Director's office: design, photos and design styles (67 photos)

The first thing people pay attention to in an organization is the reception desk and the employee behind it. The reception desk is a type of office furniture that is the face of the company. Therefore, it must fit into the design, because clients and partners will form their first opinion about the company.

Also, using the reception desk, you can divide the room into zones, on one side a workplace, and on the other an area for clients to relax. Don’t forget that interior design is one of the components of a successful business.

Receptionist: the face of your company and its tasks

Despite the fact that the reception desk is used in almost any business, not everyone understands the importance of this piece of furniture. Reception tasks can help you appreciate the reception desk, and they are as follows:

  • creating an impression. The reception desk is the first thing a visitor sees. Therefore, it must be not only functional, but also presentable, and also support the overall corporate style;
  • reception area demarcation. Using the counter, the room is zoned, and two spaces appear: a work area and a waiting area. Thanks to this, the administrator can perform his duties even if there are clients in the room waiting for other specialists;
  • organization of the administrator's workplace. This employee usually not only receives clients, but also makes calls, confirms meetings, and works with documents;
  • visitor orientation. Thanks to the reception, a client who comes to your office for the first time clearly knows where to go and which employee can get an initial consultation.

The tasks also determine the functionality of the reception desk. Typically, the counter consists of two modules: the administrator’s desktop (partially hidden from the visitor’s view) and a tier for interaction with the client. But some models are equipped not only with additional shelves, but even with waiting sections or upholstered furniture.

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Home office

Outsourcing is becoming increasingly popular. It has many advantages.

  • Creating a studio will cost less than renting a coworking space or office.
  • No need to waste time on the road.
  • No need to think about the nuances of the dress code.
  • The opportunity to arrange a workplace, guided only by your own taste.
  • Having a pet nearby inspires...

Before you decide to set up a home office, there are a number of questions you need to think about. How many people will use it? Why do you need your job? Will you be working all day or will you only watch news online occasionally? The decor of the room largely depends on this.

Here are some interior design tips from the pros on how to create a home office.

  • Combine traditional and ultra-modern design elements, such as classic rugs and curtains, with minimalist furniture. Controversial? Without a doubt! At the same time, you are guaranteed an original interior.
  • A wall-mounted spotlight or a lamp equipped with a vertical stand will help to rationalize the space on your desktop.
  • Do you need spacious wardrobes? If you have to store paper copies of documents for work, you can’t do without spreadsheets. Otherwise, it is better not to clutter the room with shelves and racks that are not needed in any case.
  • Space-saving shelving in a home office looks better than a closet. It will take up less space and provide secure storage for your business documents.

  • Use non-standard solutions. A cup as a pen holder or an elegant vase for stationery - why not?
  • Feel free to experiment with bright colors. Everything that is unlikely to be appropriate in an ordinary manager’s office (acid-colored wallpaper, unusual prints, leather on the floor) is a more than suitable option for a home office.
  • Buy a magnetic board. It is comfortable, elegant and disciplined, whatever you say.

Leaders are different people, so they have different office styles. Between noble classics and ultra-modern high-tech design, there are many intermediate options that allow you to create a unique and varied interior.

Types of reception designs

By the appearance of the company, namely by the reception, one can judge the status, well-being and financial position of the company. Don't rely on appearance when choosing a rack; it should not only be beautiful, but also comfortable and functional.

Modular designs are more popular. With their help, you can create an excellent set, with the ability to supplement it with different shelving and bedside tables. The variety of racks is determined by the needs of the company in terms of external design, interior preferences, and functionality requirements.

Zoning of premises, principles of their arrangement

The office is conventionally divided into several zones: a place for relaxation, for conducting business meetings or negotiations, and a workspace. Each of them must be equipped according to a certain principle.

  • Work zone

The ideal option for placing a workspace is the central part or an area near the wall. In this place it is worth installing a massive desk made of natural materials, which will become a worthy decoration of the entire office. It should not only be beautiful and comfortable, but also spacious (with a large number of drawers) in order to accommodate all the documents (applications, orders, instructions) and some office equipment.

Important. For small offices, it is best to choose transformable desks, which can be converted into a place for negotiations in a few seconds.

Don't neglect the chair either. It is a mandatory element of the director's office. This item must be made of leather (eco or natural), be comfortable, roomy and wide, and also have armrests and an adjustable back.

