High-tech style in the interior - description and design tips

High-tech style is bold and original, it can arouse admiration. The use of modern technologies advantageously conveys the spirit of the 21st century and is considered an ideal option for a determined, creative person who rejects ordinary ways.

Such arrangement will require serious financial costs. The reason lies in the need for the latest technology. But, as practice shows, it's worth it. Let's try to analyze the nuances of interior design in more detail.

Living room in high-tech style Source heshi-design.com

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Objects embodying the progressive ideas of this movement were erected before the emergence of the movement itself. These include the architectural structures of Le Corbusier and Renzo Piano. The architects used a metal frame and concrete blocks, which became an innovation in construction and paved the way for the development of high-tech.

This direction in design is characterized by an extreme degree of practicality. The interior decoration of the room looked somewhat dry due to the lack of greenery and colorful decor, so they were in no hurry to decorate the apartment in a high-tech style. At first, it was used mainly by offices of well-known companies. Thanks to this, high-tech gradually began to be associated with success and well-being.

At first, hi-tech was an office style

After the successful introduction of the style into office life, it became more popular in residential areas. In order to keep up with fashion trends, many apartment owners began to decorate their living rooms, bedrooms and even kitchens in high-tech style. Such dwellings looked trendy thanks to the use of advanced technologies and new materials. Gradually, technological design moved from noisy megacities to the periphery.

Nowadays, both apartments and houses are often decorated in this direction. The interior looks quite ascetic due to the absence of unnecessary details. It is acceptable to decorate the living room, bedroom, bathroom with metal figurines and photo frames. For a bedroom, this style of interior design is quite unusual. However, such a room looks modern and fashionable.

History of the style

High-tech originated in the 70s of the last century. This original style is reflected in European and American architecture. In the USA, the first examples of the style became a continuation of the modern fashion that was fashionable at that time. The original approach to the design of buildings and interiors quickly won the hearts of the progressive category of society. In Europe, the first example of the implementation of the new trend was the Paris Pompidou Center, built in 1977 by Richard Rogers together with Renzo Piano. Initially, the attitude towards this architectural project was ambiguous - many perceived it negatively. But over time, the wave of discontent subsided, and now the French consider this masterpiece building one of the main attractions of the capital and are sincerely proud of it.

In the 80s, high-tech gained even greater popularity. It was at this time that it began to be actively used for interior decoration.

High-tech design features

High-tech differs from modernism, classics, and country in the absence of a decorative shell and the presence of expressive lines. The space in the room is used to the maximum, so all things should have some functional meaning.

You will have to give up bulky furniture; it is better to choose models that can be transformed. For example, modular sofas or a small coffee table, which, thanks to simple manipulations, turns into a full-fledged large table.

The main artificial materials used are: glass, plastic, metal, concrete. The exception is textiles: the use of linen and silk bedspreads is acceptable. However, even the fabric must be produced using advanced technology. You can purchase curtains with special impregnation that repels dust, dirt and moisture.

Five fundamental principles of high-tech style in the interior:

  • minimalism
    - only four colors are used, the walls are painted in one tone, the wallpaper is selected without patterns or designs;

High-tech is extremely minimalist: laconic furniture, few colors in decoration

  • technology
    - the room is filled with modern appliances and furniture;
  • space
    - large windows and compact furniture are installed in the room;
  • practicality
    - the apartment should have a lot of storage space. Every centimeter of space is used as practically as possible, and the space should not be overloaded with unnecessary details;
  • comfort
    - preference is given to comfortable furniture, and its arrangement is thought out to the smallest detail for better organization of space.

Distinctive features of the style

High-tech is a relatively young trend, the main distinguishing feature of which is maximum functionality. Due to the peculiarities of the style, which give the interior a cold and restrained atmosphere, it is not so often used in the interior of the house.

  • High functionality of furniture;
  • The geometry of the furniture has clear straight lines;
  • The interior may contain abundant chrome and metal parts;
  • Glass is often used as interior partitions;
  • When finishing, use a monochromatic palette, without drawings or patterns;
  • Minimum number of decorative accessories;
  • Abundant lighting in different variations;
  • Filling the space with modern technology.

Finish options

A high-tech room should have smooth walls, so all defects will have to be corrected with plaster and drywall. Also typical is the use of simple finishing without unnecessary details in the form of bas-reliefs and paintings. White paint or smooth decorative plaster is applied to the walls. The walls can be cleaned down to concrete and left just like that. Sometimes wallpaper is used, but bright colors are strictly prohibited. To break up the monotony of the walls, hang monochrome clocks, frames with black and white photos or stylish paintings.

