Apartment design 2022 – fashionable interior trends worth paying attention to

head of design studio

I often come across thoughts about what type of people modern style suits.:) And who cares? Who cares what kind of person I am if I like modern style. Like and like Moreover, over the years a person changes his attitude towards design. For example, when you are young you may like the Scandinavian style, when you are older it is modern, and when you are old it is classic.

There are no strict rules or templates for creating an apartment design in a modern style. This is where all its charm lies, but at the same time its complexity. There are several key points that must be followed if you want to create a modern apartment design, the photos below demonstrate them.

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Apartment interior 2022 with fashionable design (photo)

For most people, it is often customary to think not about the construction process, which does not provide much convenience, but about the result and a house that will be cozy and beautiful for all residents. It's about creating a dream home for the future for you and your family. That is why the interior design of an apartment 2022 is one of the most important stages of work on each project, and includes the preparation of documentation for the further implementation of a full renovation.

The first and main step in creating your own interior is choosing a style. Of course, it will be very difficult for a person who is not savvy in design issues to understand all the existing directions and it will be even more difficult to correctly describe what he wants. Fashion magazines and Internet sites devoted to this issue will help solve the problem.

Save all the photos and images you like. It’s better to print or cut them out later so that you can compare them by placing them side by side. Usually twelve options are enough to make a decision.

Take a close look at the images and try to find common features: similar colors, density of objects, shape of furniture. It is also important to take into account the features of your own home. For example, the Victorian style will not suit the owners of small apartments with low ceilings, even if they are its ardent fans.

Kitchen design: from baseboard to spoon

Details are important in the interior of any kitchen, so pay special attention to them depending on the style you choose. For example, high-tech accepts the use of metal surfaces and glass everywhere, so when choosing accessories there is no need to drag in spotted towels from the country style. In each of these styles, blinds will be an excellent design element.

Small kitchen: expanding the space

Surely, it’s no secret to you that it is thanks to design that you can amazingly expand the space of any room, including the kitchen. A small kitchen is, of course, a challenge, because there is so much to fit into it.

First of all, use glossy or reflective surfaces to expand the space. The best style choice in this case would be modern or modern style. The minimum number of accessories provided by such styles will in no case clutter the space.

More photos of small kitchens.

Kitchen design 12 sq m

This footage is most often typical for new buildings and it really is practically a gift from heaven. Moreover, apartment owners can hardly count on good-sized kitchens in a private house.

However, even with such footage, you need to be able to organize everything so that the space is as balanced as possible. You should start by choosing the style and the kitchen wall, which is the main piece of furniture. It is better to give preference to furniture with hidden sliding shelves that will hide all unnecessary kitchen accessories.

More photos of kitchen design 10 sq. m.

Popular design styles for interior decoration

In the early stages of a residential building project, you need to decide what exactly you want. The point is to choose specific examples that you can focus on and draw inspiration from. Beautiful pictures on the Internet and advice on the style that best suits a particular person will help here.

On a note! It is with the choice of style that work begins on a modern and fashionable apartment design for 2022, and today the most popular interior styles are: classic, minimalism, hi-tech, loft, prance, modern and others.


This is a universal option that uses classic combinations of materials and colors. It won't have any big surprises, but that's what makes it good. Suitable for calm and balanced people, it would also be a great choice for older people or married couples.


It does not at all imply a minimum of things and a lack of decor! This style means practicality in everything, but does not replace bright decorative elements, which can be lamps or sofas at the same time, fulfilling the function of decoration and their actual task.


It features quite non-standard modern solutions and allows you to emphasize the individuality of the apartment owner. Allows combinations of classic and bright colors, wood and gilding. The interior of an apartment in the Art Nouveau style welcomes various technological solutions.

High tech

The style is suitable for young and bright personalities. Flying and lightweight, it involves the use of metals and glass, as well as various modern materials that are easy to care for and at the same time look stylish.


A non-standard option that requires a particularly creative approach. It allows you to combine brick walls and concrete partitions without additional finishing with cozy interior decor elements.