  • Negotiation area

Mandatory elements of this area are a long table with a large number of chairs to accommodate employees or business partners. This furniture, just like the desk, should be made from natural materials and fit harmoniously into the overall interior of the room.

Important! If the manager often holds informal meetings or negotiations in his office, then for such purposes you can install a comfortable leather sofa, several additional chairs with a small table.

  • Relaxation area

This place is not always equipped with a sofa or folding chair; some managers prefer mini golf courses, table football or hockey, chess or checkers.

Unique designs

Unique designs are by far the most interesting. They are adapted to specific situations and come in the most unusual shapes. The stand will have a unique and unforgettable design, which will help to remain in the memory of the client or partner forever.

This is one of the most unique hotel receptions found all over the world. It is made from old suitcases of different shapes and sizes folded in a chaotic manner.

A library desk made from recycled books is very appropriate.

Posting rules

Receptions are rightly considered the hallmark of the office. The interior, the quality of materials, the correct arrangement of objects determine the success of the enterprise, the attitude of the owners towards visitors and clients. In the reception area, two zones can be roughly distinguished: the secretary’s workplace itself and the waiting area for clients.

Secretary desks can have different shapes, sizes, and configurations. For convenient work, bedside tables for equipment, papers, and racks for folders are installed next to the table. Depending on the size of the company, the size of the reception area, counters are located mainly in two ways:

  • To the side of the entrance - this way office workers (especially if the counter is long and involves the simultaneous work of several secretaries) do not interfere with visitors going to other rooms, but can observe clients and quickly provide assistance when making requests;
  • Opposite the doors - with this location of the reception, the secretaries immediately see clients and offer their help.

The waiting room is formed, as a rule, from upholstered furniture or low chairs. Since visitors expect to meet with management, it is better to place the sofas so that they can see when they are invited.

In small rooms, it is enough to place a few chairs against the wall. In a large reception area, it is advisable to place office sofas around the tables so that all clients can sit down and feel comfortable working with papers or exchanging documents. A closet or a special hanger rack must be installed next to the waiting area so that visitors can take off their outerwear.

In the style of minimalism

The simplest designs are sometimes the best. Most modern offices follow this strategy.

Look how simple the stand is, but how impressive it is simply with the placement of the light.

Simple and luxurious. Backlighting is used here to highlight the shapes.

Many offices try to use simple shapes and stand out by doing so. Here is an example of such a stand.

Geometric figures

Geometric shapes have recently been often used to decorate offices.

Geometric designs are abstract and universal.

Industrial flair combined with minimalist aesthetics.

Futuristic look.

It's like a natural extension of the ceiling.

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Tech companies and their creative front office projects

The most creative projects are inherent in such companies.

Just look at how unusual the brick counter is.

This stand seemed to disappear into the interior.

These seemingly random designs have become incredibly popular in recent years.

In these cases, the counter stands out due to the interior surrounding it.

Criterias of choice

When choosing furniture for the reception area, you need to evaluate not only the design, but also the performance qualities of the products. They must have high wear resistance and be comfortable. It is better to place upholstered furniture of simple shapes, covered with leatherette, in the waiting area. It looks stylish, is inexpensive and will last a long time even with a large flow of visitors. The reception desk and cabinet furniture can be selected from chipboard or MDF. These materials are widely used in furniture production due to their good performance and low cost. In addition, different types of decorative coatings allow you to choose an effective option for any interior.

When choosing furniture, it is necessary to take into account the type of activity of the company, the interior of the room, and the color scheme of surface finishes. When decorating a reception area, it is not recommended to overload the space. In case of a large crowd of people, they should not feel squeezed in space. Clients should feel comfortable and convenient, they should feel attention and interest from the company. It is in such cases that people will want to turn to the company again.

Modern counters in showrooms

The salons may be completely different, but they are united by the desire to create a warm and friendly welcoming counter.

The stance is luxurious without overdoing the interior.

What a sweet welcome at the hair salon!

A hair salon in Prague has chosen a stand made of stylish and sophisticated cedar as the main element.

When the counter is the same color as the floor, you will feel relaxed.

But here is a more traditional and rich design.

This is one of the most glamorous reception areas.

This asymmetrical technique may drive some people crazy.

Small office environment

It is worth thinking separately and in advance about how furniture is arranged in the office if there is not enough space. Almost none of the above rules can be applied here. A cubicle layout is not possible for a small office. An open one will save precious space, and personal space can be created using partitions.

