Interior according to Feng Shui - basic rules for arranging furniture

The Chinese burial ritual, or Feng Shui, has been transformed into science over the six thousand years of its existence. Today it includes a number of rules and foundations. The theoretical basis is based on the energy that exists in everything. Energy flows are located in the earth, water, living and inanimate nature, in all objects surrounding a person. Together they affect our standard of living. Feng Shui furniture will rid the room of negative energy flows and make it comfortable. Arranging furniture according to the rules helps to establish harmony in the home and ensure well-being.

Furnishings in the hallway

The Chinese pay attention to all interior details. The entrance to an apartment, or the “mouth of the house,” has special significance according to Feng Shui philosophy. The financial well-being of the family depends on the correct organization of the doorway. A minimum number of objects are placed in the corridor, which will allow the chi energy to move freely. There should be no objects near the front door. You can place incense sticks in the right corner. The list of acceptable interior items includes:

  • hooks for street clothes;
  • umbrella stand;
  • wardrobe or shelves (they are located in the corridor at the maximum distance from the entrance).

Furniture arrangement according to Feng Shui

When choosing an interior design, they are guided by their own inner voice. The location, color, size, design of parts and furniture should please every family member. Otherwise, it will not be possible to achieve harmony and comfort. Under no circumstances should you strictly follow the instructions outlined in a book on Chinese philosophy. First of all, you yourself should feel home comfort and peace. Attention is also paid to further maintaining cleanliness.

In the living room

The qi energy should not encounter any obstacles along its path. The main task in this case is to think through the arrangement of furniture and individual interior details so that they do not block or block the way for energy flows.

Finding the right place for each item is not the hardest part. You should start working with the most important and large-sized interior items. Living room furniture usually includes a sofa and armchairs. It is required to correctly place even these most familiar interior details. The sofa should be placed with its back against the wall; it is important that it does not face the window. Otherwise, an obstacle will arise in the way of the flow of qi.

When organizing communication areas, you should pay attention to the recommendation to place the table in the center of the room. Chairs, armchairs and a sofa should be in a semicircle. This arrangement enhances the positive energy of the apartment and blocks negative flows. According to the philosophical ideas of Feng Shui, preference should be given to a sofa with legs, so energy can move freely around the room. Wardrobes and bedside tables are located further from the interior doors, along the load-bearing walls. If the cabinet has glass surfaces, they should not reflect doorways or stairs.

Furniture arrangement diagram in the living room

Bo gua grid: what is it and how to use it

Geometric arrangement of cardinal directions, zones, elements according to the Bo Gua grid

It is according to the principles of correspondence/streamlining/directionality that the ancient Chinese compass Bo Gua was created. To use Bo Gua correctly, you need to have our domestic compass, select the center of the room (or apartment), determine the direction of the arrow to the north and apply a special Bo Gua grid from this position. The grid indicates which shapes, colors and other benevolent symbols should dominate the room, according to its geographical location, in order to attract Chi energy. There are only 8 sectors: 4 cardinal directions + 4 intermediate directions. An example of the Bo Gua grid can be found on the Internet, as well as practical tips on how to use it.

In the office

For organizing an office, a room with a regular square or rectangular shape is better suited. It is better if a large amount of sunlight enters the room. If the apartment does not have a room of the desired shape, you can “level” it by using mirrors. To create a favorable working atmosphere and attract positive energy, it is not recommended to choose bright colors for wall decoration. Preference should be given to calm tones.

Brown or yellow would be a better color. The design can be black, gray or white, always monochromatic. Feng Shui experts advise avoiding the purple, green and blue palette.

According to the laws of Chinese philosophy, the northern location of the office promotes favorable and productive work. The desktop should be oriented to the northwest or east. A person should be able to approach it from any direction. When sitting at the table, the owner should not have his back turned to the window or door. If the size of the room does not allow you to avoid this arrangement, you should resort to tricks. Place a turtle figurine on the windowsill. She will protect the rear while working. Thick curtains can also reduce the negative impact.

Wealth Zone: Southeast

Many people begin to get acquainted with the principles of Feng Shui by arranging a money or wealth zone.

The material of this sector is Wood. It’s good if the furniture is made of natural wood. The colors of the zone are purple, green.

Water enhances the flow of finance, so fountains and aquariums will be very useful in this area.

Talismans for the wealth sector are goldfish, a three-toed frog, a figurine of Hotteya, a money tree (crassula). It is customary to place a coin under a pot with a living plant to increase income in the family.

Important! Artificial flowers attract negative energy.

It’s great when the money sector coincides with the kitchen. The dining table is a symbol of family wealth. Place a mirror in front of it to multiply the benefits with the help of reflection.

