Wall primer for wallpaper: how to choose and use it correctly

In order for the wallpaper on the walls to delight you with its appearance for a long time, it is necessary to properly prepare the walls before gluing them. An important stage of preparation is priming the walls. The primer strengthens the base and improves adhesion to glue and wallpaper. In order not to get confused in the huge assortment and make the right choice, we will understand the classification and scope of each type.

Aligning the color of the base under the wallpaper.

After filling and sanding, hares can be seen in places.
In these places, the thickness of the putty is below 0. If putty is applied again to these places, the evenness will be disrupted. That is, you need to apply another layer of putty over the entire area. I wouldn’t want to do this, since the surface is even and smooth. There are primers for wallpaper that even out the color of the base, but we don’t have them on sale. There is Vincent Decor for multi-layer coatings. The instructions do not mention wallpaper. Will it go under wallpaper? What is the goal being pursued? Do you want to stick transparent plastic film on the walls? So stick on the black one.

Personally, in such cases I use the cheapest acrylic paint or covering primer. It helps, but of course this is not the final truth.

2ruslan1111 What kind of covering primer? Apparently one that is not on sale here. What kind of acrylic paint (water-based or solvent-based)?

No, but still interesting. what kind of wallpaper do you want to hang? How transparent are they that you can see the wall through them? Ordinary wallpaper hides such things tightly; it never occurs to anyone to worry about the uneven color of the wall under the wallpaper. Why do you need extra hemorrhoids? But if there really is a reason, then Ruslan111 is right: the cheapest water-based emulsion.

Profan27 wrote: Ordinary wallpaper hides such things tightly, it never occurs to anyone to worry about the uneven color of the wall under the wallpaper.

I had this. I didn’t attach any importance to these spots, since I had never encountered them before. Moreover, as a rule, I do not have such spots. This happens with uneven gray plaster and white putty. Or, as in this case, the client refused to plaster the concrete, just putty and glue. I purchased white wallpaper with a large pattern. We glued the wall and noticed some stains appearing. I thought that the stains would disappear when they dried, but it turned out not to be the case. I had to tear off and buy wallpaper at my own expense. The walls were painted (tinted) with regular white ceiling paint (Tikkurila Euro 2).

sergmih wrote: What kind of covering primer? Apparently one that is not on sale here. What kind of acrylic paint (water-based or solvent-based)?

Yes, that’s what it’s called “covering primer.” It’s just cheaper than the cheapest paint (we really only have it in one store in the city, and it’s not always for 100 rubles in a 3kg can). And the paint is regular acrylic water-based, the worst. I usually take “ aloe" (this is not an advertisement, it’s just cheap and crap, unlike the wallpaper glue of the same sharaga, it suits me despite the ridiculous price of 55 rubles).

I'll raise the topic, the problem is the same

we have smooth walls, plaster based on cement/sand - but FLAT)), in some places (where wiring, sockets, etc.) are rubbed with something plaster (white in color), non-woven meter-long wallpaper in light colors is planned, based on the experience of the previous apartment — such shoals are really visible. in this apartment you need to make sure that the base for the wallpaper is the same color in order to achieve this result:

  1. thin plaster/putty is not an option - the area is huge, it will be expensive, and the walls are even
  2. special paint for wallpaper - in our city they shrug their shoulders, they’ve never seen it before
  3. ordinary water emulsion. (as I understand it, this is acrylic), but I’m just wondering - they come in interior design, for interior/exterior work, or just take the cheapest one, which leaves marks on your hand after stroking the wall)) ??

after the last general cleaning of the apartment (before laying the laminate and subsequent wallpapering), I plan to cover all the walls and floor with a “primer” in the form of regular PVA diluted with water - will it work? and then with water emulsion to even out the color on the walls? won't the wallpaper fall off later?

Types of white primers for wallpaper: application features

Everyone imagines interior renovation in their own way. After all, there are so many design options, a huge selection of finishing materials and elements with which you can create the desired atmosphere. Over the years, wallpaper has often been used on walls, and today it is no less relevant. Finishing work takes a lot of time and requires preparation; it is important to achieve a smooth surface and also ensure its high adhesion. This is where a primer often helps.