As for the furniture itself, you should not choose unusual table shapes. They take up a lot of space, although they look more impressive. Standard rectangular tables will allow you to get more work space. Recreation areas should be as compact as possible and include only two or three chairs with a table.

Lighting is important in any office, but this is especially true when there is little space and there are a lot of objects and people that interfere with its penetration. There will be much less natural light here due to the small size of windows and their number

There is no need to skimp on lighting.

The specific location of the boss's desk does not change in any way - it is better to place it at the end of the hall, there should be a wall behind it. The only thing is that most likely you will have to abandon the partitions completely. Also, to save space, you can combine a workplace with a common table, giving the manager a little more free space.

Reception desk Profiquadro

An example of sophisticated design within the framework of modern style, PROFIQUADRO is made using solid wood and chipboard. Thoroughly thought-out content of the counter, coupled with stylish design, creates unrivaled working conditions for staff and attracts the attention of the target audience.

Zoom reception desk

The unique counter made of laminated chipboard “Zoom”, in accordance with its name, is designed to immediately capture the attention of the visitor and from the first seconds of his stay in the room embodies reliability, professionalism, and determination. By equipping your own reception area with such furniture, you will make a profitable investment in the reputation and positioning of your organization.

History, technical details and recommendations

The English word “reception” is translated as reception.

And reception furniture occupies the most important place when arranging an office. The standard kit, as a rule, includes a rack, which can be designed for one or several people, a cabinet or shelving. Also, in the reception area there can be armchairs or chairs for visitors and coffee tables.

There are several rules that you can follow to create excellent reception areas (or reception areas in other words).

  1. Position of the counter: it is best if it faces the entrance, but if the room is small, you can place it against the side wall.
  2. Reception furniture should match the design of all other furniture in the office, but it is acceptable if it stands out a little.
  3. The stands themselves must be designed according to ergonomic rules - this way you will show your concern for the health of both employees and visitors. That is why reception desks, no matter what they are - often modular, wall-mounted, attached - have rounded, smooth shapes.

At Advant you will be pleasantly surprised by the possibility of making a reception desk to order, according to special sketches, taking into account your requirements.

Form difference

A modern reception desk can be made in any form that is most suitable for each specific case. However, the following types remain the most popular:

Rectangular racks are the most classic, simplest and inexpensive option.

Oval shapes are perfect for spacious reception areas, creating a covered work area in the middle of the room, giving clients unobstructed access to employees.

The only drawback is excellent visibility of the workplace; this is unacceptable when working with confidential information.

U-shaped shapes are perfect for a large hall, and if it is necessary to place several administrators behind the counter.

Corner racks are suitable for small rooms; they allow you to equip a fairly functional workplace in a limited area.

On an individual order, it is possible to produce non-standard reception desks of any variation, with all kinds of bends and a combination of several shapes.

This solution will allow you to 100% customize the reception desk not only to the design features of the reception area, but also to the overall corporate style.

By studying photos of reception desks of various shapes, in a variety of interiors, you can understand which design option is suitable for the reception area of ​​your business.

Fashion trends

The decor in a manager's office should not only be functional. It must comply with the latest design trends. Nowadays the most popular office decorations are:

The design project of the manager's office should be drawn up together with the owner of the premises.

Designers recommend decorating your office in the spirit of classics - this style will always be held in high esteem.

High tech

This style is often chosen by young managers who keep up with the times. The furniture for the work area is selected to be practical and functional. The office will look modern, more suitable for advertising agencies and companies with a stable position in the market.

The design of the office should be stylish, cozy and presentable at the same time.


The classic style includes massive wooden furniture, original accessories with gilded elements, leather upholstery of upholstered furniture, and handmade work.

Interior details should be in harmony with each other and leave only a positive impression on visitors and company employees.

This design will emphasize the stability of the organization and is suitable for companies operating in any direction.

Most often, managers choose between two styles: classic and modern.

When choosing the interior for the office of the head of the company, you need to think through every detail. It is this room that has a special impact on the work of the entire corporation, the attitude of subordinates towards the leader, and the atmosphere within the team. Regardless of which style is chosen, all components must be organically combined with each other - this is the main secret of success.

The right color scheme, selection of furniture and organization of space are key steps towards a successful design of the director's office.

Types of reception

Racks that do not have corner parts are called straight. They are ideal for organizations with a large flow of people. They are often installed in government organizations and service centers. Pairs perfectly with other interior details.

