Just look what a miracle you can make on a wooden frame

Handmade things are always a nice gift or something nice to wear.

A blanket made of pompoms is a great thing for a child that will warm your baby and give you the warmth with which you made him, and it is also a good decoration for the home.

In order not to make a mistake and your blanket to not turn out damaged, you need to read this step-by-step master class.

Making a pom pom blanket is not an easy task, but the results are worth it.

How to make a blanket from pompoms with your own hands

Beautiful fluffy blankets made from pompoms look unusual, stylish and can decorate any interior.

Before you start making your own pompom blanket, you should carefully read the instructions. Knitting techniques are varied: you can knit a blanket on knitting needles or use special fabric as a base.

In the description it looks quite simple, but in reality it is a very labor-intensive procedure that requires time, effort, and perseverance, since you will have to perform many monotonous actions, which can cause calluses to appear on your hands. If the craftsman is patient, the result will be a warm, fluffy blanket made of pompoms that will decorate the home and warm the owner.

You need to prepare the necessary tools:

  • special frame;
  • yarn;
  • scissors.

Tools and materials for manufacturing

Easy master class

First you need to weave the warp.

Recommendation: make the warp with other threads a tone darker or lighter, or a different color altogether, otherwise it will be time-consuming to count the threads before cutting. The warp should be 20 threads vertically and 20 threads horizontally, at the intersections there will be 40 threads respectively.

We begin to weave vertically, tie a thread to the top nail and lower it down, at the bottom we grab 2 nails and go up, here we also grab 2 nails and down and so on until the end we pass the vertical part.

Now you need to turn the thread to the horizontal part and in the same way, clasping two nails at a time, weave to the very bottom.

This is what 1 wound row looks like vertically and 1 horizontally.

It is necessary to wind 20 threads on the vertical part and 20 on the horizontal part. When the base is ready, the next step is to wind yarn of a different color onto the nails, in the same way vertically and horizontally, but 30 threads each. These 30 threads will be the future pom-poms.

30 threads are wound vertically and 30 threads horizontally - this means that the winding process is complete.

Next comes quite painstaking work, which takes many hours, from hours to several days, and which, out of habit, leads to calluses on the fingers, so it is recommended to immediately wrap your fingers with adhesive tape. It will be necessary to tie strong knots in large numbers (several hundred) at the intersections, without missing a single intersection, otherwise the blanket will not work. This can be seen in the photo below:

When all intersections are bandaged, carefully check once again whether they are bandaged everywhere.

Most of the work is done, now comes the stage of cutting the pompoms. Scissors can also rub your fingers pretty hard, so you'll have to take breaks while cutting. We cut 30 threads from our crosshair knots on four sides, without touching the base, otherwise the blanket will fall apart and nothing will work out.

Why did they use threads of a different color for the warp? In order not to count 30 threads each time, you can simply see by the color where the base is and it should not be touched, only the other top color is cut, which was wound after the base.

The photo shows exactly where to cut, the red line indicates the location of the cut. That is, the small sides of the resulting squares are cut in the middle.

Now we have to cut the blanket off the nails. You need to walk around the entire perimeter of the frame and where marked with a red line in the photo below, you need to cut it in half, all the threads together with the base.

As a result, the entire blanket is cut, it is removed from the nails and you get such a wonderful fluffy blanket made of pompoms, made by yourself!

And the back side of the pompom blanket looks like this:

Here are more photos of similar pompom blankets:

You can also complement the blanket with a bright-colored satin ribbon.

To make the blanket warmer, a fleece or cashmere lining is added.

How to make a frame for weaving a pompom blanket

Making a frame for weaving a blanket is a rather difficult process for a woman; in 90% of cases you have to use male strength. We need to prepare materials.

  1. The rail is 3 cm wide. The length of the frame is 144 cm, the height is 136 cm. Since this is a rather voluminous thing, the frame must be strong in order to withstand the weight of the threads, not break, and not spoil the whole work. The quality of the wood doesn't matter.
  2. Self-tapping screws for fastening the slats together.
  3. Nails in the amount of 132 pieces, 7-8 cm long.
  4. Hammer.

The frame manufacturing technology is simple. First you need to fasten four slats together at the corners, two slats 144 cm long will be located at the bottom and top of the frame, and two more - 136 cm each - on the right and left. This will create a square. The slats are fastened at the corners with self-tapping screws; the length of all slats on the finished frame will become the same due to fastening.

First we make a wooden square or rectangular frame

Next, using a hammer, you need to drive in the nails. You need to step back from the corner 8 cm, start driving in 33 nails on each side every 4 cm. The frame is ready.

We drive seventy nails at a distance of 4 cm from each other

In order not to doubt the strength of the frame, you can take additional fastenings in the form of narrow, short strips at the corners of the main frame on the rear side.

On such a frame it will be possible to weave a child's size blanket 115 cm by 115 cm, and with fringe at the ends - 130 cm by 130 cm.

Unusual techniques

Frame is a name familiar to Russian people, but the correct name for frame is luma.

Tools and materials you will need to make a pompom blanket:

  • wooden square or rectangular frame;
  • nails;
  • hammer;
  • scissors;
  • yarn of two colors.

The size of the frame should be the size you would like the finished product to be. But after removal from the frame, the product will shrink a little, by about 10 centimeters, so you definitely need to take this into account.

The frame shown here is square, the sides are 1 meter long. If, for example, you want to knit a blanket for a sofa, then such a frame will no longer work, then you need to make a rectangular one, the size depending on the size of the sofa.

