Bonnell mattresses: what do you need to know about them and is it worth buying them?

09/20/2018 Category: Assortment

  • 1 Bonnell spring block - main characteristics
  • 2 Properties of a spring mattress 2.1 Advantages
  • 2.2 Disadvantages
  • 3 Features of dependent block fillers
  • 4 Summing up
  • 5 Videos
  • Bonnell type mattresses are classics of the mattress genre. The invention goes back to the distant 19th century. It is noteworthy that the idea was based on the springs of the seats of carts that were traveling along the cobblestone streets of Western Europe at that time. At that time, this type of mattress gained great popularity. So what then, this invention is still in stable demand - mostly due to its low cost. If you are faced with the question of purchasing a mattress, should you consider the Bonnell mattress, the design of which has remained virtually unchanged for over 100 years? What should you know about it? It is not recommended for anyone to sleep on it, and for those it is even contraindicated.

    What types of spring blocks are there?

    Not all mattresses are created equal inside. Some have connected springs, some do not. Let's look at what a Bonnell spring block is, how springs are laid in a mattress, and what are the advantages of dependent and independent springs.

    Bonnell spring block

    Bonnell box springs are the most widely used option in the world for mattresses and beds. Frames undergo heat treatment processes to prevent sagging.

    It is possible to produce wire with a width of 1.90 to 2.50 mm and a spiral with 4-5-6 turns for various height characteristics.

    Customers often ask: What is the difference between a Bonnell spring mattress and regular mattresses? The answer is simple - reliability, durability, aesthetics and low noise level.

    Independent spring block

    It is believed to have been invented by James Marshall in Canada in 1899. This type of box spring only became popular in the 1970s when manufacturers found a way to mass produce the box spring style. Before this, several prototypes were made by hand.

    Independent units are a great, inexpensive choice, while dependent units are a more premium option.

    Individual coils of wire were hidden in pockets of fabric, which allow the coils to move independently of each other and follow the shape of the sleeper's body. Experts agree that these options provide unmatched support and comfort compared to any other type.

    The softer box spring design can also be comfortable enough to sleep on long after the foam has lost its bounce, so you can sleep on this mattress for much longer before it needs to be replaced.

    Most good quality independent spring designs will have at least 600 individual pockets in an XXL (king size) unit, which is more than enough to provide proper support and meet all standards.

    Bonnell mattresses. Customer Reviews

    Marina, Russia
    : Finishing renovations. I'm planning to change my furniture. I threw out the old sofa and decided to buy a bed. I have been looking for a budget mattress option for a long time. I chose Comfort Bonnell. I really liked it! Sleep comfortably and softly. No squeaks or bells and whistles, very good for the price.

    Boris, Ukraine

    : I bought a Comfort mattress. A little disappointed. When his wife tosses and turns, he shakes. If I'm lying alone, there's no problem. But very durable. The old one had to be thrown away because the child jumped on it and the springs were damaged. And at least something jumps on this. So more suitable for children.

    Tatyana, Russia

    : It became impossible to sleep on the old sofa. I bought a Comfort mattress. I was pleased with the price. Soft, easy to clean. When the husband spins, all the springs move slightly. I was satisfied with the purchase. I sleep great. Decent quality for a reasonable price.

    Production technology

    Bonnell spring mattress - what is it? It is one of the earliest types of technology on the market. Bonnell designs are described as coupled coil technology. This type of mattress tends to be firmer due to its internal structure.

    Because the coils are interconnected, this type of system tends to be more sensitive to movement. This means that when someone moves on one side of the bed, the person on the other end of the bed can also feel the movement.

    However, Bonnell mattresses tend to be durable and affordable for many (due to their low price).


    This type, also called sine wave, provides a high level of elasticity and reliability. It is made from galvanized steel, from which soft bends are made. The name comes from its appearance, which is shaped like a snake. The best options are those that have more bends, as this allows the orthopedic properties of the product to be more pronounced.