It’s great when the front door is located in the southeast: this means that wealth will easily enter the house. Keep the hallway clear of clutter to allow Chi energy to flow freely.

If the zone is on the toilet

And proximity to sewerage is a big problem. In order to neutralize negative energy and not scare money away from life, you will have to follow these rules:

  1. The toilet lid is always kept closed.
  2. Dirt and leaking plumbing are not allowed.
  3. Tie red ribbons onto the pipes.
  4. Place pots of fresh flowers in the bathroom.
  5. Enhance the wealth angle in a single room or desk.

And if the wealth zone is located in the bedroom, then you should use water with caution to attract money. She is a symbol of marital inconstancy.

Organizing space in the bedroom

The success of your holiday depends on how correct the arrangement of furniture is according to Feng Shui. Qi flows should move freely from one point to another. According to the Chinese philosophy of Feng Shui, furniture in the bedroom should be placed strictly around the perimeter and outline the boundaries of the room. It is recommended to place sleeping areas and wardrobes along the walls. It is better to avoid the presence of niches that become places where negative energy accumulates. It is recommended to keep the amount of furniture in the interior of a room to a minimum.

Organizing space in the bedroom

The central place is occupied by the bed. It should be with the head facing the wall, next to the doorway. When lying down, a person should be able to see the door to the bedroom, but not look directly at it.

Furniture with streamlined, rounded edges will help create a warm, comfortable atmosphere in the room. When purchasing, you should avoid sharp interior parts.

If there are mirror surfaces in the bedroom, they should not be located opposite the sleeping person, otherwise he will be vulnerable. Experts recommend not placing more than two mirrors in a room, and also avoiding cabinets with glass walls.

Why arrange furniture according to Feng Shui?

First you need to understand what it is and what its essence is. “Feng Shui” refers to an ancient science, originating in China, that studies the influence of energy on the world around us. With proper organization of space, you can learn to manage positive and negative energy.

Feng Shui technique helps to properly distribute energy, making it work for the benefit of the inhabitants of the home.

His health, well-being, profit, and family relationships depend on what kind of energy a person is surrounded by. If there is too much negativity in the house, it will affect the person himself. This science should not be identified with magic or religion, there is nothing in common. In this article we will look at how to arrange furniture according to Feng Shui in the bedroom and other rooms.

When arranging furniture, you can focus on the different areas that interest you most.

In the nursery

The children's room is a particularly important room in the apartment. The comprehensive spiritual and physical development of a young person and his health will depend on the right environment. Furniture installed according to the rules of Feng Shui will help develop the child’s creative and mental potential and instill responsibility.

The organization of the sleeping area is of paramount importance. It should be located as far as possible from the doorway and the headboard should be facing the wall. When choosing, you should avoid a bunk or combined bed. The bed should not have lower drawers, which will become an obstacle to the flow of qi energy and a place for dust accumulation. It is recommended to zone the children's room using shelves with toys or cabinets. It is best to separate the baby's resting place from the place of study. Such separation contributes to a calm and complete rest.

You should choose furniture according to the age of the child. It should not be too bulky and dark. Shelves are not placed overhead, and the space in the center of the room should be free.

Overcoming everyday difficulties

A person who intends to arrange his own home in accordance with the ancient Taoist practice of Feng Shui and lives in a small one-room apartment may at first be stopped by the thought that it is impossible to carefully and without deviations comply with all the requirements. 25–35 square meters - the standard area of ​​a one-room apartment - does not allow you to turn around and freely plan the space.

Layout of a one-room apartment according to Feng Shui

However, while it is impossible to change some things (the placement of the bathroom, windows, and the overall layout of the home), there are still some things that can be done.

Among them:

  • removal of rubbish from the territory;
  • cleansing the energy at home;
  • correct bedroom layout;
  • rational use of living space.

In the kitchen

The importance of a properly organized kitchen interior is no less important than other rooms in the house. This room is not an easy space to organize. Two opposing elements meet in the kitchen - fire and water. Experts in Feng Shui philosophy advise separating them with neutral objects. The following is suitable as a separator between the sink and the stove:

  • compact cabinet;
  • fashionable shelves.

The refrigerator should be located next to the sink. The stove should not stand close to the wall; in general, it is advisable to choose the south-east side for its installation.

It is good for the chairs to be arranged in a semicircle. Having taken a seat at the table, a person should not have his back to the doorway. In interior design, it is better to refrain from using mirror surfaces; storage shelves should not be hung above a person’s head.

Expert opinion

Melnik Dmitry

feng shui master

One of the main rules in creating an interior is functionality. The room should contain only necessary items that a person uses at least twice a week. Items not related to cooking or storing food should be removed from the kitchen.

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