The frame can be of this shape:

It will not be easy for women to make such a frame on their own; it is better to ask a man. When the frame is ready, you need to drive nails into it at the same distance from each other, in the middle of the wood, so as not to split it. The distance between the nails can be 3, 4 or 5 centimeters, at the discretion of the craftswoman. The most optimal size of nails is seventy, but larger sizes are possible so that the threads do not fall off. You can also ask a man for help hammering nails. The photo shows that 26 nails were used on each side. It is better to wipe the nails first and remove the grease from them so as not to stain the yarn.

Related article: Making a banquette with your own hands

So, the frame for the blanket is ready! By the way, you can use 5-7 mm plywood instead of a frame, or, as a last resort, chipboard.

But the base frame can also be made from thick cardboard.

You need to choose the softest and most delicate yarn; 100% acrylic is ideal for this purpose. In the absence of allergies, half-wool and wool can also be used, but you must pay attention so that the threads are not prickly. In this case, yarn from 100% acrylic “VITA Baby” (400 m/100 g) was used: 3 skeins of white and 5 skeins of blue, it should also be taken into account that in addition to threads for winding, threads for tying knots are required.

Now the next step is to wrap the threads around the nails.

Children's blanket made of pompoms

The choice of yarn is a very important moment; how comfortable the baby will be depends on it. Based on the above description of the types, it is better to choose a mixture of cotton fibers with bamboo or lye. If the choice fell on wool. It is better to mix it with acrylic thread - the blanket will last longer, it will hold its shape better and retain color. To be sure that the material is hypoallergenic, you need to purchase yarn labeled “children’s”; it is already mixed in the required proportions.

Weaving occurs similarly to the technique described above, the only difference is in the size of the frame and the amount of yarn. Depending on its quality, for a newborn 80 cm by 100 cm will take 9-10 skeins of 100 m.


A bedspread with pom-poms is relevant during the cold season. If you need to make it for a child, this is the right choice, because it will keep your baby warm throughout the entire period. Its creation is far from being as simple a job as it might initially seem, but it is a creative process that should be treated with maximum attention.

To begin with, you will need to prepare the appropriate material, which includes:

  • A special frame on which pompoms will be made is a unique component that makes a blanket created from threads so attractive. You need to work it out yourself to get the design you need for the job.
  • The yarn, preferably if it is natural, will allow you to easily create not only a warm and pleasant thing, but also a completely safe one.
  • Scissors, a standard option for sewing, every real housewife has them.

The marshmallow blanket is complex and labor-intensive. But the result will fully justify itself, you will be satisfied with it, enjoy the warmth and comfort.

Photo selection of beautiful hand-made pom-pom blankets:


TextilesHow to sew a pillowcase


Textiles DIY baby blanket


The advantages of such a product include:

  • Comfort, you will be as if wrapped in soft pom-poms that will warmly wrap around your body, giving you pleasure from every minute of being in bed.
  • Warm, you can enjoy your sleep even if it’s quite cold outside and not worry. The blanket will definitely warm you up, you will be surprised at how pleasant your time will be.
  • The color palette and shape of the pompom blanket will differ and depend solely on your imagination.

Manufacturing secrets

Children's blankets are often made from pompoms with their own hands. High-quality soft threads are chosen for it. The item should be warm and soft, not irritating the baby’s delicate skin.

To make the pompom blanket look beautiful, use new threads. The thing will look professionally made only if you work on a base frame where the distance between the pins or studs is the same.

Articles on the topic (click to view)

  • Chintz: what kind of fabric is it, pros and cons, application
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  • Photos of beautiful curtains with eyelets
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To control it you need to measure it. The work requires time and accuracy, but not special skills.

Sometimes they create a base mesh for a blanket by arranging the threads in two layers, which have different directions. In this case, the thing will turn out more interesting and denser.

If the skin on your hands is sensitive, it is better to use protective gloves or a patch to prevent calluses from appearing in areas of friction with the thread. This is not a common occurrence, but can still occur if the threads are stiff enough.

Main conclusions

In my note, I told and showed in the photo (I hope it’s clear) how to knit a rug from old things on a frame with nails. I have been on a mission to recycle all the old clothes I can find in my closets at home. The closets are already pretty empty, and now even my friend brings unnecessary T-shirts and dresses for my class.

The simplicity of the checkerboard weave of threads does not provide much scope for creativity: drawings are not obtained here. But if you change the color of the material after several rows, you get squares, which looks much more interesting.

I also learned how to weave from old things that don’t stretch at all: sheets, towels, duvet covers. The technique there is completely different, but also very simple to implement. But more on that next time, if anyone is interested.

Weaving rugs on a frame with nails from old things has a number of advantages, but there are also disadvantages, which I reflected in the table:
The benefits and harms of knitting

Benefits of knittingHarm of knitting
Recycling old unwanted itemsYour hands get tired
Saving the family budgetMy eyes get tired
Gift optionWe breathe dust from rags
A good example for granddaughtersGarbage is piling up

So, dear reader of my diary, if you have old bright T-shirts, children’s tights with a hole and other outdated things in your house, try to give them a second life: weave a rug out of them! Please share in the comment what kind of home crafts do you do? I am very interested, I want to learn from the experience!


There are also some disadvantages that you should prepare for in advance:

  • You will need quite a lot of consumables. As practice shows, in order to create a real blanket with stylish pom-poms, you will need to spend an average of about 11 skeins, each 100 meters long. In fact, more than 1 kilometer of yarn will be required to make this idea a reality.
  • A large investment of time, in addition to the tailoring itself, will also require the development and manufacture of the frame itself, on which your product will be located during work.
  • It is sometimes difficult to select components of different colors, which will require skill and excellent design talent. But a blanket made of bright pom-poms will completely justify itself, you can’t even doubt it.
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