Features of the primer coating

This composition, which is also called prime, performs the task of auxiliary material. Thanks to it, you can successfully cover walls, so it is in demand before the wallpapering procedure. A homogeneous suspension of varying thickness is produced without unpleasant or pungent odors. It may have no color, be white, or have a different shade.

After application to the coating, the mixture dries and a colorless film is created. As for the set of ingredients, the material contains adhesives, organic resins, as well as other additives that are prepared on different bases.

Various additives and fillers are often added to the solution to improve the performance characteristics of the product. The primer can be produced not only in liquid form; often the market offers dry powder, which must be diluted with a certain amount of water.

All data and characteristics are indicated on the packaging, the same applies to the operating instructions, solution consumption, drying time, and expiration date.

Related article: How to remove self-adhesive film from a wall

Why prime walls?

It is easier and faster to stick wallpaper on primed walls, since priming solves several problems:

  • Improves the adhesion of the adhesive to the wall, which prevents the wallpaper from peeling off. Even heavy non-woven wallpaper on a primed wall will last a long time.
  • Strengthens the base: the soil fills microcracks and pores, glues dust particles together. This prevents cracks from appearing during operation, and also protects the base in case of wallpaper removal in the future, which is especially important for plasterboard walls.
  • Prevents mold and also blocks rust thanks to special additives and antiseptics. This is true for wet rooms.
  • Reduces glue consumption, as it reduces the absorbency of the base (fills microcracks and creates a water-repellent layer).
  • Evens out the tone of the walls (primer with lightening pigment or white), which is necessary before gluing light wallpaper.
  • Masks small surface defects, creating a smooth surface.
  • Preserves the vapor permeability of the walls and, accordingly, a favorable microclimate in the room.


There are a number of properties that any primer should have. The main characteristic is the depth of penetration of the composition into the surface to be treated. The composition should increase the adhesion of the wallpaper during gluing. Antiseptic qualities are of great importance, since the surface must be protected and the material must be resistant to the appearance of fungus, mold and other representatives of microflora. It is important to carefully study the absorption and drying period, it should be fast.

Before purchasing, you need to decide on the type of primer , and also take into account the characteristics of the room and its operating conditions. Find out in advance what material the wall is made of, since there are different compositions for plaster surfaces, and others for wood and drywall. The efficiency of processing depends on this. It is recommended to consult with a qualified specialist, get his opinion, and take advice.

The composition is selected for a certain type of wallpaper, since they can be traditional and liquid, and for preparatory work it is necessary to select the appropriate version of the finishing material. It is important to study the density of the cladding.

Popular manufacturers

The most popular liquid compositions for preparing walls for finishing are produced by the brands GLIMS, KNAUF and Ceresit. Primers from these manufacturers are considered the most effective.

Products from GLIMS

They dry quite quickly, are perfectly absorbed and protect the coating from mold formation. In addition, building materials from this brand are sold at a very affordable price.


produces more expensive primer with a wide range of applications. True, German quality has recently begun to fail: counterfeits are becoming more and more common. But even despite this, even experienced builders continue to use building materials from KNAUF. The main thing is to know where to buy.


considered one of the most popular brands. The manufacturer produces high-quality primers for a variety of tasks. The quality of mixtures and building materials produced under this brand remains unchanged. But, having decided to buy primer from Ceresit, you need to decide what you need it for. Not all compositions can be applied under light wallpaper and used for painting.

Scope of application

Priming is an important point that will determine how effective the result of interior decoration with wallpaper will be. The primer solution allows you to achieve an ideal wall surface. This mixture, covering various defects, is intended to level the coating. It may have a coloring pigment, so the composition is often used as the main material for finishing ceilings or walls.

The primer penetrates deeply into the structure of the surface, so it fills cracks and micropores, and can bind dust residues, so the cladding will look perfect, and wallpapering will be done at the highest level without problems or complications. Using the mixture, the material on the walls is disinfected, which makes it possible to increase resistance to factors that can be biologically aggressive.

Using a primer, you can achieve good adhesion, which means that, thanks to the composition, the wallpaper glue adheres perfectly to the coating and the wallpaper itself. Thus, the canvases will not peel off either at the joints or in the corners, which is no less important.

