Do-it-yourself Swedish wall for an apartment for children and adults (135+ Photos)

For the health of a child's body, all that is needed is a balanced diet, daily routine and moderate physical activity. It is necessary to accustom children to sports from early childhood, but we do not always have the opportunity to enroll a child in sports classes or in any section.

A great idea in this case would be to organize a children's corner right in the apartment. An ideal option for decorating a sports area would be a wall bars with a horizontal bar for the home. Let's talk about the features of this device.

Description of design

The wall bars are a universal exercise machine that can be installed as a separate apparatus or together with a sports complex. It is useful to use it in winter, when there is little outdoor play for children. Installing a wall bars does not require much space; it is enough to prepare a few meters on the floor and wall.

The wall bars are a universal exercise machine.

Additionally, you can attach projectiles to the structure, expanding the possibilities for different activities. When using the simulator, small children require adult supervision to avoid injury.

The structure includes a staircase that extends from ceiling to floor, with a horizontal bar installed at the top. Sports equipment (parallel bars, rings, rope ladder, rope, punching bag, etc.) can be attached near the wall. The most economical option is a frame with cross bars.

Doesn't require much space

This is a good choice for the physical development of children of different ages. The sports complex helps strengthen muscles, develop correct posture, and develop endurance and agility in children. With regular exercise, the cardiovascular system, immunity and coordination of movements are strengthened and trained. Exercises are also necessary to prevent flat feet.

Having a universal exercise machine in your home will save you money on visiting the gym. You can exercise at any time, choosing the level of load and improving your physical fitness.

Ideal room for a boy

The advantages of wall bars are as follows:

  • Variety of functions . Installing additional equipment will help diversify the use of the structure.
  • Ergonomics . Walls with different characteristics are available for sale. Therefore, the buyer can choose the best solution.
  • Durability . Modern models are durable in use. When manufacturing them, companies carefully select high-quality materials, taking into account their reliability.
  • Availability . The range includes inexpensive models, as well as prestigious products for professional training.
  • Beneficial effect on muscles , immune system, increased tone.
  • Possibility of training for people of any level of training.

Option that takes up little space

Sports complexes have several disadvantages. This concerns transportation difficulties . The voluminous structure is difficult to take out of the store by car or lift it by elevator. The walls are not easy to install, since the diagram is first studied and suitable components are selected.

Advice You should select a sports complex taking into account the overall design and style of the room. Before purchasing such a product, you should contact a consultant to find out if there are any restrictions.

All of these shortcomings can be easily corrected.

Variety of functions

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General concept

People first started talking about the Swedish wall in the 19th century. The creator of such a famous simulator was the doctor Per Ling. He felt the need to create this complex to implement the gymnastic exercises he had introduced on it.

Soon the wall with stairs became widespread throughout the country, including Russia. During the Soviet period, such a simulator was present in the gyms of all schools in our country.

So, the wall bars are a universal exercise machine, which, due to its small size, can be installed in even a small room.

In addition to the main part, the complex can be supplemented with a rope, punching bag or rings. With the help of such a device you can work out all muscle groups.


Manufacturers offer a large selection of wall bars, with compact and larger models. The latter are not suitable for compact spaces. The main material is metal and wood, although in comparison with outdoor types. Home walls have limited functionality.

If there is enough space at home, you can choose a staircase of any size. Typically, the height of manufactured products starts from 1 meter, width from 60 cm. The structure must be installed so that children are not injured during exercises.

Modern models are durable in use

The following types of structures are distinguished by shape:

  • U-shaped . These are more massive models that are suitable for spacious and large rooms. The structure includes two staircases connected by a monkey bars or crossbars. This solid and durable product can withstand many additional accessories.
  • L-shaped wall . It is the most popular model and includes a high staircase, which ends at the top with a horizontal bar or monkey bars. Models differ in mounting options.
  • I-shaped models are simpler . They consist of a pair of racks and crossbars, placed sideways or against the wall. You won't be able to hang additional shells here.
  • T-shaped structures and corners. This is an option suitable for everyone; it is attached vertically from floor to ceiling. The wall includes a ladder and handrails located on the sides.
  • In the form of a corner . Such a simulator is ergonomic, occupies a minimum area, but its functionality is preserved. The corner model can be purchased ready-made or assembled from two products.