This style will simply “smell” of Paris and its romantic mood. Uses eco-materials and pastel colors. Often, for this style, furniture is artificially aged.

There are actually many more interior styles in which you can create a fashionable apartment design for 2022, and you can always, if desired, combine different design options to come up with something of your own. But it is very important that the design project of the apartment is thought out to the smallest detail, and it is unacceptable to combine things and furniture that are incompatible with each other.


All photos of the project Design of the dining area of ​​the apartment in the Moscow residential complex "Elena"

All photos of the project White living room design in neoclassical style

Neoclassicism is a balance of classical elegance and practicality of modern interior design techniques. It is elegant and delightful in its ability to combine the richness of historical traditions and the high functionality of 21st century interiors.

All photos of the project Design of a 3-room apartment in the Fort Kutuzov residential complex

All photos of the project Living room design in modern classic style

In a word, neoclassicism is a style on the verge of past and present, a mixture of elements of interiors of the Victorian era, imperial France and a modern metropolis.

Reasons for the popularity of the neoclassical style

All photos of the project Design idea for a kitchen-dining room in neoclassical style

The main advantage of neoclassicism is that it is friendly with time. She is not afraid of the vagaries of fashion and the transience of trends. Design in this style will always be relevant.

All photos of the project Idea for decorating a neoclassical living room from our portfolio

Neoclassicism is characterized by an easier reading of the attributes of the classical style. Stucco molding is used here in doses; it can be seen in the decoration of ceiling cornices or in the decoration of furniture facades. Moldings and pilasters are often used for symmetry and orderliness.

Interior of a beige bedroom in neoclassical style

The neoclassical furniture is of good quality. Looking at it, you will certainly remember the interior from the film adaptation of a classic novel like “Emma” or “Anna Karenina”.

Apartment interior 2022 – fresh design ideas (photo)

Today there are no special preferences in terms of style that would be fashionable - everyone chooses the most suitable options for themselves. However, it is very important to maintain style. If modern and loft usually combine quite easily with each other, then loft with Provence look somewhat strange, and this is very important to take into account.

If it is not clear how you want to see the design of the apartment in 2022, then you can first study the catalog of completed works in the portfolio or look at photos of beautiful interiors on the Internet to get inspiration. Show the pictures that you like so that the designer can get the appropriate mood and feel the atmosphere that the customers need in the apartment.

There are quite a lot of different interesting ideas for stylish apartment interior design in 2022 on television and on the Internet, and this pushes people to also choose something unusual and non-standard for themselves.

Today you won’t surprise anyone with design elements in the interior or some things that are becoming more commonplace every day. And over the years, designer renovations have become more accessible to ordinary citizens.

Apartment design project 2022 – photos of stylish interiors

The fashionable interior of apartments 2022 is created by professional designers who have the appropriate training and the necessary experience and knowledge in this field. In addition, design specialists have a very good sense of proportion and artistic beauty to make apartments beautiful and stylish. When drawing up a project, you will need to go through a number of mandatory stages of work.

The main components of the work are preparation for drawing up a project, drawing up paper documentation, selecting plumbing fixtures, furniture and equipment, as well as further designing visual variations in computer programs. This allows you to analyze every element of the stylish interior of apartment 2022 from A to Z in order to make everything of the highest quality and convenient for everyone who will live in it.

In the work of designers, the following stages of the design process can be distinguished:

  1. Measurements and development of a planning solution, which will allow drawing up drawing documentation and determining the size of the premises in the apartment.
  2. Carrying out zoning and arranging furniture so that everything matches the rooms and their purpose, while taking into account the age and wishes of those who will live in the premises.
  3. Choosing a style and preparing specifications for working in programs on a PC in order to get a rough idea of ​​what should happen in the end.
  4. The designer visits the suppliers' bases to select plumbing fixtures and furniture in order to provide the apartment with the appropriate furnishings.
  5. Visualization in computer programs to roughly imagine what each part will look like. This also allows you to make changes if the customer suddenly doesn’t like something during the visualization.
  6. Drawing up working documentation for further construction and repair work, as well as a list of all building materials and clarifying the amount of materials required to implement the project conceived by the designer.
  7. Author's supervision during repair work to ensure high-quality completion of each stage.

