How to remove ballpoint pen ink from furniture and textiles

Ink stains can appear anywhere: on furniture, on paper, on the skin of your hands and more.

They dry quickly and become firmly embedded in the surface, making them difficult to deal with.

Read the article on how to wipe ballpoint paste and gel pen ink from various surfaces (plastic, rubber, paper, wallpaper, hand skin, etc.).

Priority actions

If an ink stain is detected, the item must be washed immediately. A fresh stain can be dealt with using soap or washing powder. The main thing is not to use hot water.

If there are no suitable conditions for instant washing, use improvised means, including:

  1. Wet alcohol wipe . Use it to blot the ink several times without rubbing the stain.

  2. Dry paper napkin . With its help, you can remove excess ink and prevent it from spreading onto clean areas.
  3. Salt. Sprinkle it on the stain for a few minutes, then shake it off with a napkin. This method will help if the handle is leaking a lot. Instead of salt, you can use starch or crushed chalk.
  4. Nail polish remover or alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Apply a small amount of the product onto a napkin and wipe the contaminated area with it.

You need to act quickly. The longer the ink is on the surface, the deeper it will be absorbed into it.


If none of the folk methods help, there is no reason to be upset. Household chemicals stores offer a lot of quality products that will help you get rid of the handle on the sofa. Some of them are designed specifically for removing ink from various types of material, including leather, faux leather, cotton, silk and others.

According to opinions shared by people who have encountered the same problem, the following remedies have proven themselves to be most positive:

  • special spray from Amway;
  • stain remover Expert;
  • anti-stain soap "Antipyatin";
  • active foam Vanish.

Do not forget to try the purchased product on an inconspicuous area of ​​the upholstery.

Even if you are completely desperate and it seems that nothing can help you get rid of the handle on the sofa, contact a dry cleaner or cleaning company in your city. With the help of professional equipment and chemical compounds, they will help you return your furniture to cleanliness and attractiveness.

How to remove ballpoint paste?

Ballpoint pens use thick, oil-based ink. They are made by mixing dye with alcohol and fatty acids. They dry quickly and are highly resistant to water.

Based on this, you need to take into account the rules for removing marks from a ballpoint pen:

  • You need to start removing the stain immediately; remove excess ink with a clean paper napkin, gently dabbing the stain with it;
  • There is no point in rubbing a fresh mark with a wet rag, it will only be absorbed more into the fabric;
  • when removing ink, you need to take into account the characteristics of the material from which the product is made;
  • if you decide to use aggressive compounds, you need to study the instructions for their use;
  • the new product must be tested in advance on an inconspicuous area; if it does not harm the product, treatment can be continued;
  • Do not use too hot water, it should be at room temperature, boiling water helps seal the ink into the fibers of the fabric;
  • as the cotton pad or sponge becomes dirty, it is changed; if you do not adhere to this rule, the area of ​​the stain will increase;
  • You need to rub the stain in the direction from the edge to the center.

Old marks are removed in several approaches; it will not be possible to deal with an impressive stain in one go.

Traditional methods

Traditional cleaning methods are more gentle, and in addition, such products are always at hand. However, the sooner the blot is detected, the more effective the cleaning procedure will be. It is better to test some mixtures and substances on a small area of ​​furniture that is not visible.


It is possible to wipe off ink with ethyl alcohol only if it is not yet dry. In this case, any alcohol-containing preparations will do. Soak a cotton pad in the product and lightly wipe the stained area. Then you need to wait a few hours. Alcohol does not damage leather upholstery and does not leave streaks.


If the paint has already been absorbed, you can wipe the handle off the skin with strong chemical solvents such as kerosene or gasoline. However, before using the product, you should try it on a small area of ​​upholstery on the bottom of the furniture product. When working with solvents, you need to wear latex gloves.

You can use machine chemicals or glass cleaning solution. The product completely covers the ink stain; the treated area is wiped with a washcloth soaked in a soap solution. The manipulation needs to be repeated again. When the contamination is completely removed, the area to be cleaned is treated with soapy water and then wiped dry with a soft cloth.

Fat cream

Use a rich body or hand cream. One part of the cosmetic product must be combined with the same volume of ammonia. Apply the mixture to the stained surface and leave for 5 minutes. After time, the residues are removed with a cotton sponge.

The cream will definitely not harm the leather product, it will even saturate it a little and make it softer. You can use the cosmetic product after treatment with other cleaning compounds, if the skin has become rough after them.

Dish detergent

Dishwashing liquid has the ability to dissolve grease, so it will help get rid of greasy smudges left by a ballpoint pen. This detergent composition will not spoil the leather product and will not cause irritation on the skin of the hands.