Option for a large room

For small rooms it is better to buy I- or L-shaped structures and transformers. It is advisable for a child to buy wooden products

Based on the type of installation, a distinction is made between autonomous walls and sports complexes. The first option is free-standing exercise equipment, which is placed sideways or against the wall. The second type is a structure combined with a bed. They save space, but when choosing, you need to take into account the functionality and strength of the fasteners.

Is it possible to do it yourself - general nuances of performing the work

The Swedish wall is not a complex engineering structure, so if you have free time and desire, you can make it yourself.

Option of a sketch indicating dimensions for making a wall bars yourself

However, during manufacturing you should know some of the nuances of performing the work, which can be formulated as follows:

  • Before starting manufacturing, it is necessary to draw up a drawing or sketch of the object being constructed indicating all dimensions of the structure.
  • The dimensions of the structure must comply with the requirements for similar structures given above, as well as the dimensions of the room where the installation of the object being constructed is expected.
  • Decide on the materials that are available or that need to be purchased.
  • Decide on a method for attaching the wall bars to building structures.
  • Prepare the necessary tools.

Swedish wall "CAROUSEL" model "Comet NEXT 3"

Implementation materials

All versions of wall bars are made from metal, wood or a combination of both. Each material has its own advantages and disadvantages.

In pirate style


For the production of metal walls, a profile pipe with a thickness of 2 mm or more is used. Compared to wooden counterparts, crossbars have a smaller diameter. Therefore, even small children can exercise on the simulator. Reliable, strong and durable structures can be supplemented with sports equipment (barbells, parallel bars). But the crossbars are slippery, so you need to exercise carefully.


Pine, maple or beech are used to produce wooden walls. To eliminate splinters, the manufacturer carefully adjusts and polishes the parts and coats them with a coat of paint. The results are structures with an anti-slip effect, which are less dangerous in comparison with metal analogues.

There are inexpensive models in the assortment

But wood is short-lived, it can break, crack and gradually dry out. Wooden children's structures wear out quickly and are designed for less weight.

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Materials for making sports walls

A children's sports corner for the little ones is made of durable polymers that are well molded and combined with UV-resistant paints. The supporting frames are reinforced with additional stiffeners or metal liners.

Each material from which sports equipment is made has its own characteristics.

For older children, complexes are made of solid wood and metal with a protective coating. More often these two eco-friendly materials are combined.

The estimated load of wooden children's wall bars for a home is no more than 120 kg. For a large child, children of different sexes or twins, it is better to choose a metal structure.


Wooden wall bars and beams are made from beech, oak or pine wood. The wood is always warm to the touch, it is convenient to grasp the crossbars with your hand, and the surface does not slip. The dense structure compensates for the impact force. Environmentally friendly material does not wear out for a long time. At home, wood does not require moisture-resistant protection. Swedish wooden walls are much lighter and more practical than metal ones.

Wood is considered safer when impacted, but wears out faster than metal

Before purchasing wooden structures, they check the quality of wood processing to eliminate the possibility of splinters. All parts must be well polished. There should be no knots on the wood.

The wooden model can be matched to any interior of the children's room.


Metal complexes are universal; children and adults can work on the bottom. The metal is characterized by increased strength and can withstand heavy weight, up to 200 kg. Metal equipment and exercise equipment for pumping muscles are made with rough surfaces so that the hands do not slip or rotate during exercises. The diameter of metal elements is usually smaller than that of wood. Metal is cooler than wood.