Thus, if all the above steps are followed, regardless of the type of apartment and the features of its layout, you can achieve the highest quality interior design for apartment 2022 .

Ideas and tips for apartment interior design 2022

An uninitiated person who is furnishing his home has to make so many decisions, go through so many options, that he involuntarily settles on the most banal and familiar interior, not much different from the previous one. And when the renovation is completed, a slight haze of disappointment remains in my soul that I didn’t have enough courage and knowledge to create the ideal interior of apartment 2022.

The financial issue is far from the last place in the design of housing. Deciding on the amount you are willing to immediately invest in repairs is extremely important. Both the process itself and its scale will depend on this. If you don’t have enough money for everything at once, then you can initially work on the main room, and then move on to the rest of the house.

Apartment plan

A detailed plan for the future furnishings of the apartment is simply necessary, as it will allow you to immediately see and eliminate some mistakes. Thanks to it, you can quickly determine the size of future furniture, plan its most advantageous arrangement, and select suitable upholstery. This procedure will seem boring to many, but on the Internet there are now so many interesting programs that allow you to quickly and interestingly create such plans that this activity will turn into entertainment for you.

You can bring your projects closer to reality by using the following technique. Mark the guidelines for future furniture using boxes or towels. And then you will really see how much space they take up in the room and how convenient it is to move around it.

Advice! It would be best to first create a 3D model of the apartment plan, which will allow you to visualize your plans on the computer and see how it will all look in the end. This often helps to find good ideas and successful solutions.

Painting the walls

Painting the walls will give your home a unique atmosphere or completely change its style. Playing with colors in this regard is much more convenient than choosing suitable wallpaper. You can experiment and play with contrast by highlighting one wall with a bright color, thereby adding a little fun. If you want to feel peaceful, the interiors of apartment 2022 should be decorated in soothing colors.

Don't skimp on furniture

When purchasing a sofa or bed, you must understand that your sleep and well-being will depend on the quality of this item. It is better not to save on such furniture and enjoy comfort for years, than after a couple of years to look for a replacement for cheap analogues because they have become unusable.

Consider all sizes

When going shopping for renovations, carefully measure the room, window and door openings, niches, width and height of the elevator and staircases again. Take all your notes with you, this will help you not make a mistake in choosing the right finishing materials and even furniture, because in a huge sales area the closet will look much smaller than its actual size, therefore, relying only on visualization, you may be disappointed to discover that in your at home he looks like a giant.

We save where possible

With a fairly modest budget, you can save on purchasing accessories. For example, it is better to buy decorative pillows and lamps not from famous manufacturers, but from an ordinary ordinary hardware store. Against the background of expensive and high-quality furniture, good wall decoration and natural curtains, they will not look cheap, so the interior will not lose its luster, but at the same time it will cost you much less.

Bring a little antiquity into your new interior

Old antique things will look interesting in a new apartment. They give the atmosphere comfort and depth. Such things make you think about traditions and allow the interior to acquire a “personality of its own” that sets it apart from other similar stylistic solutions.

Many experts recommend not to waste time purchasing temporary furniture. But what if you haven’t found the thing you need yet, but you need to sleep on something? In this case, inexpensive furniture purchased for a short time will save you.

It’s easy to part with such things later, since they are acquired only for practical reasons. But if you are one of the people for whom there is nothing more permanent than temporary, then you are better off without such an intermediate purchase.

Take help from a designer

If you are still overcome by doubts that you will not be able to cope with the interior design of apartment 2022 on your own, but will only waste time and money, then use the help of a specialist. This also costs money, but if the budget is tight, then you can only pay for a consultation, at which you can resolve the issues that concern you.

