moving any heavy objects within one room. It may not be possible to handle the interior thresholds. It will help you carry out high-quality general cleaning or change the interior, as well as make repairs. It is in high demand due to its ideal price-quality ratio.

Purchase price – 2740 rubles.

Tank furniture conveyor


  • ease of operation;
  • ease of storage and transportation;
  • low dead weight;
  • withstands significant loads;
  • does not require careful care;
  • compactness;
  • Can be transported in the trunk of a car.


  • none.


A successful purchase. It will become an indispensable attribute for rearranging your apartment, country house, or office. The furniture transporter can be given as a gift to a friend or relative. The model will facilitate the work of rearranging furniture. Rubber, steel and ABS plastic are used in production. The material is durable and wear-resistant. It will withstand significant loads and will not lose its original qualities during long-term active use.

Purchase price – 2940 rubles.

Triangle furniture conveyor


  • functionality;
  • durability;
  • noiselessness;
  • practicality;
  • ease of storage and transportation.


  • not installed.

Max (V-16742162)

The product is produced at Chinese production facilities. Allows you to avoid unpleasant moments when rearranging furniture. He can do anything: a heavy sofa, a safe, a chest of drawers, a bookcase. Will cope with transporting heavy objects not only indoors, but also outside. Easy and simple to use. It is enough to lift objects using a lever and place them under each corner of the platform on wheels. Furniture can not only be moved, but also rotated around its own axis. In this case, you don’t have to put in any effort. Glides on any surface. Weight – 1.2 kg. The maximum permissible load on one platform is 100 kg. The number of wheels on the platform is 4 pieces. The length of the handle-lift is 37 cm. The dimensions of the device are 11*8*3 cm. The product is made of rubber, plastic and durable hardened steel.

The average cost is 2308 rubles.

Max (V-16742162)


  • long service life;
  • the original characteristics are maintained for a long time;
  • high wear resistance;
  • will bear significant loads;
  • no effort required to transport heavy objects;
  • leaves the floor covering safe and sound;
  • The kit includes detailed operating instructions;
  • positive reviews;
  • value for money;
  • There are no defects on sale.


  • none.

Lift (1342226)

Product from a Chinese manufacturer. It is a system for moving heavy objects. Available in blue and yellow. The manufacturer uses iron, steel and plastic in the manufacture of goods. Breaking strip with a diameter of 14 mm. Product parameters – 170*170*23 mm. The maximum permissible load capacity is 150 kg. The set is completed with four triangular plates. Wheels 1 mm thick.

Retailers offer the product at a price of 7,259 rubles.

Lift (1342226)


  • increased wear resistance;
  • quality of the material used;
  • long service life;
  • the surface is treated with a spray;
  • functionality;
  • safety;
  • manufacturer's warranty;
  • absence of defects on store shelves.


  • The device is a bit expensive.

Ways to move a heavy cabinet

Moving bulky pieces of furniture requires a lot of strength and skill. It is especially difficult to move massive chests of drawers and cabinets without legs when there is nothing to grab onto. The problem could be solved by hiring loaders, but this method is very expensive. You can do it on your own if you use some tricks. First of all, you need to do a little preparatory work, namely:

  1. Empty the product from its contents. A wardrobe or bookcase already has a lot of mass, and things add extra weight to it. Also, during the rearrangement, something may fall out, this will complicate the already difficult work. When putting things away, arrange them so that they do not interfere with transportation in the future.
  2. Remove removable shelves, drawers and rods. Of course, there is no need to completely disassemble the entire structure; you just need to lighten it as much as possible.
  3. Secure the opening doors (otherwise they will interfere at the most crucial moment). You can use regular masking tape.
  4. Wash the floor thoroughly with any cleaning product - this will not only make moving a heavy cabinet easier, but will also reduce the risk of damage to the floor covering.

REFERENCE! It is contraindicated to move massive furniture in a room with a freshly painted floor - at least a week should pass for the surface to become strong enough.

After all the preparatory work, proceed to the main task. Some methods can make it much easier to move a heavy cabinet to the right place. The following will be a description of popular methods, just choose the best option for your case.

Using raw potatoes

One of the simplest folk recipes is the use of ordinary potatoes. The fresh root vegetable, which contains starch, provides slip and allows you to move heavy objects without causing damage to the floor. The cabinet can be moved using this method on the following floor coverings:

  • laminate;
  • linoleum;
  • parquet;
  • plank floor (only if there are no large gaps or differences between the elements).

To carry out the work, the tubers are thoroughly washed and cut into circles approximately 1 cm thick (the most common option) or cut in half.

ATTENTION! Potatoes need to be prepared immediately before use so that their surface does not have time to lose the moisture necessary for the furniture to slide.