The following types of primer materials exist:

  • Acrylic primers are made with the addition of polymer binders. This option is best suited for interior surfaces. The material does not have a strong odor, dries quickly, and can also be applied before gluing various types of canvases. Using the mixture, you can greatly facilitate your finishing work. The hygroscopicity of the surface will be improved, the service life of the facing material will be extended, the surface will be protected from damage, and the consumption of the adhesive composition will be minimized.
  • Latex is a natural component that is extracted from the sap of rubber. A primer based on this type in synthetic form is widely used during repair work. It is characterized by high strength, resistance to compression and tension, elasticity and water resistance. The primer is a clear liquid that, after drying, creates excellent adhesion.

What else is priming useful for?

After nails, screws, baseboards, and all sorts of defects have been removed, a layer of putty is applied to the wall. Next, the wall is primed. The following are reasons why a surface should be primed:

  1. Final dust removal, removal of dirt that could not be removed during puttying.
  2. Leveling the surface.
  3. Reducing the consumption rate of adhesive, as the soil clogs cracks and defects in the material.
  4. Improving adhesion (cohesion of dissimilar materials).
  5. Strengthening the bottom layer so that the material does not peel off.
  6. The coating acquires water-repellent properties.
  7. The surface retains the ability to “breathe”.
  8. Protection against mold and mildew

Previously, walls were covered with newspapers or other paper before applying wallpaper. To some extent, this method replaced the primer. However, only modern soils can ensure high quality of work performed and the entire list of the above advantages of a primed wall.

Why do you need a primer?

The primer is a liquid emulsion consisting of synthetic polymer resins, water or organic diluents and complex auxiliary additives. It is intended for surface treatment before applying construction leveling mixtures and paint and varnish compositions, as well as before gluing roll and sheet finishing materials.

The primer layer performs several important functions at once:

  1. Surface strengthening:
  • The covering primer penetrates deeply into porous surfaces, and after the diluent evaporates, it firmly binds the solid particles of the material together;
  • This allows you to strengthen the surface layer and reduce the formation of dust on mineral building materials (concrete, brick, plaster, putty).

The surface layer of the primer retains water but allows water vapor to pass through.

  1. Waterproofing properties:
  • Polymer resins fill the space between solid particles, due to which the material does not absorb water, but freely allows air and water vapor to pass through;
  • This leads to an increase in frost resistance and durability of building materials, since when freezing, water expands and forms tears and microcracks.
  1. Reducing the consumption of paints and building mixtures:
  • Untreated surfaces strongly absorb water and organic solvents when applying construction mixtures, glue and paints;
  • After clogging open pores, thinners are not absorbed into the thickness of the materials, which protects glue, paint and other compounds from premature hardening.

To treat ceilings and walls in damp rooms, be sure to use an antiseptic primer.

  1. Antiseptic properties:
  • White pigmented primer contains antimicrobial agents and antiseptic agents;
  • This helps protect the material from rotting, and mold does not form on the treated surface.
  1. Improved adhesion:
  • After the diluents evaporate, a thin porous film of polymer resins remains on the surface;
  • It is a good basis for applying glue, putty and paint, as it has high adhesion to most finishing materials.

Related article: How to make a hole in a wall without a drill

You can start gluing wallpaper no earlier than one day after applying the primer.

  1. Color alignment:
  • Light wallpaper on a concrete, wooden or brick wall can take on a dirty gray or dirty red tint. The same applies to painting with light interior paints;
  • To eliminate the appearance of dark spots, a white primer is used to even out the color of the walls;
  • White acrylic primer does not distort the shades of other colors, so it is suitable not only for gluing light wallpaper, but also for applying dark, pastel or rich bright colored coatings.

Before each stage of finishing work, a layer of primer must be applied to the surface.

To apply the primer, it is most convenient to use a paint roller with a long handle or a pneumatic spray gun. If you use a brush, there may be unpainted areas, smudges and stains on the wall.

How to choose a primer

Depending on their purpose and constituent components, construction primers are divided into several types. Each of them can only be used for a certain type of work.

The table shows illustrated instructions for choosing and making your own primer:

IllustrationPurpose of the primer

Primer for walls and ceilings:
  1. To treat mineral surfaces, a pigmented water-based primer is used, which evenly paints the walls white;
  2. If you are renovating a toilet or bathroom, you should use a latex primer under the tiles, which has good waterproofing properties;
  3. For painting or wallpapering plasterboard walls, use a quick-drying white acrylic primer.