You need to understand that drawing up a project by a designer is a rather lengthy process. The work usually takes up to 2 months, and with the right approach, a very large amount of work will be required. In the course of his activities, the designer analyzes the selected analogues and makes a choice of the appropriate style that is most suitable for a particular situation.

In addition, it will be necessary to work out the details and create visualizations. This is not so simple, and you will have to spend quite a long time creating the necessary documentation. This is why it is impossible to get a high-quality design in a few days! The minimum order completion time is a month, and this is subject to a minimum package of documents.

The designer who develops the project must subsequently monitor its implementation. This means that during repairs, mistakes will not be made in the future that would lead to poor quality results. As a result, the company transfers a completely finished apartment into operation in the appropriate form and condition.

This saves the customer’s energy and time, since he does not have to be on site and solve organizational issues, and also guarantees the result, since the designer is responsible and is interested in ensuring a high-quality result.

Today, ordering a fashionable apartment design for 2022 from professionals who have extensive experience in this field is not at all difficult. To do this, it is enough to contact just one company that can provide high-quality development of all documentation for successful repairs.

The power of details

The role of accessories in urban chic style cannot be overestimated. Although the leitmotif in such a space is minimalism, due to its ambiguous form it allows you to freely diversify the interior with various additions.

The principle that normalizes their choice and method of composition is liberty and freedom, which opens up extremely wide possibilities for organizing space.

Lamps with broken geometric shapes, glass candlesticks, decorative metal shelves or hangers - accents decorated in this form and design ideally reflect modern urban architecture, demonstrating the desire for the latest trends.

The hustle and bustle of big city life is best reflected in interesting paintings or graphics. An impressive landscape, panorama or modern and abstract motifs effectively reflect the life and pulsation of the modern city, enclosed here in a decorative frame.

Apartment interior 2022 – cost of developing a design project

The cost of apartment design 2022 depends on the format of the chosen cooperation, and here you can highlight different options. For example, the basic package will cost less. Typically, this service includes remodeling the apartment and arranging furniture, as well as drawing up a measurement plan and plumbing layout.

All documents must be accompanied by appropriate instructions from the project author in order to provide convenient implementation conditions and understandable information for those who will implement this project plan in the future.

You can choose a fashionable apartment interior 2022 with 3D visualization and drawing up drawings, which will allow you to more effectively implement your design project. However, it is more expensive, includes everything the same as the basic package, and is distinguished by the presence of technical documentation, consisting of a plan of ceilings and utility systems, drawings and computer visualization in special programs that allow you to see how the apartment will look in the future.

The most expensive option is “VIP - all inclusive”, which includes support from the beginning of design to the final implementation of the project. This option is not cheap, but it is the most complete package of design services, which includes everything that is necessary for builders to immediately begin the actual implementation of the project conceived by the designer. All materials have already been selected, plumbing fixtures and specific furniture have been selected, and there are also drawings and visualizations in computer programs.

Despite the fact that the VIP project provides builders with everything necessary to successfully complete the ordered repairs, it is important to control each stage of their work personally. This will give you a guarantee that everything is implemented exactly as was originally planned in the documentation.

Important! In order to avoid mistakes, during the work process the construction team, the designer and the customer must constantly keep in touch with each other, meet, and exchange opinions.

Everyone chooses for themselves the format of cooperation that is beneficial and convenient for them, and this allows them to receive both a design project very inexpensively, but with a minimum basic set of necessary services, and a full package with various services and support until the commissioning of the object, but significantly expensive. Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages, and you need to decide for yourself what suits you best.

Don't worry about making a ton of mistakes that will forever remind you of your bad decisions. This is far from the last renovation in your life, so next time all the nuances will be taken into account. And decorative items you don’t like can always be replaced with new ones; it’s not that expensive. Any little things like lamps, sconces, bedside lamps, sofa pillows, figurines, if not chosen very well, can be easily changed. So don’t worry and create a modern apartment interior design 2022 yourself.

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