Basic requirements for furniture and toys in preschool educational organizations

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In order to guarantee each child proper conditions of care and education, as well as ensuring personal safety during their stay in preschool educational institutions, universal rules have been developed that are mandatory for every kindergarten. Such requirements in 2022 are established by sanitary and epidemiological institutes and are documented in a document called SanPiN.

What is SanPiN?

This set of standards is a list of basic requirements that apply to all private and public institutions involved in the upbringing and education of children. That is, this group of organizations includes not only kindergartens, but also preschool development centers, art clubs and others.

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SanPiN in 2022 does not apply to home gardens that are organized by parents independently and formed in multi-storey buildings and residential complexes.

In addition, the text of the document contains recommendations that are not required to be followed. But they help improve the microclimate in groups, as well as increase the efficiency of the learning process in kindergartens.

You can download the SanPiN for kindergarten, which has partially become invalid in 2022, here.

You can download the new SanPiN for kindergarten in 2022 here.

What are the benefits of beds with soft headboards?

If you plan to choose furniture with an upholstered headboard, it would be optimal to consider a number of options with different advantages.

Width By fastening method By height Material Framing
Matches the width of the bed Is part of the body Low Solid wood Entirely soft, no frame
Larger than the width of the bed Supplied as a separate piece that will need to be attached to the wall Medium height Plywood, chipboard Simple frame
Hanging, attached to the furniture back frame High headboard Forged, metal The design is figured, can be finished with gilding

Some designers suggest choosing options with a curved headboard. Here the backrest becomes a separate element of the interior, which serves as a partition between the bed and the wall or window. Such a headboard is much wider than the bed itself; it separates not only the sleeping area itself, but also the bedside tables. The task of such an element is to combine all the items in the set into a single ensemble.

Latest innovations in SanPiN for kindergartens

Sanitary and epidemiological institutes are constantly working to improve the functioning of preschool educational institutions. And such events are aimed at increasing the safety of children, as well as improving the learning and development of children. In connection with this, the current edition of SanPiN is subject to constant changes.

Table No. 1 “Main amendments that entered into force SanPiN for kindergartens in 2022”

Prohibition on ventilating premises in the presence of childrenOne-way opening of windows is allowed if there are pupils in the group, but only in hot and windless weather
Lack of distribution of food intake by age of childrenIncreasing the number of dishes consumed and establishing norms of nutritional value for each age category
Strict fixation of temperature conditions: 19 – in the bedroom, 22 – in the playroomIncreasing limit values

In addition, by 2022, amendments were made to SanPiN for kindergartens regarding the furniture used. Now every child should have a personal set of basic furniture accessories. And the use of bunk beds is not advisable.


Most often, cribs are made of wood or MDF. Both materials are acceptable, however, solid wood beds are more expensive.

When buying a crib, it is also important to evaluate the degree of processing of the material - there should be no cracks, scratches, or sharp corners. Surfaces must be smooth.

All screws must be fixed and located in recesses so that the child cannot accidentally hit their protruding caps, or have reliable plugs so that the child cannot remove them and accidentally put them in his mouth or swallow them.

In addition, small parts - screws, nuts, plugs, decorative buttons, buttons and others, when in the mouth of a child of the first four years of age, create a high risk of aspiration - getting into the respiratory tract - bronchi. Aspiration poses a serious risk to the health and life of children [4].

Nutrition standards in 2022

Each product that will be served to kindergarten students must have a permit document certifying the quality and safety of food in accordance with SanPiN in 2022. In addition, a separate category of standards consists of the rules for storing ingredients and the procedure for their preparation.

The formation of the food menu is based on the main needs of the child’s body necessary for proper physiological development. Which has a direct bearing on the age of the children.

Table No. 2 “Nutritional value of dishes”

Age in monthsCalorie contentVegetable proteins, gAnimal protein,% of the child’s total weight at the rate of 1g/1kgFats, g Carbohydrates, g

Some differences are provided for pupils who are on combination feeding, that is, with a combination of breast and additional nutrition.

There are no uniform requirements for menu design according to SanPiN for kindergartens in 2022, since the need to consume various products is related to the characteristics of each region. But the meal schedule is based on the daily schedule in the kindergarten. When staying in a preschool educational institution around the clock, the following is provided:

  • two breakfasts;
  • dinner;
  • afternoon snack;
  • 2 dinners.

If the time spent in the garden is no more than 8 hours, then there must be four meals. And it is imperative to adhere to time intervals, which can hardly exceed 4 hours.


The mattress must match the size of the bed and fit snugly on the sides. The permissible distance between the mattress and the bed wall is no more than the width of two fingers or 2 cm [5]. If the gap is larger, there is a risk of accidentally hitting and pinching a child’s arm or leg.

It is better to buy the mattress at the same time as the crib, so that you can try on all the components in the store and evaluate their suitability.

Read more about the requirements for a mattress in the article “How to choose a mattress for a crib?”