You can use the liquid without special precautions, the main thing is to completely rinse off any soap residue afterwards.

You need to take a brush, wet it a little and apply detergent on top. Now you need to carefully rub the stained surface with a brush. When the blot disappears, the treated area is washed with warm water until the foaming composition is completely eliminated.

Salt soap

You can wash the ink from a pen on a sofa using table salt and washing soap. 1 tbsp. l. salt and a little soap shavings are diluted in 125 ml of water. Shake the resulting mixture thoroughly to form foam. Cover the stain with detergent and leave it until the moisture evaporates. Then the blot is rubbed out, and the remaining product is removed with a damp cloth or washcloth.

Baking soda

Dilute 2 tsp in a glass of warm water. soda Dip a cotton pad or soft cloth into the resulting solution and squeeze out a little. Carefully wipe the stain on the leather sofa, rinse off the remaining cleaning composition with soapy water. Then the furniture needs to be dried thoroughly.

You can get rid of the blot in one go this way if it is fresh. For old stains, this procedure will have to be repeated several times.

Hair fixation spray

You can wipe off the handle of a leather sofa with a hair fixing spray. You need to spray the contaminated area with varnish (immediately after application you will see how the ink dissolves). Now you need to wait a little and wipe off the paint with a clean cotton pad. You need to repeat the procedure until the blot disappears completely. The shine that remains on the skin can be removed with a damp cloth.

Ammonia with glycerin

You can wash off ink on leather furniture with a detergent mixture of ammonia and glycerin. To prepare the solution, ammonia and glycerol are mixed in equal proportions. The mixture is applied to the blot and left for several minutes. Then the stain must be carefully rubbed, the remains are removed with a damp sponge.

You can only remove paint in this way from light skin, because stains will be visible on dark skin.


You can remove ink from a sofa or bag made of leather using tape. The adhesive tape is applied to the stained area and pressed firmly. Then the tape needs to be pulled and removed. The size of the tape used should not exceed the size of the blot. Residues can be cleaned using a paper eraser.

It is not recommended to use this method on artificial leather, because the soft and thin coating may tear during the process of removing the tape.

How to remove gel ink?

The gel from the pen tends to penetrate deeply into any porous surface, so the sooner the first steps to remove it are taken, the better.

There are only five basic rules:

  1. To prevent a fresh stain from spreading over the surface, it is outlined with a paraffin candle. You should not go beyond these boundaries. Once the treatment is complete, the paraffin can be removed with an iron.

  2. The cleaner should be applied along the edge of the stain, rubbing it towards the center.
  3. Gel pens can be alcohol- and water-soluble. If it cannot be removed with water, use alcohol-based formulations.
  4. Washing should be done in cool water.
  5. If possible, it is better to turn the item inside out.

Methods for removing traces of gel pen from various surfaces are described here.

How to remove a handle from fabric upholstery

The main methods of cleaning natural leather have been discussed, now you should pay attention to the fabric upholstery of the sofa and its ability to absorb ink. It must be said right away that all the methods of these two materials are very similar; they also use soda, table salt, vinegar and a paste of milk and cornstarch:

It must be said right away that all the methods of these two materials are very similar; they also use soda, table salt, vinegar and a paste of milk and cornstarch:

  1. Salt. The method of preparation and application to the surface of the sofa is the same as in the case of leather. You can experiment with salt as much as you like, the main thing is to carefully remove the solution after absorbing the ink using a damp sponge.
  2. Vinegar. Fabric does not react as painfully to vinegar as skin. But vinegar can leave its traces on dyed fabric.
  3. Milk and cornstarch. You can use it without fear for the safety of your sofa: milk and starch remove stains efficiently and accurately, do not “kill” the color of the upholstery and are easily wiped off with a damp sponge.

What not to do and why?

Basic prohibitions:

  1. Do not use hot water to remove ink stains. It will lead to them being sealed and it will be difficult to deal with them.

  2. Do not try to scrub off the mark from the pen with metal brushes. They are not able to penetrate deep into the surface, but will only scratch it.
  3. Painted products should not be treated with acetone or other caustic solvents; they can cause the base color to fade.
  4. Caustic alkalis are not suitable for most surfaces. They will not remove the ink, but will cause significant damage to the product.

