Internal filling of kitchen cabinets - storage options and ideas

Features of using a corner cabinet with a sink

Corner furniture can be stylish and comfortable, but before installation you should find out its advantages and disadvantages, familiarize yourself with the types of corner elements in order to choose the best model.


The obvious advantages of installing a set with a corner cabinet and sink include:

  1. Rational use of space. In most rooms, a corner is an unoccupied area. A cabinet with a sink will become a useful and functional element of the kitchen.
  2. Neat appearance,
  3. Capacity. You can place many more items under the sink next to the pipe.
  4. A corner is the most suitable place for a sink, since this is usually where communications pass.
  5. Convenient location. The sink, located almost in the center of the set, allows you to quickly reach it, which saves a lot of time during the cooking process.

There is a huge selection of all kinds of corner cabinets with kitchen sinks on the market.

Pendant lamps designed to illuminate the sink area look stylish and original.


The disadvantages of using corner cabinets with sinks include:

  1. Inconvenient to use. Getting to the contents of a standard corner cabinet can be difficult. This situation can be corrected using modern storage systems.
  2. Low reliability. Corner furniture is more susceptible to breakage than straight furniture.

You can use convenient storage sections at the bottom of the corner cabinet in the kitchen

A cabinet with a sink in the kitchen can be placed not against a load-bearing wall

Types of boxes

No storage system is complete without drawers. There are several types of chests of drawers:

  • Drawers for the kitchen. The most popular option. It has proven itself as a convenient and reliable storage method. However, great importance is also given to the choice of high-quality fittings.
  • Folding models. The storage space is located in a drawer that opens if you pull one of its walls towards you. With this option, no space is required to open the door.
  • Floor mounted cabinets. Mounted separately.
  • Structures in the form of a rack. Boxes easily fit between sections
  • Boxes made of other materials

All of these types can come in a variety of sizes. The parameters depend on the size of both the room itself and the length, width, height of the set where they will be built. Typically the width is up to 90 cm and the depth is up to 50 cm.

Main categories of things used

Typically, each kitchen contains:

  • many knives, spoons and forks
  • a variety of utensils for cooking;
  • aprons, potholders and towels;
  • rags;
  • all kinds of detergents and cleaning products;
  • various household supplies;
  • household items;
  • large and small kitchen appliances;
  • shelf-stable products;
  • tea and coffee;
  • dried fruits;
  • dishes for eating;
  • paper, linen and plastic bags and bags;
  • bakery products;
  • first aid medications;
  • random little things;
  • banks;
  • glass and plastic bottles;
  • full and empty containers made of various materials;
  • waste collection containers, etc.

Each category of things and objects must be thoughtfully placed in the kitchen so as not to cause damage, make them last as long as possible, and arrange them in the most convenient way for the housewife.

It's not always possible to store everything in cabinets and drawers. But tables and buffets cannot be completely filled either. Therefore, there are certain ideas that help women cook with maximum convenience for them.

Once you have placed things in the right order, you only need to regularly maintain it and put everything in a strictly designated place.

How to use a corner cabinet

Inside the corner cabinet in the kitchen you can place:

  1. A trash can is a necessary item in the kitchen. Hidden behind the doors of the base cabinet, it will not attract the attention of guests. Today, it is popular to use containers that allow you to sort waste: paper, glass, organics.
  2. Part of kitchen appliances, for example, water filter, food waste disposer.
  3. Boiler. We are talking about a flow model. Only a compact heating device will fit under the sink.
  4. Kitchen utensils, cleaning products, pet food, etc.

The corner cabinet under the sink can be equipped with two shelves for storing household chemicals
. To increase the capacity of the corner cabinet in the kitchen, you should install in it:

  • A pull-out basket that holds many items and rolls out gently when the handle is pulled;
  • Carousel shelves that make it easy to reach all the items placed on them;
  • Ordinary wooden shelves that should be installed on the side walls of the cabinet;
  • The boxes are of an unusual shape, with a cut-out center through which a sewer pipe passes.

Storage system in the kitchen in the corner cabinet under the sink

Door color and style

When choosing a door to the kitchen, it is worth considering that it should match the design not only of the kitchen area, but also of the overall design of the apartment or house. It is necessary to coordinate its color and style with the rest of the interior doors.

The color can be bright or neutral, basic.

You can select the shade to match the color of the walls, floor, dining area or kitchen unit.

Most often, a white canvas turns out to be a universal and the only possible solution when it is not possible to match the shade of the floor or furniture. It will also dilute an overly bright interior when there is no need to draw attention to the doorway.

If you need to highlight the door as a bright, accent element of the kitchen interior, then it is worth making a contrast against the background of the walls and maintaining a rich shade in other items - furniture, curtain design, decor.