Technological maps of dishes in kindergartens

Special attention is given to the nutrition of children in kindergartens, since food is one of the main causes of the spread of infectious diseases. Thus, in 2022, an educational institution will be assigned the following responsibilities:

  • choosing a reliable supplier;
  • compliance with delivery rules;
  • control over the unloading and quality of packaging of products;
  • compliance with storage standards for food raw materials;
  • following recipes for preparing dishes.

Each finished menu item must have a technological map. This is a document that displays basic information about the cooking process, as well as its nutritional value.

The report must contain the following information:

  • name of the dish;
  • number of the recipe used in preparation;
  • the source where the recipe was taken;
  • weight and list of outgoing products;
  • final weight of the finished dish;
  • the amount of carbohydrates, calories, fat, protein and vitamin C in one serving.

Please note:
Such documents are systematized and provided as a report to the sanitary and epidemiological service.

Requirements for the kindergarten territory

The 2022 SanPiN strictly defines the standards by which land plots are selected for the construction of a preschool educational institution. The main ones include:

  • location within a residential complex or residential area;
  • lack of industrial enterprises nearby;
  • the noise level should not exceed the norm;
  • measurement of air pollution;
  • the possibility of natural lighting for outdoor play areas.

In regions in the Far North, it is additionally required to equip the area with protection from wind and snow.

One of the most important conditions for designing a kindergarten yard according to SanPiN 2022 is a sufficient amount of green space. Thus, the minimum permissible level of trees and shrubs on the territory is one fifth of the entire area of ​​the site, which is not used for development.

For your information

As a rule, such plantings are used to separate play areas or are placed along the perimeter of the courtyard along the fence, the presence of which is also required. It is strictly forbidden to plant fruit-bearing or poisonous plants on the territory.

In addition, in 2022, according to SanPiN, there are separate requirements for the design of playgrounds for kindergartens. The main ones include:

  • mandatory presence of physical education sections for sports;
  • availability of a minimum area, which is calculated based on the minimum 7 sq.m. for one child in the group;
  • the covering of such areas should be grassy;
  • It is necessary to have canopies to protect children from rain and sun;
  • It is important to equip an additional area for storing strollers, sleds, skis and other vehicles with protection from rain and snow.

Additional information
Regarding cleanliness, in winter it is necessary to remove snow from the areas. In summer, when the weather is hot, vegetation should be watered at least twice a day. Sanitary cleaning of the area is carried out in the morning and evening (before the arrival and after the departure of pupils, respectively).

Daily schedule and working hours of the teacher

Children are admitted to kindergarten personally by a teacher or a medical professional. This need is associated with preventing the admission to classes of children with any infectious or contagious diseases. If a kindergarten worker suspects an improper health condition, the child is not allowed to study.

As for the organization of the educational process and rest regime, most of the standards are advisory in nature. The main ones include:

  • the continuous period of activity should not exceed 6 hours in groups with children over three years old;
  • It is advisable that walks in the fresh air take three to four hours daily;
  • It is not recommended to take children outside when the temperature is less than 15 degrees;
  • It is advisable to divide the time of street walks into two periods;
  • depending on the length of the children’s stay in kindergarten, the number of meals and the availability of daytime rest are recorded;
  • The duration of lunchtime sleep varies between 2-3 hours, depending on the age of the student.

Additional information
In 2022, SanPiN additionally fixes the maximum permissible periods for conducting educational classes for children, which depend on the age of the children. It is mandatory to calculate both the total daily educational time and one-time continuous activities.

Crib dimensions

Before purchasing a crib, you need to take some measurements and make sure that the chosen model meets international standards.

Most cribs have dimensions of 120 x 60 cm or 140 x 70 cm, but some variations are possible.

Particularly important crib dimensions are:

  • The distance between the rods or slats on the sidewalls.

The distance should not be more than 6 cm [1]. This is important to prevent the child’s head or limbs from getting caught and pinched between them.

  • The height of the corners of the bed along the upper contour.

The corners should not protrude [2]. It is desirable that they are generally flush with the upper contour. A child may accidentally get caught in clothing on a protruding corner. It is especially dangerous if it gets caught on the collar - there will be a threat to breathing.

  • Bottom height

In the lowest position of the bed bottom, the height to the top edge of the side should be at least 66 cm [2]. Otherwise, having matured a little, the child can easily leave the bed or accidentally fall out during active movements and/or play.

How many children can there be in a group according to SanPiN?

Most accepted standards are based on the age of the children and it is customary to distinguish between two categories of preschoolers:

  • under three years of age;
  • after three years.

Also, in 2022, the personal physical and intellectual abilities of children are taken into account. It is on these characteristics that the maximum permissible number of preschoolers in one kindergarten group depends.