Primer for metal:
  1. Pure metal has a smooth surface, so paint does not adhere to it very well;
  2. To improve the adhesion of paintwork materials to metal, a primer based on alkyd resins is used;
  3. To treat rusty metal, primer with the addition of a rust converter or phosphoric acid is used;
  4. To provide long-term anti-corrosion protection, iron or lead lead powder is added to the primer.

I recommend using white OTEX primer (as in the photo) from the Finnish company Tikkurila. It is good for wood and metal. Its price is slightly higher than the cost of domestic taxes, but it is characterized by high durability and good covering ability.

Primer for wood and wood-fiber materials.
Several types of primers are used for wood processing:
  1. Alkyd primer - for oil paints and alkyd-based enamels;
  2. Acrylic primer - for painting with acrylic, silicone and silicate paints;
  3. Polyurethane and latex primer - wood treatment for outdoor use.

Any primer for wood must contain antiseptic components.

Homemade white primer for wallpaper.
If you don't have white primer on hand, I'll tell you how to make it yourself using available components:
  1. Dilute white interior acrylic paint with water to the consistency of thick syrup;
  2. In a separate container, prepare wallpaper glue as indicated in the factory instructions;
  3. Mix the prepared glue and diluted paint in a ratio of 1:2;
  4. To prime concrete walls, add 1/10 volume of ground construction chalk to the solution;
  5. The mixture must be thoroughly mixed with a construction mixer, then left for half an hour to remove air bubbles, and then slowly mixed again.

Top 2. KNAUF Tiefengrund

Rating (2021): 4.85

64 reviews from resources were taken into account: Yandex.Market, Leroymerlin.ru, Otzovik, Sidex.ru

A universal composition for interior and exterior work. The primer can be used both for treating walls, ceilings, and for preparing the facade for painting.

  • Characteristics

    Average price: 750 rub.

  • Volume: 10 l
  • Type: strengthening, vapor permeable
  • Drying speed: from 3 hours.
  • Consumption per 1 m²: 0.07-0.1 kg

One of the most popular deep penetration primers for wallpaper. Suitable not only for indoor but also for outdoor use. It performs well when gluing non-woven, vinyl, liquid wallpaper, painting walls and facades. The composition itself is pigmented, white, and does not change shade after application. This primer is used for treating drywall, plaster, cement bases, and gypsum building boards. The product does not require dilution and is completely ready for use. The soil has a smell, but it dissipates quite quickly. Most users have no complaints about the quality of the coating, but some were “lucky” to purchase a fake. Low-quality compositions contain little dry matter and do not strengthen or remove dust from the surface.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Economically used
  • Improves the properties of wallpaper adhesive
  • Does not leave stains and is easy to clean
  • Has excellent vapor permeability
  • There are fakes

See also:

  • 10 Best Wallpaper Adhesives

Primer for wallpaper. Types, features, consumption and price of wallpaper primer

A primer is an intermediate layer between the rough surface and its finishing. The middle, albeit figuratively, is golden. The primer prevents rotting, serves as an antiseptic, levels, strengthens and ensures adhesion, that is, penetration of paints and adhesives into the surface.

As a result, both the quality of the base and the final finish improves. Impregnation is selected taking into account the nature of the latter. Primer for wallpaper , for example, differs from that used for decorative stone, tiles, and paint. There is also an internal division. About him, further.

Types of primer for wallpaper

A primer for walls under wallpaper is otherwise called a primer. Being auxiliary, the material determines the success of finishing work. This is such a paradox. In other words, you can do without primer, but the finish will be short-lived and sloppy.