To complete a structure with straight parts, corner posts are often used. They are the ideal solution for small spaces. Can be supplemented with archival shelves, file and catalog cabinets.

U-shaped racks are called structures made up of straight and corner modules. Suitable for premises in which, in addition to the administrator, other employees work.

Arc-shaped racks are solid and practical. This system allows the employee to always be facing the visitor. At such a counter the client will feel his importance. Installed in organizations with a large flow of clients.

Tables shaped like a circle or square are called closed. The style is more suitable for shopping centers, hotels, public utilities and car dealerships.

The stand looks great and perfectly complements the interior of the room. The design of the reception desk should be chosen based on the size of the room and the number of visitors. Do not forget that all interior details should form a single picture.

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There should be no hospitals, morgues, cemeteries, prisons or similar institutions near the office building. A huge amount of negative energy concentrated in them will have a bad effect on business.

The office building must have a symmetrical, regular shape. The most unfavorable option is a pyramid; in this case, energy will not be able to circulate freely in space and will stagnate.

Buildings with mirrored windows are also not suitable. Due to reflective surfaces, positive energy will not be able to penetrate inside. You should not choose rooms with many overhanging cornices and protruding beams.

Buildings with a larger upper floor area than the lower floors are also not suitable. In these cases, the likelihood of conflicts in the team is high. The best option for locating office space is in the middle, not at the ends of the corridor.

The entrance to the office should not be located opposite the elevator; such placement will lead to rapid bankruptcy.

Features of the rack design

The stand is selected based on the specifics of the company or organization. Every company wants to make its reception more original, luxurious and stylish. The racks themselves represent entire systems.

Designers, in turn, design them with bold and interesting solutions.

  • Store stands are made of metal, plastic, glass, tiles, but the design always follows the style of the store.
  • Exhibition stands are always made in bright colors, to attract the client, the company logo on the stand is required.
  • Beauty salons always impress with their expensive and presentable counters, which are made of expensive materials.

By the functionality of the rack one can judge the solidity and respectability of the company.


Finishing materials are chosen in such a way as to ensure, along with beauty, a healthy microclimate in the office space.


The best option is to use natural parquet boards or laminate. It is important that the coating is laid efficiently, without distortions. A good solution is to use floor coverings. They muffle extraneous sounds and at the same time look very respectable. If the carpet covers the entire floor, it is better to choose a short-pile synthetic product, since it is much easier to care for. High-quality floor tiles are suitable for the head doctor’s office in a clinic.


At the rough finishing stage, the walls are carefully leveled. An important point is the use of modern sound insulation. The choice of a specific finishing material depends on the design style of the office as a whole. For a classic interior, wallpaper with soft patterns or decorative natural panels are suitable. Art Nouveau, ethno and many modern interiors are associated with textured plain rolled materials.


It can be used when dividing space into zones. For an open space, it is optimal to design single-level ceilings. A clear division into zones provides for a two-level design.


When designing the director's office, the designer will have to solve a difficult problem. Firstly, the furniture should match the style of the office as a whole. Secondly, it should be luxurious and high-status, more expensive than in the offices of department heads or chief accountants.

You can judge the company by the interior decor. Wooden cabinets and tables made of ash, walnut or oak, high-quality leather furniture indicate commitment to tradition and the stability of the company's financial condition. On the contrary, metal parts, an abundance of plastic and glass, or, on the contrary, a minimalist, strict to the point of asceticism, interior indicates that the director is capable of making quick and sometimes non-standard decisions. But in any case, no matter what option you choose, remember: there is no place for cheap sets in the director’s office.


The choice of decorative elements that create a stylish and complete picture of the interior depends on the style of the room.

  • For the traditional classic version, these are paintings, figurines and a mini-garden of beautiful plants.
  • The minimalist style involves a complete rejection of decor. Here the role of decoration is played by aesthetic, non-standard and expensive materials.
  • High-tech, techno interiors. The role of interior decor is played by color accents (bright furniture or carpeting), unusually shaped lamps, as well as paintings painted in a modern manner.

What is included in the reception design project?

Having collected all the necessary data to formulate the technical specifications, as well as recording the client’s wishes, the designer will begin one of the first stages of creating a design project - preparing sketches. At this stage, it is possible to make changes, so the specialist carefully coordinates everything with the customer again in order to then move on to 3D visualization of the project.