    The springs are attached to the frame frame with steel brackets made of wire in a transverse direction, and their number depends on the shape and size. This type ensures the levelness of the sofa seat and its silent operation. The snake is used in sofas, couches, beds, mattresses and sofa beds. The seat remains level and does not sag due to the fact that it is hardened. A layer with soft elements is installed on top of the frame with a snake spring.

    Main characteristics of the Bonnell spring block

    King size mattresses most often use Bonnell technology. Manufacturers also use them in “commercial grade” mattresses based on the belief that Bonnell springs are longer lasting than standard springs.

    The Bonnell design consists of many hourglass-shaped coils, all connected together by rows of metal spirals (these are the long wire corkscrews that pass through the top of each spiral when they are inserted through the top of the block).

    The entire block is then surrounded by frames at the top and bottom of the block (around the perimeter). Most XXL size Bonnell blocks contain approximately 360 threads, but of course they can be made with fewer or more depending on thread size and/or quality.

    Mounting features

    Spring blocks are attached to a base made of plywood or MDF, covered with felt (for better grip). In some models, instead of sheet material, wooden or metal slats are used, which are attached to the yards. Foam rubber, padding polyester or other filler is attached on top of the spring block. It provides softness and comfort.

    If necessary, the spring block can be replaced with an identical one. The “snake” system is not difficult to repair with your own hands using strong cords and fastening with thick wire staples. Typically, such mechanisms are repaired independently or with the help of a specialist.

    You will receive not only a beautiful, but also the most comfortable model, which will become an island of relaxation in your home.

    Features of fillers in mattresses with a dependent block

    In such mattresses, vibration is weakly felt; the body does not fall down, but remains on the surface, although the muscles are relaxed enough for the body to rest. Even during long periods of sleep, the bed does not put much pressure on the skin and does not press marks on it.

    The disadvantage of this design is that if one spiral breaks, you will have to go through all the insides to restore the elastic properties and distribute the elasticity of the mattress evenly over the entire surface.

    The Bonnell spring block is becoming more popular every year.

    Polyurethane foam

    Which mattress to choose for a newborn's crib

    Polyurethane foam is a synthetic, highly porous foam material that is obtained by mixing several synthetic polymers.

    more durable passportReceipt technology

    There are two types of PPU:

    • Cast polyurethane foam, which initially has a liquid state. It is poured into special molds that follow the contours and dimensions of the future sofa part. Under the influence of high pressure and significant temperature, it hardens. The resulting element is ready for use and has high dimensional accuracy. In this way, both the seat and the back or side cushions of the sofa can be made. The disadvantage of the cast type is the crust that forms on the surface as a result of sintering. Air circulation may be difficult in this case, which can lead to the formation of a “greenhouse effect.”
    • Block polyurethane foam is often called a “sandwich”. This is due to the method of its production. The material comes in the form of large sheets of varying thickness and density. From these sheets, elements of the required sizes are cut and glued together. In this way, different levels of rigidity and height can be achieved. It is precisely because of the presence of several layers that the finished product resembles a sandwich.

    For the manufacture of various elements of the sofa, sheets of different degrees of rigidity are used. Products made from polyurethane foam do not tolerate direct sunlight. Under their influence, they can crumble, so mattresses made of this material are additionally protected with covers made of light-proof fabric. An interesting feature of some PU foam compositions is that they have a shape memory effect. It is usually used to make pillows that remember the contours of the human body and adapt to them as much as possible. But as soon as you get up, the pillow will instantly return to its original state.

    A product filled with high-quality polyurethane foam will be more affordable in cost than a “Pocket spring” block, and its properties and level of comfort will be approximately the same. This mattress can also be used for sleeping. "Bonnel" will be cheaper than both of these options and significantly worse in technical characteristics.

