How to divide a room into two zones: 12 ways and 25 original examples

Photo: Limited space, into which several functional areas have to be fitted at once, is always a challenge for an interior designer. But in the era of open planning, there are more and more ways to arrange a room without solid walls. Do you doubt that everything is so simple? Then we will tell you what options exist and how to use them!

Bed or sofa?

Almost everyone who had to combine a bedroom area with a living room in a room was faced with the difficult problem of choosing a sleeping place. This can be a full bed, a sofa or a sofa bed.

Sofa in the living room-bedroom to save space

A folding sofa is a traditional and already familiar solution. But is it really that good?

Such models have many disadvantages:

  • the need to unfold and fold the sofa and collect bed linen every day;
  • The sleeping comfort of the sofa is lower than that of the bed.

If the area of ​​the room is not small, allocating space for a bed will be highly desirable.

A sofa will be comfortable in part of the living room. If there is little space, then you will have to abandon the traditional pair of chairs.

Sofa bed as the best solution


Suitable for spacious rooms, but it is better not to use them in small rooms. They will create a feeling of cramping. Arches will be a good replacement for doors. They are made in different styles, so they fit any design. The arch can be purchased at construction stores, made to order, or made independently.

For its production use:

  • drywall;
  • glass (you will get an arch with stained glass);
  • plastic;
  • grates.

Zoning a rectangular room into a bedroom and living room

In a rectangular room, there is a high risk of blocking the window and darkening the room, so solid partitions and cabinets are abolished:

  • The bedroom area can be highlighted using a podium.
  • Place the bed in a niche and surround it with translucent tulle or a canopy.
  • Install a translucent shelving or low partition.

You need to know the advantages and disadvantages of the room and use them skillfully. Columns, niches, arches, furniture are excellent zoning tools that will help create a cohesive composition!

No. 7: Large mirror

A reflective surface will help visually enlarge the room. Choose the most suitable place and size, do not overdo it with the decor, it is best not to use it at all. Let the surface be flat, without frames or edging.

No. 3: Spacious shelving

Let this piece of furniture be large and occupy an area from floor to ceiling, but at the same time no more than 50 cm wide. The embodiment can be anything. Whether the shelving will be open and easily let in light, partially closed with beautiful doors or drawers, or mounted on both sides of the door is up to you. Each individual living space requires an individual approach.

Using a sliding partition

To create sliding partitions, two guides are used, installed on the ceiling and on the floor. The following materials are used to create a structure similar in structure to sliding doors:

  • glass (transparent, frosted, mirrored, with a pattern);
  • drywall;
  • tree;
  • plastic.

The advantages of such a partition: lightness, mobility, small area of ​​occupied space.

Disadvantages: low visual and sound insulation compared to a stationary structure.

No. 10: Houseplants

Our “green” friends are able to bring a completely indescribable atmosphere to your home. With the right selection of flowers, it is easy to make entire compositions in beautiful flowerpots or boxes, which can also be unusual in shape, materials or size. A hedge will help turn your home into a garden of bright colors.

Wardrobe as a delimiter: pros and cons

Using a closet as a space divider is an old trick that has been used for many years. It allows you not only to reliably cover the bed, but also to solve the problem of storage space.

Wardrobe in living room and bedroom zoning

For additional convenience, you can mount the TV on a rotating mechanism at the border of the zones. By turning the TV, you can watch TV shows either while lying on the bed or sitting on the sofa in the living room.

The shelving between the zones also serves to divide the space. A model with a back wall and a light shelf are also suitable for this. The division, just like in the case of a closet, is functional.

Great solution for extra storage

A rack and cabinet add a feeling of bulkiness to the room, so this method of zoning is not suitable for small apartments.

Multi-level ceilings and podiums

A podium is a structure using a frame made of metal or wood, which allows you to raise the floor level. The height usually ranges from several tens of centimeters to a meter. They try to make the podium in small rooms as functional as possible; for this purpose, drawers or even small beds are built into it, as in the next photo.

Multi-level ceilings are usually used in situations where the use of other separation techniques is inappropriate. Various lighting systems will be an effective addition to a plasterboard suspended ceiling.

Zonal division of space with color, light and material

How to divide a room into two zones if there is very little space? Physical methods of division were described above. And in this case, you need to pay attention to non-physical ones.

This is a great solution for small apartments and cramped rooms. After all, you can’t put partitions here, and even dividing it with a curtain may seem ridiculous. All that remains is to use your imagination and carry out visual zoning.