Metal walls are the strongest, but a collision with metal always feels more painful

When choosing sports walls, choose metal with a rubber or plastic coating, which reduces the risk of injury during training. Coatings reduce slipping and increase the comfort of using home sports equipment.

It is impossible to say unequivocally which material is better for a ladies' sports corner: metal or wood, both have pros and cons. They choose a sports complex based on the number of people involved. If there are two children, it is advisable to choose models with the maximum design load.

Smoothly painted metal surface eliminates the possibility of splinters

Wall bars for children, selection conditions

When choosing a children's simulator, the following factors are taken into account:

  • Materials used. Wood is a warmer and more environmentally friendly raw material, while metal is a more durable and strong material.
  • Dimensions. It is necessary to select parameters in accordance with the room so as not to clutter it.
  • The arrangement of fasteners in accordance with the method of their fixation on building structures (ceiling, walls, floor).
  • Possibility of performing planned exercises and activities.

Beneficial effect on muscles

You also need to pay attention to soft and anti-slip elements that can be placed on crossbars and additional equipment (bars, rings, etc.). The possibility of installing additional equipment and the quality of processing of wooden parts are taken into account.

The classic version is attached to the wall by drilling, installing expansion dowels, and anchors. The type of fastener chosen depends on the material of the building structure. Spacer structures that can be quickly reinstalled in another location are considered easier to install.

But they have a significant drawback - the impossibility of installation in a room with suspended or suspended ceilings.

The most compact option

On functional models, a combined fastening is used, when the ladder is placed against the surface of the wall, and additional parts are positioned from floor to ceiling.

For preschoolers, the wall bars are equipped differently than for adults. This is due to the fact that children cannot yet perform strength exercises, but mostly play. Therefore, the set of walls for kids includes the following basic parts:

  • A thick rope made of durable artificial or natural material, tied in a knot at the bottom.
  • Gymnastic rings made of durable rope placed on a suspension.
  • Trapeze, monkey bars.
  • Rope ladder, swing.
  • Extension ladder, basketball backboard.

Manufacturers offer a large selection of wall bars

Advice To protect your child from injury, you need to buy special mats that protect when falling from a height. The metal crossbars should have an anti-slip coating, and the bars and rings should have soft upholstery. Reliable fasteners are provided.

For one child, a wooden structure is suitable, and if the activities will also be carried out by adults, then metal is more practical.

Using a mat for safety

Zoning a sports living room

The gym from the living room can be divided into three semantic zones: gym, playroom and relaxation. The first zone involves the presence of an exercise bike, treadmill or weight machine. Such a sports corner can be visually separated from adjacent areas - the wall is partially covered with tiles that imitate brick and mirror inserts.

Exercise bike and treadmill in the living room interior

The relaxation area implies the presence of a comfortable sofa, a coffee table, a wall for a TV, a DVD player, CD and DVD discs, flowers and other small things. The playing area can be located near the window. Here you can put a billiard table, table tennis or air hockey. But to create additional comfort, you need to place several pots of flowers in the room, which will also further purify the air. A living room-gym is a truly unusual solution for creating the interior of a room, but we know that playing sports strengthens the body and immunity in general. Therefore, maybe such a mini-gym will encourage people to play sports.

For a teenager

A sports complex for teenagers can include all the details as in adults. You can purchase parallel bars, a rope ladder, a horizontal bar, a basketball hoop, an abdominal support, a punching bag, and bench presses.

A wooden structure is suitable for one child

Design with bars

The bars are made stationary, and in some modifications they are mounted. This is a pair of parallel bars designed for hanging, pull-ups, and exercises to strengthen the muscles of the arms and abdomen. Sports equipment can be mounted on adult and children's walls. For greater comfort, the bars can be equipped with soft armrests, handles and backs.

Wall with horizontal bar

The horizontal bar can be installed rigidly in the upper area of ​​the wall. Its fixation is carried out in pre-designated places. Reinstalling such a structure will require metalworking tools and time.

