How to sew children's bedding: sizes, pattern, necessary materials and tools, step-by-step instructions and expert advice

Very often, when choosing children's bedding, we come to a dead end. The set you like is absolutely the wrong size, and the one that is the ideal size is completely disliked! Many parents ask themselves the question: “What is the best way to sew a children’s bedding set for a baby’s crib on their own or to buy a ready-made one?” Of course, when mom sews herself, she will do everything herself. Sometimes the impetus for doing handicrafts is the non-standard sizes of children's furniture. In this case, it’s easier to buy everything you need and sew bedding for a baby’s crib with your own hands!

Fabric selection

So, you decided to start sewing the kit yourself. To make quality bedding for newborns, and for it to serve you for a long time, bringing you joy, take a responsible approach to choosing fabric. There are several important rules.

Do not buy synthetic fabrics under any circumstances - they are very harmful to the delicate skin of a little person! The best option is 100% cotton. Calico, satin, and linon have this composition. They are comfortable, hypoallergenic and very practical. But chintz fabrics, seemingly soft and delicate, are not worth choosing. Their wear resistance is very low, and products made from chintz very quickly take on a sloppy appearance. Also evaluate the quality of the print - the dye should not fade! This can be checked using a regular damp cloth by simply wiping the cloth with it. Poor quality paint will leave a mark. You should also be interested in the thickness of the threads and the density of the material. Suitable for your purposes should be denser than 125 grams per meter.

Be sure to look at how to care for such fabric, immediately discarding delicate washing - you want to get not just interesting and soft linen, it should be practical so that it can be washed, dried and ironed quite simply!

Recommendations for creating a side

In fact, you can use the sides without a cover, but it is better to sew them separately. This way, you can eliminate problems that arise when cleaning the product. And if additional removable covers are put on the sides, then such a cover can be easily washed and put on again.

For covers, it is recommended to use materials with high density. It can be satin, calico or teak. The material and colors are selected depending on the wishes and preferences of the parents themselves.

It is better to take the material that does not require delicate washing, dry cleaning and special care. It should wash off easily. It can be ordinary chintz or fabrics with water-repellent impregnation.

How to make bed linen soft

Why does the bed linen smell musty in the closet?

Children's bedding sizes

You’ve decided to sew your own underwear, so start taking measurements! Do this carefully, without making mistakes and recording all the results. Take a measuring tape and measure everything: blanket, pillow and mattress so that the question of how to sew children's bedding does not turn into a difficult ordeal in the future! The best way to take correct measurements is to measure the old kit.

In general, there are standard parameters for children's sleeping sets:

  • Newborns: size of pillowcases = 40*60 cm, sheet = 110*140 cm, duvet cover = 100*140 cm.
  • Children over 1 year: pillowcase = 50*70 cm, sheet = 150*210 cm, duvet cover = 143*215 cm.
  • Children from 5 years old: pillowcase = 50*70 cm, sheet = 180*260 cm, duvet cover = 160*220 cm.

But it’s better to try on your bed again; sizes may vary.

An average-sized set usually takes about four meters of material, but add another 20-30 cm for shrinkage of the fabric after washing. Also, don't forget about seam allowances!

Material cutting

Well, finally everything is prepared and bought! Let's start sewing now? But no. First, be sure to wash the fabric and iron it with a hot iron - this is necessary so that after all the work spent, you do not receive the most unpleasant surprise - a set that has shrunk due to washing!

Finally everything is done and you start cutting. How to sew children's bedding so that after work there is much less waste and small pieces left? To do this, you need to correctly position each element on the cut. The diagram will help you figure it out.

Ready-made kits – what to look for?

When choosing a ready-made kit, it is recommended to give preference to trusted companies that produce specialized products for children. Such products are not cheap, but the costs are recouped by the quality of the products and a long service life.

You should not buy underwear made in China . Such products cost much less, but contain components that are harmful to the child’s health: chemical dyes, synthetic additives. They tear quickly and fade intensely when washed.

The bed rails must be securely fixed to the railing, otherwise they will fall out. The blanket and pillow should be easy to wash along with linen, so it is advisable to have several sets.

You will need to change your underwear up to several times a week, daily if necessary. You will also need a large number of absorbent diapers.

The linen should not slip, twist or form lumps - this happens if the size was chosen incorrectly. In this case, you will have to change the kit.

Sewing a sheet

Once all the fabric is cut, determine the sequence of steps. It is best to start with a sheet - this is the simplest product in your case. Although, if you sew it with an elastic band, then sewing will not be so easy!

For the simplest option, you will need a regular rectangle; you will need to bend the edges. Make 2 folds of half a centimeter and sew a seam using a machine.

The second option is much more complex, requiring some calculations and a different pattern. However, it is worth it, and later you will be glad more than once that you were not lazy.