This is a simple way to visually divide a room into two zones - using different types of wallpaper.

There are several options for this:

  • Wall color. This could be wallpaper or paint.
  • Selecting an area with photo wallpaper. A good way to highlight a children's area.
  • If you have financial capabilities, you can make a distinction by decorating the room with decorative materials - stone, tiles, plaster, etc.

Using photo wallpaper you can highlight a separate area and change the overall appearance of the room.

As it may seem at first glance, highlighting an area with color is not enough. If you approach this issue incorrectly, the apartment will lose its harmony and comfort. The colors in the room should match each other. There should be no imbalance. Even after decorating the room in different colors, designers advise purchasing different decorative elements to match.

For example, a painting with nature would be suitable for the green area of ​​the kitchen; in a soft pink living room, you can throw a few matching pillows on the sofa.

Along with color zoning, you can highlight with light. That is, each zone in the room must be equipped with a separate light source. These can be wall lamps, floor lamps, sconces. But it is mandatory in each designated zone. Such zoning is carried out without color schemes on the walls.

Separate lamps or floor lamps can highlight the dining area in the room.

As for zoning with finishing materials, different floor and wall coverings in the zones look great. It clearly catches the eye upon entering, visually dividing the territory. This type of zoning has recently become very fashionable and popular among owners of one-room apartments. It is carried out at the stage of repair and finishing work.

An unusual option for highlighting a study area with a pedestal.

For example, if you decorate the hallway with stone, and highlight the living room with decorative plaster. Drape the bedroom with cozy rugs and blankets, etc. Modern materials will make a small room stylish and unusual.

This method is good for studio apartments, when the entire apartment is one continuous living area in which you need to find places for sleeping, cooking and receiving guests.

Do not forget about another modern delimitation of territory - with the help of suspended ceilings. Specialists can install multi-level, single-level ceilings, with or without photo printing, carved and with lamps. It all depends on the planned design in the house.

You can delimit space using a stretch ceiling. This is not only a great way to divide a room into functional areas, but also a beautiful decorative element.

To make your home look cozy and harmonious after renovation and decoration, you only need to show a little imagination. Zoning rooms is, first of all, a very interesting and productive activity.

How to fence off a room with one entrance with curtains

This seems to be the most unpresentable method of dividing a room. But that's not true. Curtains should not stand out from the overall interior of the room; it is advisable that they flow softly and fall from top to bottom. The convenience is that they are easy to change depending on your mood or holiday. Create comfort. There are three ways curtains work:

  1. The main and most important thing is moving apart.
  2. Lifting up.
  3. They can just flow.

They are perfect for separating the sleeping area. It can be decorated in a fairytale version by making a special canopy. Or use Roman blinds. Or it can be in the form of threads freely going down. In general, the best option would be massive, heavy curtains.

Isolating a sleeping area in a common room with a canopy not only delimits the space, but also looks romantic.

It would seem that this is the cheapest and most rustic way to separate zones. But it has its advantages - such a section, unlike a stationary partition, is mobile. It can be removed, changed, etc. Compared to a screen, curtains provide a greater sense of personal space.

Zoning a space with curtains is the simplest, but very effective way to divide a room into two parts. Here you can use a variety of techniques and choose different fabric textures.

How can you divide a one-room apartment?

Modern ideas for dividing a room into two zones answer the following questions: how to divide a room into two zones? How can this be done? What division options are there?

So, you can divide a room in physical and non-physical ways.

  • The physical method involves the presence of a tangible object behind which you can hide part of the room and hide yourself. This could be a thin partition, screen, curtain, cabinet or rack, etc.
  • A non-physical method is represented by highlighting a separate zone with brighter or subdued lighting, a different color scheme, etc.

Important! If the room is elongated and, therefore, narrow, under no circumstances should you divide it lengthwise! This will create two uncomfortable zones!

Dividing a one-room apartment into zones is a complex design task that must be approached with full responsibility. Don't limit yourself to just installing a partition. Think through everything to the smallest detail - the color scheme of the interior, furniture, curtains and even the smallest details and accessories.

other methods

You can also use:

  • niches - suitable for zoning a sleeping area;
  • second tier - you can get an isolated room;
  • different floor coverings - for example, if you want to separate the kitchen and dining area, then part of the floor can be tiled and the rest with laminate.
  • textures - use different materials for wall decoration, they will delimit zones well;
  • carpets;
  • objects of art - will help to highlight a zone in any room;
  • houseplants.
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