DIY screen made of plastic pipes for kindergarten.

The creative development of preschool children within the kindergarten is one of the important stages in the formation of a growing personality.

The group environment and surrounding objects promote curiosity, creativity, bold trials and discoveries.

Taking into account the fact that the child spends most of the daytime in a group, the surrounding space and interior in it become part of the gaming and educational process. The more opportunities children have to realize their own fantasies, the easier it is for a teacher to direct the learning process in the right direction.

The child treats objects and space as a resource, seeing in them opportunities for realizing his plans.

One of the interior details that can help in the creative development and organization of group life is a stylized screen. Being an important attribute of theatrical performances, with a touch of mystery, it evokes genuine delight and curiosity among children.

The simplest puppet theater attracts children much more than painted fictional characters.

Depending on the size, with the help of a screen you can stage scenes both for puppet theater and for real small actors, adding entertainment to the process and increasing interest.

The screen in this case becomes an urgently needed item.

If the group’s budget does not allow for purchasing a ready-made option, but the children have a desire to organize a theater club, you can make your own screen from plastic pipes for the kindergarten with your own hands.

The design of this multifunctional device is very simple.

Choosing design and sizes

Depending on the purpose of use and the age of the children, various designs can be made.

This could be a large full-length theatrical screen.

Or a small tabletop version of the screen to independently show scenes with puppet characters.

An important factor is the lightness and versatility of the design: children really appreciate the rare opportunity to independently change the arrangement of interior items, using them not as a mandatory established order, but as a resource for realizing ideas.

This develops management skills and also gives more space for play and creativity.

As a rule, the standard model of a screen made of PVC pipes is made with three sections.

It is enough to collect 3 frames, connect them together and cover them with beautifully decorated curtains.

However, this is not a mandatory rule, and if you wish and have the material, you can make a larger number of frame components. The design of the fabric stretched over the frame depends only on personal preferences - you can choose it together with your children from several options by making removable covers with Velcro fastenings.

When choosing covers, you can show your imagination and creativity.

Different colors of covers can be associated with seasons or themed holidays. For example, a green background in the spring, yellow and orange - with the onset of autumn, blue or dark blue - in the winter season.

There is a lot of room for imagination here for the teacher.

How to make a screen from plastic pipes

Having assembled all parts of the screen, they proceed to creating the overall structure. It is good to use double fasteners as connecting elements. If these are not available, then you can use plastic ties (clamps), which are characterized by high tensile strength with sufficient elasticity. Despite their versatility and ease of use, nylon ties have one drawback - they can only be used once.

The screen is assembled using double fasteners or a nylon tie

Sections of the screen will be in a movable state. Thanks to this, there will be no difficulties during transportation or moving to another place. This design can be used in a room of any size.

Materials and tools

Making a screen from plastic pipes with your own hands will not require large expenses. You will need propylene pipes of various lengths, plastic corners and double-sided fasteners to connect the sections to each other.

It is necessary to think through the design and calculate the amount of material.

All this can be taken after a recent renovation, or purchased at any specialized store for repairs.

The pipes are connected to each other using a plastic corner.

The sections are connected to each other with special double fasteners.

A special machine for welding plastic pipes made of propylene, which is used by professional plumbers during installation, can be a good help.

If you have nowhere to borrow it, you can also use the conventional heating method over the stove.

If desired, PVC pipes can be painted. For durability, you should use a mixture of putty and regular gouache.

Various ways to use multifunctional screens in kindergarten are suggested by the children themselves.

You can use any available fabric to sew covers. It must be remembered that it must be durable and easy to wash, since children's games are fraught with various consequences for any furniture, and the screen will not be an exception.

It is best to choose a bright and colorful material.

Depending on the design, you may need Velcro fasteners, ribbons or cords for garters, additional material for pockets or loops, and reliable adhesive.

Thanks to the principle of accessibility, children have the opportunity to independently change the space in their group at any time.

Table screen for role-playing games “Shop” and “Pharmacy”

Marina Sviridova

Table screen for role-playing games “Shop” and “Pharmacy”

Table screen for role-playing games " Shop "

Pharmacy " .

Dear colleagues! I would like to show you this interesting tabletop screen , made by the parents of our group for role-playing games : Shop

Pharmacy " .

It is no secret that play is an important condition for the social development of children. And role-playing play is a universal way of life for a child. In role-playing games, children reproduce mainly those actions that adults observe in everyday life. I really like the expression that role-playing games are the queen of games!”

The guys in my group play with pleasure using this wonderful screen !

Storescreen looks like

DIY screens for kindergarten - 50 photo ideas:


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You can create a puppet theater from felt with your own hands. For fairy-tale characters, multi-colored material is purchased.

The pattern is made according to the hand size of the person who will perform the performances for children. You can use mittens as a base. Be sure to allow seam allowances. The parts must be sewn by hand or by machine.

Now you need to make the head. Its size depends on the personal wishes of the master. Two circles are sewn together. The head is shaped using filler. Cotton wool and padding polyester are suitable for this.

The same pattern is used to make tails and paws for animals or pets. Now you need to draw a face, glue ears and hair. The eyes will become beads or buttons.

Performance in the doorway

Making a curtain in a door frame is the easiest and most budget-friendly way.

For this you will need:

  • dense weave;
  • rope;
  • scissors;
  • threads

A rope should be sewn to a piece of fabric of the required width, which will hold the entire fabric structure. As fasteners, you can nail a couple of nails or pushpins to the doorway.

It is better to choose a dark or colored material to avoid associations with a sheet. For decoration you can use fabric appliqués, beads, and braid.

Cardboard cutouts of clouds, the moon and the sun are attached to a rope.

The scenery will change during the performance using simple devices. For example, the sun may be hiding behind a cloud. Such simple special effects will cause great delight among kids.

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