Smooth white walls are common in high-tech design

High-tech floor finishing options:

  • self-leveling floor
    is a good choice for this type of interior arrangement. It can be glossy or matte, plain or with a geometric pattern. The advantages of this solution: the self-leveling floor has no seams, is perfectly flat, easy to care for, and does not accumulate dust. However, it is quite difficult to install it yourself, so it is better to entrust the process to specialists;
  • Perfectly smooth, futuristic self-leveling floor

  • parquet
    - used as a last resort. The high-tech style in the interior of an apartment involves the use of artificial materials created by man, and parquet is made from wood. If you still decide to opt for this type of coating, use white or black parquet. Advantages: retains heat well and absorbs sounds, has a long service life. However, parquet is easy to scratch and should not be laid in rooms with high humidity;
  • carpet
    - used quite often due to accessibility. This type of flooring is created from natural and synthetic fibers and can have different pile lengths. The advantages include pleasant tactile sensations, noise absorption, and low flammability. Disadvantages - difficulty in care;
  • carpet tiles
    - small size modules of different colors and shapes. Carpet tiles are easy to install, so you can lay them on the floor yourself. If some of the modules have lost their presentable appearance, individual fragments can be easily replaced. This extends the life of the coating and reduces costs.

For the ceiling, a matte or glossy white stretch fabric is used. This is very convenient, because in this case there is no need to level the ceiling. If the surface is already smooth, it is painted or plaster is applied.

A flat white ceiling is common in high-tech

Accessories and textiles

This style does not accept excesses in decor. Large black and white paintings or photos on the wall, a floor vase with climbing dead wood, an unusual wall clock – these are options for softening the “technocratic” feel of the house.

The windows are covered with curtains of a modern configuration - no lace, frills or draperies. It is better to leave carpets for the bedroom or nursery. In general, “technostyle” does not welcome natural fabrics - only synthetics and the latest achievements of the textile industry.

Hi-tech furniture

High-tech furniture is distinguished by its unusual design and high technology. The main materials are plastic, glass, aluminum. The shape can be different: from a simple cube to curved lines and spheres.

It is worth choosing furniture with clear geometric shapes

A high-tech bedroom should be equipped with an unusual bed, which, for example, pulls out of a closet or seems to float in the air due to a special fastening. A futuristic look is always welcome!

The lighting under the bed looks beautiful: it makes the furniture seem lighter and airier. The use of built-in wardrobes is encouraged. A program for creating a wardrobe will help you create the perfect one.

The kitchen set has a large number of cabinets that open by simply pressing the panel. The dining area is equipped with a round table or a laconic rectangular model. Kitchen chairs are usually made of metal and plastic and have an unusual shape.

High-tech kitchen is plastic and strict forms

In the living room you can purchase a modular wardrobe, a transforming sofa, and glass shelves. Pay special attention to the choice of chairs, as there are a large number of suitable options. A single-color lounge chair without legs can be placed near the window and create a kind of relaxation area. It is better to install a plastic chair in the shape of a hemisphere with soft pillows inside in the corner of the room near glass shelves with books. If the apartment has an electric fireplace, then place a rocking chair on metal legs nearby.

What does it look like in the interior of the rooms?

After carefully studying the general characteristics of the style, it’s time to move on to a more detailed consideration of each individual room.


It is advisable to choose a built-in kitchen set; it is desirable that the cabinets occupy the entire space from wall to wall, from floor to ceiling. Facades - without handles. The technology is modern, with touch controls.

In technical kitchens, backlight lighting is appropriate, which is best made from shiny porcelain stoneware or skinnels.

Living room

High-tech decor

Decorative elements are practically not used, but there are exceptions:

  • ✔ large paintings in plastic frames with city landscapes;
  • ✔ tall lamp with a strict shape;
  • ✔ metal products;
  • ✔ floor glass vase;
  • ✔ full-length mirror.

It is not necessary to use all the options presented; you can limit yourself to a lamp and a painting. The main thing is to maintain the color scheme and place the decorations well. Various gadgets play the role of decorating a room: speakers, a humidifier and others.

The decor becomes lamps and appliances

To delimit functional areas in a room or separate rooms, use glass partitions. They come in different types: matte, transparent, tinted, covered with film. Such sliding systems look much better than blank walls with closed doors; they help save space and fill the apartment with light.

Glass sliding partitions perfectly zone the space

What colors to use

The room is decorated in a classic color combination: white and black. These two shades should be the main ones in the interior. High-tech involves the use of metal elements, so the color of silver can also be present in the design of the room. The walls and ceiling should only be white, the furniture can be black, white or grey.

To refresh the urban style, designers dilute the interior with bright details - tall fresh flowers, blue or ultramarine pillows, lilac lighting.

Sea green pillows enliven the interior

Over the last ten to fifteen years, kitchen sets in this style have begun to be equipped with cabinets in red, green, yellow and other bright colors. The severity of the forms and the clarity of the lines remain unchanged. The bedroom may also have bright accents in the form of a headboard or armchair, made in a solid, rich color.