When preparing for finishing, you need to choose one of 4 compositions:

  1. Primer for wallpaper. The specialized composition is adapted for covering walls and ceilings with canvases made of paper, non-woven fabric, and fiberglass. Liquid wallpaper is also on the list. However, behind the alluring phrases of marketers and a solid price tag lies a primer based on diluted PVA glue. You can make one like this yourself for pennies.
  2. Wallpaper glue. Some packages indicate that the contents can be used as both a bonding agent and a primer. Such adhesives cost more than others, but are more profitable than standard primers.
  3. Acrylic primer. The polymer composition, like the previous ones, dries quickly and does not smell. This is important for interior decoration. The dried primer, like PVA-based compounds, when frozen is similar to an elastic film, but insoluble by water. Acrylic primer for wallpaper comes in superficial and deep penetration. The latter goes deep into the base by 5 or more millimeters - ideal for strengthening porous, unreliable bases.
  4. Alkyd primer. Used for wallpapering wooden surfaces. The boards are porous. Alkyd film prevents glue and other materials from leaking into the base. This reduces finishing costs. However, alkyd primer is universal, good not only on wood, but also on metal and concrete. The downside is the toxicity of the primer, which causes its unpleasant odor. In addition, alkyd primer takes 15 hours to dry.

Related article: How to slak lime for whitewashing walls

Sometimes both the wall and the wallpaper need to be primed. The latter are available for painting. To ensure that the paint adheres perfectly to the canvases, they are also coated. According to their intended purpose, primers for wallpaper can only be strengthening and leveling, or also antiseptic.

The latter are good for treating bases affected by fungi. Their development is blocked by fungicides added to the soil. They are also used in agriculture to treat seeds in order to free them from fungal spores.

It turns out that in the question of which primer to choose for wallpaper, you need to take into account several factors. Often, specialist advice is required. By applying the wrong primer, for example, you can corrode the metal elements exposed on the wall surface. Water-dispersive soils will attract moisture to it.

Top 3. Ceresit CT 17

Rating (2021): 4.65

170 reviews from resources were taken into account: Yandex.Market, Otzovik, Leroymerlin.ru

The most popular The product has received a large number of reviews in the rating. The composition is recommended by many professional builders.

  • Characteristics

    Average price: 600 rub.

  • Volume: 10 l
  • Type: firming
  • Drying speed: from 2 to 4 hours.
  • Consumption per 1 m²: 0.1-0.2 l

An affordable and easy-to-use deep penetration primer for non-woven, paper, liquid and other wallpapers. The basis of the product is water-dispersion. The primer contains a yellow pigment, which makes it easy to distinguish the primed coating from an unprimed surface. After application, it creates a film that improves the adhesion of wallpaper glue, binds dust and strengthens the base. This pigmented primer can be used not only for walls, but also for floors, ceilings, and also for exterior applications. True, the yellow pigment included in the product makes it far from being so universal. The primer is absolutely not suitable for subsequent finishing painting in light colors: the shade CT 17 will either bleed through the layers of paint or distort the color.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Prevents mold formation
  • There is no chalk dust after application
  • Forms a smooth surface that does not absorb moisture
  • Does not contain hazardous components
  • Leaves yellow stains on finishing putty
  • Has an unpleasant odor

See also:

  • 10 best liquid wallpaper manufacturers

Features of primer for wallpaper

You need a white primer for wallpaper . This is the main requirement for the composition. Colored primers can show through, affecting the tone of the final paintings and their perception. In addition, white perfectly masks stains on the wall and its imperfections.

In order for the primer to give a rich white color, the composition is often pigmented. Light particles are added to both acrylic and alkyd primers. PVA-based options are already white.

Pigmented primer for wallpaper is sold on the same basis as whitened primers for other coatings. There is, for example, acrylic impregnation for decorative plasters. This primer dries and becomes rough. This enhances the relief of the plaster applied on top.

What happens if you don't prime the walls?

Lack of primer can lead to the following results:

  • Poor adhesion of glue to the surface;
  • Mold formation;
  • Cracking of the base over time;
  • The appearance of stains through the wallpaper;
  • Increased glue consumption.

To summarize, in order for pasted wallpaper to please the eye for many years, you cannot skip the stage of priming the walls. Among the variety of types of this material, the most suitable under wallpaper for most types of walls would be a white acrylic-based primer with deep penetration properties. If you need to paste wallpaper on oil-painted walls or other smooth surfaces, you should use adhesive compounds such as concrete contact. It is recommended to use primers with antiseptic additives to prevent mold from appearing and spoiling the appearance, and of course, not harming health.

Consumption and use of primer for wallpaper

The primer consumption depends on its type, the nature of the base and its porosity. If there are a lot of internal voids or microcracks in the wall or ceiling, an additional amount of primer will be needed to fill them.