To rearrange the cabinet, you need to slightly lift it and place potato pieces under the bottom. If the product is too massive, you should make more pads so that the cabinet does not simply crush them. Next, carefully move the structure to the desired location, remove the potatoes and wipe off any wet marks. Similarly, you can use lard skins by placing them at the corners of the cabinet. True, at the end you will have to thoroughly wash the parquet to remove any remaining greasy marks and specific aroma.

Using a wool rug

Another “old-fashioned” method is to move bulky furniture on a blanket or thick woolen rug (it is recommended to use old things so as not to worry too much about them during the process). By carefully spreading the fabric under the cabinet, you can move it without much effort, while protecting the parquet from scratches and the product from possible damage.

IMPORTANT! Rearranging using this method should be carried out by at least two people, so that one person pulls the rug, and the other person pushes the cabinet itself from behind. Otherwise, the backing may slip out, and you will have to lift heavy furniture once again.

Apply wax or soap

You can move a heavy object relatively easily using some available tools:

  • laundry soap or soap solution;
  • paraffin or wax.

Carefully rub the floor along the intended path of movement so that a visible layer of lubricant forms on the surface, ensuring sliding. After completing the work, everything can be easily washed with warm water.

ATTENTION! This method can only be used on smooth and hard floor coverings without any unevenness.

Furniture conveyor to help

Not long ago, a device appeared for heavy shelves and chests of drawers, which consists of a special jack for lifting furniture and small stands with wheels. Thanks to this invention, you can independently, without outside help, transport the cabinet to the desired location and at the same time:

  • save time, nerves and health;
  • do not scratch the floor and protect the piece of furniture from chipping;
  • move furniture on any surface, including deep-pile carpet (to do this, you just need to choose a model with large wheels);
  • save on the services of a loader - it’s easier to purchase a small set once and use it for a long time than to call a team each time and pay a lot of money, in addition, in many cities you can rent a transporter.

Modern buffet for the kitchen: what it should be, examples, photos

  • determine whether your furniture stands on legs or not;
  • it is much easier if it has wheels;
  • empty the closet of all unnecessary things;
  • It is better to remove all easily removable elements;
  • It is recommended to do a quick wet cleaning of the floor;
  • It is better to treat the floor with detergent;
  • Don't wait for the floor to dry before you get started.

You can move a heavy cabinet to another room without even disassembling it yourself. I can't guarantee it will be easy. It all depends on the specific situation and circumstances.

The point is to make it glide as easily as possible. And to do this, you should empty the furniture and provide the smoothest surface possible on which to move.

Now we will separately consider several methods of transportation in an apartment or house.

Here are the usual folk methods, as well as more advanced ones. To implement them you may need:

  • potato;
  • covers;
  • rug;
  • paraffin;
  • wax;
  • laundry soap;
  • special conveyor;
  • belts;
  • cart.

Let's take a look at these methods separately and find out what may be required and how to bring this or that idea to life.


I think it won’t be too difficult for you to figure out how to lift a cabinet off the floor using simple physical strength. But sometimes even the efforts of a strong man are not enough.

Then dexterity, the experience of our ancestors and banal ingenuity come into play.

The essence of the method using potatoes is this:

Modern ways to move a cabinet

The effectiveness of traditional methods has been tested for decades. However, progress does not stand still; various modern means can greatly facilitate the rearrangement of large-sized furniture. These include the above-mentioned furniture conveyor, as well as:

  • tightening belts;
  • garden or hand cart.

Tightening straps are textile elastic bands with fasteners that tightly grip the cabinet during rearrangement. The design is designed for two people. The belts are highly durable and easy to use. Many craftsmen also use an ordinary cart. With its help, it is possible to rearrange heavy objects with significant savings in time and effort. Only if the cabinet is quite wide, you will need someone's help to hold the opposite edge of the product for safety.

Furniture conveyor

It is a set of stands with wheels and a small jack lever. With the help of the latter, one of the corners of the furniture is raised, under which a platform on wheels is placed. And this is done with every angle. As a result, a large cabinet is placed on a movable base. Now you can easily move it anywhere in the room. You should carefully select wheels for a mobile platform. If there are carpets with a large pile at home, then the diameter of the wheels should be appropriate: they should not sink into the soft base.

Choosing a method depending on the floor covering

We have already named the most popular folk and modern methods of moving heavy furniture. Let us remind you once again which of them are suitable for working on a particular coating:

  1. For smooth surfaces (such as laminate, parquet or linoleum), it is permissible to use any of the described solutions. Choose what will be simpler and more accessible for your situation.
  2. For soft surfaces (carpet or carpet), options with wheels, such as a furniture conveyor or cart, are suitable. Sometimes 3-4 kitchen rolling pins are placed under the cabinet and moved during transportation, but this is a rather labor-intensive process.