An interesting technique that has become a trend in the last few years is hidden doors. They do not stand out against the background of the wall and seem to merge with it into a single whole.

When choosing, base your choice not only on color, but also on style. For a classic kitchen, an excellent solution would be options made from solid wood, with glass inserts, with paintings or stained glass. A more practical alternative could be veneered MDF, richly decorated with characteristic classic ornate patterns.

For modern trends, they are suitable as a laconic and minimalist smooth canvas without carved patterns or panels, or even merging with the wall into one whole.

How to store dishes

Usually there are no problems with these. Most kitchen sets have special dryers that are installed inside the cabinet - upper or lower near the sink. But if you don’t have one, then the second way is very simple - stack the plates on top of each other, and put the glasses next to each other or hang them on small hooks.

Honestly, I don’t see any big problems, and I think you shouldn’t have any questions regarding storing dishes. It's another thing to develop a system that will help keep your home clean and tidy.

So, let's summarize all of the above.

  • First of all, the determinant with the organization of washing. Will you leave it as is or modernize the place by adding accessories?
  • Then organize the space under the sink, taking into account your interests, what you plan to store there, and, of course, possibilities. Don't forget to throw away trash and only keep what you actually use. You don't need a hundred thousand cleaning products and detergents. Leave only the essentials. Then there will be more space.
  • At the same time, make a list of possible purchases (wants).
  • From this day on, start creating a healthy habit - washing the dishes immediately after eating. If you have big children, then talk to them, let them take on some of the responsibilities, for example, wash the dishes only for themselves. And so as not to forget about it, hang up a piece of paper or a sticker with a reminder.
  • Decide for yourself how many times a year you will tidy up the bottom cabinet under the sink, declutter it, wipe down the shelves, and wash the bucket. For example, I do this once a month. Mark these days on your household calendar. Write it down on your monthly to-do list.

See you again!

Additional kitchen accessories

It is advisable to have a separate box where you can put little things that are rarely used but necessary in the household (bags, twine, lids, etc.).

The drying rack for washed dishes also has a number of accessories. You can place clean rubber gloves and other frequently used utility items on it.

It is better to put detergents in the space under the sink, which needs to be arranged accordingly. Glass jars, soap, powders and other household items are placed in boxes, containers or recesses.

Usually there are mezzanines adjacent to the kitchen. Items used only in exceptional cases, seasonal supplies, as well as items intended for receiving guests are stored there.

Decorating ideas

Here's an interesting idea on how you can decorate a simple Ikea set

Ideas for decorating kitchen doors can be very diverse and unusual. This can be painting, wallpapering and plastic slats, using wooden and metal overlays, etc. Particular scope for furniture design makes it possible to replace facades and handles.

Over time, kitchen furniture doors begin to require restoration. Depending on what kind of furniture you have, such restoration may include:

  • painting facades with interior paints;
  • pasting kitchen furniture with polymer films;
  • replacement of a sliding door closer;
  • varnishing of wooden facades for the kitchen;
  • replacing panels with rattan, glass and other materials;
  • replacement of overhead or mortise handles for furniture.

Depending on the volume and complexity of such restoration work and your skills, you should decide whether you contact the appropriate company or can do it yourself.

Video: DIY kitchen cabinet door painting

Painting facades video master class:

Application for storing horizontal surfaces

Larger household appliances (processor, microwave oven, steamer, etc.) are better placed on the countertop. It is better to remove those devices that are used only occasionally so that they do not deteriorate and do not create a feeling of cramping.

Many housewives try to improve these surfaces a little. They make a small recess into which small cooking utensils are placed.

It also houses a bread bin.

Don't forget about the windowsill. Most often, flowers are placed on it, but it is also often used to store full and empty bottles. If it is high enough, it can also be used as a bar.

A number of herbs or fruits are grown right on the window, allowing you to save the family budget by getting fresh herbs and saving the required space.

Kitchen cabinet care

Caring for kitchen facades is largely determined by the material from which they are made and their decor:

  • Compliance with general requirements: the air temperature in the kitchen room should not be lower than +10 °C and not higher than +40 °C.
  • You should be wary of prolonged exposure to direct sunlight on kitchen facades.
  • It is necessary to ensure that their surface covering the furniture is dry, otherwise they will soon have to be replaced.

With the help of painting you can restore old furniture that you don’t want to throw away

The world of kitchen furniture today is a bright and diverse world in which you can find the furniture that will best suit your requirements, both in terms of the functions of this furniture, the characteristics of its operation, and in terms of your understanding of the environmental friendliness of the living environment and its comfort and aesthetic perfection.

This is precisely what should determine the choice of the “face” of the kitchen set – the wall-mounted façade of the kitchen. And with proper care by your own hands, the selected kitchen furniture will delight you for a long time. Find out useful information about the Zetta kitchen furniture factory and the benefits of its products here.

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