How to remove pen marks from leatherette: 7 improvised means

There are several simple folk ways to remove a handle from the surface of synthetic leather without spoiling the product:

The most accessible way to remove a handle from leatherette is to wash the product with water and laundry soap. This method is suitable for removing fresh and weak ink stains. Laundry soap can be replaced with baby soap or dish gel without aggressive surfactants. A product that contains glycerin is also suitable. To clean, you need to prepare a concentrated soap solution, apply it to the surface of the product and rub with a white soft cloth. The remaining soap solution must be thoroughly rinsed off and the treated surface wiped dry. You can remove ink from leatherette using table salt. This method is most effective if the pen mark has appeared recently. First, rub the stain with a mixture of soap and water, then sprinkle generously with salt and leave for 2 hours. Soap will serve as a solvent, and salt will serve as a sorbent. Rinse off the salt with running water and wipe the product dry. Lemon juice cleans ballpoint pens well from leatherette. Moisten a clean cloth or cotton pad with freshly squeezed lemon juice and rub the contaminated area. The procedure will have to be repeated several times, changing the cotton pad. No worse than a lemon, the handle can be wiped off the eco-leather with a strong solution of citric acid or 9% table vinegar. Thoroughly rinse off the remaining acids with clean water. When looking for something to use to wipe off pen paste from leatherette, pay attention to simple alcohol. You can moisten a clean cloth with the liquid or use wipes to care for the monitor and wipe off ink stains. Medical alcohol can be replaced with vodka. Denatured alcohol is often colored blue, so it should not be used to remove ink stains on light leatherette - it will leave blue stains. You can wipe off the handle from light-colored artificial leather using ammonia. Mix 1 tbsp. l. ammonia and 1 glass of water, moisten a cotton swab with the solution and wipe off the ink stain from the surface of the product. The procedure may need to be repeated. After this, you need to rinse off the remaining mixture with clean water, wipe dry and lubricate the surface of the eco-leather product with glycerin. You can remove ink from a ballpoint pen using hairspray. The hair styling product handles the ink easily. Spray the varnish onto the stain, let it lightly absorb into the material, remove the residue with a soft cloth or cotton swab along with the ink

It is important not to overexpose the product on the surface of the leatherette, otherwise it will penetrate too deeply and saturate all the fibers of the material, fixing the ink on them. When removing a large stain, you will have to repeat the procedure several times.

This is a good way to wipe the handle off a chair, sofa, or car upholstery. In difficult cases, you can use solvents: acetone, nail polish remover without acetone, white spirit. But, since this method is quite risky, it is first worth checking the resistance of the paint and fibers of the material to the product by trying it on an inconspicuous area of ​​​​leatherette.

There are also several unusual ways to remove ink marks. To remove the handle from the leatherette, you can use greasy cream and wet wipes. The cream should be generously applied to the stain and left for 15-20 minutes to soak in, and then wipe off any remaining residue with a damp cloth. You can easily erase an ink blot from a chair or sofa using tape. The adhesive tape must be applied to the desired area and removed sharply, simultaneously removing the stain.

On white leatherette, which has a matte surface, you can remove the stain from the handle using a soft eraser. For a glossy surface, it is better not to use this method, so as not to spoil the overall appearance of the product. The eraser should be white so that there are no colored stripes left on the surface of the eco-leather.

There is another product for removing ink marks on leatherette. This is a melamine sponge made of special resin. Thanks to its unusual antennae, it removes dirt well. A melamine sponge should be moistened with soapy water and rub the stained surface with light circular movements until foam forms, which should be removed with a dry paper or viscose napkin.

If after cleaning the substitute becomes rough, it can be lubricated with glycerin to restore softness. Fresh stains can be removed completely, but even an organic solvent may be powerless against old ones.

Helpful information

Tips for removing pens from different surfaces:

  1. The older the stain, the more aggressive the composition should be to remove it. When washing things, a stain remover must be added to the powder.
  2. When trying to remove a fresh stain, the cleaner should be applied to a cotton swab or napkin, and not to the dirty surface itself. Old pen marks are soaked completely.
  3. Gel pens lend themselves well to removal with fatty solutions, such as oil or cream. However, such compositions cannot be used on fabrics.

Removing stains from leather furniture

If the stain was caused by a felt-tip pen based on alcohol, then you should use eau de toilette or another liquid with the same base. Oil-based markers are easier to wipe off with a cloth soaked in vegetable oil. Marker marks can be easily removed from a leather surface even after drying. It is enough to use a cotton swab soaked in alcohol. If after the first treatment the stain does not disappear, you will need to repeat the procedure.

Care instructions

Artificial leather substitute is a durable and wear-resistant material. The rules of care are simple:

  1. Wipe the surface regularly with a damp cloth.
  2. Periodically ventilate the product in fresh air.
  3. Do not delay in removing ink stains.

It is not difficult to wipe off the handle from the leatherette. There are many proven methods. One of them will definitely work if you act carefully. Taking good care of artificial leather products will help avoid problems in the future.


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