Preparatory work

Preparatory work is aimed at the final leveling of the floor base, regardless of whether it is wooden or concrete. So, for concrete, it is recommended to eliminate all cracks and gaps by applying a putty mixture, which is then thoroughly sanded. If individual places on a concrete base are destroyed, they should be repaired locally.

Concrete screed for linoleum If you need to prepare a plank floor, the process is almost identical. It is necessary to first eliminate defects in the base, for example: cracks, gaps or potholes. Then lay sheets of plywood on top with the obligatory puttying of individual joints.

Precautions when moving the cabinet

It is important to think in advance about how you will carry out the entire rearrangement process and assess your physical capabilities. Whatever work option you choose, you must remember safety precautions. Following simple rules when moving the cabinet will help you avoid injuries and other unpleasant consequences:

  • first free the product from things and removable elements, secure the doors;
  • wash the floor in the room and make sure that no objects interfere with you when moving;
  • check in advance that all necessary supplies are available;
  • do not try to lift and move heavy elements without special devices or additional working hands;
  • Make sure the furniture is in the correct position while moving.

The risk of injury increases if you do not take a stable position and hold the furniture awkwardly. There is no need to rush or make sudden movements. It is also important to correctly assess your physical capabilities and ask friends for help or still hire a team of movers, because health is priceless.

Tips and Tricks

  • Soft indoor slippers with dense foam soles will help you move furniture without damaging the floor covering. Slide them under your feet.
  • Cut the skin off a piece of lard and slide it under the legs of the cabinet, skin side up. It is better to take young lard - old lard is not so slippery. The downside is that you will have to wash the floor thoroughly and for a long time. But washing doesn’t mean repairing again, right?
  • A soft rug will also come to the rescue. It can be made of felt or wool: such material glides well. An old terry towel, a large blanket, or a camel blanket will do. But you will need outside help: lifting weights alone to pull the flap under its base is difficult.
  • Another method from the times of our grandmothers was a soap solution. Dissolve a handful of washing powder or a quarter of soap (or a few tablespoons of any liquid detergent) in a bucket of water and wet the “path” in front of the cabinet. The furniture will “go” on it like on a skating rink. But you will need to act quickly, since the solution dries quickly, and moving very carefully means there is a high risk of injury.
  • Polyethylene lids from cans or pieces of old linoleum left over after renovation are placed under the legs - quickly and easily. However, you will have to exert more force to move the cabinet from its place.
  • If, by pure chance, there are several rolling pins lying around the house, they can also be used as a handy tool. They are placed one by one under the base of the box (in the direction of movement).
  • Milk cartons are coated on the inside with a special composition that contains a lot of paraffin. Cut off 4 corners, turn them inside out, put them on the legs - the process will go faster.
  • Food foil from the owner's cabinet is also an option. Fold a sheet of foil several times, place it under the legs, then drag it out. But you won’t be able to do this with massive furniture—the foil will tear.
  • Wax and paraffin used as a lubricant form a slippery layer on the floor. You can also drag a cabinet along it.

Advice If there is a threshold on your way, we recommend placing a wide board of lumber 18–20 mm thick on it. The width of the board should be equal to the width of the opening and be convenient for rolling along its length.

Which method suits you best, choose for yourself. There are many options: you will definitely find the most convenient one for yourself.

Disassemble furniture into components

It is important to understand that when transporting furniture (especially sofas and cabinets), it is better to disassemble it. The more thoroughly you can disassemble each piece of heavy furniture, the better. This means removing all removable parts, including cushions, arms, legs, drawers, etc. (so they can be shipped separately), as well as disassembling things like sofa and bed frames.

If at any point you need to remove screws or other small parts, be sure to keep the small parts of each item in a separate bag and label it so you know what they are for.

Assess the scale of work and draw up a loading plan

When it comes to moving heavy furniture, you need to remember that the main goal is to get the job done as efficiently as possible. Take inventory of every heavy item that needs to go into your furniture moving truck, then figure out what needs to be loaded, when and where.

Typically, heavy items are placed at the front and sides of the bed to help balance the load and keep all your belongings safe. This means you'll likely be doing the heavy lifting early on, then loading lighter boxes and smaller furniture items later.

Prioritize the order in which you will tackle each piece of furniture, remembering that the largest and heaviest items go first. While making a plan may seem like an extra step on a never-ending to-do list, it will save you the time and effort it will take to move your heavy furniture later.

Make an unloading plan

The job is not completely complete until each item is not only unloaded from the furniture moving truck, but also in its correct location in your new home. So just as you made a plan and prioritized loading heavy furniture, do the same for unloading it. This will save you the hassle of carrying heavy items from your furniture moving vehicle into your home only to have to move them again. However, to save time, you may want to wait until everything is unloaded before you start assembling each piece of furniture.

Think moving heavy furniture yourself involves too much work? We will help you. Use our free estimate form to find reputable movers in your area. They will take on this hard work and get it done professionally and quickly.

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