This sheet requires more material than a regular one. Add allowances for the fit of the mattress (11 - 12 cm), for the seams (1.5 - 2 cm) and for the elastic drawstring. It should be approximately 165*115 cm. The fabric is sewn along the dotted lines in the corners, then it is folded and a drawstring is sewn along the edge, leaving a hole for the elastic (its length will be equal to half the perimeter of the mattress). We got a sheet with an elastic band.

We sew bumpers for the crib

This fabric device will help protect your baby from drafts, noise and impacts on the bed bars.

We will need a piece of cotton fabric, filler (sintepon, foam rubber).


To sew bumpers into a bed for a newborn, we will need fabric 550 cm long and 110 cm wide. The optimal thickness of the filler is about a centimeter. Before cutting out, wash the material, let it dry and iron it thoroughly.


We mark the material in accordance with the proposed pattern. Although, in fact, you can measure the crib and immediately mark the measurements taken on the material. We first measure the baby’s crib, because its size may be non-standard.


We sew, sewing in the frill at the same time. In this case, we leave one edge of the product unsewn. If desired, you can omit the frill. For the frill, choose a harmonizing color (you can use ribbon) or just take the leftover material for the frill.

Cutting out the filler

We mark the foam rubber (sintepon) with a felt-tip pen or pencil. We cut out the drawn pattern using scissors. Remember: the size of the filler should be slightly smaller than the fabric part, about half a centimeter on each side.

Filling the side

For the convenience of filling the headboard, you do not need to cut the foam rubber exactly to the size of the part; you can cut it vertically into two parts. This will make it easier to insert it into the side, but the cover will need an additional seam.

The sidewall, like the headboard, is best divided into two pieces. It is easier to insert the filling into the side through the bottom unsewn seam than through the narrow side seams. We sew up the bottom seam of the side.

Tip: To make it easier to use, it is better to stitch the bottom seam of the side panel on your hands. Such a seam is easier to rip open in order to change the filling or wash it.

We decorate the sides with ribbons. At the same time, such ribbons will act as ties that will attach the side panel to the rods. To make it easier to mark the places where the ribbons will be sewn, it is recommended to attach the part to the crib and mark these places with chalk. If the crib is not at hand, it is best to attach ribbons in the middle of the side and in the corners.

For convenience, you can sew a couple more separate halves, approximately equal to half of the large sidewall. Such pieces can be placed as a double headboard to create additional protection for a child's head or placed on the side of the crib. Alternatively, you can put them in the chest of drawers, and then use them for changing clothes or swaddling the baby in the crib.

Making a duvet cover

To create it, take pre-cut fabric. But if you couldn’t do it using our patterns, just transfer your measurements to the fabric laid in two layers and cut it out. Don't forget the seam allowances - approximately 1.5-2 cm. Now fold the fabric in half (right side in) and sew all the necessary seams. You can sew with a closed seam, or you can immediately install a zig-zag stitch on the machine.

The main thing is that if you get carried away with your work, do not close the gap for inserting the blanket. The length of this hole is usually 45 - 50 cm, and do not forget to carefully bend the edges inward.

Turn the duvet cover right side out and straighten out the corners. The second part of the kit is ready!

Key Features

Little things form a complete image, so it is especially important to take into account every detail

In order not to initially spoil the product with some minimal defects, it is worth paying attention to the little things at each stage of selection and work:

Particular attention should be paid to the fabric. The composition of textiles should be as natural as possible

The texture and texture should be soft and pleasant to the touch. The paint should not fade during washing. Typically, the quality of a fabric can be determined by its price - the more expensive the piece, the better the product. The main point is that the fabric should be easy to clean from dirt by washing. The fabric must be perfectly smoothed, since this procedure will be carried out constantly, and folds can leave marks on the baby’s delicate skin. You need to choose threads to match the fabric. It is desirable that this material differ in color from textiles by ± 3 tones. If this is not taken into account, the treatment will not look very harmonious against the background of the fabric base. It is necessary to take into account the design features of the bed. You can choose the right mattress shape, for example, round, but do not take into account any fasteners on the bases of the furniture. Color matters too. It is advisable not to choose fabric that is too bright in color or has a complex print. Such bright colors can affect the morale of the baby and his mood.

Ready-made product

During the work, other nuances may arise that will have to be resolved along the way. It is almost impossible to think through all the moves and points.

Product design nuances

There are no difficulties when making sheets with elastic bands. It is important to choose the right material, accessories, and correctly cut the material and sew it. You don't need any special skill to do this. The main thing is that the child feels comfortable and cozy while sleeping on the sheet.

Pillowcase: how to sew

Children's bedding is sewn similarly to adult sets, only without the use of buttons and zippers. To begin with, you can look at a ready-made adult pillowcase with a flap to understand how to fold the fabric before sewing.

So, cut out a piece of fabric according to the given dimensions. But don’t rush to cut it right away! Fold the fabric in half and set aside the measurements. From 1 open edge, add another 30 cm of material. This will be the valve of the future pillowcase, which holds the pillow inside and prevents it from falling out.

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