Table No. 3 “Categories of children and the maximum number of pupils in a group”

CategoriesThe highest permissible group occupancies
Up to 3 yearsAfter 3
For severe speech disorders610
Severely Hearing Impaired66
Hearing impaired68
Significant visual impairment68
Weak confusion610
Mental retardation of severe severity8
Musculoskeletal system disorders68
For other health conditions1015
Healthy kids10 (no more than three of which have health problems)10, 15 or 17 depending on the disease and its severity

The table provides information only about combined groups and compensatory groups (whose activities are related to raising children with mental or physical disorders). As for groups with only healthy children, their number depends on the size of the premises and the possibilities of organizing an effective learning process.

How to choose a good double bed

The bed consists of a base and an outer box. Additionally, the set may include a footboard and headboard. Often, to attract buyers, sellers use a trick, indicating the cost of only the box. The real price of things becomes clear when making a purchase - the amount turns out to be much higher than stated.

The values ​​180 x 200 or 160 x 200 in the name are the size of the mattress in centimeters. The length and width of the furniture itself is larger and is indicated separately.

Complete clarity

The seller’s responsibility is to provide the consumer with comprehensive information about the product: mattress size, equipment, dimensions of the model as a whole. It is necessary to clarify which elements are included in the indicated price.

Comfortable size for two

According to the standard, the optimal width for two people is 160 cm. Such dimensions allow everyone to sit comfortably without interfering with each other. Slender, thin people can also choose a one-and-a-half-size model (140 cm), while overweight people should prefer furniture from 180 cm.

Reliability of the base

This parameter determines the service life of the furniture. An orthopedic base is considered the best in terms of strength and reliability. It is a frame made of metal, across which there are slats - armor, or, as they are also called, lamellas, latoflexes. In this case, it is practically impossible that the frame itself may break. Only slats that can fail can be replaced without any problems. When deciding how to choose an orthopedic bed, you need to know that it can withstand heavy loads - up to 200 kg. In addition, thanks to the lattice, the mattress is ventilated, which extends its service life.


Control over the formation of comfortable conditions for the rest and development of children falls on the shoulders of educators, who must monitor the proper cleaning and preparation of playrooms and bedrooms for the reception of children. So, in addition to observing the temperature regime, it is necessary to control the air humidity and ventilation of the premises.

According to SanPiN, all rooms in which children play, study or relax must be ventilated. And the procedure is carried out according to the following standards:

  • at least twice a day for a maximum of 30 minutes with the formation of a draft, but in the absence of children;
  • ends half an hour before the students arrive;
  • unilaterally in the presence of children and only in hot, dry weather.

According to SanPiN, air humidity in kindergarten rooms in 2022 should not rise above 60% and cannot be below 40. As for temperature, the following limit values ​​are allowed:

  • gaming within 21-24, the most optimal is 24 degrees;
  • the bedroom ranges from 18-22, but 22 is best.

A slight deviation from fixed standards is allowed, but only in the direction of decreasing indicators. Exceeding the maximum permissible figures is strictly prohibited.

White beds: advantages and nuances of choice

If you plan to choose white furniture for the bedroom, do not forget that this is a very easily soiled color. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to models with a coating that can be easily washed and cleaned. This is important, because when the white shade loses its saturation, the appearance of the furniture becomes unpresentable and loses its luster. Once a non-marking material has been selected, the next step is to resolve the design issue.

If white furniture is purchased for the bedroom, the walls and floor should be painted in a different shade. Otherwise, everything in the room will blend in and it will look boring. So, when deciding what color of bed to choose for snow-white walls and floors, it is better to prefer yellowish or grayish shades. And vice versa: the whiteness of the furniture will be effectively set off by bright or dark walls and floors.

If the whole room is bright, you can choose bright textiles for white furniture - pillows, blankets, bedspreads. These details will look very fresh and fashionable and will help the sleeping area to harmonize with the interior as a whole.

The style of the bed should match the style of the bedroom decor. The design of the model also matters. For example, for a woman's or children's bedroom it is better to purchase white furniture with legs, which looks very elegant. A classic low model without legs will look good in a modern bedroom. White leather furniture can be safely chosen for any modern interior, which it will harmoniously complement.

Child development

Kindergarten is the first step towards the comprehensive development of a child, so it is very important to organize the right approach to raising children. Thus, according to the established rules of SanPiN in 2022, the daily routine in a preschool educational institution must contain the following activities:

  • exercises in the group room (should be carried out at least twice and the duration of the exercises depends on the age of the kids and should vary between 5-15 minutes);
  • physical activity in the fresh air (which also includes active sports games);
  • role-playing games in groups that require active participation;
  • swimming (if the kindergarten has swimming pools);
  • training sessions (the duration of one block of developmental sessions should not exceed ten minutes and should be replaced by other types of activities);
  • physical education (includes several simple exercises).

As for training lessons, they include:

  • familiarity with numbers and letters;
  • art classes;
  • music and choreography;
  • modeling from plasticine;
  • making crafts from natural materials;
  • development of logic and memory.

The teacher is required to be able to correctly distribute all types of employment in order to equally pay attention to all types of activities.

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