For the little climber

There are also models with a removable horizontal bar when it is mounted in a hinged manner. This option is convenient because you can easily change the mounting height of the horizontal bar.

Installation with bulb

A punching bag is a sports equipment for training the muscles of the arms and back, reaction, and practicing punches. The pear frees a person from negative emotions. It is made in a mounted version; it makes sense to buy it if a teenager is involved in martial arts or boxing. Boxing gloves are included in the package.

Each model has individual equipment. Therefore, the buyer can choose the right option for a certain period of development of a child or teenager.

Option for schoolchildren

Additional configuration options when creating a functional simulator

In addition to the listed mounted projectiles, wall bars can be equipped with other elements:

  • A ladder that is attached at an angle to the main structure. Allows you to diversify your activities.
  • Abdominal support. The design includes a backrest with armrests and soft upholstery. It is attached to the wall with armrests.
  • Gymnastic rings with rope suspension. They allow you to perform various exercises, training the abdominal, arm, and back muscles.
  • Gladiator net, rope ladder. They are necessary for the development of dexterity and coordination, climbing, and various games.

Additional simulators

  • A hanging horizontal bar in the shape of a crossbar for pulling up. It can be moved to a selected height.
  • Handlebar. This is a staircase that is located in the upper zone of the structure parallel to the floor. You can move it with your hands. Basically, such a projectile is equipped with U- and L-shaped walls.
  • Bench for bench press. It has the shape of a folding board, mounted rod holders. The apparatus is used for strength exercises.
  • Pylon. This is a metal pipe installed directly between the ceiling and floor. The equipment is intended for gymnastic studies with the development of coordination of movements, training the muscles of the arms and legs.
  • Swing. Promote the development of the vestibular apparatus and leg muscles.
  • Basketball backboard with a ring. Ensures the development of accuracy.

Teach children to sports from childhood

The more attachments on the wall bars, the better.

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Are there any disadvantages to a children's sports complex?

There are a few downsides that need to be pointed out. A wooden wall bars are often found on sale. You should know that this natural raw material is fragile. It does not have water-repellent properties, is not protected from high temperatures and cannot withstand significant mechanical loads. It is necessary to ensure that a small child does not use the apparatus without parental supervision. The baby could be seriously injured. Some models have impressive sizes, not for miniature apartments, of which there are a huge number.

Swedish wall in the interior

Methods for attaching walls

There are several options for securely fixing wall bars to a wall, ceiling or floor.

For wall-mounted models, fastening is carried out to the wall surface in 4-6 places using U-shaped brackets. In this case, the lower soles of the racks rest against the floor.

This type of installation is considered more labor-intensive and requires drilling holes. The structure can be installed near concrete, wooden or brick surfaces. Do not attach to drywall. To install such a system does not require a lot of space.

Suitable for children and adults

Spacer products are placed on spacers to the ceiling and floor. This is a simple installation option that does not require the use of a drill. But the ladder is not suitable for suspended or suspended ceilings.

Mixed options include both mounting options. This is the most reliable type, which is not used by all systems.

Advice When choosing an option for fixing a wall bars, you should take into account the features of the interior, wall material, ceiling height and other aspects that may interfere with the reliable installation of the structure. In the future, this may negatively affect the safe use of the simulator.

For the little ones

Photos of nursery design with a sports wall

The selection of photos of options with wall bars includes examples of walls of various formats, corner and U-shaped designs. Improved models are equipped with transformable furniture for storing things. When there is little space in the room, you can install a horizontal bar in the doorway. Stylized sports walls made according to individual projects look original. There are pirate ship and jungle options.

Compliance with safe operation rules

In order for sports activities to benefit a child, certain safety rules must be followed. They will help avoid injuries and breakdowns of the sports complex.