The reception area traditionally includes:

  • rack;
  • office manager's workplace;
  • company logo above the counter;
  • the waiting area.

The concept of the reception design project is based on its functional purpose. Receiving and greeting guests, informing about the company's activities, waiting for a meeting, all this happens in the reception hall. The first thing visitors pay attention to is the color and light of the room. Speaking about the color scheme of the hall and reception area, it is better to adhere to corporate ethics and use corporate colors in the design. The rules for their use are usually described in the company’s full brand book. The rules for using the logo are also clarified there. It is better to place the logo above the reception desk, highlighting it with bright LED strips. Corporate colors can also be used in the design of counters, furniture, wall decoration in the office, and in infographics.

General rules for arranging furniture

100 best design ideas: corner cabinets in the photo
There are general rules for arranging furniture in the office. Points that must always be remembered and observed include:

  1. Width of aisles. It should be sufficient for employees to move freely around the room without the risk of hitting the furniture, and without disturbing colleagues.
  2. Location of heating or air conditioning equipment. They must be at a certain distance from each employee. Proximity will cause discomfort and, in worst cases, health problems.
  3. Location relative to aisles. You should not sit with your back to areas where there is constant movement of people - a person will always be inadvertently touched and distracted. It is also undesirable to locate the workplace near the exit. It is better to arrange a tea corner or reception area there.
  4. Table arrangement. People should only sit with their backs to windows if they can be curtained to prevent glare on the computer screen.

MDF panels

The cheapest of all the options presented. This stand has a pleasant appearance, will last quite a long time, does not create any particular inconvenience during operation, and can be easily disassembled when moving to a new location.

However, the main disadvantage is that the client may have an unpleasant impression of the company, a feeling of business failure.

When choosing a reception desk for a business, be sure to pay attention not only to its functionality and cost, but also to its presentable appearance, because it is this that serves as the face of your company in front of the client.

Convenience, beauty, appropriateness, compliance with corporate style, versatility - these are the characteristics that an ideal reception desk should meet.

Color solutions

The top manager's office is a very special room where decisions that are fateful for the enterprise are made. Therefore, it is important to think through the color palette in such a way as to focus attention on solving the most important issues.

Designers recommend using natural shades to the maximum: greenish, gray, brown and beige. This not only adds style to the room, but also puts visitors in the mood for business.

The dominance of pastel colors alone is undesirable, since they set one in a romantic mood, far from fulfilling work matters. It is much more correct to play on contrasts. For example, light beige walls go well with dark cabinet furniture. The same can be said about upholstered furniture. Comfortable armchairs and sofas, upholstered in dark brown or black leather, create an atmosphere of respectability and pleasantly contrast with the light finishes.

Design of the main reception areas

The design of the stand can be made in traditional or modern style. The round stand looks dynamic and impressive. It softens the severity of the room and adds elegance to this area. Rectangular traditional stands look restrained and strict. When choosing the color of the stand, remember that bright colors look better against a light background. The most common materials for racks are plastic, acrylic, and all kinds of polymers. A more expensive option is wood - a timeless classic that simultaneously looks stylish and adds coziness to any room.

The reception area is a place where company guests can stay while waiting for a specialist. These are sofas, armchairs, and a table. Choose soft, comfortable and at the same time minimalist furniture. It should not clutter up the space, acting as a visual accent.

An interesting solution in the design of the reception area would be to place infographics on the wall. The history of the company, what it does, interesting entertaining facts, events and awards, advantages over other companies in this niche - this is not the entire list of what you can inform clients and guests about. The main rule is to maintain a uniform design and harmony of all areas of the main hall.


Good lighting is an important component of office design and the key to maintaining vision for many years. Constant work with documents and in front of a PC monitor leads to eye fatigue, and well-organized lighting fixtures will help reduce it.

Office light is presented in three directions:

  • Natural Large windows allow maximum natural light into the manager’s office and also visually expand the space. Particularly popular today are panoramic designs that occupy the entire wall space from floor to ceiling.
  • Ceiling Overhead lighting is usually represented by flat or recessed ceiling lights with a spot arrangement. Looking at the photo of the finished interior design, it is easy to understand that bulky chandeliers in the executive office are inappropriate and impractical.
  • An accent table lamp is a must-have companion for a business person. A floor lamp is not suitable for an office environment, since it usually acts as an attribute of home comfort. Accent lighting can be used on shelves, tabletops, and wall decor - it looks modern and impressive.
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