If the base is dense, with a minimum of pores, soil consumption will decrease. When applying the primer in one layer, a minimum volume of the mixture is wasted. The more layers, the higher the soil consumption.

The average figures per 1 square meter are as follows:

  • 50-100 milliliters of acrylic primer are spent, however, deep penetration compositions can be absorbed up to a kilogram per square
  • Alkyd primer takes 100-150 milliliters per square
  • Approximately 200 milliliters of specialized soil for wallpaper is required
  • 100-150 milliliters of wallpaper glue are used as primer

It is necessary to take into account that the primer for liquid wallpaper, or non-woven, paper, fiberglass, is used differently and in different ways. Interlining and fiberglass, for example, are heavy.

In order to hold such a mass on the wall, maximum adhesion is needed, that is, penetration of the glue into the base. Accordingly, it is necessary to use deep-action primers, even with normal porosity of the walls.

The nuances of applying primer also depend on the base material. Drywall, for example, due to its high absorption, is treated before and after putty. Otherwise, the plaster draws moisture from the final layer of plaster.

The result is that the wallpaper disappears from it. Alkyd compounds are not suitable for drywall. PVA-based primers are acceptable, but ineffective. The use of acrylic primers is recommended.

Universal priming rules include:

  1. Preliminary cleaning of the surface from debris, dust, grease stains, soot, tobacco.
  2. Filling large cracks and irregularities in the base before priming, that is, puttying.
  3. Apply primer only to dry walls.
  4. Waiting for the previous layer of primer to dry completely before applying the next one.

You also need to glue the wallpaper after waiting for the walls to dry. You can check their readiness by securing a piece of polyethylene to the surface with tape and waiting 2 hours. Condensation on the film is a signal for further drying of the base. If the polyethylene is dry, you can glue wallpaper.

Preparatory work

Before priming the surface, a number of measures must be taken:

  • From the room in which the work will be carried out, it is necessary to remove everything that could interfere with or be dirty during the work. The furniture should be moved to the center of the room to provide free access to each of the walls, having previously covered it with polyethylene and tape to protect it from contamination. If necessary, the floor covering must also be protected using film or other similar material.
  • When identifying areas infected with mold or fungus, it is necessary to carry out their initial removal using a stiff brush, which must then be additionally opened with an antiseptic composition intended for this purpose.
  • If there are defects on the surfaces being treated, they must be sealed with putty. The fewer defects there are on the walls, the better the final result will be achieved.

Note! If the putty surface is not opened with a primer, it may crumble, and the consumption of applied paint will be an order of magnitude greater.

The next step is to clean the walls with a brush, broom or vacuum cleaner.

During its implementation, it is important to eliminate the dust present on the surfaces, due to which it will be possible to increase the level of adhesion of the composition. It is advisable to carry out this stage 1-2 hours before the start of the main work, since during preliminary cleaning a few days before, it will re-deposit on the walls. Surfaces must be dry

If there is increased dampness in the room, it must be removed by ventilation. If you need to speed up the process, you can resort to using a heat gun.

The method of applying primer is universal and is not particularly different from that used when using coloring compounds. Before opening it from the surface of the walls, it is necessary to remove the old coating, grind it, and degrease it. The number of primer layers applied is individual, but there should be at least two.

To apply the mixture, you can resort to using a roller, paint brush or spray, in addition to which you need to use a container, which is used for pouring the composition and making the work easier.

Each of the tools is optimally used depending on the surface being processed. It is more convenient to open brick walls with a brush. The roller is more suitable for flat or plasterboard walls.

Note! A spray gun is also a good option for carrying out such work, but it is preferred less often, since after its use it is quite difficult to clean the room.

Primer price

The price of wallpaper primer depends not only on the type of primer, but also on its consumption. The predicted material costs are written on the packaging. The packaging comes in different volumes, for example, 5, 10, 25 liters.

If we consider 10-liter packages, universal primers cost about 200 rubles, acrylic primers cost about 400 rubles, alkyd primers cost around 100-200 rubles, and deep penetration primers cost 500 rubles. For 10 liters of specialized wallpaper impregnation you will have to pay approximately 380 rubles.

The price tag for a primer partly depends on the manufacturer. If his name is known and has proven itself well, a markup is inevitable. Products from little-known companies, on the contrary, are cheaper, even if they are produced abroad.

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