What textiles are suitable?

Window design options vary depending on designers, surroundings and objectives. If you need to protect yourself from the sun, it is better to use blinds or roller blinds, or, as a last resort, simple blackout sliding curtains. To decorate the opening, transparent tulle is suitable.

Classic textiles for bedrooms and living rooms include pillows, blankets, and bedspreads. In high-tech, of course, they are also used - but the number of soft parts should be kept to a minimum. Plus, it’s better not to stand out for sofa cushions - order them in the same fabric as the furniture or choose the most neutral accessories.

All of the above applies to towels in the bathroom: no bright textiles with patterns or inscriptions. Replace with plain towels from the same collection.


The room should be filled with light that highlights shiny surfaces. To do this, in addition to the main light source, additional spotlights are installed on the ceiling. The chandelier can be chosen with clear graphic lines or in the form of geometric shapes.

Additional lighting emphasizes the high-tech style

It is worth giving preference to lamps made of glass, plastic, or chromed metal. The main light source is placed on the ceiling, and spotlights are installed in special niches on the wall or floor. To disperse a clearly directed beam, mirror surfaces are used, which also help to increase the area of ​​the apartment due to reflection.

LED models designed as hanging rings remain popular. Modular chandeliers of unusual shapes are also often used. To illuminate individual areas of the room, LED backlighting is used with the ability to control brightness, color and light mode.

History of origin

The name of the style comes from the word high tech - “hi-tech” - and it came to us from England.
In the 1970s, this was the height of the popularity of late-night fiction. At the beginning of the trend of the future, we are reflected in apxitectype thanks to apxitectopy Norman Photo. Clear atomic symmetry, love for straight lines and the cold shimmer of metal have found their admirers in interior design.

Tips for renovation in high-tech style

The high-tech style is suitable for people who keep up with the times and follow the development of technology. Despite the external laconicism of the interior, repairs in this manner will be quite expensive. This is due to the use of modern technical equipment: a “smart home” system, a TV with a large plasma screen, an electric fireplace. As a rule, an apartment in this design direction emphasizes the high status of the owners.

You can save money during renovations by using the 3D Interior Design program. It was created for designing the design of rooms with different layouts. You can download the program on our website. The product allows you to choose the optimal arrangement of furniture in the room and determine the necessary finishing materials. The program also has an estimate function.

High-tech apartment project in Interior Design 3D

Among the advantages of Interior Design 3D are a built-in set of layouts, a user-friendly interface, the ability to adjust the design and print the finished project. The collection of finishing materials includes more than 450 items. If you are not satisfied with the color of the walls, floor, ceiling, just choose a different fill. It is also possible to change the texture of the finish. Create your projects, compare options to make your ideal renovation!

Who chooses this style?

Well-to-do people, who are accustomed to comfort and order, know how to separate the important from the unimportant and do not waste time on trifles. They plan everything, follow the latest scientific advances and surround themselves with high-tech things. They do not see the point in useless things and objects that serve only a decorative function. This is also a godsend for “children of the metropolis” - those who do not like rural, provincial life.

Such an environment is unlikely to suit families with children, but it will come in handy for young couples and ambitious young men, women, middle-aged men and women.

If you are a creative person, you are also unlikely to appreciate such interiors. But office workers, pragmatists and businessmen will be here like ducks to water.


And, of course, you can’t do without modern gadgets, which include almost all modern technology. This includes a computer with a laptop, and tablets with smartphones - as their substitutes, and good air conditioning and heating systems, and in general a huge amount of modern high-quality equipment - sound and ordinary.

The futuristic design of the table attracts all attention: LED lighting, assembly diagrams and black plastic on a red background - all these components are reminiscent of high-tech style

Separately, I would like to illuminate the fireplaces. This interior detail is currently more welcome in country houses, where all the conditions for their maintenance are available. And, although there is no place for fireplaces in apartments - that’s what they thought before - however, recently technology has reached the level at which not only a house, but also an apartment can be crammed with modern technology. For such cases, you can install an electric fireplace in the apartment - without smell, coal and ash.

Being not only a piece of furniture, its decoration, but also a source of heating, an electric fireplace has one advantage: it does not require cleaning

Of course, the operation of the fireplace will not be accompanied by the crackling of wood and the smell of smoke, but you will not have to constantly clean the chimney and remove ash.

Another option for installing an electric fireplace is in a country house. This is a solution for arranging a living room, which is a walk-through room. The restraint of the decoration - light gray floors, beige walls and black glossy stretch ceiling - as well as the futuristic design of the lamps and panoramic windows are united by a huge fireplace on the entire wall.

The color of the fireplace trim echoes the upholstery of the sofa, as well as the texture and color of the flooring; the simple rectangular coffee table is in harmony with the color of the wall decoration

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