These rules include:

  • Compliance with weight regime. That is, people weighing 80 kg cannot exercise at a sports complex designed for a load of up to 50 kg.
  • Young children should not study independently, without parental supervision.
  • Install special restraints to prevent your child from climbing onto high bars.
  • Firmly strengthen the horizontal bar.

Room in a minimalist style

  • Purchase travel mats that will reduce the risk of injury.
  • Use the sports complex for its intended purpose.
  • Do not allow children to participate in classes during exacerbation of illnesses.
  • Choose sets of exercises according to the age category of the person, depending on his condition and degree of physical fitness.
  • Regularly inspect the home complex for condition.
  • To prevent them from being sticky and slippery, wipe the crossbars and handles with a damp and dry cloth.

How to turn a living room into a gym

If desired, the whole room can be turned into a small gym. This option is perfect for a young active family. The main thing is to conveniently arrange sports equipment so that it allows you not only to exercise, but also, if necessary, to use the room as a living room, made in an original style. In such a room you can use light portable furniture or soft transformable floor chairs, and it will perfectly combine the functions of a gym and a living room.

Sports corner in the living room

Nuances of design choices

The choice of a home sports complex is made taking into account the child’s age, installation location, configuration and manufacturer. If you have selected a certain model, then make sure that it is of appropriate quality.

In this case, the seller must issue a certificate with a positive sanitary and epidemiological assessment for the materials of manufacture. Also in the document, the manufacturer must confirm the safety, strength and reliability of the complex.

Easy to install yourself

One of the main factors is the safety of the simulator. When choosing a wall for children, it is better to prefer models made of natural wood. The surface should not be slippery, which will reduce the risk of slipping off the steps.

The approximate weight for which the sports complex is designed is also taken into account. If the simulator is purchased taking into account the growing up of the baby, then it must withstand the weight of the athlete and additional equipment that will be purchased taking into account his age.

The type of fastening is selected based on the design of the room and the location of the wall. This will allow you to use all the functionality of the design, safe and convenient operation of mounted projectiles.

Around the complex, optimal space should be provided for swinging the swing and conveniently performing activities. For a compact room, you can choose a small model with a width of 60 cm and a height of up to 1 meter.

VIDEO: How to choose a wall bars?

Swedish wall in the apartment

How to choose and why is it needed?

Features of a sports wall in the interior of a children's room

The place for sports equipment is selected taking into account safety. There should be no lighting fixtures, sharp corners, or objects nearby that could injure the baby. When choosing options for a children's sports corner for an apartment, the age of the children must be taken into account.

The main thing is to choose the right option among the huge range of children's sports walls

There is a classification of sets of items by age groups:

  • For children under 4 years of age, complexes with children's climbing frames for the home, slides, inclined nets, and small ladders are relevant. There are entertaining elements for the little ones; bright plastic is used for production, which immediately attracts attention. Sports children's walls for the little ones are made universal; you can change the layout of the elements so that the child does not get bored. Individual parts are made remote, mobile, and can be installed separately from the rest of the kit.

For young children in small children's rooms, small spacer bars are installed, complete with a dense mat. It is worth paying attention to the “Baby” and “Early Start” walls, designed for preschoolers up to 5 years old.

Sports complex “Early Start” with a slide, stairs and rope climb

  • For older preschoolers, sports equipment is allowed: monkey bars, multi-level horizontal bars. A Swedish wall is a must. In large rooms you can install models with parallel bars and a climbing wall. Boys welcome complexes with a basketball hoop. Parents are given the right to choose transformable options. Such complexes grow with the baby.
  • Schoolchildren are equipped with equipment designed for adults with a nominal weight of up to 120 kg.
    If there are two children, they usually study at the same time. For them, corners with repeating projectiles are chosen. The set changes according to the needs of the growing child. Wall bars with a horizontal bar, rings and a rope ladder for school-age children

Transforming prefabricated structures are equipped with hardware. There are rods for attaching mounted projectiles.

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