    The advantages of PPU include:

    • Long service life;
    • Absolute safety and environmental friendliness of the material;
    • Good balance of softness/hardness;
    • Air and moisture permeability;
    • The material does not provoke allergic reactions;
    • Does not accumulate dust;
    • Rapid restoration of shape after deformation due to high elasticity;
    • Ability to withstand significant loads for long periods of time.

    This material has significantly fewer disadvantages:

    Tips for choosing a mattress

    Pay attention to these factors:

    • The main difference between spring types is that instead of having a round top, the spring usually has a hexagonal shape, which allows the coils to pack closer together.
    • Manufacturers claim that this also allows the individual coils to fit more easily into the housing, but the fact that each coil is tied together makes the claim questionable.
    • The individual coils in the LFK unit do not have knots at the top of each spring like Bonnell coils, which also affects performance and comfort.

    LFK coil units typically contain many more springs than traditional Bonnells, making them stronger.

    However, this statement remains questionable because the frame itself can also wear out.

    Operating rules

    In order for the spring block to last longer, you need to follow the basic rules for handling upholstered furniture:

    • do not stand on the sofa with your feet, so as not to create a point load in one place;
    • do not jump on it from a running start, so as not to damage the mechanism;
    • carefully lay out and fold furniture to prevent deformation of the frame;
    • If creaks appear or the sofa sag, immediately carry out repairs (on your own or call a specialist);
    • When rearranging, do not drop or shake the sofa.

    Careful handling of the sofa will increase its service life.
    The more carefully the furniture is used, the longer it will serve its owners.

    Properties of a spring mattress

    Let's consider what is good about this or that spring option.


    Independent mattresses, unlike Bonnell ones, distribute each coil separately. This spring system design reduces movement when one person moves at one end, reducing interruptions during sleep.

    This factor is especially relevant for consumers who are looking for a king-size bed or larger.

    The spring systems also provide ample support throughout the body. However, individual pocket coils respond differently to different pressure points and body weight. Mattresses with this type of coil technology are softer than Bonnell.


    Springs can jump out of the mattress, get tangled, crack, move to one side, or lose tone. For prevention, you need to take the mattress for diagnostics and replacement once a year.

    Another disadvantage is the weight. Such mattresses are much heavier than more advanced designs.


    Parameters/DesignDependent blockIndependent
    PriceLowThe higher the spring density, the higher the price. TFK is not much more expensive than Bonnel.
    Sleeping weight90-120 kg. In some cases up to 150 kg. From 110 kg (TFC) to 170 kg (S2000)
    RigidityLowThe more springs, the higher the stiffness.
    Life timeDepends on the fillers, on average about 5-7 years.Up to 10 years with high-quality fillers and careful handling.
    Wave and hammock effectPresentAbsent
    EnduranceA basic level ofThe higher the spring density, the higher it is.
    Orthopedic qualitiesBasicHigh level. The higher the spring density, the more pronounced they are.
    TransportationRoll models availableRoll models available
    Who is it suitable for?For sleeping alone for people of standard build without problems with sleep and postureFor comfortable sleep alone and as a couple. There are a variety of block types available to suit different body types. Suitable as a preventive measure for signs of poor posture and back pain.
    When is it recommended to buy?When you need the cheapest option of at least 16 cm for organizing a temporary sleeping place. For example, for guests or during renovation. Suitable for daily sleep

    Types of mattresses with spring blocks

    There are quite a few different types of box springs used in mattresses. And they all have their pros and cons.

    Generally considered the traditional option by most manufacturers and experts, the best type for comfort and fit. And is usually used in premium style and more expensive models.

    All Sherman mattresses (the world's leading manufacturer) use this type of coil. The rest are just variations and modifications.

    Let's sum it up

    Thus, it is possible and necessary to use spring blocks for convenience and comfort. The main thing is to understand that a low-quality product will not bring you joy, even if you save a lot. Therefore, before purchasing, weigh the pros and cons of specific furniture again, and only then go to the store.

    Reupholstering a sofa is a rather difficult process, but sometimes necessary. Any upholstered furniture takes on a very unsightly appearance over time, and the sofa is no exception. Various damage and irremovable stains may appear on the upholstery, which makes it necessary to replace it. We will consider this issue in more detail in a special article.

    Video - How to choose a mattress for an accordion sofa

    What to choose: Bonnell block or independent springs

    Each type has its pros and cons. Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each helps you make informed, informed decisions about which is best.

    It is important to note that the type of spring system is only one component. Other important factors such as coil thickness, number of coils, and even the type of foam used in conjunction with these spring systems can affect the overall strength.

    Independent springs can be found in all old beds. Many generations have felt what it’s like to sleep on them.

    Advantages of Bonnell spring mattresses

    The main advantage of Bonnell is its light weight and ease of delivery/installation. These mattresses perfectly support your sleeping position and allow you to relax and unwind.

    Another advantage will be the manufacturer’s warranty - more than 5 years. This means that during this time the mattress will not sag and will maintain its elastic properties.

    Advantages of mattresses with independent springs

    This includes time-tested reliability and low price. In order to get a sufficient level of comfort, you don’t have to invent anything. Everything has already been tested and approved many generations ago.

    What shapes and models are in fashion today

    When you have decided on the spring mechanism, all that remains is to choose the shape and model. The sofa can be:

    • straight;
    • angular;
    • insular.

    A straight leather sofa will decorate a classic interior

    Straight ones usually have metal or wooden legs. They place it near the wall. This sofa is suitable for spacious rooms. The standard seat depth is 60 cm, but there are also more bulky models. If the size of the room allows, it is worth purchasing a pull-out double sofa in case guests arrive. The island is placed in the center of the room, as it is suitable for huge living rooms in private homes. This model will not fit into the interior of a standard apartment.

    Spring blue sofa

    For small kitchens and small rooms, a small corner sofa is suitable. It takes up the same amount of space as chairs, but can accommodate more people. Even for a small room you can successfully find a corner single sofa.

    Spring sofa in retro style

    White spring sofa

    For ordinary apartments, you need to select compact models that will also act as a storage system. Today, sofas with comfortable armrests, which are made in the form of a box with a lid or open shelves, are increasingly being offered. In many photos of modern interiors there are such products with armrests-shelves, which are used to store books and all sorts of small things. You can find a model that has a pull-out bottom drawer. Bed linen, towels, blankets and out-of-season items are placed there.

    Corner model - a godsend for a small kitchen

    Sofas also differ in the type of transformation. They come in the following types:

    • click-clack;
    • book;
    • Eurobook;
    • accordion;
    • dolphin;
    • withdrawable;
    • puma;
    • pantograph.

    The click-klyak model is a good option for the nursery and kitchen. Stylish, comfortable and modern.

    The Eurobook mechanism is very convenient and simple: you need to pull the seat towards you and lower the backrest forward - this way the sofa will turn into a double bed. The click-klyak folds out like a book and can be fixed in three positions: lying down, sitting and half-sitting. It is very ergonomic and can replace an old couch in a small kitchen.

    Jacquard spring sofa

    Yellow spring sofa

    The compact accordion model folds out into a huge bed. The bottom drawer pulls out, and the backrest and seat transform into a comfortable place to sleep. The dolphin consists of two elements. The additional part extends from under the seat, rises and becomes a convenient extension of the sofa. Roll-out, pantograph and puma have similar mechanisms. In all cases, the lower part rolls out, and the back changes position and transforms.

    Spring folding sofa

    Spring sofa in an ethno interior

    When choosing a sofa, you need to not only consider the pattern of its upholstery and check whether its springs are stiff enough. You need to appreciate how functional it is. It’s good if you can find a model with additional storage systems and beautiful shelves and armrests.

    It is important how the sofa is laid out and what its dimensions are when disassembled. It’s better to measure it in the store with a tape measure to understand how much space it will take up in the room.

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